UKIP MINUTES Sunday 10th February 2019

Attendance: (Leader) (GB); Kirstan Herriot (Party Chairman)( KH), Adam Richardson (Party Secretary) (AR); MEP (MK); Fiona Mills (FM); Piers Wauchope (PW); Donald Mackay (DM); Richard Ford (RF); Alan Bounds (AB); Mark Harland (Party Treasurer)(MH); Gareth Bennett (GBnt): Marietta King (MK); Alan Moncrief (AM); Nathan Ryding (NR); Paul Oakley (General Secretary)(PJO); Elizabeth Jones (EJ); Kattie Fanning (KF); Paul Williams (PGW).

Apologies: MEP, Ernie Warrender, Ben Walker.

Minutes from 06/01/19 approved, unanimous

KF: Enquired on the Party’s Fracking Policy. GB: UKIP not opposed as long as it is proven safe to do so. KF: In case of GE which manifesto is to be used. GB: Although he doesn’t expect a GE at this time the Mini manifesto is sufficient and if necessary draw from 2015 manifesto. Regional approval on local issues.

EJ: Common Law Motion. Proposed: E.J Seconder K.F In Favour 4 against

GBnt: Devolution proposal had been discussed and put together by Gareth Bennett (Wales), Donald and Janice Mackay (Scotland) Paul Girvan, John Lavery (N.I).

After discussion amongst the board the proposal was changed to N.I only as they had imminent elections in May 19. Wales and Scotland will be considered at a future date. Proposer EJ Seconder FM All in favour

EJ proposed that a minimum donation of 5% net monthly salary of any future UKIP member elected to office. Proposed EJ Seconder PW Motion carried

GB Proposal: Recommend to suspend BW Not unanimous. Contact to be made with BW for comment on his recent court fine, infringement of Party rules by not advising the Party of it.

FM: Proposal for UKIP to sign up to and link with Make Votes Matter a cross party organisation. Motion carried.

Leader’s Report MSM blanking UKIP despite persistent efforts from Kris Hicks. Recent interviews with Middle Eastern Radio, RT, Talk Radio and Steve Norris. Recent hatchet job on Gerard by the Daily Mail.

GB recently joined ENF giving him some valuable speaking time in the EU parliament which could be seen on SM. Three sessions remain before he leaves. , Margot Parker, and Mike Hookem remain in the EFDD.

Attended a recent meeting in Birmingham with the DFLA with the hope of gaining more support for the Party. Essex University. Went well with 40 in attendance. Bolton. Over 200 attended. Positive feedback.

Have recruited two campaign managers for 4 and 6 months each. Alan Graves and Peter Mcilvenna their job is to recruit candidates and to organise branches for local elections.

280 names have signed up for PPC status

Local election candidates at around 970.

Spoke of article 50 extension which would mean a treaty change. Something the EU Council and its 27 States would have to agree on. He thought it unlikely but wouldn’t rule it out. Circa. 186 names have signed up to be considered as MEP candidates should elections be called. Selection criteria to be finalised if and when that time comes. Members of good standing and a proven record of loyalty will be elements of that. There will be no Regional Hustings to avoid unsuitable candidates.

Brexit Party likely to split the vote.

KH: PPC Assessment days 30th March in Bolton and 7th April most likely Lexdrum House.

Requested that NEC members and its delegates exercise privacy and awareness on its business dealings. Should anyone found to be leaking outside of the NEC, rules afforded to her may be exercised.

Party Treasurer MH: Discussed UKIP accounts in general and how they work if anyone ever has a query please feel free to contact him.

Having successfully restored a dormant bank account for Oldham branch his intention is to contact branch treasures once the AGM season is over about any dormant bank accounts that they have been unable to access and resolve the situation.

UKIP trading limited (The shop) needs working on with new products.

Sovereign draw under performing and should be doing better. 30 second video has been produced and will be sent out to members.

Party Secratary AR: Libel issue via Twitter in hand. Reformatted and harmonised the rule book. More accessible and you can copy and paste from it. Supporting YI Sebastian Walsh after he was suspended from University Central Lancs.