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1-855-30-LEGAL Massachusetts Lawyers Boston Magazine’s Super Lawyers AV In Practice serving Worcester County since 1975 of the Year – 2002 & 2005 from 2006 to the present Rated Mailed free to requesting homes in East Brookfield, West Brookfield, North Brookfield, Brookfield, Leicester and Spencer Vol. XXXVI, No. 5 PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR OF RELAY FOR LIFE OF THE GREATER SOUTHBRIDGE AREA! Complimentary to homes by request ONLINE: WWW.SPENCERNEWLEADER.COM Friday, February 3, 2012

THIS WEEK’S QUOTE Tantasqua students represent towns in Project 351


is when the sun BY KEVIN FLANDERS This is the second year TRJHS STONEBRIDGE PRESS STAFF WRITER eighth graders have taken part in is shining.” Five Tantasqua Regional Junior Project 351, which enables one stu- High School eighth graders represent- dent from each of the towns in John F. Kennedy ed their respective towns well on Massachusetts to visit Boston and Saturday, Jan. 14, traveling to Boston participate in community service. to participate in community service This year’s Tantasqua student ambas- efforts as part of Project 351. sadors — Griffin Moore, of Brimfield, INSIDE Chineme Onwubueke, of Sturbridge, Kevin Flanders photo Jason Deforge, of Wales, Brittany Foley, of Holland, and Brytni Obituaries ...... B2 These five Tantasqua Regional Junior High Simmons, of Brookfied — each School eighth graders went to Boston on Calendar ...... B3 enjoyed their experience in Boston. Saturday, Jan. 14, to participate in commu- Local ...... A2-4 nity service efforts as part of Project 351. Please Read PROJECT, page A11 Classroom Corner A6-7 Viewpoint ...... A8 Sports...... A10 Police Logs ...... A15 Durant unsure on BOS re-election plans


BY DAVID DORE “It’s something I need to dis- NEW LEADER STAFF WRITER cuss with my wife, have some As election season gets under serious discussions about that, as way, a selectman in one local well as the other guys on the community is considering his board,” he said. future while a colleague in a Durant noted the other four neighboring town is preparing to selectmen have helped him bal- step aside. ance being both a selectman and David Dore photo Spencer Selectman Peter a state representative. He was Outreach Coordinator Barbara Paszuk sits in her office at the Durant, who is also state repre- elected to the Legislature in a Leicester Senior Center. She took the position in June following sentative for the 6th Worcester special election last May after the the retirement of Mary O’Brien. District, said Monday, Jan. 30 he 2010 contest between him and Peter Durant had not yet decided whether he would seek re-election. Please Read DURANT, page A12 Lending a Taking part in history Page A3 helping hand


BY DAVID DORE Center. NEW LEADER STAFF WRITER “It was just such an LEICESTER — For interesting position,” she Barbara Paszuk, it’s all said. “I just wanted to get about helping others. in to help these ladies, For a few years she did these gentlemen.” that by serving on the According to Paszuk, David Dore photos Leicester Council on the outreach coordinator Aging, first as a member helps seniors — and The Otters provided live music during the spaghetti dinner. and later as chairman. In sometimes their children, Cougars coast June Paszuk stepped family members or Page A10 Hearts for heat down when she succeeded friends — with services the retiring Mary O’Brien they might need, such as NORTH BROOKFIELD — The fourth annual Hearts for Heat Spaghetti Supper and as outreach coordinator fundraiser, sponsored by the group’s North Brookfield chapter and the Hayden at the Leicester Senior Please Read PASZUK, page A11 Masonic Lodge, was held Saturday, Jan. 28. For more photos, turn to page A9!

OPINION GET YOUR POINT ACROSS TLGV unveils master protection blueprint PAGE A8

BY TERRI VIANI making, Green & Growing ic impact of land,” said ment presents an impressive standing of the elements that STONEBRIDGE PRESS STAFF WRITER OLICE OGS brings all aspects of local Charlene Cutler, Last Green number of agricultural goals impact the success of agri- POLICE LOGS The Last Green Valley,Inc., agriculture into one docu- Valley Inc. executive director for the Last Green Valley, culture,” said Cutler. “A con- has launched its latest and ment and provides a regional and CEO. “There is a real identifying those factors pos- sumer may not understand AGE P A15 most ambitious initiative to blueprint for enhancing and consequence to not doing itively impacting agriculture the regulations a farmer date, according to its cre- protecting agriculture in the something: the window of in the region — and encour- might be operating under. ators — Green & Growing: A Last Green Valley. opportunity will close and aging interaction of those The farmer may be unaware Call to Action, a comprehen- “The Last Green Valley we will lose our precious factors — while also high- of the general health con- sive regional plan to sustain worked to develop a strategy land. There will no longer be lighting challenges to agri- cerns of the consumer or and expand food, fiber and to reverse the loss of agricul- The Last Green Valley.” cultural success. why cooperatives are impor- forest production in the ture and rural traditions The extensive, 100-plus “We wanted to provide peo- tant.” National Heritage Corridor. while enhancing the econom- page Green & Growing docu- ple with a general under- More than two years in the Please Read TLGV, page A11 2 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 No lights, camera, action for Town Meetings?

electricity. WATER DEPARTMENT WANTS INPUT ON ELECTRICITY BUYING DISCUSSION Nadon noted the National Grid rate was higher than the rate the town got through Constellation BY DAVID DORE like to see that covered again if at Meetings, simply because I think the West Brookfield Water Energy the last two years — but NEW LEADER STAFF WRITER all possible.” it’s going to drop the attendance,” Commission said they want to be that doesn’t seem to be the case this WEST BROOKFIELD — He cited Town Meetings, the he said. “ ... I’m concerned about consulted before selectmen agree to year. Selectmen’s meetings could soon be Fourth of July bonfire on the town dropping down attendance at Town future contracts with power Barry said town officials are con- returning to local television common and White Christmas. Meeting even further.” providers. sidering other electricity providers screens, but for now Town Meeting Gillogly said he was not able to Nadon said he would “like to see Water Commissioner Lester once the contract with won’t be getting the same treat- cover the most recent White them played a week or so later,” Paquette said last week he was not Constellation Energy expires. She ment. Christmas because of family mat- while Selectman Mark Long said, pleased with the contract select- told Paquette and Water The last three selectmen’s meet- ters. Other events, he said, would “It doesn’t bother me either way. men signed with Constellation Commission Chairman Robert ings were not broadcast on the depend on the number of people We’ll go with that.” Energy, based in Baltimore, to sup- Benson she would contact their town’s local cable access channels available and willing to help him Selectmen and Gillogly agreed ply electricity to municipal depart- board during the process. because of malfunctioning power out. this year’s meeting to go over the ments. adapters for the two cameras in the “Getting volunteers is tough,” Annual Town Meeting warrant, In September 2008 selectmen TAVERN LICENSE EXTENDED downstairs meeting room at Town Gillogly said. sponsored by the Advisory approved a contract with a price of Also last week, selectmen voted Hall. And when they were on televi- Executive Secretary Johanna Committee, would be taped and 11.447 cents per kilowatt hour to extend the expiration of the sion, Selectmen Chairman Barry Barry suggested the volunteers shown on public access. But they through Dec. 1, plus transmission liquor license for Ye Olde Tavern to Nadon Jr. said, viewers claimed the could come from a senior work off took no action on whether future costs from National Grid. Dec. 31 because concerns Building sound was “snowy.” program, similar to programs in Town Meetings would be broadcast. According to Paquette and Inspector Jeffrey Taylor raised WBTV Director Barry Gillogly Brimfield and Spencer, that gives According to Nadon, showing the Nadon, National Grid’s current over the maximum occupancy of said at the Jan. 24 Board of senior citizens a rebate on their Advisory Committee’s meeting on rate is 8 cents per kilowatt hour. the building had been resolved. The Selectmen meeting he would look property taxes in exchange for TV has been helpful in the past. “As the largest consumer of elec- East Main Street restaurant’s at various options. working for the town. “I think we had less questions tricity we had no input,” Paquette license renewal was due to expire Bookending that discussion was “It’s something to consider,” she when it came to Town Meeting,” he said. “ ... We’re under contract with at the end of this month. talk on increasing the amount of said. “It’s something they do there.” said. Constellation Energy, whether we programming on the three access Gillogly said he could tape Town like it or not.” David Dore may be reached at channels. Meetings, but the idea was rejected SPARKS ON ELECTRICITY Barry admitted the contract (508) 909-4140, or by e-mail at “We’re not covering a lot of the by Selectman (and former Town As one of the largest consumers selectmen signed was a “crap [email protected]. things in town,” Nadon said. “It Moderator) Michael Frew. of electricity in town, members of shoot” and a “gamble” because was covered in the past and we’d “I am opposed to taping Town they did not know the future cost of NEWS BRIEFS

Admission is $6 at the door. Proceeds will Everyone must have a current recycling West Brookfield Dems be used to buy books and provide pamphlets Big Brothers Big Sisters use auto sticker to participate. for people joining the chapters of AA and AL- “We sincerely regret to have to pass this to hold caucus Feb. 11 ANON at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart honors Spencer resident increased cost on to our faithful partici- Parish in West Brookfield. pants,” Kaminski said. WEST BROOKFIELD — Democrats in West For more information, call (508) 867-9161. WORCESTER — Byron Deane of Spencer For more information, call Kaminski at Brookfield will hold a caucus to elect dele- was honored by Big Brothers Big Sisters of (508) 873-2363. gates to the Massachusetts Democratic Absentee ballots now Central Mass/Metrowest at its Annual Party’s 2012 nominating convention at 10 Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 18. The meeting Leicester Democrats to a.m. Saturday, Feb. 11 in the Lower Meeting available for primary was held at the Worcester Art Museum. Room of West Brookfield Town Hall, 2 East Deane received the Dr. H. Martin Deranian hold caucus on Feb. 11 Main St. Absentee ballots are now available from Fellowship Award because he is a longtime All registered Democrats are eligible to local town clerks for the March 6 presidential Big Brother, corporator and supporter. LEICESTER — Leicester Democrats will participate. primary. hold a caucus to elect delegates to the The convention will be held Saturday,June Anyone who is unable to vote on March 6 is Leicester residents will Massachusetts Democratic Nominating 2 at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield. welcome to come to his or her town clerk’s Convention on Saturday, Feb. 11 at 10 a.m. at office, fill out an absentee ballot application soon pay to recycle TVs Hillcrest Country Club, 325 Pleasant St. All and vote at that time. registered Democrats of Leicester are eligi- AA, AL-ANON host “Or call the office,” said Leicester Town LEICESTER — Starting next month, ble to attend. Clerk Deborah Davis. “We can mail you an Leicester residents will for the first time have Leicester has been allocated two male, two Sober Dance Feb. 18 application, you fill it out, mail it back and to pay to dispose of televisions at the female and one either male or female dele- then we can mail you a ballot.” Leicester Recycling Center on Mannville gate, along with one male, one female and one NORTH BROOKFIELD — A SOBER Also, the last day to register to vote in the Street. either male or female alternate delegate. DANCE to benefit Alcoholics Anonymous March primary is Wednesday, Feb. 15. Most “Due to the increase in prices for recycling There are also add-on delegate opportunities and AL-ANON will be held from 7-10 p.m. town clerk’s offices will be open from 9 a.m. televisions there will be a cost for all who use available for qualified youth, minority and Saturday, Feb. 18 at the North Brookfield to 8 p.m. that day. the Recycling Center to recycle televisions,” disabled Democrats. Sportsmen’s Club, 20 Boynton Road. For more information, call the town clerk’s Recycling Coordinator Ruth Kaminski wrote The convention will be held on June 2 at Dance the night away with DJ Norm, and office in Leicester at (508) 892-7011, Spencer at in a Jan. 21 notice. “Non-resident partici- the MassMutual Center in Springfield. enjoy karaoke and free refreshments. All are (508) 885-7500, ext. 150, Brookfield at (508) 867- pants have always paid for this service. For more information, contact Democratic welcome to this non-alcoholic event. 2930, ext. 12, North Brookfield at (508) 867- Beginning March 1 residents will also have to Town Committee Chairman Doug Belanger 0203, West Brookfield pay for recycling televisions.” at (508) 892-8010 or dbelanger@ufcwlo- at (508) 867-1421, ext. The cost will be $10 for smaller televisions, cal1445.org. 302, East Brookfield at $20 for large and console televisions and $25 (508) 867-6769, ext. 301 for projection televisions. There will still be Good Samaritans help woman out or Warren at (413) 436- no charge for Leicester residents to recycle 5701, ext. 3. other electronics, such as computers and monitors. of flipped vehicle SPENCER — A state trooper and two passersby teamed up to pull a woman from her flipped-over vehicle along Route 31 in Spencer Thursday, Jan. 26. At about 7 a.m. Trooper Dylan Morris was driving to the Holden State Police barracks from a paid detail when he encountered a traffic jam on North Spencer Road (Route 31). After waiting a few minutes, Morris drove up to investigate the reason for the stopped traf- The Spencer New Leader is proud to salute the men fic and found a single-car crash in the middle and women of our armed forces by featuring one each of the road. A Chevy Blazer had lost control, week in the paper. If you would like us to feature some- crashed into a pole and rolled over onto its passenger side. one you know, all you need to do is submit a photo (by Morris discovered the operator of the car, a mail or email) and a brief description of his/her 58-year-old woman from Millbury, was pinned between the SUV and the ground. service to our Country (active duty, reserves, or Veteran) There was a man, Steven Turner of Paxton, to [email protected] or mail to June and an unidentified woman standing outside the SUV attempting to help the victim of the Simakauskas, 25 Elm Street, Southbridge, MA 01550. crash, who was still conscious. Morris quick- Deadline for submission for the next issue is Wednesday ly told the two to grab the tire jacks from 5 pm. If you have any questions, please call June at their vehicles as he went back to his cruiser 28 Trolley Crossing Rd., Charlton, MA 508.248.4346 x107 to retrieve his. Morris and Turner were able 508-909-4062. 111 E. Brimfield Rd., Holland, MA 413.245.3712 to lift the vehicle off the pinned woman using God bless and protect our troops. 265 Grafton St., Worcester, MA 508.792.1030 the car jacks while the woman assisted with 29 Summer St., Lunenburg, MA 976.343.3202 directing traffic and helped remove her from underneath the car. Spencer Fire and EMS responded and transported the woman from Millbury to UMass Medical Center in Worcester with serious injuries. A STONEBRIDGE PRESS STAFF DIRECTORY HOW TO USE PUBLICATION PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER FRANK G. CHILINSKI (508) 909-4101 [email protected] ALMANAC CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER RON TREMBLAY (508) 909-4102 [email protected] QUOTATION OF OPERATIONS DIRECTOR TO PLACE A RETAIL AD: TO SUBMIT CALENDAR STAFF DIRECTORY JIM DINICOLA THE WEEK ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE OR OUR TOWNS ITEMS: (508) 909-4092 JUNE SIMAKAUSKAS E-MAIL: SENIOR STAFF WRITER (508) 909-4062 [email protected] MANAGING EDITOR DAVID DORE newleaderads@ ADAM MINOR “It’s something I stonebridgepress.com TO SUBMIT A (508) 909-4140 (508) 909-4130 LETTER TO THE EDITOR [email protected] [email protected] TO PRINT AN OR SOUND OFF: need to discuss with ADVERTISING MANAGER OBITUARY: E-MAIL: SPORTS EDITOR JEAN ASHTON E-MAIL: [email protected] my wife, have some NICK ETHIER (508) 909-4104 [email protected] [email protected] TO PLACE A (508) 909-4133 serious discussions SUBSCRIPTION CLASSIFIED AD: [email protected] PRODUCTION MANAGER SERVICES: CLASSIFIED REPRESENTATIVE JULIE CLARKE (508) 909-4105 about that, as well KERRI PETERSON TARA KING ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE [email protected] (508) 909-4103 (800) 536-5836 JUNE SIMAKAUSKAS as the other guys on [email protected] The Spencer New Leader (USPS#024- TO FAX US: (508) 909-4062 (508) 764-8015 [email protected] 927) is published weekly by Stonebridge the board.” Press, Inc., 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550. Periodical Postage paid at - Spencer Selectman and State Rep. Peter Durant, GOT A NEWS TIP, AND IT’S AFTER 5 P.M. OR A WEEKEND? Southbridge, MA 01550. POSTMASTER: Send address commenting on his upcoming decision on whether or CALL A REPORTER’S LINE, OR SIMPLY DIAL (800) 367-9898 AND LEAVE A MESSAGE. changes to Spencer New Leader, P.O. Box not to run again for a selectman seat. 90, Southbridge, MA 01550 Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 3

Leicester resident takes part in history ACCCCUURRAACCYY WATCH The Spencer New Leader is committed to accuracy in all its news reports. Although numerous safeguards are in place to ensure GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALES accurate reporting, mistakes can occur. BEGIN WITH NEW OFFERING Confirmed fact errors will be corrected at the top right hand corner of page 3 in a A new cookie has arrived in celebration of the 100th timely manner. anniversary of the Girl Scouts of America: Savannah If you find a mistake, call (508) 909- Smiles. 4140 during normal business hours. During Girl Scouts founder Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low non-business hours, leave a message in the often enjoyed a cup of tea in her hometown of editor’s voice mailbox. The editor will Savannah, Ga., and longtime Girl Scout Katie McCarty of Leicester explained that this lemon cookie tastes return your phone call. great coupled with tea. McCarty is storing about 700-800 cases, as she is a “Cookie Cupboard.” Cookies are now being sold throughout the area. Tri-Valley to provide winter meals The Girl Scouts of America has proclaimed 2012 “The Year of the Girl,” and has many celebrations and com- for area seniors memorative events planned. Under the 100th Anniversary Take Action Project young girls and REGION — For the 17th year, Tri-Valley is women are undergoing extensive environmental educa- reaching out to help the neediest and most tion within their communities. frail seniors through its winter food project. According to the Girl Scouts online message board, Non-perishable meals are packaged and Courtesy photos girl scouting “builds girls of courage, confidence and delivered to elder clients identified with a Katie McCarty of Leicester recently traveled to Southern California to work on a float for the character who make the world a better place.” They are serious need. The gift of food can make the Tournament of Roses Parade marking the 100th birthday of the Girl Scouts. focusing on helping to make the world a better place difference between health and illness, espe- during 2012, and are offering environmental projects cially during the winter when energy costs lasting three to six months to the girls and women are high and other necessities like prescrip- BY M. CATHERINE BYSZEK involved in the organization. tions, rent and utilities must still be paid. NEW LEADER CORRESPONDENT The first project is the “Reduce Plastic Waste” initia- This year, there was a 45% increase in need LEICESTER — Aromatically and tive, in which Girl Scouts will be promoting the use of over last season and Tri-Valley staff respond- visually appealing, the Girl Scouts Pot reusable shopping bags as well as reusable water bot- ed by packaging over 13,000 non-perishable of Gold 100th Anniversary float dis- tles. Their website lists staggering numbers for the con- meals for delivery to frail elderly clients. played an array of colors, flowers care- sumption of disposable plastic products with 22 billion Elder clients identified with serious needs fully arranged, strategically placed to plastic water bottles and 100 billion plastic shopping will receive enough food for the entire month match the vision that came to fruition bags used annually in the United States. of January and then some. Since the project’s thanks to the volunteer’s diligent and The next environmental project is simply called inception, it is estimated that over 130,500 passionate efforts. “Plant Rain Gardens.” Girl Scouts nationwide will be meals have been provided. The project’s suc- In Pasadena, Calif., the Tournament planting rain gardens with native plants to increase cess relies on the generous support from area of Roses Parade boasts some of the “Everyone I met I told and passed “green space” wildlife habitat and prevent pollutants businesses and individuals. Every dollar most unique floats and this year wel- out business cards so they could go from leaking into streams. donated helps procure food through cooperat- comed the addition of the Girl Scout online, pay their $5 with someone’s The final environmental project is the “Save ing grocery stores. float. name … so this side of the country Energy/Join Earth Hour” project, in which scouts will For the fourth year, the project is enhanced The float was a creative concoction also helped to raise money for the be replacing incandescent light bulbs with Energy Star- with the addition of an Emergency Pet Food and even won the Past President’s float,” McCarty said. qualified or other energy efficient bulbs. This project Fund. The fund was started by a handful of Trophy award. Leicester resident When asked about her fondest scout- also includes partaking in the world wide “lights out” Tri-Valley employees and their individual Katie McCarty helped to make the float ing memories, Katie McCarty reflected on March 31 from 8:30-9:30 p.m. and will be taking place donations. Many people will often feed their for this organization that has so posi- upon a time decades ago when scout- in more than 135 countries. pet before themselves so the goal is to allevi- tively affected her entire life. ing helped her to assist an older Low envisioned Girls Scouts as “the magic thread” to ate some stress this holiday season by pro- McCarty has been a member of the woman whose memory had escaped help connect girls. There are more than 880,000 volun- viding a week’s worth of food. Girl Scouts for more than 55 years and her. By taking a stroll alongside the teers and 2.3 million girls aged 5-18. This organization Donations may be made by checks payable had what she felt to be a once in a life- water at Camp Green Eyrie in Harvard also remains the largest “girl serving” organization in to Tri-Valley, Inc., and mailed to Tri-Valley – time opportunity. McCarty traveled to during the 85th anniversary celebra- America today, making the magic thread that Low Emergency Food Project or Emergency Pet California, where she volunteered to tion, McCarty helped the woman as spoke of an intricate web connecting Katie McCarty Food Fund, 10 Mill St., Dudley, MA 01571. assist with creating the phenomenal she rested on her cane and finally and millions of others focused on making the world a Tri-Valley, Inc. is a private, non-profit float. exclaimed after some time, “I remem- better place. agency providing in-home and community “The Tournament of Roses was ber it all now.” based services in 25 towns located in south absolutely wonderful,” she raved. “I “I’ve enjoyed everything at camp central Massachusetts. The agency receives used to watch the parade on TV with from the youngest campers to the peo- funding from the Commonwealth of my dad and I don’t think I ever missed ple who have spent so many years Massachusetts through the Executive Office one — I always wanted to go to the more than I at the camps that I have of Elder Affairs and from the Federal gov- parade.” been at,” McCarty said. “The memo- ernment, under the Older American’s Act, Several years ago, when a good ries and the experiences certainly out- processed through the Central Mass Agency friend told McCarty that she had never weigh anything else that I can possibly on Aging. been to the Tournament of Roses imagine.” For information about this project or serv- Parade, despite living just 15 minutes A retired teacher, McCarty ices for seniors, call Tri-Valley’s free HELP- away, they made a decision. That year remarked, “I don’t know where I LINE at 1-800-286-6640. they would go to the parade and were would be in my life if I had not had the able to see the Boy Scouts’ 100th experiences that I had in Girl Scouts.” anniversary float. McCarty realized She credits her summers at camp as BOUQUET OF then that when it came time for the a counselor for her chosen profession. Girl Scouts’ 100th anniversary she “I had experience with some Down THE WEEK wanted to be a part of the float process. Syndrome children; I spent time with She explained it was an honor to work them and enjoyed myself,” she said. “It Richard “Dick” Fiske alongside Girl Scouts from the Los wasn’t hard work it was something Sr., of the Heart to Heart Angeles area and other volunteers. that I really enjoyed.” After those Foundation, to show our According to McCarty, floats in the experiences, McCarty went on to appreciation for all of parade can cost between $100,000 and spend 34 years as a special education his efforts. $300,000. The Girl Scouts came up with teacher in the Worcester Public a creative way to raise money by ask- Schools. ing people to take a virtual ride. “I went into teaching because of Girl The Spencer New Leader thanks the Spencer Flower McCarty explained that they could Scouting … To this day I still think of Shoppe, Main Street, Spencer, for supplying the flowers. honor or memorialize someone the young girl that I had interaction through a $5 donation toward a flower. with as a teenager,” That person, or the person that they she said. ~TYPO ALERT ~ chose to memorialize, would have his or her name attached to a flower on the Please cut out the ad below and replace the Grace Counseling float and take a ride down Colorado Boulevard. Center ad on page 139 in the 2012 Spencer, Leicester, and The Brookfields Telephone Directory with this revised ad. There is an error in one of the phone numbers in the ad that went to press. We sincerely apologize for the error and we are very sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.

Paula Pierce Licensed Mental Health Clinician GRACE COUNSELING CENTER Individual, Family, & Adolescent Therapy 240 Main Street Spencer, MA 01562 508.873.0499 • 508.885.7685 Services in Office, Home or School [email protected] Substance Abuse, Mood, Behavior Problems

Spencer Veterinary Hospital 401 Main Street • Spencer, MA • 508.885.4848 Dr. Jennifer Fagerquist & Dr. Annie Custer NEW PATIENTS WELCOME Your Local Roll-Off Specialist Visit www.spencervet.com Homeowner Special SERVICES PROVIDED: $ Weekend Rental 245 Wellness Exams 10 Yd. Container • 1 ton Surgery Roll Off Containers Radiology/X-Rays Celebrating Weekend Dumpsters Dental Services 5 Years for the Homeowner Pharmacy Houses • Attics • Cellars Sick Pet Exams 10-15-20 Yd. Construction Sites Diagnostic Laboratory Services 426 Worcester Rd. Helping you go from facts to decisions 508-892-4193 • 508-769-6603 Charlton, MA 01507-1506 Hours of Operation: Leicester, MA 508-248-1040 Fax: 508-248-3927 Monday 8-5 Tuesday 8-5 Wednesday 2-8 www.pedcocpa.com Thursday 8-8 Friday 8-5 Alternate Saturdays 8-12 Fully Insured 4 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 Cause of West Brookfield fire ‘undetermined’ BY DAVID DORE “involved in fire” and could not be used until NEW LEADER STAFF WRITER the flames outside were extinguished. WEST BROOKFIELD — The cause of a fire “It was an uphill battle right from the begin- at a Lake Shore Drive dwelling that killed ning,” he said. three dogs and a cat is “undetermined,” Fire The blaze caused not only three dogs and a Chief Paul Lupacchino said last week. cat inside the house to perish, he said, but also The Jan. 14 blaze at 104 Lake Shore Drive windows to break and siding to melt on one of occurred during a benefit at the West the houses next door. Brookfield Senior Center for the family of a Crews from Warren, Brookfield and North member of the West Brookfield Rescue Squad. Brookfield responded to the call, along with The home was owned by Peggy Walker, anoth- the West Brookfield Rescue Squad. er rescue squad member and a recently Lupacchino said they “did an outstanding job retired assessor, and her husband, Jeffrey. in assistance with the Fire Department.” They stayed with family members following While West Brookfield firefighters fought the fire. the blaze, Lupacchino said, their friends and “It was an amazing weekend for me as chief, other people stepped up to run the benefit. overwhelming,” Lupacchino said. “ ... It was Although the official cause of the fire could devastating to have what happened to one of not be determined, he said, it might have been our people.” sparked by an imitation “year-round decora- Firefighters and emergency medical techni- tive tree” on the roof-covered deck that was cians were at the Senior Center for the benefit strung with electric lights. when the call came in around 4:20 p.m. The Lupacchino said there was smoke and heat fire started on the outside of the house, damage throughout the house. As of according to Lupacchino, but with the winds Thursday,Jan. 26 the Walkers were waiting to whipping that day it soon moved inside. hear from their insurance company if their As firefighters waited for equipment to home was a total loss, he said. According to arrive, he said, “the fire itself had breached Worcester Registry of Deeds records, the the wall and gone up in the wall of the balloon Walkers bought it in April 2004. David Dore photo construction of the building.” The cause of a fire last month at 104 Lake Shore Drive in West Brookfield could not be determined, accord- Lupacchino said both entrances to the David Dore may be reached at (508) 909-4140, ing to Fire Chief Paul Lupacchino. house, which were about 3 feet apart, were or by e-mail at [email protected].

ment, the property is now just one Johnson, president of Mass If the campaign is successful, most Burncoat Pond Wildlife Sanctuary.A Groups kick off Sibley step away from permanent conserva- Audubon, New England’s largest of the property will be owned and new parking lot and trails for visitors tion and enjoyment by the public. conservation organization. “Farm managed by the Greater Worcester will be created to provide access to Farm fundraising efforts In December, the town of Spencer fields, upland forests, streams, ponds Land Trust. both properties. voted to invest $700,000 in the proper- and marshes — this land has every- Colin Novick, executive director of The land will be open for a variety SPENCER — Three conservation ty’s protection. The Massachusetts thing. To have the opportunity to pro- the nonprofit organization that pro- of public uses, including hiking, organizations have announced the Agricultural Preservation tect a property of this size and char- tects conservation land in the greater nature study, hunting and fishing. launch of a $650,000 fundraising cam- Restriction Program, which buys acter for this price is a bargain, and Worcester area, added, “The Sibley Two long-distance trails cross the paign to complete the purchase and development rights on farmland, we’re all hoping it’s an opportunity and Warner Farms, and protecting property: the Mid-State Trail, a foot- protection of the 352-acre Sibley and committed $350,000. Just before we can seize.” them forever, are simply too impor- path extending from Rhode Island to Warner farms in Spencer. Christmas, the state awarded a $1.21 “The Sibley and Warner farms are tant for us as a community to let slip New Hampshire, and the main loop The Central Massachusetts gem million Landscape Partnership identified in Spencer’s Open Space by. These forests and fields are not trail of the Snowbirds Snowmobile has been the focus of a sustained grant to the project. and Recreation Plan as the highest just critical locally or even regional- Club. Other trails will provide access effort involving the local Common The $2.26 million in commitments priority Heritage Landscape proper- ly, but they are of statewide impor- for hikers and horseback riders. The Ground Land Trust, the Greater leaves supporters just $650,000 short ty needing preservation,” noted tance. This project is ‘all hands on farm fields will be leased to a local Worcester Land Trust and the of the $2.91 million needed to acquire Ginny Scarlet, treasurer of Common deck’ and we need individuals, busi- farmer who has been haying them Massachusetts Audubon Society, as and protect the property. The group Ground Land Trust. “This opportu- nesses, and organizations to step for- for many years. well as the Town of Spencer and sev- has until May 1 to raise the funds; its nity is not one to pass up and, thanks ward to ensure that we do not miss The groups are seeking donations eral state agencies and grant pro- option to purchase the property to the partnership, we have a real this once in a lifetime opportunity.” from individuals, businesses and grams. Once threatened by develop- expires in June. chance at success. For land like this The remainder of the property, charitable foundations. For more ment plans that included a shopping “This is a fabulous property and a and for the good of the community, approximately 25 acres, will be added information or to make a donation, center and 300-unit condo develop- terrific opportunity,” said Laura you can’t not go for it!” to Mass Audubon’s adjacent go to www.sibleyfarm.org. LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDERS

ALL ABOUT HORSES AUTO PARTS CARPENTRY HOME HEATING 40 acres! Over 3,000 cars! Ca Free Nationwide ssic rpen la try Parts Locator Service C A step above the rest Equestrian Center Used & New Auto Parts • 91 Day Warranty No Job too big or small Deposits conveniently taken over the phone. Custom Finish Work Saddle, Bridles, Accessories • Foreign & Domestic Additions English and Western • Early & Late Model • Engines • Transmissions Remodeling Boarding & Lessons • New Radiators • Gas Tanks Trust us Designer Kitchens & Baths Bagged Shavings $4.75 • Wheels • Tires • Balancers to do it once - • Exhaust Manifolds • Window Motors and do it right! Free Estimates Fully Insured New York Hay 40# Bales Amherst-Oakham David Weeks - Master Carpenter Big Square Bales 3’x3’x8’ AUTO RECYCLING Toll Free: 800-992-0441 • Worc #. 508-799-9969 978-771-2293 West Brookfield • 508.867.2508 Off Rte 122 • 358 Coldbrook Rd., Oakham, MA 01068 [email protected] www.amherstoakhamauto.com www.rockvalleyfarmandtack.com **WE PAY $$$ FOR JUNK CARS** CSL# 104546 HIC#167282 OIL BURNER SERVICE OIL BURNER SERVICE PLUMBING & HEATING SEPTIC SYSTEMS OIL HEAT? R. Barnes & Sons T.A. HUBACZ $$ SAVE ON SERVICE $$ Oil Burner Service Installations, Cleaning & Repair • 24-Hour Service Sanitation CLEAN EQUIPMENT SAVES MONEY! Don’t get blown away by - Call Us For Rates - everyone else’s high prices… • Cesspool Pumping SALES • INSTALLATION PLUMBING & HEATING • Title V Certification CLEANING • REPAIRS Maximize efficiency with a Cleaning • Portable Toilet Rentals Flexible .00 Scheduling 24 Hour Emergency Service SPECIAL $55 Available! 20 Years Experience For first time customers! • Reasonable rates Cell 508-414-1200 TOM HUBACZ • 508-867-7753 WEST BROOKFIELD 508•885•0690 508-867-3063 219 New Braintree Rd. HEATING P.O. Box 153 • Spencer, MA 01562 508-867-8993 West Brookfield, MA 01585 Over 10 Years Experience email: [email protected] Over 30 Years Experience • Licensed & Insured Chris Merrill 508.864.2148 MPL#13716 Licensed & Fully Insured TREE SERVICE Looking for a Young’s ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY AND REACH OVER 15,250 HOMES IN SPENCER, Professional? Tree Service LEICESTER, AND THE BROOKFIELDS. “Specializing Ad deadline for the Local Service Providers Directory In Dangerous Trees” Over 25 years experience is Friday, 2 pm. Check out our John H. Young, Jr Fully Insured 508.885.TREE Directory! Free Estimates 1.800.660.5358 To Advertise on this page call June at 508-909-4062 or email [email protected] Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 5 REAS offers a ‘Taste of the Towns’ at popular fundraiser

CHARLTON — Last weekend’s Taste of the Towns proved to be a hit among foodies, as more than 350 people came to the sold-out fundraiser to benefit the REAS Foundation’s Charlton Chapter. The REAS Foundation gives seniors in town financial assistance for the heating and cooling costs. The Taste of the Towns, in which dozens of local eateries donat- ed dishes and drinks, has been the organization’s biggest fundraiser for four years now.

Members of the REAS Foundation Charlton Chapter’s Board of Directors pictured.

Ronnie’s Seafood was celebrating their 40th year in business in town. Staffers Seth and Myles Lemanski and Keith Johnson dished out hot chowder at the Taste of the Towns.

State Rep. Peter Durant and wife Lisa made the President of Country Bank Paul Skully chatted with rounds. State Sen. Stephen Brewer at the event.

Charlton Senior Center Director Elaine Kingston drew a name for one of various donated door prizes. Police Chief James Pervier’s special guest was his 7-month-old grandson, Landon Kaiser. Ad Libs by June

If you’re planning a party or looking for a party on Super Bowl Sunday, look no further than our Dining Guide this week. There are plenty of ideas to party out locally or celebrate at home. You’ll also find ideas on these pages for dining and gifts for Valentine’s Day. Support your local businesses for these two special occasions. If you’d like to advertise your gift ideas or dining for Valentine’s Day, please contact me by Friday noon to get into the February 10th issue. Above, Twisted fork chef Jay Powell and pastry chef Pam Bastille The February 10 and February 17 issues are great served up some gourmet grub. Right, Overlook Catering pleased the weeks to advertise for Presidents’ Day Weekend! crowd. Historically it’s a big auto sales weekend, but it’s Pet of the Week also a great weekend to offer a special sale. Enroll early & $ave Deadline for advertising for each week is the Sponsored by Cormier Jewelers Friday prior at noontime. TAX Name: Susan Massage Therapy & There’s a new consignment store coming to Breed: Lab/Mix Cherry Valley, and they are seeking vendors. The Sex: Spayed Female Reflexology School store is small but adorable! They are looking to TIME sell local talented peoples’ products like hand- Size: Large (The only State licensed school made lace items, hand knitting, quilted bags and Age: 3 yrs 8 mos COMPARE OUR RATES TO THE NATIONAL CHAINS! teaching FULL body reflexology) some vintage toys, some clothing, and jewlery. I am just filled with energy. I get so excited to see people and I Their goal is to mix the new with nice old and • Tax Return Preparation – want to get out there and run and play and have lots of fun. I def- used things. The name of the store is The Valley AM & PM classes Consignment Boutique and they will be located Personal, Corporate, Partnership, initely will need to be with a family who is very active. I am doing pretty well with my behavior on my leash walks. I have been good at 119 Main Street, Cherry Valley. If your consid- Estates and Trusts, Non-Profit • Free e-file around the other dogs at the shelter. I get very excited to see ering consigning some of your handmade or nice • Back Taxes & Audits • IRS & DOR Representation them and just want to run and play with them. So if you are look- vintage items, give Margo at call at 413-246- • Multiple States • Prior Year Returns ing for the typical, high energy, beautiful, very intelligent Black 3872. Lab/Retriever... I am definitely your girl. We have CATS for adoption too! Spring into Summer 15 for 15 is a new program Licensed IRS Tax Professionals scheduled to begin the first week of April. If you Second Chance Animal Shelter Inc. receive my weekly email blasts, I’ll be sending East Brookfield, MA• (508) 867-5525 details shortly. This program will be limited to 15 Call Now - MICHAEL D. CONRAD www.secondchanceanimals.org IRS Enrolled Agent businesses and run for 15 weeks. Call or email 10% OFF Any 645 Chandler St., 2ND Floor Jewelry As Unique As You Are me and I’ll be happy to provide details...you’ll be Worcester, MA 01602 glad you did! Tax Return for 508-754-2665 Buy 5 beads at New Clients www.strataccounting.com regular price and Thank you to the folks who have already sent in get 6th bead or their changes for the 2013 Telephone Directory! To advertise your tax services call We hope to have the 2012 book online very soon! Starter Bracelet Acusage Academy LIKE our Facebook page and I’ll keep you up-to- June at 508-909-4062 or email for FREE* date on the inaugural online placement of our Start a bracelet or add a bead 250 Main Street - Oxford MA 2012 Spencer, Leicester & The Brookfields [email protected] Telephone Directory! h for Valentine’s Day! h 508-987-0178 Have a great week!..... GO PATRIOTS!!!! * Up to $35 value. Stop in to Reflexology Jan-Apr June Simakauskas see our large selection of Massage Therapy Apr-Dec animal beads and charms. 508-909-4062 www.AcusageAcademy.com email: newleaderads @stonebridgepress.com For online classes go to 136 Main Street • Spencer • 508-885-3385 www.reflexologyonline.com LIKE us on FACEBOOK www.cormierspencer.com 6 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 CLASSROOM CORNER SCHOOL MENUS

fruit, milk. Tuesday, Feb. 7: Roasted chicken, baked Monday, Feb. 6: Salisbury steak and gravy, LEICESTER sweet potato, peas, cranberry sauce, wheat NORTH BROOKFIELD seasoned rice, green beans, roll and butter, roll, frosted brownie, milk. fresh fruit or vegetable burger on a bun, HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday, Feb. 8: Tacos, lettuce, tomato, HIGH SCHOOL baked chips, vegetable sticks, fruit, dessert. cheese, corn, pears, milk. Tuesday, Feb. 7: Beef tacos (lettuce, sour Monday, Feb. 6: Macaroni and cheese, Thursday, Feb. 9: Macaroni and cheese, Monday, Feb. 6: Cheeseburger on a roll cream, salsa sauce, grated cheese), corn, choice of meatballs, glazed carrots, bread- choice of ham, broccoli trees, dinner roll, served with pickles or hot dog on a roll, baked French fries, fruit or grilled cheese stick, mixed fruit, milk. jell-o and cream, milk. school baked beans, assorted fruit, milk or sandwich, coleslaw, baked French fries, fruit. Tuesday, Feb. 7: Roasted chicken, baked Friday, Feb. 10: Pizza cheese bread, dipping grab & go salads or triple decker PBJ. Wednesday, Feb. 8: Shepherd’s pie (beef, potato, toppings, steamed broccoli, cranberry sauce, tossed salad, peaches, milk. Tuesday,Feb. 7: Turkey wrap, bag of potato corn, potato) with brown gravy, roll and but- sauce, dinner roll, Jell-O and cream, milk. Alternate: Chicken patty. chips, assorted fruit, milk or triple decker ter, fruit or peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Wednesday, Feb. 8: Chicken Caesar salad, PBM or grab & go salads. bag of pretzels, vegetables sticks, fruit, breadstick, frosted brownie, milk. Wednesday, Feb. 8: Chicken patty on a roll, dessert. Thursday, Feb. 9: Shepherd’s pie, tossed rice pilaf, peas, assorted fruit, milk or triple Thursday, Feb. 9: Doubled cheeseburger on salad, wheat roll, fresh fruit, milk. TANTASQUA decker PBM or grab & go salads. a bun (onions, pickles, ketchup), baked Friday, Feb. 10: Papa Gino’s pizza, Italian Thursday,Feb. 9: Top hat (hamburger, corn, French fries, coleslaw, baked beans or grilled green beans, applesauce, milk. potato), assorted fruit, milk or grab & go sal- cheese sandwich, French fries, coleslaw, REGIONAL JR/SR HS ads or triple decker PBM, chocolate cake. baked beans, fruit. Friday, Feb. 10: School made pizza, salad Monday, Feb. 6: Sloppy Joe sandwich, pota- Friday, Feb. 10: Baked fish and cheese on a with dressing, hash brown, assorted fruit, to puffs, cucumber salad, soup du jour, bun, baked tots, cup of vegetable soup, crack- milk or triple decker PBJ or grab & go salads. LEICESTER chilled peaches, milk. ers, fresh fruit or grilled cheese sandwich, Tuesday, Feb. 7: Chicken quesadilla, soup, baked tots, fruit. MIDDLE SCHOOL Spanish rice, Mexican corn, soup du jour, chilled pears, milk. Monday, Feb. 6: Macaroni and cheese, Wednesday, Feb. 8: Pasta with choice of NORTH BROOKFIELD choice of meatballs, glazed carrots, bread- sauce, garlic bread, Caesar salad, Italian TRI-VALLEY stick, mixed fruit, milk. green beans, soup du jour, fresh fruit, milk. ELEMENTARY Tuesday, Feb. 7: Roasted chicken, baked Monday, Feb. 6: Chicken Cacciatore with Thursday, Feb. 9: Chicken pot pie with bis- sauce, winter blend vegetables, bread, butter- potato, toppings, steamed broccoli, cranberry cuit topping, mashed sweet potatoes, broccoli Monday, Feb. 6: Hot dog on a roll, bag of sauce, dinner roll, Jell-O and cream, milk. potato chips, school baked beans, assorted scotch pudding, sugar free pudding. salad, soup du jour, chilled mixed fruit, milk. Tuesday, Feb. 7: Potato crunch fish, rice Wednesday, Feb. 8: Chicken Caesar salad, Friday, Feb. 10: Hot ham and cheese sand- fruit, buttered carrots, milk or munchie gold- breadstick, frosted brownie, milk. fish lunch. pilaf, mixed vegetables, pumpernickel bread, wich, pasta salad, three bean salad, soup du fresh orange. Thursday, Feb. 9: Shepherd’s pie, tossed jour, brownies, milk. Tuesday,Feb. 7: Chicken patty on a roll, fla- salad, wheat roll, fresh fruit, milk. vored rice, sweet peas, assorted fruit, milk or Wednesday, Feb. 8: Chicken rice soup, Alternate Meals: Monday-Grilled Chicken Swedish meatballs, egg noodles, green beans, Friday, Feb. 10: Pizza cheese bread, dipping Sandwich. Tuesday–Variety Pizza. munchie cereal lunch. sauce, Italian green beans, applesauce, milk. Wednesday, Feb. 8: Nacho and cheese, meat whole wheat bread, pineapple. Wednesday- Chicken Patty Sandwich. Thursday, Feb. 9: Hot dog and bun, baked Thursday – Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers. topping, green beans, salsa/sour cream, assorted fruit, milk or munchie PBJ lunch. beans, coleslaw, baked apples. Friday – Chicken Nuggets. Look for our daily Friday, Feb. 10: Sweet/sour chicken, specialty salad meals. Thursday, Feb. 9: Build your own ham LEICESTER grinder bar, bag of pretzels, assorted fruit, steamed white rice, broccoli, oatmeal bread, milk or munchie soft pretzel lunch, chocolate peaches. MEMORIAL cake. BROOKFIELD Friday, Feb. 10: School made whole wheat Monday, Feb. 6: Cheese omelet on a bagel, pizza, tossed salad, assorted fruit, milk or hash brown, juice, fruit, milk or ham and munchie blueberry muffin. NORTH BROOKFIELD cheese. ELEMENTARY Tuesday, Feb. 7: Macaroni and cheese, SENIOR CENTER choice of meatballs, steamed broccoli, bread- SCHOOL stick, mixed fruit, milk or chicken patty. BAY PATH Please note that Tri-Valley provides meals Monday, Feb. 6: BBQ pork sandwich, at the NBSC on Mondays and Thursdays. On Wednesday, Feb. 8: Tacos, lettuce, tomato BREAKFAST creamy tomato and cheddar soup, crackers, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the NBSC pro- and cheese, corn, jell-o and cream milk or Monday, Feb. 6: Bagel with cream cheese, 4 applesauce or alternate entrée. vides home-cooked meals from their own hamburger. oz cup of yogurt, fresh fruit, bowl of cereal, Tuesday, Feb. 7: All beef hot dog, side of kitchen. Thursday, Feb. 9: Roasted chicken, baked orange or apple juice. macaroni and cheese, baked beans, oatmeal Monday, Feb. 6: (Tri-Valley Reservations sweet potato, fresh green beans, dinner roll, Tuesday,Feb. 7: Scrambled eggs and bacon, cookie, pears or alternate entrée or chef ’s required by noon, Thurs. Feb. 2) Chicken cranberry sauce, gingerbread and cream, whole wheat toast, jelly, fresh fruit, 4 oz cup salad. Cacciatore with penne, winter-blend vegeta- milk or sandwich choice. of yogurt, orange or apple juice. Wednesday, Feb. 8: Shepherd’s pie, garden bles, rye bread and butterscotch pudding Friday, Feb. 10: Pizza cheese bread, dipping Wednesday, Feb. 8: Yogurt parfait (straw- tossed salad, whole-wheat dinner roll, seed- (sugar free). sauce, tossed salad, pears, milk or grilled berries and blueberries, granola), whole less grapes or alternate entrée. Tuesday, Feb. 7: Glenn’s Chicken with cheese. wheat toast, jelly, orange or apple juice. Thursday, Feb. 9: Chicken tender ranch mushroom sauce, rice pilaf, vegetables, Thursday, Feb. 9: (2) Blueberry pancakes, wrap, lettuce cup, potato wedges, soup of the salad, rolls and dessert. syrup, 4 oz cup of yogurt, orange or apple day, strawberry cups or alternate entrée or Wednesday,Feb. 8: Pattie’s marvelous meat- juice or (1) pancake, yogurt, bowl or cereal, chef ’s salad. loaf with mashed potatoes and gravy, vegeta- LEICESTER PRIMARY fresh fruit. Friday, Feb. 10: Tacos on hard or soft shell, bles, salad, rolls and dessert. Friday, Feb. 10: Toasted English muffin, with toppings, seasoned rice, corn, assorted Thursday, Feb. 9: (Tri-Valley Reservations jelly, bowl of cereal, 4 oz cup of yogurt, SCHOOL fruit or alternate entrée. required by noon, Tues. Feb. 7) Hot dog on a orange or apple juice. bun with baked beans, coleslaw and a choco- Monday, Feb. 6: Stuffed shells with sauce, LUNCH cheese, green beans, garlic bread, mixed late chip cookie.

THE WRITE STUFF Celebrating 10 years in the Spencer New Leader! Essays and Poems written by student authors from Spencer, Leicester, and The Brookfields open to Grades 5-12 & home schooled students Deadline Feb. 13 - Pub date Feb. 24 Suggested Topics for February: 1. If the Presidential Election were held today, whom would you vote for and why? (can be anyone, a politician, your superhero, parent, grandparent, someone you admire, etc.) 2. February is American Heart Month. What are you doing to keep your heart healthy? 3. Or topic of your choice. We reserve the right to not publish essays for inappropriate content or to hold for a future publication. Early submisssions are greatly appreciated. HOW TO SUBMIT? • May be mailed or dropped off to: June Simakauskas, Spencer New Leader, 25 Elm Street, P. O. Box 90, Southbridge, MA 01550 • EMAILED TO [email protected] (preferred) • FAXED TO: 508-765-0233 • Teachers, if this is a class project and the essays are collected by Thursday prior to deadline, I may be able to pick them up… please contact me at 508-909-4062 or on my cell at 508-208-8644 Calling all businesses: If you would like to be a sponsor on this educational page, please call or email June for details. Deadline for advertising is Wednesday, February 15th for the February 24th issue of The Write Stuff.

TheHeartOfMassachusetts.com Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 7 Anti-bullying message spreads across Bay State


BY DAVID DORE We have a protocol that we fol- NEW LEADER STAFF WRITER low. As long as a student WARREN — Thanks to legislation comes to tell us it’s happen- signed by Gov. Deval Patrick in 2010, ing, we follow up. ... Here, the fourth Wednesday in January has honestly, a lot of it is verbal been declared “No Name Calling and cyber [bullying] on the Day.” social media and texting. It’s On Wednesday, Jan. 25 schools personal.” across Massachusetts, including in Every incident reported at the Quaboag Regional School District the school is first investigated and North Brookfield, urged students as bullying. After a certain to wear black and sign a banner number of reports, the case of David Dore photos pledging to “Black Out Bullying.” a student accused of bullying From left, juniors Emily Rock, Alysha Hutchinson and Kelli Wilcox hold At Quaboag Regional Middle/High David Dore photo is given to the assistant prin- the YUDA Bands they hoped to sell in the Quaboag Regional Middle School, according to Student Council cipal for possible discipline. School cafeteria Friday, Jan. 27. Emily and Alysha are Student Council Quaboag Regional High School junior Josh Butler, member Haley Fountain, there were “We’re there to help you,” members. also conversations about bullying left, and freshman Kayla Hatch hold the banner they Paschenko said. “The guid- and literature available to students and other students signed Wednesday, Jan. 25 to ance office isn’t there to pun- on what it is, what they should do if pledge they would “Black Out Bullying.” ish you.” they see someone doing it or are person.” Part of teaching teenagers being bullied themselves, and “the • “Purposely excluding or ostraciz- about bullying is ways to end it. Out Quaboag bands together difference between bullying, harass- ing someone.” is the schoolyard fight between a tor- ment and stuff like that.” • “Spreading rumors or gossiping.” mentor and his victim; in is telling “I definitely think it went better • “Using words or actions to intimi- someone the victim trusts. than planned,” said Haley, whose date someone.” “We try to discourage all of it for bracelet fundraiser group coordinated No Name Calling • “Teasing another person about [forms of bullying] by explaining Day at the high school. “A lot of kids his or her body, intelligence, race, what bullying is,” Paschenko said. BY DAVID DORE being sponsored through wore black. A lot of kids signed the religion, sexual orientation or any “Find an adult you’re comfortable NEW LEADER STAFF WRITER Humanity Corps. banner, and they got their friends to other characteristic that upsets that talking to because once it’s off their WARREN — The Quaboag Nicolas and Diana will get sign the banner, so there’s a lot of sig- person.” shoulders they can relax a little bit Regional Middle/High School scholarships through the natures.” • “Insulting others or name-call- knowing that it’s going to be investi- Freshman Kayla Hatch said she gated. Even if it’s a friend they trust Student Council is selling YUDA Bands Scholarship ing.” unique wrist bands to help a Program, according to the signed the banner “because bullying • “Making threatening phone calls ... sometimes that happens too.” is a huge problem, and it took lives of Events such as last Wednesday’s couple of teenagers in Africa fundraiser’s website or ending mean emails.” and South America. (www.yudabands.org). other students in other schools. So • “Posting cruel pictures or mes- “Black Out Bullying” and a similar we’re preventing it here.” event in October — during which stu- The YUDA Bands, hand Students are picked based on sages about someone online.” crafted in Guatemala from academic achievement, com- Among the deaths attributed to • “Using someone else’s identity dents dressed in orange to express bullying that made headlines were the theme “Bullying Stops With You” leather and coconut and sport- mitment to education and eco- inappropriately in email, instant ing different designs, cost $7 nomic need. Phoebe Prince in South Hadley and messaging or elsewhere online.” — are helpful in bringing the issue to Carl Walker-Hoover in Springfield. the forefront, Paschenko said. each. The sale started The goal is to raise enough Paschenko noted it is important to Wednesday, Jan. 18 and ends “I think it does hit home a little “The more that we talk about it to money so Nicolas, Diana and consider the context of someone’s this week. more because of the age group,” the kids, the more they understand it other scholarship recipients comments — whether they are an “It’s been going very well,” Quaboag guidance counselor Lauren is a very serious topic,” she noted. can finish high school. Selling expression of personal beliefs or Student Council member 175 YUDA Bands provides the Paschenko said. “Having those two “The more things that we do like this something more. Haley Fountain said Friday, funds needed for one student real-world stories helps them to think that are more than lecture style, it “Even if you’re joking around and Jan. 27. “We’ve sold more than to go to school for one year. about what they say — at least they really gets them thinking about it not intending to be hurtful, you don’t 150 of them already, and we’ve Proceeds are divided think twice.” more. When they don’t feel like we’re know how the other person is per- been doing it for about a between the scholarship fund Quaboag uses the following defini- making them do something and they ceiving what is said and how it’s week.” for the sponsored student or tion for bullying, she explained: “It’s can do it on their own, I think it’s a said,” she said. The name for the YUDA students ($2), the people who a negative behavior occurring from better outcome.” It’s also important to know the way Bands comes from the Spanish make the YUDA Bands in one student to another, but it’s only According to Quaboag Principal things are worded and “just clarify- word ayuda, which means Guatemala and import them to one student that’s continually doing ing that everybody has their own Gregory Myers, the anti-bullying “help.” the United States ($3) and [it] to another student.” beliefs and we can’t judge them on curriculum also works into the seven “If we sell 350 YUDA Bands, operational expenses for the That is what differentiates bullying that,” she said. core values of the high school: it sends two kids to school for YUDA Bands organization, from conflict, which is engaged in by Student Council advisor Alison Community, Opportunity, a year,” Haley explained. based in Utah, and scholar- both sides. Jordan-Gagner said the “Teen Uniqueness, Global Awareness, “This money goes straight to ships for YUDA Bands project “It’s more of that one student hav- Truth” curriculum includes a “very Academic Excellence, Responsibility the kids so they can decide leaders ($2). ing the power,” Paschenko said. powerful video” that will soon be and Support. what they want to do as far as By working with groups The anti-bullying curriculum shown to students. “The fact that people are different, school, what they want to go such as Mothers Without Quaboag uses — “Teen Truth: An According to Paschenko, disagree- that’s a good thing,” Myers said. “So for.” Borders and Humanity Corps, Inside Look at Bullying and School ments between students appear to be we really focus on strengthening that Student Council members the sale of YUDA Bands can Violence” from Human Media more prevalent than bullying at core value of embracing diversity.” are sponsoring a 13-year-old help children in a handful of Relations — provides several exam- Quaboag. boy from Ecuador named countries — including ples: “There seems to be more conflict David Dore may be reached at (508) Nicolas and a 14-year-old girl Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti, • “Pushing, shoving, kicking or oth- than bullying, but it’s definitely 909-4140, or by e-mail at ddore@stone- named Diana from Zambia. Armenia, Moldova, Nepal and erwise physically attacking another there,” she said. “And we handle it. bridgepress.com. According to posters provided Kenya. by the YUDA Bands organiza- For more information on the tion, Diana wants to be a jour- YUDA Bands fundraiser, con- nalist. Nicolas, meanwhile, tact Student Council advisor wants to be an accountant so Alison Jordan-Gagner at the he can help his aunt, who high school at (413) 436-5991. Drugs and consequences raised him for most of his life. Diana is being sponsored David Dore may be reached through Mothers Without at (508) 909-4140, or by e-mail at BY AMANDA COLLINS looked progressively worse over years. They were appalled Borders, while Nicolas is [email protected]. STONEBRIDGE PRESS STAFF WRITER by pictures of “meth mouth,” nasal deformations, and As images of professional ball players flashed on a facial distortions the sheriff said were all caused by drug screen at the front of the Southbridge High School audito- use. But perhaps most impacting was a computer- rium Thursday, Jan. 19, students called out the names of enhanced image of one of the students’ peers, showing their favorite athletes. what the teen would like after years of drug abuse. Paul Pierce. Lebron James. Michael Jordan. “The impact is real and it can happen to anybody,” Then came a man clad in Celtics hat and jersey, smiling Evangelidis said. TheHeartOfMassachusetts.com out from a picture that read “coming soon” across the bot- He presented the program recently to even younger stu- tom. Yet not a single student in the room recognized him. dents at Leicester and Sutton Middle Schools. On Jan. 20 “The irony is that he never actually came at all,” Evangelidis returned to Leicester Middle School to speak Worcester County Sheriff Lewis Evangelidis told the with students in Grade 8. group of freshmen and sophomores of Len Bias, a basket- “It’s important to get them at these ages, to show them CATHY’S FAMILY SALON ball star who died from a cocaine overdose in 1986 just two the damaging effects that drugs and alcohol will have on 19 Greenville St., Spencer, MA days after being signed by the Boston Celtics. “Here’s a guy their appearance and their life,” he said. who was going to be the greatest player of all time and no “We really appreciate Sheriff Evangelidis taking time one’s even heard of him. And it’s all because he believed out of his busy schedule to come back to Leicester Middle KIDS HAIRCUTS $5.00 Complete (Under 12) the myths about drugs.” School to meet with the entire eighth grade,” Leicester Evangelidis’ “Face2Face” presentation at Southbridge Middle School guidance counselor Kathy Warnken said in PERMS & COLOR $35.00 - HAIRCUTS $10.00 High School last week was about debunking these myths. a press release. “The sheriff ’s Face2Face presentation is Price includes finest quality The school was a stop on a crusade he’s making across the very powerful and had a tremendous impact on our stu- haircare products & complete styling county with his drug and alcohol prevention program, dents in demonstrating the devastating effects of sub- having recently spoken at nearly 20 area schools, including stance abuse, we absolutely wanted all of our eighth-grade in Spencer and Leicester. He’ll bring the presentation to students at Leicester Middle School to see it.” 508-885-9852 Oxford and Dudley-Charlton schools in the coming weeks. “It’s a unique program, because, first of all, the sheriff is Amanda Collins may be reached coming into the kids’ school. I think that hits them. I work at (508) 909-4132, or by e-mail at with inmates and I can tell their stories,” Evangelidis said. [email protected]. The sheriff told students in Southbridge that 85-90 per- cent of the inmates he works with at the Worcester County House of Correction “are addicted to drugs or alcohol” and that by sharing their stories, he hoped to pre- vent the teens from taking the same path. His presentation was a blend of the tales those everyday people and of celebrities, all whose Piano Tuning lives were destroyed by their poor choices. “It doesn’t matter who you are — everyone & tells the same story,” he said. “One bad choice Repair leads to another.” The sheriff said he wanted to bring a pro- GLEN STEVENS gram to students that would make them “think 4 Oscars Road • Spencer, MA 01562 twice,” and feels his blend of entertaining videos, stories of the infamous, and tales of 508-885-3705 troubled teens is enough to impact stu- dents even after AFFORDABLE GARAGE DOOR SERVICES they’ve left the assem- bly. His Face2Face We Repair All Makes and Models of Garage Doors and presentation literally Electric Openers, Broken Springs, Replacement Sections, Broken Cable, Remote Problems puts a face to the prob- lem of drug abuse for Fall Tune-up 8x7 - 9x7 Steel Insulated Doors, Liftmaster 1/2 hp Belt Drive the teens. Special R-12 Complete with Standard Opener w/Wall Control & Remote, Free 2nd Remote & “For them to see the Check, lube and Hardware, Track, Outside Keypad photographs of what adjust door & opener Installation & Tax (while supplies last) happens to your face $65 when you use drugs, I $595 $325 think that really gets Coupon Expires 2/29/12 Coupon Expires 2/29/12 Coupon Expires 2/29/12 to them. They are at an age where appear- ance means a lot,” he Sales • Service • Installation explained. 1-800-605-9030 Indeed, students 508-987-8600 were dismayed by images of addicts www.countrysidedoors.com whose mug shots Oxford, MA Email:[email protected] 8 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012


EDITORIAL Discuss money A super issues with Sunday older relatives alking about a par- he date was Jan. 26, 1997, almost ent’s finances needs to exactly 15 years ago to the day,as I happen long before he write this. Tor she is ill or incapac- itated. T In fact, the best situation is I sat huddled in front of the TV, a 13-year- when your parent or older rel- old eighth grader, wearing my Drew Bledsoe ative raises the conversation jersey, ready to watch the New England first. Patriots square off against the heavily Emergencies happen – sud- favored Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl den illnesses, Alzheimer’s, XXXI. YOUR accidents, natural disasters — Sitting next to me? but planning makes serious My brother, wearing his MONEY emergencies more manage- Brett Favre jersey, able. Nevertheless, many fam- ready to watch his MATTERS ilies don’t discuss finances Green Bay Packers until a crisis occurs. If you square off against the ANNE O’BRIEN wait too long to have these dis- underdog New England cussions, an elderly person Patriots in Super Bowl may be unable to understand XXXI. Benefit for Jeremy Partridge March 4 questions or express his or her wishes in detail. If there is no plan, family members will grab at It was personal. N. BROOKFIELD — There will be a benefit at Chooch’s in North Brookfield from 1 to 7 Brother vs. brother. Of responsibilities — or shirk them — without any THE MINOR p.m. Sunday, March 4. Tickets are $20 per person (children under 12 free) and will be sold in idea of what the older family member would course, my parents did- advance. There will be live bands, an all-you-can-eat buffet and raffles. n’t care who won. They prefer. DETAILS In November of 2011, Jeremy had an accident where he lost two fingers and severely dam- What is critical to understand is that such just thought it was cool aged a third. Doctors were unable to reattach the severed fingers and are still working to talks go far beyond money.They are discussions ADAM that a year after buying save the third. Jeremy is 29 years old with a wife (Jackie Armendo) and 20-month-old daugh- about independence and basic preferences for MINOR us football jerseys, our ter (Nora) to support. Needless to say he has been unable to work since the accident and still the way an individual wants to live or die. And teams were in the Super has a long road of recovery ahead of him. demographers believe that with the rising num- Bowl facing each other. Any donations or items to raffle will be going to help pay the tremendous medical and ber of single Americans, those divorced or never To this day, my mother will joke that she house bills piling up. All of your support is greatly appreciated. married, these conversations will become predicted the Super Bowl teams that year. For more information or any volunteers to help with the event, please contact Amie increasingly complicated as they fall to nieces Although the game ended up being a Lemay at 774-745-8032. and nephews, younger friends or designated blowout — my Patriots tasted bitter defeat, representatives. while my brother whooped with delight — If you are a younger relative wondering how we would certainly taste our share of victo- to manage the conversation and get control of ries in the coming years. the situation, here are some suggestions. Fifteen years later, here we are again — Decide what’s important to talk about first. the Patriots are playing for a championship LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Maybe this conversation isn’t just about where again. the will or health care power of attorney is. Throughout the years, it’s amazing I Maybe it’s about you noticing that a parent or haven’t had a heart attack (or chewed all my loved one is moving slower, is more forgetful, or fingernails off) living through all the tense Ice cream social a success is just not looking well – and maybe that’s why moments this team has put me through — you want to know where the will is. Jumping To the Editor: a big thank you to the East Brookfield Chief into money issues first is usually a mistake. Deal the “Tuck Rule” snow game against the We, the sixth grade students of the East of Police who was so responsive to our with immediate health and lifestyle issues first. Raiders that set up Adam Vinateri’s impos- Brookfield Elementary School would like to request in getting our announcement on the Explain why you want to talk about finances. sible, game winning field goal in a blizzard; again thank the school district, Principal public access channel. In some families, having a successful financial Vinatieri’s late-game heroics to upset “The Andrews, our teachers and parents for all Thank you to anyone that purchased raffle discussion means several attempts and some Greatest Show on Turf” St. Louis Rams in the hard work and support that they provid- calendars. The prizes will be drawn frustration. Don’t let yourself become angry or Super Bowl XXXVI; another game-winner ed for our recent Ice Cream Social. throughout the month of February and you frustrated – just keep starting the conversation against the Carolina Panthers in Super This annual event was another huge suc- will be contacted if you win! We may have a until it catches on. It might make sense to say Bowl XXXVIII, the tense 3-point victory the cess for our class goal to raise money toward surprise in store come March. We’ll keep something like, “You have always been so inde- next year against the Philadelphia Eagles in our trip to Washington, D.C., in April. In you posted. pendent, Mom. I just want you to give us the Super Bowl XXXIX; David Tyree’s “helmet addition to our parents, teachers, and Ron Thank you again to everyone! right instructions so we do exactly what you catch” and Plaxico Burress’ touchdown want.” (custodian), we would like to acknowledge catch that ended the Patriots’ hopes of a 19- Write down questions. When a parent or rela- the support from the following businesses 0 season in their loss to the New York Giants SUSAN BUTTON tive is unconscious or unresponsive, the that made donations to help us with this in Super Bowl XLII; countless playoff victo- ON BEHALF OF THE EAST BROOKFIELD younger relative is immediately in the drivers’ event: Sysco Foods, Hannaford, the North ries and heartaches — it’s been quite the seat. That’s why it is critical to make a list of Brookfield Police Department, East ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SIXTH GRADE PARENTS roller coaster ride. questions for the elderly relative to answer in Brookfield Pizza and Polar Beverages. Also, This Sunday, it all happens again. detail. Start with the basics. Where are the Whether or not you are a Patriots or a important papers? How are household expenses Giants fan, you have to admit Sunday’s OUND FFS paid? Who are the doctors and specialists? What game is intriguing. The rematch from four S O medicines are being taken? Is there a will, a liv- ing will and health care proxy, and a power of years ago has the competitive juices in attorney? Is there a funeral plan and money or many Patriots fans (including this guy) insurance proceeds to pay for it? Based on your flowing. The fact that it is another New York The true meaning of separation of church and state family circumstances, there may be dozens versus Boston match up certainly adds fuel more questions that need answers. When creat- SOUND OFF: with church principles, and we know that to the fire. ing your list, ask yourself, “What do I need to I won’t waste space in this column playing Recently in a local newspaper, a columnist the state is interfering with church princi- know if this person suddenly becomes sick or the “sports guy” and going over the game, wrote a discontent about God, religion, ples. dies?” because to me, it’s about more than just the being in sports, “Which team will God strike And from the sound of the journalist’s col- Offer to get some advice. If you don’t fully game — it’s about the experience. Even down?” umn she is in agreement that the church is understand your relative’s financial affairs, it though I enjoy the Patriots getting to the big First of all, God is not a religion! Second, not to interfere with the decisions of the might make sense for you both to talk to an attor- game (and winning them), I always flash God does not get involved in sports. He is Supreme Court, the exact opposite of what ney or a Certified Financial Planner™. A quali- back to that January night in 1997, yelling at interested in the salvation of souls through the forefathers were instituting, that the fied adviser can offer specific suggestions on my TV while the Patriots got manhandled Jesus. God welcomes all who come to Him state is not to interfere with the principles of critical legal documents that should be in place by the Packers, enjoying the game as a child through Jesus. the church, God, Jesus. and how to make sure accounts to pay medical does. And as for separation of church and state, How many citizens really understand the and household bills are accessible to the older I still have that Drew Bledsoe jersey.It was the state is and has misinterpreted that true meaning of separation of church and person and the designated relative or friend who big on me then. It’s a little tighter now, but it clause. What the forefathers were institut- state? holds power of attorney. still fits. ing was that the state was not to interfere Plan a caregiving strategy.You should discuss This Sunday, I’ll most likely head over to the relative’s preferences and trigger points for various stages of heath care. He or she will usu- my friend’s house, yell at the TV some more, ally want to stay at home, but you should have an enjoy some funny (and stupid commercials), Responding to rumors honest discussion about how much you can do completely skip the halftime show at home as a caregiver and whether various (Madonna? Really?), and hopefully, by the SOUND OFF: make things work for the good of the stu- services such as a home health aide, geriatric end of the night, enjoy a fourth New Rumors seem to be a fact of life and in dents. And they make themselves available care manager, or assisted living should be intro- England championship. most cases I don’t think twice about them, to the parents whenever needed. This is duced at various stages. Talking through what And in case you are wondering, my pick but this time is a little different. something that not all of the principals an older relative will be able to live with at vari- for the game? The current rumor is that two principals, seem to do. ous health stages — and putting that informa- Patriots over the Giants, 20-17. one from East Brookfield and one from I believe the parents/taxpayers, the ones tion in writing — will save a lot of doubt and bit- Spencer were given their pink slips over the that pay the salaries for these principals and terness later on. Discuss selling the home. If an elderly relative Adam Minor may be reached at 508-909- holiday recess and will be emptying out also the salaries of the people that have becomes sick and irreversibly incapacitated, the 4130, or by e-mail at aminor@stonebridge- their offices at the end of this school year. If made this decision deserve to hear the truth. press.com. equity in his or her home may come under con- this is true, I believe the parents and taxpay- If this is nothing more then a rumor — great sideration as a resource to pay uncovered med- ers should be given an opportunity to — but if it is the truth let’s bring it out in the ical or household maintenance. Since the home respond. open and give the taxpayers the opportunity is both a major asset and an emotional focal From what I understand both of these to express their concerns about this deci- point, it is wise to get good advice and to spell out principals are truly dedicated to the stu- sion. 1872-2007 specifically what the elderly relative wants done dents and parents at these schools. They Can anyone out there respond with facts? with his or her property and under what condi- seem to go above and beyond their duties to tions. Make sure everyone knows the plan. Once you settle on a strategy, make sure all family mem- bers and friends understand the plan and any SOUND OFF! role that they may be asked to take on. A little careful planning can go a long way in WE KNOW you’ve got an opinion, so what are you waiting for? helping your elderly loved ones to clarify what 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550 Sound Off! they would like to have happen in their later years and to have more peace of mind today. It Telephone (800) 367-9898 It’s a fast and easy way to let everyone know what’s on your mind. What’s more is if you’re worried about putting you’re name out there, don’t be! With Sound Off! you don’t will also put your mind more at ease, knowing Fax (508) 764-8015 what needs to be done in the future and how you www.spencernewleader.com have to leave a name. Just call our Sound Off! line at 508-909-4078, wait for the prompt and, presto, that’s it — can best help those whom you love. So be good to your elderly loved ones and to yourself — don’t FRANK G. CHILINSKI time to talk. wait to begin these very important discussions. OK, so there are a couple guidelines: We ask that you speak clearly enough so we can PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER accurately transcribe your message. You’ll want to keep your remarks relatively brief so Anne is an independent, fee-only Certified we have enough space in the newspaper to include it all. Financial Planner and a Massachusetts ADAM MINOR If you don’t want to leave a message, that’s OK. You can e-mail your Sound Off! to Registered Investment Advisor. She is located in MANAGING EDITOR [email protected]. Just remember to label it as a Sound Off. North Brookfield and can be reached at 508-867- 8123 and [email protected]. Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 9 Spaghetti supper warms both hearts and homes

NORTH BROOKFIELD — The fourth annual Hearts for Heat Spaghetti Supper and fundraiser, sponsored by the group’s North Brookfield chapter and the Hayden Masonic Lodge, was held Saturday, Jan. 28. “This is the best dinner we’ve had yet,” said Hearts for Heat chapter founder and President Sue Lewandowski, “probably double the partici- pants we had last year.” Not only could the people gathered in the North Brookfield Elementary School cafeteria enjoy a spaghetti dinner, but they also had chances to win money through a 50/50 raffle or prizes through silent raf- fles. Those prizes included Boston Red Sox tickets, a Bose Wave radio, a men’s David Dore photos quartz watch, gift certificates to local businesses, State Sen. Stephen Brewer (D-Barre) attended last Saturday’s spaghetti dinner Worcester Sharks tickets, a and enjoyed the food prepared by members of the Hayden Masonic Lodge. Family Fun Day at Look Park, a fruit basket, and a wine and cheese basket. a rousing rendition of “God For more information on For the first time, live music Bless America.” Hearts for Heat, visit its web- was provided by The Otters. Proceeds will be used to pro- site at State Sen. Stephen Brewer (D- vide emergency fuel assistance www.heartsforheat.org/North Barre) joined band members in to qualified North Brookfield Brookfield. residents.

Ellen Smith made it clear with this sign she was the person to ask for tickets for a cou- ple of the raffles.

There were plenty of silent raffles to choose from, with prizes ranging from gift certificates to local businesses to a Bose Wave radio.

Ashley Seymour, left, and Chris Fiske sold tickets for the 50/50 raffle. Victoria Wilkins of North Brookfield, left, looks on as her 2-year-old granddaughter Zoe wipes her face after tak- ing a couple of bites of spaghetti.

Jason and Michelle Petraitis welcomed the people who came to the spaghetti supper.

Hilary Aiken of Spencer shows googly-eyed gloves and a scarf State Sen. Stephen Brewer (D-Barre), left, and Richard Hennessy of New Mason Dino Stevens of Spencer wore a Dr. Seuss-style hat and she bought from Pat Zegarra, who sells knitted items like Braintree, who plays guitar and does vocals for The Otters, lead the crowd Betty Boop suspenders to last Saturday’s supper. these to support Hearts for Heat. in a rendition of “God Bless America.” 10 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 SPORTS Cougars coast past Panthers as Jankins nears 1,000 points

BY NICK ETHIER on me, I could feel it,” Jankins said SPORTS STAFF WRITER of the fourth quarter. “I want to get WARREN — The Quaboag boys’ it over with and get the focus back basketball team began its game on the team.” with David Prouty on Jan. 27 with a As far as the game went, the 14-0 run and then scored the first 5 whole Quaboag team played well points of the third quarter, and the early, as Scott Duncan, Jankins, difference was enough as the and Ethan Lacaire hit early hoops Cougars coasted to a 68-48 victory. to put the team up 6-0. Jake Then, with the result already deter- Wisniewski (14 points, 8 rebounds) mined in the fourth quarter, followed with a pair of free throws, Quaboag’s Thomas Jankins contin- Duncan hit another shot, Jankins ued his scoring streak and finished followed with a layup, and the rout with a career-high 38 points, leav- was on at 12-0. ing the junior with a total of 999. “In the first four minutes it was The Cougars will next play on the 12-0. Anytime you do that at home road in Leicester on Jan. 31, after against a good team, it’s difficult to press time. come back,” said Dion. “We ran out “It was going to be at home, he of gas.” was already in the 30s when we dis- Jankins made a strong move to covered [how close to 1,000 points the hoop to make it 14-0 before he was], and I had to leave him in,” Prouty scored. explained Quaboag coach Chris “Coach really emphasized com- Reilly.“I wasn’t trying to run up the ing out early that he wanted us score. I just wanted him to get the pressuring the ball and setting the Ethan Lacaire of Quaboag flings a pass 1,000 in front of the home crowd.” tempo for the whole game,” said to a teammate. “Thomas was having a [heck] of a Jankins. to open the second half. game,” acknowledged David Prouty “We looked at this as a critical The Panthers are now 3-10, but coach Scott Dion. “The crowd was game in the schedule,” added Reilly, still have goals as the season rolls behind that. It was tough for us.” as the Cougars were on a two-game on. The Cougars scored the first 6 losing skid. “We had lost our edge. “Just trying to get better,” said points of the fourth quarter and led We were attacking [tonight.] It was Dion. “I have four sophomores that 57-32, and Jankins continued to hit a good start.” play a ton of minutes. They’re try- shots. Reilly allowed him to stay in The Panthers, behind the play of ing to improve. Our seniors are the game — and Jankins was final- Brendan Coughlin (10 points), going to be good leaders. If we can ly made aware of the situation at Stephen Beahn (9 points), Matt get a win against a team that’s dis- this time — and he continued to Pillsbury (9 points), Marc trict bound, then we’ll play spoiler.” produce. With about three minutes Lamoureux (9 points) and Gabriel Quaboag, meanwhile, is now 9-4 Nick Ethier photos to play Jankins was 3 points away KanKam (8 rebounds), brought the and needs one more victory to Quaboag’s Josh Toppin (10) holds the ball up before releasing a pass to a teammate, and multiple 3-pointers just missed deficit down to 7 points in the sec- secure a spot in the Central Mass. as David Prouty’s Brendan Coughlin defends. their mark. ond quarter, but the Cougars led by Division 3 district tournament. Jankins then went inside and hit 11 (34-23) at halftime and charged “It was a huge win for us,” said a shot while drawing a foul, but his ahead with 5 straight to open the Jankins. “It gets us back on the points and beyond. thing,” said Reilly, who in 19 years free throw didn’t drop, and he fin- third quarter. right track.” “He’s the best basketball player will now have five 1,000-point scor- ished the game with 999 career “He wanted us to set the tempo of The Cougars hope to defeat the I’ve ever coached — defensively, ers. “I have had some outstanding points. the defense and everything else will Wolverines for their 10th victory knowing the court, seeing the basketball players, but this is a spe- “A little bit more pressure [was] work out,” Jankins said of the play while Jankins also goes to 1,000 game, passing, shooting, every- cial player.” Six Warriors reach double figures to beat Bartlett

BY NICK ETHIER Tantasqua — now 10-6 — has qualified for Westbrook’s points were predominantly from deficit when leading for most of the contest. SPORTS STAFF WRITER the Central Mass. Division 1 district tourna- inside and Capuzzo had a strong inside-out- “I’m hoping that we get more mentally tough.” WEBSTER — Through 15 games the ment. side game. The Warriors also went 9 for 9 from the free Tantasqua boys’ basketball team was 9-6 — a “Tonight was a very good win for us,” Child “We don’t often get a chance to play with a throw line in the second half, another promis- little bit down from recent years past — and said. “Bartlett has been playing well and has team that we have size against,” Child said. ing sign of mental toughness for Child. was averaging 56 points a game. After a 62-52 beaten some good teams. Our season has been “Tonight we did and we exposed it as best we But Child does see flaws in his team, and loss to Northbridge on Jan. 17, which at the up-and-down. We’re looking for more consis- could with Windell [Westbrook] in the post. with four games to go until the postseason, he time put the Warriors at 7-5, Tantasqua coach tency.” Chris [Capuzzo] is a tough kid. He’s [usually] hopes they can work on them. Jeff Child said, “You can’t score 52 points and Westbrook, Corey Gatta (14 points), Chris giving up four, five inches but he makes up for “There’s moments of inconsistency,way too put that much pressure on the defense. Until Capuzzo (14 points), Myles Gaudet (11 points), it with his muscle.” many turnovers,” he said. “We’re we score more than 52 points we’re going to be Jon Beaudry (10 points, 9 rebounds), and The Warriors led 18-13 after the first quar- trying…tonight we got away with it. We made an average team with the competition we Jaylen Dottin (10 points) were part of the bal- ter, 42-39 at halftime and 57-54 after three quar- just enough good plays.” face.” anced scoring attack, and the Warriors won ters before winning by eight. Bartlett’s Nick Kobel scored a game-high 22 Since then the Warriors defeated Quaboag, fourth quarter scoring 20-15 to edge the Bartlett’s Evan Anderson converted a three- points, DJ Kirby-Thomas scored 15 points, and lost to Southbridge, and beat Uxbridge before Indians (9-5). point play early in the fourth quarter, though, Akeem Belnavis added 11 more, but the squaring off with Bartlett — a run and gun “It’s been a sign of our team this year. It’s to give his team a 58-57 lead, the Indians’ first Indians — just one game away from qualifying team known for its scoring — on Jan. 30. been very balanced scoring, which makes us a advantage of the second half. But moments for the Central Mass. Division 2 district tour- Six Tantasqua players reached double digits tough team to defend,” Child said. “Any given later Capuzzo hit a jumper and he followed nament — couldn’t get over the hump late. in the scoring column, led by Windell night somebody can step up.” with an offensive rebound, which resulted in a The Bartlett coaching staff was not avail- Westbrook’s 18 points and 10 rebounds, and Tantasqua’s height advantage — only two Gatta layup, and Tantasqua led for good, 63-59. able for comment after the game. the Warriors scored a season-high 77 points in Bartlett starters are listed at 6-foot-2 — also “That’s a sign of mental toughness,” Child a 77-69 victory over the Indians. made the Warriors tough to defend. said of quickly erasing a fourth quarter HIGH SCHOOL NOTEBOOK JAN. 18 JAN. 23 21-21 deadlocked game at halftime, the Rams with the flu bug. cruised to a victory — and earned a berth Erin Donovan finished in second place in Gardner 120, Tantasqua 50 — The power- Tantasqua 117, Leominster 52 — The into the Central Mass. Division 2 district the 100 backstroke. house Wildcats defeated the Warriors in coed Warriors’ swim team emerged victorious tournament — over the host Panthers. David Prouty indoor track — The Panthers swimming, and although Tantasqua didn’t over the Blue Devils, despite many athletes Harrison Murphy scored a game-high 19 had a plethora of impressive performances, win any races, they gave Gardner all that out of competition because of sickness. points for Northbridge (10-2), while Alex highlighted by a 5-foot-3 high jump by Alex they could handle. Tantasqua winners were Erin Donovan Cone chipped in with 17 points. Hebert, a personal best. Rob Dukes ran a per- (200 IM, 500 free), Sam Grudzien (50 free, 100 Brendan Coughlin registered a team-high sonal best 42.8-second 300-meter dash, nar- free), Kendra Iller (200 free), and Emily Serio 12 points for David Prouty (3-9). rowly missing district qualifying time. Cam (100 back). Dacey qualified for districts in the mile with The Warriors are now 3-5 on the season. JAN. 25 a time of 5:20. The 4x400 relay team of Frank JAN. 24 Algonquin 154, Tyngsboro 93, Tantasqua 75 Dipadua, Sean Lammi, Nick Manos, and Jack — The Warriors’ swim team finished third in Coakley ran a team-best 4:07. All in all, the ATHLETE Northbridge 60, David Prouty 40 — After a a tri-meet and still have many athletes out boys finished their regular season with vic- of tories over Leicester, the WEEK Quaboag, and Woodstock Academy. As for the girls, Rachel Clogston Thomas Jankins jumped a personal best of 4-feet-9 in the File photo high jump, while Jankins, a Quaboag Nicole Cummings junior, scored a career- scored 22 points for high 38 points in the the Panthers, placing Cougars’ 68-48 win over in both the mile and David Prouty on Jan. 27. two mile against all Jankins now has a career total of 999 three teams. points at the high school level, as Quaboag plays next at Leicester on Jan. JAN. 28 31, after press time. Northbridge 55, Tantasqua 39 — Despite a first place Athlete of the Week is sponsored by: finish from Erin Donovan in the 200 Congratulations from IM, and the 400 relay team of Sam Grudzien, Bridget Shreve, Donovan, and Remi Lamothe win- ning, the Warriors coed swim team dropped a decision to (Affiliate of McGrath Insurance Group) the Rams and fell to 2- 188 Main Street P.O. Box 116 • Spencer, MA 01562-0116 8 on the season. 508-885-2594 or 885-6545 Here for all your insurance needs. Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 11 Green and growing, TLGV works on strategy

this plan for a wide audience, not just profes- ern New England. Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley TLGV sionals. Each chapter of Green & Growing “Sixty-five percent of the fruits and vegeta- National Heritage Corridor, the only remain- continued from page A1 ends with ‘Joint Efforts Needed to Achieve bles in this country come from other coun- ing largely undeveloped swath of land the Vision.’ We know that to be successful we tries,” said Cutler. “There are millions of between Boston and Washington, D.C. The The document also offers ideas for develop- need the expertise of all our partners. It is people in this area dependent on that food. Last Green Valley is made up of 35 towns, 26 ing interactions between the myriad groups not the work of one but of many that will Having a reliable source of locally produced in Connecticut and nine in Massachusetts. in the region working towards similar “green make The Last Green Valley’s Green & food is not only important for health, it’s The 1,086 square mile region is home to and growing” goals. Current partners Growing successful.” important because we need to make sure 300,000 people and has 549,000 acres of work- include the Northeast District Department of Specific plan goals include protecting valu- there’s a way to feed those people in the light ing farm and forestland. The Last Green Health, the Northeast Sustainable able farmland, providing farms with the of climate or transportation issues. If gas Valley, Inc., is the member-supported non- Agriculture Working Group, the USDA Farm knowledge, tools and workforce needed to went up to $5 or more, what would that do to profit organization working locally to pre- Service Agency and more than 625 agricul- achieve sustainable economic growth, the cost of food in the grocery store?” serve land, water, and cultural resources of tural businesses in region. expanding markets for local farmers and Cutler added that when people think of the National Heritage Corridor. For more “Over the past two years, we have read tens encouraging local restaurants, businesses farms they tend to think of massive dairy information on the The Last Green Valley, of thousands of pages, talked with hundreds and schools to use locally grown and raised operations but “10- to 12-acre vegetable farms Inc. please visit: www.TLGV.org. The Green of people. We have attended workshops, con- products, as well as promoting agri-business can produce an enormous amount of food. & Growing – A Call to Action document is ferences, meetings. Yet, new insights, and agri-entertainment and encouraging the Even think of parking lots. We could take an available online at www.aginfotlgv.org. research and opportunities come forward adoption of scientifically-based green and abandoned lot, cover it with hoop covers and each week, continually focusing attention on renewable energy sources and energy con- have a year round greenhouse producing Terri Viani may be reached at (860) 928-1818, rural sustainability.There could not be a bet- servation. Additionally, Green & Growing food for the region. You had a parking lot and ext. 110, or by e-mail at tviani@villagernews- ter time to develop Green & Growing with the provides a detailed plan for developing and now you have a vegetable farm. We need to be papers.com. understanding that the context is perpetually sustaining a reliable local and regional food pushing local agriculture in a big way.” changing,” said Cutler. “We have developed system for the 11 million residents of south- The Last Green Valley refers to the Paszuk enjoying first seven months on the job Students head to Boston

Leicester and across the nation, “People need to know that things PASZUK according to a story published last are kept in complete and total confi- for community service continued from page 1 week by the Associated Press. The dence,” Cloutier said. “Files are Meals on Wheels deliveries, working National Institute on Aging found locked. We don’t share any type of PROJECT asked to write an essay about with the town’s food bank to make there are about 7 million Americans information with anybody.” ethics before being chosen to continued from page 1 sure they have enough to eat or apply- who are long-distance caregivers, Paszuk worked with O’Brien to participate. ing for benefits through the keeping an eye on the welfare of their ensure a smooth transition, which “We found out afterward that “Meeting the governor was Supplemental Nutrition Assistance parents from hundreds or thousands she said was made easier because she the 351 students who partici- one of my greatest memories of Program, such as food stamps. miles away. already knew a lot of seniors in town pated were able to help out the trip,” Simmons said, a “It’s really assisting all of the Leicester’s senior population, from her time on the Council on more than 7,000 people,” Moore thought also shared by the meanwhile, has increased 28 percent Aging. senior’s needs, and the family’s,” said. “It’s nice to know we were other four students. in the last decade, from 1,644 resi- “I am a people person,” Paszuk Paszuk said. “Lots of times [family able to assist so many people.” Each of the students plans to dents in 2000 to 2,111 in 2010. said. “I love dealing with these ladies members] are working and they don’t The day began with a meet- continue participating in com- “It’s tough out there,” Paszuk said. and gentlemen here. You can become know where to turn.” munity service projects in high “It really is. If there’s anything I can very attached to them. Just give a lit- ing at the State House with Gov. There has been one big change Deval Patrick and Lt. Gov. school. Of course, Tantasqua since Paszuk took over. She and do, I’m here to help them out.” tle hug and they have a smile on their Paszuk said she has taken steps to face.” Timothy Murray. After break- Regional High School places an Senior Center Director Rachelle fast, the students fanned out emphasis on community serv- Cloutier are trying to get more sen- “get people back up to the Senior She noted the outreach coordina- into the city, participating in ice, and while helping others iors who can leave their homes to Center, getting more involved with all tor’s post was a “tough job to fill, but one of four community service may be a new concept to many come to the Senior Center for meals the different activities,” such as dis- I’m trying real hard. Everybody endeavors. Many of the TRJHS eighth graders, it is already old and activities. tributing food from the Leicester accepted me well.” She is taking hat for these five students. In “I just feel there is a need for them Food Pantry at the Winslow Avenue courses at Worcester State University students were involved in the to see other people, because if they facility. on social services and working with Boys and Girls Club and addition to their affinity for stay home they just see themselves,” Some people stop by because seniors. Cradles to Crayons efforts. community service, Griffin Paszuk said. Paszuk can coordinate heating assis- Looking back at the last several “It was really fun to meet and Onwubueke are also in the Cloutier admitted it “has been diffi- tance from groups such as Hearts for months, Paszuk said she has enjoyed other students who share the National Honor Society, while cult” for some people to accept that Heat and the Worcester Community taking on her new role. same interests as me and work- Simmons is a member of shift. But one advantage of having Action Council. “I’m very happy here,” she said. ing with them as a team,” Student Council. Paszuk spend more time in her office It is “not just seniors looking for “Right now I can’t ask for anything Onwubueke said. Many state leaders praise at the Senior Center, Cloutier said, is help,” she said. “There’s a great need. more.” Deforge and Foley also Project 351 for its ability to that she can offer even more assis- You’d be surprised, it’s all ages. I give Paszuk can be reached at the enjoyed the opportunity to con- bring students interested in tance — especially for people who do them the applications, and some- Senior Center from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. nect with other students who community service together, not live in the area. times they fall in. Sometimes they Tuesday through Thursday. Her are active in community serv- especially Governor Patrick, “We get phone calls from all over, so don’t.” office phone number is (508) 892-3259. ice. who described the event as a we have to be here to meet those Cloutier and Paszuk stressed the David Dore may be reached at (508) “It was nice to know I could great way to honor Martin needs,” Cloutier said. assistance the Senior Center provides 909-4140, or by e-mail at ddore@stone- help in a simple way, and I Luther King Jr. It’s part of a growing trend in both does not come at the price of privacy. bridgepress.com. made a lot of friends there as “Project 351 is designed to well,” Foley said. inspire, challenge and motivate “Making friendships and our next generation of leaders invasive cardiology services at the hospital in Ware. helping people who needed it to give back and make a signifi- ‘Musical Interludes’ for senior citizens Dr. Cook and Dr. Marantz are members of the faculty of was a fun experience,” Deforge cant impact in the community,” Tufts University School of Medicine and are part of the added. Patrick said. SPENCER — The monthly Musical Interludes program Baystate Health team of cardiology physicians, many of will be held Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 11 a.m. at the Spencer Not only was it an honor for For more information about whom are nationally recognized for their expertise in the students to visit Boston and Project 351, send an email to Senior Nutrition Program in the Howe Village Community patient care, clinical research and medical education. Room. get involved in community [email protected]. They provide comprehensive cardiovascular care and sub- service, but also to be chosen The Barbara Shop Quartette Forget ME Nots will enter- specialty management of arrhythmias, coronary heart dis- for the trip by members of the Kevin Flanders can be tain for Valentines Day. This free program is followed by ease, valvular heart disease, peripheral vascular disease reached at 508-909-4136, or by lunch at noon. For lunch reservations call Nancy 48 hours and heart failure. teaching staff. Each of the stu- in advance at 508-885-3904. The event is sponsored by Baystate Health Senior Class dents was recommended for the email at kflanders@stone- Sponsored by Lincoln Hill Manor, Tri-Valley Senior and will include a Valentine’s Dinner that you and your project by their teachers bridgepress.com Nutrition Center, and Spencer Housing Authority, and J. body will love. The cost is $10. Space is limited; registration because they displayed leader- Henry Morin & Sons Funeral Home, Spencer Savings is required by calling Baystate Health Link at (413) 967- ship qualities and commitment Bank, FLEXcon, and Fred Cormier. It is supported in part 2488. For more information about the Senior Class Loyalty to academics. They were then by a grant from the Spencer Cultural Council, a local Program, visit www.baystatehealth.org/seniorclass. agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. For more information call 508-885-3904. Olson/Fournier Memorial Nursing Do you have nose for news? Scholarship accepting applications CHARLTON — The Olson/Fournier Are you a writer at heart? Memorial Nursing Scholarship Committee is seeking applicants for its 2012 award. Each year, the committee awards a scholarship to a nursing student from the area served by Do you love to capture the moment you're Harrington Memorial Hospital in Southbridge. The scholarship was founded in memory of in with a photograph? Barbara Olson and Kathie Fournier, both high- ly regarded nurses at Harrington. The Olson/Fournier Memorial Nursing Scholarship Committee recognizes a special Do you have an interest in the goings on in need for bilingual nurses within the communi- ty, therefore, the mission of the scholarship is the Quiet Corner, and want to get involved to support the education of a bilingual student currently enrolled in or accepted to a nursing program. in your town? Past scholarship recipients have come from Charlton, Dudley,and Sturbridge, and have had Spanish or Polish as a second language. If you are a nursing student who is bilingual, espe- cially in Spanish, we encourage you to apply. Details about the process and application Villager Newspapers, your best source for weekly local news, is looking forms are available now at several locations, including the nursing office at Harrington for a hard-working, flexible reporter to cover Connecticut’s Quiet Corner. Hospital. For questions or to receive an application by mail, or to download application document in Job will include writing several stories per week, photography, informa- ‘WORD” form, please email jolobiko@char- ter.net. tion gathering and networking – you will be the face of towns you cover! For more information, call Lois Fay at 508- 248-6421. Residence in the Quiet Corner is preferred, but not required. Lecture, dinner to mark Valentine’s The position is full-time with competitive salary, health and dental ben- Day at MLH efits, 401k, and mileage reimbursement. Villager Newspapers is an equal WARE — February is American Heart Month, Valentine’s Day and a great time to opportunity employer. learn more about heart health. Baystate Mary Lane Hospital invites com- munity members to join cardiologist Dr. James Cook for a discussion on heart health and the So what are you waiting for? latest news on prevention and treatment of heart disease. The lecture will be held at the hospital on Thursday, Feb. 16 from 5-7 p.m. in Send your resume to Editor Adam Minor at [email protected] the Main Conference Room located on the sec- ond floor. or mail to Villager Newspapers, Dr. Cook, director of cardiac electrophysiolo- gy at Baystate Medical Center, joins Dr. ATTN: Editor, P.O. Box 196, Woodstock, CT 06281 Thomas M. Marantz providing outpatient non- 12 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 Towns announce seats open for election in spring

The terms of Spencer repre- Thursday, April 5; with- Besides the selectman’s The deadline to register to Arsenault) and Housing DURANT sentatives Kurt Nordquist drawals must be done seat now held by Chabot, the vote in the election and Authority (Beverly continued from page 1 and Christopher King and through a signed and nota- May 7 ballot will include Annual Town Meeting is Anderson, five years). incumbent Geraldo Alicea East Brookfield representa- rized request by the candi- three-year terms on the Tuesday, April 17. The town Nomination papers are ended in a tie. tive John Howard are up this date. Board of Assessors and clerk’s office will be open now available at the town Durant’s is the only select- year. The remaining 12 The deadline to register to Cemetery Commission (both from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. that day. clerk’s office at Town Hall. man’s seat on the May 8 months of Robert Cirba’s vote for the May 8 election now held by Reedy Nealer They must be returned to the Annual Town Election ballot. term will also be on the bal- and the May 3 Annual Town Jr.), School Committee WEST BROOKFIELD registrar of voters for certifi- Voters will also decide races lot; Paul Fournier of Spencer Meeting is Friday, April 13. (Brent Hildick and Pamela The May 1 Annual Town cation of signatures by 5 p.m. for town clerk (now held by was picked over the summer The town clerk’s office will Farley), Water Commission Election in West Brookfield Tuesday,March 13. The dead- Jean Mulhall), assessor to fill the seat until the May be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Tim Nason), Board of will have a dozen municipal line to withdraw or object to (Donald Clough), Water election. that day. The deadline for the Health (John Alphin), tree posts on the ballot: modera- nominations is 5 p.m. Commission (Robert “Bo” Nomination papers will be Annual Town Meeting and warden (Anthony Holway), tor (one year, now held by Thursday, March 29. Fritze Jr.), Parks and available at the town clerk’s Annual Town Election war- Library Board of Trustees Trevor Brown following the The deadline to register to Recreation Commission, office at Memorial Town Hall rants to be posted is (Harbour Fraser Hodder, resignation of Lynda vote in the election and May Commissioner of Old starting Wednesday, Feb. 8. Thursday, April 26. Thomas Skowron and Ellen Plante), Board of Selectmen 8 Annual Town Meeting is Cemetery (Anne Snow), School Committee nomina- Smith), Planning Board Wednesday, April 11. The NORTH BROOKFIELD (Barry Nadon Jr., three Library Board of Trustees tion papers can be picked up (Mary Walter, five years, and years), assessor (Kevin town clerk’s office will be (Lynn Dobson), Board of at the superintendent of Meanwhile, in North a two-year term to fill a Dorman, three years), Board open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Health (Lynda Laine), school’s office at 306 Main St. Brookfield, Richard Chabot vacancy), Playground of Health (Melvin Dorman, that day. Housing Authority (Jarrett (Route 9), next to David is getting ready to leave the Committee (Keith three years), Library West Brookfield voters will Morin) and Sewer Prouty High School. They Board of Selectmen. He Churchill), Housing Trustees (Alexandra McNitt also decide four races for the Commission (Francis must be returned with the announced in October he Authority (John Krusell, five and Michael Ozbayrak, both Quaboag Regional School White). All are for three-year signatures of at least 42 reg- would be retiring to Florida years) and Bay Path School for three years, and a one- Committee. For more details, terms, except for Housing istered voters (50 for School later this month and not seek Committee (James Caldwell). year term to fill a vacancy), consult the Jan. 27 Spencer Authority, which is for five Committee) for certification re-election in May after bat- Registration forms are Water Commission (Lester New Leader or contact the years. by the registrar of voters by tling a serious illness. now available at Town Clerk Paquette Sr., three years), superintendent of school’s Voters in both East Tuesday, March 20. The last Chabot returned to the Sheila Buzzell’s office at 215 Common Committee (Sarah office at (413) 436-5991. Brookfield and Spencer will day to file nomination papers selectman’s role after a sever- North Main St. They must be Allen, three years), Planning decide four seats on the with the town clerk or super- al-year absence in 2010, fol- returned by 5 p.m. Monday, Board (Robert Lipovsky, five David Dore may be reached Spencer-East Brookfield intendent of schools is lowing the successful recall March 19. The last day to years, and a three-year unex- at (508) 909-4140, or by e-mail Regional School Committee. Tuesday,April 3. The last day of Robert Filipkowski. object or withdraw is pired term now held by Keith [email protected]. to object or withdraw is Wednesday, April 4.

• Feb. 8-14: “The Town the Papers,” featuring Darrell Smith. The location will be Historical Society releases House Now and Then,” fea- Hyder, Elisabeth Hyder and Ralph announced at a later date. turing historian Susan Nichols. This program will examine the schedule of events Ceccaci. • March 22-31: “The Boston Post origins of secondary education in • Feb. 15-21: “Amasa Road” (March 2002), featuring Massachusetts and the opening of NORTH BROOKFIELD — The Walker: Businessman,” fea- Robert Wilder. North Brookfield’s first public high North Brookfield Historical Society turing Clarence Burley. • April 1-7: “The Story of George school in the fall of 1857. Reflect on has released the schedule of some • Feb. 22-29: “North M. Cohan,” featuring Kevin Parker. more than 150 years of accomplish- of the events marking the 200th Brookfield Gas Stations and • April 8-15: “Connie Mack,” fea- ments and challenges through pho- anniversary of the founding of 1929 Businesses,” featuring turing Robert L. Potvin. tos, school and town records, and North Brookfield. John J. “Bud” Lane. • April 16-22: “Our-Not-So- personal recollections of North First up are “Encore • March 1-7: “Slide Show Amiable Ancestors,” featuring Brookfield High School students Presentations” to be broadcast — Overview of North Robert Wilder. past and present. every day on Charter Cable Courtesy photo Brookfield,” featuring John • April 23-30: “Car Dealerships in Please visit the North Brookfield Channel 12 at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 7 Murphy Photography. North Brookfield,” featuring Historical Society website at north- p.m.: The North Brookfield Historical Society is pre- senting “Boots and Shoes, Big and Small.” • March 8-14: “Harwood Robert L. “Bud” Lane. brookfieldhistoricalsociety.word- • Feb. 1-7: “Remembering North Family History,” featuring Then, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May press.com for regular updates Brookfield,” featuring William Glimpse the history of North Brookfield’s boot, shoe, and sole industries during the 19th and Cindy Thompson. 30 enjoy “A History of North throughout the year. Kobel, former president of North • March 15-21: “The Way Brookfield High School,” produced Brookfield Savings Bank. 20th centuries. Visit the lobby display case at the Haston Free Public Library. We Were 100 Years Ago in by Paulette Adams and Ellen

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Super Bowl & Valentines Day Dining Guide Visit these fine local establishments for great food & beverage

Charlie’s DINER Bar & Grill Where friends & family meet GO PATRIOTS! JOIN US SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! 1/2 Price Appetizers & $5 Draft Beer Pitchers during the Super Bowl! Appetizers • Soups & Salads • Pasta & Such Charlie’s Classic • Straight from the Grill • From the Sea Managable Mouthfuls: Some of Charlie’s classic meals, just smaller portions, and smaller prices! Take-out Full liquor license, Children’s Available beer & wine Menu Hours: Sun-Wed 5am-9pm, Thurs, Fri & Sat 5am-11pm 5 Meadow Rd., Spencer, MA 01562 508-885-4033

355 E. Main St., E Brookfield, MA 01515 Pass the food prep to us, PIZZERIA & ICE CREAM Open Daily 11:30am-9pm • Dine In & Take Out Live Entertainment relax and ENJOY THE GAME! Late Night 508-867-4900 In the lounge Thursdays 8pm Kitchen Menu # WINTER SPECIALS # YOUR SUB, YOUR WAY! Feb 2 - Joe Macey Thurs. til 11pm Feb 9 - Jeff Anderson Salmon Mango Curry • Orange Chicken Seafood Asparagus • Lobster Fried Rice • Lobster Salad Reserve Now For Gluten Free Menu Available GIANT PATRIOTS SUBS 3 foot serves 10-15 = $33.00 Thai House 6 foot serves 20-30 = $66.00 $1.00 OFF $2.00 OFF We are now open 7days a week for lunch & dinner Toppings & Condiments included Any Special Item parties of 4 or more Platters also available Mon-Sat 11am to 11pm • Sun Noon-9pm With coupon. Offers not to be combined. Exp. 2/29/12 —BAR,LOUNGE &DINING AREA — Call ahead for Giant Patriots Subs & Platters 206 North Spencer Road visit us @ www.thaihouserestaurant.net Call TODAY! Spencer, MA 01562 Like us on Facebook! 72 W. Main St. 1620 Main St. (Walmart) 1199 Main St. (508) 885-5018 (we are located on Route 9 across from Lamoureux Ford) Spencer Leicester Leicester Call ahead for large party reservations 508-885-7166 508-892-8083 508-892-4421

WE 1205 Main St. 548 S. Main St. ER DELIV The Original Leicester Webster SPENCER PIZZA 508-892-9276 508-949-3409 208 West Main St. 570 Summer St. HOUSE & SEAFOOD W. Brookfield Barre 19 Mechanic Street, Spencer, MA 508-867-9567 978-355-4333 HOURS: SUN.-WED. 11-9, THURS.-SAT. 11-10 508-885-0000, 508-885-5944, 508-885-2166 Open 7 Days a Week – We Deliver To advertise For Your Superbowl Party on this page Buy 3 Large Pizzas $1.00 OFF $2.00 OFF Get 12 Wing Dings FREE call June Buy 3 Small Pizzas $10.00 $20.00 Get 1 Large French Fries FREE 508-909-4062 Buy 2 Wing Ding or OR MORE OR MORE 2 Buffalo Wing Dinners, Exp. Feb. 29th Exp. Feb. 29th Get (1) 2 liter Coke product FREE with this coupon with this coupon Credit Cards Accepted Find our full menu pg. 177 in the 2012 Telephone Directory

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We serve the freshest ingredients to give you the best meal DAILY SPECIAL 445535 Chicken Kabobs w/ rice pilaf, salad, and garlic bread $8.99 Karaoke Join us for SUPER BOWL! Go Thurs. 9pm Free Taco Bar in the bar area FEBRUARY SPECIAL with purchase of alcoholic beverage GO $2.00 OFF Any Large Pizza Sunday, February 5 • 6pm-9pm (one coupon per person) Sun - Thu 11am-10pm Fri -Sat 11am-11pm Expires 2/29/12 OPEN 7 DAYS Open 7 Days Tues-Sat 11am-11pm DINE IN • TAKE OUT PATS! Sun & Mon 11am-10pm *Function Room Available* Eat-in or Take-out See our menu in the 2012 Spencer, Leicester & Brookfields Telephone Directory, Page 175 Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 15 POLICE REPORTS ARRESTS

restored. Jan. 18 EAST BROOKFIELD Jan. 15 10:51 a.m.: Request for police, Cherry Street. EAST BROOKFIELD ARRESTS 2:34 a.m.: Threats, Redfield Road. Arrest made. EX took mail. Jan. 16 Jan. 17 6:57 p.m.: Abandoned 911, Shelter Ridge Road. 2:02 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, property Jason M. Krasnecky, 33, 308 E Main Street, 4:03 p.m.: Found/Lost Property,E. Main Street. Services rendered. damage, Main and Maple/Municipal Streets. 2 East Brookfield. Warrant. Investigated. Jan. 16 vehicles, no personal injury, pulled into Jan. 17 7:17 p.m.: Threat, E. Main Street. Report taken. 3:31 p.m.: Motor vehicle fire, Main and Pleasant Cumberland Farms lot. Craig A. Braconnier, 24, 3 Harwoodcross Streets. Services rendered. 5:50 p.m.: Request for police, Smithville Road. Road, Brookfield. Operating after revoca- 3:55 p.m.: Larceny,Clark Street. Report taken. Boyfriend want to remove party and change tion, failing to move over. NORTH BROOKFIELD Jan. 17 locks. Jan. 19 1:01 a.m.: Motor vehicle off the road, Collier 8:28 p.m.: Suspicious activity, West Main And 9:45 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, Red Gable Jan. 16 Avenue. Arrest made. Spencer Sunoco. Intoxicated male looking for Road. Vehicle towed. 7:06 a.m.: Fire alarm, Oakham Road. False 7:45 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal female. Jan. 20 alarm. 4:35 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, E. Main injury,Redfield Road. Report taken. 8:24 p.m.: Disturbance, neighbors, High Street. Street. Vehicle towed. 10:38 a.m.: Fire, smoke, Lakeview Road. 11:42 a.m.: Family problem, South Main Street. Parties playing music loud since 6 p.m.. Jan. 21 Investigated. Spoken to. Jan. 19 3:05 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, Route 9. 10:46 a.m.: Fire, brush, School Street. 12:40 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal 8:12 a.m.: Lost, West Main Street. Left wallet in Vehicle towed. Extinguished. injury,Main Street. Report taken. cart on Jan. 17. Jan. 22 3:20 p.m.: Disturbance, Mt. Guyot Street. Peace 5:11 p.m.: Runaway, Huntoon Memorial 8:58 a.m.: Juvenile matter,Lake Street. Request 9:10 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, E. Main restored. Highway.Taken to family/guardian. assist. Street. Report taken. 8:50 p.m.: Carbon monoxide alarm, Maple 6:01 p.m.: Fraud, Autumn Lane. Services ren- 9:30 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, personal Street. False alarm. dered. injury, old Main street. Elderly female drove Jan. 17 7:05 p.m.: Domestic Disturbance, Pleasant into Jersey barrier. LEICESTER ARREST 8:28 a.m.: 911/hang up call, N. Main Street. Street. Arrest made. 1:30 a.m.: Police, Meadow Road. RE: Incident Jan. 15 False alarm. Jan. 18 occurred at last dance. Matthew Strid, 33, 15 Walcott Street, Oxford. Jan. 19 Disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, 10:02 a.m.: Domestic disturbance, Pleasant 3:54 p.m.: 911 abandoned call, Church Street. destruction of property +$250, malicious 3:00 p.m.: 911/hang up call, Batchellor Drive. Street. Report taken. Party picked up and hung up on call back. larceny over $250., assault with dangerous Spoken to. 1:10 p.m.: Larceny, Spencer Savings Bank- 4:08 p.m.: Harassing phone calls, West Main weapon. Jan. 20 South Main street. Report taken. street. Receiving calls in Baldwinville. Jan. 17 1:54 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, Hillsville 3:18 p.m.: Assault, Entwistles Garage – Main 5:53 p.m.: Juvenile Matter, May Street. RE: 12 Michael Timothy Aker, 46, 131 McCarthy Road. Vehicle towed. Street. Spoken to. year old. Avenue, Cherry Valley. Negligent operation 4:17 p.m.: 911/hang up call, Gilbert Street. 5:07 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal 7:19 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, Main Street. of motor vehicle, using motor vehicle with- Services rendered. injury,Main Street. Report taken. Property damage. out authority, larceny over $250, unlicensed Jan. 22 11:19 p.m.: Noise complaint, Stafford Street. 9:30 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, hit and run, operation of motor vehicle, receiving stolen 7:58 p.m.: 911/hang up call, Pinecroft Avenue. Spoken to. Grove Street. Vehicle headed towards Main property $$250. Larceny from building. Spoken to. Jan. 19 Street. Guy G. Jones, 52, 7224 Pleasant Street, 9:28 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, Old E. 1:08 a.m.: Abandoned 911, Shelter Ridge Road. 9:38 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, property Rochdale. (2) Counts Assault and battery, Brookfield Road. Vehicle towed. Investigated. damage, Pleasant Street. Pulled into Bank lot. domestic abuse, intimidating a witness. 6:58 a.m.: Follow up investigation, Stafford 11:26 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, property Jan. 19 LEICESTER POLICE Street. Arrest made. damage, Wire Village Road. No personal Richard Charles Hawes, 47, 18 Carleton 5:28 p.m.: Suicide threat/attempt, Siani Road. injury. Road, Rochdale. Accost/Annoy person of Jan. 12 Transported to hospital. Jan. 20 opposite sex, distributing obscene matter, 2nd offence, resisting arrest. 5:23 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal 8:29 p.m.: Motor vehicle off the road, Henshaw 1:37 a.m.: Request for police, Watson Street. Jan. 20 injury,Pine Street. Vehicle towed. Street. Services rendered. Someone just tried to get into residence. Jose A. Mojica, 31, 115 Pleasant Street. 9:22 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal 9:28 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal 6:43 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, hit and run, Worcester. Operating motor vehicle with injury, River and Baldwin Streets. Vehicle injury,Pine Street. Report taken. property damage, Clark Road. Vehicle hit in license revoked as HTO, subsequent offense. towed. Jan. 20 driveway. Darryl J. Peck, 47, 2 Indian Road, Dudley. 9:54 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, with person- 11:11 a.m.: Motor vehicle stop, Main Street. 7:31 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, property Operating under influence of liquor, negli- al injury, Stafford Street and Huntoon Arrest made. damage, Howe Road. Slid into fence. gent operation of motor vehicle, failing to Memorial Highway.Report taken. 2:58 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal 8:45 a.m.: Request for police, Pleasant Street, stop/yield, possession unlawful fireworks. 11:18 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal injury,Pleasant Street and Huntoon Memorial Custody issue. Jan. 21 injury, River and Charlton Streets. Report Highway.Report taken. 8:56 a.m.: Request for police, Ash Street. John Abruzzise, 27, 17 Sunset Annex, taken. 3:35 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal Request assist retrieving belongings. Charlton City. Operating under influence of 12:11 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal injury,Green Street. Report taken. 9:10 a.m.: Juvenile matter,Lake Street. Request liquor, negligent operation of motor vehicle, injury,Rawson Street. Report taken. 5:58 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal officer RE hitting incident. speeding. 6:01 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal injury,Main and Rawson Streets. Report taken. 11:17 a.m.: Request for police, Mechanic Street. Anthony Kerr, 17, 866 Pleasant Street, injury,Main Street. Services rendered. 9:51 p.m.: Motor vehicle stop, Stafford Street. Request escort for belongings. Rochdale. Assault and battery, domestic 10:22 p.m.: Domestic disturbance, Pine Street. Arrest made. 5:28 p.m.: Burglary, Mechanic Street and abuse. Report taken. Jan. 21 Spencer Fish and Game. Reporting incident. Bruce A. Holbrook, 42, 94 Auburn Street, Jan. 13 2:03 a.m.: Motor vehicle stop, Stafford Street Jan. 21 Leicester. Straight Warrant. 12:34 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal and Old Stafford Turnpike. Arrest made. 11:14 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, property injury,Marshall Street. Report taken. 10:00 a.m.: Breaking and entering, past, Main damage, Main and Maple Municipal Streets. SPENCER POLICE ARRESTS 7:48 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal Street. Report taken. Clipped mirrors. Jan. 18 injury, Ingram Road and Atwood Terrace. 1:53 p.m.: Family problem, Pleasant Street. 11:33 a.m.: Suspicious activity,Pleasant Street. Raymond S. Leroi, Jr., 23, 21 Cherry Street, Report taken. Arrest made. Subject advises male/female around vacant Spencer. (2) Warrants. 8:11 a.m.: Fire, smoke removal, Merrick Street. 11:36 p.m.: Motor vehicle stop, Hanks Marine- house. Aaron M. Parker, 22, 125 Charlton Road, Services rendered. Main Street. Arrest made. 5:34 p.m.: Vehicle fire, Smithville Road. Truck Spencer. Warrant. 8:23 a.m.: Motor vehicle off the road, Ingram Jan. 22 fire in driveway. Jan. 19 Road and Atwood Terrace. Services rendered. 1:57 a.m.: Motor vehicle off the road, Pleasant 6:29 p.m.: Disturbance, Mechanic Street. Lindsay A. Chiras, 27, 40 Mechanic Street, 6:26 p.m.: Assault, Main Street. Area search and River Streets. Vehicle towed. Neighbor was yelling at subject. Spencer. Warrant. negative. 12:48 p.m.: Motor vehicle off the road, Henshaw 6:30 p.m.: Police, West Main Street. Reporting Jean C. Ocasio, 25, 21 Pearl Street, Spencer. 6:53 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, no personal Street. Assisted party. child left in car. Warrant. Jan. 20 injury, Huntoon Memorial Highway. Report 6:28 p.m.: Domestic disturbance, Greenville Jan. 22 Jeremiah J. Lawrence, 47, 27 Maple Street, taken. Circle. Report taken. 10:33 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, property Spencer. Warrant. 9:37 p.m.: Fire, Sterling Street. Services ren- Jan. 23 damage, Northwest Road. Vehicle off road, Jan. 22 dered. 8:45 p.m.: Harassment, Wesley Drive. Report female operator shaken up but not hurt. Shawn C. Goodrow, 27, 40 Mechanic Street, Jan. 14 taken. 10:36 a.m.: Request for police, Delude Avenue. Spencer. Unarmed robbery, Larceny from a 8:47 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident, property Jan. 24 Male/child on ice in middle of lake. person. damage. Jan’s Package Store – Main Street. 7:04 p.m.: Annoying phone calls, Birchwood 12:19 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident, property Jan. 24 Report taken. Drive. Spoken to. damage, Greenville Street. Car flipped over on Travis J. Hayes, 29, 9 Irving Street Spencer. 4:51 p.m.: Chimney Fire, Pleasant Street. roof. Warrant. Services rendered. SPENCER POLICE 12:45 p.m.: Animal control, Parent Street. 2 10:01 p.m.: Disturbance, Waite Street. Peace skunks biting each other in driveway.

Valentine’s Day Dining & Gift Ideas To advertise on this page next week, call June at 508-909-4062 or Email: [email protected] by Friday, February 3 at 3:00pm

Est. 1989 Valentine’s Day Flowers! Bouquets by Linda dba Brookfield Perennial Gardens 508-885-4960 • 508-885-3777 148 Main St. (Rte. 9) Spencer Keep yourself out of the dog house! Reserve Early for We promise to give you personal service, beautiful, Valentine’s Day fresh unique arrangement and the best prices in town! $20 Off a gift certificate for a facial and Weekend massage with this ad. We still deliver or Mention this for 10% Off your order. The perfect Valentine’s Day gift you can pick-up Don’t wait last minute… order TODAY! 508-885-3995 for your sweetheart EXPIRES 2/14/12 A full service Salon/Day Spa Eat In or Look for our menu at Take Out www.chefsau.com HAIR • SKIN • BODY • NAILS Hours: Tues-Thurs 11:45-9pm • Fri & Sat 11:45-10pm 125 MAIN ST.•SPENCER, MA 01562 • 508.885.6861 Closed Sun & Mon Shop & WWW.FINALLY-KELLYS.COM Open for Valentine’s Day! Tuesday, February 14th • 4:00 Dine Great Valentine’s Day gift ideas in all price ranges. Charlie’s Dinner Roasted Chambord Duck DINER Specials Prime Rib Bar & Grill Scallops Casino over Homemade Strawberry Locally Shortcake w/Fresh Where friends & family meet Angel Hair Pasta Biscuit Make your Surf & Turf Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Celebrate Valentine’s Day Strawberries & reservations Lazy Lobster Whipped Cream this Hearts at Charlies today! Much, much more! n Prime Rib Fresh Seafood & Prime-Rib Everyday n Chicken Stuffed w/swiss, prosciutto & asparagus Valentines n Pasta Primavera Open for Lunch Sat & Sun @ 11:30! Martini Special / Draft Specials 64 Barre/Paxton Road, Rte. 122 Rutland • 508.886.4771 Daily Breakfast, (till 3pm each day) Day Love Kisses Lunch & Dinner Specials Visit our website for our take-out menu Flowers www.laddsrestaurant.com Letters Hours: Sun-Wed 5am-9pm, Thurs, Fri & Sat 5am-11pm Senior Discounts Wed. & Sun. 5 Meadow Rd., Spencer, MA 01562 Hours: Wed. & Thurs. 4-9 pm • Fri. 4-9:30 pm We have sterling silver jewelry Take-out Available 508-885-4033 Sat. 11:30-9:30 pm • Sun. 11:30-8 pm starting as low as $15 136 Main Street • Spencer 508-885-3385 & ART GALLERY www.cormierspencer.com We will be opened Monday, February 13 16 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 Expressing their ‘Heart’-felt thanks


David Dore photos The Folks perform at the Heart to Heart Foundation’s Appreciation Dinner. Patrick Tobin, right, talks with Jean Fiske, wife of Richard “Dick” Fiske Sr., before dinner was served. Tobin later reprised his performance as Frank Sinatra, which he has done at a few Heart to Heart-sponsored shows.

Randy Beaudoin presents Richard “Dick” Fiske Sr. with a carving in appreciation of the work Fiske has done through his foundation.

BY DAVID DORE NEW LEADER STAFF WRITER NORTH BROOKFIELD — The Heart to Heart Foundation sponsored a dinner Sunday,Jan. 29 to say thank you to the people, businesses and organizations that have sup- ported it over the years. But those weren’t the only “thank yous” offered during the dinner at the North Jeffrey Robbins, right, a civics teacher at Quaboag Regional Middle/High Brookfield Senior Center. Eight special School in Warren, and one of his students, Ben Webber of West Brookfield, guests represented the roughly four dozen attended the appreciation dinner so Ben could read an essay he wrote Betsy Drane, left, speaks about chronic pancreatitis with her husband, John, at her families and individuals who have benefited about the Heart to Heart Foundation. from the generosity of Heart to Heart side. founder Richard “Dick” Fiske Sr. and his family over the last 17 years. going back and forth to Boston.” needed it most,” There were the parents of 1-year-old Holt and her husband, Jason, also had to Huard told the Spencer New Alexandra Holt, along with 11-year-old Owen pay rent on both their home in this area and Leader. Huard and his father, John. Both Owen and a place to stay in Boston. A couple of weeks ago, Alexandra have a congenital heart defect “Without Heart to Heart we wouldn’t have Jolicoeur said, Owen was in called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome that been able to do that,” Danielle Holt said. the hospital with pneumonia. requires surgery at a very young age. “They’ve been amazing to us,” Jason Holt Because of Owen’s trips to the “At 1 year old she’s already had two open added. “Dick Fiske comes and checks on hospital, his mother, Molly, heart surgeries, which is more than people in Alexandra from time to time, and I honestly cannot work. their 60s and 70s have had,” said Alexandra’s don’t know what we would have done without Jolicoeur also noted that mother, Danielle Holt. “She’s done so well the help that we’ve received.” Fiske supported her family by with it. We really couldn’t have got here so John Huard was thankful to both Fiske and agreeing to perform for free at easily without the help of Heart to Heart. Lake Street School nurse Sheree Jolicoeur a benefit for her father, long- They kept our car on the road when we were for the help they’ve provided over the last six time West Brookfield fire- years. Fiske and fighter Walter Ambach, a cou- Jolicoeur ple of months before his teamed up for a December 2009 death. benefit concert “Dick is very special to me Sheree Jolicoeur, nurse at Lake Street School in Spencer, talks about that attracted and always will be,” Jolicoeur her experience with the Heart to Heart Foundation as two people who more than 700 said. “This appreciation party got that help — John Huard and his 11-year-old son, Owen — look on. people and a is for all of you who, in work- bevy of dona- ing with Dick, have touched tions for raffles so many people who needed the help. You did explain why. and a bake sale. this selflessly and without hesitation.” “They don’t know why I have it,” she said. “This student Then, there was Linda Early,who has cared “They can’t pinpoint it.” is very special to for her 4-year-old granddaughter Alana Drain said the pancreatitis has left her in me,” Jolicoeur Inslee since she was 7 months old. Mere “excruciating, debilitating pain, and has said, “and I months after her birth, she was diagnosed been reported and documented to be the wanted to ease with a few syndromes, including Cranial worst pain a person can experience. some of the fam- Facial Syndrome and skeletal dysplasia. Therefore, there’s a need for large amounts of ily’s financial Alana was both without internal jugular pain medications that interrupt a great deal burden.” veins, forcing her to undergo heart surgery of your everyday personal life and every bod- “It’s been in 2008 and brain surgery in 2009 to correct ily function. … I myself have spent the past hard, from day various complications. three years in bed missing my life with my one on, and they Finally, there were Betsy Drane and her family and my friends.” both came to husband, John. Betsy Drane suffers from Within the next couple of weeks Drane will Master of ceremonies David Fiske, right, talks with his father, Richard “Dick” Fiske help when we chronic pancreatitis, and doctors cannot go to Arizona to have her pancreas removed. Sr., and brother Richard Jr. during the appreciation dinner. Some cells from the pancreas will be put into her liver so she can continue to produce her own insulin. After the surgery, which she said will take 14-18 hours, Drane will spend two to three weeks in the hospital and four to six weeks in Arizona recuperating. “This is a huge expense,” she said, “but because of the love and support of people PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY like you the weight has been lifted.” Drane’s husband is a member of the West Brookfield Rescue Squad, which held a bene- fit last month to help the family. To donate money to her effort, visit www.giveforward.com/betsyspancreas. A few hundred dollars at a time, the North Brookfield-based foundation helps children ASSISTED LIVING SERVICES ATTORNEY and adults with chronic diseases and their families. It also gives out scholarships to graduating seniors at North Brookfield High We Elder Care with a LAW OFFICE OF KARA M. COLBY School and David Prouty High School. Even on Sunday night, Fiske pulled out his Care!Bed and Breakfast Flair checkbook and gave nearly $1,000 to the fam- General Practice Specializing in ilies that joined him. ~24 Hour Care & Home Cooked Meals~ Also among the invited guests were Jeffrey Family Law and Criminal Defense. Robbins, a civics teacher at Quaboag Lincoln Hill Manor ~ Rest Home Regional Middle/High School in Warren, and one of his students, Ben Webber of West 53 Lincoln Street • Spencer, Massachusetts 01562 285 Main Street Brookfield. Ben wrote an essay about the For more information call (508) 885-3338 Worcester, MA 01608 donation Fiske gave last summer to Early to 508-791-3211 help with transportation costs to and from www.lincolnhillmanor.com Worcester for Alana’s medical treatments. Robbins said he asked his students to “look to friends or family or the newspapers and COUNSELOR find an example … of someone who makes a positive contribution.” To advertise in the Later, flanked by sons Richard Jr. and Paula Pierce David, Fiske gave plaques to dozens of people Licensed Mental Health Clinician Professional Directory. to thank them for their contributions to the Heart to Heart Foundation. A couple of them GRACE COUNSELING CENTER provided tokens of appreciation in return. Individual, Family, & Adolescent Therapy Contact June at “Our reward comes from the stories and the families that tell us that, maybe six Now forming groups for adults and adolescents for anxiety, depression 508-909-4062 months later, a year later when we see the and substance abuse. Individual therapy also available. children and they say they’re doing very 240 Main Street • Spencer, MA 01562 well,” David Fiske said. “ ... It touches your Email heart when you see that. And that’s our 508.873.0499 • 508.885.7685 Services in Office, Home or School [email protected] reward.” [email protected] David Dore may be reached at (508) 909-4140, or by e-mail at [email protected]. Church youth group hosting B Section annual Valentine’s Dinner INDEX Calendar, Page B3.

Friday, February 3, 2012 Obituaries ...... B2 Calendar ...... B3 Our Towns ...... B4 Real Estate . . . . .B7-9 Legal Notices . . . . .B6 February $1797 Bargains Gal. 1.5 HP Portable Wet/Dry Vac R 145 563 1 of the month While supplies last. $ 97 $ 99 5 6 8-Pk., 11-Oz. 45-Ct., 13 Gal. High Energy Suet Dough Tall Kitchen Trash Bags L 145 814 168 W 143 856 B6 While supplies last. While supplies last. Senior Discount Day - Tues. • We Repair Screens! Premium Wood Pellets are in stock. Prices Good PROPANE REFILLS! We sell wood stove fittings Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2012 SHOP Please visit us at www.truevalue.com/eztruevalue for web only specials Promotional items are subject to while supplies last. LOCALLY *5% off everyday for all Veterans, Military Personnel, and Contractors with positive ID * tools, sales & other special items are excluded.

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Sam’son says “Call my Dad” Record Low Rates! If you have a Fannie or Freddie or FHA Mortgage we may not need an appraisal! Even if you owe more than your home is worth. Cut the term on your mortgage and pay it off faster. Pay off a relative. Call Ron for details. Face-To-Face Mortgage Co. A local man (DPHS 1982) and company owner since 2000 Ronald F. Mortgage broker LaPrade Call 508-892-8988 • Email [email protected] number NMLS #1241 2 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 OBITUARIES Gloria M. Burlingame, 65 Elsie L. Farmer, 81 CHARLTON — Gloria M. (Kudron) Gloria was born in Webster, a daughter of Burlingame, 65, of 200 A Freeman Road, Stanley and Mary (Fitzback) kudron and has SPENCER — Elsie L. children, nieces and nephews. passed away Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012 in her lived in Charlton for many years. (Gifford) Farmer, 81, for- She is predeceased by her son, Larry J. home. She worked at the former B&W, and merly of 3 Dufault Road, Farmer in 1998; two brothers, Bruce and Her husband of 43 years, Lester J. Sandler-Ette Footwear Co. both of Webster, died Wednesday, Jan. 25, Kenton Gifford, and two sisters Grace Gifford Burlingame, Sr., died in 2007. and later worked at the Masonic Home in 2012 at Radius Healthcare and Shirley Murphy. She leaves a son, Lester J. Burlingame, Jr. Charlton. in Southbridge following a She was the daughter of Bruce and Shirley and his wife Jill of East Brookfield; a daugh- Burial will be at the convenience of the long illness. Gifford. ter, Lois A Burlingame of Worcester; six family in Northside Cemetery. She was the wife of Funeral services for Elsie were held on grandchildren; a brother, Stanley ‘Butch’ The Robert J. Miller-Charlton Funeral William C. Farmer, Sr. who Friday, Jan. 27 in the J. Henri Morin & Son Kudron of Worcester; two sisters, Rosemarie Home, 175 Old Worcester Road, directed the died in 1996. Funeral Home, 23 Maple Terrace, Spencer. Cesolini of Pomfret, Conn., and Theresa arrangements. She leaves two sons, William C. Farmer, Jr. Burial was in Worcester County Memorial Antos of Dudley. On Line Guest Book: RJMillerfunerals.net and his wife Donna of Spencer and Joseph B. Park, Paxton. Farmer of Fla.; two daughters, Sandra L. Contributions may be made to the Spencer Bishop and her husband Paul of Oxford, and Rescue Squad, P. O. Box 147, Spencer, MA Paula M. Thibault and her husband Eddie of 001562. Donald R. Burning, 81 Spencer; a sister, Sheila Thibault of Largo, www.morin-morrison.com Fla.; 13 grandchildren and many great-grand- LEICESTER —Donald in each of these organizations, Raymond Burning, 81, worked tirelessly on behalf of passed away on Monday, other veterans and their fami- Jan. 23, 2012. lies, and served as Chaplain for Penelope F. Fitch, 85 Born in Worcester, on the Worcester Veterans Council Feb. 24, 1930, he was the son and the Korean War Veterans BROOKFIELD — Proctor, of Watertown. A great joy was to see of Alice and Ernest Association. Don was selected Penelope F.(Phifield) Fitch, her first great-grandchild, Lilly, daughter of Burning and brother of Worcester Veteran of the Year in 2010. 85, passed away on Jan. 20, Brent and Amy Sitterly. Florence McGuinness. Don was an avid New England sports fan 2012 surrounded by her lov- She was always happy feeding the birds, Following graduation and supporter of Penn State football. In his ing family just three days camping and playing cards with her great from Commerce High School, Don enlisted in spare time, he was a craftsman and enjoyed after her 63rd wedding friends. the U.S. Army and served with the 3rd spending time with his family. anniversary. Her funeral was held Wednesday, Jan. 25 in Infantry Division 7th Regimental Combat Donald is survived by the love of his life, She leaves her husband, the Pillsbury Funeral Home, Rte9/Old West Team. He was involved in four major battles Jacqueline (DeMers), his wife of 58 years; Earl Fitch and two daugh- Brookfield Road, Brookfield. Burial will be including the battle of the Chosin Reservoir. four daughters, Cheryl Albano, Donna (Doug) ters, Carol A. and her hus- held at the convenience of the family. Donald was awarded the Purple Heart, Hawks, Kathryn (Bill) Kenney, and Julie band Scott Sitterly of West Brookfield and Contributions may be made to the Combat Infantry Badge, Korean Service Lobacz; and seven grandchildren, Nicholas Paula F. and her husband Wayne Proctor of Rheumatoid Arthritis Foundation, PO Box Medal with four Bronze Stars, along with and Maria Albano, Jennifer Hawks, Joseph, Spencer; four grandchildren, Beth Sitterly of 96280, Washington, DC 20077-7491. other medals and awards including the Matthew, and Jacqueline Kenney and Emily Brookfield, Brent Sitterly and his wife Amy, Pillsburyfuneralhome.com Ambassador of Peace Medal from the Korean Lobacz. of Burlington, Vt., Jeffrey Proctor and his Government. The funeral was held on Thursday, Jan. 26 wife, Meaghan, of Brockton and Adam After leaving the service, Don continued from the Morrison-Morin Funeral Home, 1131 his education and received degrees from Main St., Leicester followed by a Mass in St. Becker College and Clark University. Pius X Church, 1153 Main St., Leicester. He moved to Leicester in 1954. Burial with Military Honors will be in Barbara A. LaHair, 80 Donald was active in the veteran’s commu- Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, nity, having lifetime memberships in numer- V.,at a later date. LEICESTER — Barbara children, Elizabeth, Emma, Tyler, Adam and ous organizations including The Chosin Few, Donations can be sent in memory of Don to A. (Gaffney) LaHair, 80, of Jayke, and several nieces and nephews. Military Order of the Purple Heart, DAV, the Apostolate of Divine Mercy & Healing, Main Street in the Cherry She was predeceased by a brother Henry American Legion, VFW, Korean War PO Box 344, Auburn, MA 01501. Valley section of Leicester, “Sonny” Gaffney. Veterans Association, Trench Rats, and www.morin-morrison.com died Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012 Mrs. LaHair was born in Worcester, daugh- Korean Veterans of America. He held office at her daughter’s home ter of Henry and Waltrude (Johnson) Gaffney. after an illness. She worked in the packaging department at She leaves her husband, Millbrook Distributors for 40 years before Raymond M. LaHair with retiring. Robert L. Carlos, Jr., 63 whom she celebrated their She enjoyed spending time with her chil- 61st wedding anniversary Friday. She also dren and grandchildren. WARREN —After a hard Provost and their son Jackson leaves her son, Raymond M. LaHair, Jr. and The family would like to thank Dr. Michael fought battle with ALS, of West Hampden and Tim and his wife Julie of Maynard; two daughters, Galica and his nurse Judy, Michael LeClair Robert (Bob) L. Carlos, Jr., Rusty Pate and their families of Linda A Lauder and her husband Richard of from VNA Care Network and Paulette 63, passed away at home on Alabama. He also leaves his North Brookfield and Donna M. Tebo and her Hallihan from UMass Memorial Hospice for Jan. 26, 2012 in the arms of mother-in-law Carol Foster- husband Ronald of Rochdale; a brother, all their compassionate care. his wife with his devoted Eggleton of Waterford, Conn., Robert Gaffney and his wife Ruth of Auburn; The funeral was held Wednesday, Feb. 1 in family by his side. and sister -in-laws Holly and a sister, Dorothy O’Neil and her husband Morin-Morrison Funeral Home, 1131 Main Born in Bridgeport, Don Moul of York, Pa., Jane Foster of James of Cherry Valley; six grandchildren. St., Leicester.Burial was in Worcester County Conn., Oct. 19, 1948 to the Oakdale, Conn., Heidi and Gary Pope of Richard Lauder, Tammy Tebo-Williams and Memorial Park, Paxton. late Robert L. Carlos, Sr. Niantic, CT, Jennifer and Rich Vallaincourt her husband Brian, Kelly Lauder-Gratton Memorial donations may be made to and Eleanor (Herman) Carlos. of Middletown, R.I., Donna and John and her husband Rob, Matthew Tebo and his UMass Memorial Hospice, 650 Lincoln St., Bob graduated from Chicopee Comp and Bergamo of Hull. wife Colleen, Brian LeHair and his fiancé Worcester, MA 01605. immediately joined the U.S. Navy and served He is also survived by his closest friends Casandra and Alex LeHair; five great-grand- www.morin-morrison.com in Vietnam as a Supply Boat Captain. Bob Jim and Helen Groff of Franklin, N.Y., Jim retired as a Chief Boatswain’s Mate in 1995. and Rose Fritz of Saylorsburg, Pa., and his He worked as a licensed Fireman Second adoptive children, Dillan and Amanda Groff, Class for Ludlow Industrials running the Heather and Jason Thompson of Franklin, Betty Ann Roberts, 81 heating systems for 29 years. Bob also worked N.Y.; his best Navy buddies, Tim Huse and for the United States Post Office at the Bill Judd and his dear friend from Ludlow N. BROOKFIELD — Betty Ann Roberts, 81, She attended North Brookfield public Springfield bulk mail center, one of only five Industrials, Fernando Gualberto, who sup- died Monday, Jan. 23, 2012 in UMass schools, graduating from high school in 1948. supervisors hired from the outside. plied him with endless movies to watch. Memorial Health Center in Worcester. Betty worked for the town of North In his private life, Bob and his wife bred, During this last year Bob became bedrid- She was the wife of Raymond Roberts of Brookfield as Treasurer for 20 years. raised and showed American Quarter horses. den. His widow and family would like to North Brookfield; the mother of two chil- Funeral services were held Friday, Jan. 27, Their efforts resulted in multiple futurity and thank his special caregiver Melanie dren, Kathy Roberts of Woodstock, Vt. and in Pillsbury Funeral Home, 44 Gilbert St., class wins. Bob led his home grown colt, “Be Beausoleil for her dedication and compas- Paul Roberts and his wife Tammi of North North Brookfield. Burial was in Walnut Cool Mister,” to a Congress Reserve sion. Brookfield and the grandmother of Cody Grove Cemetery. Championship, a highlight in his life. He His widow greatly appreciates all of the Roberts and Kali Petrie. She also leaves three Donations may be made in Betty’s memory served on the Board of Directors for the help that their wonderful neighbors and brothers, Edward of North Brookfield, to the Diabetes Center of Excellence at the Massachusetts Quarter Horse Association, friends offered. These acts of kindness pro- Ernest of West Brookfield and William of University of Massachusetts Medical School, and as their President for three terms. vided Bob with such peace of mind. Leicester and a sister, May of Florida. Worcester, Massachusetts. Bob also enjoyed boating and traveling. He His widow and family would like to thank Born in Worcester, August 16, 1930, she was Pillsburyfuneralhome.com loved his Jack Russell “Kid Carlos” and took his doctors Dr. Armond, Dr. Jones and Dr. the daughter of Irene (Goozey) and Earnest him everywhere. Lockheart for their compassionate care and A. Messier of North Brookfield. Bob was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s friendship that they showed Bob. She would Disease) five and a half years ago. During this also like to thank Dr. Armond’s Team, headed time, he did everything he could to slow down by Sandy who made every visit enjoyable and the progression, and with the help of his wife, informative. Her thanks to Dr. Lockheart’s John M. Curboy, 70 lived his life to the fullest. His dignity,humor, nurse, Nancy and Dr. Jones nurses Cindy and extraordinary strength of character and just Doreen, you ladies all rock! The above profes- MENDON and SOUTH- cating for their benefit. He patrolled lunch daily bravery will be remembered by every- sionals took us in and made us feel like fami- BRIDGE — John M. “Jack” halls, chaperoned student functions and con- one he came in contact with. ly. This difficult journey would have been so Curboy, 70, of Hastings ducted after school detention with such a Bob leaves to cherish his memory his best much harder without them. Street, Mendon, formerly of sense of humor and flair for the unique that friend and soul mate of 16 years, his wife Calling hours will be held Saturday, Feb. 4, Southbridge, died former students frequently approached him Carol Foster-Carlos. He is survived by his 2012, from 1-4 p.m. at Sansoucy Funeral Wednesday,Jan. 25, 2012, in with stories of their escapades when they daughter, Christine and her husband Kevin Home, 40 Marcy St., Southbridge. Following the UMass Memorial were students. Many recall getting a “bou- Harbison PhD, of Lockport, N.Y.; his brother, the service, a dinner buffet will be offered. Medical Center, University quet” given to them for uttering an unaccept- William and Kim Carlos of Hampden; his sis- The party is on Bob! Campus, Worcester, after a able word. Each finger represented an addi- ters, Sue Pate of Holyoke and Robin and Donations in his memory can be made to brief illness. tional day in detention for each letter extend- Roland Provost; nieces, Kelsey and Kady The American Quarter HORSE Foundation, He leaves a son, John M. Curboy, Jr. of ed in the “bouquet.” Provost of Chicopee; his nephews, Joseph 1600 Quarter Horse Drive, Amarillo, TX 79104. Milford; two daughters, Elizabeth M. Curboy Many students recall the sights and experi- Carlos of Hampden, Shawn and Nicole www.sansoucyfuneral.com of Montgomery,Vt. and Michaela J. McCoy of ences of their trips to Europe during April Shelton, Wash.; three brothers, William P. vacations organized and led by Mr. Curboy. Curboy, II of Southbridge, Martin R. Curboy Over the years, nearly 500 kids toured Every dollar donated helps procure food of Southbridge and Stuart J. Curboy of European countries under his guidance. through cooperating grocery stores. Holland; two sisters, Imelda E. Lundstrom of Jack, a name he used in his commercial Tri-Valley to provide For the fourth year, the project is Southbridge and Deborah M. Cote of Warren; Cap’ N Jack salt water lure business, always enhanced with the addition of an eight grandchildren; two great-grandchildren had unique nickname for each student and winter meals for area Emergency Pet Food Fund. The fund was and several nieces and nephews. only permitted them to refer to him as Cap’ N started by a handful of Tri-Valley employ- He was born in Southbridge, the son of Jack after they graduated. He kept in touch ees and their individual donations. Many William P. and Marguerite L. (Chabot) with several hundred on his Facebook page seniors people will often feed their pet before them- Curboy. Often he would ask others, “Do you remem- REGION — For the 17th year, Tri-Valley is selves so the goal is to alleviate some stress He was a graduate of Nasson College in ber……? He/she was the kid from…then he reaching out to help the neediest and most this holiday season by providing a week’s Springdale, Maine. would launch a short tale of the adventure. frail seniors through its winter food project. worth of food. John’s long career as an educator began in His funeral was held Monday, Jan. 30 from Non-perishable meals are packaged and Donations may be made by checks Limerick, Maine, where he both taught and the Daniel T. Morrill Funeral Home, 130 delivered to elder clients identified with a payable to Tri-Valley,Inc., and mailed to Tri- served as Principal for four years. He then Hamilton St., Southbridge, followed by a serious need. The gift of food can make the Valley – Emergency Food Project or became a history teacher in Holliston. He Mass in St. Mary’s Church of Blessed John difference between health and illness, espe- Emergency Pet Food Fund, 10 Mill St., admirably served the students and their fam- Paul II Parish, 267 Hamilton St., Southbridge. cially during the winter when energy costs Dudley, MA 01571. ilies in Holliston by teaching history and Burial in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Southbridge, are high and other necessities like prescrip- Tri-Valley, Inc. is a private, non-profit being class advisor to several classes in his 41- will be held at the convenience of the family. tions, rent and utilities must still be paid. agency providing in-home and community year career before retiring in 2003. His true www.morrillfuneralhome.com This year, there was a 45% increase in based services in 25 towns located in south calling was being with the kids, always advo- need over last season and Tri-Valley staff central Massachusetts. The agency receives responded by packaging over 13,000 non- funding from the Commonwealth of perishable meals for delivery to frail elderly Massachusetts through the Executive Office clients. Elder clients identified with serious of Elder Affairs and from the Federal gov- SEND ALL OBITUARY NOTICES TO needs will receive enough food for the entire ernment, under the Older American’s Act, month of January and then some. Since the processed through the Central Mass Agency THE NEW LEADER, project’s inception, it is estimated that over on Aging. 130,500 meals have been provided. The pro- For information about this project or PO BOX 90, SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550, OR BY ject’s success relies on the generous support services for seniors, call Tri-Valley’s free from area businesses and individuals. HELP-LINE at 1-800-286-6640. E-MAIL TO [email protected] Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 3 CALENDAR

The calendar page is a free service offered for listings for government, educational and non- THURSDAY profit organizations. Send all calendar list- ings and happenings by mail to Ann FEBRUARY 9 Tremblay at Stonebridge Press, 25 Elm St., SPENCER — BINGO at the Knights of Southbridge, MA 01550; by fax at (508) 764- Columbus, 10 Meadow Road, Spencer every 8015 or by e-mail to atremblay@stonebridge- Thursday. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. The first press.com. Please write “calendar” in the sub- game starts at 6:45 p.m. Come and enjoy some ject line. All calendar listings must be submit- good food, good people and hopefully win a ted by 3 p.m. on Friday to be published in the little. following Friday’s edition. The Spencer New Leader will print such listings as space allows. BROOKFIELD — “DIVORCE CARE” week- ly meetings will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursdays at the Brookfield Congregational Church, On the Common, Brookfield. FRIDAY DivorceCare groups meet weekly to help you FEBRUARY 3 face challenges and move toward rebuilding LEICESTER — John J. Binienda will be your life. DivorceCare is a friendly, caring conducting OFFICE HOURS from 10 a.m. to group of people who will walk alongside you noon at the Leicester Senior Center, 40 through one of life’s most difficult experi- Winslow Avenue. ences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. Each session includes a skill-building N. BROOKFIELD — There will be free DVD presentation and is followed by a weekly PARENT/CHILD PROGRAMS from 9 Discussion/Support Group. For more infor- to 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays at the mation, call the church office at 508-867-6262 North Brookfield Elementary School, New or e-mail to [email protected]. School Road, North Brookfield The program runs on school calendar and SPENCER — There will be free weekly closes for vacation and inclement weather PARENT/CHILD PROGRAMS from 9 to 11 according to North Brookfield School calen- a.m. Thursdays at the Spencer Child Care dar. This free program is sponsored by the Church youth group hosting annual Valentine’s Dinner Center, 216 Main St., Spencer. The program Spencer, Wachusett, North & East Brookfield runs in accordance with the Spencer Child Coordinated Family Grant in partnership NORTH BROOKFIELD — KICK, the senior high ministry of the First Care Center. This free program is sponsored with the North Brookfield Elementary Congregational Church of North Brookfield, will host the Fifth Annual Valentine’s by the Spencer, Wachusett, North & East School. Funded by the Massachusetts Dinner for Couples on Saturday, Feb 13 from 6-10 p.m. in the Church Fellowship Hall. Brookfield Coordinated Family Grant in Department of Early Education and Care. The full four-course menu includes shrimp cocktail, tossed salad, a choice of prime partnership with the Spencer Child Care rib or baked haddock, potatoes, glazed baby carrots, and a choice of strawberry short- Center. Funded by the Massachusetts W.BROOKFIELD — What do you get when cake or a hot fudge brownie sundae. Department of Early Education and Care. No you cross the music of Irish rock band U2 Doors open at 5:30 p.m. The first course will be served at 6 p.m. After the dinner, there registration is required. This is a stay and with a Communion service? A U2charist! will be dancing, with the accent on slow romantic tunes. play program and parents must attend with And it’s coming to The First Congregational The cost is $30 per couple. Reservations are required, and space is limited to 43 cou- their children. For more information, please Church of West Brookfield, 36 N. Main St., W. ples. For reservations, contact Ron Olson at (774) 200-1553 or [email protected]. call 508-885-2934 or email Wachusettcpc@hot- Brookfield for the first time ever at 8 p.m. mail.com. Friday, Feb. 3. The program, which features E. BROOKFIELD — The East Brookfield the MUSIC OF U2 performed by the Willie with songs, finger plays, and stories. Just Jeppson Memorial Fund for Brookfield, Baptist Church invites all senior citizens Sordillo Band (including the pastor of First drop in, no registration is necessary. Greater Worcester Community Foundation. (ladies and gentlemen) to a COMMUNITY Congregational Lisa Durkee Abbott on For more information, call 508-867-6339. LUNCH at 11:30 a.m. every second Thursday lead EAST BROOKFIELD — The East of the month in Fellowship Hall. Lunch will vocals), is far more than “church with a Brookfield Public Library, 122 Connie Mack N. BROOKFIELD — There will be free be soup, sandwich and a light dessert. This twist.” As with all U2charist services, the Drive, East Brookfield, will celebrate Joke weekly PARENT/CHILD PROGRAMS from 9 will be followed by a time of fellowship and event is offered to help fight hunger.One hun- month with a FAMILY JOKE NITE at 6 p.m. to 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays at the games concluding with a devotional just dred percent of the proceeds of the free-will Monday,Feb. 6. Share your favorite jokes and North Brookfield Elementary School, New before 2 p.m. Reservations are encouraged. offering will benefit local disaster relief. In riddles. For more information, call 508-867- School Road, North Brookfield Call 508-867-7725. addition, people are invited to bring a non- 7928. The program runs on school calendar and perishable food item. For more information closes for vacation and inclement weather SPENCER — The VNA Care Network and call the church at 508-867-7078. SPENCER — PUPPETMANIA will be at according to North Brookfield School calen- Hospice is holding a free KEEP WELL Clinic the Richard Sugden Library from 4:30-5:30 dar. This free program is sponsored by the to residents 60 and older from 11 a.m. to 1 N. BROOKFIELD — The North Brookfield p.m. Mondays during the month of February. Spencer, Wachusett, North & East Brookfield p.m., on the second Thursday of the month at Sportsmen’s Club will hold a “Texas Today we’ll make sock puppets. This pro- Coordinated Family Grant in partnership the Council on Aging, 40 Wall St. Local resi- Hold’em” TOURNAMENT at the Club, 20 gram is for school aged children. with the North Brookfield Elementary dents may have their blood pressure checked Boynton Road, North Brookfield, on Friday School. Funded by the Massachusetts and learn about health concerns. Blood Feb. 3. Play starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. This Department of Early Education and Care. is to benefit the Youth Fishing Derby that will sugar, weight monitoring and other health assessments may also be available. VNA Care be held in the Spring. Refreshments are TUESDAY BROOKFIELD —There will be an Network and Hospice clinics are funded in available. American Red Cross BABYSITTING CLASS part by the United Way, local boards of FEBRUARY 7 for students age 11-16 from 4 to 8 p.m. SPENCER — The Conversational FRENCH health, private foundations. For up-to-date SPENCER – The ECONOMY SHOP at the Wednesday,Feb. 8 and Thursday,Feb. 9 at the CLUB meets from 7 to 8 p.m. the first Tuesday clinic information please visit First Congregational Church, 207 Main St., Merrick Public Library, 2 Lincoln St., each month in the Meeting Room of the www.vnacarenetwork.org or call 888-663-3688, Spencer will be open from 8 a.m. to noon Brookfield. Students must attend the total six Richard Sugden Library. Adults are invited ext. 5603. Friday, Feb. 3. Everything is 1/2 price. to practice your conversational French. hours to receive their certificate. The fee is $25 (regularly $50 — the Friends of the Different themes will inspire conversation SPENCER — The Richard Sugden Library Library sponsor the other half of the fee). each month. Registration is optional. If you WRITERS GROUP meets from 1 to 3 p.m. on Pizza will be served both nights. Limited would like an email reminder; email Denise the second Thursday of each month at the SATURDAY space available, please call the library at 508- at [email protected]. Richard Sugden Library,Spencer. Adults cre- 867-6339 to register. FEBRUARY 4 ate and share a mix of fiction, poetry, and WARREN — The CROSS ROADS CAFE at 7 SPENCER — The Southbridge Savings prose. Everyone profits from paying atten- NORTH BROOKFIELD—A LEGO CLUB p.m. Saturday at the Emmanuel Church, 25 Bank COMPUTER CLASS meets from 4 to 6 tion to others’ problems and attempted solu- will be held at the Haston Public Library Winthrop Terrace, Warren. The Coffeehouse p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at the tions. Carle Johnson from the Worcester from 6 to 6:45 p.m. Wednesdays through Feb. is held on the first Saturday of each month. Richard Sugden Library, Spencer. Adults are County Poetry Association leads the group. 8. Boys and girls in grades K-6 can have fun All ages are welcome. There is no cover invited to bring your questions, or see what For more information contact Carle Johnson designing, building and demonstrating their charge; however, a love offering is accepted questions come up at the class! Bring a lap at [email protected]. as a gift to the Band or Musician as thanks to top if you have one, otherwise computers are Lego creations in the Children’s Room with Lynne Losurdo. Donations of Legos are need- God for their sharing of their talent and gift provided. E. BROOKFIELD —A “GriefShare” SUP- ed to make this club a success. They may be for the glory of God. (www.emmanuelortho- PORT GROUP continues at 6:30 p.m. dropped in the collection bin on the main dox.org) SPENCER — The very popular LEGO Thursdays at the E. Brookfield Baptist floor of the library.Call Rosemary Mackenzie CLUB for children in kindergarten through Church, 262 East Main St., East Brookfield. at 508-867-0208 to sign up for the club or for N. BROOKFIELD — The North Brookfield sixth grade will be held from 6-6:45 p.m. at the This ministry is a collaboration of both E. more information. NORTH CRAFTY CHRISTIANS meet every Richard Sugden Library. It will be offered Brookfield Baptist Church and the Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon in the parson- every first and third Tuesday of the month Brookfield Congregational Church. For W. BROOKFIELD — Come discover the age of the First Congregational Church of during the school year. If anyone in the com- questions, please call 508-867-7725. North Brookfield. If you knit, crochet, cross- munity has legos that they no longer want, New AMERICAN GIRL COLLECTION at the Merriam-Gilbert Public Library in West stitch or do any other kind of portable craft, we would love to have them. Participants do LEICESTER — The Leicester Public Brookfield, for ages 8 and up. The group will come and craft with us! It is open to everyone not need to register or bring their own legos. Library will host an INFORMATION SES- meet Wednesday, Feb. 8 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in — every skill level, every craft, every age. For SION on the Nook and electronic book read- the second floor meeting room of the Library. more information, contact Ashley Ottman at ers from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Thursday,Feb. 9. Come Limited to 16 participants. Call the library to (484) 213-1750 or e-mail to by this informative session with Lori Belton WEDNESDAY register. Check out the new American Girl [email protected]. from Barnes and Noble. Learn about the chapter books. Bring the past to life with our Nook and how to borrow eReaders and e- FEBRUARY 8 new American Girl paper doll collection. RUTLAND — SENIOR EXERCISE CLASS- books from the library. The program is free, and no registration is required. For more SUNDAY ES are held every Wednesday from 10 - 11 a.m. E. BROOKFIELD — There will be an information, call the library at (508) 892-7020. at the Rutland Community Center, Glenwood American Heart Association CPR CERTIFI- FEBRUARY 5 Road, Rutland. Enjoy an hour of fun and CATION CLASS from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, E. BROOKFIELD — There will be a exercise to music to help stay strong, fit, Feb. 8 at the East Brookfield Public Library, SPAGHETTI DINNER from 12:30 to 2 p.m. healthy and independent. Classes are co-ed 122 Connie Mack Drive, East Brookfield. The FRIDAY Sunday, Feb. 5 at the East Brookfield Baptist and all are welcome. The fee is $4 per class. Instructor is Jim Sadin. The cost is $15 per Church. Admission is $8 for adults; $4 for For more information, call Joyce Gamache at person due at sign up (required). Class size is FEBRUARY 10 children under age 10 with a $20 per family (508) 754-2821. limited. For more information, visit N. BROOKFIELD — There will be free cap. All proceeds will support the “Mission to www.eastbrookfieldlibrary.org. To sign up, weekly PARENT/CHILD PROGRAMS from 9 India” trip that Pastor Kevin Cross and his WEST BROOKFIELD — STORY HOUR for please call 508-867-7928. to 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays at the daughter Julie are planning to Mother children 3-6 years old continues at the North Brookfield Elementary School, New Theresa’s orphanage in Calcutta, India. For Merriam-Gilbert Public Library, West SPENCER — Dig those DINOSAURS from School Road, North Brookfield more information or advance reservations, Brookfield from 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays. 5 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays at the Richard Sugden The program runs on school calendar and please call Debbie at the church office, 508- The group will explore different themes Library. This school-aged program will closes for vacation and inclement weather 867-7725. through stories, songs and an engaging craft. include dinosaur stories, fun facts, activities according to North Brookfield School calen- Weekly attendance is strongly encouraged, and a craft. dar. This free program is sponsored by the WARREN — The Quaboag Lodge of so the children get to know each other and Spencer, Wachusett, North & East Brookfield Masons, 968A Main St., Warren, will offer an become familiar with the program’s routine. SPENCER – The ECONOMY SHOP at the Coordinated Family Grant in partnership “all-you-can-eat” PANCAKE BREAKFAST (Children must be 3 years old by Sept.1, 2011). First Congregational Church, 207 Main St., with the North Brookfield Elementary from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 5 at the Group size is limited to 12 children. Spencer will be open Wednesday, Feb. 8 from School. Funded by the Massachusetts Warren Senior Center, 2252 Main St., West 8 a.m. to noon; Thursday,Feb. 9 from 8 a.m. to Department of Early Education and Care. Warren SPENCER — The BABY TIME program for 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m., and Friday,Feb. 10 from Donations are $5 per person and $3 for chil- infants 6 months to 18 months and their care- 8 a.m. to noon. Everything is 50 cents. N. BROOKFIELD — The North Brookfield dren under 10 years of age. Proceeds from the givers meets on Wednesdays at the Richard Sportsmen’s Club will hold a “Texas breakfast will help fund and support the local Sugden Library from 9:30 to 9:45 a.m. The SPENCER — All teens in grades 6-12 are Hold’em” TOURNAMENT at the Club, 20 charitable efforts of the Quaboag Masonic TODDLER STORY HOUR for children aged welcome to come create and decorate ORIGA- Boynton Road, North Brookfield, on Friday Lodge, which was instituted in 1859. For 18 months to three years old and their care- MI hearts, just in time for Valentine’s Day, Feb. 10. Play starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. This more information, call Robert E. Lavash Sr., givers is offered from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Pre- from 6 to 7 p.m. Feb. 8 in the Meeting Room at is to benefit the Youth Fishing Derby that will Masonic Ambassador, at (413) 436-7974. kindergarteners who will be three years old the Richard Sugden Library in Spencer. All be held in the Spring. Refreshments are by Oct 1 are invited to STORY HOUR from you need to bring is your imagination, all available. MONDAY 11:30-12:30 a.m. Registration is required for materials will be provided. Sweet treats and the above programs and can be done in per- hot cocoa will be served at this workshop led FEBRUARY 6 son or by calling 508-885-7513. by our TAG (Teen Advisory Group) member, W. BROOKFIELD — The Toddler PLAY Michaela Brown. Registration is required SATURDAY GROUP for children ages birth to 3 years BROOKFIELD —MUSIC TIME with Ms. and limited to 15. For more information, call Renee Coro at 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays at the FEBRUARY 11 meets Mondays at 10 a.m. in the Children’s Ann Ramsey at 508-885-7513. N. BROOKFIELD — The North Brookfield Merrick Public Library, 2 Lincoln St., Room at the Merriam-Gilbert Public Library, NORTH CRAFTY CHRISTIANS meet every 3 West Main St., West Brookfield. The first Brookfield. All ages welcome to attend, no half hour will be free play.During the second sign-up is necessary, free snacks and juice Turn To CALENDAR, B10 half hour, the librarian will lead the group served. This program is funded by the page 4 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 OUR TOWNS DPHS Spotlights to do one-act plays Feb. 10-11 SPENCER — On Friday, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. the Spotlights group at David Prouty High School will be performing two one-act plays. “Box Office” is a comedy that involves a wide range of crazy characters who demon- strate more drama in the lobby than there is on stage. The second selection is “Match (dot) Comedy” by Bradley Haywood. In this enter- taining performance a young man proposes to his girlfriend at a fancy restaurant but immediately gets cold feet and, using his iPod, posts an advertisement on a dating site. An array of female singles arrives at the restaurant, where Trevor sits with his new fiancé, and the restaurant transforms to a speed dating introduction hall. Tickets will be sold at the door, and the entry cost is $5. Desserts and beverages can be purchased at additional cost and will be served in a café style atmosphere. Come sup- port the arts and enjoy a fun night of comedy. The school is also looking for a few adult volunteers to help with makeup, tickets and food sales. If interested, please email Karen Rubino at [email protected]. Registration for baseball, softball seasons extended Courtesy photo NORTH BROOKFIELD — Registration for North Brookfield Youth Baseball and Softball ALL-STATE HONORS has been extended to Saturday, Feb. 4 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Bell Area at North WARREN — Quaboag Regional School Committee member Clifford Fountain of Warren has been awarded the honor of “2011-2012 All Brookfield Elementary School. State” from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees. Fountain is the first Quaboag School Committee member to earn this Registration can also be done through the distinction. He was recognized at the Dec. 19 School Committee meeting. In this photo are, from left, Dolores Morin, Laurie Hebert, Leane mail by using the downloadable forms from Pierce, Dan Korzec, Superintendent of Schools Brett Kustigian, Fountain, Paula Messier, Lori Loughlin, Andrew Schwenker and John www.nbysports.com. Dolan. Not pictured are school board members Renee Chisholm, Daniel Para and Gina Lavallee. Fees for 2012 will be $25 for T-Ball (same as last year), $45 for boys and girls aged 7-12 (same as last year) and $70 for Babe Ruth boys and softball girls, aged 13-15 (an increase Green Valley’s goal of becoming self-sustain- space in the coastal sprawl between of $10 from the previous eight years). Last Green Valley starts ing by 2015. Please visit Washington, D.C., and Boston. Forms needed for 2012 are the official Little www.CelebrationsShoppes.com for more P.O. Box 186 ? Southbridge, MA 01550 . Toll League registration form or local Babe Ruth information. Free 866-363-7226. Email: [email protected] ? registration form, a medical release form Green Light Celebration Bella’s Bistro in Putnam, Conn., is offering web: www.thelastgreenvalley.org and, if you are volunteering in any way,a vol- a $5 “Green” Midori Martini, Fried “Green” unteer form. A birth certificate is also The Last Green Valley, Inc. launched its Tomatoes with a Lobster Fra Diavolo Sauce required for each player who did not play for Green Light Celebration Saturday, Jan. 14, appetizer and a dessert called “Yummie Nichols College offers the league last year. A copy will do. The vol- and the celebration will continue through Mummie’s Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcake.” unteer form must be accompanied with a Feb. 12. Please visit www.bellasbistromarket.com for free evening career copy of the volunteer’s driver’s license. If you haven’t already changed out at least more info. It is very important that signups take place one porch light with a green bulb, placed a Many other businesses are finalizing their during this time period so the number of green candle in your window, or devised an special Green Light promotions. The Last seminars teams can be evaluated. A late fee may be outdoor display of green lights in your yard, Green Valley encourages all businesses to added for late signups. please consider showing your support for our join in at any point during the four-week cel- DUDLEY —Nichols College, the leader in For more information, contact Richard beautiful region by joining in the fun now. ebration to benefit from the growing momen- career and professional development, will LeBlanc at (508) 867-2134 or Green light bulbs may still be purchased at tum of this new promotion, to generate offer a three-seminar series designed to help [email protected]. local hardware stores, including Aubuchon’s, greater awareness of The Last Green Valley, job- and career-seekers hone their skills Benny’s and True Value, as well as at Lowe’s, and to increase visitation to the area’s many starting Tuesday,Jan. 31. Each of the follow- Home Depot and Target. However, strings of unique establishments. ing seminars—which will last 45 minutes fol- green lights are a bit more difficult to acquire Anyone interested in participating should lowed by questions and answers—is free and locally now that the holiday season is over. contact Tourism Coordinator Michelle open to the public and begins at 6:30 p.m. “Every Town Try these online resources for a variety of Bourgeois at (860) 774-3300 or by email at * RESUME WRITING, Tuesday,Jan. 31, 6:30 green lights: www.amazon.com, www.christ- [email protected]. p.m., mas-light-source.com, www.save-on- Be sure to take photos of your green lights, Nichols College, Davis Hall, Room 211 — Deserves crafts.com and www.christmaslightsetc.com. of those you visit, or tell us about a green Learn valuable tips on creating or updating The following businesses have jumped on light special you enjoyed. Just send them to your resume to gain an interview in today’s the Green Light bandwagon with creative [email protected] and they will be posted on The competitive job market. a Good ways to participate. Danielson Adventure Last Green Valley’s website and Facebook * INTERVIEWING SKILLS, Wednesday, Sports in downtown Danielson, Conn., is page. A complete list of participating busi- Feb. 15, 6:30 p.m., Nichols College, Davis Hall, offering a 10 percent discount on all online nesses, events, and town displays can be Room 211. Prepare to shine in your next Local purchases (excluding bikes) during the found on The Last Green Valley website by interview with valuable tips on how to pres- month-long Green Light Celebration, and is visiting www.tlgv.org. ent yourself as the best candidate for the job. generously donating 10 percent of its online The Last Green Valley is the member-sup- * DEVELOPING A CAREER PORTFOLIO, Newspaper” sales to The Last Green Valley. Please visit ported, nonprofit organization working local- Monday, Feb. 27, 6:30 p.m., Nichols College, www.bikect.com for more details. ly to preserve the irreplaceable land, water, Davis Hall, Room 211. Learn how to develop a Celebrations Shoppes & Galleries in and cultural resources of the Quinebaug and portfolio of your skills and experience. TheHeartOf Pomfret, Conn., is also providing a 10 percent Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage For additional information, contact Linda discount on select “green” merchandise and Corridor (which includes East Brookfield), White at 508-213-2212. will be contributing 10 percent from the sales the last predominantly undeveloped green Massachusetts.com of these special items in support of The Last BUSINESS DIRECTORY

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Mark Williams TheHeartOf 508-612-2271 1-800-640-3316 Call: 508-954-5417 Auburn, MA ExpressChimney.com Dudley, MA (508)400-1572 (cell) Massachusetts.com Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 5 6 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 LEGALS NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF pone at any adjourned sale date by public NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF If you now are, or recently have been, in REAL ESTATE proclamation on the date and at the time and REAL ESTATE the active military service of the United By virtue and in execution of the Power of place appointed for the adjourned sale. By virtue and in execution of the Power States of America, then you may be entitled Sale contained in a certain mortgage given In the event of the failure or inability of the of Sale contained in a certain mortgage to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil by JUNE L. GOGUEN to SAVERS CO- purchaser to perform and to purchase the given by Courtney E. Blickarz a/k/a Courtney Relief Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the OPERATIVE BANK, dated March 30, 2010 premises in accordance herewith, the Durand a/k/a Courtney Blickarz Durand to above-mentioned property on that basis, and recorded with the Worcester District Mortgagee reserves the right (but is not obli- Washington Mutual Bank, FA, dated July 19, then you or your attorney must file a written Registry of Deeds (the "Registry") in Book gated) to accept, subject to the 2004 and recorded with the Worcester appearance and answer in this court at 45638, Page 268 (the "Mortgage"), of which Memorandum of Sale, the second highest County (Worcester District) Registry of Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA Mortgage the undersigned (the "Mortgagee") bid for the premises, without further adver- Deeds at Book 34188, Page 112, of which 02108 on or before MARCH 12, 2012 or you is the present holder, for breach of the condi- tisement and without further notice to other mortgage JP Morgan Chase Bank, National will be forever barred from claiming that you tions of the Mortgage and for the purpose of bidders or persons. In the event that the Association, as purchaser of loans and other are entitled to the benefits of said Act. foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Mortgagee offers the premises to the second assets of Washington Mutual Bank, formerly Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER Chief Auction at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, February 17, highest bidder and such person declines known as Washington Mutual Bank, FA (the Justice of this Court on JANUARY 24, 2012. 2012 at the mortgaged premises located on either to purchase the premises at the sec- “Savings Bank”) from the Federal Deposit Attest: or near 36 Lake Road, Brookfield, ond highest bid price or to sign the Insurance Corporation, acting as receiver for Deborah J. Patterson Massachusetts, all and singular the premises Memorandum of Sale, then the Mortgagee the Savings Bank and pursuant to its author- Recorder described in the Mortgage, to wit: may elect (but is not obligated) to exercise ity under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 201109-0085-GRY "The land with the buildings thereon in the rights of the second highest bidder under 12 U.S.C. section 1821(d) is the present February 3, 2012 Brookfield, Worcester County, this paragraph and to purchase the premises holder, for breach of the conditions of said Massachusetts, situated on the northerly at the second highest bid price, without fur- mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, Commonwealth of Massachusetts side of the road from Brookfield to ther advertisement and without further notice the same will be sold at Public Auction at The Trial Court Sturbridge, now known as Lake Road, to other bidders or persons. 9:00 a.m. on February 17, 2012, on the mort- Probate and Family Court bounded and described as follows: Other terms to be announced at the time and gaged premises located at 14 High Street , Worcester Division BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of the place of sale. Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Worcester Probate and Family Court lot to be conveyed in the northerly line of said SAVERS CO-OPERATIVE BANK all and singular the premises described in 225 Main Street Lake Road at a stone wall at land formerly of Present holder of said Mortgage said mortgage, Worcester, MA 01608 Mary Upham, now and formerly of Chester Howard B. D'Amico, Esq. TO WIT: (508) 831-2200 Ciecko; SEDER & CHANDLER, LLP The land in Spencer, Worcester County, Docket No. WO12P0166EA THENCE N. 66° 08’ W. 267.62 feet along 339 Main Street Massachusetts with the building thereon, on In the Estate of: Horace J Niemiec said Lake Road to a wall at land formerly of Worcester, MA 01608 the Easterly side of High Street, bounded Late of: West Warren, MA 01092 Frances Howe, now or formerly of Noe Bard; (508) 757-7721 and described as follows: Date of Death: 12/14/2011 THENCE N. 22° 50’ E. 170.0 feet along said Attorneys for the Mortgagee On the West by said High Street; NOTICE OF PETITION FOR stone wall and Bard land to a point; On the North by land formerly of Emerson PROBATE OF WILL THENCE S. 66° 04’ E. 262.93 feet by land AUCTION MARKETING GROUP, INC. Stone; To all persons interested in the above cap- formerly of Mundell, now or formerly of P. O. Box 107 On the East by land formerly of Aaron D. tioned estate, a petition has been presented Edwin F. Olejnicznak, to a stone wall at land Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Woodbury, heirs; and requesting that a document purporting to be of said Ciecko; (508)842-1900 On the South by land formerly of Capen and the last will of said decedent be proved and THENCE S. 20° 44’ W. 170.0 feet by said Auctioneer, License No. 207 land of one Bemis. allowed and that Jean Kowalski of West stone wall and land of said Ciecko, to the Being the same premises conveyed to the Brookfield, MA be appointed executor/trix, point of beginning. January 27, 2012 herein named mortgagor (s) by deed record- named in the will to serve Without Surety. CONTAINING one acre of land, more or less. February 3, 2012 ed with the Worcester District Registry of IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, The premises are conveyed subject to a right February 10, 2012 Deeds in Book 30232, Page 236. YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A of way to William Mundell et ux, their heirs For mortgagor's(s') title see deed record- WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT and assigns, 15 feet in width easterly of and NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF ed with Worcester County (Worcester AT WORCESTER ON OR BEFORE TEN adjacent to the westerly line of the granted REAL ESTATE District) Registry of Deeds in Book 30232, O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) premises which right of way extends from By virtue and in execution of the Power of Page 236. ON 02/21/2012. said road to other land, formerly of William H. Sale contained in a certain mortgage given These premises will be sold and con- In addition, you must file a written affidavit Mundell et ux. by Jason S. Tominsky and Ron J. Weinstein veyed subject to and with the benefit of all of objections to the petition, stating specific BEING the same premises conveyed to us to Mortgage Electronic Registration rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, facts and grounds upon which the objection by deed from Edward D. Menard dated June Systems, Inc. as Nominee for American covenants, liens or claims in the nature of is based, within thirty (30) days after the 5, 1978 and recorded in the Worcester Home Mortgage Acceptance, Inc., dated liens, improvements, public assessments, return day (or such other time as the court, District Registry of Deeds, Book 6482, Page June 30, 2005 and recorded with the any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may 166. Worcester County (Worcester District) water and sewer liens and any other munici- allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. Also the land in Brookfield, Worcester Registry of Deeds in Book 36708, Page 269 pal assessments or liens or existing encum- WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First County, Massachusetts, on the northerly side of which mortgage Deutsche Bank National brances of record which are in force and are Justice of this Court. of the road from Brookfield to Sturbridge, Trust Company, as Indenture Trustee for applicable, having priority over said mort- Date: January 24, 2012 called Lake Road, bounded as follows: American Home Mortgage Investment Trust gage, whether or not reference to such Stephen G. Abraham BEGINNING at the southeast corner thereof; 2005-3 is the present holder, by assignment restrictions, easements, improvements, liens Register of Probate THENCE westerly by said road 15-1/2 rods; for breach of the conditions of said mortgage or encumbrances is made in the deed. February 3, 2012 THENCE northerly on a wall by land former- and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same TERMS OF SALE: ly of Francis Howe about 38-1/2 rods; will be sold at Public Auction at 11:00 AM on A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Commonwealth of Massachusetts THENCE easterly on a wall about 13-1/2 February 21, 2012, on the mortgaged prem- Dollars by certified or bank check will be The Trial Court rods; ises located at 41 1/2 Maple Street, Spencer, required to be paid by the purchaser at the Probate and Family Court Department THENCE southerly on a wall by land former- MA 01562, all and singular the premises time and place of sale. The balance is to be WORCESTER Division ly of Mary Upham about 38-1/2 rods to the described in said mortgage, TO WIT: The paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Docket No. 80P2915-22 place of beginning. land in Spencer, Worcester County, Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Notice Of Fiduciary’s Account CONTAINING about 4-1/2 acres. Massachusetts, situated on the easterly side Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to To all persons interested in the estate of Excepting from the above described tract a of Maple Street, and bounded and described P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Helen W. Handanian late of Brookfield, certain parcel of land in said Brookfield situ- as follows: On the West about 41.0 feet by Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) Worcester County ated on the northerly side of the road leading said Maple Street; On the North about 65.0 days from the date of sale. Deed will be pro- You are hereby notified pursuant to Mass. from Brookfield to Sturbridge, called Lake feet by land formerly of F.X. Gaucher; On the vided to purchaser for recording upon receipt R. Civ. P. Rule 72 that the twenty-seventh Road, bounded as follows; East about 38.0 feet by land formerly of in full of the purchase price. The description thru thirtieth account(s) of Bank of America, BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner Thomas Martin; and On the South about of the premises contained in said mortgage N.A. as Trustee (the fiduciary) for the benefit thereof on the northerly line of said road; 74.0 feet by land formerly of Pauline shall control in the event of an error in this of Town of Ware have been presented to said THENCE westerly by the northerly line of Lawrence. All together with an easement to publication. Court for allowance. said road 255.75 feet, more or less, to a wall pass and repass over a portion of the prop- Other terms, if any, to be announced at If you desire to preserve your right to file at land now or formerly of Francis Howe; erty on the easterly side of Maple Street, the sale. an objection to said account(s), you or your THENCE northerly by wall and land of said Spencer, Massachusetts, as created by JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL attorney must file a written appearance in Howe 170 feet to an iron pin; deeds recorded with said registry, Book ASSOCIATION, AS PURCHASER OF said Court at Worcester on or before the THENCE easterly in a line parallel with the 11815, Page 62, and Book 11815, Page 63, LOANS AND OTHER ASSETS OF fourteenth day of February, 2012 the return northerly line of said road 255.75 feet by and a shown on a plan recorded with said WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, day of this citation. You may upon written other land now or formerly of William H. Registry, Plan Book 612, Plan 28. Being the FORMERLY KNOWN AS WASHINGTON request by registered or certified mail to the Mundell et ux to a wall at land formerly of same premises conveyed to Lee Bailey and MUTUAL BANK, FA (THE “SAVINGS fiduciary, or to the attorney for the fiduciary, Mary Upham; Linda Bailey by deed of Nazish Hussian and BANK”) FROM THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT obtain without cost a copy of said account(s). THENCE southerly by said wall and land of Michelle A. Gaval, Trustees of 41-1/2 Maple INSURANCE CORPORATION, ACTING AS If you desire to object to any item of said said Upham 170 feet to the place of begin- Street Realty Trust, dated June 20, 2000, RECEIVER FOR THE SAVINGS BANK account(s), you must, in addition to filing a ning. recorded with said registry, Book 22702, AND PURSUANT TO ITS AUTHORITY written appearance as aforesaid, file within CONTAINING 1 acre more or less. Page 062. For mortgagors' title see deed UNDER THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT thirty days after said return day or within BEING the same premises conveyed to us recorded with the Worcester County INSURANCE ACT, 12 U.S.C. such other time as the Court upon motion by deed from David B. Roberts et ux dated (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in SECTION 1821(D) may order a written statement of each such April 30, 1982 and recorded in the Worcester Book 37452, Page 312 and in Book 36708, Present holder of said mortgage item together with the grounds for each District Registry of Deeds, Book 7461, Page Page 267 of the same Registry. These prem- objection thereto, a copy to be served upon 125. ises will be sold and conveyed subject to and By its Attorneys, the fiduciary pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. Except as to this lender and this lending with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. Rule 5. transaction, for which my right of homestead restrictions, easements, right of ways, 150 California Street WITNESS, Denise Meagher, Esquire, specifically is waived, mortgagor expressly covenants, liens or claims in the nature of Newton, MA 02458 First Justice of said Court at Worcester this reserves my right of homestead (Book liens, improvements, public assessments, (617) 558-0500 seventeenth day of January, 2012. 39134, Page 355) and do not terminate my any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, 200904-2172 - RED Stephen G. Abraham Homestead by granting the within con- water and sewer liens and any other munici- January 20, 2012 Register of Probate veyance." pal assessments or liens or existing encum- January 27, 2012 February 3, 2012 The description of the premises contained in brances of record which are in force and are February 3, 2012 the Mortgage shall control in the event of a applicable, having priority over said mort- typographical error in this publication. gage, whether or not reference to such (SEAL) Said premises, together with all improve- restrictions, easements, improvements, liens THE COMMONWEALTH OF ments encumbered by the Mortgage, are to or encumbrances is made in the deed. MASSACHUSETTS be sold and conveyed subject to all leases, TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of TEN THOU- LAND COURT tenancies, occupancies, mortgages, restric- SAND ($10,000.00) DOLLARS by certified or DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT “Every Town tions, covenants, orders of conditions, ease- bank check will be required to be paid by the 2011 MISC. 456877 ments, encroachments, outstanding tax purchaser at the time and place of sale. The ORDER OF NOTICE titles, municipal or other public taxes, balance is to be paid by certified or bank To: assessments or liens, federal and state tax check at ABLITT|SCOFIELD, P.C., 304 Raymond O. Hazzard, Jr. Deserves liens, other liens or claims in the nature of Cambridge Road, Woburn, MA 01801, other and to all persons entitled to the benefit of liens and existing encumbrances recorded terms and conditions will be provided at the the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 prior to the Mortgage and/or otherwise hav- place of sale. The description of the premis- U.S.C. App. § 501 et seq.: ing priority over the Mortgage, if there be es contained in said mortgage shall control in OneWest Bank, FSB a Good any. the event of an error in this publication. claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOU- OTHER TERMS, IF ANY, TO BE covering real property in 11 Lake Avenue, SAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS, non-refund- ANNOUNCED AT THE SALE. Present hold- Spencer given by Raymond O. Hazzard, Jr. Local able, is to be paid in certified or bank er of said mortgage Deutsche Bank National to Mortgage Electronic Registration cashier's check by the purchaser at the time Trust Company, as Indenture Trustee for Systems, Inc., dated October 23, 2006, and and place of sale, the balance to be paid in American Home Mortgage Investment Trust recorded with the Worcester County certified or bank cashier's check and deed to 2005-3 By its Attorneys, /s/ (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Newspaper” be taken by purchaser within thirty (30) days ABLITT|SCOFIELD, P.C. 304 Cambridge Book 40046, Page 189 as affected by a of the sale at the offices of Seder & Chandler, Road Woburn, MA 01801 Telephone: 781- Home Affordable Modification Agreement LLP, 339 Main Street, Worcester, 246-8995 Fax: 781-246-8994 Date: January recorded with said Registry at Book 46609, Massachusetts, attorneys for the Mortgagee. 10, 2012 C96.0789-F- Tominsky and Page 365 and now held by the plaintiff by TheHeartOf The Mortgagee reserves the right to post- Weinstein(1/27/2012 2/3/2012 2/10/2012) assignment has/have filed with this court a pone the sale to a later date by public procla- January 27, 2012 complaint for determination of mation on the date and at the time and place February 3, 2012 Defendant’s/Defendants’ Servicemembers Massachusetts.com appointed for the sale and to further post- February 10, 2012 status. Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 7

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Jules Gary T.A. Maureen Ellen Paul John Adrienne Sandi Tony LAKE REALTY Lusignan Williams King Cimoch Therrien Fenuccio Kokocinski James Grzyb DiDonato www.Century21LakeRealty.com • www.WebsterLake.net #1 on the Internet GO NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS! WATCH FOR OUR SUPER BOWL AD! LIST WITH #1!

SOLDSOLD NEW CONSTRUCTION SOLDSOLD OXFORD – 22 Birch Point Shores! Private WEBSTER - 824 School St! 11 Rm DUDLEY - "Grand View Estates" 25 DUDLEY – 7 Jaybee Ave! 7 Rm DUDLEY – 23 G&S Drive! Cardinal DUDLEY – 92 Cortis Rd! Brand New! DUDLEY – DUDLEY – 19 Lyons Rd! 8 Rm 60 Eagle Dr! Brand New! Sacarrappa Pond – Fantastic View! 6 Rm Federal Colonial! Foyer! Liv Rm Piasta Rd! 8 Rm Colonial! 2.4 Acres! Custom Ranch! Beautifully Landscaped Heights! 6 Rm Split! Applianced Central Aired 7 Rm Split! Open Floor 2800’! 9 Rms! Granite Kitchen! 19X19.5 Colonial! New Applianced Granite Kit w/Island! Din Rm w/Hrdwds! Frplce Colonial Cape! Stone Frplcd Liv Rm w/Frplc! Din Rm! Library! New Kit! 5 Fantastic Views/Sunsets! New Granite Corner Lot! Fully Applianced! Frplcd Brunaham Oak Kit w/Center Isl, Corian Plan! Granite Counters! "Real" Hrdwds in Family Rm! 3 Bdrms! Master Suite & Tile! Liv & Din Rm w/Hrdwds! Brick Kit, Din Area, Liv Rm & Hallway! Deck Fam Rm w/Cathedrals! Den w/Hrdwds! w/Hrdwds! Water Facing Applianced Kit Bdrms! Master w/Sitting Rm! Maids Din Rm! Frplcd Fam Rm! Newly Counter! Din Area & Liv Rm w/Hrdwd w/Office! 3 Tile Baths! All Hardwood w/Granite, Center Isle & Tile Flr! Water Rm w/Sep. Entrance! 3rd Flr for Add'l Hearth! Fam Rm! 3 Bdrms! Master Carpeted Liv Rm! 3 Bdrms! Master 1/2 Flrs! 3 Bedrooms w/Hrdwds! 3 Season w/Country Views! Master Bath w/Granite Floors! 2X6 Construction! C/Air! 2 Car 4 Bdrms w/Hrdwds! Master Bath! 2.5 & Tile! 3 Bdrms! Plenty of Closet Space! 2 Baths! 3Z Oil Heat! Nicely Facing Master w/Bath, Walk-in Closet, Rms! Hrdwds! Office w/Sep. Bath w/Whirlpool & Sep Shower! 2 Bath! 1.5 Baths Total! 1 Owner! Sunroom & Deck! Newer Roof, Full Baths! Lower Level Fam Rm w/Slider! Garage! Time to Pick Interior Colors! Cathedrals! 2.5 Baths Total! C/Air! Huge Entrance! 3 Car Gar! Full & 2 Half Baths! Garages! Ingr Windows & Siding! 2 Car Garage! $349,900.00 Landscaped! Stone Patio! $299,900.00 $239,900.00 2 Car Garage! $244,900.00 $293,900.00 Deck! $269,900.00 2006 Roof! Pool! $309,900.00 $234,900.00 Phase I Close Out

ON DEPOSIT NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING NEWNEW PRICEPRICE NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING SOLDSOLD ONON DEPOSITDEPOSIT SOLDSOLD ON DEPOSIT DUDLEY – WEBSTER – DUDLEY – 27 Sunset Drive! 3,348’ WEBSTER – OPEN HOUSE WEBSTER – 13 Hillside Ave! Well WEBSTER - 8 Concord Ct UB! 55+ 4 St. Mary Ave! Conveniently CHARLTON – 46 Daniels Road! 6 Rm 53 Second Island Rd! 5 Rm DUDLEY – 16 Hickory Dr! Well 10 Rm Colonial w/Main Level 3 Rm Sundays from 12:00-2:00! Adult Community! Immediate Located 8+ Rm Ranch! Lower Level 4 Rm Contemp Ranch! Single Level Living! Cape! Walking to Webster Lake! Eat-in Kit Maintained! Level Manicured 8/10th Maintained 6 Rm Cape! Hardwood w/Range & Frig! Formal Din Rm or 3rd In-Law! Applianced Oak Kit! Frplce New England Commons! Adult 55+ Last of under Carpet on Main Level! Oak Occupancy! Applianced! Alcove Din Area! In-law Apart w/Separate Drive & Entrance! Granite Kit! Frplcd Liv Rm w/Cathedrals Acre Lot! Appliance Kit w/Breakfast Phase One! 2 Bdrms! 2 Baths/Master! 2 Bdrms! Master w/Walk-In Closet & Open Floor Plan! 2 Kitchens! 3/4 & Hrdwds! Din Rm w/Hrdwds! 3 Bdrms! Bdrm! Picture Window Liv Rm w/Hrdwds! Bar! Frplc Liv Rm! 3Bdrms! 2 Full Liv Rm w/Cathedral Ceiling! Formal Stairway! Huge Living Room! 3 Full Tile Bath! Newer Roof, Vinyl Siding & Din Rm w/Hrdwds! 4 Bdrms! 3.5 Applianced! Granite! Hrdwds, Tile & Carpet! Bedrooms! Great Backyard! Forced Vanity! Oversized Liv Rm! Slider to Deck! Bedrooms! Applianced! Cathedral Ceiling! Master Bath w/Whirlpool! 2 Tile Baths Baths - Jacuzzi Tub! Frplc Fam Rm! Basements! Garage! C/Air! Security! Skylight! 2 Pellet Stoves! Wood Laminate Windows! Garage Under! Shed! Town Baths! Fam Rm! Den/Office! 2 Car Hot Air by Oil! Walking Distance to CAir! 1st Flr Laundry! Full Basement! Total! 1st Floor Tile Laundry! C/Air! 2 Services! Just Minutes to Rte. 395! Sep Laundry! 2 Car Gar! Newer Roof Community Center! Walking Trails! Low Fees! Garage! Farmers Porch! Community Floors! Fenced Yard w/AGR Pool! 2 Sheds! Car Garage! Expandable Lower Level! $119,900.00 & Windows! Deck! Shed! Garage! In-Ground Pool! $224,900.00 Everything! Fantastic Location! $189,900.00 $379,900.00 $124,900.00 Center! $218,900.00 1.38 Acres! $319,900.00 $234,900.00

NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING SOLDSOLD ONON DEPOSITDEPOSIT NEWNEW PRICEPRICE NEWNEW PRICEPRICE WEBSTER – 1 East Main St! Location, DUDLEY – 98 Schofield Ave! All the WEBSTER – 126 Thompson Rd! Ideal WEBSTER - 16 Point Pleasant Ave! WEBSTER – 3 Jackson Road! 8 Rm THOMPSON – 11 Indian Inn! 6+ Rm THOMPSON – 77 Main St! Wow! WEBSTER – 8 Vecchia St! 4 Family Location! Ideal Law Office, Accountant, Work Been Done! Loads of Recent Business - Residence Combo! 11Rm 7 Rm Split Level Overlooking WEB- Split! Frplc Liv Rm w/Cathedral Ceiling! Colonial w/Farmer's Porch! Applianced 10,668’ Building includes a 2,070’ Centrally Located! Walk to Restaurants, Insurance! Major Exposure! High Updates! 7+ Rm Cape! Eat In Modern Expanded Cape! Frplcd! 1st Flr STER LAKE w/R.O.W. to Swim & Appliance Kit! Din Area w/Hrdwd Flr! 3 Kit w/Din Area, Pantry, Hrdwd Flr & Slider Apartment Plus a 30X45’ Barn all set Banking & Groceries! Great Commuter Kitchen w/Open Floor Plan! Dining Master/Bath! 2Rm Bdrm Suite/Studio! Launch Boat! Granite Kitchen! Deck! Formal Din Rm w/Hrdwd Flr, Crown Traffic! Reception/Secretarial Office! 2 Bdrms! Master w/Hrdwd Flr! Lower Level on 1.07 Acres! So Many Possible Location! Off Street Parking! Fully Private Offices! Records Rm! 1/2 Bath! Area w/Hearth & Pellet Stove! Formal 50X50 Steel Building w/12X50 3Rm Office Beamed Cathedrals! Hardwoods! Molding & Chair Rail! Liv Rm w/Crown Uses! 45X53’ Show Room w/9’9” Rented! All 4 Rm / 2 Bdrm Units! Tile & FHA Oil! C/Air! Corner Lot! Across from Living & Dining Rms! 4 Bdrms & 2 Space w/1/2 Bath, 3 Doors - 6 Vehicles - Fireplace! 3 Bdrms! 2 Baths! 1/2 Acre w/Fam Rm! Office! 2 Full Bthrms! Garage! Moldings! 3 Spacious Bdrms! Master Ceiling Height! 38X56’ + 39X59’ + Hrdwds! Newer Roof! Vinyl Sided! Most Webster First Federal! Off Street Full Baths! Efficient Gas Heat! Storage! 16X32 Pool! Live & Work from Beautifully Landscaped! Deck! Nice Back Yard! Stone Patio! w/Walk-in Closet & Full Bath! 2.5 Baths! 2 39X47’ Rear Section! Commercial! Replacement Windows! Parking! $89,900.00 $169,900.00 this Great Location! $349,900.00 $199,900.00 $159,900.00 Car Garage & Shed! $239,900.00 $199,900.00 $239,900.00 NEWNEW PRICEPRICE

ONON DEPOSITDEPOSIT ONON DEPOSITDEPOSIT NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING ONON DEPOSITDEPOSIT WEBSTER – CHARLTON – Charlton Reservoir! WEBSTER – 5 Crown St! 4 Family! MILLBURY – 34 Singletary Rd! Lake WEBSTER – 41 Everett Ave! 51 Ash St! 4 Rm Ranch! DUDLEY – 5 Prospect Ave! Down Sizing, OXFORD – 220 Main Street! 8 Rm Cape! DUDLEY – 109 W. Main St! Stately Brick 16,577' Level Lot! Move In Condition! Waterfront 7 Rm Colonial! Open Flr Live Rent Free! Completely Singletary Access! 5 Rm Charming Convenient 5 Rm Ranch! Corner Lot! Right Sizing or 1st Time Sizing! 4+ Rm Kit w/Tin Ceiling! Din Rm w/2 Built-in Colonial! Multi Use! 13 Rms! Single Fam Open Liv Rm & Din Rm w/Wall to Wall! China Cabinets! 3 Bdrms! Hrdwd Floors! Plan! Granite Kitchen! Din & Liv Rms Renovated! New Windows, Plumbing, Ranch! Frplcd Liv Rm w/Hrdwds! Interior Cosmetics Needed! Applianced Ranch! Silestone & Granite Counters! w/Inlay Apart / Super 2 Family! Business w/Hrdwds! Lake Facing Master Electrical! Fully Insulated! Updated Kitchen! 14X22' Liv Rm w/Carpet over Remodeled Eat-in Kit! Recent Bath! Tile Kitchen! 19’ Living Room! Lower Covered Porch! 15x22 Workshop Area Zoned! Live & Work From Here! Park Private Setting! Super Lake views! w/15x35 Rm Overhead! 2 Car Garage! w/Master Bath! 3 Bdrms! 2.5 Baths! Kitchen & Baths! Laundry Facility! Hrdwd! 3 Bdrms w/Carpet over Hrdwd! Bdrm w/Wall to Wall & Double Closet! Level Family Room or Second Bedroom! Like Grounds! 6/7 Rms! 2/4 Bdrms! 2 Many Upgrades Since 2009 - New Deck, Separate 4x5 Walk In Closet! 2011 Replacement Windows! Front Roof 20x20’ Fam Rm w/Pellet Stove! Enclosed Separate Utilities! Deleaded Tile Bath w/Linen Closet! Full Basement Tile Bath! Detached Garage! Recent Frplcd Liv Rms! 3 Baths! New Furnace! Porch! Detached 2 Car Garage w/Full Certificate! Great Yard! Lots Of Off Furnace, Roof, Insulation & Windows! w/Workshop & 2nd Bath! Garage! Furnace & Water Heater! Deck! Sided! Shingled this Year! 1/2 Acre Zoned Central Check It Out! $279,900.00 “Metal” Roof! $119,900.00 Business! $179,000.00 Second Floor! $389,900.00 Street Parking! $239,900.00 Town Sewer! $199,900.00 $109,900.00 $89,900.00

NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING SOLDSOLD NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING WEBSTER LAKE – SOUTHBRIDGE – SOUTHBRIDGE - 404 Pleasant St! 5 WEBSTER LAKE – WEBSTER LAKE – 705 Treasure WEBSTER LAKE! Reid Smith Cove! WEBSTER LAKE! Views Across WEBSTER LAKE! 327 Thompson 294 Killdeer 615 Eastford Rd! 36 Laurelwood! Island! North Pond! 62' Waterfront! Huge 7+ Rm Split - 30X64! Tile & Rm Contemp! Quality Throughout! Middle Pond/Reid Smith Cove! Western Island! Townhouse End Unit! Move-in Middle Pond! East Exp - Fantastic Middle Pond! Widest Expanse! 120' Rd! 3,100’ Custom 9 Rm Waterfront Waterfront - Boat Ramp! Super 2nd Panoramic Views! 8 Rm Colonial! Kit Granite Kit! Liv Rm & Office w/Hdwds! Applianced! 17x18 Vinyl Deck w/Electric Exp – Beautiful Sunsets! 90’ Condition! 6Rms, 2 Bdrms, Master Sunrises! Panoramic Views! 220’ Ranch! 2 Complete Living Levels! Ideal Awning! Cathedral Liv Rm w/Wood Flr! 3 Bath, 2.5 Baths Total! Applianced! Din Waterfront! Wooded, Rustic & Home or Live Yr Rd! Rebuilt 2005! 6 w/Double Oven! GLEAMING Hrdwd 3 Bdrms! Master w/His/Her Closets & Waterfront! Fantastic 3/4 Acre Lot! 8 Extended Family Set Up! 2 Kitchens! Hrdwds! 3 Baths! Master w/Whirlpool & Bdrms! 1st Flr Master! 1.5 Ceramic Rm w/Sliders to Deck! Frplcd Fam Rm Private! Ideal 5 Rm Summer Cottage! Rm Contemp! Open Flr Plan! Frplcd! Flrs! 4 Bdrms! 2 Full Baths! 14X20 Trex Rm Colonial! Frplcd Liv Rm! 3/4 Bdrms! Walk-out Lower Level! 40’ Deck & Shower! In Law Potential! 2Car Garage! Baths w/Pedestal Sinks! New French w/Sliders to Patio! C/Air! Garage Stone Fireplaced Great Rm! Lake Facing 1st Flr Master! 3 Bdrms! Deck! Newly Painted! Prof Landscaped! Doors, Siding & A/C! Anderson 2 Full Baths! 3 Car Garage! Mahogany 2.5 Baths! Lake Facing Loft! Patio! Hardwoods! Fireplaced! .91 Fenced Yard! Plenty of Docks Included! Heat w/Oil or Coal! Acre Plus! w/Storage! 2 BOAT SLIPS! Heated Pool! 2/3Bdrms! 2 Baths! $399,900.00 $399,500.00 $239,900.00 Windows! Young Roof! Recent Furnace! Decks! $599,900.00 Sandy Beach! $269,900.00 $499,900.00 Acres! $469,900.00 $246,500.00

NEWNEW PRICEPRICE NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING ONON DEPOSITDEPOSIT ONON DEPOSITDEPOSIT WEBSTER LAKE – WEBSTER LAKE - STRIP WEBSTER LAKE – WEBSTER LAKE - Waterfront WEBSTER LAKE - Wawela Park Rd! WEBSTER LAKE – 98' of Prime WEBSTER LAKE - 200 Killdeer 3 Bates Grove! 3 Long Island! WEBSTER LAKE – 38 Laurelwood! South Pond Yr Rd! Applianced! ISLAND! Your Own Island Paradise! Dream! 10 Rms! Spectacular Lake 130’ WATERFRONT LOT! 1/2 Acre Plus! Waterfront Looking Across Widest Expanse Island Rd! Sunsets! 8 Rooms! Accessible by Boat Only! "True Beautiful Sunsets! Natural Sandy Furnished! Dock! 19’ Pontoon Boat You’ll Never Want to Leave! 8 Rms! Views from Most Rms! Sunsets! Ideal Expansive Views of Middle Pond! of Middle Pond! Panoramic Waterviews 4 Bdrms! Lake Facing 16x20 Master! Summer Cottage" Ready to Rough It! Beach! 76' Waterfront! Panoramic most Every Rm! 9+Rms! Full In-Law Setup w/50 HP! 6 Rms! Screened Porch! Fam 3/4 Bdrms! 2 Full Baths! Sep Guest for Entertaining! Everything You’d Private! Wooded! Ideal Southern Frplcd Liv Rm! Applianced! Loads of Potential! Water on 2 Sides! Views! 8 Rm Brick Ranch! Ideal In-Law Exposure! 157' Road Frontage! 197' Ideal for Extended Family! Perfect for 3 Full Baths! Finished Lower Level Rm w/Cath Ceiling! 1st Fl Master Cottage! Gazebo! Boat House! Expect! Granite Kitchen! Lake Facing Panoramic Views Across Wide Expanse Possibilities! 2Kitchens, 2Baths, Deep! Town Services! Not to be Entertaining! Screened Porches! 18x25 Family Rm! 4 Decks! A/C! w/Hrdwds! 3 Bdrms! 2 Baths! 14,190’ “Mainland” Lot for Parking w/Garage! of the Middle Pond! 3 Separate but Master Suite! 3 Bdrms! 3.5 Tile Baths! Cedar Deck You'll Never Want to Leave! Lot! Sandy Beach! Freshly Paint Ext! 2Fireplaces! Potential Inside & Out! Subdivided! One of the Last Pristine Heated Garage w/Workshop! Fully Equipped! Pontoon Boat! Connected Buildings! 5 Bedrooms! C/Air! Who Wants it ALL! Pieces of Webster Lake! Located on its Own Peninsula! $639,900.00 Recent Roof! $499,900.00 Garages! Beautiful Grounds! $749,900.00 $525,000.00 $539,900.00 $349,900.00 $229,900.00 Boat Ramp! $449,900.00

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WEBSTER LAKE ~ 2 CHECKERBERRY CHARLTON - 65 S CHARLTON SHORE RD STURBRIDGE - 43 MCGREGORY RD R Private Lakefront Rustic Lakefront CUSTOM Over- Retreat Cottage on Sized Hip Roof Ranch Speaks A rare 2+ Ac Beautiful S QUALITY! waterfront estate, Charlton 2100 sf on 1 Yrrnd 2,800sf For Lease Lakefront Reservoir! Level! home, 3 BRs, 3 60’ Wtrfrnt, Deep Excellent Split E 1/2 Baths, waterviews from every room! Possible Lot, Great Location! Slow it Down, Keep it Simple! Flr Plan, Incredible Mstr Suite, MEGA-RM to option to purchase or 1031 exchange. Convenient Come to the Lake! $164,900 Expand! Huge walk up Attic + 42x72 LL! location! Call for details Price $3,500./Mo Asking $338,000

DUDLEY ~ 19 GEORGE STREET DUDLEY ~ LOT 82 Off GEORGE STREET DUDLEY ~ NOT 1 BUT 2 COUNTRY LOTS! AFFORDABLE Approx. 3/4 acre Build YOUR Dream 3 BR CAPE (.71) of Vacant Home HERE & A Nice Layout, Land, Res-10 Enjoy Rolling 1st Flr, Mstr Zone, Mixed Use Farmland Vistas, BR & Bath, Area of SFs & MFs Lovely Country Hardwood & Condos, Great DREAM HOME SITES! Setting Feels Far Flrs, Price ATTN: NEIGHBORS Potential w/305’ Away yet Close By Reduced $15,000! Offers Considered, Good Rd Frnt on Paper Both on Center Rd, Each is 2 Acres! Great Location! Bones - Great Potential! $134,900 Rd known as Elmwd, Abuts 19 George, New Construction Pkgs Available Starting at $325, L Asking $94,900 Got Offers? 000 1 Lot - Just Reduced, asking $65,000!

EMERSON REALTORS 943-4900 * 987-8400 The Market Leader OFF EXIT 1 - RT. 395 - THOMPSON RD., WEBSTER, MASS. Marc D. Becker, Carla Manzi, Brokers Holland: Move in Worcester, 309 Mill condition, 3 bed- Street, Home on DUDLEY -- First time WEBSTER -- rooms, 2 1/2 baths on corner lot is offered offered! This custom Ranch Charming older almost 3/4 acre. Very at $164900. Large on 8+ acres on historic Colonial -- Applianced quiet! $215,000. Master and large Dudley Hill is a gem! Brick kitchen -- formal din- fireplaced LR; New Listing front, granite counters, ing room -- fireplaced detached garage ceramic tile, three fireplaces, living room -- hard- wood floors -- two and deck. Newer central air, replacement windows, recent roof, updated electric, too many roof, newer furnace, upgrades to list! Fireplaced living room -- formal dining --updated cabi- New Price good-sized bedrooms E and one smaller room and appliances remain. HW under carpet. nets and applianced eat-in kitchen -- fireplaced family room -- two large that could be bedroom/nursery/office -- ceramic tiled bedrooms -- 2.5 baths -- office -- mudroom -- 1st floor laundry -- attached Call Patricia Davis full bath and a half bath in the basement -- new Beckett 774-230-1556 2-car garage -- tons of storage in the basement. Field stone patio out back oil burner -- garage -- level lot with perennials -- conve- to enjoy the perennials, berry bushes, and trees on the lovingly landscaped nient location, close to shopping, schools, highway. Call Beth at 774-289-6437 terraced lot. Oil heat, town services. Walking distance to golf course! R/E Tax $2600 $274,900 R/E Tax $1705 $119,900

WEBSTER -- There are WEBSTER -- Solid four bedrooms in this older Cape in nice DUDLEY - Estate Sale - Cape-style home on residential neigh- 114 Southbridge Road corner lot, two on first borhood -- enclosed $109,000 Just SOLD... floor and two on sec- side entry porch -- SOLD Oxford S ond -- fireplaced living eat-in kitchen -- 2 Attention room -- dining room - BR down, 1 up -- Contractors/Investors - eat-in kitchen with Sale Pending vinyl siding -- oil - Solid 3 BR brick breakfast nook -- heat -- updated ranch in need of wood floors -- screened front porch -- oil heat -- work- electric -- hardwoods -- detached garage -- conve- work. Failed Title V - Sold "As Is" Let me help you find YOUR shop -- garage -- conveniently located to shopping, nient location -- town services -- level, corner lot! schools, beach and highway. dream home too! R/E Tax $1836 $119,900 R/E Tax $1497 $139,900 WHEN YOU THINK OF REAL ESTATE - THINK OF STERLING Call Mary Ellen Cox Claire M. Earley TH 508-735-7061 SINCE 1962 ~ OUR 50 YEAR IN BUSINESS 508-208-1395 T Oxford : 3 bdr Dudley: MINT !!! One Ranch, NEW cabi- owner Cape Cod Style nets, carpets, fresh- Home. Fireplaced liv- ing room, formal din- ly painted, title v ing room. 3 Bedroom, ready! Easy to 2 full baths, 1.48 Show! Call! Make acres, Great kitchen. Solid counters, break- home ownership yours in 2012! Interest fast area. Six panel doors throughout. Farmer's rates have never been so low. Call me and Porch! Two tiered Deck! Garage. let’s work together to get you into a $248,900. A home in 2012! Call Phil Boudreau 508-868-5121 Call Donna Caissie 508-277-8862 AUBURN: Auburn: Prospect Hill Estates rare re-sale. Outstanding Custom 4 bedroom 2 Ranch Estate 1/2 baths, 2 car Sale with nearly attached, situated on 3,000 sf with almost 2 acres. large level lot, T fenced enclosed, in ground pool & 4 bedrooms. TLC required. $259,900

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WORCESTER - Family OAK RIDGE ESTATES, LEICESTER owned for many years! Meticuleous! E Gorgeous hardwoods Top of the line on all floors. Updated quality & work- baths, kitchen manship in this pantries, heating sys- tems, windows & new active adult roof. Owner paid community. attention to every detail. Priced to sell. Duplex & $179,900. Single style homes loaded To advertise in our Real Estate Section, Call Lynn Kapinos with extras. Starting $232,900 508-868-5651 Call any Emerson Realtor for please call your Marketing Brochure. www.emersonrealtors.net local sales representative. 1-800-367-9898 A Place To Call Home…

WOODSTOCK THOMPSON WOODSTOCK GOT A HOUSE FOR SALE? The opportuni- This young Cape Original ties are endless has lots of life owner,custom in this almost REDUCED left. With a pos- built WBA cape: 3,000 sq. ft. 3 sible 4 bed- first floor master bedroom, 2 bath rooms & 2 full suite with double Cape. Located in bathrooms, this closets and full a convenient home doesn't bath; open din- This is the location to every- stop there. A ing/kitchen area thing, this home fireplaced living flows into a com- features beauti- room, eating- fortable family place to sell it! ful oak floors, 2 fireplaces, a sunroom w/hot tub & wet- dining space, all brand new floors and paint throughout, room with palladium window overlooking a very private bar, woodstove, home office, & in-law potential, With a two car garage, and a flat open 2 acre lot add to the value. backyard. The balconied second floor provides two addi- newer roof, windows, boiler, & SS appliances what more Located just minutes from Mass. & I-395-this commuter tional guest rooms, full bath, and a sizeable storage area. could you ask for? Priced to sell at $289,900. friendly home won't last long. Call today-priced at just Professionally landscaped, this home includes many Your ad will be $189,900. additional amenities. $335,000.

THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON mailed to 50,000+ Need a very Nicely laid out Has your busi- spacious large work- EDUCED ness outgrown FOR shop/garage/ R home in the your current households barn? Well look 55+ location? Rarely SALE no further! 3 Quinebaug do you find a BR, 1 BA, 1134 Mobile Home commercial throughout sq. ft raised Park. This building like ranch with HW home has an this one in a floors and updated roof, prime location Southern Worcester stairs, fireplace windows, with so many options.. Currently occupied as an auto with insert and a 2 car garage and an additional 960 sqft. kitchen, & flooring. The home features a large eat-in repair/service/body shop, this building offers over 7600 workshop/garage/barn with walk-up loft all on 1.84 acres kitchen and entertaining living room. There are two bed- sq. ft. of garage and office space with 6 bays and 14' ceil- County. near R.I. line. $175,000 rooms and an updated full bathroom. Priced at ings. Zoned commercial, this location presents many $48,000. Owner motivated to sell. options for potential business usage. At $425,000 you To advertise on our real estate section, won't find many other deals like this! please call your local P.O. Box 83 447 Riverside Dr. Thompson CT Phone: (860) 923-3377 Fax: (860) 923-5740 sales representative at 1-800-367-9898 Take a virtual visit: www.johnstonrealestate.net Friday, February 3, 2012 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 9 AROUND BEACON HILL

Fiscal Year 2013 is good news, but it will not be which represents full funding of the sched- being fired and putting themselves in a more sufficient to cover the growth in health care, uled pension contribution for fiscal 2013. vulnerable position,” Senate President State officials agree on safety net and certain fixed costs,” Gonzalez • $20.2 million for the Workforce Training Therese Murray (D-Plymouth) said. “This bill said. “We will continue to pursue innovative Fund, which was changed to a non-budgetary requires reasonable employer considerations FY13 revenue forecast reforms to deliver state services more effi- trust fund in the fiscal 2012 General to help victims recover and continue to make ciently, but further reductions in programs Appropriations Act. a living. It will help alleviate the human costs, BOSTON — Secretary of Administration and services in Fiscal Year 2013 will be The total amount of off-budget transfers is and the costs to businesses, that are associat- and Finance Jay Gonzalez, Sen. Stephen M. unavoidable.” $3.05 billion. Therefore, after taking into ed with domestic violence.” Brewer, chairman of the Senate Committee “The consensus tax revenue figure we are account the $100 million of capital gains tax The bill requires employers with 50 or more on Ways and Means, and Rep. Brian S. releasing today is a positive sign for revenue that must be deposited in the employees to allow up to 15 days of leave, with Dempsey, chairman of the House Committee Massachusetts,” Brewer said. “Although the Stabilization Fund, the secretary and commit- or without pay, to any employee who is a vic- on Ways and Means, announced Jan. 12 con- growth is modest, Massachusetts is faring bet- tees agree that $18.801 billion will be the max- tim of domestic violence or lives with a fami- sensus on the fiscal 2013 tax revenue forecast. ter than most other states across the nation. imum amount of tax revenue available for the ly member who is a victim of domestic vio- The joint tax revenue number agreed to by As we begin to budget for fiscal year 2013, cuts General Appropriations Act in fiscal 2013, and lence. Gonzalez and the House and Senate will be necessary; however, we will continue they will base their respective budget recom- Employees can use the leave to obtain med- Committees on Ways and Means is $21.95 bil- our commitment to cautious spending to find mendations on that number. ical attention, counseling, housing, protection lion for fiscal 2013. Of this amount, $1.1 billion a balanced approach of cuts and revenues that orders and other legal assistance. is assumed to be generated from taxes on cap- best serves the citizens of the Employers can require employees to pro- ital gains. Under the new statutory fiscal poli- Commonwealth.” vide restraining orders, police reports, med- cy, $100 million of this capital gains tax rev- “This consensus revenue figure represents Domestic violence jobs ical notes or other official documentation, enue will be required to be deposited into the moderate growth in baseline tax revenues such as a conviction record or victim advocate Stabilization Fund and will not be available based on historical trends, year to date collec- statement, to certify that the employee or for budgetary purposes. tions, and the forecasts we received at the con- bill gets OK from Senate employee’s family member is a victim of The figure was arrived at after the parties sensus revenue hearing in December,” BOSTON — The Senate on Jan. 12 passed domestic violence. received testimony at the December consen- Dempsey saud. “This estimate is subject to legislation establishing new employment The bill requires the employer to keep all sus revenue hearing, at which the Department many obstacles including the uncertain pace rights for victims of domestic violence that information about the employee’s leave confi- of Revenue, economists, budget watchdog of our national recovery and European eco- will help victims keep their jobs and increase dential. Employees must exhaust all available groups and other participants provided infor- nomic instability. As a state, our budget will long-term economic productivity, Sen. leave, such as vacation and sick time, before mation regarding Massachusetts’ economy have to reconcile this moderate growth fore- Michael O. Moore (D-Millbury) announced. seeking leave established under this bill; how- and fiscal outlook. Following the hearing, the cast with increases in entitlement program The vote was 34-0. ever, an employer may waive this require- secretary and budget committee chairs spending, new healthcare coverage mandates The bill has wide support from advocacy ment. worked together to produce a reasonable and and vital services to millions of people across organizations and the business community. Similar legislation was passed by the Senate informed forecast for next fiscal year’s rev- the Commonwealth.” “This bill will provide workplace security in the previous legislative session on May 13, enues. The Patrick administration, Senate and for victims of domestic violence as they look 2010, but did not make it through the entire The consensus tax revenue estimate for fis- House also reached an agreement on statuto- to rebuild,” Moore said. “No longer will vic- legislative process. It has the support of Jane cal 2013 is in the middle of the range of tax rily required off-budget transfers that are tims and their families live in fear of being Doe Inc., the Associated Industries of revenue growth estimates projected by econo- mandated in current law: fired from employment as they take the neces- Massachusetts and the Retailers’ Association mists and others at the December hearing. • $786.8 million for the Massachusetts Bay sary steps to improve their lives.” of Massachusetts. The $21.95 billion estimate reflects actual Transportation Authority (MBTA). “Too many jobs are lost and too many lives The bill now goes to the House of growth of 4.5 percent above the revised tax • $689.4 million for School Building are being destroyed because victims don’t Representatives. revenue estimate of $21.01 billion for fiscal Assistance. have the opportunity to get the help they need 2012. • $1.552 billion for the pension fund transfer, and improve their situations without fear of “The projected growth in tax revenues for Turn To BEACON HILL, page B10 REAL ESTATE

300 OPEN HOUSE Melinda Titus-Radomski SAT 12PM-2PM www.melindatitus.com 75 Pumpkin Lane 508-243-2251 CHARLTON Motivated Seller Move-in Condition www.NewEnglandMoves.com DOUGLAS • $174,900 WEBSTER • $224,900 24 Charles St, U-8 6 Plasse Court FRESHLY Upgraded 6rm 2 lge br 8 rooms, 1.5 bath, 4 bedroom PAINTED Inger Christensen Townhouse, c/a, cab pkd Colonial, Birch Cabinets, kitch w/all appl, Fireplace, Corner lot, hard- 508-769-3823 bay window, pkg, yard. wood floors, 1st floor laundry.

FOR 508-987-1303 DUDLEY $206,000 DUDLEY $172,900 SUTTON $129,900 21 Circle Dr GREAT LOCATION! HANDYMAN SPECIAL SALE Time to sell or buy... Call Inger 5 RM 3 BR 1 BATH SPLIT 6 RM 4 BR RANCH ON A MUST SEE 1.53 ACRES

Joanne Fontaine 17 Ferland Dr. Must Sell 508-479-9691 KILLINGLY, CT - DUDLEY • $349,900 $199,900 27 Klondike Rd Sunny, nice 7 rm, split-level Must see 2700sf 10rm Sell Your Licensed in MA & CT w/hrdwds, new bath, new Ranch w/waterview & 5-c House Here! kitchen with granite and gar on 1.86ac. ING pool. View more properties at island, sliders to deck and Contractor’s home. www.IngerC.com inground pool, bay window Jo-Ann Szymczak Brenda Flanagan Ted Zajkowski Pat Hughes Sophie Diaz Shawn Blythe Ed LaPointe Dolores Plante Barry Dworman CRS, GRI, SRES 978-502-9169 Connie Nedoroscik 508-407-5464 774-696-3103 508-769-8620 508-328-4921 774-232-4371 508-245-1117

www.AllworthRealty.com Cell: 508-509-3833 • Office: 508-434-5871 George P. Goulas, www.PeoplesBroker.com MBA, ABR..., Realtor Broker-Owner ® email: [email protected] 58 North Main St. Allworth Realty Charlton, MA 01507 SELLING REAL ESTATE FOR ALL ITS WORTH! Derek Alfama 54 Turner Road Maria Reed Gerry Mahaney Laurie Sullivan Diane Luong Mary Alice Wood Deb Listewnik Tony Alfama OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Join Allworth Realty 888-801-0111 Charlton, MA 508-873-9254 774-239-6011 508-525-0611 774-239-2937 508-733-4060 508-932-9973 508-451-0471 SATURDAY • 11:30-12:30AM SATURDAY • 1:00-2:00PM FOR SALE: 14 SCOTT DRIVE, CHARLTON 21 BOUCHER DRIVE, CHARLTON $289,900 or FOR 80/20 Split with yearly Cap DUDLEY - $119,900-$239,900 SHREWSBURY - $999,500 RENT: $1,895 DUDLEY - $239,900 $398,900 List Price: $389,900 Free Website & Virtual Back Office Breathtaking home! This new construction Your family will This is the sprawl- home has everything love this big, Office Paid E&O Insurance ing contemporary on your wish list! You beautiful home, ranch you’ve been will feel like you’re that has been recently updated inside & out. Office Paid Realtor.com wishing & search- on top of the world Everything has been finished for you to move ing for, nestled at with million-dollar the end of a cul-de-sac in one of the most desir- right in & enjoy the new granite kitchen with Enhanced Marketing views just 5 mins. to the Mass Pike in Auburn. center island. Maple cabinets & new stainless able neighborhoods in Charlton. You will truly All hardwoods throughout, granite countertops, feel like royalty in this magnificent home that steel appliances. The 4.2 acre lot abuts Buffum Call George at was built-to-last with the finest quality & com- SS appliances, open foyer & fl plan, crown JON’S WAY mouldings, ceramic tile in baths, hydro air heat Lake & is perfect for nature lovers who enjoy 508-509-3833 fort in mind. Original owners have put their horse riding, hiking or swimming. “Broker- heart & soul into designing & building this & central air & so much more. See MLS# Select your unit now...stay in Dudley...eliminate maintenance...country Owner” See MLS# 71331921 for all the details. Owners hate to sell this almost new magnificent home built with unique & amazing home. See MLS# 71331622 71325099 Great commuter location..6 miles to Rte 395,10 minutes to Mass. atmosphere yet near shopping and highways...Dudley's only 55+ quality products & strict attention to detail. Custom features Pike. Open contemporary split, formal DR, eat-in kitchen, lower Community...2 X 6 construction with an open floor plan...customize your abound in this tastefully decorated home: Hardwood throughout, level FR. Level lot and convenient to schools, golf course, town kitchen...hardwood floors, carpet, ceramic tile...you design your home...full custom built-ins, tray ceiling DR & coffered ceiling FR, custom beach. Carpeted in living room, kitchen, and dining room. (no basement for storage...1st floor laundry...cathedral ceilings create open trim, paint & window treatments; a "cooks delight" Gourmet hardwood in DR). An opportunity to locate into a great neighbor- feeling throughout your living area...add a screened in porch overlooking Kitchen with Wolf, Asko & Sub Zero appliances, granite, skylights. hood and desirable school system. Oversized 52 'x 27' split with private yard. Options include central air, security systems... Gorgeous Master Bedroom Suite with gas Fireplace, closet built- ins. Guest room suite with full bath. A must see! full bath off master. Do not delay.. Jo-Ann Szymczak 508-943-7669 33JuneSt.Jo-Ann Szymczak 508-943-7669 Call Gerry @ 774-239-6011 Open House Directory WEBSTER - REDUCED $649,900 SHREWSBURY - $139,900 WEBSTER - $94,900

Deadline: Monday at 10am EDUCED ENT $2,500 ENT $1,200 R R R (C) Condo (X) Condex (M) Multi-Family (T) Townhouse 52 UPPER GORE RD (B) Business (U) Duplex (S) Single Family (D) Adult 73 BIRCH ISLAND RD (P) Land (L) Mobile Home (A) Apartment Community 9 EAGLEHEAD TER An exquisite setting with a beautiful view of Webster Lake and Webster Lake Waterfront at its best, Direct access to 395, the mountains. This is a rare opportunity to build on a won- Lots of Sun, beautiful full lake views. Love to entertain? this Move Right in and enjoy the Lake, Well maintained first level ADDRESS STYLE TIME PRICE REALTOR/SELLER/PHONE home has all the WOW!!!!!!!!. Open floor plan that "flows". derful piece of land. Magnificent lighted sky-line at night! Well walkout to Lake, Unit in excellent condition. Laundry in unit, is installed on the property. This site is ideal for a large two Beautiful hickory hardwood not your average hardwood walkin closet and plenty of storage. Great commuter loca- flooring, Kitchen w/ granite countertops & tile flooring. story home with garage alongside as pictured or Garage under SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2012 Double headed shower in Master w/ jet tub. Much more to tion. If you think you would enjoy the calm and peaceful flow with a full walk out basement! Custom building packages are discover yourself! Come See, Come Buy, Come Home. of lakefront living, this is the place to call home. available. Sophie Diaz 508-328-4921 Sophie Diaz 508-328-4921 Derek Alfama 508-254-4118 CHARLTON OXFORD - $190,000 CHARLTON - $145,000 WEBSTER - $549,900 75 Pumpkin Lane S 12-2 $335,000 Re/Max 300 Melinda Titus-Radomski 508-243-2251 EW PRICE EW PRICE N N To have your open house 14 HIGHLAND AVE 55 NEW SPENCER RD 75 BIRCH ISLAND RD Lots of natural light streams into this one level living in a grt commut- Webster Waterfront property with adjacent marina for extra Beautiful custom ranch in excellent, quiet neighborhood, income. Features include great open floorplan with lake- featuring a large yard w/fenced in section. Interior in close ing location! Nice Ranch home w/ 2 car garage on approx. 1/2 acre lot...hardwd flrs in LR & BRs...walk up attic...dry, dry basemt has poten- side windows overlooking Middle Pond. Central air, to move-in condition, fireplace, hardwood/tile floors, mud- Finished walkout basement, one car garage under.Quick listed in this directory room, oversized 1-car garage, new roof and vinyl siding. tial for more finished living area, section of basemt currently work area. Nice stone wall along frt of house...lge fenced garden area...yard has easy access to 395. This is not a driveby, larger than it looks Price reflects cost of new septic. flower'g perennials - rhododendron bushes on side & back hillside; Also listed as business opportunity MLS # 71256225 Tony Alfama 508-451-0471 rose of sharon...Title 5 done...live in the country...mins. to Rte. 20. Derek Alfama 508-254-4118 please contact Sandy @ 508-909-4110 Jo-Ann Szymczak 508-943-7669 DUDLEY - $289,900 WEBSTER - REDUCED $434,900 SUTTON - $249,000



Rare Find!!!!,Well maintained 3 bed cape on 3/4 acre level Qualified buyers only! Motivated seller relocating. Drastically Impeccable townhouse in "Woodburyville Heights" Move-in fenced in lot. NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM; FINISHED WALKOUT reduced, custom built quality home w/deeded beach rights - condition - New Stainless Steel Kitchen, laundry, new w & d, BASEMENT. Inground pool, play area, 3 tiered dck. hot tub; North Pond area of Webster Lake. Enjoy gorgeous sunsets on dining room w/ sliders to deck- woods & water view, living updates include kitchen/2 full baths, stamped concrete your private balcony of suite master bedroom w/walk-in closet, room w/gas fp, cath. ceiling, fan & skylight, master bedroom driveway and front walk, living room fp with pellet stove; private powder room, custom built-ins & spa-roman inspired w/ walk-in closet, central air. Two car garage. Potential fin- LET US 2beds up, 1 first floor bedrm, professional landscaping/ master bath, marble floored sunroom overlooking Webster Lake, ished basement - sliders to patio. Commuter location, also alarm and much more. Don't hesitate. 5 car garage, workshop, professionally landscaped corner lot. near Blackston Valley Shoppes - move in for the Holidays! Make all your dreams come true! Barry Dworman 978-502-9169 Laurie Sullivan 508-525-0611 Pat Hughes 508-769-8820 Watch for our FEB event! Date will be posted next week. HOME BUYERS SEMINAR! FIRST TIME AND EXPERIENCED BUYERS WELCOME! Do Your Home Work! Have questions about buying a home? Looking to sell your home, FREE HOME BUYERS SEMINAR Learn about VA Loans, Contract Details, Banking and Buyer Responsibilities let us do the work for you. Your ad will be seen in over 50,000+ households throughout Southern Worcester County. www.facebook.com/RealEstateMarketingCenter 10 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, February 3, 2012 AROUND BEACON HILL

“I was pleased to take this vote to bring plus one member appointed by the education ing written agreement with the state. BEACON HILL continued from page 9 increased transparency and accountability to commissioner. The bill addresses the conflicts • Creating a commission to study the role of education collaboratives and to ensure the of interest surrounding collaboratives and collaboratives relative to the state’s K-12 edu- funding they received will be used to bring their related nonprofit organizations, through cation system and to make recommendations Moore signs on to freeze quality education to our students,” Moore which many of the abuses took place, creating in such areas as services to individuals aged said. “The Senate has a proven record of tak- clear requirements for board members and 22 and above and the appropriate relationship, unemployment tax rate ing swift action and has been consistent in staff. if any, between education collaboratives and sending a clear and strong message that any It prohibits board members from receiving related organizations. BOSTON — Sen. Michael O. Moore (D- misuse of taxpayer dollars will not be tolerat- a salary and from serving in any official The bill now goes to the House of Millbury) has cosponsored a bill that would ed.” capacity at a related nonprofit organization. Representatives for further action. freeze the Massachusetts unemployment State officials and the public called for Further establishing financial oversight insurance tax at its current rate. immediate action after investigations last and accountability, the bill requires the board The bill comes in response to the previous year by the state auditor and inspector gener- of directors to appoint a treasurer who is not rate freeze expiring on Jan. 1, resulting in a al uncovered a serious misuse of funding at a member of the board or an employee of the Gobi-sponsored school possible increase in rates for businesses. the Merrimack Special Education collaborative. The bill also requires collabora- “I am pleased to support this bill that will Collaborative and other collaboratives around tives to maintain a financial accounting sys- bills are moving ahead bring relief to businesses in the the state. tem and authorizes the state education depart- Commonwealth who are still struggling to “I am grateful for the leadership of Senate ment, auditor and department of revenue to BOSTON — State Rep. Anne Gobi (D- recover in a difficult economy,” Moore said. President Therese Murray and senators Sonia periodically audit or review the records of Spencer) has announced that the Joint “We must actively support our businesses to Chang-Diaz and Stephen Brewer in taking every education collaborative. Committee on Education heard two of her ensure further job growth and economic swift action to remedy the deficiencies we The boards of each education collaborative bills, House Bill 1918 and House Bill 1919. The development in our cities and towns. It is found within the collaborative system,” will also be required to prepare an annual bills have been reported favorably. essential we take all necessary precautions to Auditor Suzanne Bump said. “I am tremen- financial report and conduct an independent House Bill 1918 will allow towns to create a prevent another economic decline.” dously pleased that our findings and recom- audit, which will be made publicly available regional school district planning committee by Because of the expiration of the previous mendations have served as catalysts for bring- online. Each board must file its annual report Town Meeting vote or by a majority vote of the unemployment insurance rate freeze passed ing about these critically needed reforms.” and audit with the state education commis- town selectmen and the School Committee. on Feb. 17, 2011, the rate would increase 31 per- “We struggle every day with the cost of pub- sioner, auditor, and each member School Current law only allows creation of such a cent, or approximately $935 per employee, at lic education and special education for our Committee and charter school board. committee by town meeting vote and this bill the end of the upcoming first quarter. The bill children,” Murray said. “The financial abuses Related nonprofits must also submit annual would allow the regionalization process to would ensure the unemployment insurance that were found highlight a senseless and audited financial statements to the attorney begin much earlier. would remain at the current rate of $715 per egregious misconduct that cheats taxpayers general or the state education department. House Bill 1919 will allow a regional school employee. and cheats our children. We vowed to take And, the bill makes explicit that collabora- district to serve as the fiscal agent on behalf of action, and I want to thank Sen. Sonia Chang- tives are subject to the same competitive bid- one or more school districts if they share a Diaz and the entire education committee, Sen. ding requirements that school districts must superintendent and central office staff. The bill Stephen Brewer, and our inspector general follow when contracting for goods and servic- requires the district school committees to sign Bill to reform education and state auditor, for all their hard work and es. a written agreement to designate the regional recommendations on this bill to make sure Other oversight measures put in place by district as the fiscal agent. This would help to these abuses never happen again.” the bill include: prevent high administrative costs in schooling. collaboratives is approved The legislation will improve the governance • Requiring board members to complete a “I appreciate the support the bills have and BOSTON — Sen. Michael Moore (D- and fiscal accountability of the training developed by the state education the cooperation I have received from the Millbury) recently announced the Senate took Commonwealth’s network of educational col- department on the duties and responsibilities Education Committee,” Gobi said. “It is always decisive action to end mismanagement and laboratives by increasing transparency and of board members. a challenge for schools to meet their many edu- financial abuses at education collaboratives in setting clear standards to ensure that funding • Requiring education collaboratives to con- cational and fiduciary duties and these bills Massachusetts, which help teach children for the collaboratives will be used specifically form to the new law within 12 months of the will assist them in doing that.” with special needs. for direct services to students. effective date of the act. Money and time are assets that are continu- With a unanimous vote, the Senate passed Each collaborative will be managed by a • Mandating that each collaborative main- ously hard to budget, she said, and these two legislation that establishes strict oversight board of directors consisting of one person tain a public website, including a list of board bills will work together to assure that these and accountability of the state’s 30 institu- appointed annually by each member school members, copies of the board meeting min- resources are allocated responsibly and effec- tions. committee or member charter school board, utes, and a copy of the collaborative’s found- tively. CALENDAR

holding the “Basic Pistol SAFETY Sawyer Mathieu-Kearns Post 41, 163 WORCESTER — The Bancroft CALENDAR continued from page 3 COURSE” at our indoor pistol North Main St. (routes 67 and 148). MONDAY Chapter #2599 of AARP will meet at Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon in the range. The cost is $65 per person, Supper will be served from 5:30-7:30 1 p.m. Monday, Feb. 13 at Blessed parsonage of the First which includes all materials and p.m., Saturday, Feb. 11 with dancing FEBRUARY 13 Sacrament Church, 551 Pleasant St., Congregational Church of North ammo. You must register by Feb. 11 to follow until 11 p.m. Tickets are $8 W. BROOKFIELD — The Toddler Worcester. Audrey Hunter, a Brookfield. If you knit, crochet, to take the course on the following per person, and will be available at PLAY GROUP for children ages Registered Nurse with a B.A. cross-stitch or do any other kind of Saturday. The course, on Feb. 18 will the door or in advance at the birth to 3 years meets Mondays at 10 degree, will speak on “Integrated portable craft, come and craft with start at 9 a.m. and will last approxi- American Legion, Still Hart’s or by a.m. in the Children’s Room at the Healthcare at Your Doorstep.” us! It is open to everyone — every mately six hours, so bring snacks. calling (508) 867-2134. Proceeds will Merriam-Gilbert Public Library, 3 AARP members are invited to skill level, every craft, every age. For Call Dale Hevy at 508-867-9073 for benefit the Friends of the West Main St., West Brookfield. The attend the meeting and join the more information, contact Ashley more information and to register. Playground Scholarship. first half hour will be free play. chapter. Ottman at (484) 213-1750 or e-mail to During the second half hour, the [email protected]. NORTH BROOKFIELD — The librarian will lead the group with Friends of the North Brookfield songs, finger plays, and stories. Just WEDNESDAY N. BROOKFIELD — The North Playground will hold a SPAGHETTI drop in, no registration is necessary. Brookfield Sportsmen’s Club will be SUPPER at American Legion FEBRUARY 15 EAST BROOKFIELD — The East RUTLAND — SENIOR EXERCISE Brookfield Public Library, 122 CLASSES are held every Wednesday Connie Mack Drive, East from 10 - 11 a.m. at the Rutland Brookfield, will hold a LEGO Community Center, Glenwood Road, CLUB for ages 9-12 from 6 - 7:30 Rutland. Enjoy an hour of fun and p.m. on Monday,Feb. 13 and Feb. exercise to music to help stay 27 and at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. strong, fit, healthy and independent. 18. Be creative, bring your Classes are co-ed and all are wel- friends and join the fun. We will come. The fee is $4 per class. For display your creations at the more information, call Joyce library. Gamache at (508) 754-2821. Plan for SUCCESS in 2012! A well-established advertising plan can mean the difference between RED and BLACK for your business.

We sometimes hear “I don’t need to advertise locally, they know I’m here!” That couldn’t be further from the truth. We all know Coke™ & Pepsi™ products are out there, but they continue to advertise... why? Branding! Unless you’ve branded yourself as the supplier or service provider for your type of business, when your service or product is needed, you may be overlooked. Ever hear of the expression, “out of sight, out of mind?” If you open a new business, would you hang your sign out for one day only and hope everyone saw it? Of course not... you keep it out so that people know you’re in business. Advertising works the same way. Frequency + Consistency = RESULTS! Think of advertising as putting out the WELCOME MAT to your business! The Spencer New Leader would like to WELCOME you in 2012!! All you need to do is call June at 508-909-4062 or email [email protected] for the many affordable options Stonebridge Press has to offer to promote your business in 2012! FEBRUARY 01, 2012 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 1 2011 Used Car Dealer Dealer of the Year

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Pre-Owned Interest rates as low as 1.99% “up to 60 months” Bring this ad for $500 off Extended Service Contract and 12 Free Oil Changes. Exp 2/18/12* See details @ HarbroAuto.com 546 Providence Rd Whitinsville, MA 01588 (508) 234-6767 103 Worcester Rd Webster, MA 01570 (508) 943-6969 1985 Palamino AC & DC Bassett King Cameras Dark Pine Hutch- Exercise Pop-Up Camper WELDER Waterbed Set Several 35MM Cameras with base & top Don’t Forget... 010 FOR SALE 78 1/2”Hx55”Wx19”D. Equipment For Sale 180-140 Featuring Solid Oak Cannons & Pentex. Excellent condition •(2) Blue floral striped sofas $250.00 Construction With Dovetail Also: $175 Once you’ve sold Gunthy Rinker $160 each Sleeps 6, Very Clean Design, Four Drawer 8MM Movie Cameras Fitness Flyer Electric it, call us to Rugs: Condition, Like New Pedestal Stand, Bookcase Tripods Painted Grey Corner Health Rider •8x10 blue-$55 $1,100 Wood Splitter Headboard, Monterey 1000 Lots Of Extras! remove your ad!! Weslo Cadence Electric •5x8 wool, black, green, gold 6-ton Mod Firm Mattress With Heater, $300 For The Lot Hutch- 69”Hx38”W. **Town To Town** Motorized Treadmill Call: 774-230-9017 $300.00 Side Rails, Dresser Excellent condition jungle animal-$85 Call After 4pm Classifieds Bmi Universal Weight •19x44x30 Maple desk-$120 And Nightstand. $75 Irish Parlor Heater Regular Mattress Can Be 508-987-5515 508-909-4111 Center Cable/Pulley Or Best Offer 2 New Bucket 14”, Wood, Air Tight, Substituted If Desired. Guided, Blue Met. Ceramic White Caramel Colored Call: 774-312-0105 Seats (But Not Included) All in good condition $300.00 $450 Bamboo Wicker Chair Doors Lot price or 508-943-3105 for Mini Van and Gold & Matching Ottoman- $100 OBO Call Joe at 860-779-3304 Electric 3 foot Soild Wood Interior $350.00 1-508-278-3211 White cushions included. (1) 78”x18” Takes It All! (6) HEPA Filters Christmas Tree Sturdy and in very $15 1/3HP, 120V Call: 508-885-3136 good condition. 508-867-0196 Or: 860-888-5207 AFFORDABLE Complete with center light (1) 78”x30” 2x4 Area Output BEAUTIFUL and small bulbs. Comes in $60 Floor Or Wall-Mount USED FURNITURE Exterior Prehung Steel-Clad FOR SALE Dark Wood three pieces. Wood Core 32” x81” With Great For Woodworking $100 Area. 2 Pianos We have good used furniture Executive Wood & 65” x 17” Glass Panel • Chrysler A/C 22x24 220V Cost New $1000 Both In Excellent Condition at low prices and new Dresser Call: 508-756-3690 Blue Leather Swivel $30 $50 Sell For $125 Each OBO Price Includes Tuning & mattress sets of all sizes. ******************* • Window A/C 20’’x20’’ 110V Childcraft Desk Chair- Good Windows $35 Move To 1st Floor Location With attached matching condition. Call 5pm-8:30pm In Worcester County. Twins-$89 mirror. 7 drawers + 2 (4) Double-Pane Sunroom • Twin Window Fan Full-$119 Sleigh Crib $75 508-867-6546 Please Call drawer cabinet. $200 Tinted, 47” x 31” Thermostat/Reversible Motor Queen-$159 $20 508-885-3705 71Wx34Hx19D Call: 508-347-7492 Pickup or Delivery!!! Antique Oak China 508-949-7608 ******************* anytime Call: 508-347-7013 2200 Call Phil: 508-752-0100 Closet (1940’s) Electric Sports Cards 100 Grand Street $300 Asking $300 Diamond Ring FOR SALE Worcester, MA 01610 CALL JEFF: Cradle Bed Dentist’s Chair Mostly Stars & Rookies Gents 14K Yellow & White Full Lift & Tilt. Would KENMORE Baseball, Football, Hockey, Angle Iron Cutter 860-930-4522 For Infant Gold. Center Diamond $300 Make A Great Tattoo Chair. PORTABLE Basketball, And More! For Shelving 90/100 Surrounded By $250 OBO $50 508-234-2631 6 03/100 Diamonds. 508-987-6395 DISHWASHER 4W296, HK Potter 2790 Beautiful Large All Fine Brilliance Multi cycle, Paying Top 508-864-9223 Normally Sells For $700 Vintage 50’s Commercial 26 Year Old Appraisal Was ELECTRIC TYPE attachments and booklet. $90 OBO $5560 $125.00 firm Dollar 4 Boxes Of Bedroom Set Equipment Will Sell For Same Now! WRITER 508-764-7868 Call 5pm-8:30pm $500 Slush Puppy Machine, For Silver Coins, USBORNE-BOOKS 508-867-6546 774-232-0407 Never Used Leave message Silver Dollars, Upright Freezer (2 Door), Learning Wrap-Ups Electric Recliner 2-Door Soda Cooler, Dining Room Set Paid $200 For Sale Gold Coins, & Kids Kits, 40% Off Antique Crawford $150 Chicken Barb., Counter Grill, Dark wood, colonial style. Asking $150 34’’x28’’ Vinyl Replacement Paper Money. Floor Racks $20 Each Parlor Stove Marble-Top End Tables Donut Machine, Counters. Window- $40 Square Model, Each piece for $150.00 70x40 rectangular table 508-987-5137 Banks Recommend Us! Table Racks $10 Each & Coffee Table with (2)leaves, (2) captain’s Misc Business Supplies $35 Dated 1919. $150 For The Set All Must Go ASAP! Glass Sliding Tub Door-$10 When Refurbished, 508-278-7522 chairs, (4) straight backed Electrical Material We Travel To You! Call 508-867-9650 Sells For $3800 All In Excellent Condition. chairs. Custom glass top, Industrial, Commercial, hutch with lighted top. 3 Piece Set of Luggage- $25 FREE Honest Appraisals Asking $1400 508-885-3717 Computer/TV Residential We Operate By The 454 350HP (Un-Refurbished) Armoire $750 OBO Wire, Pipe, Fittings, Relays, (2) Generators- $200 each Golden Rule! Biolet Composting $75 Coils, Overloads, Fuses, Marine Engine 508-873-7348 Call: 508-765-5800 Breakers, Meters, Call: 508-867-6775 Complete & Running. 508-476-7250 Toilet Circa-1955 Punches, Pipe-Benders. Includes Alternator, Power L&L Coin Great For Cabins! Stereo Console Dining Room New Recessed Troffer Call Tom Steering Pump, Raw Water ARCTICWEAR $600 $50 Thomasville Pump, Etc. Flourescent 3-Tube FOR SALE 508-450-1282 Snowmobile Thinsulate MAKE AN OFFER! Walnut T-8 277V Fixtures Antique Dining Room Set- $3500 Jacket, Liner, Bibpants. Whole-House Ventilator French Provincial Call 508-259-8805 $25 508-347-3193 Enclosed Chippendale Mahogany table Women’s Medium. 38”x55”Oval Table, 2-20” $56 Each with 2 leaves, 5 chairs, hutch Leafs, “Like New” (3) Antique Wood Windows Coolant System Call 5pm-8:30pm and credenza. 9 Piece Formal $175 OBO $75 Each 2 Armed, 4 straight Cain Excellent condition!! 1/4HP 208/230V 3-Phase backed chairs, 6’ Buffet, 508-867-6546 Small Shutters 6-Gallon Flood-Type 1950’s Blond Traditional Dining BOSSCAT Helmet Custom Table Pads. Asking $800 With Fog-Reducing 3-Way $4 Each $300 New $1800 ENTERTAINMENT Bedroom Set Room Set For Sale $150 OBO Call: 508-943-8712 From the Glenwood Vapor Control System. 413-245-7388 Call Between CENTER Bureau, Mirror, Chest, Collection, in great condition. Unisex Small. 120V 6-Gallon Flood-Type 4:00pm & 6:30pm 4 Piece Thomasville (pecan) Old Wooden Full & Twin $150 OBO Brand New Coolant System 508-867-4773 Includes Glass Curio Office Chair Headboards. $800 firm 508-783-3825 14” Chrome $300 New With Lighting, $75.00 or best offer! $150 OBO Component & TV Space, w/Padded Seat Call: 508-407-7244 Knock-Off Rims $20 Call 5pm-8:30pm Direct Vent Open And Enclosed Storage, Blue Cushion With New Radial Tires! 508-867-6546 Very Good Condition, Call 508-735-9493 9 Piece Maple $125 EACH Wall Furnace Older Dark Rocking Chair $1200 OBO Dining Room Set (Set Of 4 Available) 35,000 BTU 508-461-9285 Wood Rocker 508-885-1071 FOR SALE Model- Empire. Excellent Baldwin Early 50’s, in very good $20 w/Pink Stenciled Flowers Spotting Scope 20 Power condition. Hot Tub $ 50 condition! Stephen King’s FOR SALE Indoor/outdoor,Soft Sidder, Spinnet Piano $450 With Car Window Light Brown Color Books 16’ Canoe- one end square 2 Attachment- $60 $500 OBO 4 person.110Volts Other Assorted $500 $1 each horsepower gas motor $450 Call: 508-943-3449 $1,800 508-885-4320 call afternoons or Call: 508-867-9386 Call: 508-885-3400 Household Items. evenings: 774-280-1603 508-764-2274 Call: 508-373-2792 860-779-0272

Find it! Buy it! Sell it! Want to know how to sell something in Town-to-Town Classifieds? Turn the page to use our classified coupon. ➥ 2 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ February 01, 2012 Town-to-Town CLASSIFIEDS HOME TOWN SERVICE, BIG TIME RESULTS TO PLACE YOUR AD VISIT US ONLINE CALL www.towntotownclassifieds.com TOLL FREE 1-800-536-5836 Must see furniture on 14 Pellet Stove Railroad Ave,Dudley. 130 YARD SALES 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE Enviro EF2 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE Needs restoration or Free-Standing enjoy old aged look... Two Years Old, DEADLINE FOR FOR SALE HEAVY DUTY Laine Couch Used One Season. Snapper Water Bed YARD SALE Cemetery or Pet •Claw & Ball Footed Originally $2400 Super single 12 drawer PIANO HINGES & Chair Table Roto-Tiller SUBMISSIONS Monuments: Beautiful 54’’-57’’ long stainless steel Floral Print On Beige Asking $1500 pedestal, mirrored stained glass & concrete $90 774-200-0558 IR5003, Used Twice headboard, heater, mattress, IS 1:30PM MONDAY hinges. Retail for $200 a Background. Paid $1295 FOR ALL MASS. cemetery stones. piece. Very Good Condition. •Library Oak Table padded side rails, carpet Hexagon 16”x18” $300 $90 POOL TABLES TracVac saver base. WEEKLY PAPERS (2) w/ cross and flowers left $150 OBO *Deadlines Subject To $50 each •Bent Bros. Kitchen 7 Foot Model 385-IC/385LH (1) w/ flowers sit flush with 60” E.R. Buck Used Once. Call: 508-248-6863 Change Due To Holidays landscape. Call: 508-885-2884 Chairs (4) 8 Foot Call For More Info. Rock Maple Dining $30ea Paid $1300 $125.00 ea 9 Foot Wheel Horse HOT WATER Room Hutch •Older Leather Seat $900 Each Bear Cat Vac-N-Chip Pro Dirt Bikes for sale: Excellent Condition. Chairs (3) Delivery Available & Vac Pro Lawn Tractor (1) 2004 Honda CRF70 HEATERS Paid $1200. $30ea 413-245-7480 Models 72085, 72285, Model 257H, With 37” 200 GEN. BUSINESS (1) 2005 Honda CRF50 Natural Gas Sell For $700 •Oak Dresser 72295 Mower Deck. Hydrostatic Like new, garaged w/less Brand New! Call 508-476-2056 $100 Propane Used Twice Transmission Not Working. 40, 50, & 80 Gallons than 5hrs riding time on each •(3) Matching Dining Paid $2772 Excellent 17HP Kawasaki 203 SNOWMOBILES $750ea Large Selection! Gas Heater Engine And Body. $150 And Up. Landscape Room Chairs w/Platform 508-765-5763 2004 Polaris Rocker. Nice Wood, All $325 OBO Call: 860-299-5925 Call Keith Equipment 508-476-5007 XC700 SP 508-524-9328 Nice For Age 50,000 BTU Sofa and Matching Trailer $150 MAKE AN OFFER!! 5,700 miles, recent track, For Sale $995 OBO Chair, Wood-Burning snow mobile in mint Living room furniture, Invacare Pronto Call 5pm-8:30pm Art Deco Retro Fireplace condition!! Lamps, Stereo,Entertainment M51 Power AND MORE! Call: 508-892-8588 Pastel Upholstery $3,000 Center, Glass Tables, 508-867-6546 MAKE VISIT Insert Stove Indoor/Outdoor Above-Average Condition Call: 508-479-4847 Bedroom Set, Paintings and Large 61” 508-943-8693 Asking $125.00 Only Used One Month Nordic Trac Exercise Power Refinished Chairs Paid $1100 204 WATER EQUIPMENT Equipment. Hitachi TV New Invacare Natural Or Painted Finish, White-Wash Oak Coffee Asking $900 OBO Wheelchair Runs excellent!! Some Decorated. Tables, Floor and Table 508-667-9916 1994 Sea-Doo 508-839-3142 Sure Step Technology Clinical 4 Position Very Reasonable! Lamps Also Available 508-839-2181 That Automatically $250 Bombardier SP94 Call: 508-922-5315 Geri Chair 508-764-4493 Separately. Adjust To Keep All Six 100 GENERAL With 95 Trailer Wheels On The Ground Soft seat, gas cylinder, lift, 860-928-6308 FOR SALE or: 508-248-5531 Sauder Excellent Condition, Runs Player Piano- Needs work At All Times. High-Back multiple positions, 4 swivel casters, fire retardant foam & Solid Rock Maple Great. Seat Just Recovered, some ros. Van Seat, Deep Blue Large Doghouse Computer Armoire 105 BULLETIN BOARD Pearl Base. The give, 2 trays each 10”x19” Black, Good Condition. Low Hours On Jet Pump. Antique bookcase- needs $50 Kitchen/Dining Has Been Winterized. 60 HP work Cadillac Of Power 31”W x 52”H x 19”D IN REMEMBRANCE Coffee Table With Slide-Out Room Table Teal/Pink O’Brian Sailboard- New Wheelchairs. $400 Julie Ann Bainton $1500 used once MSRP $3500 $35 Call: 508-867-6323 Keyboard Tray With 4 Chairs Wedding Dress- traditional Selling For $2000 $100 (Knurowski) 508-965-7077 FIRM End Table ************************** Eastford $300 36 Year Senior Secretary Call: 508-885-3192 508-410-1784 $40 NORDIC TRACK SKI 860-377-4961 Call: 508-885-9884 Bay Path High School Floating Pontoon Webster, MA Antique Mirror EXERCISER and Set of (2) Bureaus Dear Friend, Please Visit Dock/Swimming Ford Factory $40 CADENCE ELECTRIC Our Guest Book And Leave A 1 with mirror, 1 without Note To Pay Your Respects Platform 6.5ft Tonneau Old Trunks TREADMILL, circa 1960’s Trees for www.tinyurl.com/JulieBainton Jukebox $30 Each both in good condition. $200 OBO With ladder. Cover JULIE 10’x5’, in good condition, For Sale Student’s Desk & Chair Sale Fits 1999-2004 Super Cab ************************** Old Fashioned Cherry Nov. 26th, 1954 newly painted!! $250 OBO 1951 Rowe AMI $45 Sacrifice for $275 Evergreen Trees, Colorado Nov. 30th, 2008 Model “D” 40 774-452-3514 Wood Singer Sewing Blue Spruce, Potted Trees, Send Your Love To: Excellent Condition. Call: 508-347-5445 Machine Silver Blue, 18”-22” tall. $500 OBO Rinnai Gas Direct Excellent Privacy 888-974-1977 (FAX) Converted To Play 45’s. Large Jointer In cabinet w/2 drawers Or Mail To: Call: 508-347-9081 Vent Wall Furnace Holds 20 Records. NordicTrac in working condition Border/Ornamental $175 $50 All 10 trees for $85. PO Box 979 205 BOATS Model #RHFE-263FA II Spare Tubes & Service $150 OBO Charlton City, MA 01508 $750 OBO Manual. Great Sound, Heavy-Duty Motor Lift 4-Foot Steel Shelves Eastern Pine 5-7’ tall 14’ 2003 Polar Real Solid Wood. $225 Very Heavy Duty Entertainment Center 5 for $99 God Bless Call: 774-696-0219 $2000 $50 Antique Cast-Iron Approximately 4”Hx5”L Call 508-278-5762 107 MISC. FREE Kraft Bass Boat or: 508-867-6706 774-200-0501 Coal Stove 413-245-7388 Modern features Evenings & Trailer Frigidaire Electric $200 $125 OBO 25 HP Yamaha 4-stroke, Kitchen Craft 1929 Chevy Engine Old-Fashioned FREE WOOD Minkota trolling motor, Range Cookware $275 Cherry Wood Large Two Sectional Troy-bilt New batteries, Ceramic cooktop, in Generac Generator Sewing Machine Desk Polar Blast PALLETS Excellent condition. excellent condition. Basic Set $250 1 w/3 drawers You pick up. Monday thru $5,000. Asking $150 Sells For $1495 Table 1 w/2 sliding drawers Snowblower Friday 8am-noon. Call 508-347-3575 Radial Arm Saw With Drawers 10.5 HP, 30 inch cut, mint At Home Show $125 $100 OBO Stonebridge Press $800 $200 OBO condition, always stored in 25 Optical Drive Frigidaire Band Saw heated garage. 1994 Fling Four Cargo Trailer Axle Antique Pine Bureau (located behind Southbridge Refrigerator $150 Set Of 2 Bureaus 3 drawers, on wheels Hotel & Conference Center) Winns Jet Boat Good clean condition With Tires Call 508-752-8569 1 With Mirror, One Without. $75 OBO $950 OBO Used Only 4-5 Times Per $50 $300 After 6PM $250 OBO Call: 508-341-1337 110 NOVENAS Year & Serviced By 508-476-7382 Sofa Bed Marina Yearly. Call: 508-867-7362 MOTORS Beige Couch THANKSGIVING Includes Summer w/2 Chairs, Ottoman. Red floral NOVENA TO Kitchen Queen 1/2HP 230/460V $150 OBO Various Camping & Winter Covers, Gas Log For Sale $600 OBO ST. JUDE Bimini Top, Jotul GF200 LP Gas 480 Wood 1725RPM, 56 Frame. Items For Sale $45 OBO 508-943-1428 Call: 508-867-8766 4 Life Vests, $650 OBO Cooking Stove 774-242-7515 Make Me an Offer!! O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Skies & Boat Trailer. 5HP, 230/460V Cash Only Martyr, great in virtue and Loads Of Fun!!!! With Stainless 1740RPM, 184T Frame/TEFC Call 774-318-0275 rich in miracles, near kins- Mini Kota Electric Water Tank Option Panasonic Air In Good Condition $125 OBO Shop Smith man of Jesus Christ, faithful $650 Conditioner Asking $2300 Fishing Motor 5HP, 230/460V intercessor of all who invoke Call 36lb thrust, 5 speeds Wireless Remote All In One VISION FITNESS your special patronage in Elmira Stoveworks 3495RPM, 184T Frame/TEFC Fitness machine 860-923-3532 $125 OBO $125 OBO 10000/BTU Lathe, table saw, drill press, time of need, to you I have Sweetheart Wood $125 disc sander and jigsaw with Model X60005 recourse from the depth of Cook Stove 4 Motor Speed Controls extras. No motor. Excellent condition, my heart and humbly beg to Fitness Power Hitachi J100, 400/460V Quaser-6000/BTU used only one month whom God has given such Antique Show Piece $250 Paid $1,100.00 Rider $2600 OBO Best Offer Air Conditioner great power to come to my Call: 508-885-2884 Asking $575.00 assistance. Help me in my $100 OBO Call Ron Call 5pm-8:30pm $60 508-867-6546 Ski Boots HONDA 250EX present and urgent petition. 860-779-7007 4-wheeler. Barely used In return, I promise to make Call: 508-943-2174 401-864-6082 Hutch MOVING Dark Wood 50” W X 67” H Girl’s Lange $2,500.00 your name known, and cause Heavy Colonial NASCAR 16” D-Door Shelves Below-3 Ben-5, Size 6 Call 508-560-5056 you to be invoked. Kimball Console Shelves Above Boy’s Dalbello Say three Our Fathers, three Table Die-Cast Models $150 Hail Mary’s and Glorias. Piano/Bench Menace-4, Size 9 Publication must be prom- Trestle Base They’re Back! Very good condition. Perfect Solid Top: 5.5’ x 3’ x 3” Call 508-867-4546 Asking $75 Each WALNUT CHINA CABINET ised. St. Jude pray for us $5 And Up! for beginner student. After 6:30pm and all who invoke your aid. Captain’s Chair BRAND NEW Girl’s Like New Glass doors, Mate’s Chair $400 mirrored back, lighted interi- Amen. This Novena has nev- SHIPMENT! Sunrise Jet Snowboard Boots or lower storage, 61’’ long er been known to fail. This Town-to-Town 4 Ladder-Back Caned Chairs 508-885-2971 Roxy, Size 7 (2 New Seats, 2 Beat Seats) Blessings Farm 17’’ deep 81’’ high. Novena must be said for 9 Classifieds or 508-335-8882 Power Chair Asking $40 1-800-536-5836 ALL $250 50 H Foote Road Red, runs excellent!! $350 consecutive days. Publica- 508-683-6386 Charlton 508-885-4342 tion promised. 508-765-6940 508-248-1411 $200 Firm J.D. Call: 774-287-0599 774-272-2085 Call: 508-949-1251 CLIP AND MAIL Town-to-Town Write your ad here: CLASSIFIEDS HOME TOWN SERVICE, BIG TIME RESULTS TO PLACE YOUR AD VISIT US ONLINE CALL www.towntotownclassifieds.com Name: TOLL FREE 1-800-536-5836 Address:

Best Buy Ad Bargain Box Ad Town: Zip: Apartments – Help Wanted Furniture – Autos Phone: Real Estate – Pets/Livestock Appliances – Boats Firewood - Daycare Campers - Motor Homes Sell Your Items! Advertise Your Business! You Can Include A Check For Your Ad, Or We Will Be Happy To Bill You Later! 30 Words Or Less Mail to: Town-to-Town Classifieds 30 Words Or Less All 11 MA/CT Papers P.O. Box 90 All 7 MA Papers (Plus Our Website) Southbridge, MA • 01550 (Plus Our Website) Until Sold!* $46...... ❑ (Up To 1 Year Maximum) Fax to: 508-909-4053 1 week $53 ...... ❑ * Bargain Box rate does not apply to Pets, Email to: [email protected] 2 weeks $79 ...... ❑ Businesses, Real Estate Or Rentals Of Any Kind 4 weeks $111...... ❑ For More Information, Or For Other Rates, Call Our Friendly Staff At 1-800-536-5836 FEBRUARY 01, 2012 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 3

MACHINE SHOP HELP WANTED IN OXFORD NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Do you have nose for news? MACHINE SHOP HELP- Person needed to process machined parts prior to shipping. Various duties include cleaning, visual inspection, packaging, vibratory Are you a writer at heart? finishing, de-burring, operation of manual and CNC machines (we will train). Experience in a machine shop environment preferred, but not necessary. Do you love to capture the moment you're Stable work history required. References required and will be checked. Swissturn is located in the Oxford Industrial Park East, just off of I395 exit 3. Benefits in with a photograph? include health, dental, life, disability insurance, 401k, vacation, profit sharing. Call 1-800-394-6123 for pre-application screening or Do you have an interest in the goings on in fax work history to 508-987-9914 or email to [email protected] . the Quiet Corner, and want to get involved Swissturn/USA, Inc. One Hawksley Road • Oxford, MA 01540 • 800-394-6123 in your town?


FIREARMS WANTED: Villager Newspapers, your best source for weekly local news, is looking Collector looking WWII US Firearms M1 Garands, M1 Carbines, .45 Pistols, for a hard-working, flexible reporter to cover Connecticut’s Quiet Corner. 1911/1911 A1’s TOP PRICES PAID Job will include writing several stories per week, photography, informa- Have all necessary federal licenses tion gathering and networking – you will be the face of towns you cover! Call Wally At 508-234-5860 Residence in the Quiet Corner is preferred, but not required. The position is full-time with competitive salary, health and dental ben- FOR SALE Seasoned 1984 Formula 24’ Firewood efits, 401k, and mileage reimbursement. Villager Newspapers is an equal 350 Merc Cruiser C.S.D. to the Brookfields and Spencer. opportunity employer. With trailer. GPS Finder. Also Ash $240/cord and more!! Well green $160 maintained, must sell moving!! Call: 774-641-0384 So what are you waiting for? Asking $8,500 OBO Call: 508-476-3824 275 FLEA MARKET Dudley Send your resume to Editor Adam Minor at [email protected] 215 CAMPING Flea Market or mail to Villager Newspapers, Antiques, Collectibles Stateline & General ATTN: Editor, P.O. Box 196, Woodstock, CT 06281 Camp Resort Open Every Saturday-Sunday Killingly CT 8am-4pm Weekend Activities, Rec. Something For Everyone! Hall, Adult Club House, OST OUND ET ARE IVESTOCK ANTED TO UY Fishing, Pool, Shady & Behind BP Gas 284 L & F 285 P C 286 L 298 W B 310 GENERAL HELP 310 GENERAL HELP At Dudley/Webster Line Sunny Sites, Camp Store. PETS J & L Quality $$$-CASH PAID-$$$ WANTED WANTED $1500 2 Acres, Indoors! Horse Hay For Unusual Bicycles Please Call For Details, LOST CAT www.dorightfleamarket.com Pet Sitting 3’x3’x8’ 1870’s-1970’s After 4PM 1-800-551-7767 Orange & white male cat. 508-476-7382 Square Bales Weigh Neutered. Answers to Service Approximately 800lbs Each. Hi-Wheel **PART TIME** 281 FREE PETS EDDIE. Medical condition Professional at Home Balloon Tire alert- Has only 3 legs due Timothy, Orchard, Alfalfa Stingray 230 Pet Sitting and Dog Walking No Chemicals or FEMALE SENIOR to an enlarged heart. Member of National Choppers PROFESSION EVENTS/ENTERTAINMENT Owner is heartbroken Preservatives Schwin SWEETIE CAT Association of Professional Second Cut Available Daytona Bike CONTACT HEATHER: Pet Sitters Columbia • Unlimited Income NEEDS LOVING 603-781-2419 Established 1996 Rock Valley Farm Shelby W. Brookfield Week HOME with any leading Certified • Bonded • Insured Colson • No Set Hours Transportation Spayed, with updated information 508-867-2508 Raleigh 508-347-3826 Etc. shots. Laid back, 297 CHILD CARE • $29 Investment You need your bike loving, and gentile. I Pay More For Bikes transported for the event? LOST CAT!!! HAPPY KID’S For My Museum! • No Inventory • Cost $350 round trip Pictures available Pampered Pets All Conditions Considered 7/22/2011 DAYCARE 1-800-336-2453 (BIKE) Call: 508-341-0588 Small solid grey, spayed Pet Sitting Program meets a variety of • Company Direct Call David for details female. Answers to Daily dog walks, in home pet safety standards that helps Call: 508-248-7335 283 PETS “Steve”.Lost on the care. vacation coverage. fully your child to be safe. or: 508-320-3273 Spencer, Leicester, insured and bonded. Convenient hours for Call: 774-696-3400 Need Help Fixing Over 5 years of experience!! parent’s work schedule. CASH PAID Paxton town lines. Home-cooked, nutritious For Coins FOR INFORMATION 260 COLLECTIBLES Your Pet? OWNERS SON IS Veterinarian Referred meals served. Vacations, And Jewelry HEARTBROKEN!!! Great References!! holidays and absent days are ******************************* We can help at an Buying/Selling Authentic affordable price!!! call: 508-410-4107 Call: 508-266-0816 FREE!!! Located near All surgeries performed by REWARD!! Charlton Elementary, Gold & Silver Revolutionary liscenced vets at our Heritage, Charlton Middle One Piece Or 298 WANTED TO BUY 310 GENERAL HELP wellness center. School. Available for all ages Collection War Historic of children. Planned activities WANTED Autographs LOST DOG!! geared to each child’s Lee’s Coins & Genuine Original Signature Yorkshire Terrier interests. Big yard for fun Jewelry WAR Direct Care Autographs Of named “Junior”. outdoor play. ENROLL THIS 239 West Main Street Staff/Job Coach American Hero Icons. Last seen on 11/26/11 MONTH AND GET FIRST East Brookfield RELICS The Center of Hope is George Washington $2200 in the vicinity of 35 WEEK 50% OFF (Route 9 - Panda seeking to fill several Direct Benjamin Franklin $2200 Heather Hill in Garden Plaza) & Care/Job Coach positions in Thomas Jefferson $1000 Whitinsville. Call RASA: 508-637-1236 its Southbridge Day All Have Certificates Of Transportation and additional Programs. Experience with discounts are also available. 508-410-1477 508-341-6355 WAR Authenticity. Lic #9008024 individuals with disabilities Clear Signatures Please Call 508-637-1333 Call James: SOUVENIRS preferred. Must be able to 508-476-1068 or visit us online at 508-234-8702 Same Owners 298 WANTED TO BUY lift, complete personal care www.secondchanceanimals.org WANTED for individuals and drive Tom & Camila Paying Cash, agency vans. HS diploma or NFL Autographed WWII & EARLIER equivalent required. Valid New Stuff! ROUTE Buying: CA$H WAITING! driver’s license, good driving Helmet Collection Powder-Puff MISSING Reconnective Healing record, daily use of vehicle, Five Ridell Team Helmets Chinese Crested Animal Massage Bottles Helmets, Swords, must pass Hours vary per Signed By MVP Icon “Sprocket” 169 Crocks, Pottery Male yorkie, has collar, Animal Communication Daggers, Bayonets, position. Quarterbacks Puppy Old Toys, Marbles Medals, Badges, Flags, Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Male. Sweet, Loveable, no tags, last seen NTIQUES Wooden Items Fluffy Toy Hypo-Allergenic 1/16/12 at 5:30pm in As Always! A Uniforms, etc. Administrative Dan Marino, Joe Namath, Hand Tools Over 30 Years Experience. And Peyton Manning. Breed. the area of Birch Hill & Reiki/Feng Shui 884 Worcester St. Assistant All Have COA’s For More Information Natural Foods Southbridge MA Sewing Items Call David Wallum Lake Road, Christmas The Center of Hope is $2000 OBO 401-397-6499 Flower Essences 1-508-688-0847 seeking a high energy indi- Douglas MA Looking To Purchase Advertising 508-476-1068 Reward Alpha Wave Music I’ll Come To YOU! vidual to complete a variety Any information please Antiques of duties. Excellent written Pure Bred And Collectibles Tom & Deb Joralemon and verbal communications 265 FUEL/WOOD call: 508-641-4041 Boarding Oxford required. Must be proficient Puppies or: 774-239-7203 Indoor/Outdoor Runs Single Items Or Entire Estates 508-987-1060 in Word, Excel, and Outlook. A. Jeffers Over thirty breeds available. Skylights Millbury 300 HELP WANTED Health checked/guaranteed. Heated/Air Conditioned We Buy It All 508-865-1228 Excellent benefit package. Tree Service State licensed. And Also Do Main Street Antiques Must Pass CORI/SORI/Pre- °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° www.laughlinkennel.com employment drug/Physical 285 PET CARE Day Care On-Site Estate Sales and Collectibles Tree Removals Laughlin Kennel Supervised Groups And 305 BUSINESS Logging Apply in person Call 508-987-7161 Daily/Weekly Rates Estate Auctions OPPORTUNITIES Mon-Fri, 9-4, at: Land Clearing Large Play Yards FAN-C-PET ALL IKE NYTIME 100 Foster Street Firewood 284 LOST & FOUND C M A Southbridge, MA Mobile Training 508-765-9512 WANTED DRIVERS WANTED or fax resume to: WOOD LOTS PETS Delivery Service Providers WANTED Grooming Salon Basic - Advanced VERY USED 508-765-0255 needed for newspaper home AA/EOE FREE ESTIMATES Group Or Private Kitchen Cabinets delivery in Dudley, Webster, Call (774)239-0285 Found 1/8 Vicki Kelley New - Open Enrollment $$$ The older the better. We Southbridge, Killingly, On Worcester St Professional Make Money are a kitchen refacing com- Putnam, Thompson & In Southbridge... Grooming pany and we use these surrounding towns. Groomer Baths To Full Grooms Selling cabinets at home shows Foster Firewood All black male cat 20 Years Exp. Your Unwanted for No exp. nec. Mon-Sun, 2-3 Green eyes, very lovable, “We Go Right to “BEFORE & AFTER” hrs daily, starting around Parents Wanted Green $135 Certifications! Stuff!!! 3AM. $350-$500/bi-weekly. Seeking Quality Homes not fixed, definitely a Your Door” PCSA Levels I & II Throughout Central MA 128 cubic feet. house cat. Quality Dealers Wanted Call between 9 & 5 M-F No $$ collections. Must be 508-987-2419 CPR Certified Best Deal Around. or leave message 18+. Driver’s lic. & car w/ins. To Provide Foster Care (774)696-7879 Call: 774-287-5043 Reiki Master KITCHEN OPTIONS of NEW req’d. Drivers are independ- To Children In Need. Lighterian Reiki VII Clean, Indoor Flea Market ENGLAND ently contracted. 24/7 Support. Generous FOUND!!! Reconnective Healing II Every Sat-Sun, 8am-4pm 508-987-3384 Reimbursement. FIREWOOD ICNDF Certified Trainer Route 12 or 860-749-6998 Call PCF, Inc: $1000 Sign-On Bonus Female Calico Cat Dudley www.mykitchenoptions.com 1-800-515-8000 Call For Details Seasoned or Green Found on Rte 169 in Experienced, Caring Staff (Behind BP) Cut, Split, Delivered Southbridge around Individualized Care WOOD LOTS WANTED Attention To Detail www.dudleyflea.com 11/24/11 (Thanksgiving). 1-800-551-7767 310 GENERAL HELP Call Paul Well cared for older cat. See You There! WANTED 508-769-2351 Clipped nails, ear Going... Going... 508-987-0077 $ 508-987-5349 medication. 205 Federal Hill Road Devereux Therapeutic She Misses Her Family!!!! Gone to the Dogs Oxford, MA ROSS RECYCLING PARTS Training and behavior Foster Care FREE management in your starwoodpetresort.com Wanted To Buy We Pay More!! DEPARTMENT 508-829-6769 Call: 508-347-5804 Expanding trailer distributor Construction or: 508-245-2221 home. By Collector All Scrap Metals, seeks dependable & reliable Kindling Wood Positive methods Old comic books-1940’s Cars, Trucks person needed to work full LOST CAT used. and up, old baseball and Batteries, time in parts department, All Different Types Of Certified Pet Dog shipping and receiving Widths, Lengths & Missing since Friday sports cards, Beatles Copper Wire, Monday thru Friday. Phone, Thicknesses Of Wood. 11/11 from Senior Living trainer and member memorabilia-1960’s and Appliances... computer and mechanical 2x4, 2x6, Plywood. at Prouty. Black female APDT up, old toys, old knowledge helpful. Good For Wood Stove Or with white flea collar and Call Renelle at advertisement signs; 64 Tucker Hill Rd. Outdoor Burners/Stoves. gold eyes. soda, food etc. Putnam, CT 06260 Apply: Delivery Available Answers to “Eddie” 508-892-1850 Northeast Marine Ind., Inc. 88 Main Street By The Truckload email: Call: 860-779-2469 860-928-7165 508-867-2564 Call: 774-745-8383 [email protected] Oxford, MA 01540 4 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ February 01, 2012

310 GENERAL HELP 311 PART-TIME HELP 402 GENERAL SERVICES 454 HOME 505 APARTMENTS FOR 505 APARTMENTS FOR 505 APARTMENTS FOR 505 APARTMENTS FOR WANTED WANTED IMPROVEMENT RENT RENT RENT RENT HELP WANTED Call The Dino’s Charlton Southbridge The Comfort Two Bedroom Apartment. 6-Room, 3 Bedroom Junk Man Handyman Off-Street Parking. Nice FREE RENT! Apartment, Second Floor. In Webster Inn and Suites Yard, Coin-Op Laundry. Heat/Hot Water a Nice, Quiet Neighborhood. Services No Pets. Washer/Dryer Hookups, in Sturbridge $775/Month Included! Gas Heat, Yard & Porch. NORTH VILLAGE is now hiring for: **SNOW** Snow Removal Plus Electricity FREE RENT One Small Pet Considered Painting 508-335-0249 First & Last. 2 Bedroom Units Housekeeping PLOWING!! Wall Repair Affordable 1 2, and 3 $765/Month Starting At $783!! weekends and holidays Demolition Bedroom Apartments 781-444-1087 required Trees Cut Deck Repair DOUGLAS For Rent. 617-281-0831 Heat And Hot Water Brush/Limbs Drywall 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Spacious, Fully Is Included. Apply In Person Or Bathroom Fixtures Apartments Available Applianced. Southbridge Surrogate Apply Online At: Removed Windows Prices start at $845/month. Cisco Street Must Income Pickup and Delivery Includes heat, hot water, Starting at $698 2-Family, First Floor. Qualify. www.sturbridge WE NOW TAKE A/C, pool, fitness center Three Bedrooms, Enclosed Mothers comfortinn.com/ Yard work & children’s program. YOUR AUTOS Storm Clean Up • Pets Considered Front and Back Porch, Section 8 Vouchers Needed career FOR CASH! Off street parking. Laundry Room, Appliances, Accepted. Call (508)476-3777 • A/C In Every Unit Garage Space, Yard. Be part of a miracle Removal of Metal, Specializing in small jobs No Pets • Pool Please Call The rewards are more 320 MEDICAL/DENTAL Appliances, Hourly Rate References (508)987-1595 than financial Furniture, TV’s. 20 years experience in Douglas • Basketball Court First & Last Month’s Rent property repair and EHO Seeking Women Construction 4 room apartment on • Playground $835/Month 21-43 Non-Smokers CERTIFIED AIDES Materials. maintenance! first floor, in 2 family 508-765-1104 With Healthy Needed for all shifts to Cellars/Attics home, parking. • On-Site Laundry WEBSTER FREE Estimates!! Currently being Pregnancy History work in Sturbridge, Cleaned. 1-508-347-3431 INCOME LIMITS APPLY (1) 2 Bedroom Holden and Worcester Small Building remodeled but now Section 8 Welcome Southbridge Apartment Available areas. accepting applications!! Coombs Street Demolition, Tires. Office Open From: $650/Month Call Heritage Home 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Leaves Removed. $890/Month Available. Health Care Residential Moves. Save Money On Monday-Friday (2) 1 Bedroom For More Monday through Friday Includes heat/hot 9:00am to 5:00pm Applianced, Washer/Dryer Apartments Available Information Call between 10am&3pm Furnaces Removed heat bills water and snow Saturday 10:am Hook-ups. No Pets. $500/Month 508-347-0036 Check-our-down-to- Are your doors cold removal!! to 3:00pm $725-$800 888-363-9457 and drafty? Applianced 6 family, reproductivepossibilities.com earth prices first! Evening First And Security. basement laundry, parking, Weekends also! You may just need a call: 508-476-2508 Appointments References And Credit no pets, quiet house. 325 PROFESSIONAL door tune-up!! cell: 508-341-2486 Check Required. Immediate Availability!! Central Mass Call (508)596-8497 and Connecticut •Basic Tune Up $125 First & Security Men & Wom Call The Door Man Available 508-864-6285 18 yrs & older *Industrial* Dave 860-377-3356 Douglas SOUTHBRIDGE w/insured vehicles needed to 508-347-7804 Licensed & Insured Two Bedroom $800 Brookside Terrace Dresser St. deliver in Worcester west, Electrician 413-262-5082 Plus Electric 11 Village Drive Section 8 welcome Webster south, central & surrounding New Appliances, Southbridge,MA 01550 (2) 2-bedrooms, both on 3 room apartment. Good areas. Also looking for office 1st Shift Dishwasher. Quiet, Private second floor. Refrigerator security, off street parking, clerks & loaders. Delivery Country Road. No Traffic. (508)764-7675 and stove included. Close to 1 person only. starts February 13th. Work a ***************** 412 ELDER CARE 500 REAL ESTATE No Smoking, No Dogs. downtown, hospital and No Smoking/No Pets minimum of 6 daylight hrs OFS Fitel in Sturbridge, Call (508)476-1722 high school. SERVICES Pay Own Heat and Electric per day and get paid within MA is seeking a State SOUTHBRIDGE $750/month plus utilities. 72 hours, upon completion Licensed Electrician. 508-868-0572 $115/week of route. 501 REAL ESTATE East Brookfield Leave message Must have 3-5 yrs of Care Giver Waterfront house rental, 508-873-0957 ANTED 102 East Main Street 1-800-979-7978 industrial exp. working Available W 2BR, 2BA, includes util, 2-bedroom apartments 9-5, M-F refer to from blueprints and 2-cgar available Southbridge Local mature woman Huge 1,400sq ft, 3-4 Webster job#30091-A technical spec. Must available for light house- $2,000 $650/month Distribution of the Verizon bedroom apartment. Clean 30 Poland Street have experience in keeping, meal preparation 3BR, 1BA apartment, 1st fl, and well maintained. 9 yellow pages are done by industrial electrical 1 Storefront on Renovated Two Bedroom Supermedia, official publisher of and companionship. wdh, lg yard, off-st parking rooms included eat in Apartment, All Appliances repair, installation practi- $875 Hamilton Street Verizon print directories. EOE 500 sf plus basement kitchen, 2 living rooms, Furnished. Laundry Room On ces and techniques in Please Call: $500/month laundry room with Premises. Off-Street Parking. commercial power. 508-344-8154 Southbridge washer/dryer hookups. Garages Available. Some computer skills leave message 3BR, 1BA, 2nd fl, 2LV, 16 Ballard Court Deleaded. Plenty of storage No Pets. required. HS diploma or off-st pkg, wdh, deleaded, 3 bedroom, second floor space. Third floor. Most Schools & Churches The Comfort GED. Excellent benefits ************** lg yard, sm dog ok $850/month Within Walking Distance. package including incen- 433 CLEANING $850 $825/Month 1 Mile To Route 395. EQUAL HOUSING Service Pets Only First & Security Good Credit Required. Inn and Suites tive plan. Competitive Call: 508-439-2475 hourly rate. Background OPPORTUNITY Spencer W/D Hookups, $750/Month in Sturbridge 3BR, 1.5BA, 2nd fl, off-st Call 508-949-1400 check and drug screen ************** Stove/Refrigerator. is now hiring for: * TLC Home * pkg, deleaded First/Last/Security, Southbridge Or 508-943-0972 required. All real estate advertising in $900 Cleaning this newspaper is subject to References. Large Renovated Four Front Desk Have You Heard The The Federal Fair Housing Act $20 Application Fee Bedroom Apartment. New ***************** Lg 1BR, 1BA, 2nd fl, off-st Kitchen & Bath. (Night Audit) Qualified applicants may Phrase, “GOING GREEN?” of 1968, which makes it pkg, nice area 508-765-5542 We Use & Supply Organic illegal to advertise any Section 8 Welcome send their applications to: $700 Washer/Dryer Hookups. WEBSTER OFS Fitel, Cleaners To Ensure Your preference, limitation or Apply In Person Family’s Safety. discrimination based on race, Townhouse 2br, 1.5BA, nice Southbridge Small Pet OK 50 Hall Rd. area, sm dog ok $950/Month Or Gift Certificates For color, religion, sex, handicap, Modern 2 bedroom 2 bath- Prospect Sturbridge, MA 01566 familial status (number of $950 First & Last Apply Online At: or fax 508-347-8668 Baby Showers, room apartment. Garage, gas Call 781-492-7707 Anniversaries, And More! children and or pregnancy), heat, all kitchen appliances. www.sturbridge No phone calls please national origin, ancestry, age, Estates comfortinn.com/ A Perfect Gift! Available January 1st marital status, or any $775/month career ***************** CALL TAMMIE TODAY intention to make an such Southbridge 1 & 2 Bedroom preference, limitation or First/Last/Security Large Three Bedroom Apartments. FOR A GREENER Call: 508-765-9165 Apartment, Nice Location. discrimination. This Now Available: Trailer Truck TOMORROW! newspaper will not Separate Utilities. 508-347-3275 knowingly accept any HouseworksRealty.com $800/Month Historical Buildings The Town of Charlton advertising for real estate 508-867-0903 Southbridge seeks qualified applicants Drivers First & Last Must Income Qualify 774-230-7885 that is in violation of the law. 2 Bedroom Apartments SECTION 8 for the position of Starting At $195/Week Call (508)764-2293 Wanted Office/Homes Our readers are hereby Heritage Green CERTIFICATES Assistant informed that all dwellings Has A 3 Bedroom Available With utilities included WELCOME Class A CDL With Spring Or Fall Cleanings advertising in this newspaper Heat & Hot Water Included. Treasurer Weekly/Bi-Weekly Or are available on and equal 3 Bedroom SOUTHBRIDGE The Assistant Treasurer must Hazmat $1,162/Month Call Monthly Cleanings opportunity basis. To First & Security Required $800/Month Near Paige Hill Road be a highly motivated, skilled Based In complain about individual who enjoys Flexible Hours/Days Available now!! (2) Two bedroom (508)943-9567 discrimination call The Application Required And Charlton working with the public; North Brookfield. Registered/Insured/ 2 Bedroom apartments... EHO Bonded Department of Housing and Must Income Qualify. proficiency in Microsoft Urban Development “HUD” $175/Week ******************** Office Suite applications; and Please Call Heritage Green References Available toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. 508-347-2200 950 SF bondable. Preference given 508-867-3235 For the N.E. area, call HUD Dudley Appliances, central heat, Webster to applicants that have two ad 617-565-5308,. The toll School Street Area years municipal experience North Brookfield 1 bedroom hardwoods, w/w 3 bedrooms with garage free number for the hearing $550/Month carpeting. in benefits and payroll proc- Affordable impaired is 1-800-927-9275 washer/dryer hookup essing as well as bookkeep- 400 SERVICES Cleaning Service 28 Spring Street $725/month $850/Month ing, accounts payable and 3 spacious rooms, second Webster ******************** First & Last accounts receivable and has We Offer Quality Work At An Affordable Price! floor, like new, washer/dryer 2 Bedroom 1,950 SF Call: 508-943-0040 attained competency in the 505 APARTMENTS FOR hookup, large yard, off-street $150/Week Appliances, electric heat, use of specialized municipal 402 GENERAL SERVICES • Homes & Offices RENT parking, w/w carpeting. dishwash- financial software. • Carpet Cleaning $575/Month All are newly remodeled, er, parking, yard, small • Floors carpeted, stove & pets. Webster The position is part-time All Cleanouts • And Much More! No Pets refrigerator included. Six rooms, three bedroom, (28 to 35 hours per week) $725/month REGISTERED, References/Security Section 8 Approved. 1,350 sf, first flr. Island and compensation is Cleanups Brookside Required No Pets Allowed ******************** kitchen, newer cabinets, dependent on skills. INSURED & BONDED Haul-Away Give Maria A Call 508-867-7404 Security Deposit & First & Security hardwood floors, References Required Bill: 508-272-4220 baseboard heat, stove, Interested applicants should 508-764-2500 Terrace refrig, washer/dryer hook- send a cover letter, resume Basements Call 774-289-1714 Attics Heat/Hot Water up, beautiful place, and salary requirements to: River Mill Southbridge off-street parking. Town Administrator Apartments 454 HOME Included! Three Bedroom Robin L. Craver, Garages Village Southbridge Second Floor Apartment Town of Charlton, IMPROVEMENT FREE RENT 2 Bedroom Apartment. For Rent. $1,000 Yards N. Grosvenordale Renovated & De-Leaded. Call: 508-808-9280 37 Main Street Affordable 1, 2 and 3 $750/Month Charlton, MA 01507 Rental Property Affordable Wall-To-Wall Carpet, Bedroom Apartments Country Living Recently Remodeled. Estate Cleanouts PAINTING Tile Kitchen & Bath. No Pets. Washer/Dryer Applications will be accepted For Rent. Apartment Homes Vinyl Replacement Windows Hookups. Section 8 OK. until position is filled. Small Building Interior/ Spacious, Fully Off-Street Parking. First & Security Required. 510 Demolition Exterior Applianced. Move-In Special $650/Month Call 508-949-0630 COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS Rent includes Section 8 OK Better Than Starting at $698 617-908-0744 Power Washing 1,2 & 3 Br’s A Dumpster • Pets Considered Spencer Office or Retail Town of Leicester MA We Do It! Carpentry Rents Starting at Southbridge 2 Bedroom Townhouse. Truck Driver, • FREE ESTIMATES • • A/C In Every Unit $600 2 bedroom first floor apart- Gas Heat & Hot Water, Space Available FREE Estimates! • FULLY Insured • ment. Kitchen appliances Electric Appliances, Highway Dept. • Pool Heat & Hot Water In the Center of 774-329-3386 • Reasonable Rates • Included included. washer/dryer hook- Hookups. Qualified truck driver for F/T ups, new heating system, One Year Lease. No Pets. North Brookfield (40 hr), benefited position. 774-230-8586 Rich O’Brien • Basketball Court W/D Hook-ups 1 car garage, no pets. First & Last Call Nellie: Pay range $19.77-$20.58. Painting • Playground Off Street Parking Great Neighborhood! $720 per month. On-call for emergencies. $800/Month Security Deposit ($500) 508-347-2774 Operates highway equipment 28 Years Of Experience • On-Site Laundry Large Spacious Units Security and Last Call (508)886-4312 leave a message including dump trucks, sand- 508-248-7314 INCOME LIMITS APPLY ers and must be able to lift FREE Community Park Months Rent up to 94lbs manually. High Section 8 Welcome Call: 508-765-9730 Spencer Metal Pickup & Library 5 Room, Two Bedroom school grad or equivalent, Office Open From: Voucher Holds Southbridge must possess Class B license A/C, Refrigerators, DiGeronimo SOUTHBRIDGE Apartment, Second Floor. Washers, Small Trailers, Monday-Friday Welcomed! 2 bedroom, 5 room, second Wall-To-Wall Carpeting. with air brake endorsement Painting 9:00am to 5:00pm “Must Be Income Qualify” PROFESSIONAL and DOT card. Batteries. floor apartment. Available 2/1 Refrigerator & Stove Saturday 10:00am Included. Washer/Dryer Quality, Affordability Call Today with HEAT & HOT WATER SPACE Applications available at WE PAY YOU & Trust to 3:00pm included! W/D hookups, Hookups, For Rent Town Hall, Top Dollar For Your Without Compromise Evening Appointments Available (860)923-3919 off-street parking, clean & Off-Street Parking. updated. No Pets. 98 Hamilton Street Selectmen’s Office, AUTOS Interior Rooms rivermillvillage@ 3 Washburn Sq., TRUCKS $725/Month (Left Hand Side) winnco.com First/Last & Security Leicester, MA 01524 Or TRACTORS As Low As $1,000/Month Formerly $139 First/Last/Security 774-272-2634 or www.leicesterma.org 508-867-2564 Brookside Terrace Dave’s Styling/Hairdresser Ceilings $69 Call: 774-230-5427 First Floor, Good Visibility! Submit to Selectmen’s Office no Woodwork $69 11 Village Drive Spencer Parking later than Monday Feb. 13, Southbridge,MA 01550 SOUTHBRIDGE Three bedroom apartment. 900 Sq. Ft./210 Sq. Ft. 2012 at 4:00pm To place your ad Licensed & Insured Refrigerator/stove, ww TOL/EOE-M/F (508)764-7675 3 bedroom first floor carpeting, washer/dryer 508-320-9075 Serving Central Mass. apartment. Beautiful, hookups, off-street parking, today, or for more James DiGeronimo hardwoods throughout, 6+ nice yard. Residential area Cell 508-577-7940 rooms, modern kitchen and easy walk to center, information, bath, well maintained. pets welcome! Wanted C&C Off-street parking, Webster Experienced Call washer/dryer hookup $990/Month 7,500 sq ft and First/Security 2,500 sq ft Properties SOUTHBRIDGE Income Verification A Must Equipment 1-800-536-5836 Free Standing Building LOOK & COMPARE 36-38 Main Street First/Last Required Available Now Installer One bedroom, off street $895/Month 508-867-8707 With Loading Dock And Southbridge/Charlton Nice Offices Stonebridge Press parking, heat and hot Call: 508-769-2500 •Valid Driver’s License Line water included. •Driving records pulled 2 Bedroom $700/Month Sturbridge 9,000 sq ft and •Drug screening Luxury Condo. Southbridge Sturbridge Heights Hall Rd 6,000 sq ft •Required out of town travel Appliances, Gas Fireplace 61 Coombs Street 4 room apartment on first 2 bedrooms starting at Clean And Bright $795/Month $800 per month. Fully Large three bedroom floor. 2 bedrooms, living 2,500 sq ft 20 mile radius from Dudley Southbridge first floor. room kitchen, stove refriger- applianced, heat included in or Webster $875/Month ator, microwave, washer some units! Good For Machine Shop Apply: “Hometown Quality 1, 2 & 3 Pool and laundry on site Bedroom Apartments! hookup. Newly remodeled, angela_crisp Service, nice front porch Call for details @revelscontracting.com Appliances, Off-Street Now Accepting Applications Owner anxious to rent! Parking. (860)256-7582 First & Security 704-917-0438 BIG TIME Results” $650/Month Call: 508-729-3429 508-753-3670 Fax: 704-917-0439 Call (508)765-0501 Call: 508-765-0657 FEBRUARY 01, 2012 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 5

525 HOUSES FOR RENT 546 CEMETERY LOTS 550 MOBILE HOMES 550 MOBILE HOMES 550 MOBILE HOMES 550 MOBILE HOMES Park Model WHEN PLACING YOUR N. Grosvenordale WARREN Southbridge Four Plots Brookfield Mobile Home Nanatomqua Mobile For Sale By Owner Bemis Road CLASSIFIED AD: High Street In Worcester Country CT Mobile Home For Sale Fully Furnished, New Porch MOBILE HOME FOR SALE Please give a full description of what you are selling 2 bedroom house. 850 sq Home Park (55+) Addition, Also Nice Shed & Memorial Park, Paxton, MA 14x64 Doublewide Beautiful 1985 14’ x 66’ and don’t abbreviate your words. Always remember to include feet with garage, off-street Mobile Home For Sale. Great Place For A Garden. In The 2 Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths. Two Bedroom, an asking price for the item you’re selling. Place your ad early parking, electric heat Two Bedroom, 1.5 Bath. On Beautiful Lot Near Large Kitchen, Living Room. Swimming Pool. Gas, Hot Water, And Stove. in the week. Deadline for classified ads are Mondays at 3pm. and large deck “Rememberance Section” Large Kitchen & Living Laundry Room. Located At Highview Large Open Kitchen With Room. Screen Porch Campground In All Four For $4500 OBO Appliances Included. Breakfast Bar To $900/Month & Carport. West Brookfield. (Currently Sells For Plenty Of Cabinet Space. Living Room, Section 8 Approved Begin Camping 4/15-10/15 Park Rent $110/Month $65,000 Price Includes Seasonal Porch, Deck, First and Security $1800 Each) CALL FOR PRICE For Appointment Payment Upgrades Throughout. Call: 508-476-1041 508-721-2572 (April-October 2011) 774-262-7307 860-923-0421 Asking $28,000 $59,900 DASAP 508-867-8736 413-593-9961 1-800-536-5836

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NOW $9500 Excellent Condition, excellent condition. miles, (6) Michelin tires, My Loss, Your Gain! $6,000 OBO (4) 20570 15” queen bed, (2) TVs, Onan 508-989-8165 Never Seen Snow Or Salt. Tires 2005 Honda VTX 1300 $6,000 OBO Call: 774-922-2098 Must See! Retro $14,900 Call: 860-974-9811 7.0 generator, backup Purchased New $1000 White walls, approximately Call Owner: camera, (2) new batteries, Asking $500 3,500miles. Like new Exellent Condition Motor Home $7,500 OBO 508-245-7011 hydraulic leveling jacks, 2009 Chevy 508-987-2839 mounted on GM wheels, many extras, 1998 Holiday will fit other vehicles 1997 Yamaha excellent condition. Silverado $280 (2)1966 Ford Galaxy FOR SALE Rambler Club Cab TOWING EQUIPMENT 1 hardtop 1997 Volvo Station Royal Star $18,000 Black, 19,550 Miles Call: 508-892-4102 Endeavor Diesel 1500 Series Blue OX Towing Utility truck side 1 convertible Wagon 1 Slide, Low Mileage, Has Z-71 Package. $4,000 for both OBO Great Condition Base Plate boxes Saddlebags, Cover Washer/Dryer, Very Silver Blue Color. With White, 5 cylinder automatic Good Condition. Tonneau Cover & Liner. With Tow Bar And (2) 8ft, good condition, also transmission. 850 GL Turbo New Tires/Battery Accessories. BX1665 For Both Fords For Parts Ready To Ride! 2003 $37,000 8k Miles, One Owner. have ladder rack free if you Needs Work Call 860-774-6128 04-05 buy boxes! or Restoration $4,000 OBO Asking $25,000 $500 OBO Damon Fran 508-791-9885 Chevy Malibu $500 Call for details Call: 508-867-9566 Call Jim $175 860-923-9067 508-523-5980 Challenger 760 VANS/TRUCKS Blue Ox Heavy Duty Call: 508-885-4651 732 SPORTS UTILITY Motor Home 765 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 8” Drop Receiver Gas Engine $75 2005 VW Jetta 2002 NISSAN 1983 Ford Pickup Michigan 2.5L, 6 speed, Allison Transmission Call 508-320-2944 Classic XTERRA SE 2 Motorcycles Work Horse Chassis Truck Backhoe 62,500 miles. Excellent Supercharged, California 6-Cylinder, Clean Payloader 1984- 500 SEL condition, slate gray Yellow. Only 90,000 Miles. For Sale 24 K Miles 2007 Roadstar Warrior- 1-Slide Out Underneath, Diesel, Runs Good Wheels With Tires $10,300 4-Wheel Drive, No Undercarriage Rust. Mercedes Benz Metallic Gray, VERY LOW Queen Size Bedroom $9997 16” Koenig rims (4) black 10 Call: 508-867-2082 Great Condition. Good Mechanics. 4 door sedan, 134,000 New Exhaust System MILES, Samson Ground Asking $45,000 spoke with chrome ring and miles, very good condition. $1500 Chevy Box Truck Battery, Brakes, Tires. Pounders, Very Clean. price is negotialbe 20 lugs. All mounted on $7,000 OBO 978-760-3453 UPS-Style Prometer Radials. $9,900 Firm 860-928-2820 Best Offer 2006 Chevrolet 860-923-0133 $3500 Excellent condition! Call for more information: or 860-923-3071 Silverado For Sale Leave Message 2008 Yamaha FZ6- John Deere 508-867-2774 600CC, Royal Blue, VERY 1987 Chevy Pickup $475 OBO 4 Door, A/C, V-8, Bed Liner, LOW MILES, Very Clean, 750 CAMPERS/TRAILERS Skidloader Call: 508-764-4111 Running Boards, Remote 2004 Land Rover 6in. lift, completely rebuilt, Needs Motor Work Slider Guards. 383 stroker, 35in. tires, lots 725 AUTOMOBILES Starter. Freelander $5,200 OBO 1988 33 Foot 720 CLASSICS Call: 857-636-8913 of new parts. Awesome monster truck. Great for Let’s Talk, Make 1979 Chevy 78K miles. Extremely well Southwind 1929 Model A Call: 908-242-2016 mud runnin!! An Offer! maintained, clean Carfax. or email: Motorhome Serious Inquiries Only El Camino Sport leather interior, faux Call (508)347-7300 Street Rod Rebuilt engine, transmission [email protected] 69k Miles, Sleeps 5, New 350 Ramjet Fuel Injection 2006 Mazda 6S wood grain console, AWD, Tires, New Batteries, and rear end. Many new tow hitch, cargo area with $3,500 OBRO Engine. parts included for 6 cylinder, 4door, all Hydraulic Leveling Jacks. 767 VEHICLES WANTED power, a/c, traction control, privacy canopy. Price Reduced For Call Neal: 508-612-5658 350 Trans., Vintage Gauges. restoration. Garaged for or: 508-488-0566 $22,500 years, runs great, 6cyl, 3 25 mpg, 73,000 miles. Quick Sale! In Excellent Condition!! $11,400 2004 Honda 750 $7500 FIRM Four Toolboxes speed manual. Vehicle Needed!! $10,000 OBO Call 508-846-0986 Shadow Aero Can Be Seen On Craigslist 1992 GMC If anyone has a car that Of Mechanic & $3,200 or best reasonable call: 508-769-8324 Excellent condition, loaded, Call 860-923-0406 runs and can get a sticker Machine-Builder Tools Call:508-885-2110 GREY NISSAN full windshield, driving lights, Diesel Truck and they want to donate it $2500 PATHFINDER SE mustang seat, floorboards, UPS Truck-Style, to an old man that needs a 508-867-6706 2006 Volvo S60T 192K automatic crash bar, saddle bags. 2000 Sunnybrook Aluminum Grumman Body, car to get to the stores. 2000 Ford Windstar Leather Heated Seats w/ 4x4 Hi-Lo Range . Always garaged, 34 Foot Travel Shelves. Rebuilt Let him know he may be Power Everything. Great condition inside, never been down... Transmission/Motor, willing to give you some- 1950 Chevrolet SE Van Trailer New Fuel Tank, Radiator, thing for the car. 147k Miles, Dark Green, New Tires. good condition outside. 4-Door Sedan Excellent Condition. Sunroof/Cooper tires/new Two Slideouts, Steering Box. Dual Wheels, AWD. Good Condition. $3,600 11’ Area Behind Seats 6-Cylinder, Standard Shift. $2400 78k Miles. battery. Runs great. Call: 774-696-3030 Removable Or Remain On Here is his number!! New Factory-Built Motor. $15,200 Asking $3,500. Excellent Condition Park Lot With 200 Acre 14,100GVWR Call: 508-764-0594 Solid Body, Runs Excellent. 508-254-3858 774-200-5015 Call 774-200-7604 Lake In Wildwood, Fla. Needs Interior & Minor Work Maintenance Call 5pm-8:30pm To Be Road-Worthy. 2005 Harley 508-867-6546 VEHICLE WANTED 2002 Jeep Grand 740 MOTORCYCLES $220 Per Month, $5900 Davidson Need Donated Vehicle 978-760-3453 Cherokee 2007 Nissan 1984 One Hour From In Running Condition Fat Boy Anniversary Orlando, Fla. 1995 Dodge 1500 774-922-0384 1966 FORD COBRA Overland Edition Altima 3.5 SE Gold Wing Edition 1-860-974-0704 Fully Loaded, Running 4-Door, Dark Blue/Black 10,250 miles, a lot of Series ERA Replica Boards, Sunroof, Towing Leather Interior. Power Motorcycle Fully Powered Package, Leather, CD, Options, Traction, Moonroof, Custom Paint Job chrome, drag bars, 2010 40’ Hideout Black, 427 side-oiler engine. Super G carb New Tires We Buy Junk 4-speed transmission. 4WD, 71k Miles. Power Heated Seats, (Burgundy) Excellent Condition Very Good Condition. asking $13,500 OBO Camping Trailer 4,700 miles. Bose, Auto. 143k Miles. (ball type) $3500.00 Cars NADA $10,925 $9,400 43,000 Miles Call: 508-340-7950 Black leather interior. FOR SALE OR TRADE Paid $24,000, 860-315-7309 $49,000 Asking $9,000 508-266-0878 2 Slideout Queen Clear MA title Jeff 508-867-6358 508-909-6559 Master Bedroom, (No tire kickers) 2007 Harley Kids 4 Bunk Bedroom, 508-867-7642 2002 Ford Ranger 2003 Mercury 2007 Toyota 2007 HARLEY Davidson Used 1 Season. Pickup DAVIDSON $16,000, 1973 Triumph TR6 Sable Camry XLE XL 1200 N Roadster Sacrifice, My Loss Low mileage, excellent Red, Many New Parts - With 72,000 miles, 4-Door Sedan, 8400 Miles, Soft Tail Deluxe. 5096 Miles. Mint Condition. condition, 4 wheel drive, Black Cherry. Mint Condition. Is Your Gain. Interior, Top, Exhaust, 3L engine, power windows & Leather/Loaded, Many Added Customized Very Nice Unit! bed liner, tow hitch. Call Us At: Electrical, Brake Lines, locks, cruise control, very Premium Condition. Many Extras. 6000 Miles Accessories. Including Vance $21,000 OBO $15,000 Call Rich 774-230-8586 And More! good condition. Hines Exhaust. 860-576-0526 or $8,000 OBO $6500 OBO Call After 6PM Call 860-942-0464 $7800 $3,000 Or 978-355-2389 860-382-5071 Call: 413-245-7937 $$$ 508-248-1592 Call: 508-254-1052 860-974-0069 Call 860-966-1660

Want to clear away some clutter and make money this summer? Place your ad in the Classifieds and have a yard sale. TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-536-58361-800-536-5836 Visit us online! • www.TheHeartOfMassachusetts.com 6 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ February 01, 2012

DealsDeals areare IF WE CAN’T GET YOU APPROVED, alwaysalways greatgreat THAN NOBODY CAN! at Midstate GUARANTEEDGUARANTEED CREDITCREDIT APPROVALAPPROVAL at Midstate INTERESTINTEREST AS AS LOW LOW AS AS 2.49%2.49% Massive Midsate Tax Match February Special 496 Washington St. • 810 Washington St. $3,000 TAX MATCH ON ALL VEHICLES (Route 20) Auburn, MA 01501 2003 2004 1997 Hundai Jeep Toyota Santa FE Wrangler Tacoma SRS GLS Sport One of A Kind $ $ $ 169 per mo. 149 per mo. 299 per mo. 4-wheel drive, 67K miles, very clean, very well 4x4, crew cap, auto, AC, PW, PL, cruise, tilt, CD, Great trade-in well taken care of running boards, tunnel cover, TRD, super clean,

SPECIALS spotless, immaculate, 1-owner, maintenance record

SPECIALS maintained, PW, PL, Air, cruise, tilt, AM-FM, CD 2006 2005 2009 2007 Chevrolet Nissan Toyota Chevrolet Trail Blazer Maxima LS Camry LE Uplander 3.5 SE $ $ 199 per mo. LS Fleet 169 per mo. $ $ 197 per mo. 199 per mo. 4 whell drive, auto, AC, Alloys, power windows and Loaded, leather, alloys, sunroof, PW, PL, steering wheel controls, Auto, AC, Power windows and locks, 3rd row locks, cruise control, mint condition, WON’T LAST! heated seats Power windows and locks, cruise control, tilt wheel, gas saver

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Great fuel economy, hatchback, auto, AC, PW, PL, CD, Cruise, Rare! Only 50K, leather, heated seats, sunroof, wood grain, PW, Only 15K miles, auto AC, PW, PL, front wheel drive, AWD, 7 passenger, Auto, AC, PW, PL, cruise, tilt, running boards great economy, Like New PL, Fully loaded, mint condition. 2 TO 2009 2009 2007 2009 CHOOSE Nissan Honda Chevrolet Pontiac G6 Altima 2.5S Accord Equinox LT $ $ 238 per mo. $ LX-P 238 per mo. 229 per mo. $ 229 per mo.

51K miles, This Car is NICE! PW, PL, keyless entry, AWD, PW, PL, cruise, power mirrorrs W/ISA available, chrome wheels, auto, AC, PW, PL, crusie, tilt, Only 35K miles, auto, AC, PW, PL, cruise, tilt, CD, beautiful condition. keyless start rear spoiler, very sharp, economical vehicle 2009 2010 2011 2010 Chevrolet Ford Chevrolet Dodge Grand Impala LT Fusion Malibu LT Caravan SXT $ $ $ $ 238 per mo. 269 per mo. 269 per mo. 279 per mo.

PW, PL, cruise, tilt, AC, wood grain Alloys, mint condition Only 13K miles, auto, AC, PW, PL, cruise, CD, JD Power Award Auto, AC, PW, PL, cruise, CD, Alloy, very popular Power sliding doors, 7 passenger, Auto, AC, PW, PL, Alloy, Winning Vehicle Cruise, Tilt

2005 2009 2007 2011 Ford Nissan Toyota Camry Honda LE F-150 Murano S Civic LX $ $ $ $ 286 per mo. 299 per mo. 222 per mo. 222 per mo.

AWD, perfect for winter! Auto, AC, PW, PL, cruise, tilt, Auto, AC, Cruise, PW, PL, Cruise 4x4, Super Cab, chrome wheels, 4-WD, AM/FM, CD, Auto, AC, PW, Only 26K miles, auto, AC, PW, PL great economy, top rated vehicle PL, Alloys, running boards, tunnel cover, bed liner, mint condition steering wheel controls, alloys, perfect crossover vehicle 2008 2009 2009 2008 Subaru Chevy Malibu Lincoln Infinity Impreza LT MKZ FX 35 WRX $ $ $ $ 299 per mo. 299 per mo. 299 per mo. 299 per mo.

You’ll fall in love with this SUV! leather wrapped steering wheel, auto, air, One owner, mint condition,very well maintained, 5 speed manu- Mint condition, super clean! Chrome wheels, cruise, tilt, CD, AWD, Auto, AC, PW, PL cruise, tilt, black etched leather, wood AC, PW, PL, heated seated chrome wheels, keeyless entry, power lift al, alloys, pw, pl, cruise, tilt, power seats, cd only 37K, auto, Ac, PW, PL! grain, super sharp. A must see! gate, back up camera 2007 2007 2007 2007 Jeep Ford Nissan Chevrolet Commander FX4 Armada SE Tahoe LT Limited $ $ $ $ 333 per mo. 349 per mo. 349 per mo. 318 per mo.

Completely loaded, 4x4, remote start, leather, navigation, rear back 4x4, Auto, AC, PW, Alloys, running boards, tunnel cover, Only 26K, AWD, 3rd row, auto, AC, PW, PL, Cruise, Tilt, Navigation, Mint condition, power roof, running board, 4 wheel drive, PW, PL, up camera, heated seats, PW, PL, Cruise, alloys, super clean keyless entry, Like New DVD, running boards, power pedals AC, tilt, cruise, steering wheel controls, OnStar

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Beautiful only 23K miles, fully loaded, auto, AC, letaher, auto, AC, power windows and locks, cruise, tilt, power lift gate, onstar, Sport Package, Suer Sharp Vehicle! A must see! Auto, AC, PW, PL, chrome wheels, navigation, heated seates, paddle shirts, Fully loaded, dual panaramic, sunroofs, dual climate control, heated remote, chrome wheels, wood dash, wheel control,fully loaded, excep- sunroof, leather, heated seats, alloys, spoiler and air conditioned seat, leather, chrome, you name it, it’s got it. tional condition steering wheel controls 2010 2007 2008 2008 Acura TL Infiniti Lexus ES Jeep $ 399 per mo. FX35 350 Wrangler $ $ $ 399 per mo. 399 per mo 399 per mo.

Pebble Beach Edition. Fully loaded, leather, sun roof, naviga- Leather, sunroof, alloys, air, pw, pl, heated seats, only 15K miles Chrome wheels, leather, fully loaded, heated seats, PW, PL, Unlimited Sahara, Nav, Auto, AC, Full Power, Sunrrof, Rear spoiler tion, luxurious ride 2 tops hard and soft alloys

2010 2008 2009 2009 Chevrolet Lexus Lexus RX Mercedes Benz Avalanche LT GS 350 350 $ $ $ $ 499 per mo. 499 per mo. 499 per mo. 499 per mo.

Rare! Mint condition! Like brand new! Fully loaded, Fully loaded, navigation, rear spoiler, heated seats, PW, PL, AC, All wheel drive, navigation, leather, heated, fully loaded E Class Luxury 3.5L, fully loaded, 50k miles, AWD, 4 matic. navigation, DVD player, leather, sunroof, Pw, PL, CD, leather, alloys, rear back up camera, wood grain, fully loaded, mint. Heated seats, running boards



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(NAPS) ered via convenient, easy-to- tem, develop healthy bones Today’s consumers have a use packets that contain a and teeth, and correct nutri- healthy abundance of premixed powder, which can tional deficiencies. be added to 8 oz. of water, to options for personalizing BRAIN HEALTH everything they buy—from one of MonaVie’s health jeans to lattes to products juices or to a serving of its This delicious nutritional that help keep them healthy. RVL weight-loss shake. Each Element supports your gray Although it’s fun to pick one of these new Elements matter by promoting focus the right app for your phone, supports age/gender–specif- and alertness, and tastes so design aerodynamic running ic nutritional needs or a par- good you’ll remember to take shoes online or make a mix ticular system of the body. it every day. Featuring L- of music for your iPod, it While there will continue theanine and natural caf- may be more important to to be additional Elements feine to support cognitive customize a supplement that added to the MonaVie prod- performance and B vitamins provides individual nu–tri- uct line, the following are to maintain healthy brain tional needs. now available: function, it makes it easier to So how do you know which MEN’S VITAMIN AND keep your inner genius oper- products you need? You can MINERAL SUPPLEMENT ating in peak condition— –discover which nutrients whether you’re an Einstein can –benefit you most at a Designed to provide far- or not. site created by Mona–Vie reaching nutritional insur- (www.monavie.com), a com- ance, this delicious, power- GLUCOSE SUPPORT pany known for its healthy packed formula features 24 This unique nutritional energy drinks and weight- essential vitamins and min- element promotes glucose loss management products. erals to increase men’s per- metabolism to help your To identify your specific formance and vitality. body maintain healthy blood nutritional needs, visit Women’s Vitamin and sugar levels. This delicious www.monavie.com/prod- Mineral Supplement supplement features banana ucts/nutritional-chemistry Designed especially for leaf and green coffee bean and enter your personal pro- women, this delicious nutri- extracts, as well as chromi- file information into an tional formula features 25 um. Known for their ability online nutritional assess- essential vitamins and min- to promote healthy glucose ment tool known as Health erals. This health-promoting levels, these powerful ingre- Match™. In just minutes, Element protects and nour- dients help your body natu- you’ll receive customized ishes cells. rally accept and convert glu- product recommendations. cose more efficiently. Once you re?ceive your rec- CHILDREN’S VITAMIN ommendations, you can AND MINERAL LEARN MORE place your personalized SUPPLEMENT For additional informa- order and the right mix of With 18 essential vitamins tion on MonaVie products, products is delivered to your and minerals designed espe- visit their website at door. cially to meet the growing www.monavie.com, join The supplements, called needs of kids, this delicious- them on Facebook at face- ?MonaVie Elements™, are a ly fun formula provides the book.com/monavie or call part of MonaVie’s essential nutrients needed to (866) 217-8455. Nutritional Chemistry™ strengthen the immune sys- product line. They are deliv-

TLC For Eczema: It’s easier than ever to personalize nutritional supplements to meet your family’s unique needs. How Lifestyle Changes Coping With Cold Weather Can Soothe The Itch And Heart Disease

(NAPS) soothe itching and ease inflammation. And, equally important, there are a few life?style Give the health dangers of habits that can also help to minimize flare- cold weather the cold shoul- ups and lessen the severity of symptoms: der—even if you have a heart • Moisturize. Since AD sufferers also have condition—with these hints very dry,sometimes brittle, skin, implement- from the American Heart ing a regular at-home routine that includes Association: moisturizer to keep skin moist and protected • Avoid sudden exer- is essential. tion, such as lifting a heavy • Soothe. Take warm baths containing shovelful of snow. Even walk- bathing supplements formulated to remois- ing through heavy, wet snow turize, soothe and calm itching while helping or snow drifts can strain the to reduce stress. Harsh soap and detergent heart. cleansers should be avoided. • Watch out for acci- • Shop for solutions. Look for prod- dental hypothermia—body ucts and ingredients that are scientifically temperature below 95° F. proven to help reduce the itchiness, dryness Symptoms include lack of and inflammation associated with atopic coordination, mental confu- dermatitis. One company that has made sion, slowed reactions, shiver- advances in treating AD is Eau Thermale ing and sleepiness. Those with heart –disease are at spe- Photo courtesy of the American Heart Association Avène. Recommended by dermatologists, It’s heart smart to know your blood pressure. Avène’s four-product Trixéra+ range with cial risk. High winds, snow and rain patented ingredient Sélectiose® is specifical- ©iStockphoto.com/KO&A can steal body heat. Wind efficiently as it should. Your supplements. ly formulated to treat the inflammation, red- heart has to work harder to • Be aware that the use Doctor-recommended skin care and the right re–moves the layer of heated ness and itchiness associated with AD while pump oxygenated blood of decongestants may raise lifestyle choices can help to take the itch and –dis- air from around the body. At working to minimize the time between flare- through the body.Your doctor blood pressure or interfere comfort out of eczema. 30° F in a 30-mile wind, the ups. cooling effect is equal to 15° F. may suggest you get a yearly with the effectiveness of • Eat a healthy diet. Including foods rich in Dampness, too, causes the influenza vaccine and a one- some prescribed blood pres- (NAPS) omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as body to lose heat faster. time pneumococcal vaccine. sure medications. There is no cure for eczema, a skin condi- fatty fish, can boost your natural immune To keep warm, wear layers • As much as possible, avoid • Check the sodium tion characterized by persistent itching, red- system and may be helpful in counteracting of clothing to trap the heat. anyone with a cold or the flu. content of any OTCs. Some ness and rashes—ranging from mild to inflammation. Also, wear a hat or head scarf. • Wash your hands thor- are high in so–dium, which severe—but targeted skin care plus some • Maintain a regular exercise program. Heat can be lost through your oughly and frequently, espe- can raise blood pressure. lifestyle changes can help manage these Also, get adequate rest to help maintain good head. Ears are especially cially after using the bath- People with high blood pres- symptoms. health while reducing stress levels. prone to frostbite. Keep your room and before eating. sure should have under 1,500 While many cases go undiagnosed, mil- • Consider allergies. Food allergies hands and feet warm, too, as • Keep your hands mg of sodium a day from all lions of Americans suffer from some form of have been linked to outbreaks of eczema. they tend to lose heat rapidly. away from your face. sources. eczema, including atopic dermatitis, contact Potential triggers include coffee, soybean • Don’t drink alcohol. • Insist that all caregivers Learn more online at dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis. In products, wheat, nuts and sweet corn. If you Alcohol gives an initial feel- wash their hands thoroughly www.heart.org/coldweather fact, the American Academy of Dermatology suspect you have a food allergy,see your doc- ing of warmth, because blood before approaching you. and www.heart.org/hbp and (AAD) estimates that over 30 million tor. vessels in the skin expand, • Always read the labels on follow the American Heart Americans are affected by atopic dermatitis • Seek help to stop scratching. Ask but that actually draws heat all over-the-counter (OTC) Association on Facebook at (AD), one of the most prevalent, long-lasting your doctor for scratch reversal guidelines to away from vital organs. medications, especially if you HBPescapees or –Twitter and severe forms of eczema. control this habit. • Take precautions to avoid have blood pressure of 120/80 @hearthub. Merck Consumer The best way to provide relief and manage In short, an integrated ap–proach is the flu and pneumonia. They mm Hg or higher. Look for Care, maker of Coricidin warnings to those with high HBP, is a sponsor of the the condition is to take a multipronged smart choice when it comes to the fight pose even greater dangers for blood pressure and to those American Heart approach. against the itching and scratching related to people who have a heart con- who take blood –pressure Association’s –High Blood There are topical solutions—prescription eczema. dition than for healthy peo- medications. Consult your Pressure website. and over-the-counter (OTC) treatments to For more information, go to ple. Pneumonia is a lung www.aveneusa.com. infection that keeps your doctor before taking any over- body from using oxygen as the-counter medications or Looking Your Best

(NAPS) easy shaving alternatives that fit into Acting Gel Cream to legs. While it For many women, looking their best is their lifestyles. The brand offers an works, touch up brows or un–wanted a top priority, but busy schedules leave assortment of waxes and depilatory facial hair with Veet Ready-To-Use Wax little time for essential grooming. creams that provide users with smooth- Strips. According to a recent survey, more ness that lasts longer than shaving. 2. Travel light. Wax with Ready-To- than half of women have gone more With something for all skin types, Use Wax Strips before your trip for than two weeks without shaving, with 71 depilatories and wax strips remove hair results that last up to 28 days. percent of women saying that they never closer to the root than shaving. This win- Making it easy for consumers to keep stop worrying about hair removal. ter, women can have the confidence and up their routine, Amazon is offering 30 Veet® provides women with quick and freedom to flaunt soft, smooth skin sans percent off Veet products through Dec nicks or razor stubble. 31st. For more information, visit More than half of all women have gone two Here are two easy, time-saving tips: www.Facebook.com/Veet. weeks without shaving. 1. Multitask. Apply Veet Fast Friday, February 3, 2012 • THE EXPRESS • 3 HEALTH Naturally Lowering Cholesterol

(NAPS) and your risk may be greater natives for lowering choles- If living a healthier life is than you think. terol. For example, heart- your cup of tea, you may be According to American healthy products such as interested in an easy way to Heart Association guide- TeaFlavin, an all-natural, improve your health—using lines, the acceptable level of caffeine-free capsule made the natural antioxidant pow- “bad cholesterol” is 30 per- from tea extract, contain as ers of tea. cent lower than it used to be much cholesterol-fighting Almost half of all only a few years ago. This power as 35 cups of green Americans are overweight means that millions of tea. and have dangerously high Americans, including those For more information on levels of cholesterol. Heart who never dreamed they TeaFlavin, visit attacks are still the No. 1 were at risk, now are. www.teaflavin.com or call killer in the U.S. The prob- Fortunately, there are nat- (800) 876-4332. lem is that high cholesterol ural, nonprescription alter-

Establishing a bedtime routine can help children relax. Tea extract contains as much cholesterol-fighting power as 35 cups of green tea. Simple Ways To Help When It Comes To Children Get To Sleep Anti-Aging Skin Care,

(NAPS) as their day at school. creative cow CowBella and Taking the battle out of Offering kids some choices the optimistic puppy can help. Ask which pajamas Apollo—were de–signed by Don’t Forget The Body bedtime may be less of a they want to wear or which the world famous Oscar® –nightmare with the help of (NAPS) some pediatric sleep special- stories they want you to and Emmy® Award-winning ists. read. Jim Henson’s Creature Shop. While most anti-aging For example, many par- A bedtime routine can be “Parents have told us that efforts focus on putting your ents don’t know that some soothing, whether it’s read- bedtime is one of the most best face forward, there’s no kids have trouble falling ing together or watching a challenging times of the reason to forget the rest of asleep because they –are too show such as “Pajanimals,” day,” said Andrew Beecham, your skin. Your face is not the tired, says Jennifer a series co-produced by 24- senior vice president of pro- only part of your body that –Waldburger, LCSW, one of hour preschool television gramming at Sprout. “This exhibits signs of aging. the co-founders of Sleepy channel Sprout, The Jim new full-length series pro- Fortunately, nourishing Planet. Henson Company, and vides loveable characters and replenishing the skin on Some children can become Northern Ireland’s Sixteen modeling the typical day-to- your body can help fight the overtired and some parents South Television. Airing on bedtime transitions that effects of aging and result in may be trying to put them to Sprout in the U.S., the series preschoolers encounter a smoother, slimmer and bed too late. Most children was designed to help parents every day.” more toned appearance. need to go to bed between 7 and caregivers establish a “Puppets are a great way SKIN CARE ON SEVERAL and 8 p.m., and if they don’t, bedtime routine for their to connect with young chil- they may become too stimu- preschoolers. Waldburger dren and encourage them to FRONTS and fellow co-founder of lated. explore their fears and “The skin on the body Sleepy Planet Jill Spivack Even with an early bed- curiosity,” said Lisa Henson, changes as we age. It loses lend their expertise to the time, many children may CEO of The Jim Henson structural proteins, con- bedtime themes and song need some activity before Company. “These cuddly tributing to a loss of smooth- lyrics that cover topics such bedtime—some games or friends welcome viewers to ness and firmness. as encouraging preschoolers playtime after dinner—to snuggle up for a story and a Additionally, circulation to stay in bed, dealing with help them calm down. song.” becomes hampered and skin nightmares and missing If your child is still For more information call lacks its youthful moisture your parents at night. Thanks to the latest anti-aging science, you can give yourself a spa stalling, he or she may want 1.8.SPROUT.411 or go to content with age,” said Helen “Pajanimals” characters— body treatment at home using a handheld instrument that uses galvan- to talk about –something www.SproutOnline.com. Knaggs, Ph.D., Vice President Sweetpea Sue the pony, the ic technology to target the sources of aging. that is causing anxiety, such of Global Research and excitable duck Squacky, the Development for Nu Skin. created by Nu Skin, uses rent, lighted display, and “This all leads to the skin on unique pulsating galvanic audio indications, it’s easy to the body sagging and looking technology to apply ageLOC use at home. old, which is a real aging con- Body Shaping Gel, a cosmetic Firmer Skin cern for all people.” Lifestyle gel that works with the spa. The ageLOC Galvanic Body A Season For Sharing changes can help fight the The pulsating galvanic cur- Spa is paired with ageLOC signs of aging. rent maximizes the anti- Body Shaping Gel that (NAPS) While topical treatments aging effects of the product improves the appearance of are also essential, how you on the arms, abdomen, but- skin’s firmness. The comple- Cold and flu season is in deliver topical ingredients to tocks and thighs, by purify- mentary daily follow-up topi- full swing, which means peo- the skin matters. That’s ing, refreshing and smooth- cal, ageLOC Dermatic Effects ple will be sharing more where the latest technology ing skin to provide a slimmer, Body Countouring Lotion, than just holiday cheer. can really be helpful— by more toned appearance. “In contains ingredients that Every year, more than 62 mil- delivering anti-aging nutri- less than four weeks you can help inhibit fat production, lion cases of the common ents where they are most already see the difference, stimulate fat breakdown and cold are reported in the U.S., needed. you can really see how much reduce the appearance of fat according to the National tighter my skin appears,” and cellulite while smoothing Institute of Allergy and TAKE ADVANTAGE OF said Ann Houghteling, a Nu and moisturizing the skin, Infectious Diseases, and as TECHNOLOGY Skin distributor and partici- helping take years off of many as 24 million people pant in the Nu Skin’s ageLOC skin’s appearance. report suffering from a sore New developments in tech- Galvanic Body Spa clinical nose. All that nose blowing nology, such as the ageLOC trials. ageLOC technology FOR MORE and wiping can make a nose Galvanic Body Spa, can helps to positively influence INFORMATION feel sore and add to the dis- improve healthy skin in a the appearance of the skin on comfort and misery of the highly effective way by assist- For more information, visit the body to look slimmer, common cold. ing with ingredient delivery www.nuskin.com. smoother and firmer. While there are steps you to the skin. With a self-adjusting cur- can take to alleviate the dis- The latest spa instrument, comfort associated with a cold—drinking plenty of hot liquids, taking a cold remedy and getting plenty of rest— As many as 24 million people report suffering from a sore nose each your poor sore nose may suf- year. fer. Reaching for a soft, “Prices are great too.” soothing tissue may offer Germs are awfully easy to ing with anyone, anywhere your nose a bit of relief. spread, and no–body wants in the U.S. and Canada. To Michelle Grundstrom, Edible Arrangements In addition to reaching for to share a cold. On the other par–ticipate, consumers can (508)865-5550 a tissue, here are three sim- hand, if you know someone visit Kleenex.com and follow ple tips to help you through who’s coming down with a the simple directions to send cold and flu season: cold, share those home reme- a free Share Pack to someone 1. First, blow your dy necessities! You can help special. Everyone who sends Our customers are our best fans! nose. Wipe your nose with a stock up on cans of soup or a Share Pack will receive a Call today to see how we can help you, soft tissue. Be careful not to herbal tea—you can even free sample of new Kleenex rub too hard. Then, blow as send a Kleenex Share Pack Cool Touch tissue and they (508)764-4325 hard as you can to get the for free online at can track the chain of shar- mucus out. www.kleenex.com/Softness ing they’ve inspired via an 2. To soothe sore, WorthSharing while sup- interactive map. Last year, Stonebridge Press Newspapers chapped skin, apply lip balm, plies last. more than 1 million people moisturizer or any unscent- The Softness Worth shared the softness with "Your local newspaper - the next best thing to word-of-mouth advertising" ed medicated lotion. Sharing promotion is friends and family. www.TheHeartOfMassachusetts.com 3. Share selectively. designed to encourage shar- 4 • THE EXPRESS • Friday, February 3, 2012 NO POWER - NO PROBLEM HEALTH Creative Rt. 20 • Oxford, MA FIREPLACE (508) 987-9800 MASSIVE FLOOR A Healthy Mouth MODEL CLEARANCE It’s Not Too Late! At Any Age all mouth health. This Pellet Stove Special includes looking for signs of oral cancer, which in the pad installation, pipe and early stages might not cause any symptoms or pain. 2 tons of pellets for More than 20 percent of $100/month! Installed promtply those 75 and older have mod- Rice, Pea, Nut, and stove Antracite Coal erate or severe gum disease, to save you $$ money $$ & Super Premium Pellets for Sale! in which the gums begin to pull away from teeth, forming pockets where bacteria can *Pellets & Coal by the Bag or Ton* grow unchecked. Regular checkups can help prevent USING IN HOUSE INSTALLERS GUARANTEES QUICK gum disease. Caretakers should help RESPONSE TIMES FOR SERVICE AS WELL older adults keep regular dental visits. Little problems BUY TODAY – INSTALL W/IN 3 DAYS!!* that go untreated can turn into big problems, even life- threatening ones, later on, such as developing a possibly life-threatening abscess. Preventing dental disease is the best approach. Tips for Denture Wearers If you wear dentures, it’s still important to practice Seniors can benefit from regular dental checkups. good oral hygiene. Every morning, brush your gums, FEBRUARYVACATION (NAPS) anything they may not under- tongue and the roof of your A healthy mouth is an asset stand.” mouth with a soft-bristled at any age—contributing to brush before you put in your YOUR AGE AFFECTS dentures. This removes bacte- CLASS your general health and YOUR TEETH im?proving your quality of ria and stimulates circula- life. Older adults might not feel tion, which can make your February 20-24 “Not long ago, most people pain from deep cavities mouth feel healthy and fresh. lost their teeth by middle because their teeth are less Your dentist will provide age,” says Dr. William R. sensitive. More than 90 per- you with instructions about 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Calnon, American Dental cent of seniors take at least how long your dentures may Association (ADA) president. one prescription medication be worn each day.Use denture “Today, thanks to community daily and a common side cleansers and overnight soak- REGISTER NOW TO ENSURE YOUR SEAT! water fluoridation, good den- effect is dry mouth, which ing solutions to help keep • Junior Operator Certification tal habits and regular dental can contribute to bad breath, dentures fresh and clean. No Hidden visits, more people are keep- tooth decay, mouth sores and TIPS FOR A HEALTHY • Private Road Lessons ing their teeth. The ADA pro- infections. As you age, fill- MOUTH Fees! motes the benefits of senior- ings, crowns and bridges can • Road Test Sponsor friendly dental offices with shrink and crack, letting cav- • Adopt healthy dental dental staff trained to under- ities form. Having these prob- habits at home. 508-347-7211 (STURBRIDGE) stand the special needs of the lems corrected early will help • Make smart choices about elderly. keep the mouth healthy for diet and lifestyle. 508-885-7222 (SPENCER) “The ADA encourages care- many years to come. • Visit your dentist regular- givers and patients to discuss Visiting your dentist regu- ly. STURBRIDGE • BARRE • SPENCER all treatment recommenda- larly lets him or her treat • Learn more at tions with their dentists and tooth problems when they’re www.ada.org. www.greenlightschool.com to ask questions to clarify manageable and check over-