Jfatmb. 34010 SUPPLEMENT TO The London Gazette Of FRIDAY, the 29iA of DECEMBER, 1933 Registered as a newspaper MONDAY, 1 JANUARY, 1934 CENTRAL CHANCERY OP THE ORDERS Sir William Richard Morris, Bt., O.B.E., OF KNIGHTHOOD. D.C.L. Chairman of Morris Motors, Ltd., and other Companies. For public and philanthropic services. St. James's Palace, S.W.I, Sir (George) Douglas Cochrane Newton, 1st Januai'y, 1934. K.B.E., J.P., D.L., M.P. Member of Parlia- The KING has been graciously pleased to ment for Cambridge Borough since March, signify His Majesty's intention of conferring 1922. Chairman since 1929 of the Agri- Peerages of the United Kingdom on the cultural Committee in the House of following:— Commons. For political and public services. To be Barons. The KING has been graciously pleased to The Right Honourable Sir Evelyn Cecil, G.B.E., declare that the undermentioned shall be sworn Member of Parliament for East Hertford- of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy shire, 1898-1900 ; for Aston Manor, 1900-1918 ; Council:— and for the Aston Division, 1918-1929. His Highness Aga Sultan 'Sir Mahomed Chairman or Member of many Committees Shah, Aga Khan, G.C.S.L, G.C.I.E., and Commissions. For political and public G.C.V.O., LL.D. Head of the Ismaili services. Mahomedans. Godfrey Elton, Esq., M.A., Fellow of Queen's Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, K.C.S.I., M.A., LL.D. College, Oxford. Member of the Executive Advocate of the High Court, Allahabad. of the National Labour Committee. For Edward Montagu Cavendish, Lord Stanley, political and public services. M.C., J.P., D.L., M.P. Member of Parlia- ment for the Abercromby Division, 1917-18, Sir Bertram Godfray Falle, Bt., M.P. and for the Fylde Division since 1922. A Member of Parliament for Portsmouth, Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, 1924-27. 1910-1918, and for Portsmouth North since Parliamentary and Financial Secretary to 1918. For political and public services. the Admiralty since 1931. 65-34010 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 1 JANUARY, 1934 The KING has been graciously pleased to Ralph George Elphinstone Mortimer, Esq., signify His Majesty's intention of conferring O.B.E., J.P., Chairman of Wansbeck Con- Baronetcies of the United Kingdom on the servative Association since 1920. For politi- following:— cal and public services in Northumberland. Major Ralph George Campbell Glyn,- M.C., Robert Muir, Esq., M.A., M.D., Sc.D., LL.D., D.L., M.P. Member of Parliament for the D.C.L., F.R.S., F.R.C.P.E., F.F.P.S. Pro- Clackmannan and Eastern Division, 1918-22, fessor of Pathology, University of Glasgow. and for the Abingdon Division since 1924. William Nicholson, Esq. For political and For political and public services. public services in Leeds. Osmond Elim d'Avigdor Goldsmid, Esq., J.P., Colonel John Ernest Perring, J.P., D.L. For D.L. For political and public services in the political and public services in London. County of Kent. .Alderman John Sykes Quarmby, J.P. Traffic Sir William McLintock, G.B.E., C.V.O. Senior Commissioner, Yorkshire Area. Partner, Thomson McLintock & Co., Char- Alderman Sydney Walter Robinson, J.P. tered Accountants. For valuable services to Member of Parliament for Chelmsford, Government Departments. 1923-24. For political and public services in Percy John Pybus, Esq., C.B.E,, M.I.E.E., Essex. M.P. Member of Parliament for the Harwich Reginald Percy Pfeiffer Rowe, Esq. Chairman, Division since 1929. Minister of Transport, since 1900, of the Improved Tenements 1931-33. For political and public services. Association. Founder and Honorary Treasurer of the Sadlers Wells Fund. Rear-Admiral Murray Fraser Sueter, C.B., The KING has been graciously pleased to M.P. Member of Parliament for Hertford signify His Majesty's intention of conferring since 1921. A pioneer of British aviation. the. Honour of Knighthood on the following:— For political and public services. Luke Thompson, Esq., M.P. Member of Par- John Stanhope Arkwright, Esq., J.P., D.L. liament for Sunderland, 1932-29, and since Chief Steward of the City of Hereford. Ll 1931. For political and public services. Authur of the hymn O Valiant Hearts ". Robert John Webber, Esq., J.P. For political Commander Edgar Theophilus Britten, and public services in Cardiff. R.D., R.N.R. (retd.). Master of the R.M.S. Ciharles Theodore Hagberg Wright, Esq., " Berengaria ". LL.D. Secretary and Librarian of the Sydney Carlyle Cockerell, Esq., Litt.D. Direc- London Library. tor of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Harry Cousins, Esq., J.P. Registrar of the DOMINIONS. County Court of Cardiff and Barry and of. the District Registry of the High Court at Captain Gilbert Joseph Cullen Dyett, C.M.G., Cardiff. Federal President of the Returned Sailors Ernest Arthur Eborall, Esq., C.B.E. Chief and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia. Inspector of Taxes, Board of Inland Revenue. For services to the Commonwealth of Charles Edward Fitz Roy, Esq. Solicitor to Australia. the Board of Customs and Excise. James Trevilly Grose, Esq., General Manager ' Cedric Webster Hardwicke, Esq. Actor. of the National Bank of New Zealand. For David Allan Hay, Esq., O.B.E., J.P. President public services in the Dominion of New of the Scottish Unionist Association, 1932-33. Zealand. For political and public services in Scotland. Frederick Duncan McMaster, Esq. For public Robert Ernest Herdman, Esq., J.P., D.L. services to the Commonwealth of Australia. Chairman of the Belfast Harbour Com- Colonel Charles Edward Merrett, C.B.E., missioners. V.D., President and Trustee of the Royal William Campbell Johnston, Esq., W.S., LL.D., Agricultural Society, State of Victoria. J.P. Deputy-Keeper of the Signet. The Honourable Langer Meade Loftus Owen, Alderman Thomas Keens, D.L. Member of C.B.E., K.C., formerly Justice of the Supreme Parliament for the Aylesbury Division, Court, New South Wales j lately Royal Com- 1923-24. For political and public services. missioner in Enquiry into Performing Rights Lieutenant-Colonel Russell James Kerr, J.P., in the Commonwealth of Australia. D.L. Ohairman, Gloucester Quarter Sessions Major-General William Livingstone Hatchwell and a former Chairman, Gloucestershire . Sinclair-Burgess, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., County Council. For public services. A.D.C., General Officer Commanding Mili- Kenneth Lee, Esq, LL.D. Chairman of Tootal tary Forces, Dominion of New Zealand. Broadhurst Lee, Co., Ltd., of Manchester, The Honourable Joseph Mathias Tellier, Chief Chairman of the Industrial Grants Com- Justice of the Province of Quebec, Dominion mittee, Department of (Scientific and Indus- of Canada. trial Research. A member of many Govern- ment Committees. INDIA. William Kidston McClure, Esq., C.B.E, Press Officer, British Embassy, Rome. U Ba, K.S.M., Member of the Executive Frederic Rowland Mallett, Esq., M.D., C.M., Council of the Governor of Burma. L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. For political and public William Thomas Webb Baker, Esq., Indian services in Bolton, Lancashire. Civil Service, lately Puisne Judge of the Alec Martin, Esq. Honorary Secretary of the High Court of Judicature at Bombay. National Art Collections Fund. •Rao Bahadur Mr. Justice Chittoor Vaithilinga Miles Ewart Mitchell, Esq. Alderman and Ayyar Anantakrishna Ayyar Avargal, Puisne ex-Lord Mayor of Manchester. Chairman of • Judge of the High Court of Judicature at the Housing Committee of the Association of • Fort St. George, Madras. Municipal Corporations. An active supporter Khan Bahadur Muhammad Abdur Rahman, of the present slum clearance campaign. Vice-Chancellor of the University of Delhi. SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 1 JANUARY, 1934 3 Hugh Augustus Macnish Hannay, Esq., V.D., Vice-Admiral the Honourable Reginald Aylmer . Agent, East Indian Railway, Bengal. Ranfurly Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, C.B., Horace Williamson, Esq., C.I.E., M.B.E., D.S.O. Indian Police, Director, Intelligence Bureau, Vice-Admiral George Francis Hyde, C.V.O., Home Department, Government of India. C.B.E. (Royal Australian Navy). Sardar Bahadur Sardar Jawahir Singh, C.I.E., M.L.A., of Mustafabad, Ambala, Punjab. To be Ordinary Members of the Military Raymond Patrick Hadow, Esq., C.I.E., Indian Division of the Third Class, or Companions, .. Service of Engineers, Chief Engineer, Irriga- of the said Most Honourable Order:— tion Branch, Punjab. Rear - Admiral Arthur Edward Frederick Rai Bahadur Badridas Goenka, O.I.E., M.L.C., Bedford. Merchant, Bengal. Sahibzada Abdussamad Khan, C.I.E., Ohief Rear-Admiral the Honourable Sir Alexander Minister, Rampur State, United Provinces. Robert Maule Ramsay, K.C.V.O., D.S.O. Behari Lai Dhingra, Esq., C.I.E., M.B., Rear-Admiral Gerald Charles Dickens, C.M.G. M.R.C.S., Chief Minister, Jind State, Punjab Rear-Admiral Cecil Ponsonby Talbot, D.S.O. • States. M. R. Ry. Diwan Bahadur Mysore Nanjundiah To be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division Krishna Rao, First Member of Council, of the Third Class, or Companions, of the Mysore State. said Most Honourable Order:— Jehangir Bomonji Bomon-Behram, Esq., Solici- Rear-Admiral Sidney Julius Meyrick. tor, Bombay. Paymaster Rear-Admiral Henry William Woodward. COLONIES, PROTECTORATES, &c. Geoffrey Evans, Esq., C.I.E., M.A., Principal, Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS Trinidad. OF KNIGHTHOOD. Robert William Lyall Grant, Esq., LL.B., Chief St. James's Palace, S.W.I, Justice, Jamaica. 1st January, 1934. Selwyn Macgregor Grier, Esq., C.M/G., Colonial Secretary, Colony of Trinidad and The KING has been graciously pleased to Tobago. give orders for the following promotions in, George Henry Johnson, Esq., President of the and appointments to, the Most Honourable Legislative Council and Unofficial Member of Order of the Bath:— the Executive Council of the Bahama Islands.
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