THE DNTAAIO Numls.Matlst T*:, C\;L -.I Officlal Pubtpcai7on of the Ohfarlo Numlsmatlc ASSOCIATION

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THE DNTAAIO Numls.Matlst T*:, C\;L -.I Officlal Pubtpcai7on of the Ohfarlo Numlsmatlc ASSOCIATION - w &.?$GW @ . THE DNTAAIO NUMlS.MATlST t*:, C\;L -.I OFFiClAL PUBtPCAI7ON OF THE OHfARlO NUMlSMATlC ASSOCIATION --1989- 1990 ( VOLUME 30 JANUARY-FEBRUARY ISSUE PAGE 1- 91 O.M.A. OFFICERS I -Past Presidents R. 9. Rekofski (1962-65) L. T. Smith (1965-671 W. English (i967-69)- D. Flick (1969-71)* C. 5. Laister (1971-73) W,E,P. Lambert (1973-75)* E. Jephson I1975-77) 8. R. Watt (1977-81) F. C. Jevett (190~-83) S. Hodge (1983-85) R. RolLingshead(l9&5-87)* * Deceased Pres idenC K. Kilmot --First Vice President G. OSllnsky Second vice President El. ZQ:k Secretary '4:. :-ToL l i nqshead Treasurer & Membership I3. 3. Xaszmann Box 33, Waterloo,NtJ 326 Di sectors : Area: la T. Kostaluk Ib S. Hddge 2 C. Laister 3 R. Voadcn 4 R. Fletcher 5 T. 'Kennedy 6 E, 'slsr'lcman 7 H. Farrow 8 B. Watt 9 B. Urnan 10 3. Albert Head Jtrdqe -E. i.:askman R-9. :k2 Cannington, Ont. LOE 1EO -Audio-Visual Service . C. Z. Laistcr , Thc ONTARIO NUMISMATIST fs pttblishcd by the Ont- No, 3 Hiqhway ario Numismatic Association, The publicat Lon Til lsonburg , H4C 331 can be obtained with membership in one aE the Editor-Librarian followinq ca tegaracs : Reqular 1-fembership T. ?lasters $10.00 annually; Husband d Wife (one journal) 823 Van Street $1.2 00 annually: Junior (up to 181 33.00 annu- ally. tifc Memberships available far $100.00 Landon* Ont. NSZ 1H8 , aftcr 3 years of regular membership* Club Mcm- I bership $15.06. Remittances payable to the Ont- ario Numismatic Assoc. P.O. Box 33, Waterloo,Ont. 1 N2J 3Z6 Paqc 2- 91 PRESIDENT'S HESSRBE. 1 have mod newa! The O.N.A. "Dram Yacntlon" Drnw TEck~ta have ban uent out to our Hembfil and if early sa.las are an indieat ion, m nhmk I hnva anothor otz tat;andingt Ruceanu. l'hi n introd~c~isnis ta mmfnd Hemh~rsnot to put the ticketa tn the drawer but uet them out and the atubs returned to me. 1 would love ta ecnd you a cnupla mare books if you can sell them. The Draw provides the flllK3m which enables ua to expand our stwicea to Members. M 1 mention the, Draw, it xcemindm mc that cur Conventtan %a ~nlythree mntb away. There i~ still time to nominate A pcsrmn to aerva on the hecutfve OF if YOU are intefe8t.d drop me a line and I will make sure the necaasary papellroofk is completed. When you have your pan out it would be an OBPOP~ISR~ tinm to nominate anmeone far the prea+kgious "'Award of Merit". rha conditions state the psraon must tm A renidsnt of Ontario and to be connidered must have contributed to the hobbyma well-being- I want to remlmd every Club to conaidar edfnrp a Delegete to this year's Convention, Tam Wasters, who wfll be nsran~ln~ the pmceadin~pl, pmmisea a more Club orientated metinf? ~5th tine for input by the IkLc~etea- Tt ham baan noted in recent publfcations that the Rank of Canada hen followed the Canadian Hint'e money mbbing lead, While the Mjnt igsued meny item= under the mise of Numismatic Zclllectihles, the Bank of Canada recently annumcd the availability af uncut sheeta of the $2.00 bill in two different forprate, 1 cam men no other ream far issuin~the nheets than to add to the profit of the agency and da't for~ut,the Gbvernmsnts wiL1 be collecting G-S-T, and P-S-T. on legal tender. Thin hae to be the moat crase form of money rubbing ever cantrived by a Govtmment Aflency ! f didn"t make any Hew Year's Rermlutiona thia yesr RQ I will have none to bred, live up ta, aF fret over; none to make me feel like a failure for not getting them acmmpliahed; none to make me feel deprsamd hause they pmed to be beyond my capabiliti~~;none to make me foe1 lousy ,,, bccauae I made them. This ia NUT a meulution ht a pmm2~eto *'take one day at a time" and relish that day to the Pulleat. Life in too short md a pereon is a long tkmo dead, There is a story of toPo naighbmm, a young man and ona mimy yearm his aeniar, The older greetad hia nefghbnur with n cheerful. "Good-day" althowh it wm~cold and mowing, The yc~ung neiphbour glowered and said, "What's ~oadabout it?" The olderly men mild and replied, "Son, when you reach my am, RVRRY day ts a mad day!" With those sage words 1 am going to clom and hope ell enjoy 1991 to the atmant, Kenneth WiEmot I- COIN CLUBS CROSS ----ARE AT 5 T. Masters For the past few months I have toyed with the idea of using this topic for an editorial, in either, or both, our publication or the Ingeraoll !lain Club, but recent events (the addition of the Colloct- ors Card scction tr* the Canadian Coin News) has prompted me to in- clude my thoughts in this issue. Mot all Clubs are doing poorly, In fact there are some who are healthier or as healthy as ever, despite the current downturn in gold and silver market. Those Clubs that arc doinq well are offering a steady stream of worthwhile programs. These proqrams arc a variety ~>fsubjects that covcr many phases of the numismatic hobby. Thcy also Ecnd to g~tmembers involved. I'm sure that most Clubs have many members who can provide some segment of the program. Auctions arc another vital program that itt tracts the interest of many, and also the opportunity to add to your collection, and sometimes at an afford- able price. Social time is another asset where rnembcrs mingle and tell of their recent purchases and needs. Rourse dealers at Club meetings add to the program greatly and members shonld be encouraged lo bring in a few of their extra coins to trade or sell. During the 60s the term "vest packet dealing" was very popular and enhanced th@ Club and the proqram, Our junior members should not be overlooked, and should be given some chores at each meeking so they %:on" feel Left out, such as setting up and removing chai rs, runners for the auction, run the projector. or serving the coffee can make them feel past of the Club. You could add a junior to your executive so they can express their thoughts an how the Club should be operated. These ate just a few thoughts on how to improve Clubs and meetings, and T have voiced these opinions before. :mat prompted tlzese remarks was the Collectors Card scction in the Canadian Coin News. Recently, white I was attending a Club meeting, 1 overheard the remarks that these CollecLors Carda have no place iv our hobby. These remarks are not new to me. Back in the 605, during a time when collecting was on the decline and medal collecting on the in- crease, many thavqht medal colleetinq had no place in the hobby. In the 30s and 80s wooden money d:*d trade dollars became popular, and the same hue and cry was heard again. No7 ik 9 sports cards. During those low periods in the ~OS,705, 808, it was these medals, wooden money, trade dollars, coupon paper money, that helped to keep the ir~tetastin the hobby. Many of our coin and paper money collectors added one or more of these others to their collcc+,ion to keep their interest hiqh. Many accepted them as part of the hobby. During these times, when se many are leaving the hobby, I believe that sport card collecting can add greatly to the intarest of our hobby. At most Coin Shows thcre is a dealer who displays bath coins and sport cards, and interest is always high at these tables. f belicve that the holby should be open-minded enough to share the hobby with them. Most Cnin Shows should include "hobby" in their display categories because coin display at most shows is on the decline. Itma time we welcomcd these collectors to our Club and the hobby. I would encourage any reader to write Ze me with their views on the above subject, 1'11 print your letter if you give me permission. COVER STORY Austria, to some collectors without much knowledge of the country, is best known for its restrikes of certain modern bullion qold coins, including the 100, 20, 10-Corona and four and one- ducat issues. There is, however, mare to collecting the coins of Austria than restrikes. (For those who are not aware af what a restrike is, it is an aFricial minting of a coin by the issuinq government using the dies for a p;*st issue. Of course, the struck coins will have the oritjinal date and mint mark.) Austria is well known for its commemoratives and may be, therefore, of interest to collectors who coilect by topics. ~opicsmay be subjects on coins, such as birds, ships or hist- orical figures. Austria's eoinaqe offers to lavers af music and opera coins that c~mmernsrate grc-at fiqures and landmarks of Austria that produced great classical and romantic music and apera of Nest- ern Civilization. These coitrs are not restrikes, but were issued as rtgdlar cir- culating coinage of the nation. All strikes tha!. are the focus of this article are silver issues that list above bullion value, have an elerncnt of scarcity for most issues, but yet remain within modcst price ranges for collectors.
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