Oregon Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed RMPA/Final EIS, June 2015
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Chapter 7 References CHAPTER 7 REFERENCES Changes Between the Draft EIS and Final EIS Changes to this chapter between the Draft EIS and Final EIS are as follows: • Reviewed updated or new literature • Added approximately 155 references • Updated, as appropriate, based on public comments received on the DEIS • References and personal communications for Section 5.3, Greater Sage-Grouse Cumulative Effects Analysis: Oregon Sub-Region, are listed separately in Section 7.2. 7.1 REFERENCES Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas. 2009. Cook Inlet Area wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale. Final Finding of the Director. Appendix C. Directional and Extended-Reach Drilling. January 20, 2009. Aldridge, C. L., and M. S. Boyce. 2007. Linking occurrence and fitness to persistence: a habitat-based approach for endangered greater sage-grouse. Ecological Applications 17:508-526. Aldridge, C. L., and R. M. Brigham. 2002. Sage-grouse nesting and brood habitat use in southern Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:433-444. Aldridge, C. L., S. E. Nielsen, H. L. Beyer, M. S. Boyce, J. W. Connelly, S. T. Knick, and M. A. Schroeder. 2008. Range-wide patterns of Greater Sage-Grouse persistence. Diversity and Distributions 17:983-994. Allen-Diaz, B. and J. W. Bartolome. 1998. Sagebrush-grass vegetation dynamics: comparing classical and state-transition models. Ecological Applications 8(3): 795-804. AMEC. 2012. Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET). 2010 annual report. EP-W-09-028. AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Inc. [97 p.] Internet website: http://epa.gov/castnet/javaweb/index.html. June 2015 Oregon Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed RMPA/Final EIS 7-1 7. References Ambrose, S., and C. Florian. 2013. Sound Levels of Gas Field Activities at Greater Sage-Grouse Leks, Pinedale Anticline Project Area, Wyoming. Prepared for Wyoming Game and Fish Department Cheyenne, WY. American Birding Association. 2003. American Birding Association Member Handbook. 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University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Balch, J. K., B. A. Bradley, C. M. D’Antonio, and J. Gomez-Dans. 2012. Introduced annual grass increases regional fire activity across the arid western USA (1980–2009). Global Change Biology 19 (1): 173-183. 7-2 Oregon Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed RMPA/Final EIS June 2015 7. References Barber, J. R., K. M. Fristrup, C. L. Brown, A. R. Hardy, L. M. Angeloni, and K. R. Crooks. 2009a. The costs of chronic noise exposure for terrestrial organisms. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25 (3): 180-189. _____. 2009b. Conserving the wild life therein – Protecting park fauna from anthropogenic noise. Park Science 26 (3), Winter 2009-2010. Barnett, J. K. 1992. Diet and nutrition of female sage grouse during the pre-laying period [thesis]. Corvallis, OR, USA: Oregon State University. Barnett, J. K., and J. A. Crawford. 1994. Pre-laying nutrition of sage grouse hens in Oregon. Journal of Range Management 47:114–118. Barrett, S. C. H., and J. Kohn. 1991. The genetic and evolutionary consequences of small population size in plant: implications for conservation. In: Genetics and Conservation of Rare Plants (Eds. D. Falk & K.E. Holsinger), pp. 3–30. Oxford University Press. Baruch-Mordo, S., J. S. Evans, J. P. Severson, D. E. Naugle, J. D. Maestas, J. M. Kiesecker, M. J. Falkowski, C. A. Hagen, and K. P. Reese. 2013. Saving sage-grouse from the trees: A proactive solution to reducing a key threat to a candidate species. Biological Conservation 167:233-241. Batchelor, J. L., Ripple, W. J., et al. 2015. Restoration of Riparian Areas Following the Removal of Cattle in the Northwestern Great Basin, Environmental Management. DOI 10.1007/s00267-014-0436- 2. Bates J. D. and K. W. Davies. 2014. Wyoming big sagebrush Associations of Eastern Oregon; Vegetation Attributes. USDA-ARS, Burns, Oregon, ARS-Burns-Report-1-2015 (unpublished file data. Bates, J. D., R. F. Miller, and T. J. Svejcar. 2000. Understory dynamics in cut and uncut western juniper woodlands. Journal of Rangeland Management 53:119–126.Beck, J. L., and D. L. Mitchell. 2000. Influences of livestock grazing on sage grouse habitat. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:993-1002. Beck J. and D. L. Mitchell. 2000. Influences of livestock grazing on sage grouse habitat. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28(4):993-1002. Beck, J. L., J. W. Connelly, and K. P. Reese. 2009. Recovery of Greater sage-grouse habitat features in Wyoming big sagebrush following prescribed fire. Restoration Ecology 17 (3):393-403. Beever, E. A. and C. L. Aldridge. 2011. Influences of free-roamingequids on sagebrush ecosystems, with focus on greater sage-grouse. Pp. 273-291 in S. T. Knick and J. W. Connelly (editors). Greater Sage-Grouse: ecology and conservation of a landscape species and its habitats. Studies in Avian Biology (vol. 38), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Behnke, R. J. 1979. Monograph of the native trouts of the genus Salmo of western North America. United States Forest Service, United States. Fish and Wildlife Service and United States Bureau of Land Management. June 2015 Oregon Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed RMPA/Final EIS 7-3 7. References Bell, Tom W., Olaf Menzer, Enrique Troyo-Diéquez, and Walter C. Oechel. 2012. Carbon dioxide exchange over multiple temporal scales in an arid shrub system near La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Global Change Biology 18: 2570-2582, doi: 10.1111/j.1365- 2486.2012.02720.x. Bentz, B., D. Alston and T. Evans. 2008. Great Basin insect outbreaks. In: Chambers, J. C., N. Devoe, and A. Evans, eds. Collaborative management and research in the Great Basin – examining issues and developing a framework for action. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-204. Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 43-48. Bergquist, E., P. Evangelista, T. J. Stohlgren, and N. Alley. 2007. Invasive species and coal bed methane development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 128:381-394. Beschta, Robert L. 1997. Riparian Shade and Stream Temperature: An Alternative Perspective. Rangelands, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Apr., 1997), pp. 25-28. Published by: Allen Press and Society for Range Management Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4001341. Bills, F. T. 1977. Taxonomic status of the isolated populations of tui chub referred to Gila bicolor oregonensis (Snyder). M.S. Thesis. Oregon State Univ. Blank, Robert R., Robert H. White, and Lewis H. Ziska. 2006. Combustion properties of Bromus tectorum L.: influence of ecotype and growth under four CO2 concentrations. International Journal of Wildland Fire 15: 227-236. BLM. 1984. North Warner Lakes Area Habitat Management Plan. USDI, BLM, Lakeview District, Lakeview, OR. _____. 1986. South Warner Lakes Area Habitat Management Plan. USDI, BLM, Lakeview District, Lakeview, OR. _____. 1988. Manual 1613–Areas of Critical Environmental Concern. Rel. 1-1541. BLM, Washington, DC. September 29, 1988. _____. 1989a. Baker Resource Management Plan (RMP) Record of Decision (ROD). Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. July 1989. _____. 1989b. Brothers/LaPine Resource Management Plan (RMP) Record of Decision (ROD). Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. July 1989. _____. 1990a. Warner Wetlands Habitat Management Plan for Vegetation. USDI, BLM, Lakeview District. Lakeview, OR. _____. 1990b. Handbook H-1624-1: Planning for Fluid Mineral Resources. Rel. No. 1-1583, May 7, 1990. BLM, Washington, DC. _____. 1991. Vegetation Treatment on BLM Lands in Thirteen Western States. BLM, Washington, DC. 7-4 Oregon Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed RMPA/Final EIS June 2015 7. References _____. 1992a. Three Rivers, Resource Management Plan (RMP) Record of Decision (ROD). Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. September 1992. _____. 1992b. BLM Manual 9015, Integrated Weed Management. December 2, 1992. _____. 1993. Rosebud/Edmunds Well Habitat Management Plan. USDI, BLM, Lakeview District, Lakeview, OR. _____. 1995. Manual 8550–Interim Management Policy and Guidelines for Lands Under Wilderness Review. Rel. 8-66. BLM, Washington, DC. July 5, 1995. _____. 1997. Standards for Rangeland Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management for Public Lands Administered by the Bureau of Land Management in the States of Oregon and Washington.