His New Effect on Broadcasting Industry-P. 21
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40c a copy and $8 a year, 2 DECEMBER 1963 Lyndon Johnson: his new effect on broadcasting industry-p. 21 ....• THE WEEKLY MAGAZINE RADIO/TV ADVERTlSERS USE CONTENTS see p. 6 ~:i.i<'.~f1$ts ;¡ao:r .rttl'd··.M:f~'tl.Í®'a'n.TV' b,uy ra:r '.ff;l!Jt,g;iii:o.~' :r<e:a:Sft:tt'ls: 11t~i~'t:r\i~1:llt(1'rt:of ~. !Q:t>.llii'.t:1a,!t1~1!i lbt~ S£é!;u;fh:ern bzaff clr:C,o• ·1 ¥'·. .·(L··· .. , •..... , ... ,.J •.•.,, ,..,.,.íi ·.~·,li~Ji\.·..,~r:tl'lffg'. .l!:fl.w &Q"';~11,, ~. .f?'u':t'S'.:,maliDa.dfviSrl"'tl5'í·n1 pre·S'~ure·~her.e [f1$(:¡j;é;~di~~.mas:t. l~.~f~$!:YJI!!!1!\ílijif!il 'c;&mp:l¡ip~g:co~'"é1ra:ge:•W:i~h Í:~, OYBJl'l'Bp:. .... bt'.'11 i't ,¡1;ff1.(p,if~IáJl°'U bav~ 'Fff,f\::&llMUM •:om~~;,~¡111 rin~ 1.M·!.J.lft. :~1tr~Ji·c,a~'ion.• Ji;rou ba.vrm'c:l'l:~.m:~~·~twr~Ji ~e: :e;.l:tr:~rrtét- . · ¡a'S:~:&b:e:ot •o;ur:· s p;ectra·cula r 'c.ill~i.o,fl b:illl'!>'!i>ard !a.do:Wnfo.w.o ~ª:l'JT'\!Ul''.~tlele~·¡~lo:nCorp.., or~wrile. 3· Larn;s~'m,g.l~a.~t~·fíf'g',a''l't. .f>("'.r·AiJ \A~ot'A''9i':,~·-, 'IUUifA:lf ·~1.-.~--·_ :w· ·.····:.:7·1······.~·1,· ·· ·1·:·:;v··'· ~w·· ·tn··· ·······e,········o·· .. ··.. ""M'····· ··:···¡··"·.·'·'. ....•........: •..•·•··.·.·· • '.. • ·.·.;..A~SlNG'<.•..··.·..·..' ,·.·,·.·º··· ·.··.·'.' .. ' •,'•,· • \, "··.··· ' ..j.·.,···..••.·.·•... ··.·••.·.·ACKSON..···..••••··.··. :.~.·.····.·.·.•.· •.•• ... '.'.1'10·["·: i.·.1 i SSS:S.tiíddárd Bltfg., L·ansing 23 1510 Sprin:gport. lhrad, Ja.cks;o•n '!!Jla:/J.i§atJ:·~ n•e.·W:est TV/'/l'8tl1'a l1B•c'ility NO OTHER STATION ,, CAN MAKE THIS STATEMENT S CONSECUTIVE YEARS 50% SHARE of AUDIENCE !"' T~"'""'~ _,, .. - ~~·~ - -··-" ·-. --- :: ~Mt-~,¡ ji.''I.¡HfSf°-Attf"M 6Vl3t ~Vt On.;ns~·;.;¡ót" e t '.I "INC 11 ' I I I L Exr-cpj inn To Tlw Ruic WKRG-TV-Mobile-Pe11sacola has an·raged 50o/o or uwre shart: of mulient'(' in en·ty .March AHB nrcasu r'enrcnt sim·p 1959. from 9 a.m. lo midni~hl. * xore : The dates used herein are esttraares from ~larrh AJ1.Il surrevs l~!>.Qthrough 1963. Audlence moasurement dala are est írnates only-~ubJ<'<'t te drfocts ind llmllatlons of source mater íal and methods. Hence, l.ltey may not be accurate measures of a true audíenee, Represented by H-R Television,Inc. ® or call C. P. PEHSONS. Jr., Gn1cral lH~nia.gcr 1..ntc news in tv/radio athl"rtW11R ...SPONSOR-WEEK I 2 Dcccnrber IIJ(l:J PltY. mi.mons witness dtes: National viewing lwlding:-. in T •.xa-, (KTBC-A\l-TV, Au ...tin, ami figures uri-ut yet nve ilnlilc. lint A. C. Xichcn K\\ TX-A \I-TV. \V.aro). aml place tlrem under Co. rcp<Hll' tlu- ~n·C'ra~1·f\.Y.C. family wat('hcd a trn ...t1·<·"'liip.The bici wa- madr- through I.1·on• a tot<il of :~I hours across the three and one• u rd \lark:-. of the W.r:-.liington firm of Cohn & hnH days of covr rugr- of the a frcrmurh of the Vlark«, coun ...cl for tho stations. assnssinatiou of Pn-sidcnt Kennedy. On ).lon• clay. nearly en•ry family (93r; of those with Cardinal has 'Profiles': Hiclranl Cardinal tv] witnessed tlw funeral se' ITices and funeral Cu -hi ng lras revea led that one of President prorr-ssiou. Nidscn S(I id tv usage was abnor• Kennedv's lust acts wa s lo H:''Ígn him the tv mally lii¡;h ovornl], incrvasi ng suddenly to righb to Pro] ilcs in Courage, he-t-se lling book •tor; in mid-afternoon Friday-e-ncarf y don.hie '' liich wun a Pulitzer I'r ize for thC' Pn-sidcrrt. usunl viewing for that period and rising to Cardinal Cu ...liing said that after informing O\'C'r 60~ during the average quarter-hour him of this action. JFK told him: "Xow you're from 2 :30-1uicl11ighL. Saturday. from 9 a.ru.. in the tv business." midnight, the average was sor;,: on Sunday, it was ssr;: and on ).lond.ay. 67'1. The total Ads hail broadcasting: Benton & Howles has viewing public was about 5070 above the taken 1.000-line ads in both the New York normal seasonal level. Times and ll erald-Tribune to salute the entire radio and tv industry for coverage during the Wegver's lcrtest surprise: Sylve-ter L. (Pat) recent tragedy. The ad" po intcrl to broad• ~\reai.·er. who's kept tltc industry on its toes casting's "uníliuching dedication and diguity." h·ntfhing his turns from network head, to and B&B sa i<l it was •.confident that WC' arc ag:ency head, to pay tv entrepreneur, has don• only reflecting the respect am] thank" of the nril still another hat-this one· as client. By Amcr ican people for a job well done." naming Y011ng &: Huhicam to handle adver• ti:úug for his Subscription Television, Inc., \\'raver\; latest turn is probably being termed NBC meeting postponed: Annual convention "turncoat" over at ..\lcCau11-Ericks.m1, his re• of Xational Broadcastiug Co. radio and tele• vious hase of operations. There's not much vision affiliate- slated for \\'c~t Coa:-t this week money involved; it's purr-lj: the principal of has been po-tponcd as a result of Pre:-ich·nt the thing! The Los Angeles office of Y&H will Kenncdys a::--.as::-i11ation.:\o new date Iras been service the pay tv system due to hcgin in L.A. set, though cen-irlcrution is being gi\·C'n to a and San Francisco in the spring. Heccntly date for an affiliates conclave after the first formed, Subscription Television will present of the year. closcd-cireuit sporting events. including the :\lenntimC'. ABC TV torlav kicks off series Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants of region a I meetings between network CXC'CS gamC's. current movies. cultural. and other and primary affiliate station managers with a programing. Transmission will be on three sc-s iuu at :\rw York's l Iotel Plaza. Others are rliffercnt, simultaneous channels workiug -et for \\'C'dne:-day at San Frunci-cos Fair· through the suhscriber"s own set. mount l Iotel, and Fr ulay at the Drake in Chi• caf!º· To he di-cu-sed are the pa-t year's 'Lgdy Bird, t.o drop control: Vlrs. Lyndon B. prof!r1':-:-' and plans and suggc::-tions for 196-l• John~on has iilc<l an application with the FCC .63 in every program area: nighttime, daytime, lo rcl inquish her control of the LBJ broadcast news, and sports. :¡ I 19M ·SPONSOR-WEEKI ·2o-••~ lntrigu.e is the key: Today's 22 million teen• merits, An additional 93 establishments· agers are the "show me" generation and. (8.5·%) not having sets in any rcoms .repo;rte·ct therefore intrigue rather than sell should be the availability uf lobby or office tv for .their; the most practical goal of advertising aimed guests. Only42 establishments (4-:tyo) repvrt~lil at that market, according to a survey con• having no tv service in Rny fonJ:r~ m~.a:l'tW;I. ducted by the research division of Teen-Age th~u 96 % had some form ex!lY .servi~e:avail·· Fair, Inc. A total of 23,512 youngsters in the able. Aud this, reminds WJXT, d'.nes n<xt :iní·' 13-19 age group were interviewed, with over elude any tv sets which may :be present ín :dr:e' 95% stating they don't buy a product before 417 hotels and mo.tels.which, •.vhíle:they 14"er~. they first see, touch, and try it. This is borne among the establishments' contacted by the out by a finding that their believability in tv station, did not respond tp ihe sun'fey. and the printed page is higher than in radio. The· figure for those believing ads seen on tv No. settlement y.et: There is still ne :end in was: boys 22 girls 26 % ; not all of it• ro, sight to the talent negotiatio:ns stale:ni;ate.h'm· boys 32%, girls 35%; hardly any of it• tween SAG-AFTI{A and. the joint adveJtti~~;n~.• boys 30 %, girls 24 % ; none-boys 3 %, girls networks - agencies - producers committ~~'~ 2%. For other advertising seen or read: yes-·. Screen Aetors Guild last week wa.sp·plHng it~ boys 2·s%, girls 36%; not all-boys 36%, 15,000 members with h.opes of getting a: 7S% girls 39%; hardly-boys ·22%, girls 12%; affirmative vote giving it p.o'Né.t'to call a.stxik~11 none-boys 6%, girls 4%. For radio ads: yes American Federation of Tv :and Radio At.tisti· -boys 18%, girls 22%; all-boys 411J"o, has.already been given such pcrnterby its mé:rrl• girls 47o/o; hardly-boys 2.2%, girls 18'%; bership, SAG's accompanying lerterro its,.metn•, none+-boys 3%, girls 1 %- hers claims the joint committee is, "still de• manding what amounts to rate reducticim National flies to K&E: National Airlines took ranging from 30-65%" and compares thfsi a surprise (?) flight at the week's end when it with a statement fha.t netwPrk tv br-oa:dc;:·astíu· moved its account to Kenyon & Eckhardt. dustrv income, after expenses, rose frcyi;ni National, whose billings are variously esti• $171.9 million in 19:5'8 to $311.6 míllfo:n mated at $3-4.5 million, was with Papert, m.