N O V E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 / I S S U E 1 3 THE ANVIL INSIDER A Newsletter from the 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade

Photo by Cpl. Zach Mateja

Sgt. Reynaldo Galarza and Soldiers with Alpha Company, 628th ASB recently conducted transportation training in Kuwait.

ICYMI News around the Army IN THIS Battalion Updates Holiday mail reminders ISSUE Homefront Heroes ICYMI Single mother deploys as family suffers COVID-19 at home

KUWAIT -- U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Taryn Harris deployed in July with the 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade amid a stressful time marked by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Two months in to her deployment, things got a lot more stressful when her only child, Maddy, tested positive for COVID-19.

“It killed me not being home, and the very first time being away from her when she’s sick in 12 years,” said Harris. “It was very hard calling her and having her cry, asking for me to come home.”

Harris’s mother, Linda, then tested positive for the virus too which forced both her parents, who are currently caring for Maddy, to be quarantined for four weeks. With her daughter sick, secluded and lonely, and her mother stricken with the virus, her father, Courtesy Photo/Staff Sgt. Taryn Harris Butch, stepped up and did his best to take care of them both. Harris will miss her daughter’s elementary school “I had to call my daughter and mom separately graduation. Even still, she is proud to be on this because they had to seclude themselves to their deployment. She is doing what she “signed up to do” bedrooms for 10 days from diagnosis,” said Harris. and serving with her brothers and sisters in arms. It “My dad had a shower curtain hanging in the hallway also helps that she has a great support system at for my daughter and then when my mom was home that helped Maddy and Linda get back to full diagnosed, he had to hang one on her bedroom door health. too, being able to slide their meals under the curtain.” “Knowing I have a sick child and sick mother, over the Many other people came together to help them get age of 70, with underlying health issues already, my through that time. Harris’s company command team, father and mother both managed to put me at ease Capt. Mark Ruffing and 1st Sgt. Nancy Paul, checked in with daily updates and reassuring me everything was daily and gave her some emotional support. Harris’s going to be okay,” said Harris. “They have been my brother, Brett, video chats with Maddy to help her with rock, stepping up and keeping her schedule as normal school and homework. Harris’s aunts and uncles as possible while I am gone. I am truly blessed to have would shop for groceries and leave them at the door. such an amazing support system back home.”

Harris credits the people outside her family for their Harris is an automated logistical specialist currently support as well. Maddy’s teachers and superintendent deployed with Headquarters Support Company, 628th were patient and understanding and checked in Aviation Support Battalion, 28th ECAB, serving in regularly. Butch’s employer worked with him remotely support of Operation Spartan Shield and Operation while he had to quarantine and take care of Maddy Inherent Resolve. and Linda. NEWS FROM AROUND THE ARMY Army efforts save lives following historic hurricane By Thomas Brading, Army News Service

SOTO CANO AIR BASE, -- As pummeled through much of earlier this month, a joint disaster relief response leapt into action, saving at least 289 lives and delivering life-saving supplies to the storm-ravaged region.

Eta was the deadliest storm to hit the region in two decades. Its forceful winds and torrential rainfall left a trail of destruction in its wake, resulting in deadly floods and mudslides, especially in , Honduras, , and .

On Nov. 3, the historic storm made landfall as a Category 4 Photo by Air Force Staff Sgt. Elijaih Tiggs hurricane in Nicaragua and left countries reeling, said Col. John “We are all Americans, and I know that they would do the same Litchfield, commander of Joint Task Force-Bravo, or JTF-Bravo. for us if the roles were reversed,” he added. “[We] maintain a high level of readiness to respond to crisis, particularly hurricanes and other disasters that require military Once the storm made landfall, Litchfield said his troops were support. able to get out and save lives. “The first 72 hours were almost exclusively on search and rescue,” he said. “People who were ”JTF-Bravo began operations in Honduras on Nov.5, followed trapped, and in very dire circumstances.” by Panama on Nov. 7 and Guatemala on Nov. 10, as each country declared a national state of emergency and requested After the initial lifesaving efforts, “we started to transition to the U.S. government’s help. places where people were isolated and needed to be extracted or needed life-saving supplies,” he added. Around 250 troops from JTF-Bravo, U.S. Army South, U.S. Special Operations Command South, and other U.S. Southern JTF-Bravo then expanded its mission, which concluded over Command teams were deployed to Central America's hardest- the weekend, from rescue to delivering life-saving supplies and hit areas. humanitarian aid to stranded communities. The first round of humanitarian aid was delivered Nov. 9 to the Cortes “We’ve been able to help out partners in Central America,” said Department of Honduras. 1st Lt. Paige M. Ziegler, a CH-47 Chinook pilot with Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment, assigned to “In addition to standard [UH-60] Black Hawks, we have several JTF-Bravo. “We’re proud to assist in their time of need.” that are specially configured for medevac missions,” Litchfield said last week. “We also have Chinooks, our heavy cargo For many of the people they helped, it was their first time helicopters, which is our most capable platform in terms of seeing a U.S. Army helicopter, she added. range as well.”

“We’re landing in these incredibly remote areas and being able The Navy, Coast Guard, and the British military also supplied to assist them,” she said last week, “and seeing how gracious manpower and helicopters toward the mission, he said. they are for our help has been the most rewarding mission I have done to date.” Military personnel were deployed to some of the most gravely affected communities, Litchfield said, and a daily haul of more Capt. Max Vandervort, commander of Bravo Co., 1-228th Avn. than 378,000 pounds of life saving aid was delivered. Rgt., flew missions around the region, including to Guatemala. “I’m extremely proud of the tireless efforts the men and “It is the unfortunate truth that this country [Guatemala] is women of the Winged Warriors have demonstrated to save extremely versed in handling natural disasters,” Vandervort lives and bring comfort to those affected by this devastating said. “Through all of the mudslides, high-water levels, and storm,” said Lt. Col. Adam R. Bock, commander of the 1-228th illnesses, the Guatemalan people have been so friendly and Avn. Rgt. “What we do here matters, and it’s inspiring to see appreciative. everyone working together towards a common goal.” SPOTLIGHTS

Staff Sgt. Dale Mahafkey, a combat medic and medical operations non-commissioned officer, is currently deployed to the Middle East with Task Force Anvil in support of Operation Spartan Shield and Operation Inherent Resolve. Dale now lives in Pittsburgh and works full time for the National Guard in the medical readiness section. As to why he serves, Dale said he does it because he loves his country. With this deployment, Dale has reached 18 years of active duty service. Thank you, Staff Sgt. Mahafkey, for being a part of the Task Force Anvil team! Photo and caption by Spc. Stanford Toran

Spc. Adam Litwinsky, with Bravo Company, 628th ASB, performs routine maintenance and inspections on UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The work Litwinsky does, and all our maintainers and repairers do, ensures our aircrews are safe on their flight missions. (Photos by Sgt. Francis Calabro) Today's homefront hero is Lily, daughter of 1st Sgt. Frank Palfrey.

Lily recently sent over 150 care packages to the Soldiers in her father's unit. Starting in Sept. 2019 and eventually working under the pandemic, she worked with various people and organizations to collect donations, raise funds for shipping, hold packing events, complete customs forms and create shipping labels. The packages all arrived and put smiles on our Soldiers' faces!

Thank you for holding down the homefront, Lily!

Follow the instructions in the flier below if you know a Homefront Hero you'd like to see recognized.


Follow the link SSHHOOUUTTOOUUTTSS below for the latest AFN TV schedule https://v3.myafn.dodmedia.osd.mil/

Want to send a shoutout to your favorite team? Contact https://www.facebook.com/28ECAB/ your company UPAR or the brigade PAO

https://www.dvidshub.net/unit/28cab The Anvil Insider: a publication by the 28th ECAB and Task Force Anvil public affairs office

28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade Commander: For the latest Army news, visit Col. Howard Lloyd the Army News Service at https://www.army.mil/ARNews Senior Enlisted Advisor: Command Sgt. Maj. Sean Livolsi 1-137 AHB UPDATE Facebook: @taskforcechickenhawk

Motto: 11.23.2020 “Rule #1: Don’t talk about Flight Club.” Issue XIII

To all the friends and family of the 1-137 AHB, we would like to thank you for your continued support. As Thanksgiving approaches we remind all soldiers, friends, and family to stay in touch with loved ones. For many soldiers this can be a challenging time, Check out some incredible pictures of the flightline. being away from friends TF Chickenhawk soldiers conduct an FOD walk or a and family. Foreign Object/ Debris walk in order to prevent If you have not already objects from causing harm to aircraft during take-off please follow the Task or landing. Force Chickenhawk Facebook Group, this is Credit; Chaplain (CPT) Nelson where you can keep up to date with the 1-137 AHB. Please, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out through the group for more information.

We look forward to keeping you updated on all things Task Force Chickenhawk! This week was the week of promotions. Congratulations to SPC Wood SPC Flynn WO2 Bradshaw CPT Langwasser CPT Squire Credit: CPT Nelson and 1LT Brownell

Time for some hoist training. Soldiers from Alpha and Charlie Company conduct hoist training on a Middle East flight line. Check out the size of that weight. Credit: CPT Nelson

Thank you to our contributors: Chaplain (CPT) Nelson and SPC De La Torre.

Promotion Day Congratulations to SGT Miller and SGT Rosado of the 628 ASB on being promoted to E-5. Their hard work and dedication to their unit have not gone unnoticed.

(Photo by CPL Zach Mateja)

Play Ball

Tuesday night, soldiers of the 628 ASB played and won a game of softball against the team from the Nevada National Guard.

(Photo Submitted by SGT Megan Hall)

PV2 Meadows SGT Boone Name/Rank: PFC Shaub SGT Smith, C SGT Kassandra Rosado-Santiago Hometown: SPC Kelly SSG Derrickson Maricao, PR SPC Leik 2LT Boley Age: 26 CPL Ballard 1LT McMahon MOS: 42A Civilian Occupation: Human Resources Specialist Favorite Animal and Why: Sloths, because they always have a smile on their face. Goal After Deployment: Go on vacation with my son and use my degree and experience in Human Resources to find a career in the HR field.

22 NOV 2020 Issue 18 Painting The T-Wall A CO Takes Stock SPC Anton, MSG Putnam, and 1SG Paul of HSC prep the T-Wall CPL Lovelace works on the pump for A CO’s inventory. with a fresh coat of paint. A design that will eventually grace the wall is currently being worked on by another Soldier in the 628th. (Photo Submitted by SGT Megan Hall)

(Photo by CPL Zach Mateja)

Intel On S-2

The Intelligence Section, otherwise known as the "S-2 Shop", is typically the section in a Battalion staff that is responsible for tracking any threats to friendly operations on the battlefield, whether those threats are from the Enemy, bad weather, or even negative impacts of the terrain or environment. While it's a popular joke to say that the S2 provides these assessments using a Magic 8- ball or tossing around some chicken bones, this highly trained team are experts in the field of taking lots of jumbled information from across the battlefield and making sense of it for the Commander....kind of like putting puzzle pieces together that individually don't look like much, but together they paint a clear picture.

Since threats of all kinds are thankfully pretty light in a country like Kuwait, the S2 team lead by CPT Lombardi and SGT Stafford, along with Specialists Kreider, Powell, and Teague, ensure that members of the Roadrunner team are kept up to date with any important information that might impact our operations, as well as maintaining situational awareness of events happening across the Middle East. They provide weekly Classified and Unclassified reports, as well as some informational readers that help educate the unit on various issues such as the death of the Kuwaiti Emir, the history of Kuwait, or even an unclassified briefing on who ISIS is.

The team also receives debriefs from all troop movements across Kuwait, and are the first point of contact in the BN for any suspicious activity on or around post, such as UAS sightings or suspicious activity from Third Country Nationals (TCNs) or various contractors. Members of the S2 section can be contacted in the BN TOC 24/7 at 318-824-0179 for any questions, concerns, or reports.

-John S. Lombardi CPT, MI

22 NOV 2020 Issue 18 The Wile E. Weekly-ish On the Trail with Task Force Co yote, 2-104th GSAB

November 24, 2020 Volume I, Issue 10

------Coyote is Finding Exciting Ways to Pass the Time


"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together. Keep me in your heart. I'll be there forever." - Winnie the Pooh

Happy Thanksgiving! No matter where we are or what we are doing, there is no stress when in the presence of a good pie. My favorite is pumpkin, but Sandy's mom is famous for her apple pie too. I've been known to sneak a piece before supper, but I digress.

Sadly, most of us will be away this year and unable to spend Thanksgiving Day with family and friends. After all of the years of being away during one holiday or another, it never gets easier. Rest assured that we are all thinking of you and you are always in our hearts. Knowing you are thinking of us too is just the boost we need sometimes. Thank you for your outpouring of support and encouragement. I am truly grateful.

So, on behalf of myself and Command Sergeant Major, Shannon Cullen, try something new this year - have your pie first.

LTC Milchanowski

A new look at a UH-60.. . >> SGT Smith captures a time lapse photo of a black hawk helicopter. >

All Smiles for A Co... ^^ 1SG Stohrer, SGT Malfara, SGT Emens and SPC Burnett enjoy fresh air after going through the CS Gas chamber s . The CS gas chamber s are a training exercise that gives Soldiers the oppor tunity to experience non- lethal c hemical agents . Every Soldier goes through the CS chambers at least once during their career.

Join your company's FRG Facebook group, the battalion Facebook group, and the brigade page for updates. SOLDIER OF THE WEEK ALPHA COMPANY

SSG Jason Rex is currently serving in Alpha Company, Command Aviation Company (CAC), 2-104th GSAB. SSG Rex is one of two platoon sergeants within the company and serving as a Standardizing Instructor (SI) for the Non-Rated Crew Members (NRCM) under the Alpha Company Aircrew Training Program (ATP). SSG Rex's home station unit is Charlie Company 1-230th AHB located in Johnstown, PA where he is also a technician at the Army Aviation Support Facility 2. SSG Rex is a senior NRCM and mechanic within the UH60 Blackhawk community. His wealth of knowledge has led to countless mission succesess and overall safe execution of the mission while overseas and during training leading up to mobilization. SSG Rex was involved in firefighting efforts while at Fort Hood, TX where he logged up to 6.8 hours of water bucket operations each day. SSG Rex was an integral member of UH60 Blackhawk Aviation Gunnery progression both at home station and at Fort Hood, TX. SSG Rex currently serves as a senior NRCM at one of the 2-104th GSABs sites in Iraq and continually strives to uphold and enforce standards in a forward operating site. SSG Rex's knowledge and leadership in UH60 Blackhawk maintenance has ensured that Alpha Company 2-104th GSAB keeps aircraft fully mission capable. SSG Rex has proven to be a trusted leader, knowledgeable instructor, and overall excellent Non- Commissioned Officer.

Submission by CPT Bevans and 1SG Stohrer

Join your company's FRG Facebook group, the battalion Facebook group, and the brigade page for updates. Clean-up, everybody do your share... A mix of 2-104 GSAB companies do a Foreign Object Debris walk, or FOD walk, on the airfield to ensure a clean base of operations.

SGT Mahl and SPC Hinkle

SGT Pacella, SGT Cole, SGT Mahl, CPL Jorniscay and SPC Hinkle

Some he avy li fting by E Co... It was all han ds on deck while D Co Soldie rs are pic tured perform in g elec tirical repairs o n a UH- 60 alon g with an engine replaceme nt. Pho tos by SGT Mayro CPL Schlaybach and SPC Young

Join your company's FRG Facebook group, the battalion Facebook group, and the brigade page for updates. Special Announcements Letters to Home

SPC Brad Reid E Co. 2- 104 GSAB POL Platoon , Williamst own WV

2LT Yox and SGT Smith (Far Right) Shout out to my amazing family, loving mother, step father, daughter Ready f or a ction... and two sons. I love you and miss Coyote Soldier s cond uct mortar you. See you when I get home. Go and grenade training with selec t mountaineers! Joint Te rmina l Attack Cont r oller, or JTAC, pe rsonnel. JTAC a re airmen who work dir ectly with othe r branc h es to d ire ct the action of combat aircra ft enga ged in close air support a nd oth er air offe nsive opera tions.

1L T Edwa rd Dorner E Co. 2 -104 GSAB XO, Cha mb ersb urg PA

Jess ica,

I can't believe tomorrow's the day ! When we started talking about having a child I thought you were crazy. Holding a full time job, completing your m asters, and creating a life s eemed like an impossible tas k especially knowing I wouldn't be ther e to help. You are so unbeliev ably strong and you alway s inspire m e. You will be an Sunrises times two... am azing mother and I can't wait to A recent flood in Bagdhad seeped come home to meet our son. onto the airfield early one morning. This gave an amazing Love, opportunity to CPT Bevans as he caught a picture of the mirrored Ed sunrise. Not a bad way to wake up if you ask me!

Join your company's FRG Facebook group, the battalion Facebook group, and the brigade page for updates. Original artwork by original Soldiers... SPC Vaughan displays her artistic ability in an original cartoon!

Sending love from countries away... SPC Tirado(Right) and PFC Hogan(Left) recieve and redistribute packages sent by the Church of the Good Shepherd, Lebanon, PA. The packages are being sent to the Soldiers who have limited access to stores to get snacks and supplies. Photos by SPC Tirado and PFC Hogan

Geared up and ready to go... << Photo by 1LT Yi

Overhead views from a CH-47... >> Photo by 1LT Yi

The Wile E. Weekly Staff Regular contributors (UPARs) Editorial Staff HHC - SFC Justin Shaffer A - CPT Nathan Bevans CPT Horatio Magellan Crunch B - 2LT Dean Johnson and SPC John Kushner C - SGT Eric Smith SGT Travis Lee D - SGT Joshua Mayro and PFC Luke Shepherd Chief Consultant E - SGT Carissa Diggs, SPC Jennifer Raley and SPC Tyler Speer F - SSG Breanna Chase CSM Shannon Cullen Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: CPT Travis Mueller, PAO

Join your company's FRG Facebook group, the battalion Facebook group, and the brigade page for updates.