University of Central Florida STARS Text Materials of Central Florida Central Florida Memory 1-1-1892 Winter Park scrapbook, 1881-1906: Loring Chase scrapbooks Vol 02, 1892 Loring Augustus Chase Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Manuscript is brought to you for free and open access by the Central Florida Memory at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Text Materials of Central Florida by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Recommended Citation Chase, Loring Augustus, "Winter Park scrapbook, 1881-1906: Loring Chase scrapbooks Vol 02, 1892" (1892). Text Materials of Central Florida. 931. Couceruiuff Winter Park. ^_—-".foncenimjr Winter Park. / & - 3 - ')I A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. xiss Kate Sherwood, of Rome, New. 39/ Andrew Ahik on Saturday evening. York, is visiting Mr. E. L. Maxson and family. She will probably remain dur Rev.'Pyne.of Elisabeth,"Tew Jersey, ing the winter season, and recuperate Concernins: Winter Park. has been called to accept the rectorship under the beneficial effects of Florida's Miss A. F. Dalrymple, art teacher at of All Saints Memorial church (P. E.) of unsurpassed atmosphere. /£-/^- 9/ Rollins College, will give an exhibition this town. He is spoken of very highly Mr. and Mrs. Denny are once more in the studio on Saturday, 19th inst., be by Bishop Weed, and it is understood "with us, as satisfied as ev^r to seek our tween the hours of 9 a.