Than 4000 Sign Petition
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HOT Petition failed to unify student body Tuesday In a letter to the Editor, a senior argues that because only half the student body signed the student government alcohol petition that was widely avail HlGH 88° able. half of the student body is actually in favor of the changes. APRIL~ U~J LOW 63° Viewpoint+ page 10 2002 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXV NO. 125 HTTP:/ /OBSERVER.ND.EDU More than 4,000 sign petition • Student leaders uatl's. arrording to organiz abroad. Whe.n you think about what a and nrs of a jH'tition that rirnrlat Bishop and Vic:o Prosidont short time poriod it was col + University officials to will give signatures nd last wPnk. Trip Foley expect this week lecting [the signatures]. we're guarantee undergraduates to Poorman, other As of' Monday night. 4.0(d to forward the signatures and r€ally happy." direct input in the creation of undnrgrad- an explana Foley, who attributed the student life policy. University officers uatos had tion of the petition's success to the Hall The third goal will be a key sign n d t h ~~ "We want to give the petition to Presidents Council and issue for the Bishop-Foley p (' t i t i 0 n . officers an accurate University Student Senate publicizing ad ministration. By JASON McFARLEY Studnnt officers, the campaign, said it was "It's part of an ongoing :--;,•ws Writer picture of students still B o d y including more productive than recent issue of student voice," said l'residnnt wanting a voice ... When Father Mark student protests. Pat Hallahan. Bishop and :\n PITort to rc>vPrsP planrwd L i b b y you think about what a Poorman. "The petition really focused Foley's chief of staff. "We'll l"hangPs to Bishop said. short time period it was vice president on student voices. It was continue to revisit this issue tiH• alcohol Thn signa for Student more of a constructive way to until we believe that students poliry and turns roprn collecting [the Affairs. include st·udents in policy are able to contribute to poli to givP stu senl auto signatures] we're really "We want to making of the University," he cy at Notre Dame." dents rnon~ graphs col happy." givo the offi said. Any student who still wants voirP in I e c t e cl cers an accu The petition calls for: to sign the petition can do so t· amp us botwPnn rate picture + Poorman to repeal his own today and Wednesday in the derision April !J and libby Bishop of students decision to outlaw in-hall student government office, making II from on student body president still wanting dances effective this fall Room 203 LaFortune Student has thP an·d off- a voice," Notre Dame to use educa Center. Bishop + barking of' campus stu- Bishop said. tion in lieu of imposing rwarlv half' dents and e-mail confirma "The petition was a tangible restrictions to address alco Contact Jason McFarley at of ali.Notrt' Danw undPrgrad- tions from students studying object of student opinion. hol abuse among students mcfarley.l CAMPUS LIFE COUNCIL Students organize Poorman lauds group for fee action forum for elderly By JASON McFARLEY which receives little funding. New~ \X'ritl'r By SARAH NESTOR "The cost of caring for the News Writer elderly is only going to Campus Lif'P C:ounril mt•m• become worse," Zaseck said. bnrs rnad a lnttPr Monday !"rom In order to raise awareness "The carP is more expensive Fatlwr Mark Poorman, thank of issues facing the elderly in and people live longer. so ing tlH•m for rPsnarch on and Indiana, Saint Mary's stu both as a nation and a state support of tlw rncPnt student dents from the Social Work we are not prepared to meet ill"tivity fpp incrPaSP. Department organized a costs." In thP !\1arrh 21 lnttnr, community forum to discuss The Indiana General Poorman. social security, prescription Assembly appropriates all virP prPsi drugs, home-based and nurs money for the CHOICE dt~nt for ing home care. Program and because it is s l u d () n t The featured panelists not a legal entitlement for Affairs. were: Dr. JoAnn Burke, asso citizens to receive home care rongratu ciate professor and board many are forced into nursing latnd tiH• member of CHOICE Program; homes because it is a legal C: o unci I f'o r Sen. John Broden; Beth entitlement funded by approving a Morlock, senior director of Medicaid. rPsolulion programs at the Center of the Broden, Notre Dame gradu in f"avor of Poorman Homeless; Jim Kizer, son of a ate representing District 10 t h (' CHOICE patient; Becky in the Indiana General inl"rt~asn. calling tlw nwasure a Zaseck, REAL services Assembly. spoke about what "worthy initiativn." employee who focuses on legislation has been passed Uniwrsity of'lknrs last month KYLIE CARTER/The Observer providing information for and what can be done in the unanimous-ly approvc~d the pro On Monday's meeting of the Campus Life Council, members senior citizens; and Jerry future. posnd $1 !i hikn. read a letter from Father Mark Poorman which thanked the Black, employee of Memorial "The largest Medicaid "T agrt~ lw o l'f"i rP rs n d with group for its support and research on the $15 student activity Hospital's home care unit. expense to Indiana is pre your lindings that tlw proposnd fee increase which will go into effect next year. "There needs to be an scription drugs and a way to funding inl"rnasP would bnrwlit inlergeneration effort to s u p port t h rs is a higher tlw studPnt body in a numbnr of tlw year in order to coincide petition last week and have work together on elderly increase in taxes," Broden important w;{ys." Poorman with tho University's budget unofficially collected more than care," Burke said. "We have said. "Indiana has always wrotn to thnn-Student Body eyclo. 4,000 signatures. to stop thinking of people at been a low tax state. there l'rPsidnnt Brookn Norton, who In other news at Monday's The CLC's last regular meet 65 as being done and then has not been a general tax rhairs tlw c:u: through May 1. brief meeting, members ing is April 29. On that date. becoming a burden." increase since 1988 and a Thn incrnasn raisns t.lw cur received in thc~ir agenda packet. members expect to finish task Community and llome sales tax increase from the rPnt $(>:-i fnl' for undergradu a Studont Senate resolution force work by presenting either Options to Institutional Care 3.2 percent to 3.4 percent atPs to $XO annually. supporting the petition calling reports or resolutions. Task for the Elderly, CHOICE, will raise money for the Poorman said lweausn of' the !'or NotrP Damn to revPrsn forces this year have focused on offers home care services for elderly." important·n of tlw issun, hn was plannnd changes to the alcohol four issues: alcohol use and any citizen that is at risk of Broden emphasized the ab!P to rush passagn of thn policy. Tlw Senate on April 1 :J abuse, off-campus living, stu losing his or her indnpon importance of becoming a mPasurP but. that stucknt gov passt~d thn resolution and for dent-administrator com m unica denee as a result of disease, registerPd voter and to con Prnmt•nt ol'licials would have to wardnd it to tlw C:LC:. who took tion and campus community. injury, aging or any othnr tact slatP legislatures Pnsun· in tlw f'uturP that pro no action on the measure ongoing disabling conditions. because through involvement posals involving l'inandal mat Monday. Contact Jason McFarley at Thousands of' Indiana citi tPrs rPal"h his dPsk ParliPr in Student lnadnrs bt~gan thn mcfarley.l zens arc currcmtly on a wait ing list for the program. see FORUM/page 4 ··---.-r"!"'--~--..,...,..,...,..----·-------~---_,_,....,_,..,..._ ____.....,. ___________ r page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Tuesday, Aprill6, 2002 INSIDE COLUMN QUOTES OF THE WEEK "/know they can all "We're in a good position right "Crime prevention is a physically execute the offense, now. We know that our team community effort, not just on Childhood but the guy who can do it is one that is going to contin the part of law mentally and ue to get better and better." enforcement and security." wisdom applied consistently will probably be the guy who gets the job." Thanks to a lucky combination of instinct and soci Bill Diedrick Steve Stanley Rex Rakow ety, when acting as parents we know how to teach football offensive coordinator on the senior captain of the baseball team director of Notre Dame our children about fighting and violence. Even if you quarterback he will choose to run the on the improvement he has seen in Security/Police on the recent have no kids of your own, you can imagine how to offense the players on the team increase in vandalism on instruct them correctly in some campus general situations. Pat McElwee Consider the following: You have two boys, Michael and Associate Tommy, who share a bed Viewpoint room. Originally, Tommy had Editor the whole room to himself, but BEYOND CAMPUS Compiled from U-Wire reports baby Susie displaced Michael, forcing his migration into Tommy's territory. As a perceptive parent, you notice that Michael has Angry protesters demand honesty from health center become dominant over Tommy.