
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 85, pp. 8425-8429, November 1988 Receptor interactions through phosphorylation and pathways in bacterial (second messenger/feedback/excitation/memory/adaptation) DAVID AVRAM SANDERS AND DANIEL E. KOSHLAND, JR. Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 Contributed by Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., August 5, 1988

ABSTRACT The effects of messages initiated by one re- process (21-24), but the chemistry of the excitation was ceptor on the covalent modification of a second receptor were unknown until recently. In vivo experiments by Simon and studied by use of a technique for rapidly separating the co-workers (25, 26) strongly suggest that phosphorylation is receptors. Methylation of the bacterial-chemotactic involved in the second-messenger system ofbacteria chemo- receptor increases as a result of aspartate binding to the tactic signaling, as in that ofeukaryotic cells (27). The aspartate receptor. The aspartate-induced methylation on the that serves as a in chemotaxis is the CheA protein, serine receptor is absent in a strain that lacks cheA and cheW which had previously been identified as part of the signaling and is not the result of physical interaction, such as the system between receptors and flagella, and the CheA protein formation of heterodimers between the aspartate and serine is believed to modify the CheY protein, which is a strong receptors, or of alterations in the affmiity ofthe serine receptor candidate for the . for the methyltransferase and the methylesterase. Serine- Previous work suggested a feedback signal generated at the induced methylation ofthe serine receptor did not require cheA receptor could inhibit the methylesterase (28, 29). However, and cheW. A model is presented in which the receptor direct investigation of the consequences of the regulation of methylation level depends on the combination of (i) a ligand- the methylesterase for receptor methylation levels had not induced conformational change on the receptor substrate ofthe been attempted. The cheA and cheW genes are implicated in methylation and (ii) an indirect cytoplasmic signal these feedback effects (30-32); these same genes had also that operates through the methylesterase. been implicated in signaling from the receptor to the flagella. Such indirect effects could be produced through three pos- sible mechanisms: (i) feedback through some cytoplasmic Organisms, tissues, and cells experience a large variety of signal that reacted independently with either receptor, (ii) the stimulatory events and must not only respond to each one presence of heterodimers in which a conformational change individually but also integrate their responses. Stimuli, such in an aspartate-receptor subunit induced a conformational as light, , or neurotransmitters, are sensed by change in a serine-receptor subunit, and (iii) an effect of transmembrane receptors that activate particular second- differential binding ofmethyltransferase and/or methylester- messenger systems (1). The second messengers are respon- ase to the directly stimulated receptor, which could thereby sible for producing the appropriate response to the stimulus alter the rates and levels ofmethylation ofthe other receptor. and coordinating the responses to different stimuli. For To establish the mechanism of the effect and its quantitative example, in bacterial chemotaxis a response regulator that contribution to the excitation and adaptation systems re- integrates responses from a variety of bacterial chemotaxis quired a method ofseparating two very similar receptors (33, receptors has been postulated as a device that controls output 34) so that we could measure accurately the methylation level of the cells and provides short-term memory (2). of each receptor. A technique that involved localized muta- Bacterial chemotaxis is an attractive system for the inves- genesis and that could be applied to other difficult-to-separate tigation of second messengers because of the power of the was used to accomplish this task. available genetic and molecular biological tools. and Salmonella typhimurium modulate their swimming behavior in reaction to changes in the concentrations of MATERIALS AND METHODS certain chemicals that act as attractants or repellents (3). Bacterial Strains. E. coli strains RP437 (wild type for Their motility pattern results from an integration of informa- chemotaxis), RP4372 (Atar-tap, tsr) and RP2898 (AcheA- tion obtained through a variety of receptors (4, 5). Aspartate cheW-tar-tap) were obtained from J. S. Parkinson (Univer- and serine, for example, bind to specific cell-surface chemo- sity of Utah) (35). taxis receptors, which produce signals that alter migration of Cloning of tars-S517C and tsrE onto a Single Plasmid, the sensing bacterium (6-8). These receptors are methylated pSK140, and Functionality Test. The EcoRl fragment of the on specific glutamate residues by the CheR protein, a plasmid pAB100 (33) containing the tsrE (E. coli serine methyltransferase (9-12). The reaction is reversible, because receptor) was ligated into the EcoRI site of plasmid hydrolysis of the methyl groups with the consequent produc- pFK139 (36), which encodes tars-S517C (S. typhimurium tion of methanol is catalyzed by the CheB protein, a methyl- aspartate receptor with Ser-517 -+ Cys mutation) and ampi- esterase (13, 14). Both aspartate and serine increase the rate cillin resistance, to create plasmid pSK140. Strains trans- of methylation and decrease the rate of demethylation of the formed with this plasmid and control plasmids were tested for receptor to which they bind, in vivo and in vitro (15-19). their ability to exhibit chemotaxis on swarm plates (37). The theory of a response regulator suggested that there Colonies were inoculated into the center of0.35% agar plates were two steps, a fast excitation step and a slow adaptation containing Vogel-Bonner citrate medium (38) supplemented process (20). Methylation was identified with the adaptation with 1% glycerol and , , , threo-

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge Abbreviations: tsrE, Escherichia coli serine receptor gene; tars- payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" S517C, Salmonella typhimurium aspartate receptor gene with Ser- in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. 517 Cys mutation. 8425 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 8426 Biochemistry: Sanders and Koshland Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85 (1988) nine, and thiamine (each at 50 Ag/ml) and, in some cases, the background in the dimer band were divided by 0.6 to obtain attractants 100 ,tM aspartate or 100 ttM serine; either aspartate-receptor methylation, and the remaining cpm were ampicillin (100 ,g/ml) or tetracycline (8 ,g/ml) was also in attributed to the serine receptor. the medium. After an initial lag, the rate of swarming, as When receptor demethylation was being examined, non- measured by the increase in diameter per hr, was linear. The radioactive methionine (final concentration, 250'g/ml) was plasmid pSK140 conferred chemotaxis toward both aspartate added as a chase to the cultures that had been incubated for and serine on a strain (RP4372) that was defective in both 30 min with radioactive methionine as described in the first traits. Plasmids pFK139 and pAB100 conferred chemotaxis paragraph of this section. The specific activity of the me- toward only aspartate or serine, respectively (data not thionine was thereby reduced 50-fold. Receptor methylation shown). was determined at various time points before and after Separation and Measurement of Methylation of Receptors. attractant addition. Seven minutes of incubation with the Bacteria were grown to an OD650 of 0.7-1.2 units at 30'C in nonradioactive methionine preceded the addition of attrac- Vogel-Bonner citrate medium supplemented with 1% glyc- tant to ensure that the S-adenosylmethionine pools were erol and histidine, methionine, leucine, , and thia- equilibrated. mine (each at 50 ,ug/ml) with ampicillin (250 /.g/ml) or tetracycline (8 pug/ml) ifrequired. The cells were collected by centrifugation at 5000 x g for 10 min, washed twice with the RESULTS same medium and supplements-except that the concentra- Stimulation of Methylation ofthe Serine Receptor During an tion of methionipne was 5 ,g/ml, and then resuspended at an Aspartate Response Requires the Presence of the Aspartate OD650 of 1.0 in the same medium containing an additional 350 Receptor. To examine whether a response generated by one ,uCi of L-[methyl-3H]methionine per ml (85 Ci/mmol; 1 Ci = receptor affected the methylation of a second receptor 37 GBq). The cultures were incubated at 30°C for 30 min required a special technique for measurement of the meth- before attractant addition. ylation level of each receptor separately. Two-dimensional At various times after attractant addition, duplicate 200-,ul polyacrylamide gels did not separate the aspartate and serine aliquots were precipitated in 1 ml of ice-cold 10% trichloro- receptors sufficiently to allow for accurate quantification of acetic acid. The pellet from one aliquot was extracted into 40 their methylation levels. To make a clean separation of the ,l of 2x sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) buffer (750 mM two receptors, a residue was introduced by localized Tris HCl, pH 8.8/20% glycerol (wt/vol)/0.004% bromphenol mutagenesis into the aspartate receptor (36). Cysteine resi- blue/4% SDS/1% 2-mercaptoethanol), whereas the other dues were introduced at certain nonconserved positions aliquot was extracted into 40 ,ul of a detergent solution without any effect on signaling properties ofthe receptor and, containing 1% Zwittergent 3-12, 700 mM Tris HCl (pH 8.0), after cell rupture, such receptors could be crosslinked by 10% glycerol, 2 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and 1 oxidation through -bond formation (36). As a result, mM o-phenanthroline. The mixtures were then frozen in the aspartate receptor had the electrophoretic mobility on liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C. SDS/polyacrylamide gels of a protein twice the molecular Polypeptides encoded by tars-S517C can be crosslinked by weight of the closely homologous serine receptor, which disulfide linkages to dimers in the presence of an oxidative could not form disulfide crosslinks. As described in the catalyst (36), so 5 ,lI of a 50 mM copper o-phenanthroline previous section, this technique allowed clean separation and solution was added to each Zwittergent 3-12-solubilized simple calculation of the methylation of each receptor. In sample, which was then incubated for 10 min at 37°C. addition, overproduction of the receptors enabled examina- Seventeen microliters of 4x SDS buffer (250 mM Tris HCl, tion of the indirect effects over a reasonable time frame by pH 6.8/40% glycerol/0.008% bromphenol blue/8% SDS, extending the time required for adaptation to stimuli. containing no 2-mercaptoethanol) was then added to each The level of receptor methylation during various attractant sample, which was subsequently frozen in liquid nitrogen and responses was investigated in strain RP4372, lacking both stored at -80°C. aspartate and serine receptors, which was transformed with To determine the level of base-labile methylation in recep- a plasmid encoding both receptors. As shown in Fig. 1, tor proteins and to separate the crosslinked tars-S517C from addition of aspartate increases the methylation level of both the tsrE all SDS-solubilized samples were boiled 3 min and the aspartate and the serine receptors. Addition of serine analyzed on Laemmli 7.5% polyacrylamide gels (39). The gels likewise increases methylation on its own receptor and on the were stained with Coomassie blue and destained in 10% aspartate receptor. The increase in receptor methylation in acetic acid (vol/vol) to visualize the proteins. The region of response to 1 mM serine ceases after 10 min, the time the gel of each lane containing the monomeric receptor required for adaptation. In cells that lack the aspartate proteins (50-80 kDa) and that containing the dimeric receptor receptor, aspartate addition has no effect upon the methyl- protein (>100 kDa) were cut into 2.5-mm slices. Base-labile ation of the serine receptor and vice versa; thus, the meth- methylation in the slices was measured by the method of ylation change requires receptor stimulation. When that Chelsky et al. (40). Recovery of counts in the crosslinked stimulation occurs, methylation of the receptor not directly Zwittergent 3-12-solubilized samples was 60-90% of that in stimulated increases during a response initiated by the other the SDS-solubilized samples. Therefore, analysis of the receptor in a wild-type strain. The directly stimulated recep- Zwittergent 3-12-solubilized samples was used to determine tor experiences a much greater change in methylation level. the ratio of dimer/monomer cpm, whereas the data obtained Stimulation ofMethylation ofthe Serine Receptor During an from the more reproducibly recovered SDS-solubilized sam- Aspartate Response Requires CheA and/or CheW Proteins. ples were used to determine the total number ofmethyl-group There have been previous suggestions that the cytosolic cpm. By examining the methylation level of the aspartate products of the cheA and cheW genes were responsible for receptor extracted from whole cells that lacked the serine the inhibition of methylesterase that occurs during a chemo- receptor and treated with copper o-phenanthroline, we could tactic response (28, 31) and for the generation of the chemo- show that 60.5 ± 4.8% (SD) of the aspartate receptor was in taxis second messenger (35). Therefore, we questioned the crosslinked form. The presence or absence of 1 mM whether these genes were also required for the aspartate- aspartate and/or 1 mM senine and the level of receptor induced methylation of the seine receptor. The above methylation did not affect the extent of dimer formation. experiment was repeated with a strain that lacked the CheA Crosslinking ofthe aspartate receptor is not influenced by the and CheW proteins (Fig. 2). In this strain there is no increased presence of the serine receptor. Therefore, the cpm above methylation of the serine receptor in response to 1 mM Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Biochemistry: Sanders and Koshland Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85 (1988) 8427 Table 1. Increases in methylation in response to A. combined stimuli - _~ A 1 mM Aspartate Receptor methyl groups 000 2 00 per 108 cells, pmol Q r- Attractant (1 mM) Receptor Wild type cheA cheW 0 O 10 F Serine Serine 9.69 4.48 X E a 1mM Serine Serine + aspartate Serine 10.00 4.51 cn A Aspartate Aspartate 12.39 1.85 *, Ql Serine + aspartate Aspartate 11.31 2.44 Qo o Serine + aspartate Serine + 21.31 6.94 0 CD No Stimulus--O aspartate U Calculated sum of Serine + 29.63 7.05 BI serine and aspartate = . lmM Serine aspartate )00 responses 2 o 20 Methylation above background was measured after 10 min of an 11 a mMN spartaiml A 0- attractant response, as described. The calculated sum of serine and a0 0_ aspartate responses is the sum of total additional receptor methyl- OE ation obtained during separate responses to 1 mM aspartate and 1 mM serine. 1. O-0-0 t o tiulus 0 0 0 present (RP4372-pSK140) the methylation increase is less CO(. than the sum of the increases from 1 mM aspartate or 1 mM 0 5 10 15 serine alone. In contrast, in the strain that lacks CheA and CheW (RP2898-pSK140) the response to 1 mM aspartate and Time after Attractant Addition 1 mM serine is additive. Thus the feedback system is (minutes) responsible for the loss in additivity, whereas, as expected when each receptor is acting independently, additivity is FIG. 1. (A) Aspartate-receptor methylation in RP4372-pSK140 observed. The reason for the lack of additivity is clear from (overproducer of the serine and aspartate receptors) was measured Fig. 3A, in which saturation ofthe feedback system is evident at various times with or without chemoattractants, as described. In (see below). Because complete inhibition of serine receptor the presence of the serine receptor, methylation on the aspartate demethylation occurs with 1 mM serine alone, it is clear that receptor increases during a response to 1 mM serine, but this increase further addition of aspartate can have no additional effect. stops at -10 min. (B) Serine-receptor methylation was measured under the same conditions. In the presence ofthe aspartate receptor, methylation on the serine receptor increases during a response to 1 mM aspartate. aspartate. The increase in total receptor methylation in the e-O cell induced by aspartate is due to methylation on the O aspartate receptor alone, in contrast to the results obtained :5 a) 2 ea0).; 0) when the CheA and CheW proteins were present. Thus the .=cr.cc C!J strain lacking CheA and CheW exhibits only direct ligand- E cn = induced effects with no indirect effects. Attractant-Induced Methylation Changes Are Not Additive. Table 1 compares the increase in cellular receptor methyla- tion produced when cells are simultaneously presented with Time after Attractant Addition (minutes) 1 mM aspartate and 1 mM serine with the sum of the methylation responses to 1 mM aspartate or 1 mM serine I I I I I I 0) C added separately. When the CheA and CheW proteins are - > ) 1mM Aspartate AL Cwo 100 It *A '--* 12 C). 80- a cOO *co 10 - 1mMSerinM 60 - 0 c l 0 - No Stimulus 4) 0 0w.. 40 8 E 0 m so 0 < 0S.- O 1mM Aspartate I I I I I I I cC. _ E 6 - 0 10 20

4 Co Time after Attractant Addition (minutes) cn cL No- StimulusI I 0 5 10 FIG. 3. (A) The decrease in serine-receptor methylation in Time After Attractant Addition RP4372-pSK140 was measured with or without chemoattractants (minutes) during an unlabeled methionine chase, as described. Serine-receptor demethylation is completely inhibited during the response to 1 mM FIG. 2. Serine receptor methylation in RP2898 (AcheA-cheW- serine and accelerates thereafter. Serine-receptor demethylation is tar-tap)-pSK140 (overproducer ofthe serine and aspartate receptors) partially inhibited by 1 mM aspartate. (B) The decrease in aspartate- was measured with or without chemoattractants, as described. In the receptor methylation was measured with or without 1 mM aspartate. absence ofcheA and cheW, serine receptor methylation is unaffected Aspartate-receptor demethylation is completely inhibited during an by 1 mM aspartate. aspartate response. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 8428 Biochemistry: Sanders and Koshland Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85 (1988) Demethylation of the Serine Receptor Is Partiafly Inhibited A. Steady State DMring an Aspartate Response. An increase in methylation of the serine receptor during an aspartate response may be due to either an increase in the rate of methyl esterification Tr catalyzed by the methyltransferase or a decrease in hydro- lysis of glutamic methyl ester catalyzed by the methylester- ase. To test whether 1 mM aspartate inhibits demethylation ccxw of the serine receptor, a pulse-chase experiment was per- formed as described. Receptor methylation was measured at Flagella various time points after attractant addition. The serine- O"N receptor methylation in this experiment is shown in Fig. 3A. Serine at 1 mM completely inhibits serine-receptor demeth- RA, RS = Aspartate & Serine ylation during the response (which stops after 8 min), Receptors whereas 1 mM aspartate is only partially effective in inhib- Tr, Es = Transferase, Esterase iting demethylation. Demethylation of the aspartate receptor Kinase, Pase - Che A & Che Z proteins is completely inhibited by I mM aspartate (Fig. 3B). Because y -E= Response regulator the loss of methyl groups by pulse chase affects only those -CheY methyl groups previously added to the receptor, the effect B. Addition of Asp ------= Diminished reactions must be an inhibition of the esterase. The effects are greater O - Enhanced reactions upon the demethylation of the directly stimulated receptor Asp. than on those receptors not directly stimulated. Asp, Qr Me.' A / IA DISCUSSION | | ,'~~Mej IIv~~~cxccw Evidence for an Indirect Cytoplasmic Feedback Effect. The kinase ki nase t Ed;------Es Y -- results reported here and previously clearly establish that Pase Flagella covalent modification ofchemotaxis receptors is regulated by " / iPase N Es/ O (i) the direct effects of a ligand-induced conformational N change on the receptor to which the ligand is bound (18, 36) / and (ii) a feedback effect mediated by cytosolic components / Tr S of the chemotaxis second-messenger system. Stimulation of Me. M/ the CheR-catalyzed methylation and inhibition of the CheB- Mee catalyzed demethylation ofthe initiating receptor are demon- strable in cell-free systems where they directly depend upon FIG. 4. A model for the regulation of receptor methylation and receptor conformational changes induced upon effector bind- flagellar rotation. (A) Interaction between the receptors and the ing (18). In our studies we show that stimulation of one proteins involved in intracellular signaling and receptor methylation receptor can raise the methylation level of another receptor; when no ligand is bound and the cell is in an adapted state. The the general inhibition of methylesterase during an attractant aspartate (RA) and serine (Rs) receptors have a given level of response can completely account for this indirect effect. methylation (Me) between i and i + 1 orn and j + 1 methyl groups per polypeptide, which is determined by the conformation of the Two alternative explanations of the indirect effect can be ligand-free receptor. The rates of methyl-group addition by the eliminated. (i) The first hypothesis is that there are hetero- methyltransferase and methyl-group removal by the methylesterase dimers-i.e., one serine receptor and one aspartate are equal. The more highly methylated receptors activate the CheA receptor peptide in the same dimer-that affect each other by kinase to phosphorylate the CheY protein and the methylesterase, cooperative interpeptide interactions. That explanation has enhancing the functions of each. The phosphorylated CheY protein been eliminated by the finding that heterodimers do not exist more effectively promotes clockwise (cw) flagellar rotation, whereas (41). The fact that inhibition of the esterase requires the the phosphorylated methylesterase is more active in demethylation. presence of CheA and/or CheW further indicates that this The CheZ reverses the CheA-catalyzed phosphoryla- inhibition is not a result ofdirect protein-protein interactions tions. (B) Effect of an aspartate response. Aspartate binds to the aspartate receptor and changes the receptor conformation so that between receptors or merely an artifact of receptor overpro- receptor methylation is enhanced (+ above the methyltransferase duction. (ii) The other hypothesis is that an indirect effect reaction arrow), while demethylation is strongly inhibited. The could be explained on the basis of a sequestration of trans- ligand-bound form of the receptor no longer activates the CheA ferase or esterase on the directly stimulated receptor, thus kinase (dotted arrows from the aspartate receptor to the kinase) so affecting the methylation ofthe alternate receptor. However, the phosphorylation of the CheY protein and the methylesterase is our findings-that both receptors are increased in their diminished (kinase reaction arrows are dotted). The flagella rotate methylation and that the result critically depends on CheA counterclockwise (ccw), and the methylesterase is no longer acti- and CheW-eliminate the second hypothesis. These findings vated. Because the rate of methylation of the serine receptor is not only provide quantitative support for an indirect cyto- unaffected by the presence ofaspartate and the rate ofdemethylation is diminished (dotted arrow from the methylesterase), the methyla- plasmic effect but also provide in vivo evidence that a tion level of the serine receptor increases. After adaptation (data not phosphorylation pathway, as indicated by the in vitro studies shown) the biochemical reactions will return the state to that of A, of Simon and co-workers (25, 26) is the best candidate for the except that the ligand-bound aspartate receptor will have a different, second-messenger system in bacterial chemotaxis. The de- higher steady-state level of methylation. crease in esterase activity on attractant addition fits with the work of Simon and co-workers (26) and Stock et al. (43), CheY protein to generate the response regulator, phospho- which indicates that the CheA protein phosphorylates the rylated CheY, and also phosphorylates the esterase, thus esterase and activates it. activating it. Because the same intermediates are generated The Direct and the Indirect Effects. A schematic illustration whether the response is initiated by the serine receptor or the of the probable situation is shown in Fig. 4. The senine and aspartate receptor, the esterase will act on methyl groups on the aspartate receptors interact with the CheA kinase (inhib- either receptor-hence the indirect feedback effect. iting it when there is an increase of attractant, activating it The reconstitution and individual receptor studies reported when there is a decrease). The kinase phosphorylates the previously (18, 36) established that a direct effect of ligand Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Biochemistry: Sanders and Koshland Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85 (1988) 8429 binding upon the conformation ofthe receptor alters receptor 8. Hedblom, M. L. & Adler, J. (1980) J. Bacteriol. 144, 1048- properties as a substrate for methyltransferase and methyl- 1060. esterase. There is also, as originally suggested by Dahlquist, 9. Goy, M. F., Springer, M. S. & Adler, J. (1977) Proc. Nat!. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 4964-4968. Springer, and their co-workers (28, 29, 31, 32), an indirect 10. Kleene, S. J., Toews, M. L. & Adler, J. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. feedback effect that operates through the cytoplasm. Our 252, 3214-3218. results quantify the extent of that effect, establishing that 11. Springer, W. R. & Koshland, D. E., Jr. (1977) Proc. Natl. both the direct conformational effect and indirect cytoplas- Acad. Sci. 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