TACTICAL FIREFIGHTING A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO COMPARTMENT FIREFIGHTING & LIVE FIRE TRAINING (CFBT) P. Grimwood K. Desmet Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED TF-1.1 Keywords : Firefighter Protective Clothing, Burns, CFBT, 3Dfog, Tactical firefighting, Tactical ventilation, Live Fire Training Title page photograph : Ian Roberts – Manchester Airport, UK, 2003 Firetactics www.firetactics.com -
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[email protected] © 2003, Firetactics, Cemac All rights, reserved, including the right of reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form. No part of this publication may be used in a commercial context. The reproduction of this document, or any part, is authorised, for internal distribution or training, as long as reference is made to the original document. Despite the care given to this document, neither the author nor the publisher can be held liable for damages caused directly or indirectly through the advice and information contained in this docu- ment. Firetactics – www.firetactics.com CEMAC - www.cemac.org - 2 - Tactical Firefighting – A comprehensive guide... v1.1 - jan 2003 TACTICAL FIREFIGHTING u n c l a s s i f i e d TF-1.1 Paul Grimwood served 26 years as a professional firefighter, mostly within the busy inner-city area of London's west-end. He has also served in the West Midlands and Merseyside Brigades (UK) as well as lengthy detachments to the fire departments of New York City, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Miami, Dallas, Metro Dade Florida, Seattle, Paris, Valencia, Stockholm and Amsterdam. During the mid 1970s he served as a Long Island volunteer firefighter in New York State USA.