Hate Lingo: A Target-based Linguistic Analysis of Hate Speech in Social Media Mai ElSherief, Vivek Kulkarni, Dana Nguyen, William Yang Wang, Elizabeth Belding University of California, Santa Barbara fmayelsherif, vvkulkarni, dananguyen, william,
[email protected] Abstract However, prior work ignores a crucial aspect of hate speech – the target of hate speech – and only seeks to dis- While social media empowers freedom of expression and in- tinguish hate and non-hate speech. Such a binary distinction dividual voices, it also enables anti-social behavior, online ha- fails to capture the nuances of hate speech – nuances that rassment, cyberbullying, and hate speech. In this paper, we can influence free speech policy. First, hate speech can be deepen our understanding of online hate speech by focus- ing on a largely neglected but crucial aspect of hate speech – directed at a specific individual (Directed) or it can be di- its target: either directed towards a specific person or entity, rected at a group or class of people (Generalized). Figure 1 or generalized towards a group of people sharing a common provides an example of each hate speech type. Second, the protected characteristic. We perform the first linguistic and target of hate speech can have legal implications with re- psycholinguistic analysis of these two forms of hate speech gards to right to free speech (the First Amendment).2 and reveal the presence of interesting markers that distinguish these types of hate speech. Our analysis reveals that Directed hate speech, in addition to being more personal and directed, Directed Hate Generalized Hate is more informal, angrier, and often explicitly attacks the tar- @usr A sh*t s*cking Muslim bigot like Why do so many filthy wetback get (via name calling) with fewer analytic words and more you wouldn't recognize history if it half-breed sp*c savages live in words suggesting authority and influence.