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[email protected] Friday, July 24, 2020 Rochedale Village Bell rings in salute to first responders Photo Courtesy The West Brookfield fire station siren is officially back in service. LEICESTER – Determined to chief – came up with the idea Several residents and offi- honor frontline workers and to ring the bell as a gesture of cials attended the first few bell COVID-19 victims, a retired thanks and remembrance. tolling ceremonies, including fire chief returned to his roots Each tolling of the bell rec- representatives of the Leicester and designed a unique project ognizes first responders and Select Board, police depart- that has seen immediate suc- frontline workers, includ- ment, fire department, and Historic siren cess. ing police, EMS, firefighters, EMS personnel. The widow Each Sunday evening in healthcare providers, grocery of Rutland Police Detective July, the Rochdale Village Bell store employees, and transpor- John Songy also attended, and has been rung at 6 p.m. The tation workers, among others. an opening prayer was read bell is located at the Rochdale These employees have all been by Ken Morse, of Greenville sounds again working throughout the pan- fire station on Stafford Street. Baptist Church. Jacob Menzigian, who served demic and risking their health A history of the bell was also on the fire department for 40 to keep the country operation- provided for guests. The final BY KEVIN FLANDERS Long before the days of years – four of them as the fire al.