The Nyhavn Experience
The Nyhavn Experience A non-representational perspective The deconstruction of the Nyhavn experience through hygge By Maria Sørup-Høj Aalborg University 2017 Tourism Master Thesis Supervisor: Martin Tranberg Jensen Submission date: 31 May 2017 Abstract This thesis sets out to challenge the existing way of doing tourism research by using a non- representational approach in looking into the tourist experience of Nyhavn, Denmark. The Nyhavn experience is deconstructed through the Danish phenomenon hygge, where it is being investigated how the contested space of Nyhavn with its many rationalities creates the frames, which hygge may unfold within. It is demonstrated how hygge is a multiple concept, which is constituted through various elements, including the audience, the actors and their actions, the weather, the sociality, the materiality and the political landscape in Nyhavn. The elements in the study are being discussed separately in order to give a better view on the different aspects. However, it is important to note point out that these aspects cannot be seen as merely individual aspects of establishing hygge, but that they are interrelated and interconnected in the creation of the atmosphere of hygge. The collecting of the data was done via embodied methods inspired by the performative turn in tourism, where the focus is on the embodied and multisensous experience. This is carried out by integrating pictures, video and audio clips, observant participation and impressionist tales in order to try to make the ephemeral phenomenon hygge as concrete as possible. Furthermore, data have been collected via netnography on TripAdvisor and travel blogs respectively. The study is characterized by being transdisciplinary, where theory has been drawn in from various fields, such as tourism, human geography, sociology, anthropology and sociology of the senses.
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