SUNSHINETHE MAGAZINE OF METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME | SUMMER 2021 Thanks to generous donors, our matching challenge goal was surpassed, with gifts totaling $572,914.25. Your generosity demonstrates a commitment to this ministry and heart for each person and family in our care. We are grateful for your friendship and look forward to sharing how your support empowers all we serve to live life to the fullest! CONTENTS

PRESIDENT’S 2 Walking Together PERSPECTIVE 6 MCH Summer Activities 8 MCH Family Outreach News: t this time of year, it is Office Relocations common for some children to feel a growing sense of 9 Youth Profile – dread as summer comes to Zaniya: A Heart of Thankfulness aA close and the impending first bell of a new school year is on the horizon. This 10 Celebrating Our Graduates certainly impacts teachers, parents and caregivers in some form, as well. 12 Transition Services Profile – Transitioning to different seasons can Vanessa: Keeping Her Eyes on the Prize give a sense of comfort and familiarity, but might also carry the potential for uncertainty and insecurity. However, it 13 News & Notes is gratifying when we trust in the preparation, planning and experience, and embrace the “newness,” come what may. This 16 Development News is a message I have been preaching to myself this season as Karen and I experience the emotions of sending our first child 18 Recognition of Gifts to MCH off to college. Our daughter is more than ready to step into this next challenge and chapter of her life; I am sure she is more worried about how we will survive without her. Ultimately, we rest in the assurance that when we seek EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP TEAM God’s guidance to carry us through the process. The writer of Proverbs instructs us to commit our work to the Lord, and Trey Oakley, President and CEO our plans will succeed (Prov. 16:3). As many organizations, ministries, businesses, and communities continue to Lyle Mason, Vice President for Development experience challenges and change, Methodist Children’s Home (MCH) remains committed to our vision to empower all we Mitchell, Vice President for Finance serve to experience life to the fullest. In the face of adversity, this ministry continues to step up for those needing our Bryan Mize, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives transformational services. Denise Ondrey, Executive Assistant to the President In this issue of Sunshine magazine, you will read how one of our MCH Family Outreach offices is going above and beyond Traci Wagner, Vice President for Programs to provide care, counsel and direction for a sibling group in a challenging situation. As our caring team ministers to and Ahmad Washington, Lead Advisor to the President helps this family navigate a new season of life, the impact has been reciprocal. One staff member, speaking about how she has been equipped and empowered to serve, said, “I have EDITORIAL STAFF never worked for a ministry or organization so amazing.” This is one example of the level of compassion and Russell Rankin, Director of Public Relations excellence we strive for at MCH. I am confident we will have ample opportunity to fulfill our mission and do even more for Sarah Bey, Public Relations Officer children, youth and families across Texas and New Mexico in the Lindy Dehm, Public Relations Officer seasons ahead. Supported by generous and caring friends, we are able to continue committing our plans to a gracious God. Sarah Wright, Publications and Design Manager Thank you for your continued support of Methodist Jean Wright, Director of Employee Communication and Engagement Children’s Home. I thank God for the great things He allows us to accomplish for His purposes and glory.

COALITION OF RESIDENTIAL EXCELLENCE Jonathan said goodbye to his mother. She lay in a hospital bed, weak and succumbing to cancer. She was unable to speak, but Jonathan knew she could hear him. He desperately needed her to hear him. “We’ll be OK; you don’t have to worry,” Jonathan told her. “I will take care of my brothers and sister.” In a lucid moment, Laura, his mother, opened her eyes and gave a thumbs-up to her son. She heard. The next day she was gone.

2 SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 Left to right: Edwin, Kimberly, Jonathan, and Kevin have the support of MCH Family Outreach as they navigate life in the midst of tragedy.

onathan has a boyish complexion and dark walking with Jonathan and his siblings through this eyes that flash between confidence and challenging time. Juncertainty. Just 23 years old, he is now the A year before her death, Laura was referred primary caregiver for his three younger siblings. to the Family Solutions program at MCH Family Kevin, 15, is nearly as tall as his big brother and has Outreach in Las Cruces, N.M. With her illness and an easy, bright smile and playful demeanor. Edwin, frequent hospitalizations, she needed help with 13, has autism and takes cues from his siblings the basics – food, clothing, housing assistance, when he has difficulty processing emotions. He and transportation. hasn’t connected with the reality of his mother’s Osiris Beanes, a case manager with the Las Cruces death and often asks when she is coming home. outreach team, connected Laura with community Kimberly, 11, admires all her brothers and is quick resources and partners such as local food banks. As to joke and tease. Laura needed frequent medical attention for her Having responsibility for his siblings weighs cancer, Beanes transported her to dialysis treatments heavily on Jonathan, but he is not alone in his at the hospital three times each week. Beanes and journey. He has the support of caring individuals other outreach staff checked on the children during at MCH Family Outreach who are committed to their mother’s frequent hospitalizations, arranged

SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 3 for transportation to and from school and made sure “new normal.” Beanes worked with Jonathan to they had what they needed at home. create a very detailed plan of service with goals that “Laura was already sick when we started working will benefit him and his siblings. with her,” Beanes said. “The whole time, she was “He has said on numerous occasions, ‘I can’t do always concerned about the kids, specifically about this on my own,’” Beanes said. “But we tell him that is their future and their education. She knew what was the reason we are here – to help him learn.” coming. All along, she was preparing me, as well, The outreach team transitioned the siblings to sharing about her Social Security benefits and what the Gap program following their mother’s death. accounts she had.” The program focuses on supporting children whose

“I don’t know where we would be

without MCH. They are our family. “

– Jonathan

Osiris Beanes says Jonathan is making positive steps leading his family.

During a hospital visit in March 2021, the medical primary caregiver is a relative other than a parent. staff shared with Beanes that Laura’s prognosis was While commonly seen as a program for grandparents terminal. Arrangements were made for the children and second-generation caregivers, Jonathan – as a to visit their mother to say goodbye. 23-year-old – matches the criteria as well. “The hospital staff was so supportive,” said Tiffany “As a ministry that strives to empower and instill Gonzales, director of MCH Family Outreach in Las hope in children, youth and families, we know Jonathan Cruces. “They set up a room for the family to visit and his siblings need help connecting to resources and and took pictures of the children holding their tools to continue strengthening the family dynamics,” mother’s hand.” Gonzales said. “Our ministry is committed to assisting After Laura’s death, the outreach team and families like this to reach their full potential. Our Gap others in the community rallied around the siblings. program is designed to build on the family’s strengths Hospital staff donated clothing and household items, to find solutions in raising children, and that is what and a local funeral home provided a meaningful MCH in Las Cruces is doing here. ceremony free of charge. Jonathan carries a program “This type of work is carried out through all our from the service folded in his wallet. He said it gives locations in Texas and New Mexico,” she added. “Our him strength and helps him feel like his mother is core values are what drive our work. MCH knows with him. there is a long road ahead for these siblings, but we “They have shown great strength and resiliency will walk alongside them through their journey.” through their time of grief and trauma,” Gonzales Gonzales said her team constantly brainstorms for said. “Jonathan is determined to move forward for his ideas to help the children not just survive, but grow and siblings and has displayed dedication in becoming flourish. One area concerns the children’s academics. the best caregiver he possibly can.” “Jonathan was timid about being proactive for his Jonathan said it is important that MCH continues siblings at first; he would keep his head down and to walk alongside him as he learns to navigate his stay quiet,” Gonzales said. “Our team has been able

4 SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 to step in and act as advocates with the kids’ schools hard these last few months, losing our mother. – meeting regularly with school counselors to find Nothing else compares to that, and now I have to be ways for each of them to have their needs met.” responsible for myself and three others.” Outreach team members meet with Jonathan Beanes said Jonathan’s determination is paying off. and his siblings to help them discover ways to work “He will say ‘I can’t do it,’ but continues to learn and together as a family, share responsibilities around the stay on the right track,” she said. “He’s taking small steps house and support one another. Once the younger forward; a day at a time. He is making a difference. children are dropped off at school, Beanes and other “We are here to empower Jonathan and show him case managers meet with Jonathan in his home or at all he has accomplished,” she added. “He has grown the outreach office to help him prioritize and develop as a man before our eyes.” action plans for the coming days. Plans are peppered Jonathan brushed away tears remembering his with family-strengthening lessons from Trust-Based last moment with his mother. Relational Intervention (TBRI), a therapeutic, trauma- “I told Mom not to worry,” he said softly. “I told her informed intervention model designed to meet the we would see her soon.” Until then, Jonathan, Kevin, needs of vulnerable children. Edwin, and Kimberly have a support system in the Jonathan shoulders his caregiver responsibilities MCH Family Outreach office in Las Cruces cheering bravely, admitting he never could have imagined them on. himself in this situation. “We are going to keep doing the best we “At this point in my life I thought I would be doing can to help this family,” Gonzales said. “As social other things like maybe going to school, being workers, we all have had to do hard things, but this independent and going to parties,” he said with a certainly tops it. We’ve wrapped our arms around sly smile. As it is, Jonathan cooks and takes pride in this family and will continue walking with them keeping their home impeccably clean. His siblings through this time. don’t offer a complete endorsement of his cooking “It means so much to us to go above and beyond skills, but do admit he makes decent frijoles (rice and for this family,” Gonzales added. “I have never worked beans), Kevin said with a laugh. for a ministry or organization so amazing. MCH has Jonathan expressed gratefulness for the support allowed us to provide Jonathan with resources no he and his siblings receive from the MCH team. other agency has offered. It is a blessing to carry out “They have done so much to help,” he said. the mission and vision of MCH in this way.” “There is a lot I still don’t understand and they have “I don’t know where we would be without MCH,” been here to help me all along the way. It has been Jonathan said. “They are our family.” •

“He has said on numerous occasions, ‘I can’t do this on my own,’ but we tell him

that is the reason why we are here – to help him learn. “

– Osiris Beanes MCH Case Manager

The entire staff of the Las Cruces outreach office is investing in Jonathan and his siblings. Back row (left to right): Edwin, Maria Realzola, Jonathan, Osiris Beanes, Jessica Booker, and Tiffany Gonzales. Front row: Kimberly, Kevin and Sabrina Casares. SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 5 6 SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 Summer is a time for MCH youth to grow, serve and enjoy special occasions and activities. Thanks to faithful and generous giving, young people in MCH residential and day student programs enjoyed a summer full of camps, field trips, community service, and personal enrichment.


Three existing MCH Family Outreach offices relocated to more spacious facilities in the last year to accommodate the growth of community-based programs. The new offices in Corpus Christi, Dallas (Irving) and Tyler utilize collaborative workspace found in other outreach offices and include “huddle rooms” for private calls or meetings, open-floor concepts and playrooms. MCH Family Outreach offers family preservation services through its community services program and foster care in some locations. Offices are located in 13 cities across Texas and New Mexico. To find a location near you, visit •


4102 Baldwin Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78405

(361) 334-2255


8820 N. MacArthur Blvd. Suite 102, Irving, TX 75063

(972) 480-8772


1904 W. Grande Blvd. Tyler, TX 75703

(903) 509-1171



efore coming to Methodist Children’s Home in her walk 2019, Zaniya said her life was troubled and she across the experienced many turbulent situations. She stage at often felt no one would listen to her when she graduation. Bneeded help. Zaniya has a bright When she first arrived at MCH, Zaniya was quiet and future ahead of her.” often short tempered. Zaniya plans to attend “I just wanted to fit in and I did not know how to be McLennan Community College myself,” she said. Over time as she developed trusting and get a after graduating from high school in relationships with MCH staff, Zaniya learned to regulate December. Her ultimate goal is to be a family counselor. her feelings and emotions. “In my mind I have a picture of what a family should Today Zaniya describes herself as caring, fun-loving be like – it is something I did not have,” she said. “There and funny. Her bright smile and laughter are infectious at are a lot of things about families that can be fixed if you school and in her home on the Waco campus. are willing to just talk and listen to one another. I want to “I started to open up, talk about my feelings and just help families stick together.” be myself,” Zaniya said. “My favorite staff shoot it straight Since being at MCH, Zaniya has been able to work on with me and I really appreciate that. They are always her relationship with her father. willing to listen to me and give me advice.” “We talk more and he visits me,” she said. “Our Zaniya said one of the most valuable lessons she has relationship is a work in progress and I am thankful for learned at MCH is how to lean into safe relationships and that opportunity.” not bottle up her emotions. Zaniya’s advice to other MCH residents is take MCH Case Manager Monica Rose said Zaniya’s growth advantage of all MCH offers, work hard in school and since coming to MCH is clear. graduate. She said the lessons she has learned enable “When we first met she would not even talk with her to look forward to the future and dream about me,” Rose said. “Now we both laugh about how she has having her own family one day. matured and that was ‘a different Zaniya.’ Seeing her “I thank God for this place and feel He has me here navigate challenges in a positive way is such a joy.” for a reason,” she said. “God has brought me through a Rose said many staff at MCH have grown to love lot. I see how He has carried me through my life. It is a Zaniya and “it will be an emotional moment watching blessing to be at MCH.” •


Transition Services

MINDY University of Texas at Arlington Mindy graduated in May from the University of Texas at Arlington with a bachelor’s degree in science and public health and a minor in business. She works full-time and is deciding if she will pursue a master’s degree.

SAMANTHA Tarleton State University Samantha graduated in May from Tarleton State University with a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling. Her future plan is to start her own private practice. Samantha works at Cedar Crest in Belton, Texas, as a therapist in the adolescent residential treatment center.

10 SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 Nikkie Oscar *Sadie *Kiaya *Natavia

Lucas Kameron *Luis Arlette Dathan Charter School Congratulations to our students earning high school diplomas this academic year!

Twenty-two students graduated from the MCH charter school on the Waco campus in December of 2020 and May of 2021. The school is operated in partnership with The Madison University of Texas—University Charter School system.

*Armani *Adriana Syniia *Will *Crystal

Vergil Triston *Brian Brittney *Aniya



anessa is a bright young woman with a “That’s when I told myself I could do this,” Vanessa magnetic smile and infectious laugh. She said. “The people in Transition Services have encouraged admits she didn’t always share her big me the whole way.” personality confidently. Her journey has been After graduating from the charter school on the Waco farV from easy, but the 24-year-old is beginning to flourish campus in 2016, Vanessa moved into an Independent as a young adult. Living home and eventually to Clay Commons, an Her adoptive mother died when Vanessa was a apartment complex in Waco that is part of the MCH teenager and she and her sister lived with their older program. There Vanessa learned more about time sister’s family for a time. However, both fell behind in management and other important life skills like school and started hanging around the wrong crowd. In budgeting and filing taxes. She later found her own 2012, Vanessa’s older sister and uncle, who used to work apartment and earned an associate’s degree in fine arts for Methodist Children’s Home, encouraged the girls to from McLennan Community College (MCC) in May 2020. move to the Waco campus. “Those first couple of semesters were rough,” Vanessa “It was hard and I was so scared at first,” Vanessa admitted. “I know I would not have made it as far as I admitted. “But I knew it was the right decision because have without the support of Transition Services.” I didn’t want my older sister to have the burden of also Vanessa currently attends Tarleton State University raising two teenage girls.” through MCC’s University Center in Waco. She maintains It didn’t take long at MCH for Vanessa’s personality to a 4.0 GPA and is on the President’s List, the highest honor shine as she developed close relationships with staff and a student can earn. Vanessa plans to graduate in May other youth. 2022 with her bachelor’s degree in special education. “MCH is family to me,” she said. “I learned the meaning “She has worked so hard,” said Vaughn, of love, family and caring. MCH taught me that you don’t Vanessa’s TS case manager. “I have no doubt Vanessa will have to be related to someone in order for them to care do just as well if she wants to pursue a master’s degree. deeply about your well-being and future.” That opportunity is there for her through MCH.” When she wasn’t singing in the choir or belting out Vanessa said MCH helped her in so many ways, and the national anthem at MCH football and basketball knows she is a stronger person. games, Vanessa enjoyed working in the concession stand. “Through my experiences at MCH, I learned to respect Denise Ondrey, executive assistant to the MCH myself and that I deserve to be respected,” Vanessa said. president, previously served as student events “I’m smart and I don’t need to second guess that.” coordinator and worked closely with Vanessa. Vanessa keeps her eyes on the prize by focusing on “Vanessa is one of those people I can trust without her academics while also working at a restaurant in question,” Ondrey said. “She has experienced so much in Waco where she has been employed since 2015. The life and is a beautiful person. She is putting in the work memory of her mother and the love for her brother add necessary to accomplish her goals. I know she’s keeping to her motivation. her eyes on the prize.” “When my mom adopted us, she welcomed us into That “prize” is a bachelor’s degree in special education, her home,” Vanessa said. “She gave us her last name. She a passion developed through Vanessa’s relationship with took care of us. I know she would be proud of me. her older brother, who has Down syndrome. “My brother motivates me because he’s the reason “My brother showed me so much love when we were for what I want to do,” she added. “Without him, I would growing up; everyone knows I’m his favorite,” Vanessa not be working to make a difference in people’s lives. said proudly. “He’s smart, and everyone like him should Graduating with my bachelor’s degree will be the first have the right to learn. I believe I’ll make the perfect step. MCH changed so much for me and I want to be able special education teacher.” to give back.” • In high school, Vanessa learned how the Transition Services (TS) program equips MCH alumni with the skills and resources to reach educational and professional goals.



Methodist Children’s Home Oakley was recognized by UMA “It is a great encouragement to be President and CEO Trey Oakley early in his career when he served part of a peer network such as UMA was appointed in April to the as religious education director with the many challenges health and Board of Directors for the United at MCH and developed childcare welfare ministries face today,” Oakley Methodist Association (UMA). UMA programming for worship services, said. “There is no doubt that our is governed by 15 Board members discipleship and mission trips. membership strengthens our ability from Methodist-related health He also coordinated a volunteer to make an even greater impact and welfare ministries across the program for Baylor University on children, youth and families nation. Oakley will serve a three- students that was recognized by across Texas and New Mexico while year term and provide leadership UMA as the “Volunteer Group of the expanding the service footprint of and governance for the Association Year” in 2001. the United Methodist Church.” whose mission is to promote, inspire, “I am grateful that UMA saw MCH received the 2019 recognize, and empower excellence the value of our work with young “Innovation Award” from UMA for in human service ministries. people years ago,” Oakley noted. building state-of the-art residential “It was an honor to receive the “The entire UMA network benefits homes designed to better meet the invitation to serve on the Board of from having the Association identify, needs of children and youth today Directors for such a well-respected share and demonstrate superior and in the future. These homes were association,” Oakley said. “UMA has a standards of excellence in the made possible through the Building long history connecting like-minded childcare field and beyond.” Hope capital campaign which organizations who share a common MCH’s long-standing membership Oakley helped lead during his tenure goal of saving and changing lives. I with UMA allows the ministry to as vice president for development. • am excited to continue the legacy of have access to a shared learning our ministry’s relationship with the community comprised of industry Association through my expanded leaders, emerging trends and role on the Board.” educational opportunities.


Nikkie (second from right) celebrates receiving her scholarship. She is joined by (from left) MCH President and CEO Trey Oakley; Dorothy Phillips, residential services program administrator; and Lindsey Breunig, LEAD mentor.


Nikkie, a May 2021 graduate of Rachel Martinez, director of Breunig, who works as an the University of Texas—University leadership and development for the extension agent for Better Living for Charter School on the campus Waco Chamber, presented Nikkie Texans with the Texas A&M AgriLife of MCH, received a $3,500 “No with her award check along with Extension Service, served as Nikkie’s Boundaries” scholarship from the balloons and cookies. Trey Oakley, mentor for three years. Greater Waco Chamber. Nikkie, MCH president and CEO, Dorothy “I remember noticing her valedictorian of her class, is the Phillips, residential services program sophomore year that Nikkie had a first MCH resident to receive the administrator, and Lindsey Breunig, drive to accomplish all she could,” scholarship. Nikkie’s LEAD mentor, were on hand Breunig said. “I have seen this go- The scholarship is sponsored to offer congratulations. getter turn her experiences into by the Leadership, Education and “Nikkie has been at MCH since 8th passions and her passions into Development (LEAD) program at grade and is a wonderful example of plans for her future. I know her the Waco Chamber. The program our vision to empower all we serve experiences in LEAD and at MCH are pairs high school students with to experience life to the fullest,” setting her up for continued success.” individuals in the community to Oakley said. “She works hard, served Nikkie will attend McLennan foster mentoring relationships that as an example to her peers and Community College in the fall and educate and expose students to participated in many extracurricular aspires to be a social worker. • various business fields in the Waco activities at MCH such as choir, cheer area. MCH has partnered with LEAD and theater. We are proud of her for three years. growth and accomplishments.”


MCH youth and staff worshipped on Sunday, June 13, 2021, in the newly renovated Harrell Memorial Chapel on the Waco campus. Updates to the chapel include fresh paint inside and outside, sound and lighting, new carpet, and refurbished pews. The classic stained-glass windows received protective covering to ensure they are appreciated for years to come. The renovations also encompass an outdoor worship space and prayer labyrinth (see description below). The service was the first conducted in the chapel since in-person gatherings were suspended more than 14 months ago due to the COVID-19 pandemic. •

TOP LEFT: MCH President and CEO Trey Oakley greets youth outside the chapel following the worship service.

TOP RIGHT: Landen, a resident of the Boys Ranch, leads worship during the service.

BOTTOM: MCH staff and youth worship together in the newly renovated chapel.

WHAT IS A LABYRINTH? Labyrinths are rooted in ancient worship traditions. The winding path is intended to mirror the Christian walk – full of twists and turns but with the ultimate destination of finding God. Walking the path of the labyrinth provides a time for contemplation and prayer until reaching the cross at the center. Reversing course, the pilgrim symbolically returns to the world transformed and inspired by the journey and ready for service.

The prayer labyrinth is located next to the Harrell Memorial Chapel on the MCH Waco campus. SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 15 DEVELOPMENT NEWS

Tim and Susan Brown cut the ribbon at the home named in their honor, flanked by (from left) Hank Coleman, past MCH Board Chairperson; Texas Rep. Charles “Doc” ; MCH President and CEO Trey Oakley; and Barbara Bauernfeind, current MCH Board Chairperson.


The Tim and Susan Brown Home, of Directors. The Browns, members Coleman and Barbara Bauernfeind, the sixth state-of-the-art home built of their family and friends joined the former and current Board on the MCH Waco campus through Board members and MCH staff to chairpersons of MCH; MCH the Building Hope capital campaign, commemorate the dedication. In President and CEO Trey Oakley; and was dedicated June 24, 2021. 2020, the Board elected to honor the Texas Rep. Charles “Doc” Anderson, The dedication ceremony former president of MCH through who commended the Browns was held in conjunction with the the naming of a new home. for their years of service to MCH. summer meeting of the MCH Board Speakers included Hank Following a ribbon-cutting, guests toured the new home, met residents and staff of the Brown Home and walked through the newly renovated Harrell Memorial Chapel and adjacent prayer labyrinth. •

Tim and Susan Brown share words of appreciation during the dedication ceremony for the home named in their honor.

16 SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 From left: Traci Wagner, VP for programs, visits with staff from MCH Family Outreach in Killeen Nancy Lechuga, Allyson Phinney, Marielle Moore, and Zaniya (left) and Melissa are two of the first residents to Arlyne Johnson, along with Brooke Davilla, assistant VP for programs, live in the new Tim and Susan Brown Home. before the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

From left: MCH Board members Priscilla Patterson and Amy Barley Susan Brown greets former MCH employees Mary Bilheimer share a conversation with Kelly Lawson, director of annual giving. (center) and Ginger Green at the dedication ceremony.


DIRECT GIFTS TOTAL GIVING Offerings and donations received Direct gifts from churches plus church credit directly from churches. requests from individual donations.

1. White’s Chapel UMC – Southlake 11. First UMC – Richardson 1. First UMC – Olney 11. Salado UMC 2. First UMC – Odessa 12. St. Paul’s UMC – Las Cruces 2. First UMC – Big Spring 12. First UMC – Hurst 3. Coker UMC – San Antonio 13. First UMC – 3. First UMC – Richardson 13. First UMC – Rockwall 4. First UMC – Center 14. First UMC – Mansfield 4. White’s Chapel UMC – Southlake 14. First UMC – Los Alamos 5. First UMC – Gonzales 15. First UMC – Gainesville 5. Christ Church UM ­– The Woodlands 15. First UMC – Center 6. University Park UMC – Dallas 16. First UMC – Waskom 6. Coker UMC – San Antonio 16. Trinity UMC – Arlington 7. Mt. Zion UMC – Panola 17. First UMC – Rockwall 7. Marvin UMC – Tyler 17. First UMC – Weatherford 8. The Woodlands UMC 18. Oak Grove UMC – Little Elm 8. Highland Park UMC – Dallas 18. First UMC – Bronte 9. Matador UMC 19. First UMC – Fort Worth 9. Kingwood UMC 19. First UMC – Colleyville 10. Lakeside UMC 20. First UMC – Big Spring 10. First UMC – Odessa 20. First UMC – Gonzales



Shawn Achor Kelly E. Lawson Men of Waples UMC – William Peter Branch Sharon Achor Susan Beatty Father’s Day Candy Branch Nevelyn Alexander Les Leskoven Women of Waples UMC Florence May Bratton Ben and Chelsea Alexander Laura and Nick Ackerman Waples UMC, Granbury, TX Judy A. Duke Mrs. Marianne Anderson Lucy Bunch Long Allan Wertz’s 35th Birthday James Braziel Jami Lovelady Rick Long Sharon and Al Wertz Diana Braziel Ricky Barnett’s Birthday Leslie and Candy Mallonee Haddie Mac Wesson Bonnie Briggs Kitty Gallman Susan Hinger Jean M. Gautier Reverend and Mrs. J.W. Braden Linda Whitacre Robert White Family Kenneth R. Byrd Todd and Nancy Patzner Judah and Manon Candy Jones Doris Browning United Methodist Women Kelly Lawson Priscilla Wright Orville and Brenda Wilson First UMC, Bronte, TX Joni Manon Mary M. Smith Doris Dean Buechler Colin and Kylie Campbell Shannon McCuaig Robert E. Zimmerman’s Birthday Mr. and Mrs. James W. Watts, Jr. June and Paul Campbell Aron, Austin, Ryan, Darrell Zimmerman Paula (Walker) Cain Mary Jane Caudill and Nicholaus Steve and Gail Millard Lisa Schumacher Betty H. Martin MEMORIALS Virginia Sue (Susie) Canafax Bella and Kadirose Cavender Andy McAnally’s Birthday Susan Luce Melissa Moody Amy and Shelby Barley Robert Don Aiken Dorothy Wayne Carroll Meredith Chacon Kelly Merrick Richard H. and Kay W. Davis Joey Carroll Susan Brannon Creo Lynn Smith Edwin Henry “Ed” Aiken, Jr. Dorothy Mae Carson Carroll Choate’s 90th Birthday Methodist Children’s Home Richard H. and Kay W. Davis Joyce Carson Julie and Maro Johnson Las Cruces Outreach Office Bill R. Alexander Julian and Frances Caswell Krystal Porter Phyllis Dillard Nevelyn Alexander Judith Caswell Randy and Charlise Elaine Milam Charles Robert Allen Norma B. (Nell) Caulfield Cunningham’s Wedding Kenneth, Pat and Martha Ginn Dr. Rebecca Narramore Carolyn Saunders Anniversary Reverend Johnny Miller Miriam “Margaret” () Lola “Chuffy” Fay Hunter and Totsy Cunningham Charlotte Turner Andrews (Hunter) Chapman Mrs. Mona Curington Charlene Monroe Vicki Briggs Tim and Joyce Woodlock Jami Lovelady Malcolm and Teresa Monroe Rosa Shofner and Family Elaine Marjorie (Babb) Chastain Dr. Jack K. Daniels Paul and Cathy Morgan Price Ardis Richard and Helen Ann Shanley Carolyn L. Pena Rev. Dr. Jack and Marlane Wallace Barbara Ardis Erik Chris Christensen Reverend Travis Franklin and Erin Muckleroy and Imogene Arnold Ruth Irvine First UMC, Grapevine, TX Jeff White Philip Arnold Diana J. Clawson First UMC, Center, TX Charles W. Needham Charlene Ayers Sandra Owen Tommye Hall Linda M. Monk Sam and Suzanne Roberts R.O. “Tex” and Rene Cloud Vacation Bible School Workers Trey Oakley Granny Baccus James and Linda Fox First UMC, Center, TX Kelly Lawson Kallie Barley James Robert Cody Nolan and Miles Summers Maggie Pellicore Jesse Leonard “Jess” Bain, Jr. Pat Cody Warren Michelle Gielan Showalter Frank Busch Dr. C.H. and Ozella Cole, Sr. Sharon Achor Angela Rankin Doyle Balko Mr. and Mrs. Derrell Helm Eleanor Ginn Russell Rankin Wilda “Pat” Balko Margaret and Charles Cole, Jr. Nolan and Miles Summers Dr. John D. and Linda Reichert’s Robert James “Bob” Bane Mr. and Mrs. Derrell Helm Anita Grimes 60th Wedding Anniversary Leahann McLaughlin Billie Maude Coleman Belinda Price Jim and Peggy Aldridge Thomas L. Barrow, Sr. Bertha Hall Tommye Hall Kenneth and Velva Riddle Linda Barrow Edwina Louise Collins Kelli Snider Anne Ramminger Diane Louise Baumann Bess Nellis Nelda Hazlewood’s 90th Birthday Sandy Robinson Sandra Owen James Robert “Jim Bob” Coody Cathy and Karl Herzog John Porter Patsy Bendall Tommie and Sylvia Huckabee Kelly Lawson Homer C. Spear Leslie Barlow Brad Cook Martha Stultz Belinda Makins Lee “Eddie” Bickers Pat Williams Sally Helm Tressa Strickland Bobbie Bickers Jack W. Cowley Carolyn Milby Reverend Sharon Reid Amalie and Weldon Bigony Julie Cowley John August Henke Rachel Taylor James and Vicki Peters Chuck Cox Susan Prugel Jean M. Gautier Ken and Nonnie Bird Charles and Carol Brown Meredith Henke Betty and Robert (Bob) Nancy B. Evans Jessica Craft Susan Prugel Thompson Kathryn and Herman Blackwell Charla Leath Janie Heppel’s 100th Birthday Susan and Bill Birdwell Kay and Ray Carter Joel Scott “Scottie” Crow Joan A. Rudd The Fathers of Tobin Park UMC Reuben “Ashley” Blagrave Dolores Flynn Lawhorn Blanche Turner Hext United Methodist Women Upper Room Sunday School Class Ronald “Ron” Wayne Mrs. Frankie Adams Tobin Park UMC, El Paso, TX First UMC, Madisonville, TX Cummings Reverend Byron Jarratt’s Christy Merrick Tuggle John Robert Blankinship Chelsea Read Birthday Creo Lynn Smith Ann Blankinship Billie Anne Curtin Betty Rosenbaum United Methodist Men Billy Ray Blunt Sheila Rusk Mrs. Carolyn Ulrickson-Jenkins First UMC, Center, TX Chelsea Read Harold and Ruth Curtis Dr. Richard W. Jenkins, Jr. Steve Tinkle Katherine Boyd’s Sister Jeffrey Curtis Leisha Kingston’s Birthday Sherry Vaughan Barbara Cole Ruth Evelyn Daniels Deanna Hazelwood Virgil Vaughan Nelda Ruth “Mickey” Bradley Janis McIntosh Ashli Knust Holden Vincent Don Bradley TV and Mossy Minner Robert Collins Kallie K. Barley Earl W. “Bill” Bradley Carolyn L. Pena Geraldine Orr Henry and Susan Radde

18 SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 Mrs. Genevie Ratliff Lou Ann Gross Randall W. Jones Wayne Paul Meyenberg Mary Truman Roberts Gene and Helen Whalen Ladema Jones Vicky Lackey Earlene and Max Simpson Helen L. Hamlin Dewey Lalen Jones Edward and Virginia Michalik Pathfinders Sunday School Class Norma J. Hootman Tim and Joyce Woodlock Craig and Beverley Grace First UMC, Waco, TX Bobbie Doyal Hammer Paul and Roberta Keller Jerry J. Mikulas, Jr. Dorothy Miller Dankworth Susan Hammer Linda M. DuVall Mel and Linda Bruggman Toni Dempsey Angela (Rusek) Hammond Milton (Parker) Kelley G.A. Morgan, Jr. and Family Joyce Ann Davidson Christopher and Krista Brinser James E. and Marisue Curbow C. Morgan Dennis and Vickie Leatherwood Judy and Steven Green Betty Jean Dillard Olivia Salas Morris Leona Kathryn Davis Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCleery Larry Don Kennedy Willis Morris Willard and Patsy Howell Liz and Brett McGuire Tim and Joyce Woodlock Joe E. Mulkey James Vinson Derrick III Midway Team of Eight Jamie Kramer Jeff Mulkey Rebecca P. Millikin Hewitt, TX Celebrate Recovery Renada Lynn Ness Jimmy Dibello Trey and Karen Oakley Gladewater TX Reverend and Mrs. Joy Dibello Janet and Philip Powell James “Jim” Larson Kenneth R. Byrd Dr. Mark Dorsett Sheehy, Lovelace and Leland White Etta Hope (McIntosh) Norman Grey and Robin Pruitt Mayfield, P.C. William Lawson, Sr. Kelly and Lynn Green Reverend Dwight Harral Luann M. Thiele John and Nancy Tompros Seth and Ashley Juergens Dunnam Charlsie Whitney Allee (Hodges) Lewie Blair and Brandi Jones Margaret Gressett Dr. Lloyd Hampe Barbara (Lewie) Berry Zach Norvick Duane “Dusty” Lloyd Duston Larry and Martha Maxwell Leland A. Lindemann, Jr. Phyrne O’Day Sue H. Humphreys Harvey Hollis Hancock Oscar and Ina Orum Lonnie and Suzanne Elliott Peggy “Cloud” East Leslie and Candy Mallonee Buddy Charles Logsdon James Odom Leslie and Candy Mallonee Linda (Wilkes) Harris Don and Helen Alexander Amy and Shelby Barley Jesse B. Edwards Ann Gibson Glenda Arnold Lester “Clare” Olmstead Richard H. and Kay W. Davis John Charles Hartman Jane Jones William and Ann DeForest John Charles Edwards James Hubble Logsdon Betty Jean “Mimi” O’Neill Donna Edwards Norman L. Hay, Jr. Duane Long Adkins Family Walter and Pat Ely Daniel Sulak Roberta Long Maymie DuBard Reverend Ellen Ely Jerry Dan Hefley Coach Hobart Wade Lytal Kelly Lawson Reverend Alfred “Len” Evans Ruth Irvine George and Elaine Roberson Cathryn Metz Al Evans Inez (Williamson) Heggie Norman George “Norm” Claire Metz Ruth (Downes) Evans Bill and Carolyn Heggie MacDonald Mike Shivers Mr. Alfred V. Evans, Jr. Frances C. Holdeman Loretta and Ray Day Linda (Meeks) Orr Guy “Papa” Wright Farris Ann Holdeman Susan Manchester Tommie and Sylvia Huckabee Angie Farris Barbara Howard James and Emily Henkaus Charlotte (Weir) Orr Allan Frederick Fink Clifton Howard Donald Lewis Mann Rick Orr Connie and Mike Bond Willie “Inez” (Cannon) Howe Deborah and Frank Mann Tom Ott J. Lindeman Tom and Laura Blong Brent Paul Marceaux Marc and Becky Clark, Lieutenant General USAF (Ret) Tom and Ellen Ehrlich Jim and Wanda White Bubba Clark Phillip “Phil” Jack Evalyn Lochridge Janell (Hankins) Marek Harold “H.L.” Leonard Owens Glen and Kay Furman J. Frank Howell Chris and Bill Furr Ruth Irvine Ruby Jane Foster Reverend Keri Lynn Lucas Tom and Betty Posey Vera Rae (Mahlmann) Parcell Loretta and Ray Day Mary Elizabeth (Chambers) Hull Lou and Ruth Nell Powers The Grandstaff Family Harry L. Frankson Tim and Joyce Woodlock Douglas Purdum Martin Jerry Orville Park Carol Frankson and Family Bob Irvin Dorothy Ann Metting Charles and Carol Brown Martha Elizabeth Gantt Mary Lois Irvin Shirley (Claunch) Martin Vickie Jo Partridge Georgia Cook Virginia Ellen “Pennick” Jackson Earlene and Max Simpson Teresa Briles Diane Odom, Morgan Harvey Carolyn Ferguson Victoria, Ella and Shirley Rhoads and Howard Earline (McLain) Jacobs Mason Masterson James F. Parvin William and Beverly Pherigo Margie Berger David and Mary Masterson John Parvin Sheri and Mark Rister Gene and Judy Janes Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tinkle James Lyn Pazdral Alán Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brown Katherine Annette “Ann” Maze Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brown Eunice Garcia Bennie Jarratt Gail Stephens Mr. and Mrs. K.L. Philips Chad Garren Betty Rosenbaum William McAlpine Kenneth G. Philips Mr. and Mrs. Luther Garren Joyce (Weatherby) Jenkins Richard H. and Kay W. Davis Dr. Joseph Theodore “Ted” Peggy Snider Gikas Pam Goergen Nina Nun McCarter Powers Jim and Barbie Newton Joseph Stanley Britton “Britt” Thomas K. and Sharon L. McCarter James and Laura Milam Mr. and Mrs Dennis Gill’s 60th Jenkins Lee Ann McClatchy Harold Henry Pruin Anniversary Leslie and Candy Mallonee Pat McClatchy Craig and Beverly Grace Linda Leschniter Steve and Gail Millard Johanna Janell McCommas Chester “Chet” Rankin Danel Allen Gillard Connie Jensen Tim and Joyce Woodlock Mike and Nancy Birdsell Doris Gillard Judy Rheder Sharla Kay (Griffin) McConnell Donald Texas Reed Geraldine Orr Marjorie (Brown) Johnson Barbara Cole Kim and Jim Heckard Bobby Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brown Weldon Maurice “Joe” McGraw Candelario “Candy” Rendon, Jr. Linda Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Johnson Barbara Neilson McGraw Kelly Lawson Dr. Bill Ginn Kenneth G. Philips Theresa Lynn (Headrick) Lyle and Denise Mason Eleanor, David and Andy Mitchell R. Jones McKinney Bryan Mize Valrye Eugene “Gene” Gordon Tom and Janelle Brinck Debra Droughton Traci Wagner Bradley and Melanie Clement Boyce Loyd Jones Joel McKissick Joyce Marie Renner Brenda and Mark Gordon Genevia Hendricks Polly and Johnny Montemayor Paul E. Renner Lamar Gordon Jack and Bev DeMoss Rev. Carl Mehaffy and Ethel Clairice (Chilton) Rentfro The Spencer Family George Patrick Jacqueline H. Mehaffy Tyler Rentfro and Brenda Bennett Ryan Eugene Grace Tim and Joyce Woodlock Reverend Judy Mehaffy Richmond Melba Kessler Craig and Beverley Grace Boyd Lee Jones Jessica Rae Merritt Cherrisue Persnall Delbert Lewis Graem Genevia Hendricks Mike and Marian Merritt Glendal Raschke Billie Graem Richard and Jamey Tanner 19 Lesley and Myrtle Rhodes Shirley Joann Smith Charles “Randy” Randall Thurman Lee Ward Carolyn and Jodie Ray Arlene Miller Streitenberger Elizabeth Branaum Virginia (Griggs) Richardson Bill P. Smith Cindy and Bob Tuttle Bettie (Branson) Ward Bob Richardson Reesa Roberts-Smith Lillian Maxine Sweatman Richard H. and Kay W. Davis Mildred and Elmer Rodgers Margaret Ellen (Belshe) Soell Tom Sweatman Martha Ann (Scott) Warner Gary and Cheryl Rodgers Edwin F. Soell, M.D. William “Bill” McKinley Scott Warner Billie Jack Rogers Dr. John William Speckmiear Thacker, Jr. Sam Warren Button Julie and Doug Mitchell Mr. Alfred B. Guinn Rebecca Bowden Narramore Tommie Carol Rogers Jake P. St. Philip Christopher Wayne Thomason Britain “Brit” Rice Webb IV Kelly Lawson Patty and Jim Gallagher Dan and Kris Thomason Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Arazoza Robert Terry “Bob” Rork Amy Michelle Staton Steve Tinkle William E. “Bill” Welstead Charlie and Holly Lutz Ralph and Bobbie Detwiler Miles and Nolan Summers and Kay Furman Cordi Ruiz Ava Nell Stewart Sarah L. (Birks) Thompkins Binie Lee White Charles and Marilyn King James Stewart Geraldine Orr Jane Jones Rhonwyn Laverne (Cheek) Rush Mack Murry Stewart Larry Allen Tompkins Cleo and Herbert Wiley Julie and Doug Mitchell Tim and Joyce Woodlock Geraldine Orr Gary and Cheryl Rodgers John Ashley Sanders, Sr. Norman D. Stovall, Jr. Haven Whatley Toothman Mildred Wiley Sue Ellen and Fred Davis Joanne Bachman and Chester L. Toothman Jim and Margie Sorley Jackson Lee Sanders Warren Bachman Mark Trautmann Dorothy “Merle” Williams Reverend Penny Mitchell John Berryhill Keith and Pam Trautmann Bonnie and David Deaton Benito “Benny” Sauceda Bryan Insurance Agency Dixie Lynette Tucker Paul David Williams Kallie Barley Graham, TX United Methodist Women Gwyndyl Fenton Ronnie S. Sawyer Bronwen Choate First UMC, Shiner, TX Dorothy “Merle” Williams Ronnie Sawyer David and Morgan Denny Gloria Miner Turner Kenneth and Nancy Francis Eloise Schraeder Mark and Carolyn Denny Robert L. Turner III and Jossie Nancy Williams Tim and Joyce Woodlock Travis and Brittany Denny C. Turner John C. Williams Betty Jean Scoggin Echo Production, Inc. William Scott Van Nuis Sylvia Wilson North Dallas Area Womens Club Graham, TX Russell and Whitney Van Nuis Betty Carole Edwards Dallas, TX Glenn and Linda Felderhoff James (Jim) Kimble Vardaman Mae V. Woest Cora Mae Sell Greco Services, LP, Graham, TX Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Klahn Dena Cockerell Mel and Linda Bruggman Rod and Jenna Hawkins Deborah Vazzi Mallory Caroline Wren Henry Sepulveda, Jr. Ed and Susan Hinson Joey Carroll Billy Wren Robert Drury Hub Machine and Tool, Inc. Donna L. (Porter) Vineyard Janis York Herbert and Eris Shelton Littlepage Oil & Gas LP Loretta and Ray Day York Jim and Lynn Stuckey Roberta Doris M. Hart Doc and Sallie Sue Young Georgia Kay Shipley Jacqueline G. Pitcock Enid Wagner Mary Lou Massengale Belinda Brownlow Mary Pitcock and Family Kenda Montez Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Young Betty Garrett R.T. Pitcock, Jr. Betty B. Wall Dr. Marcus Young Carroll Shirley RM Hill Operating Inc. Richard H. and Kay W. Davis Tim and Joyce Woodlock Graham, TX Larry Walrath Jane “Nonnie” (Appling) Sigler Sherrell and Gretchen Smith Marcia R. Walrath Ruth L. Wilkins Brad and Courtney Thomas


$500 ‑ $999 GIFTS Omeros Corporation Steven and Terelyn Garlington George and Cathy Goolsby Seattle, WA Stanton, TX Houston, TX Karen Billings In memory of In honor of In honor of Las Cruces, NM Dr. Leroy Whitaker Nelda Hazlewood’s 90th Birthday Barbara Bauernfeind In memory of In memory of James and Miriam Billings Jerry Lynne and Mark J.W. and Virginia Garlington The William Hankla-Hurt Trust Domingue Cliff Hazlewood, Jr. Austin, TX John Buehner Austin, TX In memory of Richardson, TX In memory of Jennifer and Luke Gilliam Parents John Boston and Ida In honor of Angela (Rusek) Hammond McKinney, TX Irene Hankla, and Joe and Reverend Joy Anderson In memory of Eva Hurt John Fatheree Bobby Gilliam Alice D. Coker Benson, AZ Frances Henshoher Montgomery, TX In memory of Darci Glaspie Gatesville, TX In memory of Edith (Fatheree) Sutherland Stanton, TX In memory of Crawford, Delphenis and In honor of Faith Barcroft Coker families Youth and Children Ministries Nelda Hazlewood’s 90th Birthday David Chris Henshoher First UMC, Longview, TX Linda Conway In honor of Sandra Godwin Joan Beth Gaisser Leskoven Big Spring, TX Mother’s Day Arlington, TX Kennesaw, GA In memory of In memory of In memory of Larry Bob Conway Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Godwin Jimmy “Jim” Wayne Leskoven

20 SUNSHINE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021 Debbie Louder George and Martha Wall Lisa Parker Forsyth James Rogers San Angelo, TX Devine, TX Paradise, TX Monument, CO In honor of In honor of In memory of In memory of Louann Harvey George and Chris Wall Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Sublett Mrs. W.G. Birkner in memory of Addie Ruth Rogers Boyce Loyd Jones Rev. Sharon Wiese Barbara Galbraith Florissant, CO Dallas, TX Norman B. Ross Joe Machac In memory of In memory of Abilene, TX Round Rock, TX Bill F. Wiese James Nelson Galbraith In memory of In memory of Edna H. Ross Ella Elsie (Reimer) Machac John and Janet Wilson Mrs. Gentry Paradise, TX Bronte, TX Travis and Nancy Stone Carroll Martin In memory of In memory of Pinehurst, TX Austin, TX Augusta Bost Kent Gentry In memory of In memory of Wilburn Curnutt Pawnee and William A. Martin $1,000 ‑ $4,999 GIFTS Wes and Wendy Green Amarillo, TX Tom Wilkinson Don McAvoy Barbara M. Adair In memory of College Station, TX Georgetown, TX Decatur, TX Rick Wolfe In memory of In honor of In memory of Donald Lee and Josephine Kelly E. Lawson Allan McCurdy Robert M. Gump Strickland Les Leskoven Dallas, TX Shannon McCuaig Kirk Bennett In honor of Keith Wilson Sandy and Mark Olinger Graham, TX Charlotte Gump Buda, TX In memory of In memory of In honor of Charlie and Laurie Miller Norman D. Stovall, Jr. Harry Allen Gump – Father’s Day Ben and Barbara Neel San Antonio, TX Don and Judy Wilson In memory of John Cox and Bettis Family John and Kay Hawkins Reagan Greer Graham, TX Waco, TX Mark and Laurie Wolfe In memory of In honor of Lubbock, TX Trey and Karen Oakley Norman D. Stovall, Jr. Ann Koos In memory of China Spring, TX Rick Wolfe In honor of Thomas and Hallie Bonorden Nelda Hazelwood Methodist Children’s Home – Gause, TX San Angelo, TX $5,000 ‑ $9,999 GIFTS Board of Directors In memory of In honor of Development Staff David Bruce Bonorden Family Birthdays The Children of Brenda Kay Executive Leadership Team Dobbs Rendon Family Thomas and Theresa Bruns Karen Kemper Midlothian, TX In memory of Porter, TX Woodway, TX In memory of Angela (Rusek) Hammond In memory of In honor of Brenda Kay Dobbs-Mayfield Candelario “Candy” Rendon, Jr. Harold E. Bruns Methodist Children’s Home – Boys Ranch Staff Dan and Vicki Sweatt Marjorie Mae Pyle Susan and Rick Cade Midland, TX Leander, TX Humble, TX Les and Karen Leskoven In honor of In memory of In honor of Corsicana, TX Ed and Tommye Autery Lawrence E. “Larry” Dunne Susan Cade In honor of Bill Bingham $10,000 ‑ $15,000 GIFTS Ester Seawright Bobbie Carroll Dr. Leah Hidde-Gregory Olton, TX Salado, TX Candy Mallonee Charles and Cindy Huffman In memory of In memory of Mario Olivarez Lockney, TX Josefa Gloria Milton Varnell Carroll Roy and Lynn Priest In memory of John D. White Chester Harth John and Brenda Stephens Julie and John Diem In memory of Herman and Helen Huffman Crawford, TX Fort Hood, TX Michael Bohannon Molly Huffman In honor of In honor of Don and Joyce Pike Children in the John and Julie Kathryn (Gray) Long and Terry United Methodist Men and Diem Family (Gray) Jones Members of First UMC Thomas and Debora Butler Terry Summerville, SC Center, TX Lampasas, TX Sonny and Suzanne Donaldson In memory of In honor of In memory of Montgomery, TX Mary Helen (Martin) Edwards FUMC Center Members Charles Robert Butler In honor of FUMC Center Staff Dr. Marc Donaldson Ken R. Mills In memory of Jerry and Lou Todd Kim James Katy, TX Pat and Charlie Brittain Flower Mound, TX In memory of Cindy Davis Griffin In memory of Ken and Carolyn Duderstadt Mickey M. Mills Harry Logan Plez and Adele Todd Temple, TX Billy Bob Thomason In memory of Debe Piatak Janis Tullos Carol Jackson New Home, TX Mc Lean, VA In honor of In memory of ELizabeth Fink Ruby Lee Moore William Lawson, Sr. Cost, TX In memory of In memory of Barbara Gayle (McNeely) White Martha Vaughn Allan Frederick Fink Jonesville, TX In honor of Linda Garrison


Thank you to the United Methodist Churches and individuals that contributed to the renovation of our Harrell Memorial Chapel and the construction of our outdoor worship space and prayer labyrinth. Because of your generosity, children and youth will continue to flourish at MCH.

A list of contributors can be seen at