Reading and Progra
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 227 440 CS 007 008 AUTHOR Pearson, P. David, Ed.; Hansen, Jane, Ed. TITLE Reading: Theory, Research, and Practice.Twenty-Sixth Yearbook of the National Reading Conference. INSTITUTION National Reading Conference, Inc. PUB DATE 77 NOTE 309p.; Proceedirigs of the annual meetingof the National Reading Conference (26th, Atlanta.,GA, , \December 2-4, 1976). PUB TYPE Collected Works Conference Proceedings (021) Reports Research/Technical (143) -- Information Analyses (070) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC13 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Elementary Secondary Education; HigherEducation; Language Processing; LearningDisabilities; *Learning Theories; Program Development; Reading Attitudes; *Reading Comprehension; *Reading Instruction; *Reading Processes; *Reading Programs; *Reading Research; Study Skills; Teacher Education IDENTIFIERS National Reading Conference (Organization) ABSTRACT The papers in this collection represent awide -spectrum of approaches, philosophies,and viewpoints of scholarly endeavor in their treatment ofreading.theories, research, and processes. The collection beginswith-an address by the president of the National Reading Conferenceconcerning the tools for reading researchers. The remaining 53 articles arearranged according to the following categories: (1) reading and studyskills,(2) reading and teacher education, (3) reading and programdevelopment,(4) reading and the affective domain,(5) reading and learning disability, (6) reading and word identification, (7) reading andcomprehension, and (8) reading and language.(HTH) ***********************************************************************. Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the bestthat can be made frowthe original document. *********************************************************************** READING: THEORY, RESEARCH, US. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (NJ NATIONAL IIILISTITUTE OF EDUCATION and E DUCA I IONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION' OJ CM I EP ERIC, .1111,1I 11,1% lifttqlreproduced as LW re, rlorlttrullttit IWO,. OfultidillZatiOn' PRACTICE t)' littlyt4.4.-24.4.1t.ttlt Matte to Improve roptollto tag OOY TWENTY SIXTH YEARBOOK OF P .1f1P, Oils dOW ly ropresOnt NIE THE NATIONAL READING CONFERENCE Edited hy P. 1):\ VII) PEARSON 'ni cHty of Nlinncota ith Olt: editorial a,,itancc of .1 NNE HANSEN l'ni en,ity of N1innesota Puhlklied h\., l'he National Reading Conference, Inc. Cleinn, South Carolina 29631 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY 1977 The National REading Conference, Inc. , (4 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC).' Copyright, 1977 THE NATIONAL READING CONFERENCE. INC. All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers Distributed by THE NATIONAL READING CONFERENCE Godfrey Hall Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina 29631 The ideas expressed in the papers published in the yearbook are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the National Reading Conferen* PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY MASON PUBLISHING COMPANY St. Paul, Minnesota OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NATIONAL READING CONFERENCE, INC. J. JA.AP TUINMAN,President Simon Fraser University HARRY SINGER,Vice-President University of California GORDON GRAY,Treasurer Clemson University VONCILE C. MALLORY,Secretary Frorida Atlantic University EDWARD FRY,Past-President Rutgers University FRANK GREENE,Member McGill University JOANNA WILLIAMS,Member " Columbia University WAYNE OTTO,Member University of Wisconsin RON CARVER,Member University of Missouri RICHARD ROBINSON,Convention Manager University of Missouri P. DAVID PEARSON,Yearbook Editor University of Minnesota J. JAAP TUINMAN,Editor, Journal df Reading Behavior Simon Fraser University ANNE MARIE BERNAZZA HAASE Publications Chairman University of Arizona III EDI VORIAI ADVISORY COMMITTEE 26th NRC YEARBOOK DICK ALI INGTON MICHAEL L. KAMIL State Universi,y of New York at Albany Purdue University EUNICE ASKOV RON LESLIE Peansylvania State University NeW York University' MARK Au Lts MERVIN LYNCH McGill University Northeastern University WILLIAM E. BLANTON MARTH.A MAXWELL AppalachiA State University Uni7"ersity of California - Berkley EMERY BLIESMER GEORGE McNINCH Pennsylvania State University University of' Southern Mississippi RK'HARD BLOOMER BONNIE J. F. MEYER University of ConneCticut Arizona State University DON CUNNINGHAM BEVERLY MORRISON 'Indiana University University of Wisconsin -BETH DAVEY LEE MOUNTAIN University of Maryland University of Houston PRISCILLA DRUM PHIL NACKE University of California - University of Kentucky Santa Barba.ra ROBERT PALMATIER KEN DULIN Northwestern State University University of Wisconsin of Louisiana JOHN GUTHRIE CHRISTOPHER RAMIG International Reading Association Georgia State University A-NNE MARIE HAASE EARL F. RANKIN University of Arizona University of Kentucky DOROTHY HANSEN ROBERT SCHREINER Brigham Young University University of Minnesota JEROME C. HARSTE HARRY SINGER Indiana University University of California - Riverside DALE JOHNSON ROBERT TIERNEY University of Wisconsin University of Arizona AL KINGSTON DAVID M. WARK University of Georgia University of Minnesota TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Tools for Reading Researchers 1 Edward Fry READING AND STUDY SKILLS Effect of Student-genuated Pre-qu?ions and Post-statements on Immediate and De laycd Recall of Fourth Grade Social Studies Content: A Pilot Study 11 Laura Chodos, Sandra Al. Gould, and Reuben R. Rusch Effectiveness of a Study Management Course for "Non-traditional" Students 17 Kristina G. Hayward, Vincen, P. Orlando, and Emery P. Mesmer Measuring and Evaluating Changes in Underlining andNote-Taking Ski lk 21 Marilyn M. Fairbanks and C'arolyn Castello The Effects of Experimenter-Underlining and Expertise onthe Retention of Textual Material 26 Steven M. Bialick, Diane H. Bialick, and David M.Wark READING AND TEACHER EDUCATION A New Hypothesis for Reading Teacher Research:Both the Teaching and Learning of Reading are Theoretically Based 32 Jerome C. Harste and Carolyn L. Burke Developing and Evaluating a Criterion Referenced Test for Preservice Reading Education Students 41 Shirky B. Merlin, James L. Laffey, and Noel E. Bowling The Relationship Between Teacher Assessment of PupilMastery and Standardired Reading Achievement Scores 46 Robert L. Aaron, Alfredo Stokes, and Etta Bates Diagnostk Teachingin Contenr Area Reading 52 Mary M. Dupuis and Eunice N. Askov Teacher Performance in Assessment of ComparativeReading Difficulty of Content Materials 60 Robert A. Palmatier and Susan S. Strader a vii Page Cpmpetencies for College Developmental Reading Teachers 63 Rosalind Streit!? ler _and Joseph S. Nemeth Stability of Teacher Effect on Pupils' Reading Achievement over a Two Year Period and Its Relation toilpstrUctional Emphases 69 William H. Rupley An Analysis of Blacks in American History Textbooks'as Perceived by Social Studies Teachers 73 P. Do Igin Reading Teachers' Knowledge of and Attitudes t o ard Black Englkh 76 Kathleen Stumpf Jongsma READING AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT - The ltse of Receptive and Expressive Language Development, Activities for Improving Students' Reading Achievement 82 Hal W. Seaton and Sharon D. Smith Twelve Year Study of Pupils Who Were Underachieving in Reading in First Grade 88 Anuhel P. Newman Sequence Strategies for Teaching Reading Compreherbion with the Clote Procedure 92 ' Earl F. Rankin Developing an Essential Reading Skills Program for Post-Elementary Students 99 Roger Khonh and Wayne Otto Improving High School/College Articulation for Compensatory Students Through Early Basic Skills Evaluation ,Joyce D. Johnston ,Impact of an Experimental Reading-Study Skills Course on High- Risk Student _Success in a Community College 110 , Eleanor Huhurion Baluating tRe College Reading Program: A Management Audit .. 115 Ann Marw Bernazza Haase, .Shirlev DeShields. and tIerrin Lynch viii READING AND .1.11E A'FFECTIVE DOMAIN Growth in Reading as a Corte late of Pupil Classroom Behavior 118 Hwner Coker and Jeffrey L. Lorentz, Effect of Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading and of Reading Games on Changes in Secondary Student's Reading Attitudes 126 -Larry Mikulecky and Anne Wolf Predicting Reading Performance at the Secondary Level throughi-he Utililation of a Student Self-Assessment Inventory 131 Charles W. Peters Masculine, Feminine, and A nd rogy nous College-Age Readers' Story- Plot PreferencesRelated to Gender of Protagonkt 136 PatriciaL. Andersand Ken L. Thilin A Preliminary Study of the Relationships Among Animal Identifications, Learnine Preferences, Reading, and Reading Related Altifit-ks 139 AnthonyV. Manz° Issues.of Sexism and Ethnicity in Reading 147 AIhert 1. Kmoom, Terry L. Lovelace, und Molly Vf.Wikon READING AND LEARNING DISABILITY The Myths and Realities or Severe Reading and RelaieJ Learning Disabilities 150 Jules C. Abrams A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Etiology, and Management of Learning Dkability 158 Sheila K. Hollander Special Considerations in Teaching LD Children to Read 163 Catherine Morsink und Wayne Otto READING AND WORD IDENTIFICATION Investieating-the Role of Meaning in Mediated Word Identification . 168 Patricia M. Cunningham Functional Word Identification Ability of Poor Readers 172 Martha C. Evans,Nan.1, E.Taytor,---artdfrentirk-Blum Word Boundaries Revisited: A First Grade Study 179 Josephine St Goldsmith and Mark J. Nicolich ix . 4 Page The Effeets of Grade Level and School Setting on theDeielopment . of Sensitivity to Orthographic Structure,: