Project 2

1. Origin () 2. This company is an online digital retailer, so I would describe them as more useful than positive. The company’s usefulness comes in the form of sales, which are described by positive, albeit generic phrases such as great price and save big. Origin also has a refund policy they advertise for each title, whereby a digital video game can be refunded anytime within 2 hours of playtime, and that’s certainly a useful benefit to buying from them. 3. The target audience is gamers, namely PC games, since origin is a PC-only platform. 4. The site’s information content comes in the form of information for each game title, including screenshots and videos, game features, an overview section, a description of the game, system requirements and related products. 5. Business-to-Consumer 6. Functions include the sale of digital video game titles, but also the option to get a refund. Like every other online retailer, a sign-up function is present for an Origin account. 7. The company generates revenues through the sale of digital video games. A portion goes to Origin, who is the retailer, and a portion goes to the game developers, who create the games to be sold. 8. I would imagine associated costs come in the form of publisher and developer demands. For example, if Square Enix publishes a video game that’s developed by DICE, then when a DICE game is sold on Origin, only a portion of that revenue goes to Origin because the publisher, in this case Square Enix, demands a cut of the profit, and of course the developer, in this case DICE, needs a cut as well. 9. I would consider the site well designed, utilizing a layout whereby each video game title occupies one square of the grid, which provides an organized visual experience to the user. The price of each game is clearly listed below the title, and clicking the thumbnail takes you to the game’s product page. Very self-explanatory and no problem to navigate, in my opinion. 10. The company makes effective use of modern design and UI trends. For example, when viewed on a widescreen computer monitor, the Origin store occupies the entire span of the screen, with a navigation bar in the left column, a product list in the center column, and a set of filter option in the right column. 11. I would consider the site aesthetically pleasing, utilizing a subtle, modern color scheme, and avoiding any unnecessary background clutter in the way of background images, ads or banners. 12. Aside from Origin-exclusive video game titles, it provides a competitive advantage in the form sale events (the EA publisher sale event, for example), as well as their excellent return policy. 13. Ecommerce options are available through the user’s Origin account, which provides information such as order history, user account information including age, location and saved payment preferences, regional and language settings, account security in the form of login verification using a mobile device, and of course a secure payment page. Origin’s user agreement, policy, and terms of sale information is always available at the bottom of the website, regardless of what page the user is on. 14. Accepted payment options include the following: Visa/Visa Debit American Express PayPal PaySafeCard Trustly Ukash JCB Direct Debit EA Cash Card and your EA Wallet Balance Yandex.Money e-wallet

Payment options are accommodated depending on the customer’s location and currency, certain currencies being non-refundable.