Sandspur, Vol 117, No 08, October 22, 2010
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University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-22-2010 Sandspur, Vol 117, No 08, October 22, 2010 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 117, No 08, October 22, 2010" (2010). The Rollins Sandspur. 1919. ^RIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY WW this week's TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY : Y : GH^ SUNNY L?W. S^°N^ ™ J gARTLY H.GH: 85 PARR.Y HIGH: 84 ISOLATED HIGH: 84 SCATTERED HIGH: 83 ISOLATED uuwv M yN: 64 - LOW: 65 CLOUDY LOW. gg CLOUDY WEATHER LOW: 66 T-STORMS LOW: 65 T-STORMS LOW: 65 T-STORMS in this ISSUE PAGE 2: News PAGE 3: Opinions PAGE 4. Opinions PAGE 5: ljfe& Times PAGE 6-7: Center Spread • PAGE8: Life&Times I PAGE 9: Life & Times ^ PAGE 10: Arts & Entertainment g PAGE 11: Arts & Entertainment Sandspur PAGE 5 | PAGE 12: Sports olume 117 I Issue 8 Florida's Oldest College Newspaper, Est. 1894 Rollins College ^sandspur. org Friday I October 22, 2010 Understanding fining Costs hamarie Carlson Sandspur LTWO weeks ago, The Sandspur featured an lie about the discrepancy between the prices terns at the C-Store, 7-Eleven, and Wal-Mart, shown, C-Store prices are often double those ad at Wal-Mart. On top of the expensive C- ;e prices, many students on campus have com- ried about the price of the food in the cafete- Themed meals often cost anywhere from $6 to per plate, with additional items costing even re (a small salad is $2.39, a 6 oz. ladle of soup is )8, and most deserts are $3-$5 each). Students living on campus will be here for >roximateiy 112 days. They buy a meal plan t provides them with roughly $2057 to spend food per semester. On average, that gives a stu- it $20 a day for meals. Many students ponder following question: is that enough? Gerard Short, general manager of Dining Ser- 2s, addressed this and other questions concern- the Rollins meal plan. First, he stated that the al plan is only designed for 15 meals a week, jy found that the majority of students go home ?at off campus on the weekends and leave for aks, making 15 the average number of meals a dent will eat on campus. But is it still possible ive off of this olan if you are On campus all time? Short answers yes, on the basis that the dent smartly budgets. 1 "here are cheaper alter- ives like The Grille and Diane's Cafe that are ilable to everyone. Students also wonder: why does the Rollins n differ from many other food plans across country? Many other colleges have all-you^ i-eat plans, including the University of Central rida, whose seven-day-a-week, all-you-can eat n costs only $1700, a significantly less amount money dedicated to food when compared to Rollins meal plan. Why is there such a differ- :e in price? Short provided two reasons for the declining ance plan: first, it builds community by allow- ; anyone in the cafeteria, not just people who i pay at the door; second, because of feedback m students. Dining Services has sent several us groups to other colleges' all-you-can eat )grams and has received an overwhelmingly ^ative response from students. Students have consistently stated that they -fer quality over quantity. The quality of food the cafeteria is going to cost more money than ter colleges because they do not have the same ;h quality that can be found at Rollins. Many ter colleges do not have sushi, while Rollins o serves salmon and lobster bisque, both un- ird of college foods. Going back to last issue's campus food de- :e, if quality costs more, then why is it that the Store products are more expensive compared 7-Eleven or Wal-Mart when they all sell the ex- Do You Know Where Your Tuition Goes? same product? Why is there a price difference Julia Campbell Additionally, Facilities has the following two main ;re? The Sandspur tenance funds: the operating fund and the capital fund. Again, the answer is surprisingly simple and The operating fund is set aside for what is already expect jical. While the C-Store may only be able to buy Over the years, students have played the game of ed for the school year, including the constant upkeep of e crate of Ketchup from Heinz throughout a guessing how much landscaping costs the school. Some the landscaping and the cleaning of the buildings, nester, Wal-Mart can promise a few hundred guess hundreds, others thousands, and there are always year, the operating fund totals at about $100 mill llion in the same amount of time. Wal-Mart will those students who have heard rumors that Rollins capital fund, on the other hand, is saved for big(c; t cut a deal, while the C-Store will not. Sodexo spends $1 million a month to maintain Mills Lawn. These ects. Limmer, 21 apartments at Sutt; es have buying power over Pepsi and Coke, so kes one que* ed witr meting and c - bottles of pop at the C-Store will always be set costs and expen oes all of that mc amenities; the funding f< a highly competitive price when.compared to npus Facilities is split into thre, capital budg il-Mart and other grocery stores. Beac In essence, Short takes pride in the dining ^gram at Rollins, and states that students "will t see [it matched] anywhere else in the state of >nda. Rollins is a service provider to the stu nts." If students want to see changes in the din- ? services on campus, students simply need to • CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 eak up. Dining services is listening. October 22, The Rollins College Sandspur NEWS America Discourages LGBT Teens Bullied to Suici Annamarie Carlson Her sitcom was cancelled after based upon an explicit six years, without notification; plicit sexual orientation, The Sandspur Travel to Europe she had to read it in the pa the help and support b) of Multicultural Affair On Sept. 22, after discover pers. She had no further offers, gram, Safe Zone, and Sp< ing that his Rutgers University and close friends stopped call roommate, Dharun Ravi, and ing. She dealt with the massive we are able to combat th friend, Molly Wei, live-streamed problems that occurred, and and be a supportive groi him in a sexual encounter with she moved on, eventually be our students." another male student without coming more popular than she Actor Neil Patrick his knowledge, Tyler Clementi ever was originally. gave these words of ad committed suicide by jumping In reaction to the recent people facing similar situ off George Washington Bridge. series of suicides, DeGeneres "For the love of Pete, t On Sept. 19, when Ravi initially spoke out adamantly about no reason to harm you set up the webcam, he posted how things need to change. something is_going bad., the following statement on "This needs to be a wake-up tall and be proud of w] Twitter: "Roommate asked for call to everyone that teenage are... be proud." Chris the room till midnight. I went bullying and teasing is an epi star of Glee, also shared into Molly's room and turned demic in this country, and the of advice. "Know that yo on my webcam. I saw him death rate is climbing. One life friends, that you are love making out with a dude. Yay." lost in this senseless way is that you are not alone... I Two days later, he tweeted his tragic, four lives lost is a crisis. ise it gets so much better. 150 followers to "chat" him on And these are just the stories At Rollins College iChat, an instant messaging site we hear about - how many oth dents who are facing tl that would provide them video er teens have we lost, and how similar hardships are st feed of what his roommate was many others have suffered in advised to visit CAPS (0 doing. silence?" ing and Psychological Sei As if this was not bad The following statement located in DuBois Healtl enough, this is the fifth similar was made by the Office of Mul ter in Elizabeth Hall. suicide in the past few weeks by ticultural Affairs and Spectrum Students can alsc a member of the lesbian, gay, bi on the alarming number of sui Spectrum, which strives I sexual and transgender (LGBT) cides: "As a campus communi port the gay, lesbian, bii community. All the suicides ty, we need to provide support and transgender commu have been caused by the bully and help to those students who Rollins. Spectrum meets ing of their peers based on their are being bullied, harassed or Thursday at 5:15 p.m. ir sexual orientation. 'put on show' based upon sexu 120. Students can also c ASSOCIATED PRESS Entertainer Ellen DeGe- al orientation, as well as accept the Trevor Project, a n< SOLQIER SURVEYS THE STATION: A soldier patrols the Eurostar high-speed train con neres went through her own the sad premise that students organization for crisis necting London to Paris in response to the ongoing travel alert.