Ray Coyle was gunned down as he chatted to customers at his city centre shop in Derry. His crime? Selling legal highs. Max Daly reports on how Republican groups are using the region’s historical distrust of drug dealers to drum up support in Northern ’s still-fractured working class communities.

IT WAS afternoon rush hour in the from within the local community”, had can buy legal highs over the internet, so centre of Derry, ’s claimed responsibility for the attack. are they going to start shooting postmen second city. Office workers hurried home The Red Star shooting, on January for delivering it?” through the bitter January cold. Inside 27 this year, marked an escalation in RAAD responded by saying Coyle and Red Star, a ‘head shop’ selling cannabis an already rising wave of attacks by other legal high sellers in the city had paraphernalia, hippy trinkets and dissident Republican paramilitary groups been warned, through leaflets handed exotically named legal highs, shopkeeper on drug dealers in Derry. out in pubs and personal visits to shops, Ray Coyle was chatting to customers But the attack on Coyle, which came to desist in “the hope moral thinking when a man wearing a motorcycle in the wake of a dramatic rise in reports would prevail”. Coyle denied he had been helmet barged through the door. of Derry teenagers being harmed by the warned by anyone. What is for certain is “Are you Raymond Coyle?” he now banned legal high mephedrone, was that RAAD published a statement in the demanded through his visor. Scared, the first time someone had been targeted Derry Journal in December ordering head Coyle blurted out a false name, but for selling legal highs rather than heroin shop owners to remove all legal highs within a second the man had placed a and cocaine. and drugs paraphernalia by Christmas. handgun into his right thigh and fired. The incident sparked a protest, Coyle is one of at least 15 victims of Then he pumped a bullet into Coyle’s left organised by left wing groups, outside paramilitary style shootings carried out leg. As the gunman opened the door to Red Star. A Facebook page, RAAD – Not In by RAAD in the space of 20 months. In leave, Coyle, lying bleeding on the floor Our Name, said the group were “fascists”, addition to the shootings, RAAD has of his shop, swore at him. The man came “sickos” and “self-appointed heroes of also claimed responsibility for a wave back in and fired a third shot into his the community” who should not be of threats, banishments, beatings, pipe legs. allowed to claim any moral authority. bomb attacks and arson attacks against Coyle was rushed to hospital and Outgoing Foyle MP Mark Durkan alleged drug dealers and their families underwent emergency surgery. Within described the shooting as “barbaric” and since it began its campaign of violence days, a burnt out motorbike was found said RAAD had “no support” in the city. last April. on the outskirts of Derry and Republican “What are they going to do next?” The attacks have led police to ask Action Against Drugs (RAAD), a Derry- Coyle said in an interview for the BBC judges to withhold the names of all based group which has vowed to current affairs programme, Spotlight after drug suspects who appear in Derry’s “remove the scourge of drug dealing leaving hospital in a wheelchair. “You courts – because the gunmen were

6 | DRUGLINK MAY/JUNE 2010 finding potential targets by sifting spared because they came through court reports in the press. In one forward to admit their guilt. example, three men were charged with The targeting of drug possessing cocaine on a Monday and on dealers by paramilitaries in the following Friday night, two of them Northern Ireland is nothing were shot. new. Although dealers in RAAD’s activity comes alongside a Northern Ireland had for resurgence of anti-drug dealer shootings several years, up until last by a number of dissident Republican year, been able to operate groups in both Northern Ireland and with little fear of getting across the border in the Republic. The shot, RAAD is seen as a Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) copycat of a group that claimed responsibility for the murder terrorised drug dealers in of alleged Derry cocaine dealer Jim Northern Ireland over a McConnell at his home in the Waterside decade ago. area of the city in February last year. Barely a year after The Real IRA admitted executing Gerard the IRA announced a ‘Topper’ Staunton in Cork in January, ceasefire in 1994, a group as well as one of its own members, calling itself Direct Action 31-yearold Kieran Doherty in February. Against Drugs (DAAD) Doherty was abducted, stripped, shot now widely known to be in the head and dumped in a field after a front for the Provisional a Real IRA ‘court martial’ decided he IRA – assassinated its first was linked to a large cannabis factory victim, drug dealer Mickey uncovered by police in County . “Moneybags” Mooney Hundreds of people attended a trade in a Belfast pub in 1995. union-organised rally in protest against Then followed a rash rivals, in Derry and the killing. of drug dealer beatings, Belfast – cities with significantly lower In its latest report last November, the banishments and 15 killings culminating rates of recreational and problem drug Independent Monitoring Commission in the killing of Paul ‘King Coke’ Daly use than most parts of the UK – they (IMC), the body responsible for in front of his wife and 11-year-old are more likely to be killed, kneecapped monitoring paramilitary activity, warned daughter in 2002. or bombed by vigilantes on a moral of the “growth of vigilante organisations Now, it appears, the ghost of DAAD crusade. which claim to want to clean-up has returned. Indeed, it is widely known What is it that makes drug dealers anti-social behaviour”. The report said on the streets of Derry that RAAD, which suitable targets for dissident Republican these groups – which also included has around a dozen active members, is groups looking to garner support from Belfast’s Concerned Families Against headed-up by two former Provisional IRA the community? And how much backing Drugs (CFAD), were “a factor behind the figures. However the group says it has no do they have within the predominantly increase in the number of attacks in political agenda. working class communities in which this some nationalist areas”. unofficial war against dealers is played “Our objectives are very simple,” out? revealed the leadership of RAAD in IF THEY ARE MOVED ON “In general no-one, be they dissident an interview last August in the Derry WITH A BASEBALL BAT, or any other group, will lose any Journal. “We are determined to rid the support for shooting drug dealers,” local community of these individuals. THEN I’M NOT GOING TO says Eamonn MacDermott, a Derry- We view them as career criminals whose SHED ANY CROCODILE based journalist and former Republican activities have ruined the lives of so prisoner. “After a shooting you will get many young people in the past and we’re TEARS ABOUT IT, AND the usual politicians trotting out the not prepared to tolerate that any longer. THAT IS THE SAME FOR usual condemnations, but little real “We have been involved in several condemnation from ordinary people. operations, with active service units MOST PEOPLE IN THIS Within communities here drug dealers punishing those we know are involved COMMUNITY would be seen as pretty low on the grand in dealing drugs to vulnerable members scheme of things.” of the community in Derry. Other One Derry-based drug worker, who dealers have been told to leave the Despite the widespread distrust towards did not want to be identified because city and never return – or suffer the drug dealers in towns and cities across dealers who have been threatened by consequences.” the UK – fuelled by a wealth of made- the paramilitaries sometimes come In March the paper featured on its up scare stories about them courtesy to him for help, told Druglink that front page an Al-Quaeda style image of a of the media and politicians – it is hard Northern Ireland’s attitude to drugs and blindfolded father and son being paraded for outsiders to understand why, in drug dealers is influenced by a healthy by masked RAAD members. The father Northern Ireland, they are chased down dose of Catholic and Presbyterian and son, caught during what RAAD and maimed like foxes during hunting fundamentalism. called “a major intelligence gathering season. “RAAD is vying with other groups to exercise”, had admitted being involved While drug dealers in Manchester and kneecap dealers. Even across religious in a cocaine dealing operation but were Nottingham are gunned down by their borders, the fact that drugs are immoral


AT least 15 people have been shot Star where he was selling so-called the ground before shooting him in the and wounded by the dissident ‘legal highs’. left leg. group Republican Action Against November 24, 2009: A pipe bomb September 9, 2009: A man is shot Drugs (RAAD) in Derry in the past detonated at the front of a terraced five times, sustaining wounds to both 20 months. Below are some of the house in Glengallaigh Park, blowing legs when he is shot at a house at incidents that police are investigating out the living room windows and Drumard Park. and which have been either claimed damaging a car. The male occupant August 2009: Three masked men by or attributed to RAAD: was not at home and no-one was enter a house at Melmore Gardens in April 19, 2010: A pipe bomb injured. the Creggan area and start shooting explodes outside the home of a family November 3, 2009: Alleged dealer a man as he watches the Big Brother of seven in the middle class Spruce Tony Dalzell, 23, was shot in the legs programme. Around the same time a Meadows area of Derry. The front of five times as his 14-year-old sister second man in Creggan Heights is shot the house is badly damaged and no and her friends were held at gunpoint three times in the left leg when a group one is injured but RAAD promise to at their home in the Creggan area of of men break into his home. execute their target Derry. April 2009: A man in his 40s is shot February 23, 2010: A 29-year- October 7, 2009: A 27-year-old is in the legs in Tyrconnell Street in the old man is shot in both legs after shot in the foot at Meenan Square . being summoned to Central Drive in after being abducted from his home April 2009: Four men enter a house Creggan. at Bluebell Hill Gardens in front of his in Creggan Heights and open fire on a January 27, 2010: Local nine-year-old son. 26-year-old man He sustained wounds businessman Ray Coyle is shot three September 25, 2009: Three masked to his left ankle, knee and thigh. times in the legs after a gunman men burst into a house at Auglish October 2008: A man is shot outside entered his Waterloo Place store Red Court and order a 18-year-old to lie on a shop at Meenan Square.

is a thing they would agree on. Drug community project in Creggan. now deputy First Minister of Northern dealers are on a par with paedophiles “As a result, the community Ireland. And despite the fact the Police here,” he says. evolved its own method of policing in Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) is “This attitude stems from the conjunction with paramilitary groups. making inroads into communities that religious make up of the area and the In many ways it’s brutal, but it’s also have for decades shut them out, it is fact that many communities in Northern effective. There is a stance that if people thought a feeling of powerlessness Ireland are still very parochial – there is a come into our community and sell drugs among communities has left room for big community feeling and people know like heroin then we will sort them out. If the vigilantes. everyone. they are moved on with a baseball bat, It is the feeling of powerlessness, says “But sometimes it is difficult to get then I’m not going to shed any crocodile McCourt, and the fact that communities across to people that there is a difference tears about it, and that is the same for are driven into a corner by what he between drug dealers and drug users. most people in this community.” sees as woefully inadequate financial With user-dealers it’s a fine line.” Unlike many other communities assistance from the state, that has given MacDermott points out that drug where the only choice is to wait for the the vigilantes’ methods both urgency users and dealers have traditionally police to do something, communities and validity. been viewed as the soft underbelly of here can, due to their experience of the “On the one hand, violence isn’t the Republican communities. “This is not Troubles, turn to others to deal with this way to deal with social problems. And as in the main a moralistic attitude, more problem. a human being, you would say, ‘morally I a hardened pragmatic one born out of “Republicans know there is hostility am opposed to violence’. But on the other experience. Drug dealers have always and little sympathy for drug dealers in hand, if you have no resources targeted been seen as a cause for concern because their areas and attacking them is a good at social issues like drugs, such as they are potential informers who are and simple way of demonstrating their proper policing, sentencing, educational vulnerable to blackmail by the police.” power. People who would not normally programmes, social services and health The brutal nature of life during the approve of punishment shootings say services, you leave a vacuum, and RAAD Troubles are a key factor in Northern ‘that guy was a drug dealer, I’ve got no have come into that vacuum.” Ireland’s treatment of drug dealers. And sympathy for him’.” Resentment that they are being it is the historic distrust of Northern The resurgence in attacks comes at a neglected by the authorities has led to a Ireland’s police force – formerly known time when the Republican communities breaching of traditional religious divides. as the Royal Constabulary (RUC) – in Northern Ireland are divided between In March, representatives from the that has paved the way for vigilantism in support for Sinn Fein and for dissident Rosemount Resource Centre, including the region. groups such as the Real IRA and the McCourt, travelled over Derry’s physical “We are living in a society which INLA, who view the anti-drugs violence and mental barrier, the River Foyle, from for the last 30 to 40 years has rejected as a means of driving up support and the largely Republican Derryside area to the state – and policing is part of that,” for sticking two fingers up to one of attend a community group meeting in says Thomas McCourt, manager of Derry’s most famous sons, Martin the city’s Loyalist-dominated Waterside the Rosemount Resource Centre, a McGuinness, the former IRA leader and area.

8 | DRUGLINK MAY/JUNE 2010 “We are different communities but we turn plans into action. “We provide the only legitimate have the same problems,” says McCourt. McCourt says it is telling that the only policing service to the people of “It’s taken on a bit of momentum. Both support that a new group for parents Northern Ireland. Any right thinking communities are vociferous about the of children with drug problems could person accepts that and will co-operate need to tackle the lack of resources muster was from the Irish Republican with the police. To pursue any other and anti-social behaviour, drugs and all Socialist Party. agenda, using violence and intimidation, issues that effect working class families “So we have action plans, but no has nothing to do with justice. The in Derry.” programmes. At the same time we hear misuse of illegal drugs is a major McCourt says the meeting, in April, that Northern Ireland’s police service is priority for the police just as it is for the was attended by individuals associated getting an £800m budget for this coming community. We will continue to pursue with the loyalist paramilitary group, year. What about us?” drug dealers with the co-operation of the Ulster Defence Association (UDA). Chief Superintendent Stephen Martin, local people and seek to bring them A week later, representatives of loyalist who commands Northern Ireland’s north before the courts. There is no alternative community groups, reciprocated the visit, west district, told Druglink that to date in a civilized society.” to sit alongside Rosemount affiliates. three people have been charged with But as a new batch of legal highs The running of the Rosemount offences connected to vigilante related follow in mephedrone’s example, Resource Centre, which holds support violence in Derry. offering an alternative to traditional projects for groups such as young people, He said: “The people who carry out street dealing, McCourt says it will not parents and the elderly, is part-funded by these vicious and cowardly attacks call change the attitude of working class Northern Ireland’s Department for Social themselves RAAD. They are gangsters people in Derry. “Whether drugs are legal Development (DSD). and common criminals who claim they or not legal, or who is selling them, it But McCourt says that although are acting on behalf of the community. doesn’t change people’s attitude: they deprived zones such as Creggan have Their actions show complete disregard are drugs. It is a poison that shouldn’t be been designated neighbourhood renewal for the community they claim to protect. sold. Some ask, ‘how can we stop these areas by the DSD, little money has been They act as judge and jury and then drugs being sold over the internet?’ You made available by other departments, callously hand out their form of barbaric can’t, but what you can do is police your such as housing and social services, to justice own streets.”


The Republican Action Against “It’s been made abundantly clear them. Those hooked on drugs have Drugs leadership outlines its violent to us that the various organisations now no shortage of outlets to turn to manifesto in an exclusive interview charged with dealing with this problem when seeking a fix. with the Derry Journal in March have consistently failed in their efforts “The drug situation has got totally “We will continue to take action to bring the scourge of drug dealing out of control and unless action is taken against dealers and, as it stands at under control.” – as we have done and will continue to the moment, two members of the “You can get any type of drug in do – then there’s no hope for the next community [names supplied] have almost any public bar or nightclub generation,” RAAD claimed. been told that, should they return to in Derry – make no mistake about “We would never act unless we hold Derry, they will be shot on sight. that,” added another of the RAAD undeniable evidence that the person “We have learned over the past spokesmen. “This community is under punished has been dealing in drugs. year that the drug problem in this threat. Working class areas in Derry We regularly compile information on community has reached an all-time are in turmoil due to drug abuse certain individuals – including CCTV high. You can get anything you require among our young people and, yet, no footage, statements from those who including crystal meth and heroin one seems to be tackling a problem have received drugs from these people which concerns us greatly. that is so obviously getting out of etc – and then take action, not before. “We have intelligence units in control. ”Members of the Creggan position throughout the Derry area and “We have interviewed so many community have approached us we now believe we are involved in a people whose heads ‘are fried’ due to appealing for us to take action. battle against ruthless individuals who drugs. Their minds are so ‘messed up’ Information has been supplied, our have no respect or loyalty to the very it is unbelievable and it all comes down units have witnessed dealing taking community in which they have been to those career criminals who enter the place and we’ve acted accordingly. reared. community to sell their wares for which ”We do not have any issues with “Our only aim is to eliminate drug they receive vast sums of money. Derry drug abusers. They are in a very sorry dealers from our society and put an has two, possibly more, 20-year-old state and, in more cases than not, are end to them destroying our community. millionaires due to their involvement in members of the working class. It’s Our only concern is to end the threat selling drugs. pitiful to witness them destroy their posed by the supply of both illegal and “There are also houses in a own lives and the lives of their families. prescription drugs, a threat which has number of areas in Derry operating “Therefore, the only way to alleviate already claimed the lives of a number as unlicensed pharmacies – actually this problem is to remove the dealers, of young people, ruined other lives and dispensing prescription drugs to those those who peddle death within the torn many families apart. who are prepared to come and pay for community.”