RSYS Library Catalogue

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Author Title Published by year The Contenders: The America's Cup A.C Campbell, Peter Challenge 1987 Golden Press 1986 The America's Cup Challenge from Down A.C. Baverstock, W Under Murray 1967 Bekan of Cowes; The america's Cup 1851 to A.C. Bekan the Present Day Harvill Press 1999 A.C. Bekan of Cowes and Others The America's Cup Jubilee 2001 Notre Voie 2002 A.C. Fisher, Bob & Ross, Bob America's Cup 1987 Pierson & Co 1987 A.C. Larsen, Paul & Coutts Russell America's Cup 2000 Hodder 1999 A.C. Lester, Gary & Sleeman, Richard The America's Cup. 1851 - 1987 Lester -Townsend 1986 The Paintings of the America's Cup. 1851- A.C. Rayner, Ranulf 1987. Paintings by Tim Thompson Heinemann 1986 A.C. Rousmaniere, John A Picture History of the America's Cup Mystic Seaport Museum 1989 A.C. Rousmaniere, John The America's Cup 1851 - 1983 Pelham Books 1983 A.C. Stanard, Bruce 11 J.C.Management 1984 A.C. Stanard, Bruce The Triumph of Australia 11 Lansdowne 1983 Chasing Liquid Mountains: Adventures of a Adams David Solo Yachtsman Macmillan 1997 La Balsa to Australia; The Longest Raft Alsar, Vital. Voyage in History Book Club Associates 1973 Altimiras, J. Sailing Knots Pelham Books 1983 Anderson Robert (ed) Heard at the Helm Stanley Paul 1968 Anderson Scott Advanced Catamaran Racing Horwits Grahame 1985 Andrews, Graeme The Ferries of J.W.Books 1982 Antrobus Paul, Ross Bob & Hammond Geoffery Ocean Racing Around the World Angus & Robertson 1975 The Wooden Fighting Ship in the Royal Navy Archibald, E.H.H. A.D.897 - 1860 Blandford Press 1972 Bach John A Maritime History of Australia Book Club Associates 1976 Bailey Maurice & Bailey Maralyn 117 Days Adrift Nautical 1974 Baird Ed Laser Racing Fernhurst Books 1982 Baker, Glenn A Sydney in Black & White Weldon 1992 Barton Humphrey Vertue XXXV Rupert Hart-Davis 1955 Bates John The Last Islands Macmillan 1990 Beard Henry & McKie Roy Sailing: A Sailor's Dictionary Sun Books 1981 Beken of Cowes A Hundred Years of Sail Collins Harvill 1985 Beken of Cowes Sailing Thoroughbreds Harvill Press 1998 Yachting: The Photography of Beken of Beken, Edward Cowes Peacock Press 1977 Beken, Frank & Beken Keith Beauty of Sail George G. Harrap 1964 Bennett Isobel The Fringe of the Sea Rigby Ltd 1974 Benstead, C.R. Steady, Boys, Ready Frederick Muller 1943 Bertrand John Born to Win Bantam Books 1985 Bertrand John Born to Win Bantam Books 1985 Bianchi Bruno & De zombathely Gabrio The Rules of Sailing Races Nautical 1978 Ferro- Cement: design techniques & Bingham Bruce application Maritime Press 1974 Blake, George The Shipbuilders Collins 1970 Blewitt Mary Navigation for Yachtsmen Edward Stanford 1973 Blewitt Mary Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen Edward Stanford 1973 Bombard Alain The Bombard Story Andre Deutsch 1953 Bond Bob Cruising Teach Yourself Books Bond Bob & Sleight Steve Dinghy Sailing Pelham Books 1983 Bowen Frank C The Flag of the Southern Cross Shaw Savill & Albion 1939 Bowker Francise Blue Water Coaster International Marine 1972 Bowker R.M. & Budd S.A. Make Your Own Sails Macmillan 1957 White Sails Crowding: A History of the Royal Bowlan Henry Irish Yacht Club A & A Farmar 1994 Boyd Patrick Catamarans in Close-Up Ian Allan 1972 Bradford Ernle The Journeying Moon Grafton Books 1987 Bray Maynard & Pinheiro Carlton Herreshoff of Bristol Wooden Boat 1989 Penniless Millionaire: Tales of a Shoestring Brown Buster Yachtsman Panda 1989 Ship Ahoy!: Yarns about Salty Characters and Brown, Buster & Barnett, Max Sailbad the Sinner Brown & Barnett 1998 Bruce Erroll Cape Horn to Port Nautical 1978 Bruce Erroll This is Rough Weather Cruising Nautical 1980

Budd Rhonda (ed) Sailing Boats of the World: A guide to Classes Bayard Books !974 Buerk, Rowland Breaking Ships Chamberlain Bros. 2006 Sailing Ships & Paddle Wheels & Other Bull J.C. Gippsland Shipping Author 1974 Butler T. Harrison Cruising Yachts: design & Performance Robert Ross & Co 1947 Calahan, H.. & Trevor, John B. Wind & Tide in Yacht Racing Harrop 1936 Calvert, Hedley & Graeme-Evans Alex Always a Competitor Tasbook Publishers 1997 Cannon Joe Storm & Silence Deep Sea Press 2003 Carlin Ben Half-Safe: Across the Alantic by Jeep Andre Deutsch 1955 Carter Ronald A Yachtsman's Memories of Long Ago Mallinson Rendel 1980 Carter, Robert Windjammers: The Final Story Rosenberg 2004 Caswell, Christopher, Ed The Greatest Sailing Stories Ever Told Lyons Press 2004 Chancellor, John The Maritime Paintings of John Chancellor David & Charles 1984 Chapelle Howard I American Small Sailing Craft W.W. Norton & Co 1951 Chapelle, Howard. I. The History of American Sailing Ships Bonanza 1935 Chapman, Charles F Piloting, Seamanship & Small Boat Handling Motor Boating 1967 Chatterton E.Keble The Ship Under Sail T. Fisher Unwin 1926 Chatterton E.Keble Windjammers & Shellbacks T. Fisher Unwin 1926 Chichester Francis Gipsy Moth Circles the World Coward-McCann 1968 Chichester Francis The Romantic Challenge Cassell 1971 Chichester Francis Along the Clipper Way Hodder & Stoughton 1966 Chichester Francis How to Keep Fit Hodder & Stoughton 1969 Chichester Francis The Lonely Sea & the Sky Hodder & Stoughton 1964 Chiles Webb Storm Passage: Alone Around Cape Horn Times Books 1977 Chiles Webb Open Boat:Across the Pacific W.W. Norton & Co 1982 Clancy, Robert The Mapping of Terra Australis Universal Books 1995

Clark Victor On The Wind of a Dream: The Saga of Solace Hutchinson 1960 Blue Water Dream: The Escape-to-the-Sea Clarke D.H. Synrome David McKay 1981 Cole, Guy Safety on Small Craft Dept. Trade & Industry 1973 Cole, Guy.Ed. Best of Uffa Nautical 1978 Coltheart, Lenore and Fraser, Don (Ed) Landmarks in Public Works. 1884-1914 Hale & Ironmonger 1987 Compton, Nic Voices from the Sea Cassell 2007 Compton, Nic The Great Classic Yacht Rizzoli 2004 Conner Dennis Come Back: My Race for the America's Cup The Macmillan Co. of Australia1987 Cook Peter & Webb Barbara (ed) The Complete Book of Sailing Ward Lock 1977 Cottee Kay First Lady Macmillan 1989 Cotter, Edward F. Multihull Sailboats Crown 1971 Coutts Craig Coastal Yacht Navigation Cassell 1981 Crabtree R. The Luxury Yacht from Steam to Diesel David & Charles 1973 Crowther Peter Single-handed Sailing in Galway Blazer Waterline Books 1998 Curry Manfred Yacht Raising: The Aerodynamics of Sails Charles Scribner's Sons 1949 Curtis Brian The Sydney-: My 21 Years Libra 1981 Dahl, Norman The Yacht Navigator's Handbook Ward Lock 1983 d'Alpuget, Lou Successful Sailing Nelson 1972 Dalton Teki Ed. Sea Safety for Small Craft Transport & Communications 1988 Damaur, Jacques 101 Tips & Hints for your Boat Grenada 1981 Davis Murray Australian Ocean Racing Angus & Robertson 1967 Davison, D. My Ship is so Small Peter Davies 1956 Dawson Christopher The Rig George Newnes 1967 Dawson Christopher The Hull George Newnes 1967 Neptune's Apprentice: Adventures of a De Santis, Marie Commercial Fisherwoman Presidio 1984 Deane Shirley The Expectant Mariner John Murray 1962 Dear, Ian. The America's Cup: An Informal History Stanley Paul 1980 Dear, Ian. Enterprise to Endeavour: The J Class Yachts Angus & Robertson 1977 Delmar-Morgan, Edward Maintenance of Inboard Engines George Newnes 1967 Denk & Hill Ed, The Complete Sailing Handbook Methuen 1979 Derrett D.R Ship Stability for Masters & Mates Stanford Maritime 1977 Divine A.D. Deeds that Held the Empire: at Sea John Murray 1939 Dodson, Kenneth Stranger to the Shore Angus & Robertson 1957 Doherty, John Stephen The Boats they Sailed In W.W. Norton & Co 1985 The America's Cup & Me: Recollections of 63 Du Moulin, Edward years & 7 Campaigns Herreshoff Marine Museum 2001 Duff, Douglas V. A Little Ship Blackie & Son 1941 Dugan James The Great Iron Ship Hamish Hamilton 1953 Dumas Vito Alone Through the Roaring Forties Adlard Coles 1960 Dunham, Bob The Art of Being Japanese Charles E. Tuttle 1970 E.M.C Barraclough & W.G.Crampton (Ed)Flags of the World Frederick Warne 1981 Eaton, Evelyn Restless are the Sails Cassell 1942 Edwards, Hugh Islands of Angry Ghosts Hodder & Stoughton 1966 Ellacott, S.E. The Story of Ships Methuen 1958 Ellacott, S.E. The Seaman Book 1 Aberlard-Schuman 1971 Ellacott, S.E. The Seaman Book 2 Aberlard-Schuman 1971 Ellam, Patrick & Mudie, Colin Sopranino Rupert Hart-Davis 1954 Southern Breeze; A History of Yachting in New Elliott, Harold Kidd Robin & Pardin, D. Zealand Viking 1999 Elliott, Robin Emmy: Seventy Years of M-Class Yachting Vintage Viewpoint 1994 Elvestrom, Paul Expert Dinghy Racing Adlard Coles 1963 The Fabulous 40s: A History of the Farr 40 Fab 40s Class 1996 - 2011 South Atlantic Publishing 20112011 The Third Time Around: The BOC Challenge Fairchild, Tony 1990-91 Robert Hale 1991 Fairley, George Wide Ocean : Small Boat Nautical 1969 Fisher, Bob and others Sailing on the Edge: America's Cup Insight Editions 2013 Fletcher, Dana Beagle Press 1991 Fletcher, Mike & Ross, Bob Tuning a Racing Yacht Angus & Robertson 1978 Ostar: Observer Translantic & Round Brittain Foster, Lloyd Races Haynes 1989 Fowles, John Shipwreck Jonathan Cape 1979 Fox, Uffa Sailing Boats Newnes 1959 Fox, Uffa According to Uffa Newnes 1960 Fox, Uffa Sailing, Seamanship & Yacht Construction Peter Davies 1949 Fry, Peter Blue Water Australians A.B.C 1987 Fuller, Graeme Let's Go Windsurfing Octopus 1981 Gann, Ernest.K. Song of the Sirens Hodder & Stoughton 1969 Garden, William Yacht Designs International Marine 1978 Garden, William Yacht Designs 11 Mystic Seaport Museum 1992 Gash, Ann A Star to Steer Her By Angus & Robertson 1980 Geen, Fox Fitting Out a Molded Hull Hollis & Carter 1974 Gerbault, A In Quest of the Sun Hodder & Stoughton 1937 Here be Dragons: Reflections on a Gilchrist, Don Circumnavigation Tidbinbilla 2003 Giorgetti, Franco History & Evolution of Sailing Yachts Five Mile Press 2000 Godard, Philippe The First & Last Voyage of the Batavia Abrolhos 1993 Goodwin, Peter The Bomb Vessel Granado 1742 Conway 1989 Gordon, William & Lauder, Hugh Windjammers Collins 1938 Gordon, William & Lauder, Hugh Windjammers Collins 1938 Semper Fidelis: 50 Years of the Ocean Gorter, Sandra Greyhound E-Bisprint 2014 Goss, Pete Close to the Wind Headline 1998 Graham, R.D. Rough Passage Rupert Hart-Davis 1952 Greenhill, Basil Ed. The National Maritime Museum Phillip Wilson 1982 Greenlaw, Linda The Hungry Ocean: A Swordboat Captain's JournalHyperion 1999 Griffiths, Maurice. Post-War Yachting Hutchinson 1946 Gunter, John Across the Harbour Rigby Ltd 1978 Hansen, Hans Jergen & Wundshammer,Windjammer Parade Ian Allan 1972 Hanson, Neil The Custom of the Sea Double Day 1999 Harlow, Frederick Pease The Making of a Sailor Dover Publications 1988 The Angry Admiral: The Later Career of Hartmann, Cyril Hughes Edward Vernon William Heinemann 1953 Hasler, H.G & McLeod, J.K. Practical Junk Rig International Marine 1988 Hattersley, Roy Nelson Saturday Review Press 1974 Heaps, Leo Log of the Centurian Hart-Davis, MacGibbon 1973 Heath, Edward Sailing:A Course of My Life Sidgwick & Jackson 1975 Heaton, Peter A History of Yachting in Pictures Tom Stacey 1972 Heckstall-Smith, B & Du Boulay, E. The Complete Yachtsman Methuen 1923 Henderson, Richard Singlehanded Sailing. 2nd Edition International Marine 1992 Herreshoff, L.Francis The Common Sense of Yacht Design Vol 1 Rudder 1946 Heyerdahl, Thor The R.A. Expeditions Book Club Associates 1972 Hilder, Brett The Voyage of Torres University of Queensland 1980 Hiscock, Eric C. Voyaging Under Sail Oxford University Press 1959 Hiscock, Eric C. Beyond The West Horizon Oxford University Press 1963 Hofman, Erik The Steam Yachts: An Era of Elegance Nautical 1970 Holland, Ron Splenour under Sail Shoreline 1988 Holmes, Nancy The Dream Boats Prentice-Hall 1976 Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Horwitz, Tony Cook Has Gone Before Henry Holt 2002 Hough, Chris It Wasn't All Plain Sailing New Holland 2009 Howard, Frank Sailing Ships of War: 1400 to 1860 Conway Maritime Press 1979 Howard-Williams, Jeremy Sails: 5th Edition John de Graff 1983 Sovereign of the Seas: The Story of British Howarth, David Sea Power Book Club Associates 1974 Hoyt, Garry Ready About! International Marine 1986 The Twelve Metre Challenges for the Hoyt, Norris D. Americas Cup Angus & Robertson 1977 Illingworth, John H. Offshore Adlard Coles 1958 Illingworth, John H. The Malham Story Nautical 1972 Irving, John Coronel & the Falkland A.M. Philpot James, Naomi Alone Around the World Coward-McCann & Geoghan 1979 Modern Rope Seamanship: Synthetic & Jarman, Colin & Beavis, Bill Natural Fibres Adlard Coles 1977 Jeffery, Timothy The Champagne Mumm Admiral's Cup Bloomsbury 1994 The Boat Beneath the Pyramid: King Cheops' Jenkins, Nancy Royal Ship Holt, Rinehhardt & Winston 1980 Jobson, Gary Storm Sailing Hearst Books 1983 Yankee's Wander World: Circling the Globe in Johnson, Erving & Electa the Brigantine Yankee W.W. Norton & Co 1949 The Guinness Book of Yachting: Facts & Johnson, Peter Figures Guiness Superlatives 1975

Jones, Ted Challenge '77: Newport and the America's Cup Collins 1978 The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Junger, Sebastian Against the Sea Fourth Estate 1997 52 Years of Skiing in Australia through Katten, Sverre Norwegian Eyes David Boyce 1981 Kemp,Peter The History of Ships curtis 1978 Australia's First Fleet…The Voyage and the King, Jonathan Reinactment 1788/1988 Fairfax 1988 Kingsmill, John Sydney; The Harbour City Pierson 1988 Knapp, Arthur Race Your Boat Right D. Van Nostrand Co. 1960 Knight, Lucia del Sol & MacNaughton Encyclopedia of Yacht Designers W.W. Norton & Co 2006

Knox-Johnston, Robin Last but not Least: Hos Own Story of the 1978 Round-the-WorldAngus & Robertson Race 1978 Knox-Johnston, Robin A World of My Own W.W. Norton & Co 1969 Knox-Johnston, Robin Australia's Year of Sail 2 Berghouse Floyd Tuckey 1984 Knox-Johnston, Robin History of Yachting Phaidon 1990 Laing, Alexander American Sail: A Pictorial History E.P.Dutton & Co. 1961 Laughlin, Greg The User's Guide to the Australian Coast New Holland 1997 Leather, John Colin Archer & the Seaworthy Double-ender Stanford Maritime 1979 John Ledyard's Journal of Captain Cook's Last Ledyard, John Voyage Oregon State U.P. 1963 Lee, Adrian & Philpott, Ruby Laurent Giles & his Yacht Designs International Marine 1991 The Masting & Rigging of English Ships at Lees, James War 1625 to 1860 Conway Maritime Press 1984 Leone, Nicholas. C & Phillips, Elizabeth C The Cruising Sailor's Medical Guide David McKay 1979 Lester, Gary & Hartgerink, Nick The N.S.W. Club Movement 1838 - 2009 Playwright Publishing 2009 Levitt, Michael & Llyod, Barbara Upset: Australia Wins the America's Cup Workman Publishing 1983 Lewis, Cecil Turn Right for Corfu Hutchinson & Co 1972 Ice Bird: The First Single-Handed Voyage to Lewis, David Antarctica Book Club Associates 1975 Voyage to the Ice: The Antarctic Expedition of Lewis, David Solo A.B.C 1979 Lindsay, Norman Norman Lindsay's Ship Models Angus & Robertson 1966 Lloyd, Christopher Lord Cochrane Longmans, Green & Co 1947 Loney, Jack & Stone, Peter Australia's Island Shipwrecks Neptune Press 1980 Long, Dwight Sailing All Seas in the Idle Hour Hodder & Stoughton 1938 Lord Stanley of Alderley Sea Peace Quality Book Club 1955 Lubbock, Basil The China Clippers James Brown & Son 1925 Lubbock, Basil The Best of Sail Patrick Stephens 1975 Lucas, Alan Cruising Papua New Guinea Horwitz 1980 Lucas, Alan Cruising the Solomons Horwitz Grahame 1981 Lucas, Alan Fitting Out Below Decks Horwitz 1979 Lucas, Alan Just Cruising Horwitz 1969 Lucas, Alan Cruising New Caledonia & Vanuatu Horwitz Grahame 1981 Lucas, Alan Cruising the Coral Coast Horwitz Grahame 1984 Lucas, Alan Cruising the New South Wales Coast Horwitz 1976 Luci-Smith, Edward Outcasts of the Sea: Pirates & Piracy Paddington Press 1978 Luck, Peter Peter Luck's Cheap Jibes Angus & Robertson 1986 MacGregor, David R Merchant Sailing Ships: 1775-1815 Argus Books 1980 Manry, Robert Tinkerbelle Collins 1967 Marchaj, C.A. Sailing Theory & Practice Adlard Coles 1964 Marchaj, C.A. Aero-hydrodynamics of Sailing Dodd, Mead & Co 1980 Marin-Marie Wind Aloft, Wind Alow Peter Davies 1947 Martin, Jesse Lionheart Allen & Unwin 2001 Martin-Raget, Gilles Legendary Yachts Abbeville Press 2000 Mason, Charles. Model Ships Orbis Books 1973 Mason, Charles. Ed. The Best of Sail Trim Adlard Coles 1992 Mate, Ferenc The World's Best Sailboats Albatross 1989 Mate, Ferenc From a Bare Hull Albatross 1976 Mathew, David British Seamen William Collins 1943 Mawuga, Sylvia L. Encounter with Paradise Ayala Corporation 1981 May, John The Greenpeace Book of Antarctica Child & Associates 1988 McCutchan, Philip Great Yachts Book Club Associates 1979 McCutchan, Philip Tall Ships Book Club Associates 1976 McDermott, Thomas J. Manual of Sailboat Racing Macmillan 1964 McDowell, William The Shape of Ships Hutchinson 1975 Shipwrecks: Australia's Greatest Maritime McHugh, Evan Disasters Viking 2003 The Rebello Transcripts: Governor Phillips McIntyre, Kenneth Gordon Portugese Prelude Souvenir Press 1984 McKie, Ronald Proud Echo Angus & Robertson 1953 McMullen, Alex Motor Boating Fernhurst Books 1988 McMullen. R.T. Down Channel Grafton Books 1986 Mellersh, H.E.L FitRoy of the Beagle Mason & Lipscomb 1968 Melville, Herman Typee Heron Books 1968 Meynink, Rod Fast Swimming Fish Kurrewa Wild & Woolley 2005 Battleship:The Loss of the Prince of Wales & Middlebrook, Martin & Mahoney, Patrickthe Repulse Allen Lane 1977 Millar, George Isabel and the Sea William Heinemann 1950 American Ships of the Colonial & Millar, John. F. Revolutionary Periods W.W. Norton & Co 1978 Mitchell, Carlton Summer of the Twelves Charles Scribner's Sons 1959 Molloy, Margaret A Century of Sydney's Flying Sailers Sydney Flying Squadron 1991 Mordal, Jaques Twenty-five Centuries of Sea Warfare Abbey 1973 Morris, Charles F. Origin, Orient & Oriana McCarten & Root 1980 Morris, Everett Sailing for America's Cup Harper & Rowe 1964 Morris, Roger Pacific Sail David Bateman 1987 The Boating Bible: An Essential Handbook for Murrant, Jim Every Sailor Angus & Robertson 1991 Murrant, Jim (Ed). Sailing to Win Universal Books 1970

Murray Murray's Guide to Australian Sailing & Boating Offset Alpine Neil, Ian & Young, James Safe Boating in Australia TAFE NSW 1989 Newby, Eric The Last Great Race Secker & Warburg 1956 Sava: The Incredible Navel Debarcle off Newcomb, Richard F. Guadal Canal Ure Smith 1963 Nicholson, John Great Years in Yachting Nautical 1970 Oakeley, John This is Down Wind Sailing Macmillan 1981 Ohrelius, Bengt Vasa, the King's Ship Cassell 1962 Hobart River Craft and the Sealers of Bass O'May, Harry Straight Government Printer Tasmania Slave Mutiny: The Revolt on the Schooner Owens, William A. Amistad Peter Davies 1953 Pardey, Lin & Pardey Larry Seraffyn's Oriental Adventure W.W. Norton & Co 1983 Pardey, Lin & Pardey Larry Seraffyn's European Adventure W.W. Norton & Co 1979 Pardey, Lin & Pardey Larry The Capable Cruiser W.W. Norton & Co 1987 Britannia Rules; The Classic Age of Navel Parkinson, C. Northcote History 1793-1815 Book Club Associates 1977 Payson, Herb You Can't Blow Home Again Hearst Marine Books 1984 Pearson, Michael Great Southern Land Dept of Environment & Heritage2005 Penta Marine Radio Communications Manual Penta Marine 1997 Peter, Henry (Ed). Arbitration in the America's Cup Kluwer Law International 2003 Peyton, Mike Home & Dry Fernhurst Books 1989 The Cumberland Fleet; 200 Years of Yachting Phillips-Birt, Douglas 1775-1995 Royal Thames Yacht Club 1978 Phillips-Birt, Douglas A History of Seamanship Double Day 1971 Phillips-Birt, Douglas The UltimateLove of Sailing Challenge; Single-handed Octopus 1976 Around the World; The Story of the BOC Pickthall, Barry Challenge 1892-83 Orbis 1983 Around the World Single-Handed: The Cruise Pidgeon, Harry of the "Islander". Dover Publications 1989

Pocock, Michael Inshore-Offshore: Racing, Cruising and Design Nautical 1986 The American Navies of the Revolutionary Powell, Nowland War G.P.Putnam's Sons 1974 Purves, Libby & Grove, Trevor Single Handed Ebury Press 1984 Pyle, Howard (Ed) The Buccaneers and Marooners of America T.Fisher Unwin 1905 Rayner, D.A. Safety in Small Craft Adlard Coles 1961 Rebell, Fred Escape to the Sea John Murray 1939 Reeman, Douglas Sea Captains' Tales Century Publishing 1986 Ricciardi, Lorenzo The Voyage of the Mir-el-lah Viking 1980 Eric the Red: the Atlantic Alone in a Home- Ridler, Donald made Boat William Kimber 1972 Keelhauled: Unsportsmanlike Conduct & the Riggs, Doug America's Cup Angus & Robertson 1986 Roberts, Kenneth Arundel John Lane 1936 Roberts-Goodson, R. Bruce Spray: The Ultimate Cruising Boat Sheridan House 1995 Robertson, Dougal Survive the Savage Sea Grafton Books 1989 Robinson, Bill (Ed) The Science of Sailing Charles Scribner's Sons 1961 Robinson, Bill (Ed) Science of Sailing McMillan 1961 Robinson, William Albert Deep Water & Shoal Rupert Hart-Davis 1957 Robinson, William Albert To the Great Southern Sea Book Club Associates 1973 French Pilot: Volume 2. Port Blanc to Ile de Robson, Malcolm Sein Nautical 1979 Rose, Sir Alec My Lively Lady Nautical 1968 Ross, Bob The Sailing Australians Rigby Ltd 1973 Australia & New Zealand Complete Book of Ross, Bob Ed. Boating Paul Hamlyn 1975 Ross, Bob. Ed. Introduction to Yacht Racing Ure Smith !975 Sail Power: A Complete Guide to Sails & Sail- Ross, Wallace handling Grenada 1979 The Hal Roth Seafaring Trilogy: Three True Roth, Hal Stories of Adventure Under Sail International Marine 2006 Roth, Hal Two Against Cape Horn Stanford Maritime 1978 Roughley, T.C. Fish & Fisheries of Australia Angus & Robertson 1951 Rousmaniere, John Fastnet Force Ten Nautical 1980 Russell, Glen Sydney Then and Now Wildcat Press Sala, Enrico Rigging Adlard Coles 1988 Saligman, Adrian The Voyage of the Cap Pilar Hodder & Stoughton 1939 The Dummy Pocketbook of Sailing Dinghies & Sampson, Henry (Ed.) Yachts Sampson Low 1960 Samson, Pat & Samson, John The New Way of Life Samson Marine Design 1970 Sanders, Jon Lone Sailor St George Books 1984 Scharff, Robert Esquire's Book of Boating Esquire 1964 Schmitt, Hugh Sanders: Sextant, Sea & Solitude St George Books 1988 Serafini, Flavio Vintage Yachts of the World Feierabend 2003 Seymour, Philip Where the Hell is Africa ?. Pentland Press 1995 Sherwood, Martyn The Voyage of the Tai-Mo-Shan Rupert Hart-Davis 1957 Shields, Cornelius Cornelius Shields On Sailing Prentice-Hall 1964 Slack, Kenneth E In The Wake of the Spray Rutgers University Press 1966 Sleightholme, Joyce The Sea-wife's Handbook Angus & Robertson 1976 Sailing Alone Around the World & Voyage of Slocum, Joshua the Liberdade Rupert Hart-Davis 1949 Slocum, Victor Capt. Joshua Slocum Sheridan House 1993 Smart, W.M. Introduction to Sea & Air Navigation Longmans, Green & Co 1942 Smeeton, Miles The Misty Islands Nautical 1969 Smeeton, Miles Once is Enough Rupert Hart-Davis 1959 Smith, C. Fox The Return of the Cutty Sark Methuen 1924 Smith, C. Fox A Book of Shanties Methuen 1927 Dreams of Natural Places, A New England Smith, Herbert Schooner Odyssey Down East Books 1981 Smith, John. Edited by Goll Kermit A Sea Grammar Michael Joseph 1970 The Frigate Essex Papers: Building the Salem Smith, Philip Chadwick Foster Frigate 1798-1799 Peabody Museum of Salem 1974 Blondie: A Biography of Lieutant-Colonel H. G. Southby-Tailyor, Ewen Haslet Leo Cooper 1998 Spiess, Gerry Alone Against the Atlantic Control Data 1981 Stackpole, Edouard A & Kleinschmidt,J Small Craft at Mystic Seaport Marine Historical Assoc 1959 Stannard, Bruce Ben Lexcen: The Man, The Keel & The Cup Faber & Faber 1984 Stannard, Bruce Jack Earl: The Life and Art of a Sailor Weldon 1991 Stannard, Bruce The Blue-Water Bushmen Angus & Robertson 1981 Stannard, Bruce Sparkling Sydney Weldon 1989 Stannard, Bruce The Life and Art of a Sailor; Jack Earl Welson 1991 Stephenson, Pamela Treasure Islands Headline 2005 Small Boats & Big Seas: A hundred Years of Stephenson, Ralph (Ed) Yachting Oxford University Press 1978 Stock, Ralph The Cruise of the Dream Ship Heinemann 1950 Street, Donald The Ocean Sailing Yacht Norton 1973 Street, Donald The Ocean Sailing Yacht Vol 2 Norton 1978 Sturgess,G.Sambrooke Yacht Racing: a Text Book of the Sport Iliffe & Sons Ltd 1955 Summerville, Hugh Yacht & Dingy Racing Adlard Coles 1961 Swail, Rosie Children of Cape Horn Ure Smith 1974 Swail, Rosie Rosie Darling Pelham Books 1973 Sydney 2000 Sydney 2000 News Custom 2000 Tabarly, Eric Pen Duick Adlard Coles 1971 Story of American Yachting: Told in Pictures Taylor, W.H & Rosenfeld by Maurice Rosenfeld Bramhall House 1958 Teller, Walter Magnes The Voyages of Joshua Slocum Sheridan House 2002 Five Hundred Days; Around the World on a Testa, Serge Twelve Foot Yacht Serge Testa 1988 Textor, (Ed). The New Book of Sail Trom Sheridan House 1996 The Amateurs 1872 - 1972 Raffan & Pretzel 1972 Thomas, Fred Boating Legends Lothian 2006 Toghill, J.E. Manual of Yacht Navigation Murray 1963 Modern Yacht Navigation: From Sextants to Toghill, Jeff Satellites Horwitz Grahame 1984 Toghill, Jeff Sailing Wattle Books 1983 Toghill, Jeff Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen Reed 1986 Toghill, Jeff Guide to the America's Cup. Perth. 1986/7 Australian Airlines 1986 Tohhill, Jeff The Yachtsman's Navigation Manual Reed 1985 Tomalin, Nicholas & Hall, Ron The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst Hodder & Stoughton 1970 Turner, Ted & Jobson, Garry The Racing Edge Rutledge 1979 Plank-on-frame Models and Scale Masting & Underhill, Harold.A. Rigging Vol 2 Brown, Son and Ferguson 1979 Plank-on-frame Models and Scale Masting & Underhill, Harold.A. Rigging Vol 1 Brown, Son and Ferguson 1981 Underhill, Harold.A. Deep-Water Sail Brown, Son and Ferguson 1976 Upton, Joe Alaska Blues: A Fisherman's Journal Alaska North-West Publishing 1977 Uren, Malcolm Sailermen's Ghosts Robertson & Mullins 1940 Van Der Vat, Dan The Grand Scuttle. Hodder & Stoughton 1982 Vaughan,Roger The Grand Gesture Little, Brown & Co 1975 Villar, Roger Piracy Today Conway 1985 Villiers, Alan Suns of Sinbad Charles Scribner's Sons 1969 Villiers, Alan The Cutty Sark Hodder & Stoughton 1953 Villiers, Alan Captain Cook, The Seamen's Seaman Hodder & Stoughton 1967 Villiers, Alan The Set of the Sails Hodder & Stoughton 1950 Villiers, Alan The Quest of the Schooner Argus Hodder & Stoughton 1951 Voss, J.C. Venturesome Voyages Grafton Books 1989 Walker, Bill The Best Way Sky Walker Publishing 2012 Walker, Stuart H. Advanced Racing Tactics Angus & Robertson 1986 Walker, Stuart H. A Manual of Sail Trim W.W. Norton & Co 1985 Walker, Stuart H.(Ed) The Techiques of Small Boat Racing Hodder & Stoughton 1962 Warden, Herbert W. Ed In Praise of Sailors Harry N. Abrams 1978 Wareham, John Chancey on Top Welcome Rain 2003 Warner, Oliver Fighting Sail Book Club Associates 1979 Washington-Metcalfe, Thomas A Sea-lover's Memories Faber & Faber 1934 Watts,Alan Wind and Sailing Boats A.H. & A.W. Reed 1974 Webster, E.H & Norman, L. A Hundred Years of Yachting J Walch & Sons 1936 Welch, John Famous Sea Battles Arthur Barker 1964 Weld,Philip. S. Moxie, the American Challenge Little, Brown & Co 1981 Westley, Eileen America's Cup '83 John Fairfax Whall, Hugh D The Southern Cross Admiralty Publishing House 1974 Whitmont, Debbie An Extreme Event Random House 1999 Whynot, Douglas A Unit of Water - A Unit of Time Hodder 1999 Wilson,Chris & Press, Max Cataraman Sailing to Win Kaye & Ward 1973 Worcester, G.R.G. The Junks and Sanpans of the Yangtze Navel Institute Press 1971 Wright, John Dead Reckoning Navigation Adlard Coles 1975 The History of the Royal Bombay Yacht Club Y.C. Bombay 1846 to Present Gulshan Rai 2011 Y.C. Chicago The First Hundred Years 1875 - 1975 Carl Gorr 1975 Y.C. Costa Smeralda 20 Anni di Grande Vela 1984-2004 Yacht Club Costa Smeralda 2004 Three Burgees: A History of the Republic of Y.C. Dunlop, Peter Singapore Yacht Club Republic of Singapore Yacht Club2010 Salt on the Sails; 150 Years of Royal Natal Y.C. Frost, Sally Yacht Club Royal Natal Yacht Club 2008 Y.C. Italiano Yacht Club Italiano 1879 - 1979 Yacht Club Italiano 1979 Y.C. Kansai Yacht Club 40th Anniversary Yacht Club Kansai 2004 Y.C. Kansai Yacht Club 50th Anniversary Yacht Club Kansai 2014 Y.C. New York History of the New York Yacht Club Vol.1 New York Yacht Club 1975 Y.C. New York History of the New York Yacht Club Vol.2 New York Yacht Club 1975 Y.C. Ponsonby Cruising Club The First Hundred Years Ponsonby Cruising Club 2001 Eastern Waters Eastern Winds. History of Y.C. Royal Hong Kong Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club 1894 - 1994 Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club 1993 Y.C. Royal London Yacht Club Royal London Yacht Club 1838 - 1988 Royal London Yacht Club 1988 Yachting and the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Y.C. Royal Prince Alfred Club Child & Associates 1988 Y.C. Royal S.A. Yacht Squadron The First Hundred Years 1869 - 1969 Royal S.A.Yacht Squadron 1969 Y.C. Royal St George A History Royal St George 1986 The Chronicles of the Royal Thames Yacht Y.C. Royal Thames Yacht Club Club Royal Thames Yacht Club 1999 Y.C. San Francisco Yacht Club San Francisco Yacht Club 1869 - 1994 San Francisco Yacht Club 1994 Y.C. Seattle Seattle Yacht Club -1892 to 1984 Seattle Yacht Club 1984 Y.C. St Petersburg Yacht Club Centennial 1909 - 2009 St Petersburg Yacht Club 2009 Y.C. The Banks Peninsula Cruising ClubCruising Club 1932 - 1972 Pegasus Press 1973 Y.C. The Eastern Yacht Club History 1870 - 1985 Eastern Yacht Club 1989 Y.C.Adriaco Yacht Club Adriaco Trieste Editoriale Lloyd 2003 Racers & Rovers: 100 Years of the Royal Y.C.Delgado, James P Vancouver Yacht Club Douglas & McIntyre 2003 Y.C.Italiano Yacht Club Italiano 1879 - 2004 Tormena 2004 All Hands on Deck: the Restoration of the York, Michael James Craig Citrus Press 2006 Zabos, Spiro The Golden Wallabies Penguin 2000 Beken of Cowes 2 1919 -39 Cassell 1969 Force Nine & More Murray 1969 Maintenance Time Life 1976 Cruising Grounds Time Life Books 1976 Australia's Year Book of Sail 1 Lansdowne 1983 Yamaha Osaka Cup: Melbourne/Osaka Double-Handed Yacht Race 1995 Takeshi Maeda 1995 Sydney to Hobart: 1995 Golden Commemorative Yacht Race Log MDL Publishing 1995 The Eighties Greatest Yacht Races Robertsbridge 1988 The Ship Captain's Medical Guide Dept.of Trade 1983 Souvenir Program of the 18th Interantional Yacht Race for the America's Cup 1962 Skipper Publishing 1962