JSU Students Remember Homeless. Huna

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JSU Students Remember Homeless. Huna The Chanticleer Episcopalian meeting turns to heated debate By KAREN PARR "This has potten to .be an News Writer " interesting discussion. The The latest meeting of the Episcopal lecture has suddenly he- Campus Ministry turned from aphilo- sophical discussion to an intense come x-rated, hasn't it.?" debate Nov. 5. --Dr. Cole Benton Clifford Cain, a Baptist pastor who JSU Prtfessor teaches an environmental class at UAB, began the meeting with a lec- ture explaining the looming threat of remained in eager discussion until acid rain, toxic waste, and over popu- after 10 p.m. lation. "We havenatureby the throat," Cain continued to chair the discus- said Cain, quoting environmentalist sion. At one point, Benton rose from Ronald Getz. his seat, walked briskly to the chalk- Cain then entered a word on how board, and began slashing white lines JSU gets playoff bid for third year the people of this planet got them- of a graph across the chalkboard in an selves into this "environmental crisis effort to explain one of his theories. Saturday at 1:30 p.m. ning streak. Since the regular sea- of unprecedented proportions." Benton said people do not respond JSU and North both fin- son loss to JSU, North Alabama has Cain noted that the media hasn't to a small inconvenience,.but rather ished the regular season at 8-2 over- won four games in a row. given prime-time attention to the to a very pressing one which they For the third season in row the JSU all. They tied for second in the Gulf B~~~~~~feels that play,ng at home environmental crisis which the sci- must respond to immediately. He football team will play in theNCAA South Conference with 6-2 records. will help his team. entific community has long known drew a population graph, explaining Division I1 play-offs. This year During the regular season JSU de- about. Also, he said big businesses that it is best an environmental crisis Coach Bill Burgess' team will host feated the Lions 41-25. have been given little incentive to strike soon, to a smaller population. cooperate in the protection of the Otherwise, thecrisis is merely put off environment by the present insufficient means, JSU's Cole Benton spoke up, cay- and will strlke later to a larger popu- ing, "Populafion IS the biggest prob- lation, according to his theory JSU students remember lem on this globe, I think." Benton's proposed theory bristled The group began discussing mat- the audience, leaving one man in ters of procreation and the purpose of adamant disagreement and others sex. "This has gotten to be an inter- with musing questions. homeless. huna esting discussion," Benton said, rais- As the discussion drew to a close, Aganst Hunger. centage of homeless people in the Benton looked at Cain and said, "The ing his eyebrows and jokingly By MELANIE JONES Tuesdav night. Weslev ioined the state, according to the book The analogy you used 'We have natureby , ", 2.2 adding,'The lecture has suddenly News Writer SGA and UPC in sponsoring a sleep- Homeless in Alabama, published in become x-rated, hasn't it?" the throat'-it's not that way," he said, Hunger and Homeless awareness out on the quad m honor of the home- 1987 by the department of Sociology Cain said that, with the present threat then spoke slowly, drawing his hand week is being observed this week. less. Students brought boxes and at UAB. Information about what of global over-population, it would around his neck, "Nature has us by The Wesley Foundation is spon- sleeping bags beginning at 9 p m. to students can do about the situation be immoral not to use birth control, the throat." soring the effort locally. show theu concern for the homeless. will be available this week at an in- whereas some cultures and beliefs Cain closed the meeting by saying, Hunger and Homeless awareness Tonight, Kimble Fornster, regional formation table on the third floor of "I haveoneoptomistic scientist friend, disapprove of birth control use. week is part of a nationwide move- dlrector of Bread for the World, will the Theron Montgomery Building. A majority of the audience left the to whom I listen with big ears." He ment called National Student Cam- be spealung at the Roundhouse "Each of us can make a difference cupped his hands to his ears,"He lecture around 8:30 p.m., following paign Against Hunger, a student Kimble will be talking about,what by making it a priority to give to says,'We have time-but not much.'" the reception. However, a small group organization whosegoal is easing the individuals can do about hunger others," said Clem. plight of the hungry and homeless Bread for the Word IS a national and to inform the public of the situ- advocacy group that organizes citi- ation. zens to write their Congressmen In The Wesley Foundation, located support of legislation that would help behind McDonald's, has been ac- the hungry. It has workers in Wash- Organizationst p.16 cepting canned goods all week. The ington, D.C. who research ways to cans will be divided among several solve the hunger problem and present local charity distributors such as the the legal procedures to do so / Features Ip.15 community Enabler, the Center for When a Congressman proposes a . I Concern, and the soup kitchen. bill based on theu research, regional Tuesday, the Wesley Foundation duectors notify Bread for the World worked with the Marriottdining serv- supporters and ask them to write theu ice to raise money for the hungry and Congressman. homeless. Students with meal tickets Dale Clem, duector of the Wesley could sign a list in the dining hall Foundation, will be meeting with Tammy Taylor is a senior gallery guard for the art agreeing to skip a meal Tuesday, and interested students about forming a department. She is seen here observing the current Marriott donated the cost of that meal hunger task force after the lecture exhibit. to the National Student Campaign Anniston has the third largest per- 2 - -Thursday; November 15;'i 990 ' 'kha'n'~fc1eer Changes approved in core curriculum By SHANNON COOPER News Editor "I've got in addition to the changes in minors,fourpages After several months of conadera- tlon, the new core curr~culum,along of good proposals that consist w~thdfferent several changes m of new courses, course dele- major and mlnor classes, have been tions, and course revisions. approved. But, there are two areas in Robert E. Kr~bel,vlce president for Academic Affairs, sad Tuesday that which there are major cur- the changes in the core are mlnor. riculum changes," The changes lnclude an optlon to --Robert E. Kribel replace the previously requlred Eco- Vice President nomics 224 with the businessrequire- Academic Affairs ments of Economics 220-221. Another set of changes In the core leaves the wellness requirement with stated, Kr~belsad. The minor 1s not more flex~b~l~ty.Four alternahve truly new, Kribelpolnted out, but~t1s The art department offers classes in pottery for all students. classes are belng offered in addillon a restoration of an old minor whlch to the prior standlng introductory had been abandoned. Nutr~t~on,Normal Nutr~t~on,Personal "Newspaper ed~torstoday are look- Health, Introduct~onto Foundat~ons lng for ieporters w~thbriad llberal and Concepts of Wellness. The necessar~lymean a malor in loumal- classes that will supplement these are ism. With our print minor, we can be a one credit hour Rangers class, and confident our bctter students will be Athre~two credi~hour classes-First competitive in seeking jobs and as -a . r-+n*n. .* I r - .#- places fourth nationally Aid, Unarmed Self Defense, and marketable as graduates from other expensive but educational trip for the . " .- . .-Savival. schools," said T.J. Hemlinger, third- ritefnbCrS. - By RODNEY PARKS The core curriculum is in effect for year advisor to the student publica- "It costs cach mcmber on thc aver- Sports Editor 'The first day in Philadel- all students who started classes in or tions of The Chanticleer and thc Mi- -- age of two hundred dollars to make after theFall 1989 term.According to mosa. Last weekend the Marchlng South- phia we just into the ~~p,''said Trueti, "This year the Kribel, the changes made may be Technology minors will also be erners drum llne came off the field our rooms and practiced SGA,-P~~MU Alpha, Gray ~chclon used as fulfillment of a student's core offered beginning next fall, too. and onto the stage as they attended for the .~ft~~andHamiltons Music helped us with classes if they started at JSU after the Stanley Aman, director of thc De- the Percussrve Arts Society Interna- money for the trip." new core went into effect. partmentofTechnology, said that the t~onalCompetition in Philadelph~a, the competition Was over Truett said each member was busy "The core curriculum committee is minor will be beneficial to students the enwe four days of the W~P. Penn. we spent the rest of the very careful about making arbitrary in almost any field of study. He said PAS 1s a four-day educahonal "The first day in Phlladelph~awe changes. They won't make a change the minor will give students a com- convention held once a year in dif- time at clinic, exhibitions Justchecked lntOourrooms and prac- unless they sec it will benefit the bined background in both technol- ticed for thecompetition," saidTruett. ferent cltles across the nahon. Dur- and seminars.' students," said Kribel. ogy and management.
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