150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Appeal Tel: 41 22 791 6033 Fax: 41 22 791 6506 e-mail:
[email protected] Coordinating Office Asia Regional Indian Ocean Tsunamis and Earthquakes–ASRE51 CASA, India (Revision 4) CASA Target within ASRE51: US$26,663,778 Balance Requested: 0 US$ Geneva, 31 October 2007 Dear Colleagues, Herewith we share with you fourth and final revision of CASA, India’s programme within the regional ACT International ASRE51 Tsunami appeal. The total amount requested for CASA has decreased from $34,221,291 US (Revision 3) to $26,663,778 US (a reduction of $7,557,513 US). The revision has been made because of the partial but substantial disengagement of CASA from the Andaman and Nicobar islands. CASA has played a significant role in projecting the aspirations and desires of the local Tribal Council to the local and national governments. Unfortunately, lengthy negotiations with the government for approval of the structural design of houses and other infrastructure in the Car Nicobar island, developed by CASA in close consultation with the local Tribal Council of the island, failed. Therefore, CASA felt forced to withdraw completely from the housing and certain other infrastructure construction components of the planned programme in Car Nicobar. Key changes are as follows: a) House construction cancelled except for 11 prototype houses already constructed in Car Nicobar. b) Construction of 3 Disaster Shelters in the entire Andaman and Nicobar Islands is now reduced to 1. c) CASA had planned to undertake construction of 8 schools (Primary and middle), including 7 in Car Nicobar, implemented by the Church of North India (CNI).