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Notices Federal Register Vol 60272 Notices Federal Register Vol. 70, No. 199 Monday, October 17, 2005 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER coordinated implementation of the agenda for the public to speak to the contains documents other than rules or Record of Decision (ROD) of April 13, general body. proposed rules that are applicable to the 1994, for Management of Habitat for Renewal of the PACs does not require public. Notices of hearings and investigations, Late-Successional and Old-Growth an amendment of Bureau of Land committee meetings, agency decisions and Forest Related Species Within the Range Management or Forest Service planning rulings, delegations of authority, filing of documents because the renewal does petitions and applications and agency of the Northern Spotted Owl. The PIEC statements of organization and functions are consists of representatives of the not affect the standards and guidelines examples of documents appearing in this following Federal agencies: Forest or land allocations. The Bureau of Land section. Service, Natural Resources Conservation Management and Forest Service will Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, provide further notice, as needed, for Bureau of Land Management, National additional actions or adjustments when DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Marine Fisheries Service, National Park implementing interagency coordination, Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, public involvement, and other aspects Office of the Secretary Geological Survey Biological Resources of the ROD. Division, Environmental Protection Equal opportunity practices will be Provincial Advisory Committees Agency, and U.S. Army Corps of followed in all appointments to the AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, USDA. Engineers. advisory committee. To ensure that the recommendations of the PACs have ACTION: Notice of intent to renew Ecosystem management at the taken into account the needs of diverse Federal Advisory Committee. province level requires improved groups served by the Departments, coordination among governmental SUMMARY: The Department of membership will, to the extent entities responsible for land Agriculture, in consultation with the practicable, include individuals with management decisions and the public Department of the Interior, intends to demonstrated ability to represent those agencies serve. Each PAC will renew the Provincial Advisory minorities, women, and persons with provide advice and recommendations Committees (PACs) for the 12 provinces disabilities. regarding implementation to promote in California, Oregon, and Washington. Dated: October 11, 2005. This renewal is necessary and in the integration and coordination of forest John Surina, public interest due to the continued management activities between Federal need for the PACs to provide advice on and non-Federal entities. Each PAC will Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration. coordinating the implementation of the provide advice regarding Record of Decision of April 13, 1994, for implementation of a comprehensive [FR Doc. 05–20647 Filed 10–14–05; 8:45 am] Management of Habitat for Late- ecosystem management strategy for BILLING CODE 3410–11–P Successional and Old-Growth Forest Federal land within a province (provinces are defined in the ROD at Related Species Within the Range of the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Northern Spotted Owl. The PACs also E19). provide advice and recommendations to The chair of each PAC will alternate Forest Service promote integration and coordination of annually between representatives of the forest management activities between Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Newspapers Used for Publication of Federal and non-Federal entities. Management. When the Bureau of Land Legal Notices by the Intermountain ADDRESSES: Copies of the April 13, Management is not represented on the Region; Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and 1994, Record of Decision can be PIEC, the Forest Service representative Wyoming obtained electronically at http:// will serve as chair. The chair, or a AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA. designated agency employee, will serve newsandga.pdf. Paper copies can be as the Designated Federal Officer under ACTION: Notice. obtained from the Office of Strategic sections 10(e) and (f) of the Federal SUMMARY: This notice lists the Planning, P.O. Box 3623, Portland, OR Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. newspapers that will be used by the 97208. App.II). Any vacancies on the ranger districts, forests and regional FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: committee will be filled in the manner office of the Intermountain Region to Geraldine Bower, Planning Specialist, in which the original appointment was publish legal notices required under 36 Ecosystem Management Coordination made. CFR 215, 217, and 218. The intended Staff, Forest Service, USDA (202) 205– A meeting notice will be published in effect of this action is to inform 1022. the Federal Register within 15 to 45 interested members of the public which SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant days before a scheduled meeting date. newspapers the Forest Service will use to the Federal Advisory Committee Act All meetings are generally open to the to publish notices of proposed actions (5 U.S.C. App. II), notice is hereby given public and may include a ‘‘public and notices of decision. This will that the Department of Agriculture, in forum’’ that may offer 5–10 minutes for provide the public with constructive consultation with the Department of the participants to present comments to the notice of Forest Service proposals and Interior, intends to renew the Provincial advisory committee. Alternates may decisions, provide information on the Advisory Committees (PACs), which choose not to be active during this procedures to comment or appeal, and will advise the Provincial Interagency session on the agenda. The chair of the establish the date that the Forest Service Executive Committee (PIEC). The given committee ultimately makes the will use to determine if comments or purpose of the PIEC is to facilitate the decision whether to offer time on the appeals were timely. VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:43 Oct 14, 2005 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\17OCN1.SGM 17OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 199 / Monday, October 17, 2005 / Notices 60273 DATES: Publication of legal notices in Vernal Express, Vernal, Utah Dixie National Forest the listed newspapers will begin on or Roosevelt District Ranger decisions: Dixie Forest Supervisor decisions: after October 1, 2005. The list of Uinta Basin Standard, Roosevelt, Daily Spectrum, St. George, Utah newspapers will remain in effect until Utah Cedar City District Ranger decisions: April 1, 2006, when another notice will Vernal District Ranger decisions: Daily Spectrum, St. George, Utah be published in the Federal Register. Vernal Express, Vernal, Utah Escalante District Ranger decisions: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Boise National Forest Daily Spectrum, St. George, Utah Priscilla McLain, Regional Appeals Pine Valley District Ranger decisions: Coordinator, Intermountain Region, 324 Boise Forest Supervisor decisions: Daily Spectrum, St. George, Utah 25th Street, Ogden, UT 84401, and Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho Powell District Ranger decisions: phone (801) 625–5146. Cascade District Ranger decisions: Daily Spectrum, St. George, Utah Long Valley Advocate, Cascade, Idaho SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Teasdale District Ranger decisions: Emmett District Ranger decisions: administrative procedures at 36 CFR Richfield Reaper, Richfield, Utah Messenger-Index, Emmett, Idaho 215, 217, and 218 require the Forest Idaho City District Ranger decisions: Fishlake National Forest Service to publish notices in a Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho newspaper of general circulation. The Fishlake Forest Supervisor decisions: Lowman District Ranger decisions: content of the notices is specified in 36 Richfield Reaper, Richfield, Utah Idaho World, Garden Valley, Idaho CFR 215, 217 and 218. In general, the Beaver District Ranger decisions: Mountain Home District Ranger notices will identify: the decision or Richfield Reaper, Richfield, Utah decisions: project, by title or subject matter; the Fillmore District Ranger decisions: Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho name and title of the official making the Richfield Reaper, Richfield, Utah decision; how to obtain additional Bridger-Teton National Forest Loa District Ranger decisions: Richfield Reaper, Richfield, Utah information; and where and how to file Bridger-Teton Forest Supervisor comments or appeals. The date the Richfield District Ranger decisions: decisions: Richfield Reaper, Richfield, Utah notice is published will be used to Casper Star-Tribune, Casper, establish the official date for the Wyoming Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forests beginning of the comment or appeal Big Piney District Ranger decisions: Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Supervisor period. The newspapers to be used are Casper Star-Tribune, Casper, decisions for the Humboldt portion: as follows: Wyoming Elko Daily Free Press, Elko, Nevada Regional Forester, Intermountain Buffalo District Ranger decisions: Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Supervisor Region Casper Star-Tribune, Casper, decisions for the Toiyabe portion: Wyoming For decisions made by the Regional Reno Gazette-Journal, Reno, Nevada Greys River District Ranger decisions: Austin District Ranger decisions: Forester affecting National Forests Casper Star-Tribune, Casper, The Battle Mountain Bugle, Battle in Idaho: Wyoming Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho Mountain, Nevada For decisions made by the Regional Jackson District Ranger
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