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Layout 1 (Page 1) Mailed free to requesting homes in Webster, Dudley and the Oxfords 508-764-4325 PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR OF RELAY FOR LIFE OF THE GREATER SOUTHBRIDGE AREA! Complimentary to homes by request ONLINE: WWW.WEBSTERTIMES.NET Friday, January 6, 2012 Fighting as a brotherhood to save a sister WEBSTER FIREFIGHTERS RAISE FUNDS FOR ONE OF THEIR OWN BY JOY RICHARD TIMES STAFF WRITER WEBSTER — Members of the Webster Fire Department and Rescue Squad continue to collect money for the dispatcher they affectionately refer to as their “den mother.” According to fire Capt. Paul Brinkley and dispatcher Greg Lynskey, their fellow department member — fire dispatcher Karen Ruda — is not only a coworker, but also a friend and a “comrade.” Lynskey said the department is working to raise money for Ruda and her family while she awaits a heart transplant at Tufts University Medical Center in Boston. He said Ruda had been fighting numerous medical Amanda Collins photos battles for the last 24 years, and she and her family’s strength have brought her this far. 8. Rams cheerleading captain Katie Nowicki, a senior, made fast friends with Courtesy photo Gabby Lotter, 4. “Karen Ruda is our friend,” said Lynskey and Brinkley in a joint press release last week. “She is a Webster Fire Department Dispatcher Karen Ruda is fighting mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, niece, girlfriend the biggest battle of her life as she waits for a heart transplant and best friend to many. But to those of us who work at Tufts University Medical Center in Boston. with Karen daily, she is more than just our friend. No RREADYEADY,, OOKK!! matter who the person is, how big the challenge, or health, but Lynskey and Brinkley said she is keeping how much support someone may need, Karen has in best spirits she can. DUDLEY — The Shepherd Hill Regional High School cheerleaders always been the person to be there showing her love “Although her heart may be very weak physically,we hosted their annual cheering clinic Wednesday, Dec. 28 at Dudley and support in a time of need.” all know that Karen’s heart is made of gold,” said Middle School. According to the release, Ruda has been moved up the transplant priority list because of her declining Turn To FIREFIGHTERS page A12 For more photos, please turn to Page A5! Selectman jumps into state rep race BOURQUE TO RUN IN 2012 VS. FATTMAN BY JOY RICHARD tion, he is looking forward to TIMES STAFF WRITER standing up for the community he WEBSTER — There will be a has grown to love. race this election season. Board of Bourque said he became inter- Selectmen Vice Chairman Donald ested in the position after serving Bourque recently announced he more than two years as a select- would be running as a Democrat man, and owning a business in for state representative this Auburn. November. Bourque said there were 71 sup- Bourque declared his candidacy porters in attendance at the event. during a gathering at 88 Bistro He was pleased to see such posi- Wednesday, Dec. 21. So far he is tive energy from the large group the only Democrat to announce of residents. his intention to run against state “Needless to say I was extreme- Rep. Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton). ly thrilled to have the support of Fattman will be taking over the the community,and all of the peo- representative position in ple who came out,” said Bourque. Webster, Douglas and the south- “I could not have been any more ern part of Oxford from Rep. pleased with turn out.” Kevin Kuros (R-Uxbridge) as a During an interview last week File photo result of district reconfigurations Fattman said he “welcomes” Webster Board of Selectmen Vice approved last year. Bourque to the race, and he is Chairman Donald Bourque recently Bourque said he is excited to looking forward to defending his threw his hat into the state representa- jump into the 2012 race. seat. tive race. He will be running in November Seasoned Shepherd Hill cheerleaders gave the less experienced girls a leg up. as a Democrat against current Rep. He said if voted into the posi- Turn To RACE page A12 Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton). A zeal for Zumba: Dance-a-thon to help Oxford center BY JOY RICHARD fundraiser was inspired by her love past few years, the community cen- the Oxford Community Center. She these programs to go to so they stay TIMES STAFF WRITER of Zumba, and her passion for the ter would have a harder time pro- said she is excited to see how many off of the street. There is not much OXFORD — Call it “shaking it in community center. viding as much as it does to resi- people join her and the several out there for the younger kids to the name of community unity.” Robsky said Zumba is one of the dents. other Zumba instructors from do.” Members of the Oxford many exercise classes held at the “I wanted to help the community throughout the area for the evening Kann said even though she can- Community Center are urging resi- center, and its popularity has center draw attention to itself,” of dance. not be directly involved in the dents to dust off their sneakers and grown with each session. She said said Robsky. Friends of the Oxford Zumba-thon, she and her husband join in on the Zumba-thon fun in a she grew to love the dance-based, She said she joined the center in Community Center Treasurer will help that day, setting up the couple of weeks. cardio workout so much that 2009, after moving to Oxford, as a Karen Kann was one of the mem- lights and sound equipment for the The Zumba-thon will be held recently got her license to teach her way to meet other residents in the bers to lend a hand to Robsky in the dancers. Wednesday,Jan. 18 at the communi- own classes. area. planning of the event. “It is a great organization to ty center gym, located at 4 Maple Robsky said all of the money “I really love the fitness classes Kann said it is events like the belong to,” said Kann. Road. The dance party will run brought in from the event would go that Oxford has and they are a great Zumba-thon that really bring resi- Robsky said she hopes she and from 7:30-9 p.m. The price of tickets toward the programs the center price,” said Robsky. “I want to help dents together. the other instructors’ passion for in advance is $10, and $15 at the provides for both adults and chil- a great institution that provides “We give her the budget funding Zumba will rub off on the newcom- door. dren. affordable fitness to the community for the event,” said Kann. “It is ers. According to Oxford resident and She said without fundraisers like and keep it going.” important to have community She said it is a great way to work Oxford Community Center mem- the Zumba-thon and the many oth- Robsky said she had help plan- events like this. There are a lot of all of your muscles while dancing ber Sharon Robsky, the idea for the ers that have taken place during the ning the event from the Friends of kids out there who need to have Turn To DANCE page A12 Seniors ................. A4 Obituaries ............. B2 Learning .............A6-7 Events Calendar ...... B3 LOCAL SPORTS Viewpoint ............. A8 Real Estate ........Sect.B CANINE CAUSE SPORTS ROUNDUP Sports ..............A10-11 Legal Notices ..... Sect.B PAGE A3 PAGE A10-11 INDEX 2 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 6, 2012 Memories of Putzels n 1985, during a If he was in the garden, down the hill. Putzels ran right Dad’s home soon after his death. wasn’t much that could be done. I snowstorm in CRITTER she was never far from into the road just as the car was Putzels missed my Dad and decided to take the conservative February, a black his side. If he visited us upon her. Instead of running would often roam the house approach and just make her com- Iand white cat CORNER next door, Putzels would under the car, as would be the meowing for him. Eventually, she fortable for whatever time she had appeared out of nowhere wait patiently outside on expected action of most cats, she adjusted and allowed me to left. After all, she had been with as I was shoveling my MICHELLE the porch for him to come jumped up and struck the driver’s become her best friend. She fol- us 22 years, but who knew how old driveway. My neighbor, LAFLECHE out. She was an side door window of the car and lowed me everywhere I went out- she really was? She appeared to be who was also shoveling indoor/outdoor cat and bounced back. The car did not side. If I waxed my car or boat, an adult when she arrived so his driveway across the would go off on her own stop. I was momentarily stunned she would lay down close by, many years ago and was already street, asked if the cat was mine. I from time to time. My father used by the event I had just witnessed. supervising. spayed. She hated the vet’s, so why had never seen the cat before. to complain that she could never It was as if Putzels knew if she She was my assistant as I did upset her? The cat was a very friendly one make up her mind — in or out.
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