Comparative Evaluation of Research vs. Online MT Systems

Antonio Toral †, Federico Gaspari †, Sudip Kumar Naskar †* and Andy Way †* CoSyne † / CNGL * School of Computing Dublin City University Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland {atoral,fgaspari,snaskar,away}

such as large organizations, companies and also Abstract smaller groups of people who want to access shared, collaboratively built and open-ended re- This paper reports MT evaluation ex- positories of collective knowledge and informa- periments that were conducted at the end tion. of year 1 of the EU-funded CoSyne 1 pro- Currently, wikis that offer information in mul- ject for three language combinations, tiple languages or that serve international or mul- considering from German, tilingual communities, rely on users themselves Italian and Dutch into English. We pre- to manually translate wiki entries on the same sent a comparative evaluation of the MT subject. This is not only a time-consuming proc- software developed within the project ess, but also the source of many inconsistencies, against four of the leading free web- as users update the different language versions based MT systems across a range of separately, and every update is likely to increase state-of-the-art automatic evaluation met- the divergence in terms of content of the multi- rics. The data sets from the news domain lingual entries. This results in an obvious loss of that were created and used for training information for all but the most widely used lan- purposes and also for this evaluation ex- guages, which tend to have much more informa- ercise, which are available to the research tion than the others. Conversely, information that community, are also described. The is available in less popular languages is unlikely evaluation results for the news domain to be translated into other versions of the wiki are very encouraging: the CoSyne MT site, and therefore will remain confined to the software consistently beats the rule-based smaller user communities, without being acces- MT systems, and for translations from sible to the wider population of wiki users. Italian and Dutch into English in particu- The overall aim of the CoSyne project is to lar the scores given by some of the stan- automate the dynamic multilingual content syn- dard automatic evaluation metrics are not chronization process of wiki sites across lan- too distant from those obtained by well- guages, by achieving robust MT of noisy user- established statistical online MT systems. generated content between 6 languages (consist- ing of 4 core languages and 2 languages with 1 Introduction limited resources to demonstrate adaptability of CoSyne is an EU-funded project that aims at fa- the system). The three language pairs covered in cilitating the synchronization across different year 1 of the project (March 2010-February languages of the contents of wiki sites. This is a 2011) are Dutch-English, German-English, and particularly challenging endeavour, because of Italian-English, and we report on them in this the conflation of dynamic user-generated (or paper. Later in the project, Turkish and Bulgarian user-edited/corrected) content and multilingual will also be added, to show the adaptability of aspects. Today, wikis are regarded as very popu- the system. lar and efficient tools by the public and Internet The CoSyne system will be integrated via web 2 users as a whole, as well as in specific scenarios services with the open-source MediaWiki pack- age, which is the most commonly used wiki plat- © 2011 European Association for Machine .

1 2 Mikel L. Forcada, Heidi Depraetere, Vincent Vandeghinste (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Association for , p. 1320 Leuven, Belgium, May 2011 form. The overall CoSyne system will include 2 Metrics several components to help deal with typically noisy and largely unpredictable wiki content (e.g. This section presents an up-to-date overview of document structure modeling and document some of the most widely used automatic MT structure induction, a textual entailment module, evaluation metrics, discussing their advantages etc.), but this paper focuses exclusively on the as well as drawbacks, laying particular emphasis initial evaluation of its MT software, as one of its on the metrics used in the comparative evaluation key components, against state-of-the-art systems presented in Section 5. The performance of the used as baselines. CoSyne MT system in the early stages of its de- The CoSyne consortium consists of 7 partners velopment can be measured, and its improvement from 4 different EU countries: Germany, Ireland, can be monitored over time, against these stan- Italy and the Netherlands. The consortium in- dard metrics in a reliable and replicable fashion. cludes 3 academic partners: University of Am- To ensure the best possible coverage, we de- sterdam, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Dublin cided to use a wide array of metrics, particularly City University (DCU); 1 research organization: those judged best by recent meta-evaluation ex- Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, and ercises (e.g. Callison-Burch et al., 2007; Calli- 3 end-users: Netherlands Institute for Sound and son-Burch et al., 2010), without confining our- Vision (NISV), Deutsche Welle (DW) and Vere- selves to prominent n-gram based metrics. Since reniging WikiMedia Nederland. The academic there is no consensus on a single individual met- and research partners ensure the cutting-edge ric which is thought to accurately measure MT interest of the project, emphasizing the need to performance, we decided to adopt an inclusive go beyond the state-of-the-art in order to tackle approach, considering the results of a variety of the problems addressed in this project. At the measures. This should provide a picture that is as same time, the participation of end-users ensures reliable and fine-grained as possible. that all research outcomes of the project are rele- One of the most widely used automatic MT vant to the wider society and boosts the potential evaluation metrics is BLEU (Papineni et al., for the uptake of the results beyond academia. 2002), a string-based metric which has come to In this paper we focus on an initial compara- represent something of a de facto standard in the tive evaluation of the CoSyne MT software (a last few years. This is not surprising given that statistical system developed by the University of today most MT research and development efforts Amsterdam, the project coordinator), against four are concentrated on statistical approaches; of the leading free web-based MT systems for BLEU’s critics argue that it tends to favour sta- three language combinations over three data sets tistical systems over rule-based ones (Callison- from the news domain across a range of state-of- Burch et al., 2006). Using BLEU is fast and in- the-art automatic evaluation metrics. This is part tuitive, but while this metric has been shown to of the ongoing effort to evaluate the effectiveness produce good correlations with human judgment and quality of the MT component developed at the document level (Papineni et al., 2002), es- within the project, assess its capabilities com- pecially when a large number of reference trans- pared to widely used MT software, and monitor lations are available, correlation at sentence level the progress of the system throughout the dura- is generally low. tion of the project, measuring its improvement The NIST evaluation metric (Doddington, with regular evaluation cycles. 2002) is also string-based, and gives more weight The rest of the paper is structured as follows. in the evaluation to less frequent n-grams. While Section 2 introduces the metrics that have been this metric has a strong bias in favour of statisti- used to evaluate the performance of the MT sys- cal systems, it provides better adequacy correla- tems in comparative terms. The data used for the tion than BLEU (Callison-Burch et al., 2006). evaluation along with the procedure used to se- The GTM metric (Turian et al., 2003) is based lect it are briefly presented in Section 3. Section on standard measures adopted in other NLP ap- 4 gives a description of the MT software under plications (precision, recall and F-measure), evaluation and of the other systems used as base- which makes its use rather straightforward for lines for the comparative evaluation. Evaluation NLP practitioners. It focuses on unigrams and results are presented and discussed in Section 5. rewards sequences of correct unigrams, applying Finally, in Section 6 we draw some conclusions moderate penalties for incorrect word order. and outline plans for future work as part of the METEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005) uses CoSyne project. stemming and synonymy relations to provide a

14 more fine-grained evaluation at the lexical level, language pairs we aligned approximately 2,000 which reduces its bias towards statistical sys- sentence pairs broadly coming from the news tems. One drawback of this metric is that it is domain; 1,000 were used for training purposes, language-dependent since it requires a stemmer while the remaining 1,000 sentence pairs were and WordNet, 3 and it can currently be applied in used for the evaluation presented here. The test full only to English, and partly to French, Span- sets were designed and built in accordance with ish and Czech, due to the limited availability of the requirements put forward by the end-user synonymy and paraphrase modules. METEOR- consortium partners - DW, NISV and the NEXT (Denkowski and Lavie, 2010) is an up- Wikimedia Foundation Netherlands, so as to dated version of the same metric. match as closely as possible their envisaged use The TER metric (Snover et al., 2006) adopts a of the CoSyne system, and in particular of its MT different approach, in that it computes the num- component in their wiki settings. In particular, ber of substitutions, insertions, deletions and DW and NISV rely heavily on wiki sites to shifts that are required to modify the output circulate and share information both within their translation so that it completely matches the ref- organizations as well as externally to the erence translation(s). Its results are affected less audiences and publics that they serve in multiple by the number of reference translations than is languages. the case for BLEU, and the rationale behind this evaluation metric is quite simple to understand 3.1 German—English for people who are not MT experts, as it provides The initial input for this language pair was pro- an estimation of the amount of post-editing effort vided by DW. It consisted of documents in RDF 4 needed by an end-user. Another metric based on format coming from two online journals: Europa error rates which preceded TER is WER (Nießen Aktuell 2001 to 2010 (2,201 documents) and et al., 2000). We omitted WER and its extension Global 3,000 (80 documents). mWER (Nießen et al., 2000) from the experi- DW provided this particular dataset as raw in- ments reported here as they seem to have been put for testing and evaluation. These records superceded by more recent metrics. were adapted to turn them in the appropriate TER-plus (Snover et al., 2009) is an extension XML format required for further automated of TER using phrasal substitutions relying on processing. The items were originally not neces- automatically generated paraphrases, stemming, sarily in the same order of appearance in both synonyms and relaxed shifting constraints. This language versions; as this was a requirement, the metric is language-dependent and requires XML files were run through a script to identify WordNet. It has been shown to have the highest the differences, subsequently adapted using the average rank in terms of Pearson and Spearman Stylus Studio XML adaptation program, and correlation (Przybocki et al., 2008). amended to finally obtain parallel language ver- The DCU-LFG metric (Owczarzak et al., sions (with corresponding items in the same or- 2007) exploits LFG dependencies and has only a der). The final version was delivered by DW in moderate bias towards statistical systems. It re- the XML format as specified by DCU who took quires a dependency parser. care of aligning the data and using them to run It should be noted that among the above meas- the actual evaluations. ures, METEOR, METEOR-NEXT, TER-plus A Perl script was developed to extract titles and DCU-LFG can only be used for English as a and running text from pairs of parallel docu- target language at the present time, given the lan- ments. Apart from extracting the contents the guage-specific resources that they require. script also invokes: 5 3 Data • TreeTagger, to sentence split and lem- matise the documents. Sections 3.1—3.3 describe the data created and • Hunalign, 6 with a bilingual dictionary used for training as well as evaluation purposes derived from Apertium’s English— for each language pair (German—English, Italian—English and Dutch—English, respectively) and the procedures followed to derive test sets from that data. For each of these 4 5 TreeTagger/ 3 6

15 German dictionary 7 to sentence align the ment quality from 0.7 to 0.68, as by doing so we documents using the lemmatized versions can extract the planned 2,000 sentence pairs. produced by TreeTagger. The resulting test set contains 2,000 aligned sentences, including titles of the articles (these Another Perl script was developed to enrich eventually account for 21.35% of the pairs). The Hunalign output, consisting at this step of English file has 26,938 words and average sen- aligned sentence pairs, with several additional tence length is 13.47 words. The German file has pieces of information: slightly less content, with 25,797 words, and av- erage sentence length is 12.9 words. • alignment score at sentence level • alignment score at document level 3.2 Italian—English • number of words in the source sentence • The source for the English—Italian test set was number of words in the target sentence the AsiaNews website, 8 which provides news on • whether the sentence consists of a news current events in Italian and English. The news item title or running text texts included in the test set have been posted • identifier of the document pair online in the last few years, up to July 2010. 87 Based on these factors we chose a test corpus document pairs were extracted manually, and the with sentences that fulfilled these criteria: sentences were stored in two separate plain-text files: sentence number X in the Italian file is the • The score of the sentence alignment is translation of sentence number X in the English above the threshold 0.7. This is to ensure file. that the translations are accurate. The titles of the news article were included • The score of the global alignment (at along with the running text of the news report, document level) is above the threshold 0.7. while all other elements were excluded: picture This ensures that the sentence pairs are ex- captions, names of the authors, indications of tracted from highly parallel document place names at the beginning of the report, etc. pairs. Sentence splitting was done manually, with a • The difference in length (number of new sentence (new line) created every time there words) between the source and target sen- was a full stop at the end of a sentence (i.e. no tence expressed as a percentage is below split was inserted when the full stop was found in 25%. This is to ensure that the versions in abbreviations like “Mr. Smith” or “Gen. Ross”). the two languages match quite closely. Wherever possible the same punctuation marks • The minimum number of words in the were kept in both versions, harmonizing them source and target sentences is 4. This pre- manually (e.g. a full stop was inserted instead of vents the test set from containing very a semicolon in English, where the Italian sen- short sentences. tence ended with a full stop). Intra-sentence • The percentage of sentences that consist commas were not modified, leaving them as they of titles and sentences that are part of run- were. Translations found on the website were ning text are preserved in the test set. We usually very good, but varied in that some texts allow a maximum 2% variation with re- were more faithful (with a closely matching spect to the distribution in the whole data structure in terms of paragraphs, sentence or- set, where 19.35% of the sentences are ti- ganization, etc.), while in other cases the two tles. versions were occasionally rather different (omit- ted sentences, shorter paragraphs with only While the values for these parameters have not summarized information, etc.). An effort was been determined empirically to be necessarily the made to include in the aligned data set only sen- best overall settings, manual investigation of the tences that are highly symmetrical. test sets confirms these values to be effective in Where the sentences diverged, both of them practice. With these values, only 1,903 sentence were omitted, or one of them was amended as pairs are extracted. Therefore we decided to necessary to make the pair of aligned segments slightly decrease the value of the global align- more “similar” in form and structure. We esti- mate that around 20% of the content in the origi- nal bilingual versions of the articles was elimi- 7 apertium/incubator/apertium-de-en/ 8

16 nated or slightly amended for the sake of having maining 1,032 pairs (51.6%) come from the Bel- highly parallel sentences. gië Diplomatie data. The resulting test set contains 1,965 aligned The resulting test set contains 2,000 aligned sentences, including titles of the articles (these sentences, including titles of the articles (these account for 4.4% of the sentence pairs). The Ital- account for 7.7% of the sentence pairs). The ian file has 38,607 words (on average 444 words Dutch file has 45,546 words and average sen- per document) and average sentence length is tence length is 22.8 words. The English file has 19.3 words. The English file has slightly less slightly more content, 46,390 words, and the av- content, 38,090 words, on average 438 words per erage sentence length is 23.2 words. document, and average sentence length is 19 words. 4 MT Systems 3.3 Dutch—English The following four free online MT systems were used for the baseline evaluation of the CoSyne NISV provided three different data sets: MT system developed by the University of Am- • België Diplomatie consists of 418 sterdam (Martzoukos and Monz, 2010): HTML document pairs extracted from the • 13 Belgian Foreign Affairs website. 9 • Bing Translator 14 • Video Active is an XML file containing • Systran 15 1,076 document pairs concerning the de- • FreeTranslation 16 scription of television programs. 10 These four online MT services were selected • NISV wiki has 30 document pairs con- first of all because they all cover the three lan- sisting of pages from the NISV wiki. 11 guage pairs addressed in year 1 of the CoSyne project (German—English, Italian—English and NISV extracted the HTML pages from the Dutch—English in both directions). In addition, België Diplomatie website with a Python script. these are among the most popular free web-based Being a partner in the Video Active project, MT systems and are heavily used by the general NISV had access to its metadata repository and public of Internet users (Gaspari, 2006; Gaspari created a Java program to extract this metadata and Hutchins, 2007). A final consideration was and store it in XML files. Apart from providing that three of these five systems are statistical the translated wiki pages, NISV also manually (CoSyne, Google Translate and Bing Translator), created easy-to-process Dutch—English sentence while the other two are rule-based (FreeTransla- pairs in separate (plain text) files. tion and Systran). As a result, this mixture of Three Perl scripts were developed to extract ti- systems offers a good picture of the MT quality tles and running text from pairs of parallel currently offered by state-of-the-art representa- documents of the België Diplomatie, Video Ac- tives of both approaches. tive and NISV wiki data sets. The strategy fol- lowed is along the lines of that previously de- 5 Results scribed for German—English (Section 3.1). The bilingual dictionary used comes from Apertium’s In what follows, the results of the MT evaluation Dutch—English dictionary. 12 carried out at the end of the first year of the Co- With the values introduced (Section 3.1.), only Syne project (February 2011) are presented and 1,902 sentence pairs are extracted. Therefore we discussed in this order: German—English (Sec- decided to slightly decrease the value of the tion 5.1), Italian—English (5.2) and Dutch— global alignment quality from 0.7 to 0.66, as by English (5.3). For each of these 3 language pairs, doing so we can extract the planned 2,000 sen- data are included that show the comparison be- tence pairs. The derived set contains 350 sen- tween the CoSyne MT software and state-of-the- tence pairs (17.5%) from the NISV wiki data, art MT systems serving as benchmarks of statis- 618 (30.9%) from Video Active while the re- tical (Google and Bing) as well as rule-based (Systran and FreeTranslation) approaches across a range of well-established automatic MT

9 10 13 11 14 12 15 incubator/apertium-en-nl/ 16

17 evaluation metrics (discussed in Section 2). The de-en Google Bing Systran Freetranslation CoSyne M12 BLEU 0.2477 b,c,d,e 0.2294 c,d 0.1752 d 0.1657 0.2052 c,d data are presented in tables giving the actual nu- NIST 0.6358 b,c,d,e 0.6362 c,d,e 0.5447 d 0.5212 0.5788 c,d merical results of the evaluation, accompanied by METEOR 0.5830 0.5584 0.5239 0.5060 0.5470 METEOR-NEXT 0.4977 0.4807 0.4552 0.4422 0.4692 figures to facilitate comparison, followed by a TERp 0.4000 0.3600 0.3216 0.3100 0.2941 TER 0.4172 0.4161 0.3444 0.3273 0.3700 brief analysis of the most interesting findings. b,c,d,e c,d,e d,e GTM 0.4517 0.4270 0.4057 0.3849 0.3914 Finally, Section 5.4 provides a summary discus- DCU-LFG 0.4899 0.4570 0.4133 0.3957 0.4261 sion of the whole evaluation experiment. 0.7000

Results of statistical significance tests are also 0.6000 included to indicate the validity of the compari- 0.5000 Google 0.4000 sons between the CoSyne MT software and the Bing 0.3000 Systran benchmark MT systems. Statistical significance Freetranslation 0.2000 CoSyne M12 is represented in the tables with characters writ- 0.1000 17 ten as superscripts. For each system and metric, 0.0000 BLEU NIST METEOR METEOR-NEXT TERp TER GTM DCU-LFG a character n means that the current score is sig- nificantly better than the system in column n, most cases Google receives better evaluations e.g., c,d indicates that the current score is better than Bing (except for NIST, where Bing has a than those obtained by the systems in the third very tiny lead, and the two TER scores are very and fourth columns. Finally, it should be noted similar). TERp ranks the CoSyne MT system that to facilitate the interpretation of the results, fifth, slightly below Systran and FreeTranslation, the NIST score was divided by a factor of 10 for while the GTM score of the CoSyne MT system the sake of consistency in the presentation. Simi- is slightly better than FreeTranslation, but not as larly, TERp and TER scores are indicated as 1-x good as Systran. Although the global picture is to reverse the trend and make it more comparable somewhat fragmented, in general the month 12 to the other metrics. implementation of the CoSyne MT software per- Regarding the software used to carry out the forms better than the rule-based systems, but not evaluation, we used the following implementa- yet as well as the statistical benchmark systems tions: used as baselines. It is worth mentioning that – BLEU and NIST:, these systems have undergone several years of – METEOR: meteor 1.0, extensive development, relying on massive – METEOR-NEXT: meteor 1.2, amounts of resources. – TER: terp 0.1 (binary terp_ter), – TERp: terp 0.1 (binary terpa), 5.2 Italian into English

– GTM: gtm 1.4, it-en Google Bing Systran Freetranslation CoSyne M12 – DCU-LFG: version submitted to Metrics BLEU 0.4235 b,c,d,e 0.3106 c,d 0.1840 d 0.1754 0.3137 c,d NIST 0.8579 b,c,d,e 0.7517 c,d,e 0.5439 d 0.5427 0.7318 c,d MATR 2010 (He et al., 2010), METEOR 0.7017 0.6384 0.5709 0.5537 0.6565 – Statistical significance tests: ARK’s code 18 METEOR-NEXT 0.5942 0.5412 0.4832 0.4700 0.5545 19 TERp 0.5600 0.4700 0.3890 0.3800 0.4946 (BLEU and NIST) and FastMtEval (GTM). P- TER 0.5599 0.4857 0.3225 0.3128 0.4679 value is set to 0.01. GTM 0.6187 b,c,d,e 0.5394 c,d 0.4596 d 0.4510 0.5475 c,d DCU-LFG 0.6400 0.5200 0.4244 0.4080 0.5311

5.1 German into English 1.0000 0.9000 For German—English translation, in most 0.8000 cases (with the exceptions of the TERp and GTM 0.7000 Google 0.6000 metrics) the quality of the CoSyne MT software Bing 0.5000 Systran Freetranslation is between the statistical MT systems (Google 0.4000 CoSyne M12 and Bing), which show a better performance, and 0.3000 the rule-based ones (Systran and FreeTransla- 0.2000 0.1000 tion), which tend to be outperformed by the Co- 0.0000 BLEU NIST METEOR METEOR-NEXT TERp TER GTM DCU-LFG Syne MT software. Systran outperforms FreeTranslation across all the metrics, and in For Italian—English translation, Google con- sistently has the best performance across all the automatic evaluation metrics. Interestingly, the 17 Statistical significance tests have been carried out for CoSyne MT system and Bing show similar per- these metrics: BLEU, NIST and GTM. formance, with the CoSyne software giving bet- 18 19 ter results than Bing for some metrics (BLEU, page=softwares METEOR, METEOR-NEXT, TERp, GTM and

18 DCU-LFG), which is a particularly encouraging by Systran and FreeTranslation. Within the vari- result. The two rule-based systems (Systran and ous language directions, the performance of FreeTranslation) receive very similar scores for Systran is better than that of FreeTranslation ac- all evaluation metrics, showing much poorer per- cording to all evaluation metrics for all the three formance than the statistical MT software (in- language pairs. Finally, for all evaluation metrics cluding the CoSyne MT system). in each of the language pairs, the three statistical systems (Google Translate, Bing Translator and

5.3 Dutch into English CoSyne) receive much higher scores than the two nl-en Google Bing Systran Freetranslation CoSyne M12 rule-based systems: Systran and FreeTranslation. BLEU 0.3330 c,d,e 0.3347 c,d,e 0.2643 d 0.2456 0.3223 c,d NIST 0.7986 b,c,d,e 0.7596 c,d 0.6830 d 0.6479 0.7532 c,d METEOR 0.6633 0.6695 0.6161 0.5964 0.6431 6 Conclusions and Future Work METEOR-NEXT 0.5583 0.5628 0.5180 0.5032 0.5419 TERp 0.4987 0.5066 0.4315 0.4123 0.4690 TER 0.5251 0.4892 0.4424 0.4221 0.5000 The results presented in Section 5 show the base- GTM 0.5339 b,c,d,e 0.5156 c,d,e 0.4761 d 0.4672 0.4956 c,d line evaluation in all the three language direc- DCU-LFG 0.5459 0.5507 0.4661 0.4411 0.5080 tions covered in year 1 of the CoSyne project

0.9000 across a range of widely used automatic MT 0.8000 evaluation metrics. This will allow the project 0.7000 members to measure the performance of the MT 0.6000 Google component of the CoSyne system against state- 0.5000 Bing Systran of-the-art MT software, and monitor progress 0.4000 Freetranslation CoSyne M12 0.3000 over time. In particular, this baseline evaluation 0.2000 will make it possible to prioritize and focus ef- 0.1000 forts on the development and fine-tuning of lan- 0.0000 BLEU NIST METEOR METEOR-NEXT TERp TER GTM DCU-LFG guage pairs and/or language directions needing improvement. By repeating evaluations based on For the Dutch—English translation task, the the well-established metrics presented in Section three statistical MT systems consistently and 2 at regular intervals, the improvement of the clearly outperform Systran and FreeTranslation CoSyne MT system will be gradually monitored based on all the automatic evaluation metrics. and its overall success measured. Google outperforms Bing for only three of the This evaluation study has shown that rule- metrics (NIST, TER and GTM), whereas for the based MT systems are outperformed by statisti- others Bing receives the higher score. Interest- cal MT systems for data from the news domain. ingly, based on TER, the CoSyne MT system Plans currently underway to extend the evalua- does better than Bing, but not as well as Google. tion of the CoSyne MT system include the de- Finally, for all metrics, the score obtained by the velopment of a methodology for diagnostic MT CoSyne MT system is much higher than those of evaluation based on linguistic checkpoints, simi- both Systran and FreeTranslation, and not par- lar to the one presented in Zhou et al. (2008), ticularly distant from those achieved by the other who used an ad-hoc tool called Woodpecker. two statistical MT systems, which positively re- flects the quality that the software has achieved Acknowledgements after the initial 12 months of development. 5.4 Discussion This work has been funded in part by the Euro- pean Commission through the CoSyne project Overall Google Translate receives the best scores FP7-ICT-4-248531.We are also grateful to Chris- consistently across the various metrics for all tof Monz for giving us access to the CoSyne MT language pairs. Bing Translator and the CoSyne system. MT system perform similarly: their results are noticeably inferior to Google Translate’s (Bing References obtains the best score for some metrics, mainly in Dutch-to-English translation, but none of them Banerjee, S. and A. Lavie. 2005. METEOR: An are significantly better than for Google Trans- Automatic Metric for MT Evaluation with Im- late), but significantly higher 20 than those offered proved Correlation with Human Judgments. Pro- ceedings of Workshop on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation Measures for MT and/or Summariza- 20 When interpreting the results, one should bear in mind the tion at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association limitations of the metrics used, e.g. that BLEU and NIST have a high bias towards statistical MT.

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