The Story O/Hamlet
Thestory o/Hamlet The guards of ElsinoreCastle in Denmark have scen a Ghoston the bardcmenrs.Ir lookslike rhe fatherof prince -l'hev Hamlet who died only rwo monrhs bcfore. ask Horario.a youngnobleman and a friendof rhe prrnie, ro watchwith them and to talk to the Ghost.rffhen it appears. it doesnot speak, and disappears from sight. The new King of Denrnark Thc new King ofDenmark is Claudius,Hamler's uncle who hasjust ma[ied the Prince'smother, Gertrude.He allows Laertes,the son of his Lord Chamberlain,polonius. to rcturnto Parrsand urges Hamlel to castoff hismournine. Hamletis srill disrrcssed by his tarher'sdearh and decplv upsel that his mother has marriedbarelv t*o m,rnrh, afterwards.He longsfor deathand cundemnshis mother 'Fraihy, with the words, rhy nameis woman., Hamlet's lorying for death O! that this too too sol llesh toutrt nelt, ThalL)and r.sobe itseu inb a dn) . IInr ueary, shle,tat, and u,tfrolitubb Seemb mea fie usesof rhis;^orLl. Acrr Scii Poloniusbids farewellto hisson.advising him on howa youngman shouldbehave. Polonius's advice to his son l,leithera bonote4 nor a lealer be; Forloa ofi tosesbofi ilsetf dndfri.n t, And bonuA s dul\ th, eds ol hu,bart,j. Thr oboreall. to rhnc mv sctlbe rruc, And mustfoll@^, ttsthe nigtu rheda|, Thoucanst not fien befalse to anJma . Act r Sciii A ghostly rneeting Hamlet,meanwhile, has gone ro the castlebattlcments with Horatio. Vhen the Ghosrappears, he speaksro Hamlel, as the spirit of his dead farhcr. The Ghosrrells how he was l14 hr\ asks.llrrnltt 1o rcvtntle murdcrcd h\ (lhudius lnd lecp thc mcctingsccrer i""ii.-ii"*r",':i;.'.
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