Ordinary Meeting of Council 01 August 2018


Ward: (Altone Ward) (Asset Management)

Disclosure of Interest: Nil

Authorised Officer: (Executive Manager Operations)


• At the Ordinary Council Meeting 13 December 2017, Council resolved to undertake consultation with the community in the area surrounding the current intersection of North, Orchid Avenue and Bridgeman Drive, in Bennett Springs regarding vehicle and pedestrian access to and from properties in this vicinity.

• On 9 March 2018, 308 letters were sent to Bennett Springs households regarding this matter, and 15 responses were received which equates to a 5% response rate.

• There were four key themes arising from consultation:

• Congestion of vehicles turning from Orchid Avenue onto Beechboro Road North due to high traffic volumes from Beechboro Road North;

• Safety of pedestrians crossing Beechboro Road North from the Orchid Park estate to the shopping centre;

• Sight line issues through the roundabout; and,

• Lack of exiting routes from Orchid Park Estate.

• The City has previously investigated the feasibility of a dedicated pedestrian crossing over Beechboro Road North and traffic signals. These treatments were not feasible. The City also constructed an emergency access route for the Orchid Park Estate to mitigate the risks of a single point of entry into the area.

• Main Roads are currently in the process of constructing the NorthLink - a transport link between Morley and Muchea - which will run parallel to Beechboro Road North. A part of this works will involve closing the access from Reid to Beechboro Road North. It is anticipated that this closure will reduce traffic volumes along Beechboro Road North by 25-30%, and therefore improve traffic flow through the Orchid Avenue and Bridgeman Drive roundabout. A footpath will also be provided along which will underpass Beechboro Road North to improve pedestrian safety. Works are anticipated to be completed by April 2019.


Ordinary Meeting of Council 01 August 2018

It is recommended that the Council note the outcome of previous investigations and the improvements to the traffic flow and pedestrian accessibility in this area due to the NorthLink project.


At the Ordinary Council Meeting 13 December 2017, Council resolved to:

1) Undertake consultation with the community in the area surrounding the current roundabout intersection of Beechboro Road North, Orchid Avenue and Bridgeman Drive, in Bennett Springs. The consultation would include notifying residents of the City’s awareness of the issue, the historical context and planned future changes to roads in that area. It would also include the implications those past decisions and current plans may have for making changes to that intersection’s functionality.

The aim of the consultation is to identify community concerns, needs and ideas, in order to determine priority actions to improve vehicle and pedestrian access to and from properties in this vicinity.

2) Request that a report on the outcomes of the consultation be presented to a future meeting of council with suggested recommendations.

On 9 March 2018, 308 letters were sent to Bennett Springs households regarding this matter, and 15 responses were received which equates to a 5% response rate. There were four key themes arising from consultation:

• Congestion of vehicles turning from Orchid Avenue onto Beechboro Road North due to high traffic volumes from Beechboro Road North;

• Safety of pedestrians crossing Beechboro Road North from the Orchid Park estate to the shopping centre;

• Sight line issues through the roundabout; and,

• Lack of exiting routes from Orchid Park Estate.

A Summary of Submissions is attached to the report.


City officers have investigated the issues raised during consultation outlined as follows:

Congestion at Roundabout

In 2015, the City undertook traffic modelling of the intersection. The level of service of the roundabout was considered to be functioning at a level of service A and B in both morning and afternoon peak periods which represents the best operational condition (i.e. free flow).

The City used this modelling to consider whether the installation of traffic signals would be feasible at this intersection. Although traffic signals would increase crossing


Ordinary Meeting of Council 01 August 2018

opportunities for pedestrians, the data indicated that signals are not an appropriate treatment as the overall impact on traffic queues would be detrimental. The City discussed this option with representatives of Main Roads WA (MRWA) who were not supportive of implementing signals based on the traffic modelling results.

During recent consultation, some residents suggested that the installation of an additional lane allowing unimpeded left turn movements from Orchid Avenue onto Beechboro Road North would assist in alleviating congestion. According to traffic modelling, the number of vehicles undertaking this movement is at maximum 33 vehicles during peak hour. Therefore, it is considered that the cost of such a treatment, which would include possible land acquisitions/dedications, is not warranted.

MRWA are currently in the process of constructing the NorthLink - a transport link between Morley and Muchea - which will run parallel to Beechboro Road North. A part of this works will involve closing the access from Reid Highway to Beechboro Road North. It is anticipated that this closure will reduce traffic volumes along Beechboro Road North by 25-30%, and therefore improve traffic flow through the Orchid Avenue and Bridgeman Drive roundabout. Works are anticipated to be completed by April 2019.

Pedestrian Crossing Facilities

Pedestrian crossings exist across the roundabout at the intersection of Beechboro Road North, Orchid Avenue and Bridgeman Drive. As traffic volumes through the intersection are high, pedestrians experience difficulty in crossing at this point. The reduction of traffic volumes associated with NorthLink will potentially increase opportunities for pedestrians to cross safely at the roundabout.

As part of the NorthLink project, a footpath will be provided along Reid Highway which will underpass Beechboro Road North as shown in the attached plan. This will provide a crossing facility which eliminates the conflict between pedestrians and the high traffic volumes along Beechboro Road North. This is considered the optimum crossing solution for safety purposes; however is at a distance of 350m from the subject roundabout.

Other options investigated by the City to improve pedestrian accessibility include traffic signals, zebra crossings and a pedestrian overpass.

Traffic signals were found not to be feasible as mentioned above.

Installation of a zebra crossing at the existing pedestrian crossing at the roundabout is not a recommended option. The purpose of the roundabout is to increase traffic flow through the intersection, and a zebra crossing at this location would cause congestion and traffic queues. It would also pose a risk to pedestrians crossing due to braking distances at the roundabout. The installation of a pedestrian zebra crossing may be more appropriate midway between the roundabout and Marshall Rd intersection or between the roundabout and the Reid Highway overpass, in accordance with relevant standards.

Installation of a zebra crossing would require the approval of MRWA as the authorising body for such treatments. Pedestrian counts undertaken in both 2014 and 2015 indicate that the number of pedestrians attempting to cross does not meet MRWA's requirements for the installation of dedicated crossing infrastructure. As part of the assessment process, MRWA would need to consider safety issues as well as potential congestion and queuing that may be caused by the crossing.


Ordinary Meeting of Council 01 August 2018

A pedestrian overpass is estimated to cost in excess of $1 million to install based on cost information obtained previously for similar projects. Such structures also require an adequate area in order to ensure that pedestrian gradients are not excessive on approach ramps. Given the cost, and the proximity of the underpass at the intersection of Reid Highway and Beechboro Road North which will provide a similar function, it is considered that a structure of this nature is not warranted.

It is considered that the improvements undertaken as part of the NorthLink project will provide adequate pedestrian connectivity.

Sight Lines

A sight line inspection of the roundabout was undertaken by City officers.

The vegetation in the centre of the roundabout currently impacts on driver sight lines. The City's maintenance team will remove and uplift the vegetation to improve sightlines.

The brick entry statement structure on the north-western corner of the roundabout creates a visibility restriction for drivers turning left from Orchid Avenue onto Beechboro Road North. The structure is 1.7m from the edge of the road and is non-frangible, and therefore could create a hazard in the event of a traffic incident. Entry statements are usually constructed by developers at the time of subdivision and are costly for the City to maintain and replace. However, the community often value the amenity of these structures.

There is a private fence on the south western corner of the roundabout which creates sightline issues for drivers turning out of Orchid Avenue. The fence is compliant and is constructed on the property line, and therefore the City cannot enforce the removal of this structure to improve sightlines.

Lack of Exit Routes from Orchid Park Estate

The roundabout at the intersection of Orchid Avenue/Beechboro Road North/Bridgeman Drive is the only formal exit from the Orchid Park Estate.

In 2012, the City constructed an emergency fire access route next to the Bosnian- Herzegovinian Cultural and Recreational Centre in case of emergency events that may restrict access via Orchid Avenue.

There are limited opportunities to introduce additional formal access points into the area, and given the population density and provision of emergency access route, the City considers that the current connectivity is adequate.


It is recommended that Council note the investigations undertaken to date and note that officers will monitor the performance of the roundabout, including pedestrian movements, at the completion of the NorthLink works.


Ordinary Meeting of Council 01 August 2018


On 9 March 2018, 308 letters were sent to Bennett Springs households regarding this matter, and 15 responses were received which equates to a 5% response rate. A Summary of Submissions is attached to this report.


Summary of Submissions

NothLink Plan - Reid Highway/Beechboro Road North Intersection

NorthLink Information Pamphlet


An outcome of the City's Strategic Community Plan is to provide infrastructure that meets community need, including management of the City's current and future assets.






Simple majority


That the Council resolve to:

1) Note the outcomes of the investigations undertaken into issues raised by the community; and,

2) Note the improvements to the traffic flow and pedestrian accessibility in this area due to the NorthLink project.

3) Advise submitters accordingly.



Summary of Submissions - Bennett Springs Traffic Safety Consultation

Resident Location Feedback Parella Court As the ground has to be built up considerably to create the flyover, would it be possible to include a walkway under Beechboro Road approximately half way between Reid Highway and the Orchid Ave intersection.

This would give pedestrian access to the shopping centre and not be too excessive a distance for the elderly to walk to and from shopping, doctors, dentist, pharmacy and other facilities.

Now would be the time to do it. Orchid Ave There are about 250 households entering/exiting the Orchid Ave roundabout. This intersection is busy always, but worse in office time. Once should have to wait 2-4 mins every time go for shopping or office. It’s the bottleneck of this area as it is only one entry/exit for 250 houses X 3 people = 750 population.

Suggestion: Add extra lane as per attached sketch/pic.

Orchid Park – Wall The Orchid Park wall is blocking the visibility for drivers travelling from Orchid Ave to Marshall Rd. It's hard to see the pedestrians pass Beechboro Rd. Even the pedestrians can’t see the vehicles entering roundabout and heading towards Marshall Rd.

Suggestion: Move the wall by 3-5 meters towards the park so that the visibility will be clear and less accidents. Orchid Ave Trying to get out of Orchid Park has always been dangerous since we moved in back 2005. The roundabout helped but now with all the road works it is beyond dangerous. It can take up to 10 mins to get out and you still normally have to take a chance to get through. Now with the build-up between Reid/Marshall we have cars sitting in the middle of the roundabout hindering things further. Having restricted view with the corner shop has also not helped. We need urgent action to rectify this situation. While the belief is closing Reid Hwy access to Beechboro Rd, has any consideration been given to locals re: access then being moved to create traffic issues at Marshall which will need an upgrade?

Also now we have a chance of exiting due to lights at Beechboro and Reid, once they go traffic will be free flowing how do we exit then when cars are going at full speed rather than slow due to the lights? I feel our pocket has been overlooked in the whole NorthLink Project.

Resident Location Feedback Denia Rise I live in the Orchid Park side of Bennett Springs. My children attend school at Beechboro Primary School. At the moment the roundabout at Orchid Ave, Beechboro Rd North and Bridgeman Dr is so clogged up when I go through there between 8:20 +8:30am, that I usually take the long way and go straight through the roundabout, travel through Bennett Springs and use Altone Road instead which adds at least 10 minutes to my trip. I am hoping this will be better when the road works are finished in another year or more.

There are times when we do walk to the shops from Orchid Park, but it is very scary crossing Beechboro Rd North as I have children. If there was a pedestrian crossing at some sort, I would use it more often as I have dogs and would like to access the parks on the other side of Beechboro Rd North. There are only 2 parks in Orchid Park. I would like to suggest maybe a pedestrian crossing be constructed, not at the roundabout, but few meters down. Orchid Ave We are emailing our feedback regarding the public update sent to us on the 9th March regarding the above roundabout.

We recently moved to Bennett Springs this past Christmas & are in the Orchid Park Estate, so this roundabout is unavoidable for us, whether in car or on foot. The traffic we encounter at the roundabout can be quite horrendous at times & even result in uneducated drivers essentially blocking up the entire roundabout during busy times. We would appreciate the ability to walk to the shops with our daughter (almost school age); however this is not the case for the simple lack of pedestrian support at this intersection.

We understand that previous years investigations have deemed something as simple as a zebra crossing as "not warranted" but we see individuals daily walking back & forth to the Springs Shops & other parks from within the estate, majority of them with shopping and/or children, or school children themselves. If dedicated share paths are already planned to be added onto Beechboro Rd North, then adding a pedestrian crossing should not be a stretch; especially as it will add to accessibility by foot & local safety.

We hope this feedback finds you well. Mitra Loop There needs to be another access point out of Orchid Park. I cannot get out of the street, as with all the road works the traffic is built up. With the closure of Reid Highway all traffic will be worse in the area. It takes me up to 20mins to get out of Orchid Park. Either someone has to control the traffic allowing cars to get in & out or divert traffic away from the area. But now that another access point will be cut off it will be worse. We definitely need another access point in & out. We have been told our emergency point will be closed temporarily while works are carried out. I hope this is not the case.

Resident Location Feedback Orchid Ave The only way to cross Beechboro Road from Orchid Park is to wait for a break in traffic when the Reid Highway lights change. Removing the lights and putting in a temporary roundabout will not provide this break in traffic to cross and will be even more dangerous for pedestrians. We live one block away in Orchid Avenue and have to drive down to the shopping centre in order to get across Beechboro Road.

Orchid Avenue is already busy road, having hoons, idiotic drivers and motor bikes speeding up and down this road at all hours, every day and night. Now there will be additional traffic because the Soccer club will be diverted through Orchid Park and through the roundabout outside our house which is already congested. On week days, the traffic on Orchid Avenue is banked up to Beechboro Road, all the way back to the roundabout in front of our house on the corner of Orchid Avenue and though to Reid Highway end of Beechboro Road. We believe that the dust that is laying on our cars, house, windows and doors is also choking our air conditioning unit. Crystal Turn 1) Currently, the traffic trying to gain access from both Orchid Park and Bennett Springs is a nightmare – particularly in peak hour – Beechboro Road North is a ‘carpark’ from Reid Highway back to . 2) The only chance to get onto Beechboro Road North is when traffic stops because of the lights on Reid Highway and Marshall Road. 3) When there are no longer lights on Reid Highway, how will we able to pull out onto Beechboro Road North as the traffic will be continuous with no lights to stop for and therefore, no halt in the traffic flow? This is a tragedy just waiting to happen. 4) There will still be lights on Marshall Road, but the vehicles come from west, north and south on Marshall turn onto Reid Highway so there are very few chances to enter from one of the side roads. 5) How do children get from Orchid Park to the bus stop on Beechboro Road North near Red Rooster? I know your survey states that not enough children cross to warrant anything being done but do you stop to think that it is far too dangerous for parents to allow their children to even attempt this and that is why your survey results are as they are! 6) If it was made safe, more children would possibly utilise the crossing and travel by public transport – isn’t this what the Government want us to do? 7) Not to mention the people who need to get across the shopping centre, doctors or whatever 8) Will it take a serious accident to get someone in there to listen to our major concerns? 9) Has anyone been to check this traffic nightmare during peak times?

Resident Location Feedback Riana Place I don’t believe pedestrian traffic is large enough in volume to cause any major concern or upgrade as such. Although it must be terrifying for those who do attempt to cross that intersection. My biggest concern is traffic, and the dangerous situations I have seen by people trying to exit onto Beechboro Road from either Orchid Ave or Bridgeman Drive. I don’t believe any sort of upgrade would provide a solution to the matter, as the traffic flow is just so intense, and I am very surprised that a major accident has not occurred as yet.

The roundabout at this intersection is the only means of entry or exit to the estate, I have been in situations where the traffic was that congested it had built up to the previous roundabout in the estate which is about 200 metres away, and take considerable time to get out.

My other major concern with only having one entry/exit point is in the case of an emergency of some sort, such as fire, which has occurred. No one was able to enter, or more importantly exit the estate, as the fire was in the bush land at the intersection, which in my opinion very dangerous. I believe the estate requires another entry/exit point. This would ease congestion greatly, and provide egress in the event of an emergency. Thank you for your time, hope this has shed some light into the situation. Ranthus Ave We are 300+ homes who now have to travel to or Hepburn or Altone to access Reid Hwy even though we have copped the most intrusive part of those roadworks! Forget Main Road’s requirements as they are silly to try to meet when we will always be minority and unheard in Main Roads plans!!!

I suggest setting up CCTV at the roundabout to capture the regular near misses maybe then it will fulfil Main Road’s criteria for change!!! How about an extra lane turning left out of Orchid Park allowing a left turn onto Marshall Rd??? That wouldn’t restrict traffic and at least Orchid Park residents could exit during peak times and in emergencies. The extra lane could have a non-crossable white line have 1 option of getting out safely and so we don’t have idiots trying to jump lanes causing accidents!!!

Also how many people do we need crossing to get a pedestrian bridge?? I will petition personally if need be. It is easier to drive to the shop than walk during the day. Parella Court Currently my family and I live in the area of Orchid Park, in Bennett Springs. We have been residing in this area for over 14 years. The intersection of Beechboro Road North, Orchid Ave and Bridgeman Drive is used by all of the family daily, whether it be going to school or work. To say the least, traffic in this area has still remained quite congested over the years. It has been a huge improvement to the traffic congestion in seeing a roundabout be built. This has still failed to resolve the traffic density, especially during the busy times of the day when people are heading to work, and when they are heading home from work. Personally, I believe that the installation of traffic signals would greatly reduce traffic density at this intersection. Resident Location Feedback Orchid Ave In my opinion, the traffic along Beechboro Rd North (BRN) would still be heavy even though there may be a reduction of traffic flow by 25 – 30%. Vehicles flowing from Ellenbrook and others via Marshall Rd will still be passing through to Beechboro Rd North to the Cities of Bayswater, Morley and etc. This means that Bennett Springs residents at Orchid Park estate would still has the on-going issues of exiting Beechboro Rd North, not to mention pedestrians crossing to the shopping centres. There are still a lot of residents crossing the road daily and I have witnessed near misses pedestrians crossing with prams or strollers. Pedestrians crossing may be the way to go. Parella Ct Often traffic travelling S-N on Beechboro is moving too fast for cars trying to enter from Orchid Ave and Beechboro Rd roundabout. The vision line to the right (south side) needs to be improved by removing the fence on that corner (the owner will not be happy) and decrease the speed of approaching traffic by introducing speed ramp as many drivers appear to ‘drop a gear’ and accelerate through the roundabout.

The other danger point is traffic on Beechboro Rd travelling N-S. The outer lane stops for traffic coming from Orchid but then concerns that traffic from the inner lane. Once again, speed ramps needed. Orchid Ave Visibility of oncoming traffic is a big issue to me. We frequently leave Orchid Park and find visibility restricted by the rise in road on Beechboro Rd (southern bound) + corner of property + fence makes it hard to see what is coming between Reid Hwy and the roundabout until they are close by and may not slow down at the roundabout. Height of centre roundabout/plant blocks view of what is entering from the Bridgeman Dr side. I have seen many near misses and 2 collisions where cars coming around the roundabout from shops almost hit cars crossing from Orchid Ave into the roundabout. Orchid Ave When NorthLink is complete, Beechboro Rd Nth will be closed beyond and the traffic will drop off dramatically especially heavy transport. We have lived here for 18 years and we realise that one has to wait for a break in traffic for pedestrians as well as vehicles.

All I can suggest is to cut or remove shrubs in roundabout as these obstruct vision of cars turning right from shopping centre and install 40 kph speed signs (same as in school zones) solar powered and in operation 6.30 till 9am and 3 -5.30pm Mon – Fri placed for north and south bound traffic till NorthLink is complete.



Benefits for Beechboro and Bennett Springs

Beechboro and Bennett Springs will be safer, quieter and easier to move around when NorthLink WA is complete. Faster commute times When NorthLink WA is complete, travelling on the upgraded Reid and Tonkin Highways will be significantly faster. The traffic will move freely, and it will take less time to travel further. Access to Bennett Springs and Beechboro from the Reid and Tonkin Highways will change, but residents will experience the benefits of faster travel on the road network every day. Artist impression of Reid Highway at the Beechboro Road North flyover. Ensuring road safety A new, high speed interchange at Reid/Tonkin Highway is being built to keep traffic moving freely and quickly between The Reid/Tonkin Highway interchange is a key feature of two major freeways. Meeting safety standards is critically NorthLink WA designed to free up traffic movement. important in the interchange design. The average traffic speed through the Reid/Tonkin Highway intersection will be 80 km/h. Beechboro Road North at Reid Highway will change from a four-way intersection to a flyover, offering a safer and quicker Ramps, overpasses and underpasses for the interchange route to your destination. must meet Australian safety standards and guidelines for road design. Local roads for local traffic Keeping a four-way intersection at Beechboro Road North, NorthLink WA will take traffic off local roads and onto Tonkin or building on-ramps at Marshall Road would compromise Highway. People who live and work locally will experience a these safety standards. Providing adequate time and safer, more peaceful environment. distance for all motorists to merge safely is critical. Options for walking and cycling Changes are on the way We will provide safer ways to walk and cycle while separated Beechboro and Bennett Springs residents will notice the from traffic. Walking or cycling will be easier around following changes: Beechboro, Bennett Springs and to suburbs further away, like Ballajura, Noranda, Morley and Ellenbrook. • Beechboro Road North at Reid Highway will change from a four-way intersection to a flyover. Shared paths will be built on the Beechboro Road and Marshall Road overpasses. A path will extend through the • Marshall Road at will change Reid/Tonkin Highway interchange and north to Ellenbrook, from a T-intersection to a flyover constructed over improving connections for local communities. An upgraded Tonkin Highway. footbridge will be built between Beechboro and Noranda • The Hepburn Avenue and Beechboro Road North over Tonkin Highway. junction will be a major new interchange. Beautifying your suburb • Reid Highway will be upgraded to a dual carriageway Our landscaping and urban aesthetic treatments will from Tonkin Highway through to the Altone Road enhance the vibrancy of Bennett Springs and Beechboro. intersection, which is being upgraded. Colourful native vegetation, including wildflowers, will be planted along the road as part of the Landscaping and Urban Design Aesthetic framework that involves planting more than two million trees and spreading 800kg of seed. When the NorthLink WA central section is complete, access to Reid and Tonkin Highways for motorists will change.

Travelling north or south on Tonkin Highway • Travel via Beechboro Road North and use Hepburn Avenue interchange to go north, or Morley Drive BALAJURA interchange to go south WHITEMAN • Use Altone Road to access Reid Highway. Turn north or south onto Tonkin Highway at the Springs Shopping BENNETT new interchange. Centre SPRINGS MALAGA

Travelling east or west on NORANDA BEECHBORO Altone Park Shopping Reid Highway Centre • Travel east along Marshall Road or and use Altone Road to turn onto Reid Highway • Travel west along Marshall Road or Benara Road and use the Malaga Drive interchange to turn onto Reid Highway.

How can I walk or cycle between communities? • A shared path separated from traffic will provide safe walking and cycling options between Bennett Springs, Beechboro, Noranda and Malaga. • Paths and crossings are designed so users will avoid traffic lights and motorists.

WANT MORE INFORMATION? The $1.02 billion NorthLink WA initiative is For more information and to view an interactive map jointly funded by the Australian ($821m) and of NorthLink WA, visit www.northlinkwa.com.au Western Australian ($204m) governments. For NorthLink WA central section construction related information call 1800 874 998 or email [email protected].