United States Patent (19) [11] 3,909,206 Katz (45) Sept

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United States Patent (19) [11] 3,909,206 Katz (45) Sept United States Patent (19) [11] 3,909,206 Katz (45) Sept. 30, 1975 54) HIGH PERFORMANCE CARBON DIOXIDE 2,865,720 12/1958 Guild.................................... 23/284 SCRUBBER 3,301,636 l/1967 Otrhalek ......................... 252/384 X 3,838,064 9/1974 Vogt et al........................... 252/384 75) Inventor: Murray Katz, Newington, Conn. 3,847,837 l 1/1974 Boryta............ ... 423/230 X (73) Assignee: United Technologies Corporation, 3,865,924 2/1975 Gidaspow......................... 23/284 X Hartford, Conn. FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS 22 Filed: Apr. 10, 1974 654,869 12/1962 Canada a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55/68 (21) Appl. No.: 459,733 Primary Examiner-Morris O. Wolk Assistant Examiner-Roger F. Phillips 52 U.S. Cl. ........................ 23/284; 23/28: 55/68. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Melvin P. Williams; 252/384; 423/230 Stephen E. Revis 5 Int. Cl.... B01J 1/22; B01J 7/00; B01DCol B 53/16;3 1/20 (57) ABSTRACT 58) Field of Search .................. 23/281, 284; 55/68; A scrubber uses finely ground alkali hydroxide parti 252/384; 423/230, 234 cles mixed with fine particles of a hydrophobic mate rial such as polytetrafluoroethylene, for removing car (56) References Cited bon dioxide from a gas stream to a concentration of UNITED STATES PATENTS less than one-quarter of a part per million. 2,091,202 8/1937 Hallock et al. ................. 252/384 X 3 Claims, 1 Drawing Figure U.S. Patent Sept. 30, 1975 3,909,206 /2 N No. <<<<< 4/75 /// 3,909,206 1 2 HIGH PERFORMANCE CARBON DOXDE . to cake together into larger particles as a result of water - SCRUBBER in the gas stream. The foregoing and other objects, features and advan tages of the present invention will become more appar BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ent in light of the following detailed description of pre 1. Field of Invention : . ferred embodiments thereof as illustrated in the accom This invention relates to scrubbers, and more partic panying drawing. ularly to scrubbers for removing carbon dioxide from a gas supply. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING 2. Description of the Prior Artis O. The sole FIGURE is a sectional view of a carbon di Alkali electrolyte fuel cells require a clean fuel and oxide scrubber according to the present invention. a clean oxidant to generate power. Many oxidants, such DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED as air and all but the most pure and therefore the most expensive oxygen supplies, and some fuel contain car EMBODIMENTS bon dioxide which, when brought into contact with the 15 In a scrubber, carbon dioxide is removed from a gas electrolyte of the fuel cell, combine with the electrolyte stream such as oxygen, by reacting with the solid alkali to form carbonates. The formation and presence of car hydroxide particles (such as NaOH) in a container to bonates in the electrolyte decreases the voltage of the 'form carbonates (such as NaCO3). The operation of cells and eventually causes cell failure. In fact, a con the device relies on the carbon dioxide molecules com centration in the inlet gas stream of only one part per ing into contact with the hydroxide particles of the million-may-cause an' alkali electrolyte fuel cell to have packed bed. The scrubber material may be any alkali unacceptable performance within a thousand hours. hydroxide, such as sodium hydroxide, potassium hy Because of this, even though alkali electrolyte fuel cells droxide, calcium hydroxide or lithium hydroxide. Such have greater efficiencies than acid electrolyte fuel cells, alkali hydroxides are commercially available in particle alkali electrolyte fuel cells are not utilized in the com 25 sizes of approximately 2500 microns or greater. For ex mercial market because of their intolerance to the car ample, sodium hydroxide may be obtained under the bon dioxide in the available oxidant, air. It is therefore tradename of Indicarb from Fisher Scientific in Pitts advantageous to remove most of the carbon dioxide burgh, Pa. To achieve particle sizes commensurate with from the incoming oxidant stream of the alkali electro the present invention, the large particles (2500 microns lyte fuel cell, which is accomplished in a scrubber. In 30 or more) may be finely divided by such conventional prior art scrubbers, particles are placed in a bed methods as ball milling or fluid energy milling, or by through which the carbon dioxide-containing gas is any other suitable known means, to a particle size passed. Such scrubbers use particles of soda lime or range of less than 10 microns. A material inert to water, other, alkali hydroxides with particle sizes of approxi such as polytetrafluoroethylene, in a similar size range mately 2500 microns or above and do not remove car 35 is mixed with the finely divided alkali hydroxide parti bon dioxide to a concentration of less than one part per cles in a proportion of from 40 to 60% by volume, or million - even with the use of long beds. as little as 10% by volume if a relatively dry gas source Prior art scrubbers also can be irreversibly damaged is to be scrubbed. Fine polytetrafluoroethylene (Tef by water in the incoming gas stream since the water lon) particles of a suitable size are widely available in softens the surfaces of the alkali hydroxide particles 40 the market. The particles are well mixed to provide a and they mass together, decreasing the performance of substantially uniform distribution of the different parti the devices, and therefore highly efficient humidity re cles. Referring now to the FIGURE, a carbon dioxide moval devices are required upstream of the scrubbers. scrubber is shown in simplified form and is generally However, suitable water removal devices are either ex designated by the numeral 10. The scrubber 10 com tremely expensive (e.g., condensers) or use consumable 45 prises a cylindrical container 12 having gas inlet form materials that need to be replaced (e.g., silica gel beds). ing means 14 at one end thereof and gas outlet forming means 16 at the other end thereof. The aforementioned SUMMARY OF INVENTION mixture of polytetrafluoroethylene and alkali hydrox An object of the present invention is to provide a ide particles is disposed in the container 12 and is des scrubber that removes carbon dioxide from a gas ignated by the numeral 18. stream to concentrations of below one part per million. In one exemplary embodiment of the present inven Another object of the present invention is to provide tion, a scrubber capable of removing carbon dioxide a carbon dioxide removal device that is less sensitive to from an oxygen stream containing 23 parts per million water in the gas stream. of carbon dioxide to a concentration of less than one According to the present invention, a scrubber capa 55 fourth of a part per million for use in a 2.5 kilowatt base ble of removing carbon dioxide in a gas stream to a electrolyte fuel cell powerplant is 2.2 inches in diame concentration of less than one quarter of a part per mil ter and 3.7 inches long. lion uses a packed bed of alkali hydroxide material with The use of the smaller particles of the alkali hydrox ide provides a smaller path through which the gas particle sizes of up to ten microns mixed with particles 60 of an inert material of a similar or smaller size. passes, thereby increasing the likelihood that carbon The present invention permits use of very small parti dioxide will contact the particles and be removed from cles of alkali hydroxides to remove carbon dioxide the gas. Particles between one and 10 microns in size down to concentrations of less than one-quarter of a will remove carbon dioxide from a gas stream to a con part per million by combining these particles with very 65 centration of less than one-fourth of a part per million, small particles of an inert material to maintain scrubber and even smaller particles will provide an even lower particle separation. The invention thus overcomes the concentration. The use of these small sized particles in greater tendency of extremely small scrubber particles creases the carbon dioxide removal performance and 3,909,206 3 4 increases the utilization of the bed because more sur omissions in the form and detail thereof may be made face area is exposed, but it also increases the tendency therein, without departing from the spirit and the scope of the bed to cake due to agglomeration of the particles of the invention. because of softening of the surfaces of the particles by Having thus described typical embodiments of my in water in the gas stream. To overcome the caking prob vention, that which I claim as new and desire to secure lem with the small particles and therefore obtain a high by Letters Patent of the U.S. is: performance scrubber that is tolerant to humidified 1. A scrubber for removing carbon dioxide from a gases, particles of a material that are inert to (that is, fuel cell reactant gas stream to a concentration of less do not chemically react with or become softened by) than one-quarter of a part per million parts comprising: water are mixed into the packed bed to keep the alkali 1 O a container including a gas inlet and a gas outlet; and hydroxide particles separated from one another so that a packed bed of particles disposed in said container they do not cake. These inert particles should be about comprising alkali hydroxide particles no greater the same size or smaller than the alkali hydroxide parti than 10 microns in diameter and hydrophobic par cles in order to be between the alkali hydroxide parti ticles which are inert to water, said hydrophobic cles to keep them separated.
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