Planning the Future Of
\ eacon Monday, February 24,2003 William Paterson University • Volume 69 No. 19 Planning the future of WPU What do students want?"More University Master Planning at William Paterson?" buildings, more parking and ren- Committee's "Charette," held last Over 300 students, staff, and fac- ovations costing millions of dol- week in the Student Center. ulty signed up for the event, while lars, according to WPU Master "We've come a long way as an • approximately another 150 walked Planning Commitee's "Charette" institution over the last couple of through and participated, according decades," said Arnold Speert, uni- to Bob Bennett, assistant vice-pres- By Larry Clow versity president. "...We need to ident of capital planning for WPU. The Beacon take stock of who we are and what The culmination of the Charette we're doing." was a two-hour presentation of new Imagine this: you drive through Over the course of two days, the concepts to the campus community. Entry 4 near the library, passing the Student Center Cafe housed build- "We don't have any answers," William Paterson University ing blueprints and sitemaps of the said Michael Rudden, a member of Visitor's Center. A tree-lined road, university, as members of the the Saratoga Associates. "What we starting where Row A in lot 5 used Master Planning Committee and do have are emerging concepts." to be, leads you around campus. consultants from The Saratoga You pass the new residence hall Associates, a group of architects, Land rich, site poor behind Century and Hillside and engineers and planners, consulted speed by the Rec Center, now near- with students, compiled sugges- Those emerging concepts include ly double its original size.
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