DAVID COLEMAN’S CV JUNE 2018 PAGE 1 AWARD WINNING PROGRAMMES . BREAKING THE SILENCE LIVE - 2016 TRUENORTH for CHANNEL 4 A live documentary from Manchester Royal Infirmary watching the moment that 8 deaf patients could hear as their cochlear implants were switched on. Simultaneously streamed live on Facebook.
[email protected] LEE MACKENZIE LIVE VOICE OVER - NO IN-VISION PRESENTER. WINNER: BEST FACTUAL PROGRAMMME 07973 131348 PROLIFIC NORTH AWARDS ______________________________________________________________ DON’T PANIC 1 & 2 – 2015 - 16 WINGSPAN for BBC 2 I introduced the BBC to Musion for The Truth about Population. Musion is a system for producing floating images for a live audience. The presenter and the audience can see everything during the recording. No post-production trickery. HANS ROSLING’s highly entertaining presentation following on from his acclaimed lecture “THE JOY OF STATS” WINNER: INNOVATIVE JOURNALISM AWARD RTS 2015 ______________________________________________________________ DRUGS LIVE 1 & 2 - 2014 - 15 RENEGADE for CHANNEL 4 2 groundbreaking, scientific programmes the first of which examined the effects MDMA (Ecstasy) and the second, Drugs Live: Cannabis on Trial was a scientific trial looking at the effects on the brain of two different forms of cannabis – ‘skunk’ and ‘hash’. Drugs Live: Cannabis on Trial won an AIB award. Presented by JON SNOW and DR. CHRISTIAN JESSON WINNER: BEST SCIENCE PROGRAMME AIB AWARDS 2015 [ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTERS] ______________________________________________________________ ANATOMY FOR BEGINNERS FIREFLY for CHANNEL 4 I directed several series of anatomy programmes with Gunther Von Hagens both in the UK and in Germany. The first was The Autopsy filmed with a police presence in East London.