A Trip Report Found in a Plain Manila Envelope Being a True Account of the Adventures in May 2001 of Murray Moore of Mississauga Who Traveled to Exotic Vancouver and to Fabulous Seattle Trip report: page 2 Acknowledgments: page 22 Index: page 23 Colour photo pages: inside and outside of the back cover A Trip Report Found in a Plain Manila Envelope is Murray Moore’s Canadian Unity Fan Fund (CUFF) 2001 trip report. Obligatory explanation for the rest of this para- graph. The Canadian Unity Fan Fund is a (very) loosely-organized SF-fandom non- profit non-organization. The money raised for CUFF and donated to CUFF pays the travel expense and the hotel expense of a Canadian SF fan attending the year’s Cana- dian national SF convention, the Canvention. The CUFF delegate after attending the year’s Canvention becomes the CUFF administrator, treasurer, and chief electoral officer, and remains such until replaced by a successor. The CUFF winner is expected to write and publish a trip report and sell same as a fund-raiser. A Trip Report Found in a Plain Manila Envelope costs $5 Canadian or $5 U.S. U.S. dollar cheques are okay. Send your cheque payable to CUFF, or a post office money order payable to CUFF, to Murray Moore, 1065 Henley Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4Y 1C8 Canada. My email address is
[email protected]. • • • Page 1 • • • • • • May 10, Thursday, Day 7 • • • May 10, Thursday, Day 7 To begin with the end, on the seventh and last day of my CUFF trip, having deplaned in Mis- sissauga at Pearson International Airport, I telephone home.