A Note to Readers CHARLTON Education.” Ize in Trauma Care

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A Note to Readers CHARLTON Education.” Ize in Trauma Care Mortgage Rates are Super Low Great Time CALL ME!! To Buy Or Ask me about Refinance! Get Pre-approved before you start looking to buy! VA IRRRL Loans for Veterans Ron LaPrade (DPHS 1982) and company owner since 2000 A mortgage broker like Ron has more options to see what is best for you! Face-To-Face Mortgage Co. ph: 508-892-8988 e: Ronald.laprade@verizon.net Mass. Mortgage broker number NMLS #1241 Free by request to residents of Charlton, Charlton City and SEND YOUR NEWS AND PICS TO NEWS@SCharltonTONEBRIDGE PDepotRESS.NEWS Friday, April 10, 2020 School employee tests positive for COVID-19 BY JASON BLEAU that nonessential person- The steps laid out VILLAGER CORRESPONDENT nel were to remain home include the complete as of March 23. Teachers closure of Dudley DUDLEY/CHARLTON were invited back into Elementary School to all – The COVID-19 pandem- the school om March 30 staff with a third party ic has hit home for Dudley to retrieve resources for being brought in to dis- and Charlton once again at-home teaching. The infect the entire school. with the announcement infected individual was Charlton Elementary from both towns and confirmed to have been a School, Heritage School, their school district teacher who entered one Dudley Middle School, that a staff member of of the schools during this Dudley Elementary the Dudley Charlton time. School and Mason Road Regional School District “The individual diag- Elementary School have has tested positive for the nosed with COVID-19 also been closed to all virus. was among those present personnel until further Paragon Power Washing cleans off the playground at Dudley Elementary School. In a joint statement at Dudley Elementary notice. These schools from Charlton Town school, retrieving will all be disinfected Administrator Andrew resources to prepare for by personnel trained for Golas, Dudley Town the extended closure. mitigation of the infec- Administrator Jonathan Since Monday, March tion. After the cleaning Ruda and school dis- 30th, the DCRSD schools is complete the district trict Superintendent have been closed to teach- central office will remain Steven Lamarche, it was ers and non-essential open to essential employ- revealed that a positive staff. On Tuesday, upon ees only. Shepherd Hill test was delivered to the learning of the March Regional High School unnamed staff member 30 brief admittance of and Charlton Middle on Tuesday, March 31. Dudley Elementary School will remain open The employee report- School staff to retrieve as distribution locations ed the diagnosis to the resources, the Town of for the grab-n-go lunch Dudley and Charlton Dudley Board of Health program and school busi- Boards of Health on their Agent and officials, dis- ness. Both schools are own. For privacy the trict school officials and electrostatically sani- individual has remained Charlton Board of Health tized every week and dis- unnamed. discussed the immediate infected daily. The staff In the press release, the steps being taken by the member in question who joint statement noted that school district to address has contracted the virus schools in the district the risks the exposure has also been put in con- had been closed to stu- may have presented,” the dents since March 18 and press release stated. Turn To EMPLOYEE, page A17 The Charlton Community Playground gets a proper cleaning. Local company steps up to clean playground equipment BY JASON BLEAU their beloved play plac- have supported them VILLAGER CORRESPONDENT es, they will find them as a business for so clean and refreshed long. Cantwell said he DUDLEY/ thanks to volunteer was inspired to donate CHARLTON – With the efforts from Paragon his time locally after COVID-19 pandemic Power Washing. seeing similar efforts demanding social dis- The local busi- from business owners tancing and the avoid- ness, owned by David across the country on ance of even small Cantwell, has been Facebook. crowds, playgrounds donating time and “We did one for the Andrea Champagne across the region have resources to towns and town of Charlton then been left untouched and schools to clean play- Brookfield and we post- unutilized to ensure the grounds while young- ed them online to let safety and health of sters are unable to use people know we were local youth and their the facilities as their Bay Path’s Andrea families. However, way of giving back to Turn To CLEAN-UP, Champagne among 2020 when kids do return to the communities that page A3 DWC Scholars A Note to Readers CHARLTON education.” ize in trauma care. This week’s edition of we urge you to contin- and beyond to make — Andrea Champagne, The DWC supports Her path, she says, is the paper might seem ue supporting the local this situation easier for a 2020 candidate of Bay local female students inspired by her mother a bit smaller than you businesses that adver- those most affected by Path Practical Nursing who reflect DWC’s who had such a strong are accustomed to, but tise in your newspaper. it. Let us know if there Academy was named mission and values work ethic. “One of rest assured, this is only They have always been is someone in your com- Dudley Women’s Club of public service with her jobs that impact- temporary. Due to the here for you through munity who you think (DWC) 2020 Scholastic an emphasis on lit- ed my life most, was unique circumstances good times and bad, and should be recognized by Award Program recip- eracy and learning. when she worked as a we are all living under now, more than ever, e-mailing news@stone- ient (Adult Winner). Scholarship applicants respite aid/job coach at the present time, local they need you to be there bridgepress.news. The DWC were ranked consider- for a company that sporting events and com- for them in any way you Above all, know that announced recent- ing their community assisted in improving munity activities have can. we have been your trust- ly that Champagne, service essay, finan- the daily lives of adults wisely been canceled as Amid this temporary ed source for local news of Webster, was cial need, work, aca- with intellectual and we all try to stay clos- absence of local events for generations, and we one of four schol- demics/GPA, commu- physical disabilities” er to home and practice and municipal meetings, plan to be here for you ars chosen this year. nity service as well as said Champagne. This social distancing. we are also looking to to generations to come, Champagne’s scholar- extracurricular activ- allowed her to learn As we ride out this celebrate the many quiet in print and online at ship is for a non-tra- ities. real-world empa- temporary interruption heroes in our communi- www.stonebridgepress. ditional adult woman Champagne, who thy-building through of life as usual together, ties who have gone above com. student returning to was a MassHire grant volunteer work. an accredited training recipient in 2019 is a Champagne vol- program. Certified Nursing unteered for Bagong In a letter to Assistant (CNA) at Kulturang Pinoy Champagne, Diane Care One in Millbury, (www.BKPInc.org), a CALENDAR OF EVENTS Perry Dudley Women’s plans to pursue aca- registered non-profit Club Scholarship demic progression in organization whose Chair, stated that “we nursing. After com- mission is to devel- SUSPENDED were impressed with pleting her studies op a reading culture With many local groups and organizations wisely canceling planned your academic suc- at Bay Path Practical among Filipino chil- events due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, we have temporarily sus- cess, commitment to Nursing Academy, pended publication of our weekly calendar of events. Once the current situa- community service her goal is to obtain Turn To SCHOLAR tion settles down, we will return to being your go-to source for the area’s most and furthering your her BSN and special- page A3 comprehensive listing of local events and activities. 2 •The Charlton Villager• Friday, April 10, 2020 www.StonebridgePress.com Businesses, STAY CONNECTED with your customers through Stonebridge Press Newspapers! Thank you to the businesses below for sponsoring this page and the TOGETHER information provided. Please contact your Stonebridge Press advertising sales rep to advertise on this page next week by Friday 2 pm. Spencer New Leader Sturbridge Villager Charlton Villager Southbridge News STRONG Auburn New Webster Times & Blackstone Valley Tribune JUNE SIMAKAUSKAS MIKAELA VICTOR Together Strong, we will weather this storm. Stay healthy everyone! 508-909-4062 508-909-4126 Moving During This Crisis? Treasury and SBA Begin WE ARE HERE FOR YOU Unprecedented Public-Private Mobilization Effort to Distribute Funds WASHINGTON – Following Secretary Mnuchin. “Treasury and the specifically designed to help small busi- President Trump’s signing of the his- Small Business Administration expect nesses keep their workforce employed. CALL US TODAY toric Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and to have this program up and running Visit SBA.gov/Coronavirus for more Economic Security (CARES) Act, SBA by April 3rd so that businesses can go information on the Paycheck Protection 508-868-4291 Administrator Jovita Carranza and to a participating SBA 7(a) lender, bank, Program. MDPU# 31690 | USDOT# 2407387 | MC# 828326 Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin or credit union, apply for a loan, and be • The new loan program will be avail- today announced that the SBA and approved on the same day. The loans able retroactive from Feb. 15, 2020, so Treasury Department have initiated a will be forgiven as long as the funds are employers can rehire their recently robust mobilization effort of banks and used to keep employees on the payroll laid-off employees through June 30, other lending institutions to provide and for certain other expenses.” 2020.
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