A Compendium of English Orthography
A Compendium of English Orthography Items in blue are hyperlinks to the appropriate sections of the compendium and to files elsewhere on and off this site. One easy way to return to the location of the original hyperlink is to use the page thumbnails, which can be revealed by pressing F4. A, an Ablaut, umlaut -able), -ible) Accede, exceed, proceed, succeed Accent, assent, ascent Access, excess Accuse, excuse Adapt, adopt Addict, edict Addition, edition Adjectives, regular and nonregular Admirable, admiral Adoptions and adaptions Adverbs Advise, advice Affect, effect Affixes Affluent, effluent Affricate sounds Alfred the Great All and its compounds Alley, ally Alliteration Already, all ready; altogether, all together; anyway, any way; awhile, a while Alveolar sounds American Sign Language (ASL) Anagrams Analogy -ance), -ence); -ant), -ent) Angel, angle Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians Anglo-Saxon, or Old English Annual, annul Apostrophe Arctic Artificial Assimilation Assure, ensure, insure Attack, attach Auxiliary (or helping) verbs Back formation Bases Believe, belief Beneficial, beneficiary Beowulf Bilabial sounds Blends Braille British and American spelling Capital and lowercase letters Capital, capitol Cardinal and ordinal numbers Case Casual, causal Cavalry, Calvary Caxton, William Changes in Some Indo-European Sounds Changing <y> to <i> and <i> to <y> Chaucer, Geoffrey Clauses and sentences Closed syllables Code and performance College, collage Comma, coma Comparative and superlative Compliment, complement Compound words Concatenation
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