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Closed Bus and Hybrid Systems - Experience ASPIN KEMP & ASSOCIATES Closed Bus and Hybrid Systems - Experience Michael North, Sales Manager, Norway Watt’s Up 2020 – Sandefjord, Norway Engineering Innovative Solutions About Us Aspin Kemp & Associates (AKA) is a leader in the development of advanced power, propulsion and energy management systems for marine, offshore and on shore industrial sectors. ▪ Founded in 1996 ▪ 40% owned by MAN ES since 2017 ▪ Over 110 employees ▪ Vertically integrated ▪ Extensive depth of electrical power systems and energy management Global Reach A Portfolio of Innovation and Partnership Advanced Power Hybrid Propulsion Performance & Design, System Protection Optimisation Manufacturing and System Big Data Test Asset Management Documentation & Micro Grid Generation Training Why AKA? Since 1996 AKA has focused on delivering value based on these three elements. REDUCE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT We deliver solutions that reduce the environmental impact associated with the same operations. INCREASE RELIABILITY Our systems provide a step change from the gold plate industry standard for system reliability. REDUCE OPERATING COSTS AKA provides the above increased reliability and reduced environmental impact while at the same reducing the cost of operation. 1st DNV DP3 Closed Bus Systems – Most References MTBF for DP in the industry at 20 years... AKA provides 350 years and counting – most reliable. Some AKA Hybrid / ESS Milestones 2009 2019 World’s first Transocean Marine Hybrid Spitsbergen - System fitted on a hybrid propulsion Harbour Tugboat system (Carolyn Dorothy) starts operating 2015 2020 World’s first Seaspan Ferries – hybrid powered hybrid propulsion drilling system system 30% - 70% Reduction of Emissions The Carolyn Dorothy is the worlds first hybrid tug and propulsion system design is patented by AKA. University of California and California Air & Resource Board conducted a study on emission results comparing the Carolyn Dorothy to a non-hybrid sister ship Alta June. Deepwater Thalassa Scope of Supply • High Reliability Power System Design Philosophy and Studies • Advanced Generator Protection (AGP) • SF6 11kV Switchboards • Advanced Thruster Control and Protection (ATCAP) • Drilling VFDs • Hybrid Drill Power System (70MJ) • Integrated System Documentation • Commissioning & Training • Implements Shell company wide LIFE concept (Low Impact Failure Effect) >30% Fuel Savings to Comparable Vessels AGP - Advanced Generator Protection System AGP system is designed to improve Power Plant Robustness and improve the recovery from Bus Upset. Our AGP system can eliminate potential faults, increase fault detection, reduce effect of single fault and recover promptly from a fault, which makes the 6th generation Power Plant more reliable and robust. Since 2011: Many successful short circuit tests on DNV class drilling ships with close ring DP3 system. The Path to AGP/Closed Bus ➢ Conventional Open Bus Solution The Path to AGP/Closed Bus ➢ Common Closed Bus Solution The Path to AGP/Closed Bus ➢ Intuitive Design – Elegance in Simplicity Short Circuit Test Reference List Short circuit test is the most demanding test for close ring designed offshore ships/platforms. AKA’s track record proves AKA’s capabilities in system design, testing and in delivering the world’s most robust marine/offshore power propulsion systems. Ship Code Ship Name Ship Type Ship owner Class Short Circuit Test Year DWC Deepwater Champion Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2011 DGD Deepwater Asgard Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2013 DVS Deepwater Invictus Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2013 DCL Deepwater Clear Leader Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2014 DWN Deepwater Nautilus Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2014 DTH Deepwater Thalassa Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2015 DPT Deepwater Proteus Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2015 DCQ Deepwater Conqueror Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2016 DPN Deepwater Pontus Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2017 DPS Deepwater Poseidon Ultra Deepwater Drillship Transocean DNV 2017 Deepwater Thalassa Scope of Supply • High Reliability Power System Design Philosophy and Studies • Advanced Generator Protection (AGP) • SF6 11kV Switchboards • Advanced Thruster Control and Protection (ATCAP) • Drilling VFDs • Hybrid Drill Power System (70MJ) • Integrated System Documentation • Commissioning & Training >30% Fuel Savings to Comparable Vessels Hybrid Drill Floor • Proof of concept 2009 – Confidence for Deepwater Thalassa – 2015 • Data Driven Test without Energy Storage Legend Generator Drill floor This graph shows generator power in red, jumping to a peak and then falling to steady state and then zero before jumping again. Test with Energy Storage Legend Generator Drill floor This graph show generator power in RED A steady power flow even with drawworks raising and lowering. Test with Energy Storage – Fault Ride Through Legend Generator Drill floor This graph show generator power in RED. With Generator completely OFF for 15 seconds, (Blackout) the drawworks is still raising and lowering. Test with Energy Storage – Total Black Out Legend Generator Drill floor This graph show generator power in RED. With Generator completely OFF (Blackout) the drawworks operates and energy storage (GREY) is used and recharged until finally exhausted. Transocean Spitsbergen - 2019 • Operating off the coast of Norway • All 8 thrusters can run from battery power • 14% reduction in fuel and significant emission savings • DP3 Closed Bus with Hybrid Thruster and Auxilaries • Eventual aim single generator DP operation Seaspan Ferries - 2020 System Project with MAN ES • DC Grid • ESS (2MWh, growth to 5MWh) • Power Management System • LV Distribution • IMACS • MAN Energy Solutions • Fuel Gas Supply System • Dual Fuel Generators Contact Us For Sales Inquiries & Corporate General Questions - Europe Headquarters Michael North PO Box 577, 23 Brook Street +47 901 70 876 Montague, Prince Edward Island [email protected] Canada C0A 1R0 HYBRID POWER | CLEAN & SIMPLE.
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