WORKING WITH THE PEOPLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT November 23, 2020 By Email Joe Mackenzie Ryan Fequet Chair Executive Director Wek’èezhìi Land and Water Board Wek’èezhìi Land and Water Board 1 - 4905 48 St. 1 - 4905 48 St. Yellowknife, NT X1A 3S3 Yellowknife, NT X1A 3S3 Re: EMAB Intervention for PKMW Water Licence Amendment Application Dear Joe and Ryan, The Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board (EMAB) wishes to thank the WLWB for the opportunity to participate in the proceeding to review the above-captioned water licence amendment application. We respectfully submit EMAB’s intervention for the proceeding. We also include five attachments that are cited in the intervention. All other citations in the intervention are hyperlinked in the Citations section. If you require further information, please contact John McCullum at the EMAB office. Sincerely, Charlie Catholique EMAB Chair CC: EMAB Board and Alternates (by email) Parties to the Environmental Agreement (by email) Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board PO BOX 2577 YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 2P9 Ph (867) 766 – 3682 E-mail:
[email protected] Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board Intervention to the Wek’èezhìi Land and Water Board on Diavik Diamond Mines’ Water Licence W2015L2-0001 Amendment Proceeding Deposition of Processed Kimberlite into Mine Workings November 23, 2020 EMAB intervention on Diavik Diamond Mines’ Water Licence W2015L2-0001 Amendment Proceeding: Deposition of Processed Kimberlite into Mine Workings EMAB intervention – PKMW Water Licence Proceeding Note to Readers: all documents cited in this intervention are either included in the attachments to the intervention or hyperlinked in the Citations section Contents 1. Water quality thresholds and definition of significance ......................................................................