Complete Information About Magnificat Cultura I Literatura Medievals

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Complete Information About Magnificat Cultura I Literatura Medievals Complete information about Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bibliographical identification: Title: Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals Abbreviation: Magnificat CLM. ISSN: xxxx- xxxx Other identifications: Every article within Magnificat CLM has its DOI identifier. Frequency of publication: Annual. First publication year: 2014. Editorial and academic boards: Publisher: Universitat de València Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 10 46010 Valencia (Spain). UV Tel: (+34) 963 86 41 00 Editorial Board: Rosanna Cantavella, Barry Taylor, Rafael Beltran Llavador and Josep Izquierdo. Editor: Rosanna Cantavella Chiva Departament de Filologia Catalana Universitat de València Valencia (Spain) [email protected] Editorial secretary: Jose Gil Izquierdo IES Marxadella, Torrent Valencia (Spain) [email protected] Advisors: --Barry Taylor British Library London (United Kingdom) [email protected] --Rafael Beltran Llavador Departament de Filologia Espanyola Universitat de València ------------ Complete information about Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals ------------ 1 València (Espanya) [email protected] Addresses of Magnificat CLM: URL: Email: [email protected] Postal address: Magnificat CLM, Departament de Filologia Catalana, Universitat de València, Av. Blasco Ibáñez 32, 46010 Valencia (Spain) Tel. (+34) 963 86 42 55. Fax. (+34) 963 86 96 44. Manuscripts will not be submitted by email, but by logging on to OJS platform ( after registering (, so that the application is duly recorded. Academic board • Rafael Alemany Ferrer (Departament de Filologia Catalana, Universitat d’Alacant, Alacant, Spain) • Carlos Alvar Ezquerra (Unité d’Espagnol, Université de Genève, Genève, Suisse) • Annamaria Annicchiarico (Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, Italia) • Lola Badia Pàmies (Centre de Documentació Ramon Llull, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain) • Vicenç Beltran Pepió (Dipartimento di Studi Europei Americani e Interculturali, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italia) • Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study University of London, London, United Kingdom) • Germà Colón Domènech (emeritus, Romanisches Seminar, Universität Basel, Basel, Switzerland) • Jane Connolly (Department of Languages, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fl., United States) • Roger Friedlein (Romanisches Seminar, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Deutschland) • Fabio Zinelli (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France) Technical Team Composition and layout: Josep Izquierdo ([email protected]) Graphics: Dídac Ballester ([email protected], ------------ Complete information about Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals ------------ 2 Roles and responsibilities of the academic board Editor: - Selection Procedure: The journal’s editor is appointed by the Director of the Publications Service of the Universitat de València, having been elected by the editorial board, and with the approval of a majority of the academic board. - Duties: The journal’s editor is its main academic manager: s/he channels proposed articles to the editorial board for a first review (formats and language quality), and to potential peer-reviewers for a second (academic quality and contents). In the choice of reviewers, the editor can seek the advice of the members of the academic board. Editorial board: - Composition: The editorial board consists of three people: the director, secretary and an advisor. A small editorial board has been preferred in order to give the journal greater flexibility and functionality. - Selection: Members are proposed and selected by the same procedure as the editor. - Proportion: the editorial board will have at least a 33% presence of members external to the publishing institution (Universitat de València). - Functions: Board members support the editor in her/his functions. The editorial board monitors the progress of submitted works (receipt and processing, including the first assessment of the quality of language and formats), and establishes guidelines on the contents and style of the journal. Academic board: - Composition: The academic board consists of a number of members that can be variable, but will average ten to eleven. - Selection: New board members are appointed by the academic advice editor, with the approval of the rest of the academic board. - Proportion: The presence of members of the publisher (Universitat de València) in the academic board should not exceed 10%. - Features: The academic board, besides endorsing the journal’s commitment to the highest standards, advises on editorial policy, and endeavours to spread awareness of the journal in all professional forums. The editor may also seek its members’ advice on the choice of peer-reviewers. Statistical reports on the publishing process ------------ Complete information about Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals ------------ 3 This being an annual journal and in the expectation, given their length, that there will be a small number of articles per issue, the editorial board will wait for five years before starting to publish statistics about the editorial process. From the journal’s fifth year, the editorial board undertakes to publish these statistics annually (in every section absolute and percentage figures will be given): - Proportion of manuscripts received and accepted : . Total of works received. Works received according to subject. Works received according to place of origin. Total of works accepted. Works accepted by topic. Works accepted by place of origin. Works rejected in the first review by reason of format and language quality. Reasons for rejection in the first review. Works rejected in the first review by subject matter. Works rejected in the first review by place of origin. Total of works published. Works published by topic. Works published by place of origin. Total of pages published. Pages published by topic. - Statistics on average time between submission of the manuscript, its acceptance and its publication. Subject to peer-reviewers complying with the deadline, authors should receive an answer on the acceptance or rejection of their manuscript in a period not exceeding 60 days. Average time between receipt of article and publication. Average time between receipt of article and rejection or initial (provisional) acceptance. Average time between article definitive acceptance and publication. Average time spent by peer-reviewers in the evaluation report. In all cases the figures will indicate days (not weeks or months), and average and standard deviation will be given. If Magnificat CLM should expand in the future to include more than its present one section, then these statistics will also be presented by sections. - Statistics on the peer-reviewing process ------------ Complete information about Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals ------------ 4 . Number of reviewers per work . Number of reviewers Number of works 1 30 (%) 2 60 (%) 3 10 (%) 4 1 (%) . Number of projects evaluated per reviewer. Reproduction rights and subscriptions Copyright: All documents in OJS are free and owned by their authors, and therefore any reproduction, commercialization, public communication or modification of all or part requires their express written consent, by licence Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International ( ). To submit their manuscript to Magnificat CLM, authors must accept this type of copyright. Subscriptions: Via RSS alerts. Price: This is a free-of-charge journal in open format (golden way). Diffusion As an Open Journal Systems journal, Magnificat CLM will have global diffusion, and will appear from its first issue in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Moreover, the editorial board is committed to advancing the knowledge of the journal by requesting inclusion in all possible indexes and databases (see Indexing). Authors who publish with Magnificat CLM will take on promotion of their articles through their repositories (green way), and through social networks of researchers: at least in Google Scholar ( com), ( and ( How to register in Google Scholar: The journal will also keep a blog in which information about new issues will appear, and comments from readers will be collected. This blog will be linked to the journal’s presence on Twitter, where ------------ Complete information about Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals ------------ 5 news will be posted. Also, information will be periodically sent to all mailing lists in Romance and Iberian studies. Indexing Magnificat CLM meets all indexing requirements available to a journal start-up: all except those related to compliance with publication frequency – with which it aims to comply – and its articles’ impact measurement, both impossible for a new journal. Latindex: 35 out of 36. CNEAI: 11 out of 14. ANECA: 17 out of 22. ISOC-CSIC: 12 out of 13. ARCE: 11.5 out of 14. CARHUS +: 4 out of 6. DICE: 4 out of 9. In detail: (Points
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