Aegirine Syenite Aplite, Allt A' Mhuillin, 162
INDEX Aegirine Syenite Aplite, Allt a' Excursions, 103, 180, 181, 276 Mhuillin, 162 Flow of water over land surface, 85 Analyses; FORSYTH, I. H., Marine Shell-Bed, Aegirine Syenite Aplite, Allt Estuarine Series, Raasay, 273 a'Mhuillin, 158 FRANCIS, E. H., New Evidence of Assyntite, Ledbeg Cottage, 158 Volcanicity in West Fife, 71 Biotite garnet nepheline syenite, Friockheim, gravel terrace, 256 Bear Paw Mts., 157 Geological time-scale, revised, 203 Borolanite (" Younger Borola- Glacial deposits, Lunan and Bro nite "), Loch Borolan, 157 thock valleys, 241 Ledmorite, Achmelvich, 160 Glacial and post-glacial history, Ledbeg River, Assynt, 158 Rhu More, Coigach, 160 River Don, Aberdeen, 141 Quartz Syenite, Cnoc na Sroine, Glaciation-deglaciation cycles and 158 river terraces, 176 Two-pyroxene basalt, Kinpurney Glauconite for dating sedimentary Hill, 111 rocks, 190 Wester Denoon, 111 Glaucophane-schist, Pinbain Burn, Angua, glacial deposits of S.E., 241 47 Appalachians, dating plutonic GOODLET, G. A., Mid-Carboniferous events of, 185 Sedimentation in the Midland Arbroath, gravel ridge, 252 Valley of Scotland, 217 Arenigian cherts, S. Uplands, 60 Graded Bedding and structures Assynt alkali suite, chemical data, simulating it, Dalradian, 137 156 Granite, origin of, 266 Assyntite, 159 Gravel ridges, Brothock valley, 251 BAILEY, E. B. and W. J. MCCAL- LIEN, Ballantrae Serpentine, 33 strata, under or in delta, 173 terraces and ridges, Lunan val Ballaird area, spilitic volcanics, 44 ley, 244 Ballantrae Serpentine, 33 GREENSMITH, J. T., Sandstone Dyke, Bennane Head anticline, 39 Queensferry, 54 Borolanite, Ledmore River, 156 HARRY, W. T., Old Red Sandstone BOWES, D. R. and K. A. JONES, Sedimentary Features and Tec Lavas of the Eastern Sidlaws, 105 tonics, Dalradian, Perthshire, 133 Hillslope elements, 83 Brothock valley, glacial deposits, 249 Hillslopes, uniformitarian nature, 81 Cambrian, limiting dates for base, HOLMES, A., A Revised Geological 191 Time-Scale, 183 Climatic origin of river terracea, 165 Holoptychius nobilissimus, occur Conodonts in S.
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