SHAR Market to better the best MARKET CREATORS LIMITED To, Date: 11/08/2021 Corporate Relations Department, BSE Limited, Dept. of Corporate Services, Floor 25, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001 Scrip Code: 526891 Sub: Newspaper Publication of Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter ended 30" June, 2021 Dear Sir/Madam, Pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith newspaper publication of Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the 1* quarter ended 30" June, 2021 published in the following newspapers on 11" August, 2021: 1. Western Times (English) 2. Western Times (Gujarati) We request you to kindly take note of the above. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Encl. a/a Road, Vadodara-390 007. Regd. and Corporate Office : "Creative Castle" 70, Sampatrao Colony, Opp. Masonic Hall, Productivity Phone : 0265-2354075, Fax : 0265-2340214, Email :
[email protected],, CIN: L74140G)1991PLC016555 Equitiese Derivatives Equitye Commodities & Currency * Commodities: Merchant Banking» IPO» Mutual Fund 2 qeiaiz, cll.24 Boe, 2024 11/8/2021 Ahmedabad *Hollal-gl2s-22 ws ylorzlea vi fctt-yot vi Het eieiicll ated) 52] Gsioi) aie ati2):e2. 2). - Vloiai) as rseledHi yeSz2) cea (ferfor fr gi21) aHEIAE, nial avai xd eu 9. adiol ule] a1) auido) 6dild $2] saa alseufl 232 wadaLdaat wa Dla-Aaaiar Editorial.... ai x adai 13 ad wal. aul wild rari qausaia RHHEICIE, sr-udetl aia erlar ulan-t9s-alan YW BUSH MZ 2a 9. ALMA OU 2SL WHELUS AWAUi HEAL (Akreud med aia agai aa ad 2aueiaa Uaevzi wa Ha eisad dl ae anal salad aidl ugi2zu cat AA dull URL 9.