Celebrating Archaeology in Scotland 2020

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Celebrating Archaeology in Scotland 2020 Celebrating archaeology in Scotland 2020 @SCOTARCHSTRAT #SCOTARCHSTRAT WWW.ARCHAEOLOGYSTRATEGY.SCOT [email protected] 2 3 Features Welcome! © ScARF I am delighted to welcome you to this 2020 report of Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy. We want a Scotland where Delivering archaeology 6 archaeology is for everyone! Despite all the disruptions of this year, archaeological A place where the study of Enhancing understanding 16 the past offers opportunities work has continued, and this year’s magazine presents for us now and in the future some of the myriad of activities that have been taking to discover, care for, promote Caring and protecting 30 and enjoy our rich and diverse place the length and breadth of the country. Historic heritage, contributing to our Encouraging greater engagement 38 Environment Scotland is delighted to be fully supporting wellbeing and knowledge and helping to tell Scotland’s the Strategy. stories in their global context. Innovation and skills 54 The Strategy’s vision is to make archaeology available In this magazine, bringing Waggonway Project, filming at the Class II Kinneddar for everyone. This has included the creation of an explicit together articles and comments salt pan house. Pictish Stone, Elgin Museum. from people and organisations statement on Equality and Diversity as well as new across the archaeology sector, we celebrate how Scotland's ways of promoting archaeology digitally to audiences Archaeology Strategy is being at a time of physical distancing. In this magazine, we delivered across the country. celebrate how the Strategy is being delivered in these Online reporting form for assessing extraordinary times. landscape features identified by LiDAR. Whiteadder Project. Alex Paterson CEO, Historic Environment Scotland @HistEnvScot © Carl Barber © Elgin Museum Learn from home Investigating a with HES. wheel-house at Jarlshof, Shetland. WELCOME © AOC © AOC © HES 2020 Hillforts of Tay A75 Dunragit bypass Deep time in the woods Interpretative reconstruction Jet necklace excavated on the Character from Into the Wildwoods, illustrationof showing how Moredun A75 works, Dunragit. a new learning resource from Top hillfort may have looked. Forestry and Land Scotland. 14 29 50 Underhoull Broch, © Chris Mitchell © GUARD Archaeology Ltd © Forestry and Land Scotland by Alex Leonard Shetland 4 5 Previous annual Celebrating archaeology in Scotland Similarly, this 2020 publication Celebrating archaeology in Scotland © ScARF reports in 2018 and highlights the different ways Scotland’s Strategic 2019 fed back on strategy progress and hundreds of people have Archaeology the magazine has been 2019 SCOTLAND: IN ARCHAEOLOGY CELEBRATING 2019 continued to make archaeology Committee enlarged each year Welcomes New Chair as the archaeological matter over the last 12 months, 2020 communities shares and how we will continue to be its stories. Andy Heald is AOC relevant to future discussions. Archaeology’s Managing © Historic Environment Scotland 2019 You may re-use this information (excluding logos and images) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence Director and has ultimate v3.0 except where otherwise stated. This year has also seen To view this licence, visit: http://nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open- government-licence/version/3/ Or write to: The Information Policy Team The National Archives responsibility for the strategic Kew London increased profile of Black Lives TW9 4DU Or email: [email protected] Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to management and direction obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Matter and a rightly increased Any enquiries regarding this document should be sent to us at: Historic Environment Scotland Longmore House Salisbury Place of the company and six UK Edinburgh EH9 1SH emphasis on Exclusivity/ +44 (0) 131 668 8600 You can download this publication from our website at: www.historicenvironment.scot This document is printed on 100 per offices. cent recycled paper using non-toxic inks. If you no longer need this publication, Inclusivity. After the toppling please pass it on, recycle it or return it to Historic Environment Scotland. The Archaeology and World Heritage Team (HES). Design by Submarine Design. of the Colston statue in He has over 20 years’ Front cover: Produced by: SIRFA Delegates at Pobull Fhinn stone circle, North Uist. #SCOTARCHSTRAT WWW.ARCHAEOLOGYSTRATEGY.SCOT Bristol, more thought is being Scottish Charity No. SC045925 [email protected] experience in heritage. His placed onto the role of the previous roles include Curator transatlantic slave trade in at the National Museum of the history of Scotland, with Scotland and Development ARCHAEOLOGY one of the more prominent Officer for the Caithness actions being the decision to Archaeological Trust. It has never been more important to realise the place a plaque at the Melville potential of archaeology to contribute to quality of Monument in Edinburgh, Andy gained his degree and @SCOTARCHSTRAT #SCOT IN 2020 WWW.ARCHAEOLOGYSTRATEGY.SCOTARCHSTRAT PhD from the University of life and various cultural initiatives, including Scotland’s highlighting its subject’s links [email protected] Archaeology Strategy, have a major role to play. to the slave trade. Edinburgh and has published work on a wide range of THE LAST TWO MAGAZINES THAT WE HAVE In June, Scotland’s Advisory Group on Economic Yet we should also seek to tell positive and engaging stories about subjects including the PRODUCED AS ANNUAL REPORTS FOR THE Recovery set up by the Scottish Government to advise diversity in the past and explore opportunities to expand not only prehistory and history of STRATEGY (2018 AND 2019) HAVE BEEN VERY on our economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic, the diversity of those telling the stories but also the resources and Caithness and Early Historic WELL RECEIVED AND WE HAVE UPDATED THE produced a report which included a section on the information that we have available to learners of all ages and cultures. and Viking objects. His recent FORMAT TO RESPOND TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS. Creative Sector, noting that “We must look after our Archaeology and museums also have a role to play in the debate co-authored book on Caithness THE SCOTTISH STRATEGIC ARCHAEOLOGY cultural heritage and create an enabled, inclusive society around the removal of statues and the creation of new monuments. Archaeology was nominated COMMITTEE AGREED TO CONTINUE THIS to build the heritage of the future.” This highlights the Many monuments and sculptures that were on public display in the at the Current Archaeology FORMAT FOR THIS YEAR, NOT REALISING ongoing requirement of collaborating across areas of past are now available in museums. Awards for Archaeology Book AT THE START OF 2020 THE SEISMIC SHIFT cultural activity, breaking down silos and challenging Society reflects on what it wishes to commemorate and celebrate, but of the Year. He was recently THAT WOULD HAPPEN GLOBALLY. perceptions of what archaeology can do for society. museums and heritage centres help to preserve the collective memory of involved in the community In addition, the Built Environment Forum Scotland the past and should provide safe spaces to have challenging discussions projects at Dun Deardail; The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed (BEFS) set up a national Covid-19 Historic Environment about the interpretation of our historic environment. Within this Strategy, King’s Seat and Clachtoll. almost every area of work. Our vision for Archaeology in Resilience Forum (CHERF) to look at the contribution we recognised that our intentions on equality and diversity were implicit Scotland, to make it available to everyone, now requires Andy Heald chaired his first heritage can make to the country’s recovery, and the rather than explicit, so we have created a statement rectifying the situation. new approaches. More and more information is being meeting of the SSAC in changing threats to heritage. Five workshops took With more and more archaeological activities going online, as noted in made available digitally, to attempt to try and provide February 2020. place in June and July, at which archaeology and the numerous articles in this magazine, we have a chance to broaden our resources and information in an era when people have Strategy was well represented, and the report of the audience engagement. been confined to homes and their immediate local initial workshops was published in August. Three key area. Archaeologists must consider social distancing Finally, localism. Archaeology is rooted in local communities. Whilst themes emerged from this work: Relevance; Exclusivity/ and new health and safety regulations in their day to archaeologists may travel distances to work in various areas, it is the local Inclusivity; and Localism. Archaeology is well equipped day work. The environment in which archaeological communities for whom this is their home, where they live, work and play. to contribute to these, and we need to consider how work gets undertaken will continue to alter rapidly, and Whilst much of the initial Covid-19 focused discussion has been around © Andrew Heald these can be addressed through our work in future, adaptability and innovation remain at the forefront of heritage tourism recovery, looking to the future, we need to ensure that including through this Strategy. activity. the needs and wants of local communities are placed at the heart of In
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