Briefing MLAs and MPs during Covid 19

1. MLA/MP Briefing on Friday 10 April 2020 (via Video Conferencing, 2 sessions) 2. MLA/MP Briefing on Friday 01 May 2020 (via Video Conferencing, 2 sessions) - In addition there have been x5 Public Representatives E-Briefs issued to MLA, MPs and all Public Representatives across Council areas.

o Public Representatives EBrief Issue No 5 on 24/04/2020 (Click Here to view PDF) o Public Representatives EBrief Issue No 4 on 07/04/2020 (Click Here to view PDF) o Public Representatives EBrief Issue No 3 on 30/03/2020 (Click Here to view PDF) o Public Representatives EBrief Issue No 2 on 20/03/2020 (Click Here to view PDF) o Public Representatives EBrief Issue No 1 on 13/03/2020 (Click Here to view PDF)

MLA/MP Briefing Friday 1 May 2020 (Via Video Conferencing) Western Trust (MDEC and DBS, ): Mr Sam Pollock (Chairman, Trust Board), Dr Anne Kilgallen (Chief Executive), Teresa Molloy (Director of Performance & Service Improvement), Geraldine McKay (Director of Acute Services); Neil Guckian (Director of Finance & Contracting), Dr. Bob Brown (Director of Primary Care & Older People’s Care), Dr Maurice O’Kane (Consultant Chemical Pathologist, Acute Services), Oliver Kelly (Head of Communications), Chris Curran (Public Affairs & Communications Manager). MLA/MP Briefing, Session 1: Sinead McLaughlin MLA (SDLP East Londonderry), George Robinson MLA (DUP East Londonderry), Mark H Durkan MLA (SDLP Foyle), MLA (2) DUP, Daniel McCrossan MLA (SDLP Office), Thomas Buchanan MLA (DUP West Tyrone) MLA/MP Briefing, Session 2: SF MLA (Sinn Fein, Foyle), , MLA (Sinn Fein, Foyle), Maolíosa McHugh MLA (Sinn Fein), , MLA (Sinn Fein), Rosemary Barton MLA (UUP Fermanagh/South Tyrone), MLA (Sinn Fein, Fermanagh/S Tyrone), MLA (Sinn Fein - Fermanagh/South Tyrone), Sean Lynch MLA (Sinn Fein Fermanagh South Tyrone) Apologies: MLA (Sinn Fein - East Londonderry), Declan McAleer MLA (Sinn Fein West Tyrone) Review Brief: The following slide-deck was presented to MLA/MPs to open the briefings MLA MP Briefing 01052020.pdf and the following information updates given at both sessions:  The Chairman welcomed all the MLAs and MPs to this 2nd briefing on Covid19 planning to Public Representatives. Mr Pollock advised that from the last briefing, at the request of a number of MLAs and MPs to have a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) in the Trust, it was agreed that this would be Public Affairs Manager, Chris Curran, and that the Trust believed this to be working well.  Chief Executive provided an introduction, update and asked the following headings to be highlighted by respective Directors.  PPE: Mr Neil Guckian presented the latest position on PPE: The Trust has always had confidence in the modelling for demand based on guidance and guidance changes. Modelling is consistent with all NHS models and informs regional approach. With a science based approach all reserves and usage are not currently challenged. Almost 90% of all PPE usage is in the community. Overview comparison to consider is that the usage in generic PPE products has increased over 2,500% while global prices have increased by over 1,000%, including where we source in N Ireland. The Trust continues to work with staff at all levels, to ensure they feel safe and a team continually working on this. For supplies and distribution of PPE our suppliers have worked closely with us, both locally and regionally. Interface teams working directly with the Independent Sector have worked really well with good regional working and clinical involvement. In respect of donations and local procurement we continue to be careful and items must have certification while a local clinically led Product Assessment Group continue to quality assure all items.  Hospital Surge Planning: Geraldine McKay provided figures as per attached slide- deck and advised that presently there are 27 patients in ICU across the region, with 2 in Western Trust. Cancer surgery patients continue with 49-50 patients per week. The Trust is also currently preparing to return to routine surgery and are currently undertaking an impact assessment with review of Day-case in Omagh and non-Covid in SWAH.  Multi Agency Working: Teresa Molloy provided an update on the Multi Agency working and detail on the referrals to date in this important community work. See attached slides. Community Surge Planning: Bob Brown provided an update on current numbers in relating to Covid19 in the Community, advising RQIA are leading a single app approach for all Trusts. In Nursing Homes there are currently 109 outbreaks regionally with 13 in the Western Trust. Across homes in the Trust area there are 1,630 beds occupied and 123 availabe with 49 Covid+ patients and 41 symptomatic. There have been 19 Covid deaths. In respect of Domiciliary Care there are approx 2,100 Homecare staff at present with 13% off ill as of Friday 24 April. As part of Covid planning 1,059 families requested to stand care down (stopped or reduced), which were either low-risk or to families protecting against people coming through door. This continues to be monitored closely. 1 area of challenge is in Irvinestown where demand currently is higher than availability. An update was presented on the mobilisation of the Covid Community Rapid Response team and how this works in terms of a collaborative approach between Trust and GPs. A Q&A session followed with all MLA/MPs and provided in-depth discussion on all aspects of Western Trust services planning. Additional Notes if required. Request for next Briefing: 3 MLAs (Daniel McCrossan, , Orfhlaith Begley) requested an update and information on Mental Health Services and Chief Executive advised this would be provided as update in the E-Brief and that Director Karen O’Brien would present at the next MLA/MP Briefing in June 2020. Issue to be resolved: the Public Representatives Private Page for update information (Martina Anderson, MLA).