February 2015 Ianohio.Com
February 2015 ianohio.com Erie to Eire: Michael Lavelle from Achill, piping from Cleveland’s Lake Eire shore 2 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” www.ianohio.com FEBRUARY 2015 The National Anthem, The Plun- more, in this issue. Editor’s Corner ketts, Patriot Games, Hunger I was able to attend the swear- Strike, Kilmainham Jail, Brendan in ceremony for new Cuyahoga and Dominic Behan, W.B. Yeats, County Common Pleas Judge Kevin Barry, The Proclamation, Shannon Gallagher on Thurs- There Were Roses, Canon O’Neill, day. She is bright, energetic the Dublin Lockout, Paul Mc- and insightful, and not jaded or Cartney, A Soldier’s Song, Mi- encumbered by political chits or chael Collins, Joe MacDonnell, allegiances. She has collabora- Tommy Makem, we know the tive ideas and knows the current John O’Brien, Jr. pivotal names in song and places, system is NOT working. She will but what people and events have to work her way up, but I birthed the song? The Troubles am excited about what she will Well, it is done; our 8th year did run on the airwaves though, do. She has taken the first step, is complete, our 9th begun with and the power of the people winning election, and will work last month’s issue. Next issue found and forged its own bards for a better system of productiv- will be our 99th. I have also out of pure necessity and the ity, best practices and most of all, finished my new book, 99 Years Bard in their blood. Their only justice for all.
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