Vmi-RA I. J.AK'it 1 L O■2, Vi-,V^: V A£ ‘Ioos*’
vmi-RA i. j.AK'it 1 L O■2, Vi-,V^: v A£ ‘ioos*’ 6fiF. ib Corrected to 15th June, 1922. [Crown Copyright Reserved.] The MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST July, 1922. LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and 28, Abingdon 37, Peter Street, ManchesterStreet, London, ; 1, St. Andrew’sS.W.l ; Crescent, Cardiff ; or from EASON23, & SON,Forth Ltd., Street, 40-41, Edinburgh; Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. 1922, [Price, One Shilling and Sixpence, Net.] HOLT & CO. BANKERS AND OFFICIAL ARMY AND AIR FORCE AGENTS Established 1809. Head Office : 3, WHITEHALL PLACE, S.W.l EstaB(ished 1J85 BRANCHES PORTSMOUTH - 22 The Hard j CHATHAM - 2 Railway Street ! WEYMOUTH 1 & 2 Grosvenor Place j GIEVES EDINBURGH 118 Princes Street | LIMITED SHEERNESS High Street, Blue Town ] DOVER - - 13 Bench Street OUTFITTERS TO THE PLYMOUTH - - 63 George Street j LIVERPOOL- - 14 Lord Street , ROYAL AIR FORCE MALTA 12 Strada Mezzodi, Valetta \ 21 OLD BOND ST. W.1 PICCADILLY \ A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT : : isR.A.F. reserved Officers, exclusively where for Regulation the use of :• | Makers and Patentees of the Uniforms and every item of Kit “Gieve” Life-Saving Waistcoat. ; can be obtained, all of best quality ; INSPECTION INVITED • and latest style at moderate prices. ; Advertisements. SPECIALISTS IN TORPEDO AIRCRAFT. Blackburn m jrf Contractors to THE BLACKBURN AEROPLANE AND H.M.Governments. and Foreign TelegramsMOTOR Co., -Ltd., - OLYMPIA,Propellers, LEEDS Leeds FULL DfiESS. MESS KIT. SERVICE DRESS.
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