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“ W E ARE BUBrHREtT.”—Ottorbein. “ LOOKING UNTO JESUS.” —Paul. VOL. .V)- NO. i. DAYTON, OHIO. TUESDAY, JANUARY ]. 1889. WHOLE NO. 2536. "imitators of God as beloved children," and the mind and heart and life ot that darling with the same matter, to be able to give all R eligious Telescope. as such we can not only win constant victo child as an enrichment forever. promptly and without embarrassment. ry. hut lahor effectively for the cause of God It will- cost you incomparably more to al A large portion of the Telescope, in which WI-KKI.Y ORC.AN op TH!C and the salvation of others. low your children to grow into life without our readers are generally, and indeed uni the education, spiritual instruction, and so versally, interested, is given in Long-Primer UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. Tin: I’OH'Hii ok tiii: home is the mightiest cial and moral furnishing the Church will type, which bv the aged, and indeed by all, earthly inlluenee that can hi* placed upon a give them than it will cost vou to send them will be highly appreciated. J. W. HOTT, ICditor. life. It never lets its hold go. A mother’s to school at once. It may cost a tear and a The fact is, our “old clothes” were badly M. R. DRURY, Assistant, j hand never looses its pressure from the head heart-trial of parting to the mother, and la worn, and our publishing agent thought it of a darling.child, and her drawing love has bor and economy to the father; but it will time to allow us to put on an entirely “new VV. J. SHUEY, - - - PmusHER. heen the cord which has brought hack to yield everlasting blessing. Parents, help to suit” from head to foot. We are not “proud God many a wanderer. Build your home pack up the trunks and valises, and start the of our new dress;” but the Telescope is glad DAYTCN, OHIO. well, as its influence and shelter are for daughter anti the son ofl* to the school with that it is thus able through the kind patron eternity. which your conference co-operates. It is the age of the Church to go out on its mission key to a noble life. It is the gateway to a better equipped and better dressed than ever You may not he kept absolutely free from blissful eternity. What an awful and tre before. temptation or the approaches of Satan; hut mendous responsibility rests on the father you can he kept from the power of the tempt and mother who neglect the godly education The Old and the New Year. TABLE OF CONTENTS. er. Temptations which come from a selfish of a darling child, and thereby consign it to and sordid heart can all he discontinued by Numbered with the years of eternity past .............................. Filit Fiiil. V . 1 , *mr X.-w Dn-ss: Tl.r a life of ignorance and humiliation. ......... Muk'-I'r 'Vi'! Ymi H. ||. I s? Tin- 0|>|»>riiiuiiy of a thorough cleansing of the heart with the is 1888. A few months ago it came as a new :■ I.if-; I Ilf oi.l ;in<l Ilf- Vi-ar: ■ »urC|iur<‘li -Looking Fi.r- imaginations and thoughts of the mind. It The Telescope Make-Up. year. Now it has run its short and swift HII 1(1; Nn'riilii;') •>!’ ISM—1. v K'lilmial Noli !-. J*. should be-at tended to at once. U n im .Mr.lTIOVK. N « Y.-ur ill S.-wlN. crutiuf. Ilis- career like the many thousands of its predet I*.iii-iil IiiMii-’. /‘-•■/.in-/ l.i-iiiT^ !■■ V-imy Miui-li-iJ. Amitn.’ Our readers may he a little at a loss to cessors, and is numbered with the ages past. HiiihI-.iii Tli"ii«lii-. Tliim.'- I w..iiM l.ik” l«» Know. Our Fifty-Fifth Volumo. know just where to look in this number of I...vi- All-1 WitI’iiI. r;— Win. iin- Tiiiml W ith all that 1888 brought to us, nothing of Hi-ftInt-ii ■ l.iiHrtH Tin- Nuli.-n :i Morally Ai-.oiiiilalili* ll.-inu. the Religious Telescopic for the various de itself is left save its joyful and its sorrowful This number of the Religious Telescope :t. I. II partments of the paper they have been accus memories; Fled like a ghost, it has gone COItKKNI’OMUI.M i:. Fu-l.-m l.-INr: IVirlo I-l.nru- C.,n- begins its fifty-fifth volume. We start with tomed to read first. By and by they will be r.-r.-in-.-: IVnlral O),,., X»l«-: Ka-I N. I.r i-ka. *• over the mist-covered mountains of the years lho new year upon a new volume, and, we I'AMII.Y A \l) ril<l»ll)K . An o.|* I., tl..- I'Viliis V**ar; come accustomed to our present plan and past. Our years, how fast they fly! trust, upon a broader field of usefulness in will be pleased with it. Hi- Kjn.l; January; llu-« ■•ih. im-ii of il.iMi.-n. •> However filled with loads of sorrow were YOI .MJ I'OI.IiS. -ISIiH-U II. ll.'i.yf •!.!,..... I ll-Waii.ui! thfc church of Christ. After mature consideration, we have Y.-ur; Fhi-iiil* Hi- N« u Y.-ur; • mr I.. ii. i-K-X. «. T the coming hours of 1888, we could not delay ‘Progress is the watchword of the or M'.VIIAV'SCHOOI.. -A <ul.l-illi in tin- I.......I .! thought best to place our general them a single moment. On and on they gan of the Church. Studying as carefully II «/*/<-. I. editorial matter on the first page. There rushed, silently, swiftly, cruelly, madly, and T ill: .11 ISSIO.V-I'I KI.D. - Mi.—*i'.i.-l'.-)■» r..|l.-n-r.* M'- ahd thoroughly as may be the condition, are objections to this arrangement; but wo plunged us into the gloomy depths. A'.- !• wants, and progressive spirit of the United r.DI C’ATIO.N AI..—"iw-ii- in I'niior-iiy; Cnimi Ilil.lii-nl.Sfin- believe there are advantages to be realiZed Here, too, we felt the fleeting touch of be Brethren in Christ, tin* Telescope shall m:.r>: Lam-Fnii.-r-iiy: -.I—*l.r.ni..-r M-in..' ial l nii.|:-SI,i i.- which more than overcome all the difficulties. loved hours. However' sweet and ondeared jock faithfully to serve these interests and to TKJIHKR A.-A liv.|..-.| ■. Other editorial matter will be given on the to us the days, the hours, and even moments, Junior our common Master. As in the past, ill'ViXK I.irK.-'llr- ■ l--iiia \.ar: A \i-«-T.:ir llynm: eighth page, followed by Editorial Notes and of 1888, do as we could and as we might, we l’laili.-al I mil.—, ll.i.-.- I’-ooKh llvi-iy CliliMiiin Slmlllii •it will seek to conserve the highest good of other editorial writing. could not hold them with us a single second. lln\•• I" the Church, and to maintain its high position l»l I.I'IT AMI 1»KW. ...... l|u- X.-w Y-.-ir I" Our educational department will be found Ancl yet we have the memories of the sweet among the noble religious bodies of the MISIKI.LAN V.-.I.MI- My Kniu: I I.'- Fli«1il «•! Y.-:ir-: X.-w- on the ninth page instead of on the fourth, past and the tender lessons of its love and Y.-ur - '.r. -lii.i;; Th- It.-nl \V..n.aii Problem: A-Im.-mimo-: world. where it has formerly appeared. The char «olli. iin^-..r i..»M ^ sorrow. _ Discarding all sectarian bigotry, it will con OTIII.lt I»»:i*AIIT.UKSTX.-IVr«.iir.l. I Our Olinr.-li. I acter of this department is to he elevated. Be Now we w rite th e year 1S89. Its change i >1 li« i « liui' li. '. I o:li»-r IVr-t.inil, v. Lii.-rurv. II S|i.-<-ia! tinue to seek the promotion of a true denom sides educational notesjqii the general work points us toward the closing scenes of the ....... - I.' M ■ mug.-*, U. Mi-loorinl, II. Farm. !'■ Il. allli. inational enthusiasm, in perfect accord with I. i-nlar. !•• of education throughout the country, we de nineteenth century. The new year bends the spirit of Christian fraternity it honors sire to make this department more promi low and promises blessings abundant to all and seeks to promote, as far as its field eX 'rm. 15 f.i.ioiois Teles*m-i: leaks to it> nent in conveying to our readers intelligence who truly love God. It warns us of oi\r tends. among the religious bodies of our coun many thousand readers greeting for tin* year I respecting the progress anil wants of the work hasting opportunities. It gives us our time, try. IS.Sii. and wi~hos them all a Happy New-yoar. in our various institutions of learning. In moment by moment, as if it could trust us The eXperience of tlie past, the support and “Now tin- (Inil of peace who brought again this department we wish to give articles on with but little at a time, or rather as if not hearty co-operation of the Church, the bless from the dead, the great Shepherd of the the general work of educatioiTTa^-ii-anay be to overcrowd us with the awful responsibili ings of God in the years gone, with the hope sheep, with the blond of tin*eternal covenant; deemed wise, and especially to have this de ties of life.