Words that make worlds. Arguments that change minds. Ideas that illuminate. Publishing books that make a difference – 2015 edition.

Summer 2015


First published in 1986, James Belich’s groundbreaking book reshaped our understanding of the ‘bitter and bloody struggles’ between Māori and Pākehā in the New Zealand Wars. Revealing the enormous tactical and military skill of Māori, and the inability of the ‘Victorian interpretation’ to acknowledge those qualities, Belich’s account of the wars offered a very different picture from the one previously given in historical works. According to the author, ‘The degree of Maori success in all four major wars is still underestimated – even to the point where, in the case of one war, the wrong side is said to have won.’

James Belich is the author of numerous books, including Making Peoples (1996), Paradise Reforged (2001) and Replenishing the Earth (2009), and is currently Beit Professor of Imperial and Commonwealth History at Oxford University and director of the Oxford Centre for Global History.

February 2015, 216 x 138 mm, 400 pages, maps Paperback, 978 1 86940 827 5, $39.99


Summer 2015

OTHERWISE John Dennison

John Dennison’s first collection,Otherwise , is a finely crafted marvel. The poems here are concerned, above all, with love, and with the strange, unlooked-for manner of its appearances among us. A trio of elegies for poet Seamus Heaney is moving; a heart-shaking sequence recounts an encounter in Calcutta. Ranging globally from Scotland to , Otherwise also sits firmly in the New Zealand literary tradition, with poems which take in Baxter’s bees, Bethell’s gardening, Duggan’s amends and Curnow’s ‘surge-black fissure’. This is a moving, meditative and vulnerable manifesto from an assured new voice.

John Dennison was born in Sydney in 1978, and grew up in Tawa. His poems have appeared in magazines in the UK, New Zealand and Australia, and were anthologised in Carcanet’s New Poetries V (2011). John Dennison is also the author of Seamus Heaney and the Adequacy of Poetry (Oxford, forthcoming 2015).

February 2015, 216 x 135 mm, 64 pages, NZ & Australian rights only Paperback, 978 1 86940 828 2, $24.99


Summer 2015


In this remarkable biography, Jennifer Ashton uses the life of one man as a unique lens through which to view the early history of New Zealand. Born in Scotland in 1818, John Webster came to New Zealand via Australia in 1841 and spent most of the rest of his life in Hokianga. At the Margin of Empire charts his colourful experiences carving out a fortune as the region’s leading timber trader and cultivating connections with the leading Māori and Pākehā figures of the day. In telling the story of John Webster’s life, this biography also explores the wider transformation of relationships between Māori and Pākehā during the nineteenth century.

After a career as a technical writer and editor, Jennifer Ashton graduated from the history department with a PhD in 2012. She lives in Auckland.

February 2015, 228 x 148 mm, 276 pages, colour illustrations Paperback, 978 1 86940 825 1, $49.99


Summer 2015


Autumn 2015


The first Protestant mission to New Zealand, established in 1814, saw the beginning of complex political, cultural and economic entanglements with Māori. Entanglements of Empire is a deft reconstruction of the cross-cultural translations of this early period. Misunderstanding was rife and the physical body itself became the most contentious site of cultural engagement, with Māori and missionaries struggling over issues of hygiene, tattooing, clothing and sexual morality. Concluding in 1840 with the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi and the new age it ushered in, Entanglements of Empire offers important insights into this crucial period of New Zealand history.

Tony Ballantyne is an historian whose works examine the development of imperial intellectual and cultural life in Ireland, India, New Zealand and Britain. He is currently chair of the history department and director of the Centre for Research on Colonial Culture at the University of Otago.

March 2015, 228 x 152 mm, 376 pages, illustrations, NZ rights only Paperback, 978 1 86940 826 8, $39.99


Autumn 2015

WHALE YEARS Gregory O’Brien

Between 2011 and 2014, poet and artist Gregory O’Brien found himself following the migratory routes of whales and seabirds across vast tracts of the South Pacific Ocean, resulting in work that O’Brien describes as ‘acts of devotion – a homage to a series of remarkable locations and to the natural histories of those places’. These poems are an exploration of outlying islands, the ocean that lies between them, and the whale species and sea birds found there. From Waihi looking east and Valparaiso looking west, O’Brien surveys the cultural heart and health of an ocean in memorable, musical, moving lines.

Gregory O’Brien is an independent writer, painter, literary critic and art curator. His most recent book of poetry with Auckland University Press was Beauties of the Octagonal Pool, published in 2012. He is also publishing this year a follow-up volume to his multi-award-winning introductions to art for children – for more on which see pages 40-41.

March 2015, 230 x 165 mm, 100 pages, illustrations Paperback, 978 1 86940 832 9, $27.99


Autumn 2015


Is your writing flabby or fit? If your sentences are weighed down with passives and prepositions, be-verbs and waste words, The Writer’s Diet is for you. Through the online test at and the analysis and examples in this book, Helen Sword teaches writers of all kinds – students to teachers, lawyers to librarians – how to transform flabby sentences into active, energetic prose. First published in 2007, The Writer’s Diet became a bestselling handbook and now returns refreshed alongside a new version of Sword’s website to highlight your bad habits and sharpen your style – for clearer, crisper sentences filled with words that count.

Professor Helen Sword is a literary scholar and director of the Centre for Learning and Research in Higher Education at the University of Auckland. She is the author most recently of Stylish Academic Writing (Harvard University Press, 2012).

April 2015, 190 x 140 mm, 88 pages, NZ rights only Paperback, 978 1 86940 831 2, $24.99


Autumn 2015


New Zealand is one of the world’s oldest democracies for men and women, Māori and Pākehā, with one of the highest political participation rates. But – from MMP to leadership primaries, spin doctors to ‘dirty politics’ – the country’s political system is undergoing rapid change. An ideal university text, Democracy in New Zealand provides an up-to-date and concise introduction to New Zealand politics and how it works. Examining the constitution and the political system, cabinet and parliament, political parties, leadership and elections, Raymond Miller draws on data and analysis to tackle critical questions.

Raymond Miller is Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Auckland and the author of, among other books, Party Politics in New Zealand (Oxford University Press, 2005) and, with Ian Marsh, Democratic Decline and Democratic Renewal: Political Change in Britain, Australia and New Zealand (Cambridge, 2012).

May 2015, 214 x 140 mm, 288 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 835 0, $45


Autumn 2015


The poems in The Glass Rooster explore the spaces inhabited by humans and other creatures – not just natural ecosystems like deserts or the alpine zone, but cities and outer space. Our guide on this journey is a glass rooster – observer of stars and lover of hens – who first popped up in Janis Freegard’s poetry years ago and wanders unchecked through the book’s eight sections (or ‘echo-systems’) – The Damp Places, Forest, Cityscape, The Alpine Zone, Space, Home & Garden, Underground and In the Desert. These are searching, remarkable poems – about art, about places, about unusual expeditions, and about love.

Janis Freegard lives in Wellington, with an historian and a cat. Her first full-length poetry collection,Kingdom Animalia: The Escapades of Linnaeus, was published by Auckland University Press in 2011 and her first novel,The Year of Falling, was published in May this year by Mākaro Press.

May 2015, 210 x 148 mm, 96 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 833 6, $24.99

18/19 Flotsam The Tide Rises at the Gallery

By the end of the second week we stood too long in the washing waves we’d finished the duty free and fashioned a make-shift shelter (the high-heeled shoes from the in-flight magazines. the kettle We dreamed of shops, the internet, the giant apple trim flat whites. the bottle the hat) When, at the fourth week, help had not materialised, & were covered in silvery scales we formed into groups. The lingerie models built a table; afterwards we sat on the table the driving instructors set about listening to gulls collecting fruit. while the wind toyed with the cloth Those who failed to believe in a happy outcome (the television moved to the south face. the cellphone The seasons altered. the bowl of artificial fruit Strange pigeons startled us. the pine cone the glass) After six months someone spotted as the film rolled, our state altered: a dot on the horizon we grew saltier which soon grew into the familiar funnel of a liner. never quite dissolved We looked at each other. A roof needed thatching; there was tilling still to be done. We lifted our implements, turned our backs to the sea.

2 3 Flotsam The Tide Rises at the Gallery

By the end of the second week we stood too long in the washing waves we’d finished the duty free and fashioned a make-shift shelter (the high-heeled shoes from the in-flight magazines. the kettle We dreamed of shops, the internet, the giant apple trim flat whites. the bottle the hat) When, at the fourth week, help had not materialised, & were covered in silvery scales we formed into groups. The lingerie models built a table; afterwards we sat on the table the driving instructors set about listening to gulls collecting fruit. while the wind toyed with the cloth Those who failed to believe in a happy outcome (the television moved to the south face. the cellphone The seasons altered. the bowl of artificial fruit Strange pigeons startled us. the pine cone the glass) After six months someone spotted as the film rolled, our state altered: a dot on the horizon we grew saltier which soon grew into the familiar funnel of a liner. never quite dissolved We looked at each other. A roof needed thatching; there was tilling still to be done. We lifted our implements, turned our backs to the sea.

2 3

Winter 2015


In te reo Māori, ‘tauira’ means both student and teacher. In the book Tauira, acclaimed educator and anthropologist Joan Metge introduces readers to Māori methods of teaching and learning that are rich in lessons for us all. Based on extensive interviews, this book offers a window on a mid-twentieth-century rural Māori world as described by those who grew up there. Metge’s work shows that Māori ways of learning flourished alongside the school system, and that those educational practices had a particular form and philosophy. In preserving this evidence and these voices from the past, this important book offers much inspiration for the future.

Dame Joan Metge was born in 1930. A trained anthropologist, she is particularly famous for her outstanding promotion of cross-cultural awareness. Her most recent book is Tuamaka: The Challenge of Difference in Aotearoa New Zealand (AUP, 2010).

June 2015, 210 x 140 mm, 320 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 822 0, $45


Winter 2015

PASSPORT TO HELL Robin Hyde, edited & introduced by D.I.B. Smith

Passport to Hell is the story of James Douglas Stark – Starkie – and his war. Robin Hyde came across Starkie while reporting in Mt Eden Gaol in the 1930s and immediately knew she had to write his ‘queer true terrible story’. The result was greeted by John A. Lee, war veteran, author and politician, as ‘the most important New Zealand war book yet published’. Hyde took the raw horrors, respites and reversals of Starkie’s experiences and composed a work of literature much greater than a mere documentary of war. This newly reset edition includes Hyde’s final authorised text from 1937 and an introduction and notes by D. I. B. Smith.

Robin Hyde (1906–39) was a New Zealand journalist, novelist and poet. In her range, originality, distinctively New Zealand voice and attention to political, feminist and Māori subjects, she is now regarded as one of our most important writers.

June 2015, 198 x 130 mm, 344 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 839 8, $39.99


Winter 2015


Between 2010 and 2014 Lynn Jenner made several emotional and intellectual investigations. Lost and Gone Away is the record of these: a fascinating, ambitious hybrid of memoir, essay, prose poems and poetry. The book traverses the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake; samples and sifts through the lost and recovered detritus of the ancient world; radiates its attention out from that epicentre of loss, the Point Last Seen, from which all searches begin; and quietly, devastatingly, explores how one might think and write about the Holocaust, from far away. The cumulative result is a fresh, sobering and searching intellectual journey.

Lynn Jenner began writing at the age of 49. She won the NZSA Jessie Mackay Award for Best First Book of Poetry for her book Dear Sweet Harry, published by Auckland University Press. Her poetry has appeared in numerous literary journals, including Carcanet’s Oxford Poets: An Anthology, 2013.

July 2015, 210 x 140 mm, 284 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 840 4, $34.99


Winter 2015


This handy little book, written by one of the country’s leading intellectual property lawyers and author of the major texts on the subject, is an accessible introduction to patents, trade marks, copyright and other key elements of IP. Aimed at non-lawyers looking to understand basic concepts and key issues, the book will be a guiding light through the often murky waters of intellectual property law. Tackling common questions in concise and accessible prose, Intellectual Property in New Zealand: A User’s Guide should sit on the desk of entrepreneurs, designers, journalists, inventors and many more across New Zealand.

Paul Sumpter is senior academic in law at the University of Auckland, a consultant with Chapman Tripp, and a member of the Copyright Tribunal of New Zealand, as well as the author of multiple books on intellectual property law.

July 2015, 210 x 140 mm, 160 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 834 3, $29.99


Winter 2015


Shaggy Magpie Songs is a celebration of poetry’s potential – for drama and comedy, narrative and nonsense. Presented in four parts – Praise, Nonsense, Blues and Pop – the poems are at times jazzy and rollicking, at other times crooningly melancholic. Edmond writes: ‘I like to think the poems are the kind of songs that magpies might sing if they were into making up words: a little bubbly, a little bitter, a little absurd, and echoing with the sound of laughter: songs with shaggy tales to tell.’

Murray Edmond was born in Hamilton in 1949. He has published five books of poems with Auckland University Press including Fool Moon (a finalist in the 2005 Montana New Zealand Book Awards) and is the editor of the peer- reviewed, online journal of poetics Ka Mate Ka Ora: A New Zealand Journal of Poetry and Poetics.

August 2015, 230 x 165 mm, 80 pages approx Paperback, 978 1 86940 841 1, $24.99


Winter 2015


Rooted in extensive research and illustrated with many rare photographs and ephemera, Rugby: A New Zealand History is the defining history of rugby in a land that has made the game its own. It is a story of how the game travelled from England and settled in the colony, how Māori and later Pacific players embraced the game, how battles over amateurism and apartheid threatened the sport, how national teams, provinces and local clubs shaped it. But above all it is a story of wing forwards and fullbacks, of Don Clarke and Jonah Lomu, of the Log of Wood and Charlie Saxton’s ABC, of supporters in the grandstand and crackling radios at 2 a.m. The story of rugby is New Zealand’s story.

Ron Palenski is an author and historian, and among the most recognised authorities on the history of sport in New Zealand. His previous book with Auckland University Press, The Making of New Zealanders, placed rugby firmly as a marker in national identity.

Late August 2015, 270 x 224 mm, 460 pages, colour illustrations Hardback, 978 1 86940 830 5, $69.99


Spring 2014


Spring 2015


What was the nature of freedom and unfreedom in Māori society? How was it impacted by the ideas of British colonists arriving on the wings of the anti-slavery movement? A meticulously researched book, Outcasts of the Gods? looks closely at a huge variety of evidence to answer these questions, analysing bondage and freedom in traditional Māori society; the role of economics and mana in shaping captivity; and how the arrival of colonists and new trade opportunities transformed Māori society and the place of captives within it.

Hazel Petrie has an MA in History and PhD in Māori Studies from the University of Auckland. She has contributed chapters to numerous books on history, ecology and religion, both in New Zealand and overseas, and is the author of Chiefs of Industry: Māori Tribal Enterprise in Early Colonial New Zealand. She won a CLNZ Writers’ Award for her work on this book.

September 2015, 230 x 165 mm, 384 pages approx, colour illustrations Paperback, 978 1 86940 817 6, $49.99


Summer 2015


‘Dreadful murder at Opunake’, cried the Taranaki Herald one day in November 1880. ‘Shocking outrage’, said the Evening Post in Wellington. A young woman called Mary Dobie had been found lying under a flax bush near Ōpunake on the Taranaki coast with her throat cut so deep her head was almost severed. In the midst of tensions between Māori and Pākehā, the murder ignited questions. David Hastings takes us back to that lonely road in nineteenth-century New Zealand to unravel the many deaths of Mary Dobie – the murder, the hunt for the killer and the lessons that Māori and Pākehā learnt about her death and about themselves.

A former editor of the Weekend Herald, David Hastings is the author of Over the Mountains of the Sea: Life on the Migrant Ships, 1870–1885 and Extra! Extra! How the People Made the News, both published by Auckland University Press.

September 2015, 210 x 140 mm, 240 pages approx, colour illustrations Paperback, 978 1 86940 837 4, $39.99


Spring 2015


See What I Can See is a celebration of that remarkable, well-travelled, ever-changing invention, the camera, the New Zealand that it captured, and the artists who wielded it. This is a book about darkness and light, about careful planning and doing things on the spur of the moment. See What I Can See is an introduction to New Zealand photography that will appeal to young and curious photographers, students of New Zealand art history, or anyone who wants to sample the extraordinary range of images made in this country by our photographers.

Gregory O’Brien is an independent writer, painter, literary critic and art curator. His two previous books about art for the young and curious, Welcome to the South Seas (2004) and Back and Beyond (2008), both won the Non-Fiction Prize at the New Zealand Post Book Awards for Children and Young People.

October 2015, 265 x 235 mm, 112 pages, colour and b/w illustrations Hardback, 978 1 86940 843 5, $34.99


Summer 2015


Spring 2015

HELEN CLARK: INSIDE STORIES Claudia Pond Eyley & Dan Salmon

New Zealand’s first elected woman prime minister, head of the UN Development Program and ranked among the most powerful women in the world – Helen Clark’s public life is well known. But what about the inside stories? Documentary-makers Claudia Pond Eyley and Dan Salmon interviewed a host of participants: Clark herself and her family, political friends and enemies, mentors and staffers, journalists and lobbyists. The transcripts from those interviews, woven together here into a compelling narrative, offer a brilliantly multi-faceted inside account of Helen Clark’s life and career.

Claudia Pond Eyley is a visual artist, film-maker and author. Dan Salmon is a multi-award-winning director and producer of documentary and drama. Pond Eyley and Salmon’s documentary Helen, for which the interviews in this book were made, was screened on television in 2013 and 2014, as well as at the 2014 Documentary Edge Film Festival.

October 2015, 228 x 152 mm, 320 pages approx, illustrations Paperback, 978 1 86940 838 1, $39.99

44/45 Spring 2015


A brilliant new collection by Anne French, The Blue Voyage is elegiac in tone and confident in execution. A more comic initial section (by noted New Zealand regional poet ‘William Butler Smith’) leads into a section of thoughtful but vivid sailing poems and then a number of elegies, laments and funeral songs from French’s ‘black notebook’. The final section voyages to Korea and includes loose translations of poems by modernist Korean writer Han Yong-un. In their considerations of remembrance and writerly acts, these ‘translations’ aptly pick up themes introduced in the book’s first three parts: ‘Waiting / for the ringing of the bells announcing daybreak, / I put down my brush.’

Anne French is the author of a number of poetry collections including Boys’ Night Out and All Cretans Are Liars, winner of the New Zealand Book Award for Poetry and the PEN Award for First Book of Poetry in 1988.

November 2015, 210 x 148 mm, 72 pages approx Paperback, 978 1 86940 842 8, $24.99

46 Spring 2015

TELL YOU WHAT: GREAT NEW ZEALAND NONFICTION 2016 Edited by Jolisa Gracewood & Susanna Andrew

‘Poignant and powerful, and a “must have” on every New Zealand bookshelf’, said the Otago Daily Times about last year’s volume of Tell You What. ‘Could this be the start of an annual series?’ asked Philip Matthews in Your Weekend. ‘Thirty pieces of short-form nonfiction . . . all of them are punchy and intelligent and more-ish’, said Tilly Lloyd on Nine to Noon. By popular request, the editors of last summer’s nonfiction smash hit are back with another collection of praise and polemic, description and disputation. Join them for a second round of real, live stories, written to last.

Writer, reviewer and literary editor Jolisa Gracewood is also a cycling enthusiast and benefactor of trees. Susanna Andrew is an organiser of literary events, and thinks and writes about books for Metro magazine.

November 2015, 198 x 128 mm, 180 pages approx Paperback, 978 1 86940 844 2, $29.99


Summer 2016

A WHAKAPAPA OF TRADITION: ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF NG¯ATI POROU CARVING, 1830–1930 Ngarino Ellis, with new photography by Natalie Robertson

From the emergence of the chapel and the wharenui in the nineteenth century to the rejuvenation of carving by Apirana Ngata in the 1920s, Māori carving went through a rapid evolution from 1830 to 1930. Three previously dominant art traditions declined and were replaced by whare karakia (churches), whare whakairo (decorated meeting houses) and wharekai (dining halls). Via the Iwirākau School of carving, based in the Waiapu Valley on the East Coast, Ellis examines how and why that transformation took place. This book will be a landmark volume in the history of writing about Māori art.

Ngarino Ellis (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou) is a lecturer in the Department of Art History at the University of Auckland. Natalie Robertson (Ngāti Porou, Clann Dhònnchaidh) is a photographic artist and senior lecturer at AUT University.

February 2016, 248 x 200 mm, 328 pages approx, colour illustrations Hardback, 978 1 86940 737 7, $69.99

48/49 Toys, Te Reo and Tell You What: this is what we got up to last year. History 2014


‘The book is clearly-written and . . . it has an interesting story to tell that is of national and indeed international significance.’ – Geoffrey Rice,Weekend Press and Waikato Times

February 2014, 228 x 152 mm, 336 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 809 1, $49.99

51 History 2014


‘Overall, this is a powerful, convincing illustration of why history, and particularly New Zealand history, matters.’ – Paul Diamond, Nine to Noon

April 2014, 230 x 165 mm, 344 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 810 7, $49.99

52 History 2014


‘A huge amount of research and effort has been put in by the writers of The Healthy Country to create a solid and thorough history of life and death in New Zealand.’ – Kimaya McIntosh, Booksellers New Zealand’s blog

October 2014, 228 x 152 mm, 320 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 813 8, $49.99

53 History 2014


‘David Veart’s book provides a comprehensive history of toys that have been produced in New Zealand . . . It is not only a book for toy enthusiasts, but it will also appeal to those who enjoy reading about Kiwiana in general and our country’s heritage.’ – Gisborne Herald

November 2014, 240 x 195 mm, 320 pages, colour illustrations Hardback, 978 1 86940 821 3, $65

54 Literature 2014

TELL YOU WHAT: GREAT NEW ZEALAND NONFICTION 2015 Edited by Jolisa Gracewood & Susanna Andrew

‘Poignant and powerful, and a “must have” on every New Zealand bookshelf.’ – Helen Spiers, Otago Daily Times

November 2014, 198 x 130 mm, 240 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 824 4, $29.99

55 Science 2014


‘A fine populist science writer, with a dry wit that’s frequently allowed out to play, Corballis has provided a diverting and – puns are simply unavoidable with this topic – thought-provoking trawl through the back alleys of the psyche.’ – Paul Little, North & South

May 2014, 210 x 140 mm, 184 pages, NZ rights only Paperback, 978 1 86940 811 4, $34.99

56 Architecture 2014


‘Gatley [and] Walker’s keen exegesis presents the history of urban Wellington as heated contestation of civic values: a discussion about the meaning of New Zealand cities, with arguments in steel and concrete.’ – Tim Goulter, FishHead

July 2014, 240 x 180 mm, 232 pages, colour illustrations Hardback, 978 1 86940 815 2, $59.99

57 58 Architecture 2014

SHIGERU BAN: CARDBOARD CATHEDRAL Andrew Barrie Photographs by Bridgit Anderson & Stephen Goodenough

‘. . . this 250-page book is both document and souvenir, making the story of the project legible and memorable through a compelling combination of text and image.’ – Linda Tyler, Architecture New Zealand

August 2014, 235 x 165 mm, 252 pages, colour and b/w illustrations Hardback, 978 1 86940 767 4, $59.99 Gold Award, Designers’ Institute of New Zealand Best Awards Winner, iF Design Awards 2015, Discipline Communication

59 Ma¯ori 2014


‘. . . . investigates what has to happen for te reo and the central institution of Maori identity, the tribal marae, to survive into the future. Maranga Mai! – translated as ‘wake up!’ – is intended as a wake-up call.’ – Kathryn Ryan, Nine to Noon

May 2014, 230 x 165 mm, 280 pages, colour illustrations Paperback, 978 1 86940 805 3, $45

60 Ma¯ori 2014


‘More than a factual history (though it is also this), the book is also a record of Ngāpuhi philosophy. Indeed, as the chapter on Mātauranga (Epistemology) makes plain, an awareness of different attitudes to knowledge itself is an essential starting point for communication between cultures.’ – Sue Wootton, Takahē

October 2014, 240 x 170 mm, 200 pages, genealogies Hardback, 978 1 86940 814 5, $49.99

61 Ma¯ori/Poetry 2014


‘An important addition to New Zealand literature and a tribute to what it is to be human, exploring our past to illuminate our present.’ – ‘Best Poetry of 2014’, New Zealand Listener

September 2014, 230 x 172 mm, 416 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 817 6, $49.99

62 Poetry 2014

THE LIMITS Alice Miller

‘. . . there’s something gently understated and reflective about the manner in which Miller knits words and rhythms together . . .’ – Siobhan Harvey, Beattie’s Book Blog

March 2014, 210 x 148 mm, 64 pages, world rights except UK and Europe Paperback, 978 1 86940 806 0, $24.99

63 Poetry 2014

HEARTLAND Michele Leggott

‘Heartland . . . is a work wherein the “strange and familiar” intersect to create dreamlike sequences − tethered to the past and filtered through the imagination.’ – Elizabeth Morton, Booksellers New Zealand’s blog

April 2014, 230 x 165 mm, 120 pages Paperback with flaps, 978 1 86940 808 4, $27.99 Finalist, NZ Post Book Awards 2014

64 Poetry 2014


‘Halcyon Ghosts is an ambitious piece of work. It’s a collection that rushes between the microscopic and the celestial, zooming in and out of normalcy and immediacy. Gentle historical nostalgia sits alongside hard-edged scientific theory, miniaturised epic topographies and heightened everyday ritual.’ – Alex Taylor, The Pantograph Punch

June 2014, 230 x 165 mm, 96 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 816 9, $24.99

65 Poetry 2014


‘Tse’s poems celebrate a Chinese contribution to an earlier New Zealand, but they also lament a separation from the ancestral culture.’ – Nicholas Reid, Reid’s Reader

September 2014, 210 x 165 mm, 80 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 818 3, $24.99

66 Poetry 2014


‘These poems are sharply objective, emotionally engaging and often profoundly moving. In a world of talented copy- artists, Jackson is that rare thing – a true original. Her poetry never fails to surprise and inform.’ – , New Zealand Listener

November 2014, 210 x 135 mm, 76 pages Paperback, 978 1 86940 820 6, $24.99

67 68 Poetry 2014


‘Kerry Hines’s debut, Young Country, not only pays tribute to (and reproduces some of the fascinating images of) the great underrated New Zealand photographer William Williams but also opens up new approaches to writing about our colonial past.’ – Iain Sharp, NZ Poetry Shelf

November 2014, 214 x 164 mm, 200 pages, illustrations Hardback, 978 1 86940 823 7, $34.99

69 Poetry, pottery, politics and portraits. We’re interested in almost everything. BACKLIST

ART AND ARCHITECTURE O’BRIEN, Gregory. Back and Beyond: New Zealand Painting for the Young and Curious. 112p, BAKER, Kriselle. The Desire of the Line: Ralph colour illus, 2nd imp, 2009, $34.99, 978 1 86940 Hotere Figurative Works. 156p, colour illus, 2005, 404 8. Winner, NZ Post Children’s Book Award $59.99, 978 186940 343 0. for Non-fiction 2009.* BELL, Leonard. Marti Friedlander. 240p, colour illus, hb, 2nd imp, 2010, $75, 978 1 86940 444 4. O’BRIEN, Gregory. A Micronaut in the Wide Finalist, NZ Post Book Awards 2010. Finalist, World: The Imaginative Life and Times of Graham PANZ Book Design Awards 2010. Percy. 184p, colour illus, hb, 2nd imp, 2012, $59.99, 978 1 86940 470 3. Finalist, NZ Post Book BLUNDELL, Sally (ed.). Look This Way: New Award for Illustrated Non-fiction 2012. Zealand Writers on New Zealand Artists. 200p, colour illus, 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 371 3. O’BRIEN, Gregory. Welcome to the South Seas: Finalist, Montana NZ Book Awards 2008. Contemporary New Zealand Art for Young People. BROWN, Gordon H. Towards a Promised Land: 96p, colour illus, hb, 3rd imp, 2005, $34.99, 978 On the Life and Art of Colin McCahon. 216p, 1 86940 328 7. Winner, NZ Post Children’s Book colour illus, 2010, $79.99, 978 1 86940 452 9.* Award for Non-fiction 2005. Winner, LIANZA Elsie Locke Award 2005. Finalist, Spectrum BUCHANAN, Iain, DUNN, Michael & Print Design Awards 2005.* EASTMOND, Elizabeth. Frances Hodgkins: Paintings and Drawings. 214p, colour & b/w illus, POUND, Francis. The Invention of New Zealand: revised (pb) edn 2002, $69.99, 978 1 86940 263 1.* Art and National Identity, 1930–1970. 528p, colour illus, hb, 2nd imp, 2010, $75, 978 1 86940 CRAIG, David & O’BRIEN, Gregory, with new 414 7. Finalist, NZ Post Book Awards 2010. photography by Haruhiko SAMESHIMA. His Own Steam: The Work of Barry Brickell. 232p, SHEPARD, Deborah (ed.). Between the Lives: colour illus, 2013, $65, 978 1 86940 763 6. Partners in Art. 246p, colour plates & b/w illus, Finalist, NZ Post Book Awards 2013. 2005, $49.99, 978 1 86940 333 1.* DUNN, Michael. Nerli: An Italian Painter in the SIMPSON, Peter. Colin McCahon: The Titirangi South Pacific. 154p, colour plates & b/w illus, hb, Years, 1953–1959. 186p, colour illus, 2007, $59.99, 2005, $89.99, 978 1 86940 335 5. 978 1 86940 389 8. DUNN, Michael. New Zealand Painting: A Concise History. 224p, colour & b/w illus, hb, 3rd SIMPSON, Peter. Fantastica: The World of Leo imp, 2007, $99.99, 978 1 86940 297 6. Bensemann. 232p, colour illus, hb, 2011, $75, 978 1 86940 471 0. DUNN, Michael. New Zealand Sculpture: A History (updated edn). 204p, colour & b/w illus, SIMPSON, Peter & PERYER, Peter. Peter Peryer: 2008, $99.99, 978 1 86940 425 3. Photographer. 144p, colour illus, 2008, $59.99, GATLEY, Julia. Athfield Architects. 320p, colour 978 1 86940 417 8. Finalist, Montana NZ Book illus, hb, 2012, $75, 978 1 86940 591 5. Awards 2009. GATLEY, Julia (ed.). Long Live the Modern: New SKINNER, Damian. The Carver and the Artist: Zealand’s New Architecture, 1904–1984. 256p, Māori Art in the Twentieth Century. 232p, colour b/w illus, 3rd imp, 2009, $75, 978 1 86940 415 4.* illus, 2008, $89.99, 978 1 86940 373 7.

* Out of stock in New Zealand but available from overseas distributors

71 Backlist

SKINNER, Damian. Don Binney: Nga Manu, EDMOND, Martin. The Autobiography of My Nga Motu. 136p, colour illus, 2004, $49.99, 978 1 Father. 179p, pb, 2nd imp, 1993, $29.95, 978 1 86940 288 4.* 86940 074 3. Finalist, Wattie Book Award.*

TREVELYAN, Jill & TREADWELL, Sarah. EDMOND, Martin. Chronicle of the Unsung. 216p, Joanna Margaret Paul: Drawing. 140p, colour 3rd imp, 2005, $39.99, 978 1 86940 311 9. Winner, illus, 2006, $59.99, 978 1 86940 368 3. Montana NZ Book Award for Biography 2005.

WEDDE, Ian. Bill Culbert: Making Light Work. EDMOND, Martin. Dark Night: Walking With 272p, colour illus, hb, 2009, $99.99, 978 1 86940 McCahon. 208p, 2011, $37.99, 978 1 86940 483 3. 439 0. EDMOND, Martin. Waimarino County and Other WRIGHT, Alan & HANFLING, Edward. Excursions. 272p, 2007, $39.99, 978 1 86940 391 1. Mrkusich: The Art of Transformation. 240p, Finalist, Montana NZ Book Awards 2008. colour illus, hb, 2009, $99.99, 978 1 86940 437 6. Finalist, NZ Post Book Awards 2010. FAHEY, Jacqueline. Before I Forget. 224p, colour & b/w illus, 2012, $45, 978 1 86940 581 6.

ASIAN STUDIES FAHEY, Jacqueline. Something for the Birds. 216p, illus, 2nd imp, 2012, $45, 978 1 86940 355 3. IP, Manying. Being Māori–Chinese: Mixed Identi- ties. 272p, illus, 2008, $49.99, 978 1 86940 399 7. FAIRBURN, Miles. Nearly Out of Heart and Hope: The Puzzle of a Colonial Labourer’s Diary. 275p, IP, Manying (ed.). The Dragon and the Taniwha: pb, 1995, $39.95, 978 1 86940 118 4.* Māori and Chinese in New Zealand. 384p, 2009, $49.99, 978 1 86940 436 9. FARRELL, Fiona. The Broken Book. 208p, 5th imp, 2012, $34.99, 978 1 86940 576 2. Finalist, NZ JOHNSON, Henry & MOLOUGHNEY, Brian Post Book Award for Non-fiction 2012; Finalist, (eds). Asia in the Making of New Zealand. 304p, Nielsen NZ Booksellers Choice Award 2012. illus, 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 384 3. FRIEDLANDER, Marti, with MANSON, Hugo. BIOGRAPHY/AUTOBIOGRAPHY/ Self-Portrait. 264p, illus, 2013, $59.99, 978 1 CORRESPONDENCE/MEMOIR 86940 784 1.

BATISTICH, Amelia. Never Lost for Words. 224p, GILL, Linda (ed.). Letters of Frances Hodgkins. illus, 2001, $39.99, 978 1 86940 246 4.* 594p, illus, hb, 1993, $69.99, 978 1 86940 081 1. Finalist, Montana NZ Book Awards 1994.* BERTRAM, James. Capes of China Slide Away: A Memoir of Peace and War, 1910–1980. 328p, illus, GUSTAFSON, Barry. His Way: A Biography of 1993, $49.99, 978 1 86940 077 4. Robert Muldoon. 352p, illus, hb, 2nd imp, 2000, $59.99, 978 1 86940 236 5. Winner, ARANZ Ian CARTER, Ian. Gadfly: The Life and Times of Wards Prize. James Shelley. 346p, illus, 1993, hb, $49.99, 978 1 86940 085 9. GUSTAFSON, Barry. Kiwi Keith: A Biography of Keith Holyoake. 420p, illus, hb, 2nd imp, 2008, CHALLIS, Derek & RAWLINSON, Gloria. The $59.99, 978 1 86940 400 0. Book of Iris: A Life of Robin Hyde. 800p, illus, 2002, hb, $69.99, 978 1 86940 267 9. Finalist, HENSLEY, Gerald. Final Approaches. 328p, illus, Montana NZ Book Awards 2003. 2nd imp, 2006, $49.99, 978 1 86940 378 2.

72 HERCOCK, Fay. Alice: The Making of a Woman RICHARDS, Ian. To Bed at Noon: The Life and Doctor 1914–1974. 294p, illus, 1999, $45, 978 1 Art of . 476p, illus, 1997, $59.99, 86940 206 8.* 978 1 86940 159 7. Finalist, Montana NZ Book Awards 1998. HOWE, K R. Singer in a Songless Land: A Life of Edward Tregear, 1846–1931. 242p, 1991, $45, 978 SHARP, Iain. Heaphy. 240p, colour illus, hb, 1 86940 058 3. 2008, $69.99, 978 1 86940 421 5. Finalist, LOCKE, Elsie & MATTHEWS, Jacquie (eds). Montana NZ Book Awards 2009. Stick Out Keep Left: An Autobiography by SHEPARD, Deborah. Her Life’s Work: Margaret Thorn. 144p, illus, 1997, $34.99, 978 1 Conversations with Five New Zealand Women. 86940 143 6. With Bridget Williams Books. 336p, illus, 2009, $45, 978 1 86940 443 7. LONEY, Alan. The Falling. 144p, 2001, $34.99, SHIEFF, Sarah. Talking Music: Conversations 978 1 86940 250 1. with New Zealand Musicians. 216p, photographs LOWRY, Vanya. From the Wistaria Bush. 168p, by Robert Cross, audio CD, 2002, $49.99, 978 1 illus, 2001, $39.99, 978 1 86940 256 3. 86940 228 0. McCORMICK, E H. An Absurd Ambition: SMITHER, Elizabeth. The Commonplace Book: Autobiographical Writings. Edited by Dennis A Writer’s Journey Through Quotations. 200p, McEldowney. 220p, illus, 1996, $45, 978 1 86940 2011, $34.99, 978 1 86940 476 5. 156 6. SMITHER, Elizabeth. The Journal Box. 180p, McCORMICK, E H. Portrait of Frances Hodgkins. 1996, $34.99, 978 1 86940 142 9. 160p, illus, 3rd imp, 1990, $34.99, 978 1 86940 047 SORRENSON, M P K (ed.). Na To Hoa Aroha, 7. Winner, NZ Book Award for Book Production From Your Dear Friend: The Correspondence of 1982. Sir Apirana Ngata and Sir Peter Buck, 1925–50. McELDOWNEY, Dennis. Shaking the Bee Tree. Vol III, 288p, illus, 1988, $49.99, 978 1 86940 223p, 1992, $39.99, 978 1 86940 073 6. 019 4.* McELDOWNEY, Dennis. Then and There: A STEAD, C K. South-West of Eden: A Memoir, 1970s Diary. 212p, illus, 1995, $39.99, 978 1 86940 1932–1956. 360p, hb, 2010, $45, 978 1 86940 116 0. 454 3. McELDOWNEY, Dennis. The World Regained. STONE, R C J. Young Logan Campbell. 287p, illus, 142p, illus, 2001, $34.99, 978 1 86940 253 2. hb, 1982, $45, 978 0 19648 019 0. MILLAR, Paul. No Fretful Sleeper: A Life of Bill STURM, Terry. An Unsettled Spirit: The Life Pearson. 432p, illus, 2010, $59.99, 978 1 86940 419 and Frontier Fiction of Edith Lyttleton (G B 2. Finalist, NZ Post Book Awards 2011. Lancaster). 320p, illus, 2003, $49.99, 978 1 86940 PRICE, Chris. Brief Lives. 168p, 2nd imp, 2007, 294 5. World rights except North America. $29.99, 978 1 86940 363 8. Finalist, Montana NZ Finalist, Montana NZ Book Awards 2004. Book Awards 2007. Winner, Spectrum Print Book TEMPLE, Philip. A Sort of Conscience: The Design Award for Best Non-illustrated Book. Wakefields. 584p, illus, pb edn 2003. $55, REID, Bryan. After the Fireworks: A Life of David 9781869403072. Winner, ARANZ Ian Wards Ballantyne. 232p, 2004, $49.99, 978 1 86940 Prize; Ernest Scott History Prize; Best Biography 327 0. Montana NZ Book Awards, 2003

73 Backlist

BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, Volume Three: 1901–1920. 672p, hb, 2nd imp, BOLLARD, Alan with GAITANOS, Sarah. Crisis: 2000, $150, 978 1 86940 200 6. One Central Bank Governor and the Global Financial Collapse (updated edn). 264p, 2012, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, $34.99, 978 1 86940 740 7. Volume Four: 1921–1940. 672p, hb, 2nd imp, 1999, $150, 978 1 86940 203 7. CALLAGHAN, Paul. Wool to Weta: Transforming New Zealand’s Culture and Economy. 184p, 4th Ngā Tāngata Taumata Rau: 1769–1869. 464p, hb, imp, 2012, $34.99, 978 1 86940 438 3. 1990, $79.99, 978 0 04442 176 4.* CAMPBELL-HUNT, Colin/CANZ. World Famous Ngā Tāngata Taumata Rau: 1870–1900. 256p, hb, in New Zealand: How New Zealand’s Leading 1994, $79.99, 978 0 90891 263 6. Firms Became World-Class Competitors. 248p, Ngā Tāngata Taumata Rau: 1901–1920. 334p, 2001, $45, 978 1 86940 249 5. illus, hb, 1996, $79.99, 978 1 86940 201 3. EASTON, Brian. Globalisation and the Wealth of Ngā Tāngata Taumata Rau: 1921–1940. 288p, hb, Nations. 260p, 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 377 5. 1998, $79.99, 978 1 86940 204 4.* FLEMING, Robin. The Common Purse: Income Ngā Tāngata Taumata Rau: 1941–1960. 320p, hb, Sharing in New Zealand Families. 200p, 1997, 2000, $79.99, 978 1 86940 225 9.* $45, 978 1 86940 169 6. With Bridget Williams Books. Māpihi Kahurangi: Illustrated Biographies from Nga Tangata Taumata Rau, 1769–1869. 64p, HENDY, Shaun & CALLAGHAN, Paul. Get off the 1993, $19.99, 978 0 90891 239 1. Grass: Kickstarting New Zealand’s Innovation Economy. 248p, 2013, $34.99, 978 1 86940 762 9. Te Kīngitanga: The People of the Māori King Movement. 136p, 3rd imp, 2014, $39.99, 978 1 IRVING, David, KOLB, Darl, SHEPHERD, 86940 202 0. Deborah & WOODS, Christine. Changing Gears: How to Take Your Kiwi Business from the Kitchen The Turbulent Years, 1870–1900. 278p, 1994, $45, Table to the Boardroom. 168p, 2nd imp, 2012, 978 0 90891 222 3.* $34.99, 978 1 86940 450 5. LATTIMORE, Ralph & EAQUB, Shamubeel. The HISTORY New Zealand Economy: An Introduction. 184p, BARNES, Felicity. New Zealand’s : A 2011, $34.99, 978 1 86940 489 5. Colony and its Metropolis. 344p, illus, 2012, $49.99, 978 1 86940 585 4. THE DICTIONARY OF NEW ZEALAND BIOGRAPHY BASSETT, Michael. The Mother of All Departments. 312p, illus, 1997, $49.99, 978 1 Published in association with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage 86940 175 7. The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, BELGRAVE, Michael. Historical Frictions: Maori Volume One: 1769–1869. 692p, hb, 4th imp, 1998, Claims and Reinvented Histories. 396p, 2005, 978 $150, 978 0 04641 052 0.* 1 8694 320 1, $49.99. The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, BOURKE, Chris. Blue Smoke: The Lost Dawn of Volume Two: 1870–1900. 684p, hb, 2nd imp, 1993, New Zealand Popular Music, 1918–1964. 392p, $150, 978 0 90891 249 0. colour illus, 2010, $59.99, 978 1 86940 455 0.

74 Winner, NZ Post Book of the Year, NZ Post DALEY, Caroline & NOLAN, Melanie (eds). General Non-Fiction Award, NZ Post People’s Suffrage and Beyond. 384p, 1994, $49.99, 978 1 Choice Award 2011, PANZ Book Design Awards 86940 107 8. Random House NZ Award for Best Illustrated DALLEY, Bronwyn. Family Matters: Child Book. Welfare in Twentieth-Century New Zealand. 456p, BRYDER, Linda. A History of the ‘Unfortunate illus, 1998, $49.99, 978 1 86940 190 0.* Experiment’ at National Women’s Hospital. 256p, DALLEY, Bronwyn & LABRUM, Bronwyn. 2009, $49.99, 978 1 86940 435 2. Finalist, Ernest Fragments: New Zealand Social and Cultural Scott Prize 2010. History. 246p, illus, 2000, $45, 978 1 86940 185 6. BRYDER, Linda. A Voice for Mothers: The DALLEY, Bronwyn & PHILLIPS, Jock (eds). Plunket Society and Infant Welfare 1907–2000. Going Public: The Changing Face of New 368p, illus, 2003, $49.99, 78 1 86940 290 7. NZ & Zealand History. 226p, illus, 2001, $45, 978 1 Australian rights only. 86940 226 6. CARLYON, Jenny & MORROW, Diana. Changing DAY, Patrick. Voice and Vision: A History of Times: New Zealand Since 1945. 576p, illus, 2013, Broadcasting in New Zealand, Volume 2. 468p, $49.99, 978 1 86940 782 7. illus, hb, 2000, $59.99, 978 1 86940 233 4. CHAPMAN, Robert & SINCLAIR, Keith (eds). DUNLEAVY, Trisha. Ourselves in Primetime: A Studies of a Small Democracy: Essays in Honour History of New Zealand Television Drama. 342p, of Willis Airey. 288p, hb, 1963, $45, 978 0 19 2005, illus, $49.99, 978 1 86940 339 3. 647946 0. EDMOND, Martin. Zone of the Marvellous: In CLARKE, Alison. Holiday Seasons: Christmas, Search of the Antipodes. 264p, 3rd imp, 2011, New Year and Easter in Nineteenth-Century $39.99, 978 1 86940 447 5. New Zealand. 200p, illus, 2007, $34.99, 978 1 86940 382 9. AUP Studies in Cultural and Social GILBERT, Jarrod. Patched: The History of Gangs History, 4. in New Zealand. 384p, colour & b/w illus, 2013, $49.99, 978 1 86940 729 2. Finalist, NZ Post Book CRAWFORD, John & McGIBBON, Ian (eds). One Awards 2013; Winner, People’s Choice Award. Flag, One Queen, One Tongue: New Zealand, the British Empire and the South African War. 240p, GREEN, Anna & HUTCHING, Megan (eds). illus, 2003, $49.99, 978 1 86940 293 8. Remembering: Writing Oral History. 192p, illus, 2004, $49.99, 978 1 86940 317 1.* DALEY, Caroline. Girls and Women, Men and Boys: Gender in Taradale, 1886–1930. 300p, illus, GRIFFITH, Penny, HUGHES, Peter & LONEY, 1999, $49.99, 978 1 86940 211 2. Winner, J M Alan. A Book in the Hand: Essays on the History of Sherrard Award for Regional History 2002. the Book in New Zealand. 268p, illus, 2000, $45, 978 1 86940 231 0. DALEY, Caroline. Leisure and Pleasure: Reshaping and Revealing the New Zealand Body HARPER, Glyn (ed.). Letters From Gallipoli: New 1900–1960. 320p, illus, 2003, $49.99, 978 1 86940 Zealand Soldiers Write Home. 344p, illus, 2011, 291 4. Finalist, Montana NZ Book Awards 2004. $45, 978 1 86940 477 2.* DALEY, Caroline & MONTGOMERIE, Deborah HASTINGS, David. Extra! Extra! How the People (eds). The Gendered Kiwi. 256p, illus, 1999, $45, Made the News. 296p, illus, 2013, $45, 978 1 978 1 86940 219 8. 86940 738 4.

75 Backlist

HASTINGS, David. Over the Mountains of the Sea: McKINNON, Malcolm. Treasury: A History of the Life on the Migrant Ships, 1870–1885. 302p, illus, New Zealand Treasury. 528p, illus, 2003, $49.99, 2nd imp, 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 375 1.* 978 1 86940 296 9. Winner, ARANZ Ian Wards Prize, 2004. HENSLEY, Gerald. Friendly Fire: Nuclear Politics and the Collapse of ANZUS, 1984–1987. 348p, MONTGOMERIE, Deborah. Love in Time of War: illus, 2013, $45, 978 1 86940 741 4. Letter Writing in the Second World War. 146p, illus, 2005, $34.99, 978 1 8694 336 2. AUP Studies HILLIARD, Chris. The Bookmen’s Dominion: in Cultural and Social History, 1. Cultural Life in New Zealand 1920–1950. 144p, O’MALLEY, Vincent. illus, 2006, $34.99, 978 1 86940 362 1. AUP The Meeting Place: Māori . 312p, colour Studies in Cultural and Social History, 3. and Pākeha Encounters, 1642–1840 illus, 2012, $45, 978 1 86940 594 6. Finalist, NZ HOLLAND, Peter. Home in the Howling Post Book Awards 2013. Wilderness: Settlers and the Environment in PALENSKI, Ron. The Making of New Zealanders. Southern New Zealand. 256p, illus, 2013, $49.99, 392p, illus, 2012, $45, 978 1 86940 726 1. 978 1 86940 739 1. Winner, ARANZ Ian Wards Prize 2014. PARR, Alison. The Big Show: New Zealanders, D-Day and the War in Europe. 256p, illus, 2006, HUNTER, Ian. Age of Enterprise: Discovering $45, 978 1 86940 365 2. the New Zealand Entrepreneur, 1880–1910. 288p, illus, 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 381 2. Finalist, PEDEN, Robert. Making Sheep Country: Mt Peel Montana NZ Book Awards 2008. Station and the Transformation of the Tussock Lands. 296p, colour illus, 2011, $49.99, 978 1 HUNTER, Ian & MORROW, Diana (eds). City of 86940 485 7. Enterprise: Perspectives on Auckland Business PETRIE, Hazel. Chiefs of Industry. 340p, illus, History. 280p, hb, illus, 2006, $49.99, 978 1 86940 2006, $49.99, 978 1 86940 376 8. Finalist, 351 5. Montana NZ Book Awards 2007.* LABRUM, Bronwyn, McKERGOW, Fiona POOL, Ian, DHARMALINGAM, Arunachalam & GIBSON, Stephanie (eds). Looking Flash: & SCEATS, Janet. The New Zealand Family from Clothing in Aotearoa New Zealand. 300p, colour 1840: A Demographic History, 474p, 2007, $49.99, & b/w illus, 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 397 3.* 978 1 86940 357 7. LANGE, Raeburn. May the People Live: A History PRIESTLEY, Rebecca. Mad on Radium: New of Maori Health Development 1900–1920. 374p, Zealand in the Atomic Age. 296p, illus, 2012, $45, illus, 1999, $49.99, 978 1 86940 214 3. 978 1 86940 727 8. LAURENSON, Helen B. Going Up, Going Down: RABEL, Roberto. New Zealand and the Vietnam The Rise and Fall of the Department Store. 176p, War: Politics and Diplomacy. 444p, illus, 2005, illus, 3rd imp, 2008, $34.99, 978 1 86940 341 6. $49.99, 978 1 8694 340 9. AUP Studies in Cultural and Social History, 2. REID, Nicholas. The University of Auckland: The McELDOWNEY, Dennis. A Press Achieved: First 125 Years. 112p, colour illus, 2008, $39.99, The Emergence of Auckland University Press, 978 1 86940 413 0. 1927–1972. 160p, illus, 2001, $34.99, 978 1 86940 RICHARDSON, Len. Coal, Class and Community: 239 6. The United Mineworkers of New Zealand, 1880– 1960. 344p, illus, 1995, $45, 978 1 86940 113 9.

76 RISEBOROUGH, Hazel. Shear Hard Work: A WANHALLA, Angela. Matters of the Heart: History of New Zealand Shearing. 360p, colour & A History of Interracial Marriage in New Zealand. b/w illus, 2010, $45, 978 1 86940 453 6. 316p, illus, 2013, $49.99, 978 1 86940 731 5. Winner, Ernest Scott Prize for History 2014. ROGERS, Anna. While You’re Away: New Zealand Nurses at War 1899–1948. 364p, illus, 2nd imp, WILLIAMS, David V. A Simple Nullity? The 2003, $39.99, 978 1 86940 301 0.* Wi Parata Case in New Zealand Law and History. 304p, illus, 2011, $49.99, 978 1 86940 484 0. ROSS, Kirstie. Going Bush: New Zealanders and Nature in the Twentieth Century. 200p, illus, WOOD, Pamela. Dirt: Filth and Decay in a New 2008, $39.99, 978 1 86940 424 6. AUP Studies in World Arcadia. 246p, 2005, illus, $49.99, 978 1 Cultural and Social History, 5. 8694 348 5. ROWLAND, Perrin. Dining Out: A History of the WRIGHT, David. Joyita: Solving the Mystery. Restaurant in New Zealand. 288p, colour illus, hb, 144p, illus, 2002, $34.99, 978 1 86940 270 9. 2010, $59.99, 978 1 86940 464 2.

SHARP, Iain. Real Gold: Treasures of Auckland LITERATURE City Libraries. Photographs by Haruhiko Sameshima. 224p, colour illus, $59.99, 978 1 CALDER, Alex. The Settler’s Plot: How Stories 86940 396 6. Take Place in New Zealand. 312p, 2011, $45, 978 1 86940 488 8. SHAW, Louise. Making a Difference: A History of the Auckland College of Education, 1881–2004. CRONIN, Jan. The Frame Function: An Inside– 292p, illus, 2006, $49.99, 978 1 86940 370 6. Out Guide to the Novels of . 232p, 2011, $49.99, 978 1 86940 486 4. SINCLAIR, Keith (ed.). Tasman Relations: New Zealand and Australia, 1788–1988. 336p, 1987, CURNOW, Allen. Look Back Harder: Critical $49.99, 978 1 86940 018 7. Writings, 1935–1984. Edited by Peter Simpson. STONE, R C J. From Tamaki-makau-rau to 338p, 1987, $45, 978 1 86940 010 1. Auckland. 360p, colour & b/w illus, 2nd imp, DEVANNY, Jean. The Butcher Shop. First 2002, $59.99, 978 1 86940 259 4. Winner, J M published 1926. Edited & introduced by Heather Sherrard Award for Regional History 2004. Roberts. 250p, 3rd imp, 1988, $34.99, 978 0 19 STONE, R C J. Logan Campbell’s Auckland: Tales 648 001 5. from the Early Years. 280p, colour & b/w illus, DUGGAN, Maurice. . Edited & 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 393 5.* Collected Stories introduced by C K Stead. 384p, hb, 1981, $39.99, TEMPLETON, Malcolm. Ties of Blood and 978 0 19 647 993 4. Empire: New Zealand’s Involvement in Middle East Defence and the Suez Crisis, 1947–57. 278p, ESCOTT, Margaret. Show Down. First published 1994, $45, 978 1 86940 097 2. 1936. Edited & introduced by Robert Goodman. xxvi, 134p, 1973, $29.99, 978 0 19 647 734 3. VEART, David. First Catch your Weka: A Story of New Zealand Cooking. 336p, colour illus, 2nd GASKELL, A P. All Part of the Game. Edited imp, 2009, $49.99, 978 1 86940 410 9. Finalist, & introduced by R A Copland. xii, 193p, 1978, Montana NZ Book Awards 2009. $34.99, 978 0 19 647 965 1.

77 Backlist

HYDE, Robin. The Godwits Fly. Edited & STEAD, C K. Book Self: The Reader as Writer introduced by Patrick Sandbrook. 260p, 2nd imp, and the Writer as Critic. 448p, 2008, $45, 978 1 2007, $34.99, 978 1 86940 245 7. 86940 412 3. JENSEN, Kai. Whole Men: The Masculine STEAD, C K. Kin of Place: Essays on 20 New Tradition in New Zealand Literature. 208p, 1996, Zealand Writers. 392p, 2002, $45, 978 1 86940 $39.99, 978 1 86940 145 0. 272 3.* JONES, Jenny Robin. Writers in Residence: VON STURMER, Richard. A Network of A Journey with Pioneering New Zealand Writers. Dissolving Threads. 136p, 1991, $29.99, 978 1 328p, pb, 2004, $45, 971 1 86940 3027.* 86940 054 5. O’BRIEN, Gregory. Diesel Mystic. 200p, illus, WEVERS, Lydia. Country of Writing: Travel 1989, $34.99, 978 1 86940 017 0. Writing and New Zealand, 1809–1900. 240p, illus, PEARSON, Bill. Rifled Sanctuaries: Some Views of $49.99. 978 1 86940 271 6. the Pacific Islands in Western Literature to 1900. WILLIAMS, Mark. Leaving the Highway: Six 96p, 1984, $24.99, 978 0 19 648029 9. Contemporary New Zealand Novelists. 240p, 2nd POOLE, . The Rock Garden. 168p, imp, 1992, $45, 978 1 86940 044 6. 1989, $34.99, 978 1 86940 037 8. SARGESON, Frank. Conversation in a Train M¯AORI STUDIES and Other Critical Writings. Edited by Kevin BIGGS, Bruce. The Complete English–Maori Cunningham. 220p, hb, 1984, $39.99, 978 0 19 Dictionary. 238p, 13th imp, 2015, $39.99, 978 1 648023 7. 86940 057 6. SATCHELL, William. The Toll of the Bush. First BIGGS, Bruce. English–Maori Maori–English published 1905. Edited & introduced by Kendrick Dictionary. 154p, 8th imp, 2013, $19.99, 978 1 Smithyman. 258p, 1986, $34.99, 978 0 19 648 86940 056 9. 050 3. SHARRAD, Paul. and Pacific BIGGS, Bruce. Let’s Learn Maori. revised edn, Literature: Circling the Void. 320p, illus, 2003, 206p, 4th imp, 2010, $39.99, 978 1 86940 186 3. $49.99, 978 1 86940 303 4. NZ & Australian CURNOW, Jenifer, HOPA, Ngapare & McRAE, rights only. Jane (eds). He Pitopito Kōrero Nō Te Perehi SMITHER, Elizabeth. Nights at the Embassy. Māori: Readings from the Māori-language Press. 172p, 1990, $29.99, 978 1 86940 051 4. 246p, illus, 3rd imp, 2014, $45, 978 1 86940 359 1. STAFFORD, Jane & WILLIAMS, Mark. The Auckland University Press Anthology of New GREENWOOD, Janinka & WILSON, Arnold Zealand Literature. 1184p, hb, 2012, $75, 978 Manaaki. Te Mauri Pakeaka. 192p, colour & b/w 1 86940 589 2. Winner, Most Beautiful Books illus, 2006, $45, 978 1 86940 347 8. Australia & New Zealand Award 2013, PANZ Book JONES, Pei Te Hurinui & BIGGS, Bruce. Nga Iwi Design Award for Best Cover 2013, PANZ Book o Tainui: The Traditional History of the Tainui Design Award for Best Non-Illustrated Book 2013. People. 416p, pb edn, 3rd imp, 2009, $59.99, 978 1 STEAD, C K. Answering to the Language: Essays 86940 331 7. Honour Award, Montana NZ Book on Modern Writers. 300p, 1989, $45, 978 1 86940 Awards 1996. 038 5.

78 KAWHARU, Merata. Tāhuhu Kōrero: The Sayings NGATA, Apirana, Ngā Mōteatea The Songs: of Taitokerau. Photographs by Krzysztof Pfeiffer. Part Four. Translated by Hirini Moko Mead. 232p, colour & b/w illus, 2008, $49.99, 978 398p, 2 audio CDs, hb, 2007, $75, 978 1 86940 186940 429 1. Winner, Ngā Kupu Ora Māori Book 386 7. Award for Te Reo Māori 2009.* NGATA, Apirana, Ngā Mōteatea The Songs: Parts McLEAN, Mervyn. Maori Music. 480p, illus, One to Four set. Translated by Pei Te Hurinui musical examples, hb, 1996, $65, 978 1 86940 Jones and Hirini Moko Mead. 4 volumes, 7 audio 144 3. CDs, hbs, 2008, $250, 978 1 86940 428 4.

McLEAN, Mervyn. To Tatau Waka: In Search of O’MALLEY, Vincent, STIRLING, Bruce & Maori Music 1958–1979. 200p, illus, audio CD, PENETITO, Wally. The Treaty of Waitangi 2004, $39.99, 978 1 86940 306 5.* Companion: Māori and Pākehā from Tasman to McLEAN, Mervyn & ORBELL, Margaret. Songs of Today. 440p, colour & b/w illus, $49.99, 978 1 a Kaumātua. Sung by Kino Hughes. 278p, audio 86940 467 3. CD, 2002, $89.99, 978 1 86940 258 7 REWI, Poia. Whaikōrero: The World of Māori McLEAN, Mervyn & ORBELL, Margaret. Oratory. 240p, illus, 3rd imp, 2013, $45, 978 1 Traditional Songs of the Maori. 328p, revised 86940 463 5. Winner, NZSA E H McCormick Best edn w/ 2 audio CDs, 3rd imp, 2006, $69.99, 978 1 First Book Award for Non-Fiction 2011. 86940 314 0. SUNDT, Richard A. Whare Karakia: Māori McRAE, Jane & JACOB, Hēni. Ngā Mōteatea: An Church Building, Decoration and Ritual in Introduction He Kupu Arataki. 152p, illus, 2011, Aotearoa New Zealand, 1834–1863. 240p, illus, $34.99, 978 1 86940 490 1. 2010, $69.99, 978 1 86940 456 7.

NEICH, Roger. Carved Histories. 440p, colour & WHAANGA, Mere. A Carved Cloak For Tahu: A b/w illus, hb, 2001, $89.99, 978 1 86940 257 0;* pb, History of Ngai Tahu Matawhaiti. 280p, 2004, 2008, $59.99, 978 1 86940 426 0. $39.99, 978 1 86940 322 5. Finalist, Montana NZ NEICH, Roger. Painted Histories. 332p, colour Book Awards 2005.* & b/w illus, pb edn, 3rd imp, 2011, $65, 978 1 86940 278 5. PACIFIC STUDIES NGATA, Apirana. Ngā Mōteatea The Songs: Part One. Translated by Pei Te Hurinui Jones. 464p, HUNTSMAN, Judith, with KALOLO, Kelihiano. 2 audio CDs, hb, 4th imp, 2012, $75, 978 1 86940 The Future of Tokelau: Decolonising Agendas, 321 8. 1975–2006. 300p, illus, 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 398 0. World rights except North America. NGATA, Apirana. Ngā Mōteatea The Songs: Part Two. Translated by Pei Te Hurinui Jones. 468p, HUNTSMAN, Judith & HOOPER, Antony. 2005, 2 audio CDs, hb, 2nd imp, 2006, $75, 978 Tokelau: A Historical Ethnography. 368p, hb, 1 8694 344 7. illus, 1997, $69.99, 978 1 86940 153 5. World rights except North America. NGATA, Apirana. Ngā Mōteatea The Songs: Part Three. Translated by Pei Te Hurinui Jones. MACPHERSON, Cluny & La’avasa. Samoan 620p, audio CD, hb, 2nd imp, 2007, $75, 978 1 Medical Belief and Practice. 280p, 2nd imp, 2006, 86940 366 9. $45, 978 1 86940 045 3.

79 Backlist

MACPHERSON, Cluny & La’avasa. The Warm BRUNTON, Alan. Slow Passes. 108p, 1991, $24.99, Winds of Change: Globalisation in Contemporary 978 1 86940 065 1. Sāmoa. 224p, 2nd imp, 2012, $45, 978 1 86940 BRUNTON, Alan, EDMOND, Murray & 445 1. LEGGOTT, Michele (eds). Big Smoke: New WENDT, Albert (ed.). Nuanua: Pacific Writing in Zealand Poems 1960–75. 356p, illus, 2000, $49.99, English since 1980. 405p, 2nd imp, 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 230 3. 978 1 86940 112 2. World rights except North CHARMAN, Janet. 2 deaths in 1 night. 48p, 1987, America. $24.99, 978 0 90865227 3.

POETRY CHARMAN, Janet. At the White Coast. 88 p, $24.99, 978 1 86940 728 5. ADAMS, John. Briefcase. 104p, 3rd imp, 2012, CHARMAN, Janet. cold snack. 64p, 2nd imp, $24.99, 978 1 86940 491 8. Winner, NZSA Jessie 2008, $24.99, 978 1 86940 380 5. Winner, Mackay Award for Best First Book of Poetry Montana NZ Book Award for Poetry 2008. 2012. CHARMAN, Janet. . 64p, 1995, ALEXANDER, Raewyn, JACKSON, Anna & end of the dry $24.99, 978 1 86940 124 5. QUIGLEY, Sarah. AUP New Poets 1. 80p, 1999, $24.99, 978 1 86940 197 9. CHARMAN, Janet. Rapunzel Rapunzel. 86p, 1999, BAGBY, Stu, YELICH, Sonja & GARDNER, $24.99, 978 1 86940 208 2. Jane. AUP New Poets 2. 80p, 2002, $24.99, 978 1 CHARMAN, Janet. red letter. 60p, 1992, $24.99, 86940 280 8. 978 1 86940 071 2. BAGBY, Stu (ed.). A Good Handful: Great New CHARMAN, Janet. Snowing Down South. 80p, Zealand Poems about Sex. 128p, 2008, $29.99, 978 2002, $24.99, 978 1 86940 268 6. 1 86940 403 1. CURNOW, Allen. The Bells of St Babel’s: Poems BRIDGE, Diana. Aloe. 72p, 2009, $24.99, 978 1 1997–2001. 56p, 2nd imp, 2001, $24.99, 978 1 86940 441 3. Winner, Gold: Book Category, Pride 86940 242 6. Winner, Montana NZ Book Award in Print Awards 2010. for Poetry 2001. NZ & Australian rights only. BRIDGE, Diana. The Girls on the Wall. 64p, 1999, CURNOW, Allen. Continuum: New and $24.99, 978 1 86940 209 9. Later Poems, 1972–1988. 228p, 1988, $34.99, BRIDGE, Diana. Landscape with Lines. 64p, 1996, 978 1 86940 025 5. Winner, 1988 Dillons $24.99, 978 1 86940 152 8. Commonwealth Poetry Prize. BRIDGE, Diana. Porcelain. 56p, 2001, $24.99, 978 CURNOW, Allen. You Will Know When You Get 1 86940 264 8. There. 63p, 2nd imp, 1982, $24.99, 978 0 19648 018 3. Winner, NZ Book Award for Poetry 1983. BRIDGE, Diana. Red Leaves. 56p, 2005, $24.99, 978 1 8694 346 1. DICKSON, John. Sleeper. 56p, 1998, $24.99, 978 1 86940 187 0. BROOM, Sarah. Gleam. 64p, 2nd imp, 2014, $24.99, 978 1 86940 770 4. DOLAN, John. People With Real Lives Don’t Need Landscapes. 72p, 2003, $24.99, 978 1 86940 287 7. BROOM, Sarah. Tigers at Awhitu. 80p, 4th imp, 2014, $24.99, 978 1 86940 457 4. NZ & Australian DOLAN, John. Stuck Up. 72p, 1995, $24.99, 978 rights only. 1 86940 120 7.

80 DOYLE, Mike. A Steady Hand. 90p, pb, 1983, FREEGARD, Janis, LIDDY, Katherine & $13.80, 978 0 88984 070 6. ROBINSON, Reihana. AUP New Poets 3. 80p, 2008, $24.99, 978 1 86940 416 1. EARLE, Lynda. Honeypants. 88p, 1994, $24.99, 978 1 86940 111 5. FRENCH, Anne. Boys’ Night Out. 64p, 2nd imp, 1999, $24.99, 978 1 86940 189 4. EDMOND, Lauris. Late Song. 56p, 2000, $24.99, 978 1 86940 235 8. NZ rights only. FRENCH, Anne. Seven Days on Mykonos. 68p, 1993, $24.99, 978 1 86940 091 0. EDMOND, Lauris. The Poems of . Audio CD, 33 tracks, 2000, $34.99, 978 1 86940 FRENCH, Anne. Wild. 72p, 2004, $24.99, 978 1 234 1. 86940 310 2. GALLAGHER, Rhian. . 80p, 2011, $24.99, EDMOND, Martin & ROBERTS, Nigel (eds). Shift 978 1 86940 487 1. Winner, NZ Post Book Award Steal Away Boy: Selected Poems of David Mitchell. for Poetry 2012. NZ & Australian rights only. 264p, illus, 2010, $34.99, 978 1 86940 459 8. GREEN, Paula. Chrome. 68p, illus, 2000, $24.99, EDMOND, Murray. Fool Moon. Photographs by 978 1 86940 240 2. Joanna Forsberg. 80p, 2nd imp, 2005, $27.99, 978 1 86940 316 4. Finalist, Montana NZ Book GREEN, Paula. Cookhouse. 76p, illus, 1998, Awards 2005. $24.99, 978 1 86940 181 8. EDMOND, Murray. The Switch. 64p, 1994, $24.99, GREEN, Paula. Crosswind. 80p, illus, 2004, 978 1 86940 110 8. $27.99, 978 1 86940 324 9. EDMOND, Murray. Walls to Kick and Hills to GREEN, Paula. Making Lists for Frances Sing From: A Comedy with Interruptions. 80p, Hodgkins. 72p, 2007, $24.99, 978 1 86940 402 4. 2010, $24.99, 978 1 86940 458 1. GREEN, Paula. Slip Stream. 88p, 2010, $24.99, 978 1 86940 462 8.* EGGLETON, David. Empty Orchestra. 88p, 1995, $24.99, 978 1 86940 127 6. GREEN, Paula & 50 children. Flamingo Bendalingo: Poems from the Zoo. Illustrated by EGGLETON, David. Fast Talker. 96p, 2006, Michael Hight. 104p, colour illus, 2006, $34.99, $24.99, 978 1 86940 360 7. 978 1 86940 353 9.* ESCOTT, Margaret. Separation and/or Greeting. HARLOW, Michael. Cassandra’s Daughter. 56p, 56p, 1980, $24.99, 978 0 19647 981 1. 2nd imp, 2006, $24.99, 978 1 8694 332 4. FARRELL, Fiona. The Inhabited Initial. 128p, HARLOW, Michael. The Tram Conductor’s illus by Ann Culy, 1999, $27.99, 978 1 86940 Blue Cap. 64p, 2009, $24.99, 978 1 86940 430 7. 215 0. Finalist, NZ Post Book Awards 2010. FARRELL, Fiona. The Pop-Up Book of Invasions. HUNT, Sam (ed.). James K. Baxter: Poems. 112p, 80p, 2nd imp, 2008, $24.99, 978 1 86940 388 1. hb, 2nd imp, 2010, $29.99, 978 1 86940 434 5. Finalist, Montana NZ Book Awards 2008. HYDE, Robin. The Book of Nadath. Edited & FITCHETT, Sue. Palaver Lava Queen. 88p, 2004, introduced by Michele Leggott. 132p, 1999, $24.99, 978 1 86940 326 3. $24.99, 978 1 86940 191 7. FREEGARD, Janis. Kingdom Animalia: The HYDE, Robin. Young Knowledge: The Poems of Escapades of Linnaeus. 88p, 2011, $24.99, 978 1 Robin Hyde. Edited & introduced by Michele 86940 473 4. Leggott. 416p, 2003, $49.99, 978 1 86940 298 3.*

81 Backlist

JACKSON, Anna. Catullus for Children. 64p, KENNEDY, Anne. The Time of the Giants. 114p, 2003, $24.99, 978 1 86940 308 9. 2005, $27.99, 978 1 8694 342 3. Finalist, Montana NZ Book Awards 2006. JACKSON, Anna. The Gas Leak. 54p, 2006, $24.99, 978 1 86940 356 0. LE BAS, Jessica. Incognito. 80p, 2007, $24.99, 978 1 86940 392 8. Winner, NZSA Jessie Mackay JACKSON, Anna. The Long Road to Teatime. 56p, Award for Best First Book of Poetry 2008. 2000, $24.99, 978 1 86940 223 5. LE BAS, Jessica. Walking to Africa. 96p, 2009, JACKSON, Anna. The Pastoral Kitchen. 56p, 2nd $24.99, 978 1 86940 446 8. Finalist, Ashton Wylie imp, 2002, $24.99, 978 1 86940 261 7. Charitable Trust Book Award 2010. JACKSON, Anna. Thicket. 56p, 2011, $24.99, 978 LEGGOTT, Michele. As Far As I Can See. 64p, 1 86940 482 6. Finalist, NZ Post Book Award for 1999, $24.99, 978 1 86940 217 4. Poetry 2012. LEGGOTT, Michele. Milk and Honey. 106p, JACKSON, Michael. Antipodes. 64p, 1996, $24.99, 2005, $27.99, 978 1 8694 334 8. NZ & Australian 978 1 86940 158 0. rights only. JACKSON, Michael. Dead Reckoning. 64p, 2006, LEGGOTT, Michele. Mirabile Dictu. 160p, 2009, $24.99, 978 1 86940 361 4. $27.99, 978 1 86940 440 6. Winner, Hachette NZ JENNER, Lynn. Dear Sweet Harry. 80p, 2nd imp, Award for Best Non-illustrated Book, PANZ Book 2011, $24.99, 978 1 86940 460 4. Winner, NZSA Design Awards 2010. Jessie Mackay Award for Best First Book for LEGGOTT, Michele. Swimmers, Dancers. 56p, Poetry 2011. 1991, $24.99, 978 1 86940 055 2. JOHNSON, Mike. Treasure Hunt. 64p, 1996, LINDSAY, Graham. Lazy Wind Poems. 80p, 2003, $24.99, 978 1 86940 141 2. $24.99, 978 1 86940 285 3. JONES, Harry, SCUDDER, Erin & TSE, Chris. LINDSAY, Graham. The Subject. 64p, 1994, AUP New Poets 4. 96p, 2011, $24.99, 978 1 86940 $24.99, 978 1 86940 102 3. 474 1. LONEY, Alan. The erasure tapes. 64p, 1994, KASSABOVA, Kapka. Geography for the Lost. 80p, $24.99, 978 1 86940 114 6. 2007, $24.99, 978 1 86940 387 4. NZ & Australian LONEY, Alan. . rights only. Sidetracks: Notebooks 1976–1991 82p, 1998, $24.99, 978 1 86940 194 8. KASSABOVA, Kapka. Someone Else’s Life. 88p, MARSH, Selina Tusitala. Dark Sparring: Poems. 2003, $24.99, 978 1 86940 304 1. NZ & Australian 104p, audio CD, 2013, $27.99, 978 1 86940 786 5. rights only. MARSH, Selina Tusitala. Fast Talking PI. 80p, KAWANA, Phil. The Devil in my Shoes. 58p, 2005, new edn, 2nd imp, 2013, $27.99, 978 1 86940 $24.99, 978 1 86940 352 2. 732 2. Winner, NZSA Jessie Mackay Award for KENNEDY, Anne. The Darling North. 96p, 3rd Best First Book of Poetry 2010. NZ & Australian imp, 2014, $24.99, 978 1 86940 593 9. Winner, NZ rights only. Post Book Award for Poetry 2013. MILLAR, Paul (ed.). Selected Poems of James K. KENNEDY, Anne. Sing-song. 136p, 3rd imp, Baxter. 320p, 2010, $39.99, 978 1 86940 461 1. NZ 2004, $27.99, 978 1 86940 295 2. Winner, & Australian rights only. Montana NZ Book Award for Poetry 2004.

82 NANNESTAD, Elizabeth. If He’s a Good Dog He’ll RIACH, Alan. First and Last Songs. 64p, 1995, Swim. 80p, 1996, $24.99, 978 1 86940 146 7. $24.99, 978 1 86940 125 2. O’BRIEN, Gregory. Beauties of the Octagonal ROSS, Jack (ed.). Classic New Zealand Poets in Pool. 128p, illus, 2nd imp, 2012, $27.99, 978 1 Performance. Poems selected by Jack Ross & Jan 86940 579 3. Kemp. 160p, 2 audio CDs, 3rd imp, 2007, $45, 978 1 86940 367 6. O’BRIEN, Gregory. Days Beside Water. 80p, illus, 1993, $24.99, 978 1 86940 075 0. NZ & Australian ROSS, Jack & KEMP, Jan (eds). Contemporary rights only. New Zealand Poets in Performance. 176p, 2 audio CDs, 2007, $45, 978 1 86940 395 9. O’BRIEN, Gregory. Location of the Least Person. 72p, 1987, $24.99, 978 1 86940 015 6. ROSS, Jack & KEMP, Jan (eds). New New Zealand Poets in Performance. 160p, 2 audio CDs, 2008, ORR, Bob. Breeze. 60p, 1991, $24.99, 978 1 86940 $45, 978 1 86940 409 3. 064 4. SAMPSON, Sam. Everything Talks. 88p, 2008, ORR, Bob. Calypso. 96p, 2008, $24.99, 978 1 $24.99, 978 1 86940 411 6. Winner, NZSA Jessie 86940 405 5. Mackay Award for Best First Book of Poetry, ORR, Bob. Red Trees. 23p, illus by Rodney 2009. NZ, Australian & North American rights Fumpston, 1986, $24.99, 978 0 19 648056 5. only. Published in association with Silverfish. SINCLAIR, Keith. Moontalk. 112p, 1993, $24.99, ORR, Bob. Valparaiso. 80p, 2nd imp, 2002, 978 1 86940 080 4. $24.99, 978 1 86940 282 2. SMITHER, Elizabeth. The Blue Coat. 80p, 2013, ORSMAN, Chris. The Lakes of Mars. 64p, 2008, $24.99, 978 1 86940 736 0. $24.99, 978 1 86940 408 6. Finalist, Montana NZ SMITHER, Elizabeth. The Lark Quartet. 68p, 2nd Book Awards 2009. imp, 2000, $24.99, 978 1 86940 216 7. Winner, POOLE, Fiona Farrell. Cutting Out. 48p, 1987, Montana NZ Book Award for Poetry 2000. $24.99, 978 1 86940 008 8. SMITHER, Elizabeth. A Pattern of Marching. PRICE, Chris. The Blind Singer. 96p, 2009, 46p, 1989, $24.99, 978 1 86940 040 8. Winner, NZ $24.99, 978 1 86940 433 8. Book Award for Poetry 1990. PRICE, Chris. Husk. 72p, 2nd imp, 2002, $24.99, SMITHER, Elizabeth. The Tudor Style. 112p, 978 1 86940 266 2. Winner, NZSA Jessie Mackay 1993, $24.99, 978 1 86940 092 7. Award for Best First Book of Poetry 2002. SMITHER, Elizabeth. The Year of Adverbs. 64p, QUIGLEY, Sarah. Love in a Bookstore or Your 2007, $24.99, 978 1 86940 394 2. Money Back. 64p, 2nd imp, 2003, $24.99, 978 1 SMITHYMAN, Kendrick. Are You Going to the 86940 284 6. Pictures? 104p, 1987, $24.99, 978 1 86940 020 0. REEVE, Richard. Dialectic of Mud. 56p, 2001, SMITHYMAN, Kendrick. Atua Wera. 278p, $24.99, 978 1 86940 252 5. 2nd imp, 1998, $45, 978 1 86940 157 3. Finalist, REEVE, Richard. In Continents. 80p, 2008, Montana NZ Book Awards 1998. $24.99, 978 1 86940 406 2. SMITHYMAN, Kendrick. Auto/Biographies. 88p, REEVE, Richard. The Life and The Dark. 72p, 1992, $24.99, 978 1 86940 076 7. 2004, $24.99, 978 1 86940 312 6.

83 Backlist

SMITHYMAN, Kendrick. Imperial Vistas Family WEDDE, Ian. The Drummer. 40p, 1993, $24.99, Fictions. 172p, 2002, $24.99, 978 1 86940 274 7. 978 1 86940 083 6. SMITHYMAN, Kendrick. Selected Poems. Chosen WEDDE, Ian. Good Business. 64p, 2009, $24.99, & introduced by Peter Simpson. 168p, 1989, 978 1 86940 442 0. $24.99, 978 1 86940 039 2. WEDDE, Ian. The Lifeguard: Poems SMITHYMAN, Kendrick. Stories about Wooden 2008–2013.104p, 2013, $27.99, 978 1 86940 769 8. Keyboards. 80p, 1985, $24.99, 978 0 19 648049 7. Finalist, NZ Post Book Awards 2013. Winner, NZ Book Award for Poetry 1986. WEDDE, Ian. Tales of Gotham City. 52p, 1984, STANLEY, Mary. Starveling Year. 52p, 1994, $24.99, 978 0 19 648025 1. $24.99, 978 1 86940 101 6. WEDDE, Ian. Tendering: New Poems. 52p, 1988, STEAD, C K. The Black River. 88p, 2007, $24.99, $24.99, 978 1 86940 029 3. 978 1 86940 385 0. WEDDE, Ian. Three Regrets and a Hymn to STEAD, C K. Collected Poems, 1951–2006, Beauty. 80p, 2005, $24.99, 978 1 86940 349 2. 568p, 2nd imp, 2009, $59.99, 978 1 86940 418 5. WENDT, Albert. From Mānoa to a Ponsonby Winner, Montana NZ Book Award for Reference Garden. 80p, illus, 2012, $24.99, 978 1 86940 & Anthology 2009. NZ, Australian & North 734 6. American rights only. WENDT, Albert, WHAITIRI, Reina & STEAD, C K. . 24p, 1984, $19.99, 978 0 19 Paris SULLIVAN, Robert (eds). Mauri Ola: 648034 3. Contemporary Polynesian Poems in English, STEAD, C K. The Red Tram. 88p, 2004, $24.99, Whetu Moana II. 296p, 2010, $49.99, 978 1 86940 978 1 86940 330 0. Finalist, Montana NZ Book 448 2. Finalist, NZ Post Book Awards 2011. World Awards 2005. rights except North America. STEAD, C K. The Yellow Buoy: Poems 2007–2012. YANG Lian. Unreal City: A Chinese Poet in 144p, 2013, $27.99, 978 1 86940 735 3. World Auckland. Edited by Hilary Chung & Jacob rights except UK, Ireland & Europe. Edmond. 104p, illus, 2006, $27.99, 978 1 86940 354 6. SULLIVAN, Robert. Captain Cook in the Underworld. 64p, 2nd imp, 2014, $24.99, 978 YELICH, Sonja. Clung. 64p, 2004, $24.99. 978 1 186940 281 5. 86940 323 2. Winner, NZSA Jessie Mackay Best First Book of Poetry 2005. SULLIVAN, Robert. Star Waka. 120p, 6th imp, 2013, $27.99, 978 1 86940 213 6. Finalist, YELICH, Sonja. Get Some. 64p, 2nd imp, 2009, Montana NZ Book Awards 2000. $24.99, 978 1 86940 423 9. Finalist, Montana NZ Book Awards 2009. SULLIVAN, Robert. Voice Carried My Family. 66p, 2005, $27.99, 978 1 8694 337 9. POLITICS AND LAW VARIOUS AUP POETS. Seeing Voices. Audio CD, 12 poets, 44 tracks, 1999, $34.99, 978 1 86940 BROOKFIELD, F M. Waitangi and Indigenous 220 4. Rights: Revolution, Law and Legitimation. 302p, revised edn, 2006, $49.99, 978 1 86940 372 0. WEDDE, Ian. Castaly: Poems 1973–77. 79p, 1980, $24.99, 978 0 19 647987 3. CASTLES, Francis G, GERRITSEN, Rolf & VOWLES, Jack (eds). The Great Experiment:

84 Labour Parties and Public Policy Transformation VOWLES, Jack, AIMER, Peter, BANDUCCI, in Australia and New Zealand. 208p, 1995, $49.99, Susan & KARP, Jeffrey (eds).Voters’ 978 1 86940 134 4. NZ rights only. Victory?: New Zealand’s First Election Under CHAPMAN, R M (ed.). Ends and Means in New Proportional Representation. 280p, 1998, $49.99, Zealand Politics. 47p, 8th imp, 1979, $19.99, 978 978 1 86940 180 1. Winner, Wallace Award 1998. 0 90868 906 4. VOWLES, Jack, AIMER, Peter, BANDUCCI, DANNIN, Ellen J. Working Free: The Origins and Susan, KARP, Jeffrey & MILLER, Raymond (eds). Impact of New Zealand’s Employment Contracts Voters’ Veto: the 2002 Election in New Zealand Act. 336p, 1997, $49.99, 978 1 86940 174 0. and the Consolidation of Minority Government. 280p, 2004, $49.99, 978 1 86940 309 6. EASTON, Brian. The Commercialisation of New Zealand. 296p, 2nd imp, 1997, $49.99, 978 1 VOWLES, Jack, AIMER, Peter, BANDUCCI, 86940 173 3. Susan, KARP, Jeffrey, MILLER, Raymond & SULLIVAN, Ann (eds). Proportional EASTON, Brian. The Whimpering of the State: Representation on Trial: The 1999 New Zealand Policy after MMP. 298p, 1999, $49.99, 978 1 General Election and the Fate of MMP. 272p, 86940 218 1. 2002, $49.99, 978 1 86940 265 5. Winner, Wallace MILLER, Raymond & MINTROM, Michael (eds). Award for Best Book on Electoral Matters 2002. Political Leadership in New Zealand. 272p, 2006, VOWLES, Jack, AIMER, Peter, CATT, Helena, $49.99, 978 1 86940 358 4. LAMARE, Jim & MILLER, Raymond. Towards MULGAN, Richard, updated by AIMER, Peter. Consensus? The 1993 Election and Referendum in Politics in New Zealand. 352p, 3rd edn, 3rd imp, New Zealand and the Transition to Proportional 2010, $45, 978 1 86940 318 8. Representation. 280p, 1995, $49.99, 978 1 86940 123 8.* RASMUSSEN, Erling (ed.). Employment Relationships: Workers, Unions and Employers in New Zealand new edition. 240p, 2010, $49.99, 978 SCIENCE AND NATURAL HISTORY 1 86940 449 9. CORBALLIS, Michael C. Pieces of Mind: 21 Short TARLING, Nicholas & BUTTERWORTH, Walks Around the Human Brain. 112p, 2nd imp, Ruth. A Shakeup Anyway: Government and 2012, $29.99, 978 1 86940 492 5, NZ rights only. the Universities in New Zealand in a Decade of Reform. 270p, 1994, $49.99, 978 1 86940 103 0. ESLER, Alan. Wild Plants in Auckland. 224p, colour & b/w illus, 2004, $49.99, 978 1 86940 TEMPLETON, Hugh. All Honourable Men: Inside 329 4. the Muldoon Cabinet 1975–1984. 229p, 1995, $49.99, 978 1 86940 128 3. HAYWARD, Bruce W, MURDOCH, Graeme & TEMPLETON, Malcolm. Human Rights and MAITLAND, Gordon. Volcanoes of Auckland: The Sporting Contacts: New Zealand Attitudes to Race Essential Guide. 240p, colour illus, 2011, $59.99, Relations in South Africa 1921–1994. 384p, illus, 978 1 86940 479 6. 1998, $49.99, 978 1 86940 170 2. JOLLY, V H & BROWN, J M R (eds). New Zealand VOWLES, Jack & AIMER, Peter. Voters’ Lakes. 388p, illus, 1975, $49.99, 978 0 19 647 936 1. Vengeance: The 1990 Election in New Zealand and KELLY, Jan & MARSHALL, Brian. Atlas of New the Fate of the Fourth Labour Government. 276p, Zealand Boundaries. 350p, hb, 1996, $69.99, 978 1993, $49.99, 978 1 86940 078 1. 1 86940 149 8.

85 Backlist

McFADGEN, Bruce. Hostile Shores: Catastrophic DAVIS, Peter (ed.). Intimate Details and Vital Events in Prehistoric New Zealand and their Statistics: AIDS, Sexuality and the Social Order Impact on Maori Coastal Communities. 300p, in New Zealand. 250p, 1996, $49.99, 978 1 86940 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 390 4. 139 9. MEDUNA, Veronika. Science on Ice: Discovering JANIEWSKI, Dolores & MORRIS, Paul. New the Secrets of Antarctica. 232p, colour illus, hb, Rights New Zealand: Myths, Moralities and 2012, $59.99, 978 1 86940 583 0. NZ rights only. Markets. 208p, 2005, illus, $45, 978 1 8694 345 4. PHILLIPS, Caroline. Waihou Journeys: The JURY, Rebecca. BA: An Insider’s Guide. 200p, Archaeology of 400 Years of Maori Settlement. 2012, $29.99, 978 1 86940 577 9. 208p, illus, 2nd imp, 2004, $49.99, 978 1 86940 METGE, Joan. Kōrero Tahi: Talking Together. 227 3. 64p, illus, 2001, $24.99, 978 1 86940 254 9. SCOFIELD, Paul & STEPHENSON, Brent. Birds METGE, Joan. Tuamaka: The Challenge of of New Zealand: A Photographic Guide. 552p, Difference in Aotearoa New Zealand. 152p, illus, colour illus, 2013, $59.99, 978 1 86940 733 9. NZ & 2010, $29.99, 978 1 86940 468 0. Australian rights only. MIDDLETON, Sue & JONES, Alison (eds). SUTTON, Douglas (ed.). The Archaeology of Women and Education in Aotearoa 2. 264p, 1997, the Peripheral Pa at Pouerua, Northland, New $45, 978 1 86940 178 8. With Bridget Williams Zealand. 128p, illus, 1993, $45, 978 1 86940 082 8. Books.* SUTTON, Douglas, FUREY, Louise & PATERSON, Ron. The Good Doctor: What MARSHALL, Yvonne. The Archaeology of Patients Want. 224p, 3rd imp, 2012, $39.99, 978 Pouerua. 274p, illus, 2003, $49.99, 978 186940 1 86940 592 2. 292 1. PEARCE, Neil. Adverse Reactions: The Fenoterol VEART, David. Digging Up the Past: Archaeology Story. 232p, 2007, $45, 978 1 86940 374 4. for the Young and Curious. 112p, colour illus, hb, 2nd imp, 2012, $39.99, 978 1 86940 465 9. Honour PERRY, Nick. The Dominion of Signs: Television, Award, NZ Post Children’s Book Awards 2012; Advertising and Other New Zealand Fictions. Finalist, LIANZA Children’s Book Awards 2012. 162p, illus, 1994, $45, 978 1 86940 100 9. POTTS, Annie, ARMSTRONG, Philip & BROWN, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND Deidre. A New Zealand Book of Beasts: Animals CONTEMPORARY ISSUES in Our Culture, History and Everyday Life. 380pp, colour illus, 2013, $49.99, 978 1 86940 772 8. ABEL, Sue. Shaping the News: Waitangi Day on Television. 240p, 1997, illus, $45, 978 1 86940 SIMMONS, Laurence (ed.). Speaking Truth to 176 4. Power: Public Intellectuals Rethink New Zealand. 352p, illus, 2007, $49.99, 978 1 86940 379 9. BARCLAY, Barry. Mana Tuturu: Maori Treasures and Intellectual Property Rights. 274p, 2005, WARING, Marilyn. Three Masquerades: Essays $49.99, 978 1 8694 350 8. in Work, Equality and Human Rights. 200p, 1996, $45, 978 1 86940 133 7. With Bridget Williams CAMPBELL, Ian. Compensation for Personal Books. World rights except North America & Injury in New Zealand: Its Rise and Fall. 200p, Australia. 1996, $49.99, 978 1 86940 150 4.

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2 deaths in 1 night, 80 Baker, Kriselle, 71 Brown, J M R, 85 Ballantyne, Tony, 11 Brunton, Alan, 80 Abel, Sue, 86 Banducci, Susan, 85 Bryder, Linda, 51, 75 Absurd Ambition, An, 73 Barclay, Barry, 86 Buchanan, Iain, 71 Adams, John, 80 Barnes, Felicity, 74 Butcher Shop, The, 77 Adverse Reactions, 86 Barrie, Andrew, 59 Butterworth, Ruth, 85 After the Fireworks, 73 Bassett, Michael, 74 Age of Enterprise, 76 Batistich, Amelia, 72 Calder, Alex, 77 Aimer, Peter, 85 Beauties of the Octagonal Callaghan, Paul, 74 Albert Wendt and Pacific Pool, 83 Calypso, 83 Literature, 78 Before I Forget, 72 Campbell, Ian, 86 Alexander, Raewyn, 80 Being Māori–Chinese, 72 Campbell-Hunt, Colin, 74 Alice, 73 Belgrave, Michael, 74 Capes of China Slide Away, 72 All Honourable Men, 85 Belich, James, 3 Captain Cook in the Underworld, All Part of the Game, 77 Bell, Leonard, 71 84 Aloe, 80 Bells of St Babel’s, The, 80 Carlyon, Jenny, 75 Anderson, Bridgit, 59 Bertram, James, 72 Carter, Ian, 72 Andrew, Susanna, 47, 55 Between the Lives, 71 Carved Cloak for Tahu, A, 79 Answering to the Language, 78 Big Show, The, 76 Carved Histories, 79 Antipodes, 82 Big Smoke, 80 Carver and the Artist, The, 71 Archaeology of Pouerua, The, 86 Biggs, Bruce, 78 Cassandra’s Daughter, 81 Archaeology of the Peripheral Pa Bill Culbert, 72 Castaly, 84 at Pouerua, The, 86 Birds of New Zealand, 86 Castles, Francis, 84 Are You Going to the Pictures?, Black River, The, 84 Catt, Helena, 85 83 Blakely, Tony, 53 Catullus for Children, 82 Armstrong, Philip, 86 Blind Singer, The, 83 Challis, Derek, 72 As Far As I Can See, 82 Blue Coat, The, 83 Changing Gears, 74 Asia in the Making of New Blue Smoke, 74 Changing Times, 75 Zealand, 72 Blue Voyage, The, 46 Chapman, Robert M, 75, 85 Ashton, Jennifer, 7 Blundell, Sally, 71 Charman, Janet, 80 At the Margin of Empire, 7 Bollard, Alan, 74 Chiefs of Industry, 76 at the white coast, 80 Book in the Hand, A, 75 Chrome, 81 Athfield Architects, 71 Book of Iris, The, 72 Chronicle of the Unsung, 72 Atlas of New Zealand Book of Nadath, The, 81 Chung, Hilary, 84 Boundaries, 85 Book Self, 78 City of Enterprise, 76 Atua Wera, 83 Bookmen’s Dominion, The, 76 Clarke, Alison, 75 Auckland University Press Bourke, Chris, 74 Classic New Zealand Poets in Anthology of New Zealand Boys’ Night Out, 81 Performance, 83 Literature, The, 78 Breeze, 83 Clung, 84 AUP New Poets 1, 80; 2, 780; 3, Bridge, Diana, 80 Coal, Class and Community, 76 81; 4, 82 Brief Lives, 73 cold snack, 80 Auto/Biographies, 83 Briefcase, 80 Colin McCahon, 71 Autobiography of My Father, Broken Book, The, 72 Collected Poems, 1951–2006 The, 72 Brookfield, F M, 84 (Stead), 84 BA, 86 Broom, Sarah, 80 Collected Stories (Duggan), 77 Back and Beyond, 71 Brown, Deidre, 86 Commercialisation of New Bagby, Stu, 80 Brown, Gordon H, 71 Zealand, The, 85

89 Index

Common Purse, The, 74 Dictionary of New Zealand Fast Talking PI, 82 Commonplace Book, The, 73 Biography, The, 74 Final Approaches, 72 Compensation for Personal Diesel Mystic, 78 First and Last Songs, 83 Injury in New Zealand, 86 Digging Up the Past, 86 First Catch Your Weka, 77 Complete English–Maori Dining Out, 77 Fitchett, Sue, 81 Dictionary, The, 78 Dirt, 77 Flamingo Bendalingo, 81 Contemporary New Zealand Dolan, John, 80 Fleming, Robin, 74 Poets in Performance, 83 Dominion of Signs, The, 76 Fool Moon, 81 Continuum, 80 Don Binney, 72 Forsberg, Joanna, 81 Conversation in a Train, 78 Doyle, Mike, 81 Fragments, 75 Cookhouse, 81 Dragon and the Taniwha, Frame Function, The, 77 Copland, R A, 77 The, 72 Frances Hodgkins, 71 Corballis, Michael C, 56, 85 Drummer, The, 84 Freegard, Janis, 19, 81 Country of Writing, 78 Duggan, Maurice, 77 French, Anne, 46, 81 Craig, David, 71 Dunleavy, Trisha, 75 Friedlander, Marti, 72 Crawford, John, 65 Dunn, Michael, 71 Friendly Fire, 76 Crisis, 74 Eaqub, Shamubeel, 74 From Mānoa to a Ponsonby Cronin, Jan, 77 Earle, Lynda, 81 Garden, 84 Cross, Robert, 73 Eastmond, Elizabeth, 71 From Tamaki-makau-rau to Crosswind, 81 Easton, Brian, 74, 85 Auckland, 77 Culy, Ann, 81 Edmond, Jacob, 84 From the Wistaria Bush, 73 Cunningham, Kevin, 78 Edmond, Lauris, 81 Fumpston, Rodney, 83 Curnow, Allen, 77, 80 Edmond, Martin, 72, 75, 81 Furey, Louise, 86 Curnow, Jenifer, 78 Edmond, Murray, 31, 80, 81 Future of Tokelau, The, 79 Cutting Out, 83 Eggleton, David, 81 Ellis, Ngarino, 49 Gadfly, 72 Daley, Caroline, 75 Employment Relationships, 85 Gaitanos, Sarah, 74 Dalley, Bronwyn, 75 Empty Orchestra, 81 Gallagher, Rhian, 81 Dannin, Ellen J, 85 end of the dry, 80 Gardner, Jane, 80 Dark Night, 72 Ends and Means in New Zealand Gas Leak, The, 82 Dark Sparring, 82 Politics, 85 Gaskell, A P, 77 Darling North, The, 82 English–Maori Maori–English Gatley, Julia, 57, 71 Davis, Peter, 86 Dictionary, 78 Gendered Kiwi, The, 75 Day, Patrick, 75 Entanglements of Empire, 11 Geography for the Lost, 82 Days Beside Water, 83 erasure tapes, The, 82 Gerritsen, Rolf, 84 Dead Reckoning, 82 Escott, Margaret, 77, 81 Get off the Grass, 74 Dear Sweet Harry, 82 Esler, Alan, 85 Get Some, 84 Democracy in New Zealand, Everything Talks, 83 Gibson, Stephanie, 76 17 Extra! Extra!, 75 Gilbert, Jarrod, 75 Dennison, John, 5 Gill, Linda, 72 Desire of the Line, The, 71 Fahey, Jacqueline, 72 Girls and Women, Men and Devanny, Jean, 77 Fairburn, Miles, 72 Boys, 75 Devil in my Shoes, The, 82 Falling, The, 73 Girls on the Wall, The, 80 Dharmalingam, Arunachalam, Family Matters, 75 Glass Rooster, The, 19 76 Fantastica, 71 Gleam, 80 Dialectic of Mud, 83 Farrell, Fiona, 72, 81 Globalisation and the Wealth of Dickson, John, 80 Fast Talker, 81 Nations, 74

90 Godwits Fly, The, 78 Honeypants, 81 Jones, Harry, 82 Going Bush, 77 Hooper, Antony, 79 Jones, Jenny Robin, 78 Going Public, 75 Hopa, Ngapare, 78 Jones, Pei Te Hurinui, 78 Going Up, Going Down, 76 Hostile Shores, 86 Journal Box, The, 73 Good Business, 84 Howe, K R, 73 Joyita, 77 Good Doctor, The, 86 How to be Dead in a Year of Jury, Rebecca, 86 Goodenough, Stephen, 59 Snakes, 66 Good Handful, A, 80 Hughes, Kino, 79 Kalolo, Kelihiano, 79 Goodman, Robert, 77 Hughes, Peter, 75 Karp, Jeffrey, 85 Gracewood, Jolisa, 47, 55 Human Rights and Sporting Kassabova, Kapka, 82 Great Experiment, The, 84 Contacts, 85 Kawana, Phil, 82 Green, Anna, 75 Hunt, Sam, 81 Kawharu, Merata, 60, 79 Green, Paula, 81 Hunter, Ian, 76 Kelly, Jan, 85 Greenwood, Janinka, 78 Huntsman, Judith, 79 Kemp, Jan, 83 Griffith, Penny, 75 Husk, 83 Kennedy, Anne, 82 Gustafson, Barry, 72 Hutching, Megan, 75 Kin of Place, 78 Hyde, Robin, 25, 78, 81 Kingdom Animalia, 81 Halcyon Ghosts, 65 Kiwi Keith, 72 Hanfling, Edward, 72 I, Clodia, and Other Portraits, 67 Kolb, Darl, 74 Harlow, Michael, 81 If He’s a Good Dog He’ll Kōrero Tahi, 86 Harper, Glyn, 75 Swim, 83 Ko Tautoro, Te Pito o Tōku Ao, 61 Hastings, David, 39, 75, 76 Imperial Vistas Family Fictions, Ko te Whenua te Utu / Land is Hayward, Bruce W, 85 84 the Price, 52 He Pitopito Kōrero Nō Te Perehi In Continents, 83 Māori, 78 Incognito, 82 Labrum, Bronwyn, 75, 76 Healthy Country?, The, 53 Inhabited Initial, The, 81 Lakes of Mars, The, 83 Heaphy, 73 Intellectual Property in New Lamare, Jim, 85 Heartland, 64 Zealand, 29 Landscape with Lines, 80 Helen Clark, 45 Intimate Details and Vital Lange, Raeburn, 76 Hello Girls and Boys!, 54 Statistics, 86 Lark Quartet, The, 83 Hendy, Shaun, 74 Invention of New Zealand, Late Song, 81 Hensley, Gerald, 72, 76 The, 71 Lattimore, Ralph, 74 Her Life’s Work, 73 Ip, Manying, 72 Laurenson, Helen B, 76 Hercock, Fay, 73 Irving, David, 74 Lazy Wind Poems, 82 Hight, Michael, 81 Le Bas, Jessica, 82 Hilliard, Chris, 76 Jackson, Anna, 67, 80, 82 Leaving the Highway, 78 Hines, Kerry, 69 Jackson, Michael, 82 Leggott, Michele, 64, 80, 82 His Own Steam, 71 Jacob, Hēni, 79 Leisure and Pleasure, 75 His Way, 72 James K. Baxter, 81 Let’s Learn Maori, 78 Historical Frictions, 74 Janiewski, Dolores, 86 Letters from Gallipoli, 75 History of the ‘Unfortunate Jenner, Lynn, 27, 82 Letters of Frances Hodgkins, 72 Experiment’ at National Jensen, Kai, 78 Liddy, Katherine, 81 Women’s Hospital, A, 75 Joanna Margaret Paul, 72 Life and the Dark, The, 83 Holiday Seasons, 75 Johnson, Henry, 72 Lifeguard, The, 84 Holland, Peter, 76 Johnson, Mike, 82 Limits, The, 63 Home in the Howling Jolly, V H, 85 Lindsay, Graham, 782 Wilderness, 76 Jones, Alison, 86 Location of the Least Person, 83

91 Index

Locke, Elsie, 73 Mead, Hirini Moko, 79 New Zealand’s London, 74 Logan Campbell’s Auckland, 77 Meduna, Veronika, 86 New Zealand Wars and the Loney, Alan, 73, 75, 82 Meeting Place, The, 76 Victorian Interpretation of Long Live the Modern, 71 Metge, Joan, 23, 86 Racial Conflict, The, 3 Long Road to Teatime, The, 82 Micronaut in the Wide World, Nga Iwi o Tainui, 78 Look Back Harder, 77 A, 71 Ngā Mōteatea: An Introduction Look This Way, 71 Middleton, Sue, 86 He Kupu Arataki, 79 Looking Flash, 76 Milk and Honey, 82 Ngā Mōteatea The Songs: Part Lost and Gone Away, 27 Millar, Paul, 73, 82 One, Part Two, Part Three, Love in a Bookstore or Your Miller, Alice, 63 Part Four, 79 Money Back, 83 Miller, Raymond, 17, 85 Ngā Tāngata Taumata Rau, 74 Love in Time of War, 76 Mintrom, Michael, 85 Ngata, Apirana, 79 Lowry, Vanya, 73 Mirabile Dictu, 82 Nights at the Embassy, 78 Mitchell, David, 81 No Fretful Sleeper, 73 McCormick, E H, 7 Moloughney, Brian, 72 Nolan, Melanie, 75 McEldowney, Dennis, 73, 76 Montgomerie, Deborah, 75, 76 Nuanua, 80 McFadgen, Bruce, 86 Moontalk, 83 McGibbon, Ian, 75 Morris, Paul, 86 O’Brien, Gregory, 13, 41, 71, McKergow, Fiona, 76 Morrow, Diana, 75, 76 78, 83 McKinnon, Malcolm, 76 Mother of All Departments, O’Malley, Vincent, 76, 79 McLean, Mervyn, 79 The, 74 One Flag, One Queen, One McRae, Jane, 78, 79 Mrkusich, 72 Tongue, 75 Macpherson, Cluny, 79, 80 Mulgan, Richard, 85 Orbell, Margaret, 79 Macpherson, La’avasa, 79, 80 Murdoch, Graeme, 85 Orr, Bob, 83 Mad on Radium, 76 Orsman, Chris, 83 Maitland, Gordon, 85 Na To Hoa Aroha, Vol III, 73 Otherwise, 5 Making a Difference, 77 Nannestad, Elizabeth, 83 Ourselves in Primetime, 75 Making Lists for Frances Nearly Out of Heart and Outcasts of the Gods?, 37 Hodgkins, 81 Hope, 72 Over the Mountains of the Making of New Zealanders, Neich, Roger, 79 Sea, 76 The, 76 Nerli, 71 Making Sheep Country, 76 Network of Dissolving Threads, Painted Histories, 79 Mana Tuturu, 86 A, 78 Palaver Lava Queen, 81 Manson, Hugo, 72 Never Lost for Words, 72 Palenski, Ron, 33, 76 Many Deaths of Mary Dobie, New New Zealand Poets in Paris, 84 The, 39 Performance, 83 Parr, Alison, 76 Maori Music, 79 New Rights New Zealand, 86 Passport to Hell, 25 Māpihi Kahurangi, 74 New Zealand and the Vietnam Pastoral Kitchen, The, 81 Maranga Mai!, 60 War, 76 Patched, 75 Marsh, Selina Tusitala, 82 New Zealand Book of Beasts, Paterson, Ron, 86 Marshall, Brian, 85 A, 86 Pattern of Marching, A, 83 Marshall, Yvonne, 86 New Zealand Economy, The, 74 Pearce, Neil, 86 Marti Friedlander, 71 New Zealand Family from 1840, Pearson, Bill, 78 Matters of the Heart, 77 The, 76 Peden, Robert, 76 Matthews, Jacquie, 73 New Zealand Lakes, 85 Penetito, Wally, 79 Mauri Ola, 84 New Zealand Painting, 71 People With Real Lives Don’t May the People Live, 76 New Zealand Sculpture, 71 Need Landscapes, 80

92 Perry, Nick, 86 Richardson, Len, 76 Shepherd, Deborah, 74 Peryer, Peter, 71 Rifled Sanctuaries, 78 Shieff, Sarah, 73 Peter Peryer, 71 Rise and Fall of National Shift, 81 Petrie, Hazel, 37, 76 Women’s Hospital, The, 51 Shigeru Ban, 59 Pfeiffer, Krzysztof, 79 Riseborough, Hazel, 77 Show Down, 77 Phillips, Caroline, 86 Roberts, Heather, 77 Sidetracks, 82 Phillips, Jock, 75 Roberts, Nigel, 81 Simmons, Laurence, 86 Pieces of Mind, 85 Robertson, Natalie, 49 Simple Nullity?, A, 77 Poems of Lauris Edmond, The, 81 Robinson, Reihana, 81 Simpson, Peter, 71 Political Leadership in New Rock Garden, The, 78 Sinclair, Keith, 75, 77, 83 Zealand, 85 Rogers, Anna, 77 Singer in a Songless Land, 73 Politics in New Zealand, 85 Ross, Jack, 83 Sing-song, 82 Pond Eyley, Claudia, 45 Ross, Kirstie, 77 Skinner, Damian, 71, 72 Pool, Ian, 76 Rowland, Perrin, 77 Sleeper, 80 Poole, Fiona Farrell, 78, 83; see Rugby, 33 Slip Stream, 81 also Farrell, Fiona Slow Passes, 80 Pop-Up Book of Invasions, Sadler, Hōne, 61 Smith, D I B, 25 The, 81 Salmon, Dan, 45 Smither, Elizabeth, 73, 78, 83 Porcelain, 80 Sameshima, Haruhiko, 71 Smithyman, Kendrick, 83 Portrait of Frances Hodgkins, 73 Samoan Medical Belief and Snowing Down South, 80 Potts, Annie, 86 Practice, 79 Someone Else’s Life, 82 Pound, Francis, 71 Sampson, Sam, 65, 83 Something for the Birds, 72 Press Achieved, A, 76 Sandbrook, Patrick, 77 Songs of a Kaumātua, 79 Price, Chris, 73, 83 Sargeson, Frank, 78 Sorrenson, M P K, 7, 52, 73 Priestley, Rebecca, 76 Satchell, William, 78 Sort of Conscience, A, 73 Proportional Representation on Sceats, Janet, 76 South-West of Eden, 73 Trial, 85 Science on Ice, 86 Speaking Truth to Power, 86 Puna Wai Kōrero, 62 Scofield, Paul, 86 Stafford, Jane, 78 Scudder, Erin, 82 Stanley, Mary, 84 Quigley, Sarah, 80, 83 See What I Can See, 41 Star Waka, 84 Seeing Voices, 84 Starveling Year, 84 Rabel, Roberto, 76 Selected Poems (Smithyman), 84 Stead, C K, 73, 78, 84 Rapunzel Rapunzel, 80 Selected Poems of James K. Steady Hand, A, 81 Rasmussen, Erling, 85 Baxter, 82 Steal Away Boy, 81 Rawlinson, Gloria, 72 Self-Portrait, 72 Stephenson, Brent, 86 Real Gold, 77 Separation and/or Greeting, 81 Stick Out Keep Left, 73 Red Leaves, 80 Settler’s Plot, The, 77 Stirling, Bruce, 79 red letter, 80 Seven Days on Mykonos, 81 Stone, R C J, 73, 77 Red Tram, The, 84 Shaggy Magpie Songs, 31 Stories about Wooden Red Trees, 83 Shakeup Anyway, A, 85 Keyboards, 84 Reeve, Richard, 83 Shaking the Bee Tree, 73 Stuck Up, 80 Reid, Bryan, 73 Shaping the News, 86 Studies of a Small Democracy, 75 Reid, Nicholas, 76 Sharp, Iain, 73, 77 Sturm, Terry, 73 Remembering, 75 Sharrad, Paul, 78 Subject, The, 82 Rewi, Poia, 79 Shaw, Louise, 77 Suffrage and Beyond, 75 Riach, Alan, 83 Shear Hard Work, 77 Sullivan, Ann, 85 Richards, Ian, 73 Shepard, Deborah, 71, 73 Sullivan, Robert, 62, 84

93 Index

Sundt, Richard A, 79 Treaty of Waitangi Companion, Whaanga, Mere, 79 Sumpter, Paul, 29 The, 79 Whaikōrero, 79 Sutton, Douglas, 86 Trevelyan, Jill, 72 Whaitiri, Reina, 62, 84 Swimmers, Dancers, 82 Tse, Chris, 66, 82 Whakapapa of Tradition, A, 49 Switch, The, 81 Tuamaka, 86 Whale Years, 13 Sword, Helen, 15 Tudor Style, The, 83 Whare Karakia, 79 Turbulent Years, The, 74 While You’re Away, 77 Tāhuhu Kōrero, 79 Whimpering of the State, The, 85 Tales of Gotham City, 84 University of Auckland, The, 76 Whole Men, 78 Talking Music, 73 Unreal City, 84 Wild, 81 Tarling, Nicholas, 85 Unsettled Spirit, An, 73 Wild Plants in Auckland, 85 Tasman Relations, 77 Williams, David V, 77 Tauira, 23 Valparaiso, 83 Williams, Mark, 78 Te Kīngitanga, 74 Veart, David, 54, 77, 86 Wilson, Arnold Manaaki, 78 Tell You What 2015, 55; 2016, 47 Vertical Living, 57 Women and Education in Te Mauri Pakeaka, 78 Voice and Vision, 75 Aotearoa 2, 86 Temple, Philip, 73 Voice Carried My Family, 84 Wood, Pamela, 77 Templeton, Hugh, 85 Voice for Mothers, A, 75 Woods, Christine, 74 Templeton, Malcolm, 77, 85 Volcanoes of Auckland, 85 Wool to Weta, 74 Tendering, 84 Von Sturmer, Richard, 78 Woodward, Alistair, 53 Then and There, 73 Voters’ Vengeance, 85 Working Free, 85 Thicket, 82 Voters’ Veto, 85 World Famous in New Zealand, Three Masquerades, 86 Voters’ Victory?, 85 74 Three Regrets and a Hymn to Vowles, Jack, 84, 85 World Regained, The, 73 Beauty, 84 Wright, Alan, 72 Ties of Blood and Empire, 77 Waihou Journeys, 86 Wright, David, 77 Tigers at Awhitu, 80 Waimarino County, 72 Writer’s Diet, The, 15 Time of the Giants, The, 82 Waitangi and Indigenous Writers in Residence, 78 To Bed at Noon, 73 Rights, 84 To Tatau Waka, 79 Walker, Paul, 57 Yang Lian, 84 Tokelau, 79 Walking to Africa, 82 Year of Adverbs, The, 83 Toll of the Bush, The, 78 Walls to Kick and Hills to Sing Yelich, Sonja, 80, 84 Towards a Promised Land, 71 From, 781 Yellow Buoy, The, 84 Towards Consensus?, 85 Wandering Mind, The, 56 You Will Know When You Get Traditional Songs of the Wanhalla, Angela, 77 There, 80 Maori, 79 Waring, Marilyn, 86 Young Country, 69 Tram Conductor’s Blue Cap, Warm Winds of Change, The, 80 Young Knowledge, 81 The, 81 Wedde, Ian, 72, 84 Young Logan Campbell, 73 Treadwell, Sarah, 72 Welcome to the South Seas, 71 Treasure Hunt, 82 Wendt, Albert, 80, 84 Zone of the Marvellous, 75 Treasury, 76 Wevers, Lydia, 78

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Image credits Pages 8–9: Hokianga Harbour, 1894, collection of the Alexander Turnbull Library. Pages 20–21: spread from The Glass Rooster by Janis Freegard. Pages 30–31: Don Clarke playing for New Zealand against the British Lions, Dunedin, 1959, collection of Ron Palenski. Pages 42–43: Alice and Walter, Marine Parade, 2000, photograph by Deborah Smith. Page 50: skateboarding boys in Naenae, Lower Hutt, 1979, collection of the ATL. Page 59: the Cardboard Cathedral, 2013, photograph by Stephen Goodenough. Page 69: Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, 1880s, photograph by William Williams, collection of the ATL. Page 70: Marti Friedlander, West Coast beach, 1970, photograph by Gerrard Friedlander. Page 88: Reporters’ room at the Auckland Star newspaper, collection of the ATL.