CONTENTS Introduction Tawassul - Its types and related rulings vii chapter ONE ____________________________________ Tawassul in the Arabic Language and in the Qur'aan The meaning of Tawassul in the Arabic language 1 The meaning of al-Waseelah in the Qur'aan 3 Righteous actions alone are the means to draw nearer to Allaah 6 When is an action a 'righteous action' 7 chapter TWO ____________________________________ Natural Means and Means Prescribed for Goals in the Sharee'ah How can we know correctness of a means and whether it is prescribed or not? 15 22 chapter THREE____________________________ Prescribed Tawassul and its Types i) Tawassul by means of the names of Allaah and His attributes 24 ii) Tawassul by means of a righteous action which the person suppli- cating has done 27 iii) Tawassul by means of the supplication of a righteous man 34 The falsity of Tawassul by any other means besides the preceding three 38 chapter FOUR _________________________________ Doubts and their Rebuttal THE FIRST DOUBT........................................................................................................ The hadeeth concerning 'Umar's seeking rain by means of al-'Abbaas 49 An important note concerning the life of the Prophet (IH) in the Barzakh 57 An objection and its rebuttal 63
[email protected] THE SECOND DOUBT.................................................................................................... The badeeth of the blind man 67 Removal of a misunderstanding and an explanation of the danger of exaggerated respect of the pious 76 Additions to the Hadeeth of the Blind Man 82 the first addition 82 the second addition 85 A note concerning the book: at- Tawassul ilaa haqeeqatit-Tawassul 92 THE THIRD DOUBT .....................................................................................................