The Ukrainian Weekly 2007, No.46

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The Ukrainian Weekly 2007, No.46 INSIDE: • Rising prices and growing inflation in Ukraine — page 3. • Conference on Holodomor held in Toronto — page 5. • Parish in Watervliet, N.Y., marks centennial — page 13. HE KRAINIAN EEKLY T PublishedU by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profitW association Vol. LXXV No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2007 $1/$2 in Ukraine Working group preparing for new Verkhovna Rada session elects leaders by Zenon Zawada passed in Parliament without its consensus Kyiv Press Bureau or political will,” he added. After the Verkhovna Rada’s first ses- KYIV – While their Polish neighbors sion, which the Constitution requires by formed a new government within three the month’s end, its deputies will have weeks of their election, it took Ukraine’s another 30 days to form a coalition. Mr. politicians two weeks just to form the Fesenko said he expects the Party of the working group to prepare for the first Regions will obstruct that process as much Verkhovna Rada session. as possible too. They finally agreed on November 15 to For the working group, Mr. Zvarych, a select Party of the Regions of Ukraine close ally of President Viktor Yushchenko, National Deputy-Elect Raisa Bohatyriova was the nomination agreed upon by pro- as the working group’s chair, and Roman Western forces. Zvarych of the Our Ukraine – People’s Before Ms. Bohatyriova was approved, Self-Defense bloc as her assistant. the Russian-aligned forces nominated two Russian-oriented forces have stalled Communists, first Adam Martyniuk then coalition formation with the aim of dis- Valentyna Matveyeva, knowing their rivals rupting any possibility of a Democratic wouldn’t approve. Forces Coalition emerging, political The repeated nomination of observers said. Communists is part of a long stalling strat- “It’s psychological pressure on the pres- egy, said Yosyp Vinskyi, a leader with the ident and unstable elements within the Our Tymoshenko Bloc. UNIAN/Mykola Lazarenko Zenon Zawada Ukraine – People’s Self-Defense and Yulia “Their position is very clear – to keep Tymoshenko blocs,” said Volodymyr dragging, adding another day or two to Raisa Bohatyriova (left) and Roman Zvarych (right), the newly selected chair and Fesenko, board chairman of the Kyiv- stay in power, because government means assistant chair, respectively, of the working group preparing for the first session of based Penta Center for Applied Political resources, money and the ability to priva- the Verkhovna Rada’s sixth convocation. Research, which has worked with top tize,” he said. Ukrainian parties and the Presidential “Just take a look at how many enterpris- the proclaimed Democratic Forces While the Russian-leaning forces insist Secretariat. es were privatized in the last month Coalition, consisting of the Yulia such a coalition is doomed to failure, it is “Demonstrating its blocking ability, the through the Cabinet of Ministers,” Mr. Tymoshenko and Our Ukraine – People’s elected deputies within Our Ukraine – Party of the Regions is showing that not a Vinskyi added. Self-Defense blocs, which would have a single political or staffing decision will be The coalition most likely to emerge is two-vote majority in the Verkhovna Rada. (Continued on page 16) Holodomor Researchers Association meets in Kyiv Kytasty Foundation by Zenon Zawada archive falls victim Kyiv Press Bureau KYIV – The two brothers that Vasyl to California fires Rudyi never knew died in the Holodomor, PARSIPPANY, N.J. – When fast-moving and his mother’s description of those horrif- fires in mid-October burned more than half ic years left a searing impression on him that a million acres in California and destroyed forced him to action. more than 2,000 homes, among those affect- Once he was allowed to do so, Mr. Rudyi ed were Andrij and Ingrid Kytasty of began documenting the firsthand accounts Poway, a suburb of San Diego, of scores of Holodomor survivors in the The Kytastys lost their two-story home Vinnytsia Oblast, aided only by pen and located on a scenic hillside overlooking a paper, because he couldn’t afford a basic canyon. In addition, lost in the fire were tape recorder and cassette tapes. valuable archives related to the work of Mr. “The government hasn’t given a kopek, Kytasty’s father, the late Hryhory Kytasty, and the big businessmen aren’t interested,” renowned bandurist and composer, who was the longtime director (1941-1954, 1958- said Mr. Rudyi, 68, who wrote two books 1959 and 1967-1984) of the Ukrainian documenting the Holodomor in the Bandurist Chorus (UBC). Vinnytsia Oblast, where more than a million This year marks the centennial of Ukrainians were starved to death by the Zenon Zawada Hryhory Kytasty’s birth and the recent Communist regime. “Bandura: Soul of Ukraine” concert tour of More than 250 of Mr. Rudyi’s colleagues Vasyl Rudyi, chair of the Vinnytsia Oblast organization of the Holodomor the UBC was dedicated to that anniversary. gathered at the Ukrainian House in Kyiv on Researchers Association. Andrij Kytasty was on tour with the chorus November 10 to commemorate the 15th Ukrainian House. dozens of books. when flames claimed his house. anniversary of the Holodomor Researchers Like Mr. Rudyi, most of the researchers Through his active interest in bringing the Andrij Kytasty’s colleagues in the ban- Association in Ukraine. have sparse financial resources, pursuing Holodomor to Ukrainian consciousness, durist community confirmed on October 29 For the first time, the association was their quest for historical justice on meager President Viktor Yushchenko has improved that Hryhory Kytasty’s manuscripts, photos, meeting not as an opposition or dissident the climate to conduct their research, the recordings, letters, banduras and the com- group, but with the full support of a salaries that rarely amount to more than $150 a month. Holodomor researchers said. puter server that had everything from the Ukrainian president, said Lev Lukianenko, Legislation recognizing the Holodomor Kytasty Foundation site, were lost. Also lost the organization’s chair. Despite the lack of financial support, and at times fierce opposition from eastern as a genocide against the Ukrainian people in the blaze were items belonging to another Although the government still doesn’t was a landmark event. The law also created of Hryhory Kytasty’s sons, the late Dr. Ukrainian government officials, the finance any of the association’s efforts, the an Institute of National Memory, which was Victor Kytasty, an educator and musician, as Presidential Secretariat helped in organizing Holodomor researchers pursued their work, and arranging the anniversary at the documenting thousands of testimonies and (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2007 No. 46 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Georgia and Ukraine: their revolutions Heavy storms hit Kerch Strait has said that passing the stage of discus- sions and forming a coalition is may be similar, but trajectories differ KYIV – Following storms over the Ukrainian politicians’ main task, Kerch Strait linking the Black and Azov RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service reported on by Taras Kuzio responded to challenges differently. seas on November 11, at least 10 ships in November 10. Mr. Yushchenko Eurasia Daily Monitor Opposition protesters have not been the area sank or suffered damage, expressed concern that Ukrainian policy attacked in Kyiv, unlike the police over- Ukrainian media reported. According to remains in a state of aggression. “I can- The ongoing political crisis in Georgia reaction in Tbilisi last week. Mr. RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service, six ships not see the politicians who would offer shares similar roots with the September Yushchenko has sought good relations with have sunk and three seamen drowned, mutual dialogue,” Mr. Yushchenko said. 2005 crisis in Ukraine. The Georgian crisis Russia and cannot play the “Russian card” with another 20 still missing. The largest “The impression is that the elections are began when former Defense Minister Irakli to win domestic support. Using the environmental damage was caused by the over, ‘martial law’ is canceled, but the Okruashvili accused President Mikheil “Russian card” brings political dividends in Russian tanker Volgoneft, which broke people who were elected to the Saakashvili of money laundering, misuse of Georgia and the opposition (the Justice up, dumping 2,000 tons of fuel oil into Parliament once again propose war,” he power and instigating violence against his Party and Maia Topuria in 2006, the the sea. Two other Russian ships, the said. Mr. Yushchenko said he believes opponents. Arrested on corruption charges, National Council today) is routinely Volnogorsk and the Kovel, also sank. that the people voted the politicians into Mr. Okruashvili retracted his accusations accused of working for Russia. One ship has spilled its cargo of 6,000 the Verkhovna Rada with the obligation tons of sulfur into the sea, and rescuers and then fled abroad. Georgia and Ukraine have taken different to negotiate. “Without dialogue, the are currently searching the seabed for the In Ukraine two years ago, the head of the post-revolutionary paths. Georgia’s Rose answer for the key question of Ukrainian containers. However, clean-up operations Presidential Secretariat and former head of Revolution was a much narrower margin of policy – how to bring political stability have been halted due to new warnings of President Viktor Yushchenko’s 2004 elec- victory, with estimates ranging from as low first of all to the Ukrainian Parliament – stormy weather. Prime Minister Viktor tion campaign, Oleksander Zinchenko, also as 30,000 votes to as high as 100,000. remains impossible,” the president said. Yanukovych announced that Ukraine’s accused the president’s entourage of corrup- Similar numbers attended Georgian opposi- (RFE/RL Newsline) tion, although not of violence. tion rallies in the last month. The ability to government intends to tighten the regula- Both insiders made their accusations change regimes and governments with such tions for the use of the Kerch Strait in PRU to join preparations for Rada without producing evidence.
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