Darby Report 293 Thursday 8 April 2004
[email protected]. Mail: PO Box 401 Manly NSW 1655 Australia NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBER: Phone +61 2 9972 9316. Mobile 0402 558 947 = May you and your loved ones receive all the blessings of Easter. We pray for the safety of all the brave individuals around the world who are defending liberty and peace against all forms of international terrorism. Click here to visit the Darby Report Blogspot, kindly established and maintained by Dr J.J. Ray Please add the following line to every email you send in the next week: The news & views waiting for you: www.darbyreport.da.ru CONTENTS OF DARBY REPORT 293 To return to this menu: Ctrl/Home (DOUBLE) CLICK ON THE ITEM YOU WISH TO READ Container for Ghana NSW Planning Nightmare Keating Revisited NZ Opposition Leader Brash Focuses on Tax Reduction ABC Bias UN's Internet The Threat We're Ignoring Now How 9-11 happened Linking Al-Qaida and Iraq More Rubbish from Senator Kennedy (endorsed by Mark Latham) Zim: Paul Laughed Windbag meets windmills Why do they hate us? Richard Butler and the Ukqwitt Register An Utterly Stupid Labor Idea and the Dickman-Darby Alternative Letters to the Editor Work in Progress: 200 Poets of the People (6 files totalling 974pp) (web update is six months behind the current state of development) ÅPLEASE PATRONISE DARBY REPORT ADVERTISERSÆ 9Action_Business_Brokers 9Alain_Woolf’s_Hypno_Comedy 9At_Call_Limousines 9Attention_all_poets 9Beyond The Razor Wire 9Colleen_Mathews_Art_ 9Dine_with_Darby_@_Harry’s_ 9Donate_used_computers 9Engine_Room_Internet_Coy