Copyrighted Material
INDEX Academy of Music, 47, 48 appearance of, 29, 68, 215 afternoon tea, 342, 343 background and personal traits of, 4–5, Age of Innocence, The (Wharton), 95, 26–29, 31 140, 275 Bohemian party of, 400 Allard, Jules, 132, 158, 173, 260–261, 304, children of, 30, 99–104 306, 307–308, 323, 327, 329, 331 daughters’ marriages and, 75–78, Alva (yacht), 234–235, 236, 312 121–122, 170, 280 Ambassadress (yacht), 27, 30, 234 denunciation of vulgar displays by, Anthony, Susan B., 442 402, 425 archery, 74, 273, 334 diamond jewelry of, 61, 103, 227–229, aristocracy, 7, 36, 112–113, 118–119, 122– 369, 374, 425 123, 222, 224, 225, 378, 380–382, 443 dinner parties and, 350, 351, 354 marriages to, 382–390 European travel of, 377, 380 arrivistes. See nouveau riches four hundred and, 38, 47, 183 art collections, 10, 12, 26, 35, 37, 132, 133, houses of, 103, 135, 138, 157, 165–177, 257–258, 379 189, 368, 426, 427, 441, 450 Belmont, 95, 139 husband’s death and, 76, 77, 78, 170 Huntington, 181 last years and death of, 425–427, 453 as masculine pursuit, 88–91 Lehr and, 107, 109, 111 philanthropic donations of, 454 marriage of, 29, 30, 31, 234, 269 prevailing taste in, 88–89 McAllister and, 33–38, 52, 61, 104, 105, Stewart, 137–138 166, 300 Vanderbilt, 149–150, 288, 295 morning routine of, 68, 69–70 Whitney, 188, 189 as national legend, 177 Astor, Alice, 101, 427, 441, 442 Newport and, 157, 169, 171, Astor, Ava WillingCOPYRIGHTED (Mrs.
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