United States Patent (19) | 1 || 3,975,503 Hauschild Et Al
United States Patent (19) | 1 || 3,975,503 Hauschild et al. |45| Aug. 17, 1976 (54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING ALKAL 6/1966 Hass et al. .......................... 423f42 3644()89 2/ 1972 Minz et al........................... 423f4 CARBONATE 3,751.56() 8/1973 Neumann..... ... .42318.9 (75) Inventors: Ulrich Hauschild; Reimar Musall, 3,7739()2 11/1973 Neumann..... ... 42.3/421 both of Hannovcr; Hans-Jirgen 387 (),784 3/1975 Sueman............................... 4231431 Schröder, Pattensen, Hannover, all of Germany FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS 73,794 4/1968 Belgium.............................. 423/42 Assignee: Kali-Chemie Aktiengesellschaft, 229 3/1971 Japan..... ... 423f421 Hannover, Germany 2) 43 6/197l Japan..................... ... 4231421 89569() 5/1962 United Kingdom................. 423/42 Filcd: Dec. 13, 1974 Appl. No.: 532,365 Primary Examiner-Oscar R. Vertiz Assistant Examiner-Gary P. Straub Related U.S. Application Data Attorney, Agent, or Firn-Spencer & Kaye 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 436,719, Jan. 25, 1974, abandoned, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 204,058, Dec. 2, 1971, abandoned. 57) ABSTRACT A method for producing alkali carbonate crystals, in 3() Foreign Application Priority Data cluding adding to an alkali carbonate and alkali hy Dec. 8, 97 () Germany............................ 206()287 droxide solution stream a 10 to 75 weight-% alkali hy Aug. 27, 197 Germany............................ 243 ()()8 droxide solution, charging the resulting mixture into a CO-containing gas whose temperature is from 150 to 52) U.S. Cl.................................. 423/421; 423/189 700°C, collecting mixture remaining as liquid from the 51 int. Cl............................................ C01D 7/07 gas at the end of a residence time of mixture in gas of 58 Field of Search............................
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