World Athletics U20 Championships

General Info Webinar Overview

• Team Staff • Update on Event Status • Medical Update • Team Selection • Event Logistics • Travel/Environmental Challenges All subject to COVID • Questions & Answers uncertainties Introductions

Team Staff Team Coaches Team Leader: James Cunningham Sprints/Hurdles: Molly Killingbeck Head Coach: Jason Reindl Sprints/Hurdles: Rashed Din Team Manager: Nicole Clarke Jumps: Steve Leblanc IST Lead: Mark Gottfried Throws: Georgette Reed Massage Therapist: Carolyn Daubeny Endurance: Andy Tough Doctor: Dr. Ryan Shields Team Objectives

To increase the number of Canadian athletes who improve on their pre- event ranking, seasonal best and personal best, number of medals, top 8 and who place in the top half of their field as compared to the most recent World Athletics U20 Championships. Event Status Update on Event Status

• World Athletics (WA) update • 100% committed to hosting event • Confirmed they are following ‘similar’ protocols as World Relays (very successful implementation)

• Athletics (AC) update • Committed to moving ahead with event at this time • New information will be reviewed as it becomes available • No defined timeline to review decision (will be based on any new info)

• Vaccinations • At this time WA and AC will not require vaccination to attend event • Staff – expectation that all staff will be fully vaccinated • Athletes • Very strong recommendation that all athletes have at least one shot, preferably fully vaccinated • Based on age and provincial roll-out, might not be possible for all athletes to receive both doses Update on Event Status – cont’d

• Current Concerns • COVID-19 • Potential security risks • Kenya is listed as “Exercise a high degree of caution” due to the threat of terrorism and high crime rate • This is primarily on the border with surrounding countries and the interior of the country, with concerns in specific regions of Nairobi • Due to Covid-19 protocols, we will be in a more restrictive bubble than usual (direct from hotel to track, no local visits, etc)

• Other Countries • Several countries have withdrawn, citing a combination of security and health concerns (AUS, NZ, GBR) – as well as timing of the event (USA) Medical Update Medical – AC IST Team

• Physician: • Dr. Ryan Shields

• Treating therapists: • Mark Gottfried (Physiotherapy) • Carolyn Daubeny (Massage Therapy) COVID Vaccines

• Strongly recommended that all athletes and staff are fully vaccinated • Fully vaccinated = 2 weeks after your second COVID vaccine • There are 3 important reasons to get both doses of your COVID vaccine: 1. Personal Health: It will give you full protection from contracting COVID • One dose is 70-80% effective; both doses is ~95% effective • COVID is still widespread in Kenya and local vaccination rates are low 2. Contact Tracing: It possible that those with both doses of the vaccine may not be considered a “close contact” if exposed to someone with COVID 3. Ethical: there is concerned about the risk of unvaccinated people importing COVID to Kenya. Getting both doses of the vaccine will dramatically reduce any potential risk that the Canadian team might bring to Kenya Medical - Vaccines

• AC Medical team is recommending the following other vaccines prior to travel to Kenya: • All the routine vaccines from Canadian childhood vaccination series • In particular the Measles vaccine as there have been outbreaks of Measles internationally in the last few years. • Hepatitis A vaccine (and Hep B if you did not get as a child). • Yellow Fever: mosquito borne illness that can cause illness ranging from mild to severe • Nairobi considered low risk but this vaccine is still recommended, especially if you are traveling outside of Nairobi • The vaccine does have some serious adverse effects that are rare. You should discuss with to your family physician or a professional travel clinic for advice. • Typhoid: diarrheal illness, contracted via contaminated food or water • Vaccine is strongly recommended • Two forms, an oral version and an injection version • oral typhoid vaccine takes 1 week to give all 4 doses. This needs to be completed at least 1 week prior to travel. • The intramuscular injection form is one dose and should be given 2 weeks prior to travel. • Dukoral • Vaccine that offers some protection against the commonest cause of traveller’s diarrhea and cholera • Given as two oral doses 1 week apart. It should be administered at least 1 week (or more) prior to travel. Medical – cont’d

• Malaria: present in Kenya, including Nairobi • no vaccine • Prevention is via oral medications that you take while in Kenya • Specific to Kenya; Atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone), doxycycline, tafenoquine or mefloquine. • You should follow up with you family doctor or a travel clinic about getting a prescription for one of these medications that is most appropriate for you. • Insect protection: • Several other diseases that are spread by mosquitoes and other insects in Kenya for which there are no vaccines • Chikungunya, African Sleeping Sickness, African Tick-Bite Fever, and Dengue Fever. • Protection from insects starts with wearing appropriate clothing to limit exposed skin and wearing insect repellant. You can have clothing treating with permethrin to further lower your risk. • Other diseases for which there are other vaccines that are recommended for travelers to more rural parts of Kenya (i.e. Rabies) but are not recommended/required for travel to Nairobi. • Please contact team staff if you feel you might be traveling outside of Nairobi Travel – COVID Precautions

• The usual recommendations take on new importance • Being well rested so that your immune system is optimized • PPE for travel • Masks: 3-4 (in case 1 or more are spoiled) • We are recommending that all staff/athletes wear a 3 layer mask and that they change to a dry mask after 5 hours • We are also recommending that everyone wear goggles to protect your eyes as evidence and experiences demonstrate that the newer COVID variants spread easier and the membranes of your eyes are a portal to you to contract COVID. • Disinfectant wipes • To wipe down seat/viewing screen • Hand sanitizer • Should have at least 60% alcohol • Wash hands frequently • Particularly if you leave your seat or are going to handle foot • Hydration/Nutrition • Ensure that you bring appropriate fluids/food to stay hydrated/fed on the flight. • Note caution on being overhydrated so that you don’t spend a lot of time in the bathroom (which is likely the highest risk room on the plane). • Ok to take mask off to eat and drink • But avoid taking mask off when other are feeding/drinking Pre-Travel COVID Testing

• The formal pre-travel testing guidelines for the WA U20 event have not been announced • The guidelines for the World Relays (Poland, May 2021) were: • All traveling team members completed a symptom screen prior to traveling • Travelers were required to have a negative COVID test 48hrs prior to departure • PCR COVID test • Everyone had a COVID test on arrival in the host country prior to entry to event bubble Medical - Nairobi

• General medical concerns: • Water quality outside team hotel: poor • Food quality outside of hotel: poor • If it isn’t cooked (food), boiled (water/food), bottled (water) or can’t be washed, don’t eat it • Please review Traveler’s Diarrhea document • COVID • Kenya is experiencing a surge of COVID over the last month • Vaccinations rates are low • Kenya - ~2% vs Canada ~ 69% (July 6) • The potential for an exposure in Nairobi is real • Athletes/staff will be limited to inside the event bubble • Please ensure you are fully vaccinated prior to travel COVID testing at the Event

• The formal event testing guidelines for the WA U20 event have not been announced • The guidelines for the World Relays (Poland, May 2021) were: • All participants (staff and athletes) were tested every 48hrs • At the hotel • No contact was permitted with anyone outside the event bubble COVID Testing – False positives

• There is a false positive rate (and a false negative rate) for every medical test • Rapid antigen tests: 1-10% (depending on the company/brand) • PCR: 0.1-1% • But the numbers do depend on type of machine, user experience and disease prevalence • ’s team should be prepared for: • Positive test results • Some of these tests may be false positives • Our primary goal for any positive result (real or false) is to ensure the health of the individual and their close contacts. So AC will • Isolate all individuals after a positive result and ask any close contacts to do the same • Ensure that they have close medical monitoring, particularly if they develop symptoms • Take steps immediately to arrange for confirmatory tests. • Our COVID protocols are meant to minimize the number of “close contacts” • Developing nodes based on training groups • When possible, limiting the number of team members that gather in closed, indoor spaces Selection Criteria Selection Criteria & Process

• Criteria • Criteria remain unchanged from 2020 (date changes and minor COVID-19 updates) • Eligibility Requirements

• Process • Qualifying Standards & Ranking Lists • Selection Process • Multiple events • Relays

• The criteria published on the AC website are the official source of information if there are any inconsistencies presented here Eligibility Criteria

• Registered with an Athletics Canada Branch • Canadian Citizen by the Selection Date • Declare through online form (prior to July 26th) • Canadian passport valid for at least 6 months after the Event • Born in 2002, 2003 or 2004 • Must comply with all COVID-19 countermeasures implemented by AC, WA, the local organizing committee or other relevant governing bodies. Qualifying Standards

• Athletes must achieve the Qualifying Standard within the Qualifying Period to be eligible for selection

• Qualifying Standards are set at harder of: • Top 16 standard based on previous WA U20’s results or; • World Athletics U20 Entry Standard. NOTE: only performances with U20 heights/implements will be considered

• Qualifying Period • Dec 1, 2020 – Jul 25, 2021

• Ranking lists will be available on the AC website ASAP and updated automatically as results are included Qualifying Standards

Men Event Women 10.58 100m 11.80 21.25 200m 24.20 47.35 400m 54.25 1:50.80 800m 2:07.20 3:48.00 1500m 4:23.20 8:14.00 3000m 9:25.00 14:12.00 5000m 16:35.00 42:50.00 10,000m Race Walk 47:50.00 13.90 110m/100m Hurdles 13.70 52.10 400m Hurdles 59.50 9:00.00 3000m SC 10:19.30 2.16m 1.82m 5.10m Pole Vault 4.07m 7.58m 6.15m 15.60m 12.90m 18.30m 14.60m 57.00m Discus 49.00m 68.50m Hammer 58.00m 69.50m Javelin 50.50m 7100 / 5390 Ranking Lists Selection Process

• Maximum 2 athletes per event (per WA rules) • No maximum team quota

The top two (2) ranked eligible athletes who achieved the Qualifying Standard during the Qualifying Period will be selected. Selection to Multiple Events

• Selection for multiple events • Determined on a case by case basis in consultation with the athlete, personal coach, Head Coach and Team Leader

• Factors to consider: • Competition timetable (qualification, heats, finals) • Demands of the event (100/200 vs 800/1500) • Environmental conditions (altitude) • Level of competition/depth of field • Maturity of the athlete • Experience of the athlete.

• U18 Athletes (Born 2004) • Max two (2) events (plus one relay) • If two (2) individual Track Events, only one (1) can be over 200m Relay Selection

• Depending on available athletes, we will compete in the 4x100m, 4x400m and 4x400m Mixed relays with the goal of top 8 performances or better. • Final decisions will be made once the team is selected • Additional changes could occur on site based on athlete availability

• Selection Committee will name up to six (6) athletes to each relay pool • Must be selected to an individual event to be included in the relay pool

• NOTE: all athletes, if requested by the team head coach, must be prepared to compete in relays Event Logistics Event Logistics

• Travel Dates & Staging Camp • Timelines • Staging Camp • Flights

• In Nairobi • Competition venue • Accommodations/meals • Competition schedule • COVID-19 impacts

• Team Staff • Parents/Personal Coaches

• COVID-19 • Protocols • Positive tests & false positive Timelines

Dec 1, 2020: Start of qualifying window July 7: General info webinar (athletes, coaches, parents, etc) July 25: Declaration deadline/end of qualification window July 26: Selection Aug 3: Team info meeting (selected athletes & parents/coaches) - TBC Aug 10/11: Staging Camp (Toronto) - TBC Aug 12/13: Departure to Kenya - TBC Aug 17-22: Competition Aug 23-24: Return Travel Dates & Staging Camp

• Staging Camp - Toronto • Gather athletes, coaches, staff in Toronto prior to departure to Kenya • Complete pre-flight COVID-19 testing • Team meetings, outfitting, team orientation • Training facilities and treatment options

• Flights • Group booking from Toronto • ~20hr travel time to Nairobi

• Kenya is 7hrs ahead of Toronto Event Logistics – In Nairobi

• COVID-19 ‘bubble’ • Competition venue, training venue and hotels

• Competition venue • Kasarani Stadium • 60,000 seat capacity • Hosted World U18’s in 2017

• Accommodations • Hotels – Central Nairobi • Single rooms (TBC) • 25-45 min travel to Kasarani Stadium Competition Schedule Event Logistics – COVID-19 Impacts

• Logistics • Increased amount of paperwork, forms, apps/websites related to COVID-19 protocols • Athletes will need to be diligent to complete all necessary steps prior to and during the competition (will have full support from AC Staff/Team Manager)

• Athlete experience • More delays: be flexible, relaxed and empathetic as you interact with teammates, staff, and volunteers. • More isolated/extra downtime: more time in your hotel rooms, restrictions on social gatherings, possibly single rooms – what are some relaxing, productive activities and do they require you to bring something with you from home? • More restricted activities: potentially limited training times, access to outdoor activities while at the hotels, no/limited outings other than travel to the stadium. Parents/Personal Coaches

• Our recommendation is that parents and personal coaches should not travel to Kenya for this event.

• Why? • Athletes will be fully supported by an experienced group of coaches, managers and medical staff in addition to the support provided by the LOC and World Athletics • No information from LOC on access, COVID-19 protocols or restrictions for spectators • COVID-19 restrictions (from LOC/WA and AC specific) • Only identified Team Members will be allowed into the ‘bubble’ • Once an athlete leaves the bubble, they can not return • Parents/Personal Coaches will not be allowed to directly interact with anyone within the team bubble

NOTE: Parents/Personal Coaches must be fully self-sufficient, no support will be available from AC for any issues that arise prior to, or during the competition COVID-19 : Pre-Departure

• COVID Symptom Monitoring (TBC) • Daily Attestations for 14 days prior to departure • World Athletics protocol (TBC)

• 72 hours prior to flight – COVID Test • Tentatively planning for group testing at the Toronto staging camp • Must be symptom free on arrival in Kenya COVID-19 : Arrival to Kenya

• Airport Pick-up • Picked up by buses • Masks and hand sanitizer will be required before entering vehicles

• Main Testing Center – Olesereni Hotel • On arrival COVID test will be completed at the main testing center • We will transfer to our final hotel and wait in our hotel rooms until results are confirmed (approx. 2hrs) • Complete accreditation process if test is negative (re-test procedure if positive) COVID-19 : COVID BUBBLE ZONES

• Restricted Areas: Event hotels, competition areas and warm up areas in Kasarani stadium and the training venue at Nyayo Stadium

• Authorized Access: Athletes, Coaches, officials residing with teams, medical/therapists.

• Athletes should not leave these restricted areas unless in designated transport (ie. from Hotel to Stadium in official buses)

• Outsiders not allowed to enter this zone FOR ANY REASON. COVID-19 : Competition Period

• Testing will occur every 48 hours after arrival • Arranged in each hotel in the evenings • Only positive results will be communicated

• Masks required at all times • Exception is athletes when they are training/competing

• Hotel & Dining Areas • Physical distancing measures will be in place • Masks worn unless eating • Limited movement within hotel is allowed, but must follow gathering rules, etc COVID-19 : Competition Period - cont’d

• Athletes/staff remain at the accommodation when not at the track • No tourist activities, visits to the mall, etc. • No food/grocery trips (deliveries TBC pending LOC protocols)

• IST Treatment • LOC will confirm available treatment areas (Hotel or training/comp venue) • Google doc for sign-up (schedule will allow time for cleaning) • No hanging out in IST room COVID-19 : Return to Canada

• 48-72 hours prior to flight – COVID Test • Arranged by LOC in hotel on Aug 21/22nd • Must have negative test to depart Kenya

• As of July 5th – Fully vaccinated travelers • Will likely be able to bypass all quarantine requirements • Must be asymptomatic • Must be able to prove vaccination status and have a suitable plan in place if border services requires you to quarantine

• Current protocols for unvaccinated travellers: • Returning to Canada into 1 of 4 airports (Toronto, Montreal, Calgary or Vancouver) • Hotel quarantine may be necessary for up to 3 nights • Remainder of 14-day quarantine to be completed at home/approved location

• Need to complete the details in the ArriveCan app COVID-19 : Positive Tests

• Specific protocols are still TBD and could significantly impact how testing and isolation will proceed

• What happens if an athlete/staff tests positive? • Isolate individual and any close contacts • Individual and close contacts sent for additional testing • If follow up testing confirms positive, go into isolation protocol from WA/LOC • Negative results can confirm a false-positive and return the event bubble

• What are the outcomes of testing positive • Athletes will be pulled from competition (unless immediate follow-up testing confirms false positive) • Staff would be isolated and unable to interact directly with athletes • Required to stay in Kenya until cleared by local healthy authorities (14 days) • Canadian staff would potentially be required to stay back to support/coordinate testing/medical Travel/Environmental Challenges Travel/Environmental Conditions

• General advice (More info will be shared prior to departure)

• Time zones • Impact of jet lag • Sleep and adjusting to jet lag

• Altitude • Impact of altitude • Steps to mitigate challenges (rest, pacing, hydration) Travel Challenges

• Time-zone (jet-lag) + travel time • 7hrs ahead of Toronto (10hrs ahead of BC) • Minimum 20hrs travel from Toronto + testing/local transport to hotel

• Sleep recommendations • Start adjusting your daily schedule a few days prior to departure (go to sleep earlier, wake up earlier) – assuming you have good sleep habits

• Travel advice • Try to arrive to the staging camp rested and follow good nutrition, hydration and sleep habits before and during the event • Bring food and snacks for the flights (more limited options on flights due to COVID-19 protocols) • Relax, stay positive and go with the flow on travel day – it will be a long day for everyone, and it will be much easier if we are prepared for some delays and confusion as we navigate protocols Environmental Conditions

• Altitude • 1700-1800m • Significant impact on performance (positive for speed/power, negative for non-native endurance athletes) • Overall, more taxing on recovery/daily activities (including staff!)

• Climate • Moderate temperature (14-23deg) – colder morning/evening • Low rainfall • Moderate humidity (similar to Toronto/Vancouver) Thriving at Altitude

• All athletes & staff • Ensure proper rest & recovery • Be aware of fatigue levels and avoid unnecessary activities • Proper hydration

• Endurance Athletes • Adjust pacing strategy – up to 3-5% impact on performance compared to sea level • Adjust pre-comp training sessions • Adequate iron levels (check with family doctor or sport med doctor) Wrap-up Important Info

• AC Criteria • Selection-Criteria-EN-Final-Mar-20-2020.pdf • AC Rankings/Tracking List • • AC Declaration • • World U20’s – Official Site • • Government of Canada • • • • Questions Good luck over the next 20 days!!